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Student____________________________________________ Grade___________

Using the form below as your guide, you are to listen to a speaker (outside of class) and rate their presentation using the 44 point scale. You are to write a one to two page paper explaining why you scored the speaker as you did. Give at least two examples of supports. Indicate what the speaker did to capture the attention of the audience and also indicate what method he/she used to conclude the speech. Indicate whether the main point, or points were clearly stated. Was the delivery effective? How was the vocal variety: clear, concise, varied, loud enough? What recommendations would you suggest to make this speaker more effective?

Speaker Evaluation Form

Speaker__________________________________________________Score___________ Topic_____________________________ 4 (Excellent); 3 (Good); 2 (Average); 1 (Poor) Introduction ______ gained attention and interest Body ____main points where clear ____main points where fully supported Conclusion ____vivid ending ____reinforced the central idea Delivery ____began speech without rushing ____maintained strong eye contact ____articulated clearly/used pauses effectively ____used vocal variety to add impact Over-all Evaluation ____speech competed within time limit ____held interest of audience

SPEAKERS FOR THE SPEAKER EVALUATION B. Obamas acceptance speech at DNC Joe Bidens acceptance speech at DNC Bill Clintons speech to the DNC Hillary Clintons Speech to the DNC Any John F. Kennedy Speech Any George W. Bush Speech Any Ronald Reagan Speech Martin L. King I Have A Dream Jesse Jackson Speech to the 1984 DNC John McCains acceptance speech at RNC Any sermon by Joel Olsteen (minister) Sarah Palins acceptance speech at RNC Rudy Giulianis speech at RNC Michael Huckabees speech at RNC Mitch Romneys speech at RNC Fred Thompsons speech at RNC Any speech by Tony Campolo Al Gores speech to the DNC Joseph Liebermans speech to the RNC Michelle Obamas speech to the DNC Caroline Kennedy Schlossbergs speech to DNC John Kerry speech to DNC Bill Richardsons Speech to the DNC Cindy McCains speech to the RNC Laura Bushs speech to the RNC Any speech y George Bush, Senior Any speech by Jimmy Carter Any speech by Richard Nixon Any sermon by Charles Stanley, minister The Last Lecture by Randy P. Obamas address on Health Care

NOTE: Speeches can be found on RNC Republican National Convention DNC Democratic National Convention

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