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Universidad Autnoma de la Ciudad de Mxico Nada Humano me es ajeno


Actividad 7: Anlisis de la estructura de prrafos Inductivos y explicativos

Noviembre 12th, 2012

Plan de trabajo I. Temas To Be bornagain, Thewriting Process, What is modernity?, Human health


Nmero de horas de asesora estimada 2 sesiones

III. Objetivos informativos El alumno al finalizar el tema: El alumno identificar las relaciones de respeto que se establecen entre algunos gobiernos y sus habitantes. El alumno distinguir los pasos a seguir en el proceso de la escritura acadmica. El alumno har consciencia de las causas y las consecuencias de la modernidad. El alumno identificar la relacin existente entre la salud humana y la vida animal.

IV. Objetivos formativos El alumno al finalizar el tema: El alumno reflexionar acerca de los elementos que caracterizan a los prrafos explicativos y inductivos. El alumno comprender cuando y donde utilizar el tiempo Pasado Perfecto.


Motivacin Pregunta motora (reflexin personal)INCLUIR LAS RESPUESTAS DE ESTAS PREGUNTAS De qu manera el gobierno de un pas interfiere con las prctica religiosas de sus habitantes? Qu proceso de escritura debe seguir un estudiante universitario? Cundo y cmo inicia la modernidad? Para qu sirve el pasado perfecto, qu acciones se pueden expresar? Actividad de crtica y reflexin


En base al anlisis del textoHuman Health, WhatisModernity?, ThewritingprocessyTo Be bornagain.

Los alumnos distinguirn los principales rasgos de los prrafos explicativos y inductivos.

El desarrollo de la actividad consiste en 1. Leer y analizar la presentacin titulada Prrafos Explicativos y Deductivos (Textos II Nov 12th) que se encuentra en la plataforma de BOX.COM Identificar en lostextosHuman Health, WhatisModernity?,ThewritingprocessyTo Be bornagain. Prrafos que ejemplifican la estructura de deduccin y explicativa Subrayar en color verde los prrafos inductivos. Subrayar en color morado los prrafos explicativos.

2. Leer el texto y traducir con tus propias palabras 2 prrafos (deductivo y explicativo)sntesis en espaol que contengan las ideas principales. Estructurar cada prrafo con oracin tpico, desarrollo y conclusin. Hacer uso de la estructura de prrafos descriptivos. VII. Contenido y desarrollo

Texto: Human Health, What is Modernity?, Thewriting process To Be born again

Human health
Beneficial and harmful links exist between human health and ocean health. While several important medical treatments are based on chemicals discovered in marine animals, increasingly common phenomena such as harmful algal blooms have demonstrated their negative impact on human health. The health of marine ecosystems is affected by human activities such as pollution, global warming, and over fishing. But human health in turn depends on thriving ocean ecosystems. We need a better understanding of the many ways marine organisms affect human health, both positively by providing drugs and bio-products, and negatively by causing human ailments.

To Be born again

To be born again is it the American experience only??? For many the United States of America is a very special country. It is the biggest melting pot on the Earth, the greatest land of opportunities for average people. This is a country, which is proud of its religious freedom. This virtue has been acknowledged and cherished since the Founding Fathers included it in the Bill of Rights. The Constitution lets everyone on American soil practice their own religion Up till this point the above paragraph could easily describe a present reality of a few more countries. Is America different then? Although most developed countries have the religion-state relation set in a given way only the United States is a country in which the president has the atmosphere to publicly talk about his religious preferences. Of course there are other especially Islamic countries, however these ones cannot be treated as ones, in which the rights of an individual are taken into consideration to a reasonable level. Moreover, this situation does not influence the opinion polls negatively. President George W. Bush says: I am born again. The reason of quoting president Bush here is to show a special relation between the religious matters and the government.

The Writing Process

Writing is an essential part of college life. Every student, from freshman to graduate, needs to develop good writing habits in order to succeed in life. Writing is essential to success even if one chooses not to attend college; it is essential in everyday life. For many people, writing is an evil task that teachers require, however there is a solution: the writing process.The writing process is a technique that includes: brainstorming, outlining, drafting, revision and editing. Follow those five easy tasks to get a paper started and finished successfully. Brainstorming is the first step in the writing process. Defined as tossing out ideas, brainstorming is the best way to get your creative juices flowing. Brainstorming can be done in many forms including: free writing, looping, clustering, collaborating, and simply asking questions. Free writing is the least complicated of the five. It consists of writing consistently for a period of time. This technique allows one to write whatever comes to mind without the worry of grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Often the best ideas are presented in free writing techniques. Looping is a direct form of free writing. Rather than spending an extended period of time.

What is Modernity?
The 17th century was a horrible age of wars and it was during this time period that the 30 Years War took place. Religion also played a large part in modernity. It was starting to separate from the government at this time, and at the same time, the rise of scientific knowledge began. The 18th century is where things really started to take off and is really the beginning of modernity as we know it. Civilization went from horses and carriages in the early 1700s to steam engines by the 1780s. Also, in the early 1700s, art was more neoclassical and governed by the aristocracy, whereas by the late 18th century, art had turned more towards the middle class and romanticism. The

18th century is where modern culture begins with a movement aptly named the Enlightenment. With the Enlightenment came a new use of thought, a more humanistic way of thought. Also with the Enlightenment came the rise of science. Throughout the lifetime of man, we as humans have always been searching for the solid foundation of what our existence is built on. This search became even more important with the new, enlightened form of thinking.

UACM Casa Libertad Lectura de Textos II Profesora: Patricia Arenas Chiang Actividad 2: Anlisis de prrafos deductivos y explicativos SEMANA 11: lunes 12 de noviembre de 2012

Indicacionesgenerales: Con base en el anlisis deltexto:Human Health, WhatisModernity?, ThewritingprocessyTo Be bornagain Identifica los prrafos que contengan las caractersticas deinductivos, subryalos de colorverde, y de morado los explicativos. Redacta2prrafossntesis, recuerda incluir oracin tpico, desarrollo y conclusin. Questions to consider Whats the meaning of the title To Be born again? Mostrar una relacin especial entre los asuntos religiosos y el gobierno. Ya que La Constitucin de Estados Unidos permite a todo el mundo en suelo americano prctica su propia religin What does the author mention the United States? Lo hace de manera retorica, haciendo nfasis en la vida de las personas en Estados Unidos, donde no hay problemas con la cuestin religiosa en ese pas, que inclusive el presidente puede hablar libremente sobre su creencia religiosa. What is the most important step in the process of writing? El proceso de escritura es una tcnica que incluye: lluvia de ideas, esquemas, redaccin, revisin y edicin. How did the 18th century influence modernity?

Se inicia con un movimiento llamado la "Ilustracin." Con la Ilustracin lleg un nuevo uso del pensamiento, de una forma ms humana. Tambin con la Ilustracin surgi la ciencia. Why does human health and ecosystem depend each other? Porque es como un ciclo en la vida, los humanos deben de comer para vivir, matan otros animales para comerlos, a su vez esos animales comen otros animales, plantas o insectos para vivir. Si no hay recursos el ecosistema muere.

Recuerda que a diferencia del resumen, en la sntesis se puede modificar el orden de las ideas que presenta el texto.

La Salud Humana Los seres humanos han daado progresivamente los ecosistemas y esto les ha ocasionado problemas de salud, puesto que algunos medicamentos los obtienen de animales marinos y al daar el ecosistema marino crea problemas para la salud humana. Pero muchos organismos marinos afectan a la salud humana, tanto de manera positiva por el suministro de medicamentos y productos biolgicos, y negativamente al causar enfermedades humanas. Nacer de Nuevo Esta frase se le atribuye al ex presidente de los Estados Unidos de Amrica George W. Bush puesto que en ese pas gracias a su constitucin poltica, a los americanos y a cualquier otra persona que provenga de otro pas se le es permitido de manera libre profesar la religin a la que pertenezca. Estados Unidos es un pas en el que el presidente tiene la atmsfera para hablar pblicamente sobre sus preferencias religiosas.

Proceso de la Escritura La escritura es esencial para el xito, es una parte esencial de la vida universitaria. Hoy en da muchas personas siguen teniendo problemas de escritura, esto lo atribuyen a los profesores, pero aunque una persona no

asista a la escuela es su responsabilidad el aprender a escribir puesto que es esencial para la vida diaria. El proceso de escritura es una tcnica que incluye: lluvia de ideas, esquemas, redaccin, revisin y edicin. Siguiendo estas cinco tareas fciles para conseguir un papel comenz y termin con xito.

Qu es la modernidad? Marco un papel muy importante en la Historia de la humanidad como se conoce hoy en da, puesto que fue un acontecimiento histrico de gran importancia. Fue denominado as por su declarada finalidad de disipar las tinieblas de la humanidad mediante las luces de la razn. El siglo XVIII es conocido, por este motivo, como el Siglo de las Luces. La religin tambin jug un papel importante en la modernidad. Estaba empezando a separarse del gobierno en este momento, y al mismo tiempo, se inici el aumento de los conocimientos cientficos. Con la Ilustracin lleg un nuevo uso del pensamiento, de una forma ms humana de pensamiento. Tambin con la Ilustracin fue el surgimiento de la ciencia.

Baltic States Activities After he came to power in 1985 Mikhail Gorbachev introduced reforms which were meant to give the people of the Soviet Union new rights and create a more open society. Instead of doing what Gorbachev wanted them to do, which was

keep the Soviet Union united, these new liberties gave nationalist in the various republics of the Soviet Union the freedom to form independence movements. For example, it happened in the three Baltic States: Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. And when independence was finally achieved in the Baltic States, it was the first time in almost 50 years that the tiny nation had ruled themselves. The three small countries that make up the Baltic states are situated around the geographic center of Europe. These countries are located on the eastern shore of the Baltic sea between Poland and the gulf of Finland. Belarus and the Russian Federation are the Baltic states other neighbors. It was Lithuania that led the way towards self-rule for the Baltic States. One reason why things moved quicker in Lithuania is because it had the fewest Russian immigrants inside it is republic, whit less than 10% of its almost 4 million resident being Russian. Estonia and Latvia were closer to 30% Russian. And, of curse, much of the Russian population in the Baltic states was against cutting ties to the Soviet Union. In May of 1989 Lithuanians parliament stopped taking orders from Moscow new laws were passed. Freedom of the press and freedom of religion became law, and Lithuanian was restored as the official language. The parliament also pledged to gain Lithuanians independence from Soviet Union. Shorty afterwards, similar measures were passed in Latvia and Estonia. In February of 1900 a political party with a pro-independence platform won the Lithuanian election with over 90% of its candidate elected. Whit somewhat smaller majorities, similar nationalist parties were voted into power in the other two Baltic States. And on March 11, Lithuania became a nation again after passing a law severing its ties to the Soviet Union. In an attempt to force the Lithuanians to back down, the Soviet Union stopped the flow of essential goods in to that country. The Soviet plan worked. At the end of June the Lithuanian parliament agreed to suspend independence for 100 days and enter into talks with the Soviet leaders. But the independence movement in Lithuania, and in the other Baltic States, would not be stopped. In January 1991, Soviet troops entered the Baltic States. Their job was to put an end to the tiny republics thoughts of freedom. On January 11, almost ten thousand Lithuanians surrounded their parliament building to prevent the soldier from entering; fifteen were killed. At that point things looked grim because nobody knew how many people might eventually die for this cause. It was not until events unfolded in the Soviet Union that the fate of the Baltic States was finally determined. After an attempt by hard-line communists to overthrow Gorbachev failed in August of 1991, Gorbachev disbanded the communist party. Them the various republics which made up the Soviet Union began declaring their independence. The Soviet Union ceased to exist. On September 6, 1991 the Baltic States, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia, were granted their independence and once again their people were free to rule themselves.

THE MAIN IDEA Circle the letter of the sentence or phrase which best describes the main idea of the article about the Soviet States. Be prepared to support your answer. a) The importance of the geographic location of the Baltic States.

b) The path to independence followed by the Baltic States. c) Mikhail Gorbachev role in independence for the Baltic States. d) The effect of the Russian immigration on the pro-independence movement. UNDERSTANDING WHAT YOU READ If you can, answer these questions from memory. If you cannot, look back at the article. 1) What result was Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev trying to achieve when he introduced reforms in 1985? Estas nuevas libertades dio nacionalista en las diversas repblicas de la Unin Sovitica, la libertad de crear movimientos independentistas. 2) Where are the Baltic States located? Se sitan alrededor del centro geogrfico de Europa. Estos pases se encuentran en la costa oriental del mar Bltico, entre Polonia y el golfo de Finlandia. 3) What did Lithuanias parliament do in May of 1989? Dej de recibir rdenes de Mosc se aprobaron nuevas leyes. La libertad de prensa y la libertad de religin se convirti en ley, y el lituano fue restaurado como el idioma oficial. 4) What happen on September 6, 1991? Los Estados blticos, Lituania, Estonia y Letonia, se les concedi su independencia y una vez ms a sus pueblos eran libres para gobernarse a s mismos.

REMEMBERING DETAILS Write TRUE or FALSE under each statement. If the statement is false, write the statement correctly.

1) In Mikhail Gorbachev mind, the reforms of introduced were a success. Falso 2) The Baltic States are located in southwestern of Europe. Falso, se encuentran al noreste

3) Lithuania led the way towards self-rule for the Baltic States. False, fue quien tubo mas conflictos con Rusia al buscar su independencia 4) Events in the Baltic States determined their fate. True

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