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The 10 Worst Mistakes Career Changers Make

Changing careers is never easy. Half the world thinks you've lost your mind, headhunters say you'll never work again and your mother-in-law steps up the old, "I told you so" routine. But for many burned-out, bored or multitalented folks who are sitting on skills they're not getting a chance to use, changing fields is the only way to keep from losing their marbles. Regardless of your career change strategy, never make these 10 mistakes 1. Don't look for a job in another field without some intense introspection. Nothing is worse than leaping before you look. Make sure you're not escaping to a field that fits you just as poorly as your last. Check out these self-assessment articles. Get thorough information about the fields you're considering by networking, reading and doing online research. Having informational interviews with alumni from your college, colleagues, friends or family is a fun way to get the scoop on different fields. 2. Don't look for "hot" fields unless they're a good fit for you. You wouldn't try to squeeze into your skinny cousin's suit, so why try a field because it works for him? People who are trying to help you will come along and do the equivalent of whispering "plastics" in your ear. Instead of jumping at their suggestions, take time to consider your options. Decide what you really want to do. When you enter a field just because it's hot, burnout isn't far behind. 3. Don't go into a field because your friend is doing well in it. Get thorough information about the fields you're considering by networking, reading and doing online research. Having informational interviews with alumni from your college, colleagues, friends or family is a fun way to get the scoop on different fields. 4. Don't stick to possibilities you already know about. Stretch your perception of what might work for you. Read some job profiles and explore career fields you learn about from self-assessment exercises.

5. Don't let money be the deciding factor. There's not enough money in the world to make you happy if your job doesn't suit you. Workplace dissatisfaction and stress is the number-one health problem for working adults. This

is particularly true for career changers, who often earn less until they get their sea legs in a different field. 6. Don't keep your dissatisfaction to yourself or try to make the switch alone. This is the time to talk to people (probably not your boss just yet). Friends, family and colleagues need to know what's going on so they can help you tap into those 90-plus percent of jobs that aren't advertised until somebody has them all sewn up. 7. Don't go back to school to get retreaded unless you've done some test drives in the new field. You're never too old for an internship, a volunteer experience or trying your hand at a contract assignment in a new field. There are lots of ways to get experience that won't cost you anything except your time. A new degree may or may not make the world sit up and take notice. Be very sure where you want to go before you put yourself through the pain and debt of another degree program. 8. Be careful when using placement agencies or search firms. Do some research to be sure to find a good match? Ask those who work in the field you're trying to get into or other successful career changers for suggestions. Try to find a firm that knows how to be creative when placing career changers -- not one that solely focuses on moving people up the ladder in the same field. 9. Don't go to a career counselor or a career transitions agency expecting they can tell you which field to enter. Career advisors are facilitators, and they'll follow your lead. They can help ferret out your longburied dreams and talents, but you'll have to do the research and the decision making by yourself. Anyone who promises to tell you what to do is dangerous. 10. Don't expect to switch overnight. A thorough career change usually will take a minimum of six months to pull off, and the time frequently stretches to a year or more. Changing fields is one of the most invigorating things you can do. It's like experiencing youth all over again, except with the wisdom of whatever age you are now.

Interview Center

Avoid the Top 10 Interview Mistakes

The best way to avoid the most common and dangerous interview mistakes is to think ahead and decide not to make them... Read on for a whistle-stop tour of the top ten interview clangers! 1. Lying Although it's tempting, it doesn't work. By all means gloss over the unflattering things. But outright fibbing NEVER pays. Mark Twain said: "If you tell the truth, you never have to remember anything." Think about it. They will catch you out later. 2. Slating your current company or boss Fed up with your current job and would give anything to leave because they've treated you badly? Your job interview is NOT the time to seek revenge. Bear in mind that the interviewer will be listening to your answers and thinking about what it would be like to work with you. Ask yourself: do you like working with people who constantly criticise others? Isn't it a bit wearing? The trouble is that the interviewer draws massive conclusions from your answers. So your throwaway comment about your boss or employer may be interpreted to be your "standard" way of thinking. It makes you look bad, not your employer. 3. Being Rude If you find you were accidentally rude, then apologise calmly and genuinely. Then leave it behind you and get on with the rest of the interview. If you dwell on it, it will affect your performance. What's "rude"? Well, that depends on your audience. As a rule of thumb, avoid cracking jokes about potentially sensitive topics and beware of being too "pally" with the interviewer: polite and friendly is enough. After all, you're not in the pub with them. So stay professional. Also bear in mind that everyone you meet could be involved in the selection process. So blanking the receptionist or talking down to the junior members of staff could cost you the job. 4. Complaining Ok, so your train journey might have been a nightmare and maybe you thought the tube would never arrive, or the tailbacks on the motorway were endless. But your interviewer doesn't want to know that!

Complaining, even in jest, is not a recommended icebreaker. It may be completely harmless, or it might simply make the interviewer switch off. Don't let complaining set the tone for the interview! 5. Talking about people you don't get on with at work These days, it's common to be asked how you deal with conflict. Companies realise the importance of interpersonal relationships in the working environment. So if they ask you about difficult people or situations, make sure you hold back from character assassination and blaming others for problems because it won't do you any favours! If you accidentally do "break" this rule, apologise and explain what you "really" meant. 6. Not Being Prepared Re-read the relevant version of your CV and the job advert, just before the interview. You'd be surprised how many people can't remember what they wrote on their CV. And if you remember what type of person the job advert was looking for, it's easier to demonstrate that you have those qualities. Make sure you've brought with you anything you were asked for. It's fine to bring a note-pad and pen, but make sure they're tidy. It's even ok to bring notes with you; particularly if you have any questions you want to ask. It shows you're taking the job application seriously. Illprepared candidates rarely get job offers. 7. Appearing to be too nervous, or too confident If you appear too nervous they'll think you're not confident enough to do the job. However, appearing too confident will make them think you won't fit into the team. If interview nerves are an issue for you, it's worth getting practical help from a professional, such as an interview coach.

8. Making a weak first impression Unfortunately, no matter how hard the interviewer tries, a lot of "don't want to hire them" decisions are made in the first few minutes of contact. If you make a strong first impression, the interviewer will be more inclined to overlook "imperfections" in your answers. 9. Not having researched the company As a general rule, the more famous the brand, the more they will expect you to have done your homework. Researching the company shows you're serious about the job.

10. Putting your foot in it and not noticing Yes, we know, you didn't mean to put your foot in it. But it doesn't really matter what you intended. What counts is how the other person reacts. So what can you do? Be prepared to simply say "sorry, that's not what I meant!" This requires you to actually be paying attention to

the interviewer, rather than your own thoughts and feelings. Once you've apologised, leave it there, take a deep breath to help you relax and move on with the job interview.

Interview Center

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Coping with Interviews

After coming through all the hurdles of the selection process, you will eventually arrive at an interview. This is of course, a major obstacle for many job applicants. Although they may have the qualifications, experience and a proven track record, they may lose out to a candidate who 'interviews better.' So what does 'interviewing better' actually mean? It comes down to the candidate being well prepared and confident. A candidate who can answer questions in a way which is acceptable (but not necessarily right) to the interviewer, someone who knows something about their potential employers business and the post they hope to fill. These are really the basic components of any candidate who 'interviews well'. There are undoubtedly other aspects employers may look for in relation to specific posts - having their own ideas, articulate, thinking on their feet, aspects which will be related to the job and to the company's preference in employees. The employer will also be looking to fill a post, which has a particular job specification - in other words personal aspects besides the experience, and qualifications that can be put down on paper. The interviewer will set out to ascertain that the candidate has these personal qualities, skills and abilities the company requires. These two essential ingredients are interlinked. Good preparation instills confidence. So the basic approach to an interview is to be well prepared. This means two things - preparing yourself practically for the interview, and gathering knowledge and information you can draw on during the interview. * Be sure you know the time, date and location of the interview and name of interviewee where appropriate.

* Check out how you will get to the location, and when you need to set off to be there in good time - do a dummy run if necessary. Plan to get there no earlier than half an hour before the interview time, anticipate delays. * Have what you are going to wear ready in advance - everything down to your underwear. * Do not go to the interview laden down with baggage - psychological as well as physical. * Take the bare minimum of belongings necessary. * Concentrate on the interview at the interview - nothing else. * If you are asked to bring certificates, references etc, get them ready before the day. * Take your interview letter. * On arrival ensure the receptionist knows you are there, visit the toilets to tidy up etc.

If you are well organized and have planned for the day your confidence will increase. The interview is a chance for you and the employer to get to know one another. It is NOT the time to get to know about the post or the employers business. Do gather information about your employer before you are interviewed - what do they do, what are their current projects, what other interests do they have? Ask staff - many companies will offer you the chance to talk about the vacancy with someone, use the opportunity to find out more about the company. Bigger companies will have PR departments, smaller ones will provide you with some information - libraries can provide information on local business and keep directories of national business. Use the internet - many companies have a presence here now. Make sure you know what the job entails - get a job description, ask someone in a similar post; ring the company to clarify if unsure. Remember the employer is interested in you as a person, your experiences and your opinions (in most cases). Do take the time to sit down and think about you, who you are and what you've achieved. It can be highly embarrassing to know more about the employer than yourself. Sit down with your CV and make notes, about your work record, what you've achieved. Look at yourself as a person in employment - how do you see yourself, what have you done, what ambitions do you have. Make notes and prepare and rehearse sound bites about yourself.

Remember that one of the most common of interview questions is 'Tell me about yourself' prepare a sound bite for this in particular, but not a life history. Usually interviewers want to know about personal qualities not achievements - though examples can be included to support your statement. Interviews vary tremendously, from very informal to formal. However, some questions can be anticipated, as can the subject matter. If you are well prepared, then the majority of problem questions should not arise. You will know about the company, you will know about yourself and you will have a good idea of the demands of the job - these questions will not be a problem to the well prepared interviewee.

Interview Center

Still Sweating After the Interview?

The interview is over. Wouldn't it be nice if the interviewer handed you a rating slip on your way out the door to let you know how you rated in the interview? But lacking such a luxury, you must learn to review your own performance so that you can learn from the experience. Use this opportunity to be objective about the situation. Were you prepared and practiced, or were you just "winging" the answers? Could you have been more effective with additional practice? What will you do to prepare for your next interview? One of the most helpful things you can do post-interview is to let go of your self-recriminations by venting. After the interview, go to your car, or stop in at a coffee shop, and take pen to paper to write about what just happened. Just let your thoughts pour out. When you've finished, put the writing away, and let go! After a few hours, or a day, when you have had a chance to relax and digest the information, go back and revisit what you wrote. What can you learn from this experience? What will you do differently next time? Rate Your Performance On a scale ranging from one to ten (ten being high) how do you rate yourself? My overall feeling of satisfaction with this interview. ________ Did I arrive on time? _______

How was my introduction -- good greeting/handshake/posture? ______ Was I confident and professional at all times? _______ How did I speak - calm, clearly, not overly aggressive? __________ How was my nonverbal communication (body language)? _________ Did I handle the difficult questions with ease, or did I fumble aimlessly? _________ Did I have good rapport with the interviewer? __________ Did I talk about my strengths? ________ Did I talk about my weakness in a positive manner? ______ How did you do? Are you satisfied with your rating? If most of your rating numbers are in the 5 to 10 range, you're probably doing all right. Look carefully at the lower ratings -- what were the problems? You may want to consider practicing with someone so that you can obtain more objective feedback on your answers and style. No matter how your ratings added up, remember that some of what goes on in an interview, and behind the scenes, is out of your control. Also, keep in mind that interviewing is a learned and practiced skill. If you didn't do as well as you would have liked this time, work on your problem areas. Try scripting and practicing difficult questions or issues. By critiquing your own performance, and learning from your successes and mistakes, you will be more prepared the next time. And, as a result, you will become more confident and accomplished at interviewing. You will also become more objective in choosing whether the job is right for you -- not just whether you are right for the job.

Interview Center
Nonverbal Communications: Escape the Pitfalls

It begins even before you say your first word in an interview. As the interviewer walks toward you to shake hands, an opinion is already being formed. And as you sit waiting to spew out your answers to questions you've prepared for, you are already being judged by your appearance, posture, smile or your nervous look. Look back at speakers or teachers you've listened to. Which ones stand out as memorable? The ones who were more animated and entertaining, or the ones who just gave out information? This is not to say you have to entertain the interviewer -- no jokes required -- but it does mean the conversation should be animated and interactive. If you say you are excited about the prospect of working for this company but don't show any enthusiasm, your message will probably fall flat. So smile, gesture once in a while, show some energy and breathe life into the interview experience. And don't underestimate the value of a smile. In addition to the enthusiasm it expresses to the interviewer, smiling often makes you feel better about yourself. Nonverbal Messages: * The Handshake: It's your first encounter with the interviewer. She holds out her hand and receives a limp, damp hand in return -- not a very good beginning. Your handshake should be firm -- not bone-crushing -- and your hand should be dry and warm. Try running cold water on your hands when you first arrive at the interview site. Run warm water if your hands tend to be cold. The insides of your wrists are especially sensitive to temperature control. * Your Posture: Stand and sit erect. We're not talking ramrod posture, but show some energy and enthusiasm. A slouching posture looks tired and uncaring. Check yourself out in a mirror or on videotape. * Eye Contact: Look the interviewer in the eye. You don't want to stare at her like you're trying to look into her soul, but be sure to make sure your eyes meet frequently. Avoid constantly looking around the room while you are talking, because that can convey nervousness or a lack of confidence with what is being discussed. * Eye Contact: Look the interviewer in the eye. You don't want to stare at her like you're trying to look into her soul, but be sure to make sure your eyes meet frequently. Avoid constantly looking around the room while you are talking, because that can convey nervousness or a lack of confidence with what is being discussed. * Don't Fidget: There is nothing worse than people playing with their hair, clicking pen tops, tapping feet or unconsciously touching parts of the body. Preparing what you have to say is important, but practicing how you will say it is imperative.

The nonverbal message can speak louder than the verbal message you're sending.

Interview Center Interviews: 10 questions that won't get you the job
AS an executive recruiter with twenty-two years of experience, interviewing freshers to determine if they are suitable for my client's organisation is literally a part of my daily routine. Typically, a prospective employer will ask if you have any queries. Here's a rundown of those that usually don't go down too well with the client, often due to which candidates are not selected. 1. "Can you tell me something about your company?" The employer is instantly put off! An aspiring candidate is supposed to visit the company website and understand its business model, products, services, history etc. Please read the section 'About Us' where companies provide their history, products, the geographies they serve etc. Also visit the 'Press' section of the company, where you have information about latest product releases, what customers say about their products and any awards they have won, recently. 2."Will you do a reference check?" Most companies use the services of a third party agency to conduct a 'reference check'. The moment you pop this question, a red flag is hoisted, as the interviewer may think you have something to hide. 3. What is your leave policy? Don't ask this question. It looks like you like to relax. While most companies talk of work-life balance, few practise them. 4. Do you work on Saturdays? Avoid this question, as the employer gets a suspicion about your intentions to work hard. 5. When will I get my next increment? This question makes you appear greedy . Avoid it at this stage of the interview process. The employer thinks that you are looking at money all the time and hence will change jobs if offered a marginally higher salary. Avoid these subjects Caste, religion and politics. You never know the sensitivity of the person interviewing you. Hence, you should not raise this in any interview. Hiring and firing policy of the company.

You could say, "I did this job three years ago. Last two years I have been leading a team. May I know the career progression for this position?" 7. "How soon can I transfer to another role?" You may have been offered a sales role and you may be interested in a marketing/brand management role. Asking this question has no meaning as you are literally saying to the employer "I don t like this job". Remember, most employers will keep you for a reasonable time in the offered role and depending upon your performance transfer you to a different role. 8. "Can you tell me about the best way (bus or train) to reach the office from my residence?" Don't ask this question! You can easily find out the answer talking to people in the neighbourhood and at the bus or train station. 9. "Are there opportunities for promotion?" Please don't raise this question during the interview. Once you join the company and prove yourself, then you can raise this issue with your boss. In today's job market, your priority should be to first get the job. It's better to look for promotion after that. 10. "When do I start?" Since you are not sure that you have been offered, don t ask this question. The employer gets the feeling that you are overconfident and brash, and may not suit them. A better way for job seekers to show their interest is to be direct. They should tell the interviewer they are very interested in being considered further for the position and offer to provide whatever additional information the company might need. Kris Lakshmikanth is the Founder CEO and Managing Director of Headhunters India Pvt Ltd, and an alumni of IIMC.

The employer may get the impression that you are not sure of yourself, and hence this query about the firing policy.

6. "Do you have any other jobs available in your company?" You may be offered a job, which you think is below your aspirations. If you feel that the job is below your ability then say so directly at the interview.

Online job search: 7 common mistakes by job-seekers

DESPITE a barrage of online applications from jobseekers through job portals, recruiters are often left with very few 'worthwhile' applications. Most candidates commit seven cardinal sins and lose out on a good opportunity. Sin 1: Application is incomplete Instead of keeping recruiters guessing, as is the case often, do your bit and provide all relevant details. Time-crunched recruiters who are swamped by hundreds of rsums every day, usually end up spending time on applications that are complete, and which do not need them to ferret out information. When creating a profile, register yourself by filling in your details on the job board, then upload your rsum, and finally, write a cover letter. On the job board and in the rsum, it is best to give all the information sought - from educational qualifications and particulars about current and previous organisations to relevant personal details. "The biggest blunder one can commit is to send the application without contact phone numbers. We have no way of getting in touch with and are compelled to reject the candidate even if they make the cut," says Parama Biswas, HR Generalist, BOC India. While filling in particulars, candidates often omit details regarding salary or location assuming that those can be discussed at a later stage - during a telephone or face-to-face interview. This can leave matters to chance and your fate will depend on how the recruiter takes it. While many are willing to oversee it and arrange an interview, some recruiting agencies find this annoying as salary is one of the chief deciding factors. Hence, even if the application is not rejected immediately, it may not be the first preference. As Cindrella Vincent, HR Executive, Praxis Interactive Technologies Ltd., points out, "All recruiters have a budget for each position and not knowing whether an application makes the mark salary-wise, makes it all the more difficult. If someone is already drawing more than the allocated salary, then we will obviously not get in touch with him or her, thereby saving the candidate s and our time." Sin 2: Not following instructions For instance, if a recruiter specifies that phone calls are not welcome, it is best to adhere to it. It not only ensures that the rsum reaches the right person at the right time with the right information, but also underlines your willingness to take instructions. Sin 3: Getting generic Job portals give you the option of applying in the quickest manner to all jobs by clicking just once on "Apply" (may be known by a different name across portals). This practice, however, is best avoided. Instead, use the preview option and edit it to suit the position on offer. "It is very important to customise the job application. Many job searchers often send group e-mails and generic rsums to recruiters. This is the worst mistake one can make, and cuts a very shabby picture and shows the applicant's desperation and lackadaisical attitude. He or she will, in all probability, never be the first preference," shares Sebastian Rodriguez, Manager Resourcing, Datamatics Global Services Limited.

A checklist Follow all instructions Fill in all the required information Do a spelling and grammar check Give contact details Add a covering letter with he subject line mentioning the profile Attach your rsum Features of a good rsum Do not just narrate your duties and responsibilities in the previous organisation/s, highlight your achievements

Though the details you fill in while registering on a job portal and the rsum you upload there will be a broad-based one, ensure you customise your application whenever you apply for a particular position. Go through the job description, figure out the job requirements, and accordingly highlight why you are best suited for the profile in terms of your experience and skill set in the cover letter and/or the comments section. The cardinal rule is to address your application to the right person, mentioning the profile you are interested in and the Reference ID/ Job Code. Cindrella Vincent advises, "Even if a candidate thinks he or she fits into more than one of the advertised roles, the position must be specified. It will show your focus and area of interest as well as how well you understand the job specifications. For example, profiles of writers and editors are often quite similar, so if the candidate leaves it blank, the candidate may not get what he/she prefers."

Sometimes, placement agencies place such advertisements and they do not disclose the name of the organisation. In such cases it is advisable to get in touch with the recruiting Emphasise fitment and value firm for information on the position and the organisation addition to the profile advertised before sending your application. Sin 4: Applying in a hurry Pay attention to detail and format Organisations hire on the basis of what the candidate brings it in such a manner that you draw to the table and not on a first-come-first serve basis. So never attention to what is relevant for that rush! Double check your application - details on the job particular profile board, rsum and cover letter before sending them. Applications and cover letters filled with typos, accompanied Give all the required information with an unformatted rsums will create a negative without running into countless impression. "The icing on the cake is of course forgetting to pages attach the rsum altogether," says Parama. Such bloopers give the impression that they are disinterested and casual. Sin 5: Getting gimmicky Ideally give as much information as necessary to evoke interest and In a bid to attract a recruiter s attention, many candidates elicit an interview call resort to flashy formatting including fancy footers, flamboyant language or even a personal pleas in the comments section. Recruiters do not spend more than a few seconds perusing a CV and only if it evokes their interest are they likely to go through it in details. So ensure smart formatting and the correct choice of words. Sin 6: Not following up Online applications also need follow-ups. For instance, if you do not hear from the recruiter within seven to 10 days, it is best to follow up on your application. However, Sebastian Rodriguez cautions, "Don t keep badgering recruiters by calling or mailing every other day. Be sharp enough to gauge when you have not made the cut and the recruiters are too courteous to say it directly."

The key is to be polite and show interest in the position while enquiring about your application. In case you do not get any response that acknowledges the receipt of your application, you can try other means of forwarding your application - through another job portal or by directly contacting the appropriate person in the placement consultancy or the organisation. Sin 7: Not blocking current employer It is best to keep your job hunt under wraps until you resign. Firstly, your manager will be displeased if he or she gets to hear of it from any other source. Also, your organisation will assume that you are in exit mode and may leave you out from business meetings and office events. Hence, staying on in that organisation, till a good offer comes up, can become very difficult and may even compel you to take up the first offer that comes your way, even if it is not the kind you wanwt. Also, remember that searching for a job from your workplace is a complete no-no. Most offices, these days, have firewalls which not only prevent access to such sites but also log access requests to those sites and report them to the HR department or the reporting manager. The situation will grow worse if your job search does not yield immediate and expected results - you will be hounded by smug questions about the status of your job search and whether it has yielded any results, which can be extremely humiliating. So, be discrete by blocking your current organisation from viewing your profile online till you get a concrete offer and are in a position to put in your papers. Good luck!

Handling Job Search Rejection

Ajay went for his first round of the interview and could immediately tell that he is through. So he was not at all taken aback when he received the call for the next round with the head of the department. He was ready for it and turned out to be the finalist too, and began reciting the HR question answers. However, he could not clear the last round and was rejected! This all may sound a little dramatic or a little familiar, but most of us have been rejected at one interview or the other. In fact, the scenario is quite common among freshers as stepping into an environment of cut throat competition from the sheltered college life is not easy! Getting rejected in a job interview is something which should be handled normally without exaggerating, for you never know what the destiny has in store for you. Here are a few tips on how you should deal with the rejection, and move on to better, brighter things. 1) Never take it personally A job interview is never a parameter of your value as a professional. You were dropped only because your job application didn t match the specific job criteria. It may or may not concern with how you shown up at the interview. Just because you didn t turn up the best match does

not mean that you re not skilled. Remember even the best and the experienced candidates also face rejection. But only those who stay calm, positive, motivated turn out to be successful. 2) Search the perfect job perfectly It s no use hiding in your bed or stop searching for jobs after being dropped in the first interview. The better way to ward off the effects is to search smartly this time. Not researching about the company, the required profile and skills are some of the common goof ups made by job seekers. Every job posting has a job description which you should read carefully. Further, researching about the company, its work culture and values can also be highly helpful in your perfect job search. 3) Avoid needless anguish Some jobs are worth fighting for, but dwelling on them needlessly is not! Cutting the contacts with your friends or avoiding socializing with people will lead you nowhere. So, get up and focus on your goal of finding the right job as opposed to the wrong one. 4) Don t beat a dead horse. Never seek explanation for the rejection directly. It gives a negative feedback of you as a person. Instead of asking directly why you were rejected, the better strategy is to seek guidance regarding the areas you should improve. Also, you may inform the interviewer that you look forward to appear for the next interview that comes up. 5) Look to the positive side If you are a true optimist, you must believe in the adage that "everything happens for a reason" and this rejection is telling you to keep looking and moving forward.

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