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Item Overview: The Earnings Table stores the parameters and rules for calculating earnings.

This table is used to define how each type of earningsregular, overtime, sick, and so forthare taxed, calculated, and adjusted, as well as how it might affect other balances, such as leave accruals. Using the Special Accumulator Table, it is possible to accumulate earnings that may be used later in deduction calculations, such as a savings deduction based on a percentage of regular and overtime pay only. Menu Path: Define Business Rules / Define Payroll Process / Setup 1 / Earnings Table Earnings Table

Record Information: PS RECORD NAME EARNINGS_TBL RECORD NAME Earnings Table DESCRIPTION The EARNINGS_TBL is used to store earnings codes that will be used to pay employees. This table affects items such as taxation, payment method, calculation methods, and FLSA The EARNINGS_ACCRL table is used to indicate which leave plans an earnings code has an effect on and exactly what type of effect it will have, such as whether it adds to or subtracts from it. The EARNINGS_SPCL table is used to indicate special accumulators on which this particular earning will have an effect and exactly what type of effect it will have, such as whether it adds to or subtracts from the accumulator.


Earnings Accrual Table


Special Earnings Table


The earnings work unit is the core work unit in the HRMS system. There are a significant number of factors that must be considered when defining each individual earnings code. The major factors include: Naming Standard Payment Method FLSA calculation Retroactive pay calculation Tax implications 1042 processing Multiplication Factors Tips Processing Leave Accruals Garnishments Disposable Earnings Definitions Special Accumulators (ie Retirement Calculations). The State of Connecticut will use Alpha characters (smart code) for naming standards for earnings codes (i.e. REG, OVT, VAC, etc.). The characters used for the earnings codes should be meaningful and should be easily referenced back to the description. The earnings codes established in PeopleSoft should be mapped directly to the State of Connecticut current earnings codes with associated characteristics. The State of Connecticut does not currently Smart Code earnings codes. Earnings Codes are represented by a two position alpha-numeric code (0A-30). To accommodate some of the unique earnings code logic with regards to retirement wage, etc., the earnings table along with the Earnings Accrual Table, and the Special Accumulator table will need to be configured simultaneously. The State of Connecticut will be using the Earnings table EARNINGS_TBL), in coordination with the Special Accumulator (SPCL_EARNS_TBL) table and the Special Earnings Accrual Table (EARNINGS_SPCL) to generate specific retirement deductions (which are the end result of the retirement wage calculation). An example of this calculation is as follows: a. If Retirement-Doe is 32(ARP) or 35(ARP) or 36(SERS A) or 37(SERS C) or 4E(SERS HAZ) or 4N(TIER IIA) or 4P(TIER IIA HAZ) or 43(ST ATT RET) or 44(STATUTY RET) b. Subtract 1B(Per Diem payment) and 0R(Year of death sick) and 0T(Year after death sick) and 1P(Moving expense) and 1T(Tuition Reimburse Non Tax) and 2Y(Non-rpt Reimbursement) and 2Z(Reportable Reimbursement) from Total-gross giving current-ret-gross c. Calculate ret-deduction= current-ret-gross times percentage (the percentage designated to the retirement plan) The Special Accumulator (SPCL_EARNS_TBL) table will also be used in coordination with the Earnings table (EARNINGS_TBL), and the Special Earnings Accrual Table (EARNINGS_SPCL) to exclude specific earnings codes from union dues/fees deductions as part of specific agency/bargaining unit contract language. An example of this is as follows: For specific Uconn payroll units (HF, HH, HI, HK) the following list of Earnings codes should not be included as part of the union dues/fees deductions (this accomplished in the legacy system using step

D/OE wage definition functionality): Plus Maint (01), Fringe Benefit (02), Aauprt Uconn(08), Longvty (09), Death Payments (0Q-0T), Lump Holiday (26), Lum Vac Pay (28), Retire Sick Pay (29) . Please see the individual field level descriptions for greater detail. Information Source: The information for this table should be provided by the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC). Data Entry Method: _____ On-Line Pages ___X__ Excel Spreadsheet


FIELD NAME Earnings Code

DESCRIPTION Enter 3 character earnings codes. Required. Choose a meaningful 3-character representation of the earnings. Please note that this means Earnings Codes will no longer be a two byte alpha-numeric value. Enter 01/01/1901. Required. Enter the status of the earnings code. Valid translate values are A (Active) and (I) Inactive. Initial configuration will be Active (A). Required. Enter a meaningful description of the earnings code. Required. Enter a short description of the earnings code. The Payroll Check Print report PAY003 (and PAY003CN for Canada) prints the short description entered here on the paycheck stubs; choose a meaningful name that employees will recognize.


Effective Date Status


Description Short Description


FIELD NAME Earnings Calculation sequence

DESCRIPTION Enter sequence numbers to tell the system the order in which to process earnings during payroll calculation. When assigning priorities, remember that the lower the sequence number, the higher the processing priority for the earnings code. Sequence is important only if one earnings calculation is dependent on another. For example, regular earnings must have a lower sequence number than any earnings codes that reduce from regular earnings, that is, earnings that have hours only (reduce from regular pay) selected. Note. The default earnings calc sequence is 500. A good rule is to change the Earnings Calc Sequence for regular pay to 100, to make sure it is calculated first. The Legacy system (MSA) also has a deduction priority system for processing/calculating earnings. Earnings should keep a similar priority methodology to ensure the earnings historical integrity remains intact. Core-CT will initially set the Earnings Calc sequence for regular pay to 100. All other earnings need to be re-analyzed to determine the correct earnings sequence. Core-CT will accept the default of 500 for many of the earnings codes. Required. Y/N Table Edit. Set to Y so monthly, quarterly and yearly balances to date are maintained. Required. Valid Translate values are: N Nonproductive O Overtime R Regular X No Effect The default for this field is R Configure all rows with the value of X (No effect) for Core-CT. Please note that this field does not tie to any other budget functionality within PeopleSoft (ie position or department budget).


Maintain Earnings Balances Budget Effect



FIELD NAME Allowable Employee Types


Payment Type


Maximum Hourly Rate

DESCRIPTION Required. Enter the allowable employee types. Valid translate values are: All, Hourly, and Salaried. The Paysheet uses allowable employee types to determine which employees are eligible for this earnings code. If the earnings code being defined is only for a certain employee type, select the appropriate one. Accept A as the default for Core-CT for all rows. Required. E is the default value. Select the appropriate radio button option for each earnings code that is being defined: E= Either Hours or Amounts OK - Select this option to enter either hours or an amount, but not both. B= Both Hours and Amount OK - Select this option to enter both hours and amounts for other earnings on paysheets. A= Amounts Only - Select this option to enter amounts only. H = Hours Only - Select this option to enter hours only. U = Unit Override Rate - Select this option to override rate. F = Flat Amount Select this option to enter a flat amount. The majority of Earnings Codes that will be defined by the State will be set to a value of E. In some instances however each of the other translate values will also need to be used. This field indicates the maximum hourly rate for this earnings code. This field is for information only and will be left blank for all earnings codes.


FIELD NAME Per Unit/Override Rate

DESCRIPTION If the Unit Override Rate payment type is selected (U), this field will appear. Enter a unit/override rate. The system overrides the hourly rate on the employee's job record with the override rate entered here. Then enter the number of units or hours worked in the Hours field on the paysheet, through Time and Labor, or on Additional Pay. The system uses the unit/override rate specified here to calculate the earnings amount during the pay calculation process. For the majority of earnings codes this field should be Left blank. If Unit/Override rate earnings codes are identified this field should be set accordingly. If the Flat Amount payment type is selected (F), enter the flat amount associated with the earnings code. The system will use the flat amount from the Earnings Table instead of the employee's rate from the job record and will pay the employee the flat amount. For example, this can be used to pay multiple employees a flat amount of earnings. It is easier to maintain this type of flat amount on the Earnings Table because blanket changes can be made to the Flat Amount on the Earnings Table, instead of worrying about multiple additional pay records at the employee level. The State of Connecticut will use this field where appropriate to define the flat amount associated with one unit of a particular earnings code. Required. Y/N. Check this box to tell the system whether an employee receives actual dollars for this Earnings Code. In most cases, earnings add to gross pay. However, certain types of earnings might not. Required. Y/N table edit. This field defaults to Y. This should be Y for earnings that should have Federal Income taxes deducted. Required. Y/N table edit. This field defaults to Y. This should be Y for earnings that are subject to FICA.


Earnings Flat Amount


Add to Gross Pay


Subject to FWT


Subject to FICA




Subject to CIT

DESCRIPTION Required. Y/N table edit. This field defaults to Y. Enter N, the State of Connecticut does not pay Federal Unemployment Tax. Y/N table edit. This field defaults to Y. (This is for Canadian Taxes only.) Select N as default for Core-CT. Y/N table edit. This field defaults to Y. (This is for Canadian Taxes only.) Select N as default for Core-CT. Y/N table edit. This field defaults to Y. (This is for Canadian Taxes only.) Select N as default for Core-CT. Y/N table edit. This field defaults to Y. (This is for Canadian Taxes only.) Select N as default for Core-CT. Y/N table edit. This field defaults to Y. (This is for Canadian Taxes only.) Select N as default for Core-CT. Y/N table edit. This field defaults to Y. (This is for Canadian Taxes only.) Select N as default for Core-CT. Y/N edit. This field defaults to Y. (This is for Canadian Taxes only.) Select N as default for Core-CT. Y/N table edit. This field defaults to Y. (This is for Canadian Taxes only.) Select N as default for Core-CT. Y/N table edit. This field defaults to Y. (This is for Canadian Taxes only.) Select N as default for Core-CT. Required. Y/N table edit. This field defaults to Y. Select N as default for Core-CT. This is for informational purposes only and does not affect the earnings calculation. Y/N table edit Accept default of Y unless the Subject to FWT field is N.


Subject to EI Earn


Subject to EI Hours


Subject to CPP


Subject to QIT


Subject to QPP


Subject True T4 Gross


Subject True T4


Subject to Payroll Tax


Subject to Regular Rate


Withhold FWT




Elig. for Shift Differential

DESCRIPTION Required. Y/N table edit. Check this box if hours or earnings entered for the earnings code should reduce the employee's regular pay by an equivalent number of hours entered on the paysheets, through Time and Labor, or on Additional Pay. Typically, this field is used to reduce the regular pay for salaried employees for Earnings Codes like holiday, sick leave, and vacation leave. If this check box is selected, the hours posted to the Earnings Code reduce the regular hours by the number of hours entered. In order to prevent labor intensive data entry for timekeepers who report time for hourly and exception hourly employees this flag should only be set to Y when the earnings code will specifically be targeted to Salaried employees reporting time other than regular pay. Required. Y/N table edit. Since exceptions occur with an employees shift pay (he/she may not always receive it) shift will not be paid through setting a shift up on the employees Job record. Therefore, this field will not be used. Leave unchecked. If this box is checked, when the system calculates shift pay for an employee, it looks to see if the employee is assigned to a shift. It then looks at each earnings code that is eligible for shift differential and performs the appropriate shift differential calculation based on the routines selected on the shift table and the shift to which the employee is assigned. Shift differentials might also be specified at the employee level. Leave Unchecked (N) since Shift will be addressed through the Time and Labor module.


FIELD NAME Taxable Gross Component ID


Special Calculation Routine


Multiplication Factor


Rate Adjustment Factor


Hours Adjustment Factor


Earnings Adjustment Factor

DESCRIPTION Prompt: TAXGR_CMPNT_VW which uses TAXGR_CMPNT_TBL. To modify federal rules, make an entry in the Taxable Gross Component ID field on the Earnings Table. Delivered values are 125, 401K, GTL, NOSTX, TIP, and TSICK. The Taxable Gross Component ID is a code the system uses to define a taxable gross basedifferent from federalto use when calculating state and local taxes. This code points to information in the Taxable Gross Definition Table, which serves two purposes: Indicates which federal taxable gross level (such as FWT, FUT, or FICA) is used as a base for state and local taxable gross. Tells the system how to adjust (add to or subtract from) the state and local base when it differs from the federal definition. At this time there is no identified need for a taxable gross component id. Therefore, this field should be left blank. Required. Y/N table edit. Select the Special Calculation Routine check box to indicate that the COBOL code has been modified to perform a custom calculation routine. Leave blank. Signed field (5.4) Used to calculate earnings rate, i.e. 1.0000 would be for straight rate, 1.5000 would be for overtime rate, etc. This field will be used for Overtime and Shift Pay. Enter a Multiplication Factor (if applicable) Signed field (5.4) This is used to add an amount to the hourly on employee job record. This is for information purposes only and therefore will not be used. Leave Blank. Signed field (5.4) This is used to adjust entered hours with a positive or negative factor. This is for information purposes only and therefore will not be used. Leave Blank. Signed field (5.4) This field is used to enter a flat amount, if used the Multiplication factor should be set to zero. This is for information purposes only and therefore will not be used. Leave Blank.


FIELD NAME GL Account# Expense


Subtract from this Draw Payback Deduction Code


Tax Method


Maximum Yearly Earnings

DESCRIPTION An account number is entered in this field to track general ledger entries by earnings code. This field is used for those implementation that are using non-commitment accounting. The State of Connecticut is using commitment accounting and therefore this field should be left blank. The only possible way that this field would be populated is if the custom department budget table load modification requires an account value to be stored in this field. Required. Yes/No table edit. Subtract from this Draw is an information-only field. Leave Blank. Prompt: DED_TBL_GENL_VW which uses DEDUCTION_TBL and GENL_DED_TBL This field is used as part of adjustment processing. The deduction code will be used when collecting an arrears payback amount. The State of Connecticut may utilize arrears processing for medical, dental, and life and therefore this field should be set to the appropriate deduction code for specific earnings codes.. Required. Xlat Table Edit. Values: AAnnualized; B-Bonus; C-Cumulative; GAggregate; L-Lump Sum; M-Commission; PSpecified on Paysheet; S-Supplemental. Default: P. Core-CT will accept the default of P (Specified on Paysheet).If another option is selected (other than Specified on Paysheet), the tax method on paysheets cannot be overridden. There may be certain types of earnings codes which require another tax method (particularly supplemental). This Field is used to set a yearly maximum amount that can be paid to an employee for a particular earnings code. The State will will set a maximum for several earnings code.


FIELD NAME Based on Type


Based on Single Earnings Code


Based on Accumulator Code

DESCRIPTION Required. Xlat. Valid Values are Special Accumulator (A), Not Based on Another Earnings (N), Single Earnings (S) Default = N Use the options in the Based on Type group box to set up earnings code based on another earnings code or special accumulator. The system can calculate the earnings as a percentage of another earnings code, a rate times a single hour, or a rate times a group of hours. This is useful, for example, in keeping Shift earnings separate from Regular earnings: create a separate earnings code for Shift, based on a percentage of Regular. This field will be used by the State of Connecticut to facilitate the payment of earnings that are based on the calculated amount of another type of earnings. Prompt: EARNINGS_TBL Single Earnings: Select this option if the earnings code being set up has a BASED_ON_TYPE value of S. Please note that the earnings code that is entered here must have an ERN_SEQUENCE number that is lower than the earnings code in the ERNCD field. Prompt: SPCL_EARNS_TBL Special Accumulator: Select this option if the earnings code being set up is based on a special accumulator. If selected, a special accumulator code must be entered. The State of Connecticut will utilize special accumulators to facilitate the payment of earnings that are based on the calculated amount of another group of earnings. This field relates to the special accumulator work unit.


FIELD NAME Based on Amount or Hours


Eligible For Retro Pay

DESCRIPTION Required. Xlat. Valid translate values are Amount (E), Hours (H), None (N). None. The default. Amount: The system calculates the earnings by applying the multiplication factor to the current period amount for the earnings code or special accumulator code specified. For example, to calculate the earnings code you're setting up as 4% of a specified earnings code, enter a multiplication factor of .04. Hours: The system calculates the earnings by multiplying the current period hours for the specified earnings code or special accumulator code by the hourly rate on the paysheet entry. Then it applies the multiplication factor. For example, to calculate a bonus earnings code as ten percent of the employee's regular pay, select the Single Earnings type option and enter the earnings code REG. Specify that the calculation is based on amount, and enter .1 as the multiplication factor. This field is used in conjunction with the previous three fields. If any of those fields are used, a value must be specified here. As a result, all three translate values will be used by the State of Connecticut. Required Check this box to make an earnings code eligible for retro pay calculation. The earnings code for retro pay calculation can be set up on the Retro Pay Program. Leave this value set to N for Core-CT. Retro Pay functionality will not be used by Core-CT as part of Phase 1. Required. Check this box to identify the earnings code on the Retro Pay Program Program Table page as one used for paying retroactive earnings. Leave this value to N for Core-CT. Retro Pay functionality will not be used by Core-CT as part of Phase 1.


Used to Pay Retro




FLSA Category


Regular Pay Included


Tips Category


Add Disposable Earnings


Subject to T4A Subject to RL-2

DESCRIPTION Required. Xlat. Use the Effect on FLSA group box to specify whether and how an earnings code affects FLSA rate calculations. Valid translate values: None - Select this option if the Earnings Code has no effect on FLSA rate calculations. Both Hours and Amount - Select this option if both the hours and the amount of the earnings are used in the calculation of the FLSA rate. Hours Only - Select this option if hours alone are used in the calculation of the FLSA rate. Amounts Only - Select this option if only the amount of the earnings is used in the calculation of the FLSA rate. Required. Xlat. Valid translate values are: Overtime (O), Regular (R), Excluded (X) Default = X Note: Each earnings code must be assigned to a specific FLSA category of regular, overtime or exclude on the Earnings Table Calculation page. Required. Y/N. Default = N Enter whether regular pay should be included As part of the FLSA payment. This field will be set to a value of N by the State of Connecticut to ensure that the earnings code that is used for FLSA payment is a distinct entity. Required. Xlat. The State will not use Tips processing so the default value of N (no tips) should be accepted. Enter Y for all earnings codes that add to the disposable earnings amount that is subject to garnishment deduction, i.e. all earnings that add to gross pay. Required. Leave Blank since this is tied to Canadian Functionality Required. Leave Blank since this is tied to Canadian Functionality Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality

Adds to FEGLI Base Rate CPDF Earnings Report Type Adds to Other Pay Adds to Pay Cap Calculations Adds to Premium Pay


FIELD NAME Federal Overtime Indicator Add to Other Pay on SF50/52 Include Locality Adjustment IRR Reporting Settings Leave Without Pay Adds to SF113A LumpSum Pymnts Adds to SF113A Wages FEFFLA Flag FEFFLA Report Leave Earnings Type Income Cde for 1042-S


Permanent/Incidental Tax Class Hours Distribution Administrative Flag Earnings Accrual Table Earnings Code

DESCRIPTION Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality This field should be set to the corresponding income code for non-resident alien processing to assure that the correct tax maximum limits are enforced. Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality


Effective Date Plan Type

Required. This field should be set to the same value as the earnings code on the earnings table. Please note that this record has a many to one relationship with the earnings table. Multiple rows can be defined for a single earnings code. Required. Enter 01/01/1901 for Core-CT. Required. Xlat. Enter a row for each type of leave plan affected by the earnings code. The State of Connecticut will use plan types 50 (sick), 51 (vacation) and 52 (personal).


FIELD NAME Add to Hours Taken


Add to Service Hours


Add to Adjust Hours


Add to Hours Bought


Add to Hours Sold

DESCRIPTION Required. Y/N. Enter Y if the hours of the earnings code is deducted from the leave plan balances and shown as used year to date. If this box is checked the hours reported to this earnings code will draw down from the employees leave balance for that particular plan type. Required. Y/N. Enter Y if the hours of the earnings code, is used to calculate the service hours that determine the eligible accrual rate for a particular leave plan. This field will be set to a value of N since the State of Connecticut does not have leave plans that are based on service hours. Required. Y/N. Enter Y if the earnings code changes the leave plan balance amount. This field should always be set to a value of N. Required. Y/N. This field defaults to N. Accept the default because the State of Connecticut does not have vacation buy/sell program Required. Y/N. This field defaults to N. Accept the default because the State of Connecticut does not have vacation buy/sell programs Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality Leave Blank as this is tied to Federal functionality


Add to Restored Hours Adjust Add to Restored Hours taken Special Earnings Accrual Table Earnings Code


Effective Date Special Accumulator Code Effect on Special Balance


Required. This field should be set to the same value as the earnings code on the earnings table. Please note that this record has a many to one relationship with the earnings table. Multiple rows can be defined for a single earnings code. Required. Enter 01/01/1901 for Core-CT. Required. Prompt: SPCL_EARNS_TBL. The values that are entered here are based on the special accumulator work unit. Required. Xlat. Valid translate values: Adds to Special Balance(A), Subtracts from Special Balance (S) Default = A. The State of Connecticut will primarily use the default value, but in some instances S may also be used.

Dependencies and Timing: The DED_TBL_GENL_VW (which uses the DEDUCTION_TBL and the GENL_DED_TBL) must be configured prior to the EARNINGS_TBL.

The TAXGR_CMPNT_VW (which uses the TAXGR_CMPNT_TBL) must be configured prior to the EARNINGS_TBL. The SPCL_EARNS_TBL must be configured prior to the EARNINGS_TBL

Testing Considerations: Extensive testing must be completed on earnings that are subject to FICA tax, accumulate FICA taxable wage and are not subject to retirement wage (earnings that are subtracted from total gross as part of the retirement calculation). Examples of these earnings are: YR OF DTH SICK (0R), RETIRE SICK PAY (29). Extensive testing must be completed on earnings that are not subject to FICA tax, do not accumulate FICA taxable wage and are not subject to retirement wage (earnings that are subtracted from total gross as part of the retirement calculation). Examples of these earnings are: YR AFT DTH SIC (0T), MOVING EXPENSE (1P), TUIT RMB N-TAX (1T). Extensive testing must be completed on earnings that are not subject to State + Federal tax, accumulate State + Federal taxable wage, are subject to FICA and accumulate FICA wage. An example of this type of earning is Fringe Benefit (02). All earnings that are not subject to retirement wage (earnings that are subtracted from total gross as part of the retirement calculation). All earnings that add a percentage to retirement (i.e. Plus Maintenance (01) 5%) Vacation, sick, and PL balances should be tested to ensure that Regular Earnings is not affected when an employee uses time. Lump sum payouts for vacation and sick time deplete the correct balances. Employees who hit FICA max the first check date of the year should be tested to ensure that all balances are correct (including retirement wage). Deceased employee payouts. Employees who are paid only Fringe Benefit (02) earnings YTD should be tested to ensure that FICA tax/wage is calculated correctly. When paying Regular/additional earnings, all pre/post-tax deductions are calculated correctly (including Domestic partners who are paying post tax on the state portion of their insurance amounts should be added to their taxable wage). All earnings that affect multiple balances (i.e. leave accruals). Earnings that have been adjusted spanning multiple calendar years. Earnings that should be excluded from union dues/fees deductions as part of agency/bargaining unit specific contracts (as described on page 5 in the approach paragraph). Validate that all multiplication factors are working properly. Ensure that the earnings sequence settings are generating the correct earnings calculation rates Ensure that the various FLSA fields are affecting the overall calculation correctly Validate that all 1042 income codes are setup and working properly Ensure that the Reduce from Regular Pay field is working properly. Validate that the system is properly functioning when an earnings code adds to an employees taxable wage but does not deduct tax. Assumptions: Retro Pay functionality will not be used by Core-CT as part of phase 1. Earnings codes will be smart coded and therefore will not follow the current 2 position, alphanumeric codes in the legacy system (MSA). The new value will be three characters. Retirement will make the necessary changes to their system to recognize the new format of earnings codes. Central Payroll will therefore provide the necessary information which will map the old

earnings codes to the new earnings codes, as well as any new earnings codes that come out as a result of the new system (i.e. leave accruals, etc). All earnings that are bargaining unit/agency restricted must be identified and enforced as part of payroll/personnel training. The Earnings table (EARNINGS_TBL), will be used in coordination with the Special Accumulator (SPCL_EARNS_TBL) table and the Special Earnings Accrual Table (EARNINGS_SPCL) to calculate retirement wage and generate the correct retirement deduction (an example of this calculation is included in the approach paragraph page 5). Many new earnings (earnings that do not currently exist in the legacy system) will need to be created to accommodate functionality that does not exist in the legacy system (i.e. accrual information, etc). Step D/OE wage definition functionality in the legacy system will be replaced by special accumulators (in coordination with the Earnings table (EARNINGS_TBL), and the Special Earnings Accrual Table (EARNINGS_SPCL). An example of this functionality is described above in the approach paragraph pages 5-6. All three employee types (salaried, hourly, and exception hourly) will be used by the State of Connecticut. Shift pay will be addressed as part of the shift work unit in Time and Labor. The State of Connecticut will use commitment accounting. The State of Connecticut will not use Tips processing in Phase I. Leave accrual rates will not be based on service hours.

Revisions Date: Comments:

Name: Changes Needed: Reasons:

Input Provided By: Name Mark Bissoni Jim Hall Ryan Oakes Ron Kuehner Nancy Ribes Josh Woodrum

Title, Department Configuration Team Director of Uconn Payroll Configuration Team Lead Configuration Team Lead Payroll Team Lead Accenture Payroll Team Lead

Configuration Team

_________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

Configuration Team Leads

_________________________ Ryan Oakes Module Team Leads

_________________________ Ron Kuehner



Team Leads

_________________________ Rajeev Sharma

_________________________ Anne North

_________________________ Sue Martin

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