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Title: Experiment 5 : Macromolecules Experiment 6 : Macromolecules in Foods

Objectives: Experiment 5: 1. To define monosaccharide, disaccharide, and polysaccharide and give examples of each. 2. Name the monosaccharide components of sucrose and starch. 3. Describe the test that indicates the presence of most small sugars. 4. Describe the test that indicates the presence of starch. 5. Define hydrolysis and give an example of the hydrolysis of carbohydrates. Experiment 6: 1. Describe and carry out the Benedicts test that indicates the presence of reducing sugars specifically. 2. Describe and carry out the Iodine Test that indicates the presence of starch specifically. 3. Describe and carry out the hydrolysis process on the non-reducing disaccharide and polysaccharide. 4. Describe and carry out the Biuret test that indicates the presence of proteins. 5. Describe and carry out the paper test that indicates the presence of lipids. 6. Identify the macromolecules presence in food samples given by carry out indicative tests on the food samples. Introduction: Experiment 5: There are four types of organic macromolecules, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acid. Lipids include the fats and oils. This is the only group that contains molecules that cannot interact/mix with water. You know already that oil and water don't mix,

right? Well, the fact that lipids cannot interact well with water gives them many special properties. This group is also the only group that is not built simply by combining smaller chemical subunits into long chains. Lipids also include steroids and another type of molecule that you probably haven't heard about before-phospholipids. This last type of lipid is important in building cell membranes. Proteins are an extremely diverse group of macromolecules. These molecules provide us with pigment. They also enable cells to move, to have a specific shape, and to recognize material around them. There are not many popular proteins that you would have heard about... the only ones I am pretty sure you know something about are insulin, hemoglobin, and melanin (skin pigment). Another protein is dystrophin, a protein in muscle that is affected in muscular dystrophy. If you look over these examples, you might notice that they are items that can be affected by genetic disorders (like sickle cell anemia, albinism, and MD). That is because all that genes do is tell our cells what proteins to make. When we display the right set of proteins, we are our unique selves. No two people display the same exact sets of proteins. Nucleic acids are the macromolecules that make up our genetic code. You have heard of DNA, well it stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. There is also another type of nucleic acid called RNA... we'll get to that next week. But your genes are all made up of DNA, and the DNA molecules are wound up within your chromosomes. Experiment 6: Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are all essential nutrients. We cannot manufacture this macromolecule so we must obtain them from our environment. In this lab, with the use of indicators as chemical detection tools, you will analyze a variety of foods for the presence of nutrients. Detection is based upon observing a chemical change that takes place most often a change in color. Carbohydrates Glucose is an aldose which has aldehyde group as functional group. Fructose is a ketose which has ketone group as functional group. All monosaccharides are reducing sugars due to the presence of free aldehyde group or ketone group. The Benedicts reagent is a solution that contains copper (II) sulphate and the copper (II) ions are reduced by the aldehyde or ketone group to form copper (I) oxide

pricipitation. Besides, the yellow,green, and orange colorof precipitate also indicates the presence of reducing sugar. Sucrose is the disaccharide formed from the enzymatic dehydration reaction between glucose and fructose. Lactose is the disaccharide formed from the dehydration reaction between the glucose and galactose. Lactose is reducing sugar due to the presence of aldehyde or ketone group in one of the monomers that can gives the positive result on the Benedicts test. Sucrose is non-reducing sugar, due to the absence of the aldehyde or ketone group after the formation of the glycosidic linkage. Thus, sucrose gives negative result on theBenedicts test. Starch is a polysaccharide of glucose and thus cannot give positive result on the Benedicts test, since all polysaccharides do not have any reducing ability. However, starch gives positive result on the Iodine test. Starch forms the dark blue color of solution with iodine solution which is the result from the complex ion formed between the amylose and the iodine molecules. Both disaccharides and polysaccharides can be hydrolyzed into their constituents with addition of water and requiring specific enz yme that catal yze the hydrol ysis reaction. In the laboratory, these compound sugars can be hydrolyzed in the test tube by addition of concentrated acid and heating process. Proteins Proteins consist of one or more polypeptides coiled or folded into specific three dimensional conformations. The functional group of amino acids are the carboxyl group (-COOH) and the amino group (-NH2). The carboxyl group and amino group of the adjacent amino acids can be linked together to form a peptide linkage through dehydration reaction. The Biuret reagent is consisting of mixture of the copper (II) sulphate and an alkaline solution, used to detect the presence of peptide l i n k a g e s . A s o l u t i o n t h a t contains proteins will give violet coloration to the Biuret reagent. Lipids The lipid is a group of macromolecules that are insoluble in water. The major kinds of lipids in biological world include fats, phospholipids, and steroids. The fats or triacylglycerols are made up of gl ycerol (an alcohol) and fatt y acids (a monocarboxylic acid) which are bonded together by ester linkages. The lipids are greasy and would turn the area of dry lipids on a brown paper into semi-transparent

Results: Experiment 5: Part 1: Carbohydrates Investigation 1: Monosaccharides and Disaccharides

Test Tubes Glucose Distilled water Fructose Lactose Sucrose starch

Observations after adding 5 ml of Benedicts reagent Brick red precipitate formed Solution remained blue Brick red precipitate formed Brick red precipitate formed Solution remained blue Brick red precipitate formed

Investigation 2: Starch

Test tubes Starch solution Distilled water

Observations after adding few drops of iodine reagent Dark blue solution formed Solution remained yellow

Investigation 3: Hydrolysis of Carbohydrates



Iodine reagent

(min) reagent 1 Sucrose Tube Number 3 0 2 2-3 0

Solution remained light blue Brick red -

precipitate formed Solution remained light blue 4 0 Solution remained

yellow color Starch 5 5 Solution remained light blue 6 5 Dark blue solution formed 7 15 Solution remained light blue 8 15 Dark blue solution formed Part 2: Proteins

Test tubes Egg albumin Distilled water

Observation after adding in Biuret reagent Violet color precipitate formed Solution remained light blue

Observation after adding on brown paper Vegetable oil Distilled water Part 3: Lipids Transparent spot appear on paper Brown paper remained unchanged, transparent spot did not form

Experiment 6:

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