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I Fuil Marks : 7O

GROUP - A ( Multiple Choice Type Questlons )

the correct alternatives for the follow'ing :

lO x i = iC)

ccording ro I.B R.. the following qype of jornt is preferred for circumferentiai rint Iap joint t r welded joint r)one of these. b) ct) butt joint any one of these

hape of woodruff key is like I I I cylinder sphere tapered square. b) d) semiclrcle trapezoid

--r welded joint the throat of weld as comDared to slze of weld is I ) ) ) ) about same size about O.7 Umes about 0.5 Umes about 0.25 times about I.25 times.

CS/B.TBCH Ir{E & PE)/SE.}'.-5/WE5O3/O7 /(O8)


In thick ryllnders. the radial stress across the rhickness of cviinder is d b) c) d) e) zero at outside and maXmunt at ir-rside mi.nimum at outside and maximum at inslde madmum at outside and mlnimum at inside uniform throughout none of Lhese.


Oldham's coupling is used to connect trvo shafts rvhrjch a) b) c) d) e) har.'e lateral misalignment whose axes iRtersect at a small angle are not in exact alignment is the simplest lype of rigid coupling all of these.


MulUple threaded screws a) b) c) d) e) increase the efficiency increase the mechanical advantage increase the self locking feature decrease the efficiency increase the Ioad lifting capacirv.


In the calculatlon of shear stress in helical spring the Wahl's correctjon factor used to take care of a) b) c) d) comblned effect of transverse shear stress and bending stress combined effect of bending stress and curvature of the rvire comblned effect of transverse shear stress and curvature of the wire comblned effect of torslonal shear stress and transverse shear stress i wlre. l,


An open coll hellcal sprtng is sub.lected to an axial force, Lhe *ire of the spring is subJected to a) b) c) d) dtrect shear only comblned shear and bending only comblned shear, bending and hvisting only combtned shear and trMstlng only.


& Pe;,;5sg-t /r,tE-543/o7/(oa)


l i a sh ir lt inade of d u c trl e n l i l i e ri a l i s s rrtr-;e cted to cc' nrl -ri nedbendi ng and i u' i sti i i E :rrr)rn enis r aluu .' , , r ' iii. . ' h o i rh e i o i i o u .i r:g fa i l u re thec: , \i .' i r\i i l d gl vr: l he C onS t:i -\:1i t\/e

\1a;<ilnurnpnncipd stress theory \,lanirrrumshear slress Lheorv' N/raxlnluil-r strann enerqr tieon' l!1a;cimumdistortion ener$f theon, Tivo shafts A and B are rnacle oi thc same material . The diarneter of shalt B l s Irr.,icethat of shafi .4 The ratiL-.o[ pou,e:' rvhich can be transrnitted b.,' shai: y' .tc.l that of Il is
'I -rl



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GROUP - B ( Short Arswer type Questions ) futsrveran)' three of tfte following questions.


rlaru cleari-''thc' change in the mechanical properties of steel due to the addiiton follorvinq elenrents : Nickel CLrromium Manganese Molvbdenunr Vanadium ailr the drfferent t1.pes oi [ailures of rivetecl iol;its rr'it]r neat sketches / p. TECEI DdD & PEi,/EEM-6 /I[E-6OS / 07 / (OA)

it ts required to destgn a square kev for fxing a gear on a shaft of 25 mm dta. 15 from the shaft to the gear. The key ls made of s N/mm2 the factor of safetv is 3. For key material the ylelc 5OC4 ( o ) and rr=460 power at 72O rpm ts transmltted strengtii in compresston can be assumed to be equal to their yield strenSth in tenslon. Determlne the dlmenslon of the kev ( Take stde of the square = O'25 time the shaft dla. ) 5. A plate 75 mm wide and 12.5 mm thick ls joined with another plate by a single iransverse *eta anO\ double parallel fillet weld as shown ln the fig. 1. The ma;dmum tenslle and shear stress are 70 MPa and 56 MPa respecilvely.

rtg. r
Ftnd the length of each parallel flllet weld, lf the Jotnt ls subJected to both statlc loadtng and fattgue loadtng. Take stress concentratlon as I .5. factor for transverse weld


A shaft made of mlld steel ls requlred to transmlt

l0O kW at 3OO rpm. The supported

length of the shaft is 3 metres. It carrles two pulleys each welghlng 150 N supported at a dlstance of I metre from the end respectlvely. Assumlng the safe value of stress, determlne the diameter of the shaft.

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GROUP _ C { Long Anewer TYPe $ueetlone A,'rsrveianv tf iie questions. ) :, - ,f - 4'5

I)esiEn a casr iron frolecli'..e,r,r" no.rrt- cclupling to transmlt I5 kW at 900 r.p.l:]. J jro"-, an clectnc iTlolorLc,r con-llressor The senlce factor nrav be assumed as l'35 -fhg foliorring permissible stresscs may be used : Shee.r stl'?ss for shatt. bolt and liey material ;incl kel' inJ-shin{ stress ior b,-,]r. '. liea: ress f<lr casr tt otr Dr?ru,zr near sketch ol the rouplirrg It is requirecj to seiect a {lare bell drlve for a cornpressor mnnlngat720 rpm which ls = = 4Cl MPa B0 MFa 8 MPa

Centre distance between the pulleys is 3 nt. The ddven bv a 25 kW, 1440 i-pm rn,i-Lor. belt is oper) Wpe. T'he ioact corr('.ltion factor is i.3 and arc cor-rectlon factor is i Og u:i 't Dunlop's f{i-Speed beh rale ts 0 ol l6 kW/mm u'ldth at 5.08 belt velc''ciq'. the belt specificaUon transrnits a 3O0 N-m torqrre at 1500 r-cm. The A single piaie clutch of an aut,-rr::obile normal l-orce on the l'rietior !rr-is6s exerted b}'9 helical compression springs is

engaged, The ciutch is disengaged when an l\. so that the clutci.r is r..rrvays 3EIOO externai force further contpresses t-he sprlngs. fhe sprfrg index ts 5 and t]re number of acting coiis in each spring is 6 The springs are made of a material for whtch G = 81370 ti/mm2.ancl S,,lr = t54O N/mm2. Permissible shear stress for the sprlng is 30o,io of the ultimate dimensions. A shaft is supported by two bearings placed I rrr apart. A 600 mm dlameter pulley ls mounted at a distance of 300 mni to the right of the left hand beartng and th,ls drlves a pulley directly below it with the help of belt ha'rlng madmum tension of 2.25 kN. tensilc strength. Deslgn the springs and speclfy thelr

Another pulley of 400 mm diameter ls placed at 200 mm to the left of the rlght hand bearing and clriven with the help of electrlc motor and belt, whtch ls placed horizontallv to the rlght. 'l'he anqle of contact for both pulleys ls 180" and p = O'24. a soltd shaft, allowing work-tng stress of 63 MPa ln Determine Lhe suitable diameter !-clr tension and 42 MPa ln shear for the materlal of shaft. Assume that the toroue on one pullev is equal to that on the otlrcr pulley.

CS,/B.TECII IME A i'E)/8rM-S/ME-50s

/O7 /(O8l



i i.

[i. ls requlred to deslgn a Knuck]e Joint as shorvn in Fig. 2. The a-xial force aclinq o the rod is 15 kN. The fork, eye a-nd the pbr.rre made of plain carbon steel 30 CB *ir a tensile rrleld strength of 4OO N/rnm2.11're r:olng:resslve vlt:ld strength is tl-e sanle a thqt ln tenslon. Shearlngyteld stress is C.577 S'vt. Use a factor of safetw 5 for aU tr"pe of load.




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