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Fluid Escape Diffusion (skin): 400ml Perspiration (skin): 100ml Lungs: 325 350 ml Feces (GI tract): 120

0 -150 ml Kidneys: 1200 1500 ml Basic Volume Conversions 1 teaspoon = 5ml 1 tablespoon = 15ml 1 oz = 30ml 1 cup = 8 oz = 240 ml 12 oz = 360 ml 1 pint = 480 ml 1 quart = 960 ml Basic Weight Conversions 1 1 1 1 1 mg = 1 micrograms gm = 1000 mg grain = 60 mg kg = 2.2 lbs L of water = 1 kg

Cranial Never Function CN I CN II CN III CN IV CN V CN VI CN VII CN VIII CN IX CN X CN XI CN XII Olfactory Optic Occulomotor Trochlear Trigeminal Abducens Facial Acoustic Glossopharyngeal Vagus Spinal Accessory Hypoglossal Smell Vision Upper eyelid elevation, papillary constriction, extraocular movement Downward and inward eye movement Corneal reflex, chewing, face and scalp sensations Lateral eye movement Taste, expressions in the forehead, eye and mouth Hearing and balance Taste, swallowing, and salivation Gag reflex, swallowing, talking, sensations of the throat and larynx Head rotation, shoulder shrug movement Tongue movement

Cardiac Terms Cardiac output Volume of blood ejected by the heart in one

Stroke volume Preload Afterload Heart Failure

minute CO = heart rate x stroke volume The amount of blood ejected by the heart in any one contraction The volume of blood returning to the heart of the circulating blood volume The resistance against which the ventricles must pump when ejecting blood.

Right Sided Heart Failure Jugular vein distention Peripheral edema Liver/spleen enlargement Bounding pulses Decreased or absent urinary output

Left Sided Heart Failure Anxiety Cyanosis Pulmonary crackles Wheezes Increased respiratory rate S3/S4 gallop Apical murmurs Decreased BP/Peripheral pulses

Pulse Oximetry Normal: 95-99% Mild Hypoxia: 91-94% Moderate Hypoxia: 86-90% Severe Hypoxia: <85% False High: anemia or carbon monoxide poisoning False Low: cool extremeties, hypothermia, hypovolemia Common Hematology Laboratory Values Prothrombin Time RBC Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) Hematocrit Hemoglobin Leukocytes (WBC) Neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils 9 12 secs Male: 4.6 6.2 x 1012 L Female: 4.2 5.4 x 1012 L 84 96 fL 28 33 pg 0.33 0.35 Male: 0.42 0.52 Female: 0.35 0.47 Male: 2.02 2.79 mmol/L Female: 1.86 2.48 mmol/L 4.5 11 x 109 L 45 73% 04% 0 1%

Lymphocytes Monocytes Platelet Count

20 40% 2 8% 0.15 0.45 x 1012L

Serum, Plasma, Whole Blood Chemistries Bilirubin Total: 0.3 1.0 mg/dL Direct: 0.1 0.4 mg/dL Indirect: 0.1 0.4 mg/dL Calcium 8.6 10.2 mg/dL Chloride 97 107 mEq/L Creatinine 0.7 1.4 mg/dL Glucose Fasting: 60 110 mg/dL Postprandial: 65 140 mg/dL Hemoglobin 0.5 5 mg/dL Iron 50 160 d/dL Magnesium 1.3 2.3 mg/dL Phosphorus 2.5 4.5 mg/dL Potassium 3.5 5 mEq/L Protein 6 8 gm/dL Sodium 135 145 mEq/L Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) 10 20 mg/dL Uric Acid 2.5 8 mg/dL Urine Chemistry Creatinine Glucose Potassium Protein Sodium Urea Nitrogen Uric Acid Males: 1 2 g/24 h Females: 0.8 1.8 g/24 h Negative 26 123 mEq/24 h < 150 mg/24 h 75 200 mEq/24 h 9 16 gm/24 h 250 750 mg/24 h

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