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--- Legend Release Notes --Date prepared: Prepared by: Release No: Application Name: 09/04/2013 James OBrien

0.3 Sports Courses

Sports Courses v0.3 - Administration

User interface
1. New Windows 8 look & feel A new user interface scheme has been applied to the entire web application. This allows for greater screen real estate and a clearer set of buttons and status.

1. Quick Contact Search A new function in the left hand panel allows for the quick search of a contact. Name and Member number are currently valid search criteria. 2. Course Search Results Issue: The search results now contain more detailed columns. Status, Scope, Course start date, Instructor, Capacity and remaining sessions are all included. 3. Contact Search Filters & Results A new Contact search results screen has been implemented along with filterable search criteria. Users can now search by: First name, Last name, Membership Number and Postcode. Results columns include: Name, Membership Number, Date of Birth, First Line of Address, Postcode, Club and Email address.

Contact Passport
1. Contact Passport Screen A new feature which displays information and allows actions against a contact. When clicking on a contact anywhere in the application you will be taken to the contact passport (primarily this is from search results). Contact vital details are displayed (click on contact photo currently) as well as any affiliates. Any courses enrolled on to can be seen by clicking on the contact name tile. Enroll on to new course is also available here.

Messages, Payments, Notes and Medical conditions each have their own buttons as does any achievements they may have attained. For now these are place holder images, the functionality will be implemented soon.

Course Detail Hub

1. Course Details Brand new feature which brings together all elements of detail for courses created on the system. Accessed by clicking on a course name in the application, again, primarily from search results. Information initially available include: enrollee details (including actions to un-enrol and view contact), Session schedule and Course details (access by clicking on course name tile) with action to edit course.

1. Pricing The first pricing infrastructure has been implemented. This is a basic structure modeled on the existing courses payment options. When scheduling a course there are now options for: Course inventory item, Session inventory item and Drop in price. The search boxes allow you to type and search for the inventory (Start typing for results to start displaying) 2. Enroll Options Two addition scheduling options are now available: Course booking type and Session booking type. These setting allow for business rules to be configured, i.e. can join on to whole course only or Drop ins not allowed etc.. 3. Session Schedule Editing When scheduling a course its now possible to schedule individual sessions. Editing location, instructor dates and deleting/adding sessions is all possible before the course is published. Enrolment 1. Enrolment Workflow (Not fully implemented) When enrolling a contact on to a course there is now additional contact information and pricing options based upon configuration.

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