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REVISO REVISION Constructo de Administracin y Gerencia en Enfermera Ortiz JH,Torres DG

Esc Anna Nery (impr.) 2010 jul-set; 14 (3): 625-632

AN APPROACH TO THE CONCEPT OF MANAGEMENT AND APPLIED MANAGEMENT DISCIPLINE OF NURSING Uma aproximao ao conceito administrao management and discipline applied to enfermagem An approach to the concept of management and administration Applied to the discipline of nursing Joana Hernndez OrtizI

Danelia Gomez TorresII

Pasante de la Licenciatura de Enfermera. Realizando Servicio en la Facultad de Enfermera y Obstetricia de la Universidad Autnoma del Estado de Mxico, Integrante y Colaboradora de la Revista Horizontes en Salud Expresin de Enfermera. Toluca- Estado do Mxico-Mxico. Email: II Doctora por la EEAN-UFRJ, coordinadora de investigacin de la FEYO de la UAEM, miembro del cuerpo acadmico Ejercicio de Enfermera. Toluca- Estado do Mxico- Mxico. Email: ABSTRACT This work was developed by the research of terms or concepts in virtual magazines or electronic media. The objective was to obtain the information of management and administration definitions and, at the same time, perform the interpretation of data and criticizing each of the settings, contrasting them with nursing knowledge, since these are often forged within the business. It was used a methodology which is based in constructs, applied to re-educate terminological deficiencies. By analyzing each of these definitions, it was identified that the management and the administration have similarities in their meanings, when applied can be easily confused, while having similarities in the praxis, they don't perform the same actions as management is the strategy and administration is execution. In this way, the results obtained were two concepts applicable to the nursing discipline, concluding that every discipline requires the support and the knowledge of other areas. Keywords: Nursing. Knowledge. Management

REVISO REVISION Constructo de Administracin y Gerencia en Enfermera Ortiz JH,Torres DG

Esc Anna Nery (impr.) 2010 jul-set; 14 (3): 625-632

RESUMEN El presente trabajo fue desarrollado mediante la indagacin de trminos en revistas virtuales en medios electrnicos. El objetivo fue obtener informacin de las definiciones de gerencia y administracin; Al mismo tiempo, realizar la interpretacin de datos y efectuar una crtica de cada una de las definiciones seleccionadas, contrastando con los conocimientos de enfermera, ya que estos estn forjados dentro del rea empresarial. Se utiliz una metodologa basada en constructos; aplicados para reeducar deficiencias terminolgicas. Al analizar cada una de estas definiciones, se identific que la gerencia y la administracin coinciden en algunos aspectos y al aplicarlos logran confundir, an teniendo similitudes en la prxis, no realizan las mismas acciones, ya que la gerencia es la estrategia y la administracin es la ejecucin. De esta manera, los resultados obtenidos fueron dos conceptos aplicables a la disciplina de Enfermera. Concluyendo as, que una disciplina necesita el apoyo de otras reas del conocimiento. Palabras clave: Enfermera. Conocimiento. Gerencia.

RESUMO O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido diante da indagao dos trminos em peridicos virtuais em mdios eletrnicos. O objetivo foi obter informao das definies de gerncia e administrao e, ao mesmo tempo, realizar a interpretao de dados e efetuar uma crtica de cada uma das definies selecionadas, contrastando com os conhecimentos de enfermagem, j que estes geralmente ficam forjados dentro da rea empresarial. Utilizou-se a metodologia baseada nos constructos, aplicada para reeducar deficincias terminolgicas. Ao analisar cada um destas definies, identificou-se que a gerncia e a administrao coincidem em alguns aspectos e tm similitudes, mas, na prtica, no realizam as mesmas aes j que a gerncia a estratgia e a administrao a execuo. Desta maneira, os resultados obtidos foram dois conceitos aplicveis disciplina de Enfermagem, concluindo que toda disciplina precisa de outras reas de conhecimento. Palavras chave: Enfermagem. Conhecimento. Gerncia

REVISO REVISION Constructo de Administracin y Gerencia en Enfermera Ortiz JH,Torres DG

Esc Anna Nery (impr.) 2010 jul-set; 14 (3): 625-632

INTRODUCTION This article was created by the need to find differences or similarities between the terms management and administration, as they generally relate to the business area, this paper develops the implementation and conceptualization of these in the Nursing area. They have been used since the beginning of the nursing schools and hospitals to present itself as part of the area, however, the biggest concern there is because the terms have not yet been conceptualized within the area. We note that the existence of theories, which are attempts to explain, always been necessary and essential to affirm the reflection.1 Since it is a step in an investigation immanent as such, the scientific construction can not be left in the background , hence the interest in investigating the electronic media is the internet, which is why it was considered as a source of information for this research to contain a high update rate compared to printed sources. On inquiry, we seek to give a proposal for creating concept applied to Nursing constructs. These will provide the settings to use the concept of subject-object perception and understanding of the responses sought also need to create words, words, words, expressions that involve causes, learn purposes, identify the nature means to distinguish between opinion based on

current knowledge. The current view is attributed to the common sense of knowing everything is knowing that it is not systematically searched, and the fruit of knowledge is called "doxa". It is intended that this inquiry is reached result doxa experience in obtaining new constructs that help to appropriate nursing terminology and thereby correct the great concern that this area does not have its own concepts. The vast majority of nursing professionals take business concepts or other areas that do not belong to health, so the intention of management and administration conceptualize and give new meaning or conceptual adjustment be made compatible with the discourse of Nursing. The constructs they support the idea of increasing new elements to the definition of the body of knowledge in this particular case of the nursing discipline. It can be observed that the term: Construct was forged to retrain deficiencies terminology and understand what this means, ideas and terms, categories, guiding principles, influential opinions or essential concepts adopted a theory or area of study.2 The function of the construct, is to mediate the distinction of the object as it was perceived, and to facilitate the conceptualization of the relations of the subjects involved in research, favoring the delimitation of the scope of the verdad.1

REVISO REVISION Constructo de Administracin y Gerencia en Enfermera Ortiz JH,Torres DG

Esc Anna Nery (impr.) 2010 jul-set; 14 (3): 625-632

In version Carvalho, adjusting resources and identify words and concepts, serves to direct research in evolutionary theory. The concepts arise to list aspects of study giving As mentioned, the Nursing building is in need not only cientfica1 where investigations are carried out on demand or challenges, if not to make this profession get more information, where each professional create new knowledge. METHODOLOGY The selection of the subject arises from the intention of bringing concepts of management and administration in the field of nursing discipline. Whose objective was to obtain information to build these definitions apply to nursing concepts. The word construct is a theoretical notion derived from the object of interest to be measured, usually posed in terms of hiptesis.3 It is mentioned that the constructs were forged to retrain terminological shortcomings, this should be treated as ideas, words, categories, guiding principles, influential opinions or essential concepts adopted a theory or area of study.1 Methodologically we can say that to create a construct, is part of the reflection, self discussion, as philosophers refer the spirit of self-discussion with himself. Reflection as an activity of thinking about nature also

order and meaning to terms with this is to ensure that the terms proposed Nursing adopt as their own, once developed the construct. serves as a tool for seeking truth, supported by logic and order of concepts. I mentioned before, to conceptualize and define the capacity is assumed to reflective thought, the condition of the set and create terms to speak firmly on the cases of our interest, in this way, the reflection of the premises looking for answers crimped truth. To reach a construct should be determined categories (concepts, definitions), thus extending the power of reason, to designate and divide things and thinking gains power to classify subject's relations with things, where the personality thought justified (by reason) based knowledge, reason for the construct. Furthermore, for information on the methodology to develop in this area, was carried out on electronic media inquiry especially in nursing journals such as: Anna Nery School: Nursing magazine, and found in the Red of Scientific Journals of Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal, and also Redalyc Scientific Electronic Library Online Scielo Chile as a means of broad disclosure.We selected articles that are related to the two categories under study: The area of administration, management and philosophy.

REVISO REVISION Constructo de Administracin y Gerencia en Enfermera Ortiz JH,Torres DG

Esc Anna Nery (impr.) 2010 jul-set; 14 (3): 625-632

It is established as inclusion criteria for this study, items designed electronic sources for updated information, as well as articles that address management descriptors, conceptualizing management, management concept, management and conceptualizing methodological construct. The first search identified 68 articles related to the subject, 61 were discarded leaving seven items, definitions have no interest, was conducted a second search found 75 items of which 72 were discriminated again, leaving 3. Thus a total of 10 items for the development of this research. After selection of the articles in the above sources, the two categories were analyzed are: administration and management for the meaning of both terms, as the product of reflection arising in the readings. For the analysis and interpretation of data, was useful to analyze and make a review of each of the selected definitions and contrast with disciplined knowledge of nursing. At the end mention was made of the characteristics of each term and thus form a resulting construct almost self concept applicable to the nursing discipline. CONCEPTUALISING MANAGEMENT TERM

a synonym for administration, to be coincidence in steps, the definitions do not apply widely present in this area, but are used by culture in this field, only apply in the business area.However in the field of health, is characterized by the use of another term called managed care (managed care) is the organizational form that emerges in response to the crisis in health.4 systems This definition is not mentioned as such a concept, however the emphasis that was created because of a crisis in health systems, so the called managed care, is conceived as an organizational form, presenting below: The management and management come from the root gesture, which comes from the Latin gestures, defined as an attitude or movement of the body, which in turn derives from generates, which means putting, driving, carrying cabo5 Fragmenting the real meaning of the word management, there is a very clear example of people who move to or to perform some activity like taking an object, make a motion with his arm, this is done in the direction of the target article possess. Then in a facility management to apply the term to a particular group of subordinates so that they can run, first consider an achievement goal that leads to the goal set and to achieve success. It may be mentioned that the administration is how to coordinate goods and is more operational, but has a character management

The management concept was created based on the information, a necessity of the subordinate (worker), in order to be guided to successfully perform their activities. In the area of health applied this term is used as

REVISO REVISION Constructo de Administracin y Gerencia en Enfermera Ortiz JH,Torres DG

Esc Anna Nery (impr.) 2010 jul-set; 14 (3): 625-632

and strategic management as seen in the following definition: Management is as the process which relates a set of elements that ensure optimal use of an asset that has always been present in the company, but had not been properly aprovechado.6 This term refers to a point where the management function has not been harnessed by 100%, rather there is ignorance of all functions must have; management is a social action developed by the manager himself in a special and temporality in which he encuentra.7 In other words, is responsible for guiding their subordinates but also to respect the rights and obligations of the worker, it is right to mention the social action that is because it works with subordinates thus achieving a goal and according to the regulations of the institutions have a specific time in office to exercise the activities taking place and also gives a disciplinary connotation as mentioned below: Management is a multidisciplinary devoid of social conditioning and as an autonomous entity that sidesteps the epistemological character of the administration as a science of direccin.7: 72 Under this term, mentioning that management is multidisciplinary, leads us to identify that the manager should be in charge of using strategies to get better performance from his subordinates, in all

areas of the social organism, and that the person who is in charge of managing must have a correct understanding of how they should perform each of the activities of their subordinates and possess an authority to them. Consider that management takes a number of steps to achieve success using physical, financial and human factors, if not count on labor, if not tell subordinates physical resources that would work, if not have the financial resources to obtain revenue for physical resources and pay to subordinates. Then management, the institution, the subordinate, the physical and financial resources is a complement or a design team, who goes in search of a profit. Management is an art, a science that deals with the proper use, helpful and systematic of all resources of a company, put another way: Management is the art and science of working with and through a team towards achieving the objectives of an organization. This involves building a body of knowledge about the activity, and that activity involves managing relationships with other people to achieve the Organization8 objetivosde. So management is the foundation of an institution or company that has been the strategic management of the organization, since its function is to make proper use of its resources and is also an art, because not all

REVISO REVISION Constructo de Administracin y Gerencia en Enfermera Ortiz JH,Torres DG

Esc Anna Nery (impr.) 2010 jul-set; 14 (3): 625-632

meet the characteristics in order to practice management and if it were to be used properly, what can happen is that the institution comes to bankruptcy by a misuse of resources. So how management can only be operated by a person to merge the two terms are said to: The management of organizational man is the proper performance of an organization, is made possible by balancing the needs of the job and maintain a satisfactory level between the distribution and the enthusiasm of the people.9 In this case, the absence of mention because this person fit or organizational qualities could not be effectively exercised. It is very clear this version because the person suitable for the post of manager must balance the needs of the enterprise, its subordinate and maximize production, because both are in search of a financing and to ensure that the subordinate does well his job, he should look for strategies to raise the enthusiasm of the workers. With the already captured, summarized that: management is the key element in the performance and survival organizacional.10 It is also said that management is a social action and that only occurs seasonally according to the social, however, discordamos with that position because it can be a temporary action because management is given all the time. The professional who is in charge of managing,

management can not use at your convenience or according to their needs, should be used according to the needs of the institution and its employees, while maximizing the benefits and opportunities the institution provides to its workers. CONCEPTUALISING DIRECTORS TERM OF

Management is one term that has been used in the business area and in institutions, however there is no definition or concept of nursing administration itself. This section seeks to reach the construct that approaches the Nursing field as to investigate the electronic media, we realized that only management concepts are defining the word administration, being that only defined in a general way. So the administration is human activity is to implement the aforementioned processes of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and controlar.5: 118 I mentioned before, the administration is handled by the human factor, as an example we can mention that computers or robots that are now established as major advances in science, can not think, just obey orders, people who are trained can perform such activities mentioned as: planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and controlling. Whereas the term according to the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, the administration defined in various ways, such as political, religious, medical and organizativo.10: 114

REVISO REVISION Constructo de Administracin y Gerencia en Enfermera Ortiz JH,Torres DG

Esc Anna Nery (impr.) 2010 jul-set; 14 (3): 625-632

This source of information, the concept of administration exists, but does not explain in detail its meaning, refers only to areas where it is used, it is not really applied only in the areas you mention, in fact, in all institutions of daily life as in the workplace, at church, in the military, at home etc.., mentions the word administration, which comes from the Latin ministare manages, and, with the meaning of government, ruling and have bienes.10: 114 This term is defined in very short words and appropriating a clear idea as to govern, it has the resources and simultaneously distribute and manage or govern a group of people, which has been assigned to his office with a order, however we can realize that management is a wealth of functions and activities as mentioned below: Administration is directing an institution, order, arrange, organize, especially the estate or property and play or hold a position, office or dignity .. 5:114 This term is very broad because it manages to put an order in an institution, to dispose of property, to direct subordinates and inform the objectives and goals for where you want to go, however the following concept states that: The administration is defined as the process through which target the human, material and financial resources to achieve certain goals but, especially, to keep the customer is pleased that allows to continue living and developing the enterprise.5 : 117

As evident, management makes use of human, material and financial resources, which are the basis to perform administrative activities, an example, guide or search the employee is interested in the objectives because it is one of the main points to achieve the goals, if not the worker inquires or subordinate interest, will not work with one goal in mind, even though they seek success, provided that there is definitely not a group of people going to require a person to guide trained to perform the functions, however: Management is the process of working with people and resources to achieve organizational goals. Good managers do things efficiently and effectiveness, when the administrative process is executed properly, involves a variety of activities, including: planning, organizing, directing and controlling. These core activities are the traditional functions administration.5: 117 As mentioned above, in order to manage an institution, its main element is the human factor, noting that whenever there is a trained and skilled to manage an institution, will result in a successful institution, but if the nurse in charge manage an institution is not qualified, do not know the proper use of materials and resources to guide subordinates in charge, it is clear that the institution can go broke.

REVISO REVISION Constructo de Administracin y Gerencia en Enfermera Ortiz JH,Torres DG

Esc Anna Nery (impr.) 2010 jul-set; 14 (3): 625-632

Mentioning that management is a process that takes a series of steps to follow a chronological order, like other concepts, takes the human factor as the main element that is working, you can basically say: The administration is to direct human and material resources towards the common objectives of the organization. This process has been divided into various activities traditional way powerful. The most technical and analytical covers administration setting a goal for the organization, planning of internal activities to achieve the objectives and control of these activities so that the final results are the deseados.5: 118 The anterior approach to the administration describes as the process that directs human and material resources towards the goals, it is very true that if you do not have a goal to reach a goal, you can not be guided in the right way to work, making use adequate material resources. Then it can be mentioned that the administration is responsible for various activities within an institution like the plan, if the plan administrator is not the number of staff who will carry out the various activities that are entrusted, is likely to have a overstaffing and the budget that was allocated to pay them is not distributed properly, however if production has limited staff, it would be minimal by misdirection or overwork and physical performance would drop. The administrator is responsible for guiding the work to achieve the goals that have been proposed in the institution, for it

has to plan, organize, direct, control financial resources and the human factor, plus they have to train workers who are charge. In addition to the above, the management is the common set of processes, when performed properly, favor the efficacy and efficiency organizacional.10: 118 That said, the administration is seen from the point of view of achieving efficiency, it is very true that it is responsible for managing an institution and has capabilities to perform these functions, you must make use of strategies to achieve the goals and objectives, looking at it from another point: The administration, as a set of processes distinguishable from those carrying out, also can be seen as the work done by people who have the title of gerente.5: 118 This allows the implementation of activities that are distinct from the person who is in charge, if there were a person who was able to manage the institution would not achieve the success, but the following definition describes us: Management involves planning, organizing, directing and controlling people working in an organization in order to meet the goals of this. These goals guide the tasks and activities emprenden.5: 118 In this case highlight more administrative features, aimed only staff who is in charge of administering, but we must remember that not only is the working in an institution, but

REVISO REVISION Constructo de Administracin y Gerencia en Enfermera Ortiz JH,Torres DG

Esc Anna Nery (impr.) 2010 jul-set; 14 (3): 625-632

also the financial and material resources, thus: Management is defined as human activity responsible for organizing and directing individual and collective goals-effective predeterminados.5: 118 Then, if it is described as a human activity, administrative functions performed by a single person, who works together with his subordinates, who will be directing them towards achieving these targets, however, the administration is the process planning organizing, directing and controlling the use of resources to achieve the goals of desempeo.10: 119 It emphasizes the elements of the administrative process and one of the first is planning, which determine the actions to be perform in the future. In the organization phase performs a series of activities with a structure conceived and designed, in the stage direction, directs and motivates the employee to perform assigned tasks and finally the control stage, is the fulfillment of planned , the achievement of compliance with each of these aspects seeks to reach these targets, however: Management is a practice usually schematized as managing an organization's resources to achieve its objectives, which are exercised administrative elements to plan, coordinate, organize, direct, control 5:120. According to this author, is that the administration is successful practice but is outlined and also goes in search of goals,

making use of resources that are mentioned within the administrative activities, is to coordinate the activities of an institution, and integrate the work activities to be performed by subordinates in charge, the essential purpose of the administrator's guide, to be efficient in their activities. Seplantea also that management is a specific practice that makes a crowd in a group efficient, productive and forward metas.5: 120 In this concept, it is mentioned that the institution administering a must get involved in a group of workers who will be responsible for guidance and thus make the group of people with responsibilities, able to be efficient in the area labor. If the administrator does not have the ability to get a group of people, be productive and are in search of goal achievement, the institution would not achieve its purpose, therefore, management is the task of leading the effort and talent others to achieve resultados.5: 120 As mentioned, it is envisioned that the administration has many sides and you can tell they are tasks which are not easy, as everything has a process, then the administrator must have patience and ability to command to his subordinates, for it has to work and also have the talent. If we define the term management in keywords, with which one can understand the function, since:

REVISO REVISION Constructo de Administracin y Gerencia en Enfermera Ortiz JH,Torres DG

Esc Anna Nery (impr.) 2010 jul-set; 14 (3): 625-632

Administration is the process of designing and maintaining an environment where working in groups, individuals meet objectives efficiently especficos.5: 120 This definition states that to lead a group of people, should design a work plan, and to design it is about what are the resources that are counted, if the workspace does not have sufficient staff The administrator will get an unbalanced labor productivity and thus will not achieve its objectives, this concept is clear, however, is not the only building on the executive management, the administration is a world of activities in which they must comply worry for success. Administration from ancient times to the present day, roads plasma to direct subordinates and optimize the material, however, not only material resources are managed and individuals to be able to complete and lead to success, consider the financial resources, and it is the foundation and support of the institution, without the economic resources could not obtain the necessary material resources let alone paying employees, so if these three elements are not, the administrator does not comply could achieve institutional objectives , consider that it is a process of working with people and resources to achieve organizational goals, is to achieve the goals, everything takes a process, however mentions only makes use of people and resources, the question is what resources?. It is believed that the term should be

understood more descriptive, but not only must take into account that uses resources but also of activities according to a process and not just working with people, if not yet around him, both the administrator and the institution. Management considers a composite science. One who holds that office, must be competent to lead a group of subordinates and also make use of techniques, making use of principles which helps them grow as an institution, not being created by its structure, is created by the type of people who work there, an administrator must strive every day so that the subordinate is guided in the right way, and also find that the subordinate strive to be better every day in their work and be recognized by the others, in turn, should seek to compete with the other members of their group. For the most part, the concepts mentioned that management is a set of activities and tasks. Which works with three factors including subordinates, material and financial resources, and seek to achieve the goal and meet the proposed objectives and must plan for it and make use of strategies for the group of individuals who achieved coordinates efficiency. NURSING ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT Looking to respond and try to understand and explain, what the invisible visible in the objective reality of nursing in one of his

REVISO REVISION Constructo de Administracin y Gerencia en Enfermera Ortiz JH,Torres DG

Esc Anna Nery (impr.) 2010 jul-set; 14 (3): 625-632

fields and domain, with the aim of entering knowledge capable of supporting scientific construction, to provide tools to criticize conception of the terms, that adhere to the discipline of nursing, made a contrast of knowledge; since management in the nursing discipline, is conceived only in the working process of the nurse, in a first aspect visualizing the individual and the organization, seeing it as a rational model, on the other approach as social practice and historicity without conceptualization own. We could say that management Nursing, seeks to provide the best care and that the subordinates feel satisfied to work with the resources provided by the institution, to provide better customer service, and science-based competencies. However the managerial work goals Nursing are: Work organization and human elements of nursing, using an own technical tools of management, ie planning and nursing staff size, staff selection, continuing education and / or permanent, and the performance monitoring and validation among others. They also use media such as workforce, materials, equipment and facilities. In the work of the nurse, where its main function is to coordinate staff from all areas, according to the classification of the patient such as: the type of diagnosis, severity and requiring attention, whether given by indicators according to the following categories: minimal care, partial direct,

intensive intermediate intensive. In addition to the calculation of working hours in each shift both morning, evening and night. Calculation of incidents as substitute staff; arguably be applied as labor strategy management. However Nursing Administration, has strong physical conditions such as: rigidity, mechanization, extreme regulations, established routines, centralization in key positions, management of rewards and punishments, monitoring and control means including, these are some of the salient features of the administrative system of nursing. So to be multidisciplinary management, because it leads to his subordinate, is a social action is organizational uses physical labor resources, financial, human work is an art, a science that seeks to reach the goal, makes use of strategic management, seeks to balance the institution, arises as a result of economic crises, hence management, being multidisciplinary conceptualization enables appropriated for nursing, allowing nursing knowledge base. CONCLUSIONS At the end of this analysis we lock in that: the nursing discipline over time, has relied on other areas of learning, to enhance the scientific discipline. Thus, following the methodology of constructs, we perform an analysis of various concepts, to approach the terms of management and administration

REVISO REVISION Constructo de Administracin y Gerencia en Enfermera Ortiz JH,Torres DG

Esc Anna Nery (impr.) 2010 jul-set; 14 (3): 625-632

and propose a conceptualization applied to nursing. CONSTRUCT 1 As we approach the concept of nursing management, considering it: An art that seeks to lead his subordinates strategically, multidisciplinary and organizational to provide quality care, achieving a balance between the patient and the institution subordinates. Furthermore, we must recognize that an efficient management, distinguishes it the institution, dedicated to convert a crowd in a group of hard working, responsible, committed to their work, pursuing a goal that is proposed also leads efforts and talent scout, always in pursuit of the efficiency and effectiveness of their workers, the administrator who is responsible for a group of workers to set the pace to them, increasing their numbers the requirements. CONSTRUCT 2 Then we could approach the concept of nursing administration and we can mention: The implementation of actions to streamline responsible and committed to a group of nurses, able to develop an individual or collective work for the benefit of patients, REFERNCIAS 1. Carvalho V. Sobre construtos epistemolgicos nas cincias - uma contribuo para a enfermagm. Rev. Latino-

based on the administrative process, applying principles and techniques. The nurse manager must use the principles and techniques of the administrative process to direct individual and collective work. To perform this work, the nurse in charge of administering must be in good mental health, vigorous, work experience, humanism and especially able to solve personal problems, as well as the institution itself. It was also noted that among the terms of management and administration, there is a big difference, because management works in a more strategic way, it's like we played chess before pulling one thinks very carefully a strategy to give "Whipsaw" this game can be explained more clearly as management works, however the administration is also consistent with the same steps management but in this case the bank is more for management action is like a game of dominoes, manages play the cards you like how close the game plan for the playmate not win. Then the administration and management may coincide in the same steps but do not play or plan to in the same way, because management is the administration's strategy and execution.

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REVISO REVISION Constructo de Administracin y Gerencia en Enfermera Ortiz JH,Torres DG

Esc Anna Nery (impr.) 2010 jul-set; 14 (3): 625-632

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