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On Modeling Product Advertisement in Large-Scale Online Social Networks

Yongkun Li, Bridge Qiao Zhao, and John C. S. Lui, Fellow, IEEE, ACM
AbstractWe consider the following advertisement problem in online social networks (OSNs). Given a xed advertisement investment, e.g., a number of free samples that can be given away to a small number of users, a company needs to determine the probability that users in the OSN will eventually purchase the product. In this paper, we model OSNs as scale-free graphs (either with or without high clustering coefcient). We employ various inuence mechanisms that govern the inuence spreading in such large-scale OSNs and use the local mean eld (LMF) technique to analyze these online social networks wherein states of nodes can be changed by various inuence mechanisms. We extend our model for advertising with multiple rating levels. Extensive simulations are carried out to validate our models, which can provide insight on designing efcient advertising strategies in online social networks. Index TermsLocal mean eld (LMF), online social networks (OSNs), product advertisement, viral market.

I. INTRODUCTION N RECENT years, advertising has become a major commercial activity in the Internet. Traditionally, advertisements are broadcast oriented, e.g., via TV or radio stations so as to reach as many people as possible. With the development of the Internet, new advertisement models emerge and blossom. For example, Google provides the targeted advertisements: when a user searches for information, related advertisements, either products or services, are returned together with the search results. Such targeted advertisement can enhance the success rate for selling products. In recent years, online social networks (OSNs) offer another new way of performing advertisement. In OSNs, users are logically grouped together by one or more specic types of interdependency such as friendship, values, interests, ideas, etc. Since the dependency is quite strong, if one user decides to purchase a product, he/she may inuence his/her friends and thereby increase the possibility of sales. With the success of OSNs such as Facebook and Myspace, advertising on OSNs is receiving more attention. To advertise on OSNs, a company rst applies advertising strategies, either traditional or Internet-based, targeted or nontargeted, so as to attract a small fraction of users to purchase the product. Based on this initial fraction of buyers, a cascade of word-of-mouth inuence by users is triggered, and eventually
Manuscript received January 02, 2010; revised September 30, 2010; April 08, 2011; and August 31, 2011; accepted November 21, 2011; approved by IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING Editor V. Misra. Date of publication December 21, 2011; date of current version October 11, 2012. Y. Li and J. C. S. Lui are with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (e-mail: ykli@cse.; B. Q. Zhao is with the Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 USA (e-mail: Color versions of one or more of the gures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TNET.2011.2178078

a large fraction of users may decide to purchase the product. The aim of our paper is to model advertisement in OSNs. In particular, given a small fraction of users who have purchased the product, what is the inuence spread of such a cascade in OSNs, and at the steady state, what is the fraction of users in this OSN that will eventually purchase the product? Predicting the nal fraction of buyers is important for companies since one can use this result to design efcient advertising strategies so as to maximize their revenue. However, this is not an easy task since various factors make the analysis difcult. The rst important factor is the topology of OSNs, which is very different from traditional random graphs. The second important factor is that the mechanism that determines whether a user will purchase a product is unknown. Several conventional models such as the independent cascade model and the linear threshold model [1] characterize such mechanisms, and we will employ them in our analysis later. Third, realistic OSNs are usually large in size (e.g., with over 10 million nodes), which makes the analysis complicated. The contributions of this paper are the following. We use local mean eld (LMF) to estimate the inuence in large social networks. Using the LMF, one can concentrate on the correlation structure of local neighborhoods only, so that one can easily derive the statistical properties of the underlying graphs. We formally analyze various inuence mechanisms and propose a framework to nd the nal fraction of buyers under a given mechanism for large social networks. We also validate our models via extensive simulations. We extend the analysis to scale-free graphs with high clustering coefcient and propose a framework to quantify the inuence in such networks. We extend our framework to allow users to have multiple levels of ratings on a product and also show its effectiveness via simulation. The outline of this paper is as follows. In Section II, we model the underlying OSN as an innite scale-free random graph and introduce the LMF model, then we present several inuence models and estimate the nal fraction of buyers. We also validate our analysis via simulation and reveal various factors that affect the inuence spreading. In Section III, we consider a more realistic social network that has high clustering coefcient and extend the local mean eld model to analyze it. In Section IV, we generalize the three inuence models to deterministic model and probabilistic model. In Section V, we extend our framework to allow multiple levels of rating on a given product. Related work is given in Section VI, and Section VII concludes the paper. II. BASIC MODEL In this section, we study the inuence spreading in OSNs. As stated before, users who have purchased a product can also

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inuence their neighbors or friends. Our goal is to study what the fraction of users is that will purchase the product at the steady state. It is important to point out that the outcome depends on how users inuence each other. In the following, we consider three inuence mechanisms in OSNs.

A. Modeling Social Networks as Scale-Free Random Graphs For simplicity of presentation, we model the underlying OSN as an innite scale-free [2] sparse random graph . By innite sparse random graph, we mean the limit of a series of graphs (see [3, Sec. 3.3]), that is, where is an -node random graph with xed degree distribution. In a later section, we also extend the model for graphs with high clustering coefcient. In scale-free graphs, the fraction of nodes that have neighbors, denoted by , is proportional to for large values of , or , where is a positive constant value.1 Note that for a realistic OSN (e.g., Facebook), the number of users is in the order of 10 or larger, thus the innity assumption is justied. Each user is represented as a node in , and if node decides to purchase a product, it may also inuence its neighbors to purchase. The tight dependency among nodes makes the analysis difcult, e.g., if nodes and have a common neighbor, say node , then the purchasing behaviors of nodes and are not independent with each other as node may affect their decisions. In general, dependency may occur even if nodes are multiple links away from each other. This type of multinodes interaction is generally difcult to solve exactly due to the combinatorics generated by the interactions when summing over all possible inuences. To overcome this problem, we decouple the inuence for each node. Consider a node in graph . All inuence to it comes from its neighbors or component . To compute the total inuence to node , we can reshape into a tree-like graph rooted at and consider inuence algorithms on this transformed graph. We call the local eld of node . To compute the average inuence on an arbitrary node, one direct approach is to estimate the inuence spreading on all local elds, and then take their average. Another approach, which is what we take, is to use a random graph to represent the mean of all local elds, then estimate the inuence spreading only on this random graph. This random graph has probability to take shape , and we call it the LMF of . The construction of LMF of can be described as follows. We model it as a tree with root node , which has neighbors, say , where follows the same distribution with graph , i.e., , and all other nodes follow the degree distribution of . Based on the above construction, the inuence spreading in can be approximated by the inuence spreading in the LMF, and the accuracy is guaranteed by the following proposition. Proposition 1: Let be an innite sparse random graph with asymptotic degree distribution, then for an arbitrary node , the local topology of the component rooted at can be modeled as a tree with high probability.

Remark: The local eld of a node in an arbitrary nite graph usually contains loops, and the local mean eld can be very complex. However, for an innite sparse random graph, the local elds can be approximated as trees with high probability. This result can be proven by using local weak convergence [4], and Lelarge et al. also show such approximation in [5] and [6]. The basic idea is that, for an innite sparse random graph , the exploration of the successive neighborhoods of a given vertex can be approximated by a GaltonWatson branching process [7] as long as the exploration is local. Intuitively, this is because for an innite sparse random graph, there only exists a small number of cross edges. Moreover, the inuence spreading through the cross edges is negligible compared to the total inuence, so the local topology can be approximated as a tree. Due to a recursive tree structure, the inuence to the root node is independent between any two subtrees. We can then easily analyze the overall inuence by all nodes to the root . Since any node in a given can be chosen as the root, the performance measure (e.g., average inuence from all nodes to the root) can be applied to any node in graph . Therefore, the average inuence spreading in can be approximated by the average inuence spreading in the LMF. To construct the LMF rooted at node , we rst need to obtain the degree distributions of the root node and its children nodes. For an LMF tree rooted at , follows the same power-law distribution with , or (1) is the Riemann zeta function. We can where also derive the degree distribution of any descendant node of . The result is summarized in the following lemma. Lemma 1: For an innite random power-law graph, the probability that a descendant node has degree is for (2)

Proof: Consider a descendent node whose parent is node , which we denote as , then we have


, we will take as To determine and let . We use the fact that is a random graph, which means that the neighbors of a given node are evenly distributed over . Since , then for node , it has ways to choose neighbors, and of them choose as a neighbor, hence (4)

typical value of

is in the range of



Substitute (1) and (4) into (3), and we have

Thus, the degree distributions of the descendants of node all follow a shifted power-law distribution . Now the local mean eld is completely determined, and in the following sections, we will use it to study several inuence mechanisms. B. -Inuence Model

the product, i.e., . Obviously, the inuence from to gives no contribution to node , so it can be ignored. This fact will be shown by the equivalence of the Monte Carlo algorithm and the enhanced algorithm in Section IV-A. We generalize the above intuition in an innite-depth random tree. Let indicate whether the root node nally buys the product, be the set of children of node , indicate whether a nonroot node buys the product only due to the inuence of the advertisement and its descendants, then . Based on the denition of the -inuence model, we have the following relationships: (6) (7) In effect, sums up all inuence from all descendant nodes of node , and sums up all inuence from the subtrees. Consider , as Bernoulli random variables with mean , , then we can prove that (6) and (7) have a desired solution, and is the nal fraction of buyers. To derive , we rst present the following theorem. Theorem 1: For the innite local mean eld tree, all are identically distributed. If and are at the same depth, then they are also independent of each other. Proof: Intuitively, since the local topology can be modeled as a tree, we only consider the inuence that comes from the subtree. If and are at the same depth, they must be independent. On the other hand, since we consider the local mean eld tree, which is the average of all local trees, all must be identically distributed. For the reason why innite sparse random graphs and the associated local elds can be treated as trees, please refer to [3] and [4]. By Theorem 1, we can let for all . To solve (6) and (7), we take expectation on both sides, and we have

Suppose a company provides free samples as advertisement to fraction of users. Users receiving the free sample will buy the product by their own will with probability , while users who do not receive the free sample may also buy the product by their own will with probability . We assume . Users who buy the product can also inuence their friends (e.g., neighbors in the social network) to purchase with probability . Our goal is to derive the fraction of users that will eventually purchase the product. To address the above problem, let us rst dene some random variables. Let be the Bernoulli random variable indicating whether node decides to purchase the product by his own will (e.g., without the inuence of other nodes), then has the parameter where (5) be the Bernoulli random variable indicating whether Let node can inuence his neighbor to purchase the product. Under the -inuence model, if node buys the product, then node can make his neighbor also purchase the product with probability . Clearly, we have . Let us rst illustrate how nodes can inuence other nodes via a deterministic example. Consider a nite tree with a predened root and all known variables and . For node , if is 1, obviously, it buys the product; if has a neighbor such that , will also buy the product. If neither of these two conditions holds, may still buy the product if there is a path such that . Otherwise, will not buy the product. Therefore, to compute the nal state of the root node (i.e., whether node will purchase the product or not), we can update the states of all other nodes in this tree in a bottom-up manner. That is, we can determine the state of any leaf node . Given the values of in the leaf nodes, we can determine the state of their parent nodes based on the inuence model. It is important for us to point out that in this derivation, we only care about the nal state of the root node. Moreover, we can ignore the inuence propagating down the tree, i.e., the inuence from the root node to the leaf node. Specically, for node and its child node , we only need to count the inuence from node to node , and we can ignore the inuence from node to node . The rationale is that if the inuence from to comes from s parent node , but not its child nodes, then it implies that node has already purchased

To derive the expectation term on the right-hand side, note that and that share the same parent are all independent of each other, and we condition on the node degree





Fig. 1. Deterministic example for

-threshold model,

. Fig. 2. Deterministic example for majority rule model.

Here, is the th child of node , and we use Theorem 1 in (8) and (9). is the probability that a descendant node has degree and is the probability that the root node has degree . We nally obtain the recursive distributional equation (RDE) for the -inuence model (10) (11) The performance measure is the fraction of users that will eventually purchase the product. One can easily show that the solution of the above equations does exist, and the valid value of is the smallest nonnegative solution of (10) and (11). Moreover, this value can be easily computed by standard iterative method. We will prove a generalization of this claim in Section IV-B. C. -Threshold Inuence Model

(12) and (13) so as to compute the state distribution of the randomly chosen root node. Taking expectation on both sides of (12) and (13), we have

To derive the probability term on the right side of the above equations, we can condition on the number of children nodes

In the -threshold inuence model, a user will buy the product either by his own will, or when at least of his friends (or neighbors) have purchased the product. To illustrate, consider a deterministic example on a nite tree in Fig. 1. As before, let the random variable if node decides to purchase by its own will, and otherwise. In this deterministic example, the value of is shown and labeled in the gure. Suppose we set the threshold , then node will buy the product under the inuence of node and . Also, the root node will buy the product under the inuence of node and . In general, to compute the state of the root node under the -threshold inuence model, we can apply the same bottom-up updating algorithm. We still employ the same notations , , and to represent the same meanings as before, and we have for all . By the denition of the -threshold inuence model, we have the following relationships: (12)

Thus, the nal RDE for the

-threshold mechanism is


(15) is the fraction of users in the social netIn other words, work that will eventually purchase the product. Again, the above equations have solution(s), and the smallest nonnegative one gives the valid value of . D. Majority Rule Inuence Model In the majority rule inuence model, a user will buy the product either by his own will or if over fraction of his friends have bought the product. Fig. 2 shows a deterministic example of a nite tree under the majority rule model. As before, indicates whether node decides to purchase by its own will. In this deterministic example, the values of are all known and labeled in the gure. If we dene the majority as 50%, according to the initial condition, will be inuenced to purchase the product since half of his friends, and , have bought the product. Also, the root node will be inuenced

(13) Here, the Bernoulli random variable indicates whether less than friends of node have contributed inuence to . Local mean eld method can also be applied to



to purchase the product as half of its friends (e.g., ) have purchased the product. According to the denition of the majority rule inuence model, and by using the same notations as before, the following equations hold for the majority rule inuence model: (16)

may be better than the others in certain cases. In particular, the -inuence model exhibits more independence since one node can inuence the purchase behavior of another node, or a nodes purchase behavior can be independently inuenced by all his neighbors. On the other hand, the -threshold model and the majority model allow more dependency: One is only inuenced when more than a specic number of his neighbors decide to do the purchase. In other words, these two models allow one to capture more network externality effect. E. Performance Evaluation In this section, we will evaluate the performance of the inuence models presented in previously in this paper. The local mean eld model assumes an innite scale-free random graph without self-loops and duplicate edges. To evaluate its effectiveness, we rst need to generate a random graph with sufciently large number of nodes so as to approximate the innite condition. Here, we propose a technique that can generate a nite random graph (without self-loops or duplicate edges) for any degree distribution. Our approach has two steps: degree allocation and randomnumbers according to ization. In the rst step, we generate a given distribution. If the sum is not even, discard them and generate again. Otherwise, assign one number to one node and take it as its degree. We order the nodes from the highest degree assignment to the lowest and add edges to them one by one. For node with degree assignment , we randomly choose nodes that have not reached their assigned degree and connect them to . Repeat the above process until every node has reached its assigned degree. In the randomization step, we ranrounds, where is the total domly shufe two edges for degree of the graph. In each round, we randomly choose two and , and shufe them into , or edges , . Obviously, such operation does not change the total degree of any node or the degree distribution of the whole graph. In general, a node is in generation of node if has distance to . As we see from Lemma 1, the degree distribution of the rst generation may be different from the original deof graph . Fig. 3 shows the degree distrigree distribution bution of the rst ve generations for two power-law random . graphs. Both graphs have 10 000 nodes and exponent Fig. 3(a) shows the distributions of graph with minimum degree of 1 and average degree of 1.37. Fig. 3(b) has minimum degree of 2 and average degree of 3.19. Both graphs are randomized. From Fig. 3(a), one can observe that: 1) nodes in generation 2 to generation 4 all follow the same shifted power-law according to Lemma 1; 2) both graphs have a distribution dominating fraction of minimum degree nodes. In the following, we validate our theoretical results of the three inuence models using the two power-law random graphs in Fig. 3. In each simulation, we generate 10 graph instances with 10 000 nodes, and for each graph instance, we simulate the inuence spreading process and compute the nal fraction of buyers for 1000 times. . Then, we take the average of all the 10 000 values as 1) -Inuence Model: Fig. 4 shows the simulation as well as theoretical results by (10) and (11). The horizontal axis [or from (5)] is the initial fraction of users that purchase the product,

(17) Here, the Bernoulli random variable indicates whether the fraction of s friends that have purchased the product is less than the majority line . In the example of Fig. 2, if we raise the majority value from 50% to 60%, then and will not be inuenced anymore. To see this, when two of the four neighbors of , , and are activated, , and this activates , but when , no activation will occur. To solve , we take expectation on both sides of (16) and (17)

To derive the probability term on the right side, we condition on the number of children

The nal RDE for the majority rule inuence model is


(19) Again, is the nal fraction of buyers. Intuitively, the three inuence models may play different roles under different situations, i.e., some inuence model



Fig. 3. Degree distribution by generations of two power-law random graphs. (a) Power-law random graph with minimum degree of 1. (b) Power-law random graph with minimum degree of 2. Fig. 5. Impact of -threshold inuence model in random scale-free graph. (a) Graph with minimum degree one (b) Graph with minimum degree two .

Fig. 4. Impact of -inuence model in random scale-free graph. (a) Graph with minimum degree 1. (b) Graph with minimum degree 2. Fig. 6. Impact of majority rule inuence model in random scale-free graph. (a) Graph with minimum degree 1. (b) Graph with minimum degree 2.

and the vertical axis is the nal fraction of buyers. In each gure, there are ve simulation curves and ve theoretical curves corresponding to different values from 0.1 to 0.9. First of all, we can see that the theoretic results t very well with the simulation results. In both gures, when is very small, say 0.1, almost equals , which means that mutual inuence among users is very weak. When becomes large, the fraction of nal buyers rises up quickly as increases, then they saturate the network, and eventually every node will puris much higher in chase the product. We also observe that Fig. 4(b) because the underlying graph has a higher average degree, which indicates that the more connected network is easier for the inuence to diffuse. We observe the outbreak behavior in high-degree graph, i.e., even if an innitesimal value of can still entice a large fraction of users to purchase (large value of E[X]). This observation agrees with the result in [8] that the percolation threshold for scale-free graph is zero. 2) -Threshold Inuence Model: Fig. 5 shows the simulation as well as theoretical results by (14) and (15). In each gure, there are three simulation curves and three theoretical curves corresponding to different values from 1 to 3. In both graphs, , almost equals , which means that mutual when inuence among users is very weak. This is because in both gures, most nodes have degree of 1 or 2, so the threshold is rarely reached. For xed , the curve is higher in Fig. 5 where the power-law graph has a higher average degree. In Fig. 5, is still too about 80% nodes have degree 1, threshold

high for inuence to diffuse. When , the -threshold . The model is equivalent with -inuence model where from 0 to about 0.1 near suggests that jump of the giant component in the low-degree scale-free graph takes up about 10% of the total population. In Fig. 5(b), where over 60% of nodes have degree 2, a threshold that is higher than two severely restricts the inuence diffusion among users. However, . we also observe the outbreak behavior when 3) Majority Rule Inuence Model: Fig. 6 shows the simulation as well as theoretical results by (18) and (19). In each gure, there are three simulation curves and three theoretical curves corresponding to majority factor of 10%, 50%, and 90%. We can see that the theoretic results t very well with the simulation , the curve is obviresults. In both gures, even when ously above the 45 line, which means that there is still considerable mutual inuence in the network. In the low-degree graph [Fig. 6(a)], the three curves are very close to each other, while in the high degree graph [Fig. 6(b)], they are widely separated. and curves are higher in the high-deWhile the curve is lower gree graph than in the low-degree graph, in the high-degree graph. Again, we observe outbreak behavior in Fig. 6(b). To show the effectiveness of our model, we compare the time cost of running the simulation and solving the model (see Table I). In Table I, the parameters for simulation are as




follows: , , , and the minimum degree of the graph is 2. For each simulation, we run 10 graph instances and 1000 times for each instance and take the average value. It is important for us to state that computing by our mathematical model is more than 1000 times faster than simulation for all inuence models. Moreover, if the graph size is very large, then estimating the inuence via simulation becomes more computationally expensive, while using our model has the clear computational advantage. In summary, the RDE framework is very accurate for scalefree random graphs under all inuence models we have studied. Since the outbreak behavior appears in all cases, to design efcient advertisement strategies, a company may offer a little more free samples so as to trigger the outbreak behavior, which can help the company to achieve a higher revenue. This short of free samples allocation will be useful for OSNs wherein users interact frequently, e.g., via the Power Tweet in Twitter. Here, we only consider the scale-free characteristic of OSNs and derive various implications. In Section III, we will take into account another important feature of OSNs to make our model more realistic. III. SCALE-FREE GRAPH WITH HIGH CLUSTERING COEFFICIENT In OSNs, two common friends of a user are usually friends of each other. This implies that graphs of OSNs usually exhibit high clustering. In this section, we extend our methodology to analyze scale-free graphs with high clustering property. We use the denition that was rst proposed by Watts and Strogatz in [9] to characterize the clustering coefcient. Denition 1: The clustering coefcient of a graph is (20) where is the degree of node , and is the number of edges in the neighborhood of node . For the above denition, we ignore nodes with degree of 1. Obviously, the scale-free graph with high clustering coefcient cannot be modeled as a tree. For the innite scale-free graph, the depth of a local tree is innite. Hence, the inuence that comes from the neighbors in the same generation can be approximated by the inuence that comes from the children in the next generation. We call the edge between sibling nodes as the cross edge. For example, in Fig. 7(a), node connects with children of s. To approximate the inuence to , these siblings can be taken as s children. Based on this fact, we construct another new tree, the local mean eld tree, to approximate

Fig. 7. Graph with high clustering coefcient and its tree approximation. (a) Graph with high clustering coefcient (b) LMF tree approximation for node .

the inuence spreading in the original graph. The way of constructing such a new tree is shown in Fig. 7(b). To compute the degree distribution of descendent nodes in the local mean eld tree, we rst need to determine the probability that a cross edge appears. Since the local mean eld is the average of all local trees, when we construct the local mean eld, we can use the clustering coefcient of the graph to represent a random nodes clustering coefcient. In other words, one can assume that all cross edges appear with probability . We use this approximation to compute the degree distribution of descendent nodes in the corresponding LMF tree and analyze the inuence spreading in the new tree structure. In essence, due to the cross edges, the degree distribution of the descendant nodes in the LMF tree does not follow shifted power law any more, and we can compute it as follows. Considering a descendant node whose parent is node [see Fig. 7(b)], we have

where means connects edges with the children of node . We summarize the results in the following lemma. Lemma 2: For an innite scale-free graph with clustering coefcient , the probability that a descendant node in the LMF tree has degree is


, (21) becomes Note that when the clustering coefcient the shifted power law. Now, the local mean eld of scale-free graph with high clustering coefcient is completely determined. One can use the LMF model dened in Section II-B (10) and



Fig. 8. Impact of the -inuence model in scale-free graph with high clustering coefcient. (a) Minimum degree 3. (b) Minimum degree 5.

Fig. 9. Impact of the -threshold inuence model in scale-free graph with high clustering coefcient. (a) Minimum degree 3. (b) Minimum degree 5.

(11), Section II-C (14) and (15), and Section II-D (18) and (19) to analyze the inuence spreading in innite scale-free, high clustering graph by using (21) to substitute . A. Performance Evaluation Here, we present the performance evaluation of the extended models presented above. Note that there is a body of work on topology generation; see, e.g., [10] and [11]. In [10], the authors propose a method that is based on preferential attachment to generate scale-free graphs with high clustering coefcient. In [11], the authors propose using Kronecker graphs that naturally obey common network properties to model networks. In this paper, we use the GLP model presented in [10] to generate a scale-free graph with high clustering coefcient, then run simulation in the generated graph to validate our model. To further show the accuracy of our model, we also run simulation in a realistic social networks. We are interested in the relationship of the performance measure, , and the clustering coefcient . In our simulation, we generate two types of scale-free graphs that have a minimum degree of 3 and 5, respectively. Since , the probability a randomly chosen node will receive the free sample, is usually small, we x . 1) Performance of the -Inuence Model: Fig. 8 shows the simulation as well as theoretical results by the RDE, (10) and (11), which uses presented in (21). The horizontal axis is the clustering coefcient of the graph, and the vertical axis is the nal fraction of users that will eventually buy the product. In each gure, there are two sets of curves corresponding to different values from 0.1 to 0.3. First, we can see that the theoretic results t well with the simulation results. We also observe that is much higher in Fig. 8(b) because the underlying graph has a higher average degree. This indicates that high-degree networks, which are more connected, are easier for the inuence to diffuse. Moreover, we can see that when the clustering coefcient increases, the inuence also increases, but slower for high clustering coefcients. At last, we see that even an innitesimal advertisement can still lead to high . 2) Performance of the -Inuence Model: Fig. 9 shows the simulation as well as theoretical results by the RDE, (14) and (15), but uses presented in (21). In each gure, there are two sets of curves corresponding to different -values. We can see that the theoretic results correctly characterize the shape of the simulation results curve. For xed , the curve is higher in Fig. 9(b), where the power-law graph has a higher

Fig. 10. Impact of the majority rule inuence model in scale-free graph with high clustering coefcient. (a) Minimum degree 3. (b) Minimum degree 5.

average degree. Again, we can see that the inuence measure increases with . Similar to the inuence model, we also observe that small can lead to high . 3) Performance of the Majority Rule Inuence Model: Fig. 10 shows the simulation as well as theoretical results by the RDE, (18) and (19) that uses presented in (21). In each gure, there are two sets of curves corresponding to majority factor of 30% and 50%. We can see that the curves of the theoretic results and simulation results have the same tendency of variation. In both gures, when , almost equals , which means that the mutual inuence among users is very weak. Again, we observe even low can still lead to high when . Unlike the -model and threshold, when the clustering coefcient increases, the nal fraction of buyers decreases. And almost keeps the same for high clustering coefcient . In summary, inspired by the local mean eld model for a scale-free random graph (without high clustering coefcient), we extend the model for a scale-free graph with high clustering coefcients, and the extended model can accurately predict the inuence spreading in online social networks. 4) Model Validation on Realistic Networks: To further show the accuracy of our extended model, we also provide the performance evaluation on two realistic social networks with different clustering coefcients, which are Arxiv GR-QC (General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology) collaboration network [12] and Arxiv AstroPh (Astro Physics) collaboration network [13], and the clustering coefcients are 0.53 and 0.63, respectively. Fig. 11(a) shows the results of Arxiv GR-QC collaboration network, and Fig. 11(b) corresponds to the case of Arxiv AstroPh collaboration network. In both gures, the horizontal axis is



complex inuence models, say . We assume is monotone, that is, and . One interesting question is, given an inuence model, what is the probability that a randomly chosen node is inuenced? To answer this question, we rst start with a simple example. Considering the tree shown in Fig. 12, the probability that node 1 is inuenced can be determined using the Monte Carlo method as follows.
Fig. 11. Performance evaluation on real social networks. (a) Arxiv GR-QC col. (b) Arxiv AstroPh collaboration network laboration network where . where

Monte Carlo Algorithm 1) 2) repeat for rounds where is sufciently large: a) initialize every node with state 0. b) assign every node state 1 with probability . c) repeat until no node changes state: for every node, update its state according to the mutual inuence function . d) if node 1 is inuenced, . 3) .

Fig. 12. Example of a tree for Monte Carlo algorithm.

the initial fraction of users who buy a product, and the vertical axis is the nal fraction of buyers, . For both cases, we plot the impact of -inuence model, -threshold inuence model, and majority rule inuence model in the same gure. For the case of Arxiv GR-QC network, the corresponding parameters are , , and . For the case of Arxiv AstroPh network, the corresponding parameters are , , and . The results show that our model can indeed provide a good approximation even for real networks. IV. GENERALIZED INFLUENCE MODELS In the following, we present two generalized inuence models, namely the deterministic inuence model and the probabilistic inuence model. They subsume the previously discussed inuence models. A. Deterministic Inuence Model Here, we formalize the product advertising problem on general graphs and dene a class of inuence models characterized by a 01 valued mutual inuence function. This inuence model is a generalization of the -threshold and majority rule inuence model we discussed in Section II. Given a graph , each node in has two states, inuenced or not inuenced. We represent the node s state by a 01 random variable , and means is inuenced. Suppose there is a background source such that every node is inuenced by it independently with probability . Every node can also be inuenced by its neighbors according to the mutual inuence function , which indicates whether a node will be inuenced by its neighbors when of its neighbors are inuenced. For example, characterizes -threshold inuence model while describes the majority rule inuence model. One may design more

The above algorithm follows the denition of and determines the state of all nodes under each initial random assignment. Then, it takes the frequency of node 1 being in state 1 as . One may wonder if it is necessary to determine the nal state of all the other nodes in order to determine the state of the root node. The answer is no, and one can show that the following algorithm is equivalent to the Monte Carlo algorithm. Enhanced Algorithm 1) 2) repeat for rounds where is sufciently large: a) initialize every node with state 0. b) construct the shortest path tree for node 1, is the maximal depth. c) for : for every node in generation , assign it state 1 with probability . Update its state according to the mutual inuence function . d) If node 1 is inuenced, . 3) .

Here, we briey explain why the enhanced algorithm is equivalent with Monte Carlo algorithm. Let state 1 be the inuenced state and state 0 be the inactive state. Note that the shortest path tree of a node is actually the component that contains it. The two algorithms are almost the same except that in the enhanced version, when updating the state of nonroot nodes, we do not count the inuence from higher generations. Although such omission may cause the nal state of some nonroot nodes to have a lower value than that in the Monte Carlo algorithm, it does not affect the nal state of the root node. In



case it does, then there must be an active node propagating its inuence down the tree and activate a descendant node , and the activation of should trigger another update up the tree to activate the root node. However, if is already activated once, then the inuence from will have no impact since can only inuence the root by activating in a tree topology. Therefore, we can safely ignore the inuence from to when we only care about the state of the root node. Let random variable be the state of node after performing the enhanced algorithm for one round. Then, is the accumulated inuence at node containing from its descendants. It is important to note that the enhanced algorithm can be formulated via the following iterative distributional equation: (22) Here, is Bernoulli random variables with mean . It means that a node is not inuenced if and only if it is not inuenced by the background and not inuenced by its neighbors. Because we consider the innite scale-free graph, for all nonroot node , are identically distributed, we denote their expectations as . We also let the Bernoulli random variable indicate whether the root node buys the product. Taking expectation on both sides of (22), we have the following RDEs:

When and is 01 valued, probabilistic inuence model becomes the deterministic model we discussed before. As before, let be the inuence accumulated at node . indicates whether a node contributes inuence to node . Using similar argument in Section IV-A, the following relation holds for all : (25) where is Bernoulli random variable with mean . Equation (25) indicates that a node is not inuenced if and only if it is not inuenced by the background and not inuenced by its neighbors. Again, for all nonroot node , , and we still let be the random variable that indicates whether the root node buys the product. Taking expectation on both sides of (25), we have the following RDEs:


(27) Here, and have the same meaning as before. computed at the root in (27) is the probability that a randomly chosen node purchases the product, which equals the expected fraction of users that will buy the product in the social network. Denote as , respectively. Dene function


(24) is the degree distribution of descendant nodes and is the degree distribution of the root. Equation (23) computes the accumulated inuence along the shortest path tree in a bottom-up manner. is the expected probability that a randomly chosen root will purchase a product. B. Probabilistic Inuence Model Under the probabilistic inuence model, every node that purchases the product will inuence or activate its neighbors independently with probability . The mutual inuence function , is the probability a node will be inuenced when out of neighbors are active. is monotone if and . Unless we state otherwise, we assume to be monotonic function from now on. Here, is the number of neighbors that successfully contributes inuence. The -inuence model we discussed in Section II is a special case of the probabilistic model with . Then, (26) and (27) reduce to (28) Let be the average inuence at time slot and be the fraction of inuenced users at time slot , then we have Here,

By the denition, we have . , be a monotone inuTheorem 2: Let , ence function, and be an arbitrary distribution. Then, the



limit exists, and it is the smallest nonnegative solution of (26) and (27). Proof: First of all, both and are nondecreasing. Consider the following weighted sum of in :

Fig. 13. State transition diagram of strict majority rule.

is the binomial term . The total sum of the weights is , a constant. Hence, increasing is in effect shifting the weight from of is monotone, it smaller to those of larger . Since increases with while is xed. Thus, the weighted sum of does not decrease with , hence is nondecreasing. . Second, it is easy to see Similar argument holds for that, for , . Thus by the monotonicity of and mathematical induction, for all . Hence, the series is nondecreasing. On the other hand, is upper-bounded by 1, thus it must have a limit and . We claim the is the . Otherwise, suppose smallest nonnegative solution of and . Apparently, . By the monotonicity of , . for all . Thus, Apply it repeatedly, we have , a contradiction. Since exists and it is the smallest nonnegative , the limit solution of also exists and is the smallest solution of (26) and (27). V. MULTISTATE MODEL In this section, we consider a more general advertising problem. We assume that every user can be inuenced by the advertiser independently and has a personal rating about the product ranging from 0 to , where a higher value of rating implies a higher preference on the product. The probability that the users would have rating is , which depends on the quality of the product and the advertising strategy of the company. We also assume are all known quantities in our discussion. Without loss of generality, we assume every user provides a rating on the product. If a user does not provide a rating, we assume the user perceives the product with rating 0. Lastly, we dene the concept of an acceptance line. An acceptance line implies that a user will only buy the product if his/her rating of the product is above or equals to . Users can be inuenced by the rating of their friends according to the mutual inuence function , . The mutual inuence function denes the rule that a user updates its rating: If a node with rating has friends, and of its friends give rating , then node will change its rating to with probability . For convenience, let the integer vector , and we also write the mutual inuence function as . We dene a partial order on in which . We say the social network is stable if no one can change its rating according to . A user will buy the product if when the social network is stable, its rating is not lower than the acceptance line . Again, we want to nd the fraction of users that will eventually buy the product.

where the weight of

Fig. 14. Example of rating update. (a) Stable case. (b) Unstable case.

Consider the following mutual inuence functions: (29) (30) The above functions indicate a strict majority rule: A user will have rating one if the majority of his friends have rating one and it will have rating zero if the majority of his friends have rating zero. Hence, if the acceptance line is , then a user will buy the product only when the majority of its friends buy the product. Note that this model is different from the majority rule inuence model we discussed in Section II. In the strict majority rule, the inuence from friends may cancel its initial intention to buy the product due to the advertisement. The rating transition diagram is illustrated in Fig. 13. Consider a simple social network with four nodes as shown in Fig. 14. Suppose we use the inuence model dened by (29) and (30). In Fig. 14(a), there are three users with rating one due to the initial advertisement. Then, the network goes to a stable state where all users will give a rating of one. However, when there are exactly two users with rating one initially, the rating of all users will oscillate between zero and one, so the social network is not stable. This is illustrated in Fig. 14(b). In general, instability may occur if there is a loop of state transitions in the mutual inuence function, e.g., in the strict majority rule model, the user can change rating from zero to one, and then change back to zero. When social network is not stable, we cannot decide the nal rating for some users. In the rest of this section, we focus on a special class of inuence models that do not allow such a loop of transitions so that we can always decide whether a user will purchase the product or not under these inuence models. We dene a class of monotonous inuence models that have mutual inuence function in the following form: (31) (32) (33)

for if


That is, users rating never drops, and when it increases, it can only increase by one for each update and after the increment, the rating should not exceed the highest rating of its neighbors. Fig. 15 depicts the transition diagram.



Fig. 15. State transitions for monotonous inuence models.

Fig. 16. State transition diagram of the 3-state majority rule.

We now extend the algorithm in Section IV to determine the probability that a node will eventually give a rating of . Monte Carlo Algorithm 1) for all , , 2) repeat for rounds where is sufciently large: a) initialize every node with state 0. b) assign every node state (or rating) with probability . c) repeat until no node changes state: for every node, update its state according to the mutual inuence function . d) if node 1 is at state , . 3) .

Thus, the inuence from a node to its descendants can be ignored when calculating the nal state of the root. Based on this enhanced algorithm, we can calculate the state distribution of a randomly chosen node by the following iterative distributional equations (IDEs):



Here, random variable is the state of a node in the th generation after the update in Step 2c of the Enhanced Algorithm. Random variable is the initial state of a node in the th generation and for all . Equation (34) computes the distribution of each generation in a bottom-up order. We consider the innite scale-free graph, so is innite and for all , and (34) reduces to the RDEs:

One can show that, for the monotonous inuence models, the Monte Carlo Algorithm always ends in nite steps. To see this, in each round of step 2c, at least one node increases its rating by one. Since the total rating of all nodes is upper-bounded by , the loop in step 2c nishes in a nite number of rounds. For monotonous inuence model on a tree topology, means the number of children who have rating . Again, we have an equivalent algorithm that uses the shortest path tree to determine the state of node 1. Enhanced Algorithm 1) for all , , 2) repeat for rounds where is sufciently large: a) initialize every node with state 0. b) construct the shortest path tree for node 1, is the maximal depth. c) for : for every node in generation , assign it state with probability . Increase its rating according to the mutual inuence function until it cannot increase any more. d) If node 1 is in state , . 3) .

(35) (36) Here is the state of the root. The conditional probability is determined by the degree distribution of the underlying random graph and the inuence model. Although (35) and (36) are derived for trees, they also apply to random graphs with high accuracy. In the rest of this section, we will illustrate the utility of this methodology by analyzing one particular monotonous inuence model. A. 3-State Majority Rule Now we consider the 3-state majority rule model. It has three states 0, 1, 2, and the acceptance line is . Thus, the fraction of users who buy the product is . The mutual inuence function is as follows: (37) (38) (39) In other words, a user will increase its rating by one if at least fraction of its friends give higher rating. The state transition diagram is shown in Fig. 16. To solve the RDEs (35) and (36) for the 3-state majority rule model, we only need to determine and . We show the derivation of , the probability that a nonroot user at state can go to state . The derivation for other is similar.

To prove the equivalence of the two algorithms above, one can use similar arguments as those in Section IV-A. Suppose we cannot ignore the inuence from upper generations when updating the state of a node in the enhanced algorithm. There must be a node with rating propagating its inuence down the tree and raising the rating of a descendant node, and this update triggers a chain of updates up the tree. Since each update can raise the states of nodes to at most according to (32), it cannot change the state of , thus it has no impact on the root.



For 3-state majority rule, by denition, we easily get (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) To derive , note that to go from state 0 to state 2, it has to go through state 1 rst. Thus, we have
Fig. 17. Impact of the 3-state majority inuence model. (a) . . (b)

(46) and Now all we have to do is to derive according to , the degree distribution of the descendant nodes of the underlying random graph

is two, than the fraction of buyers is . Fig. 17(b) shows the same curve when is xed as 0.1 and is the horizontal axis. As we see from the gures, the theoretical curves t the simulation results very well. We observe that when is small, almost all users give the highest rating. When is about 0.5, rating one and rating two dominate the users, and when the initial fraction of rating two is large enough, rating two nally dominates the whole network. Hence if and the acceptance line is two, it is enough to ensure 20% initial buyers in order to enjoy nearly 100% buyers. VI. RELATED WORK Some of the related work on this problem concerns epidemic spreading [8], [14] via the SusceptibleInfectiveSusceptible (SIS) or the SusceptibleInfectiveRemoved (SIR) model. The underlying graph models are mostly innite scale-free graphs. A body of physical literature also discussed epidemic spreading on topologies with geographical [15][17], community [18], [19], and clustering [20] features for SIS or SIR infection model with one source [2], [21] or ErdsRnyi graph. Results on the speed the epidemic spreads and dies out are obtained. In this paper, we consider more general inuence models and focus on the nal fraction of users that are inuenced. Some researchers discuss specic inuence models via algorithmic perspective and design approximation algorithms [22] or heuristic algorithms [23] for restricted graphs or prove NP-hardness results of choosing the most inuential nodes [1] in social networks. Some researchers also study the revenue maximization instead of inuence maximization; see [24] and [25]. Lastly, previous work of [3] and [5], which studied security investment game, provide local mean eld analysis on innite random graphs. In [26] and [27], the authors discussed -threshold, majority rule, and the generalized inuence model. In this paper, we consider the spreading of the word-of-mouth effect in the viral market, and our objective is to estimate the nal fraction of buyers. Moreover, the underlying graph structure we considered is scale-free with high clustering coefcient, which has very different properties from random graphs and is also more challenge to analyze. VII. CONCLUSION We rst propose a general analytical framework to model various inuence mechanisms on scale-free random networks,


(48) Substituting (40)(48) into (35) and (36), the resulting equation and and contains only variables like can be solved by numeric methods. B. Performance Evaluation In this section, we validate the theoretical results in Section V-A. Fig. 17 shows the simulation results as well as the theoretical prediction by (35) and (36) for the 3-state majority model we discussed in Section V-A. The underlying graph is a randomized power-law graph with a minimum degree of 2, , and the degree distributions are shown in Fig. 3(b). In Fig. 17(a), the initial fraction of state two users is xed at 0.1. The horizontal axis is the initial fraction of state one users , and the vertical axis is the probability. We simulate the 3-state majority rule with three different majority factors . For each , there are four curves in the graph showing the simulation and theoretical results of the nal fraction of state one users as well as the fraction of the state two users . Note if the acceptance line is one, then the fraction of users that buy the product is ; if the acceptance line



then extend it for scale-free graph with high clustering coefcient and inuence mechanisms with multiple rating levels. We rst discuss the probabilistic model ( -inuence model), then we present the deterministic threshold models such as the -threshold inuence model and the majority rule inuence model. Based on these inuence models, we compute the expected fraction of users who will eventually purchase the product by applying the local mean eld analysis. This metric is important for product advertisement because it reveals the maximum prot that the company can obtain. It also gives us the insights on how to control word-of-mouth effect so as to maximize the revenue. We validate our theoretic analysis by carrying out extensive simulations on scale-free graphs with power-law degree distribution and high clustering coefcient. We show that our models are very accurate and computational efcient when compared to simulations. We observe that even with a small initial investment of free samples (e.g., small value of ), one can still induce large number of users to purchase the product. We also nd that clustering coefcient of the underlying network enhances advertising for -inuence and -threshold model, but impedes advertising for majority rule model. Lastly, our framework provides an important building block to design and analyze different product advertisement strategies in social networks. REFERENCES
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Bridge Qiao Zhao received the B.S. degree in computer science from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and the M.Phil. degree in computer science from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, and is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in computer science at Stanford University, Stanford, CA.

John C. S. Lui (M93SM02F10) was born in Hong Kong. He received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1992. He is currently a Professor with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong. He was the Chairman of the department from 2005 to 2011. His current research interests are in communication networks, network/system security (e.g., cloud security, mobile security, etc.), network economics, network sciences (e.g., online social networks, information spreading, etc.), cloud computing, large-scale distributed systems, and performance evaluation theory. Prof. Lui is a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), a Croucher Senior Research Fellow, and an elected member of the IFIP WG 7.3. He serves on the Editorial Board of the IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, Journal of Performance Evaluation, and International Journal of Network Security. He received various departmental teaching awards and the CUHK Vice-Chancellors Exemplary Teaching Award. He is also a co-recipient of the IFIP WG 7.3 Performance 2005 and IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2006 Best Student Paper Awards.

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