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PATRIMONIO HISTORICO La primera preocupacin formal con el patrimonio cultural de Curitiba ocurre en 1941, con la decisin de proteccin del acervo del Museo Paranaense y la segunda, unas pocas indicaciones contenidas en el Plan Agache (1942). Pero es a partir de 1966 que se tomaron las primeras medidas efectivas - todava en mbito estatal - para declarar como monumento histrico la antigua Municipalidad (Pao Municipal) - actualmente Museo Paranaense, de la Iglesia de la Orden Tercera de San Francisco de las Llagas y del Belvedere, con ruinas de la Plaza Joo Cndido. El Plan Director de Curitiba de 1966, establece lineamientos para una poltica municipal de preservacin del patrimonio histrico y cultural. En 1971, a travs del Decreto n 1.160, se crea y delimita el Sector Histrico de Curitiba. Este Decreto fue sustitudo por el Decreto 185/2000, que ampli los lmites del Sector Histrico, modific los usos permitidos y defini nuevos parmetros constructivos. Adems de la restauracin y preservacin, el IPPUC propuso a partir de 1971 el reciclaje de uso de los inmuebles de valor histrico, arquitectnico y cultural. El proceso de preservacin tiene inicio en 1971 con la restauracin del antiguo Polvorn, transformado en el Teatro Paiol. El 1973, el nico inmueble de arquitectura colonial que todava exista en la ciudad fue transformado en la Casa Romrio Martins. Una antigua fbrica de cola fue transformada en el Centro de Creatividad. La recuperacin y reciclaje de uso de los edificios histricos de la ciudad tenan por objetivo la valorizacin de la historia de los curitibanos. En esa poca, 30 inmuebles son declarados monumentos histricos. En 1977, el Plan del Acervo de la Regin Metropolitana de Curitiba identifica, clasifica y propone usos y formas de preservacin para 363 inmuebles. En 1983, un antiguo palacete del Barn del Cerro Azul, ubicado en el rea central es restaurado y transformado en el Solar del Barn - equipamiento cultural que abriga sectores de grabado, msica, editoracin. Y cmo preservar? Cmo garantizar que esta memoria - en su casi totalidad privada fuera conservada? Cmo preservar sin expropiar? En 1982, la Ley 6.337 instituye incentivo constructivo para la preservacin de inmuebles de

valor cultural, histrico o arquitectnico, lo que permiti un avance importante en cuanto al tratamiento y recuperacin del patrimonio cultural edificado de la ciudad.

Esta ley posibilita la comercializacin del derecho de construir, cambiando la perservacin del patrimonio histrico por autorizacin para construir ms de lo permitido por la legislacin vigente, en el mismo lote de la unidad histrica o en zonas previamente especificadas. Todava en 1982 se crea la Comisin de Evaluacin del Patrimonio Cultural, que analiza las Unidades de Inters de Preservacin - UIPs - en cuanto al estado de conservacin, propuesta de nuevas construcciones en el mismo terreno, publicidada, usos comerciales y de servicios, proyecto de restauracin y emite pareceres sobre incentivos constructivos. Esta legislacin ha posibilitado la recuperacin de inmuebles histricos, que vuelven a tener su fisionoma original dentro del tejido urbano, modificando el paisaje local. En 1993, el Decreto n 380, crea las Unidades de Inters Especial de Preservacin - UIEPs. La venta del potencial constructivo de estas unidades es para viabilizar su propia restauracin. Inicialmente, se definieron tres UIEPs: la Catedral Baslica Menor de Nuestra Seora de la Luz, la sede de la Sociedad Garibaldi y el edificio central de la Universidad Federal de Paran, la primera Universidad de Brasil. Posteriormente, fueron declaradas UIEPs el Reservorio del Alto So Francisco, el edificio del Ministerio Pblico de Paran y el edificio de la Unin Paranaense de los Estudiantes. Todava en 1993, una coparticipacin entre la Municipalidad de Curitiba, la Fundacin Cultural y las Tintas Ipiranga posibilit la recuperacin de las fachadas de las casas antiguas de la Calle Riachuelo y Plaza Generoso Marques hasta a Plaza Jos Borges de Macedo, en el proyecto denominado "Colores de la Ciudad". En 1997, el proyecto Reviviendo Curitiba da inicio al proceso de revitalizacin y reurbanizacin de la Calle XV de Novembro (desde la Plaza Osrio hasta la Plaza Santos Andrade). El Decreto 186/2000 crea el Eje Baro-Riachuelo, que pasa a recibir tratamiento legal de Sitio Histrico en la ciudad.

PROYECTOS Simplicidad, creatividad y osada caracterizan los proyectos desarrollados por el IPPUC a lo largo de ms de 35 aos. Uno de los grandes y permanentes desafos del IPPUC ha sido garantizar que los proyectos se transformen en obras y soluciones a los problemas urbanos. Problemas son parte de las soluciones, crisis incentivan la creatividad. Sin importar metodologas, el IPPUC, desde 1966, conduce el proceso de transformacin de la estructura fsica, econmica, social y cultural que ha consolidado la Curitiba de hoy. TRANSFORMACION FISICA El IPPUC ha elegido tres instrumentos para consolidar el proceso de transformacin fsica: transporte colectivo, uso del suelo y red vial. El desarrollo lineal, previsto en el Plan Director, tendra que ocurrir a lo largo de ejes estructurales que cortaran la ciudad de Norte a Sur y de Este a Oeste, adems del eje Boqueiro - rea ya en acelerado proceso de ocupacin urbana a fines de los aos 60. Cmo crear ejes lineales que cortaran la ciudad garantizando su implantacin sin grandes y costosas expropiaciones? Dibujados sobre el plano de las calles de la ciudad, a partir de 1970, los trazos continuos conectaron tramos, antes aislados en la red vial, transformndolos en lneas continuas. Un Sistema Trinario fue la solucin. Conformado por una calle con carril exclusivo para el transporte colectivo y dos vas de trnsito local, que permiten el acceso al comercio y a las viviendas, y dos calles ms, externas, delimitando el trinario, con sentido de trnsito contrario - centro-barrio, barrio-centro -, denominadas vas de trnsito rpido, que posibilitan el trnsito de paso.

El transporte, uno de los instrumentos utilizados para garantizar la implantacin del proceso de desarrollo lineal de la ciudad, fue planificado para que su implantacin ocurriera en etapas. En permanente evolucin, a partir de 1974, la Red de Transportes ha incorporado los mnibus expresos, los alimentadores, los inter-barrios, las lneas directas, los bi-

articulados, las lneas inter-hospitales, la lnea turismo, las terminales de transferencias, las estaciones tubo, siendo hoy, una red integrada de transporte que sobrepasa los lmites territoriales de la ciudad llegando el servicio a la Regin Metropolitana de Curitiba. En 1995 se instala la primera de las seis Calles de la Ciudadana. Ubicadas junto a las Terminales de mnibus, las Calles de la Ciudadana son sedes de las administraciones regionales. Concentran ncleos de servicios de las secretaras municipales, puestos de atencin de servicios pblicos, negocios y espacios para artes, deportes y encuentro de la comunidad. Cortada por ms de mil ros, riachuelos y arroyos, la Ciudad - manantial del Ro Iguau enfrentaba problemas de inundaciones, de ocupacin desordenada de manantiales y de falta de equipamientos de ocio. Justificados como obra de saneamiento, para obtencin de recursos federales, siguiendo el ejemplo histrico del Paseo Pblico, nacieron los primeros parques lineales de Curitiba, a partir de 1972. Hoy son 26 parques y bosques, que sumados a las plazas, jardines, plazoletas, garantizan 36 metros cuadrados de rea verde pblica por habitante. El crecimiento acelerado de la ciudad, en las dcadas de los 70 y 80, exigi soluciones tambin para la vivienda. Al contrario de los grandes conjuntos habitacionales implantados en reas distantes de la estructura formal de las ciudades, tan usuales en todo el Pas, el IPPUC opt por la construccin de pequeos ncleos habitacionales, con unidades diferenciadas e insertadas en el paisaje de la ciudad, ya a partir de 1979. Diez aos despus un proyecto integrado de desarrollo ocup el ltimo intersticio urbano de la ciudad con el Barrio Novo. TRANSFORMACION ECONOMICA La necesidad de un soporte econmico para la ciudad que creca a tasas de ms del 5% al ao, en los aos 70 y 80, provoc la creacin de la Ciudad Industrial de Curitiba. Mientras en el restante del Pas se implantaban distritos industriales, concentradores de contaminacin y desvinculados de la estructura urbana de las ciudades, el IPPUC opt por crear una "ciudad" industrial con infraestructura adecuada, vivienda, ocio, equipamientos sociales, transporte e integrada a la ciudad formal a travs de ejes conectores. La evolucin de la ciudad exigi, a lo largo de los aos, nuevas intervenciones. Los pequeos servicios y el rescate de antiguas profesiones fueron conjugados a la vivienda en las Villas de Oficio, a partir de 1994. Las Lneas y los Liceos de Oficios ofrecen entrenamiento y profesionalizacin a jvenes y adultos. El monitoreo de la ciudad indic en 1997, aumento del nmero de desempleados y subempleados en la ciudad. La respuesta de la Municipalidad fue la creacin de la Lnea del Empleo y el Emporio Metropolitano.

TRANSFORMACION CULTURAL El IPPUC tom un cuidado especial para implantar grandes modificaciones en la red vial, en el uso del suelo, en el transporte colectivo: la preservacin de la identidad y de la historia de la ciudad. El primer Plan de Revitalizacin del Sector Histrico naci en 1970. Los lmites del Sector Histrico fueron definidos en 1971. Un antiguo cuartel se transforma en sede de la Fundacin Cultural de Curitiba. Un antiguo polvorn se conveirte en el Teatro Paiol. Una fbrica de cola es hoy el Centro de Creatividad dentro del Parque So Loureno. Antiguas construcciones abrigan orquestras, casas de arte, teatros, museos. En 1972, la calle central de la ciudad - Rua XV de Novembro - se convierte en la primera peatonal del Pas. En 1980, un bosque da abrigo al primero de una serie de memoriales de la inmigracin en la ciudad. Em 1992, el Gobierno del Estado - adversario poltico del Alcalde - se recus a ceder de un teatro para la realizacin del I Festival de Teatro de Curitiba, lo que motiv la construiccin de uno de las tarjetas postales de la ciudad, la Opera de Alambre. Tambin em 1992, los curitibanos pasan a disfrutar de la primera Calle 24 Horas del Pas. En 1995 se inaugura el primero de una serie de 40 Faros del Saber - bibliotecas de barrio construidas junto a las escuelas de la red pblica, que atienden estudiantes y la poblacin vecina. Tambin en 1995, el centro tradicional se rehabilita con la recuperacin de las fachadas de edificios histricos de la Calle Riachuelo. El proyecto "Colores de la Ciudad" le devolvi los colores originales a las fachadas del casero histrico. Como parte de las conmemoraciones de los 300 aos de la fundacin de Curitiba, se inaugura en 1996 el Memorial de Curitiba. Con estructura inspirada en el pino Paran, el edificio tiene cinco mil metros cuadrados y una altura equivalente a un edificio de siete pisos.

TRANSFORMACION SOCIAL A partir de 1968, el anlisis de la situacin de la enseanza en la Ciudad result en un Plan de Educacin, dando inicio a la experiencia de planificacin en el rea social. A fines de la dcada del 70, el IPPUC pas a planificar la ubicacin de las escuelas pblicas, adems de otros equipamientos sociales, como guarderas infantiles y centros de salud. La expansin de los equipamientos sociales, transformados en redes de servicios, a partir de 1989, incorporaron, tambin, los PIAs y los Almacenes de la Familia.

TRANSPORTE COLECTIVO El sistema de transporte colectivo de Curitiba empez a ser implantado a inicios de la dcada del 70, integrado a la red vial y al uso del suelo, como una de las bases de la planificacin propuesta por el Plan Director de Curitiba. Como la mayora de las ciudades brasileas, Curitiba tena su transporte colectivo estructurado en lneas diametrales o que conectaban los barrios con el centro. La implantacin del nuevo sistema tuvo inicio en 1974. Se crearon los ejes Norte y Sur conectados al Centro de la Ciudad. Entraron en operacin las lneas expresas y las alimentadoras. En las terminales se realizaba la integracin entre lneas y el transporte se efectuaba en mnibus especialmente proyectados para 100 pasajeros, con comunicacin visual especial y colores diferenciados para las lneas expresas y alimentadoras. Este sistema transportaba 54 mil pasajeros/da, aproximadamente el 8% de la demanda total. El sistema, ampliado en 1977, al incorporar el eje Boqueiro, pas a transportar el 32% de la demanda de la ciudad. Dentro de la concepcin de implantacin gradual, el Sistema de Transportes incorpor, a partir de 1979, las lneas interbarrios, pasando a responder por el 34% de la demanda por transporte colectivo. En 1980, con la implantacin de los ejes este y oeste, la ciudad defina una Red Integrada de Transportes - RIT. La RIT fue consolidada con la adopcin de la tarifa nica, donde los recorridos ms cortos reciben subsidio de los ms largos. La tarifa nica posibilit a los usuarios realizar distintos trayectos con el pago de una nica tarifa, a travs de la utilizacin de las terminales de integracin o, ms tarde, de las estaciones tubo.

En esta poca, URBS asume la gerencia del sistema como concesionaria de las lneas, y empresas privadas operan como permisionarias. La remuneracin de los servicios pasa a efectuarse por kilmetro recorrido y no por pasajero. Buscando simpre el perfeccionamiento, la RIT recibe, en 1991, las Lneas Directas (Ligeirinhos), destinadas a suplir demandas puntuales, con embarque y desembarque a nivel en las Estaciones Tubo, con pago anticipado de la tarifa y uso de mnibus diseado especialmente para operar como una especie de metro de superficie, sobre neumticos. En 1992 entran en operacin los Bi-articulados en las lneas expresas, con capacidad para transportar 270 pasajeros, embarque y desembarque a nivel y pago anticipado de tarifa en las estaciones tubo. La evolucin de la RIT fue significativa, con una cobertura especial cada vez ms amplia. En 1996, por delegacin del Gobierno del Estado, URBS pasa a ejercer el control del transporte de toda la Regin Metropolitana, posibilitando que la Red de Transportes de Curitiba sea integrada en mbito metropolitano. El Sistema de Transporte conformado por las lneas expresas, alimentadoras, interbarrios, directas, est complementado por otros tipos de servicios: convencionales - conectan los barrios y municipios vecinos al centro; circular centro - operada por micro mnibus, recorre el centro tradicional; enseanza especial - destinada a la atencin de escolares con necesidades especiales; inter-hospitales - conecta diversos hospitales; turismo - realiza un recorrido entre los puntos de atraccin turstica y los parques de la ciudad.

EQUIPAMIENTO URBANO A lo largo de ms de 30 aos, el IPPUC viene desarrollando estudios, planes y proyectos de intervencin en el rea social. Previstos en el Plan Director de Curitiba, los equipamientos sociales son reconocidos como componentes de la estructura urbana de la Ciudad. El Plan de Educacin, elaborado por el IPPUC en 1968, di inicio a la planificacin de la Red de Servicio Social - educacin, salud, guarderas infantiles, PIAs - que atiende a los curitibanos. A partir del Plan de Educacin, el rea Socio-Econmica del IPPUC ha monitorado sistemticamente el comportamiento de la oferta y demanda de los servicios esenciales para garantizar facilidad de acceso, oferta adecuada y absorcin de la demanda. La planificacin obedece, en lneas generales, tres parmetros bsicos: facilidad de acceso - distancia mxima de 2 km de la residencia del nio, con recorrido libre de vas de trnsito intenso y barreras naturales (ros, fondos de valle, pendientes 7

acentuadas); oferta de enseanza fundamental para jvenes entre 7 y 14 aos; absorcin de la demanda de la enseanza fundamental en dos turnos, en el perodo diurno. La Red de Escuelas Municipales est formada por 215 escuelas que ofrecen preescuela y 127 escuelas de enseanza fundamental, brindando atencin a 79 mil nios y jvenes con edad entre 7 y 14 aos. En 1976, el Plan de Erradicacin de Villas Emergenciales elaborado por el IPPUC busc subordinar la propuesta de intervencin fsico-habitacional a la propuesta de intervencin social. Una de las propuestas de este Plan fue la implantacin de guarderas infantiles en todos los conjuntos habitacionales. En 1980, como respuesta a las reivindicaciones de la poblacin, nuevas unidades fueron implantadas dando inicio al proceso de creacin de la Red Municipal de Guarderas Infantiles. Fueron establecidos criterios para la expansin de la red, conduciendo y priorizando inversiones en reas ms necesitadas. Se llevan en consideracin: densidad poblacional - prioridad para asentamientos con ingresos de hasta tres salarios mnimos; accesibilidad - debe estar ubicada en un radio entre 500 y 1000 m de la vivienda; ubicacin prxima a un centro de salud y odontologa - para facilitar la integracin de la atencin; ausencia o insuficiencia de oferta de guardera infantil en el rea. La Red Municpal de Guarderas Infantiles est conformada por 206 unidades, siendo 126 oficiales - mantenidas y administradas por la Municipalidad - y 80 comunitarias, que atienden 24.441 nios. A partir de 1989, frente al creciente nmero de nios en situacin de abandono el Municipio propuso una nueva forma educativa de tratar el problema. La Municipalidad adopt una poltica preventiva para atencin de nios cuyas familias tuviese ingresos hasta tres salarios mnimos. El Programa Integrado de Infancia y Adolescencia - PI - permit una atencin integral a esos nios: en un perodo frecuentan la escuela y en el otro el PI, donde reciben refuerzo escolar, desarrollan actividades artsticas y deportivas. En las zonas donde la degradacin ambiental es ms grande - especialmente invasiones - los nios reciben refuerzo especial en educacin ambiental y hbitos de higiene. Actualmente, la Red Municipal de PIs atiende aproximadamente a 5.300 nios y adolescentes en 30 unidades. Hasta fines de los aos 80, la oferta de los servicios pblicos de salud era de responsabilidad del Gobierno Federal. No exista una planificacin de las actividades de salud en mbito municipal. En Curitiba, en 1982, como resultado de negociaciones entre el Estado y el Municipio, tres unidades de salud fueron municipalizadas. A partir de esa experiencia, la Ciudad ampli la Red de Unidades Bsicas de Salud, llegando a fines de la dcada del 80 con 57 unidades bajo responsabilidad del Poder Pblico Municipal, muchas equipadas con clnicas odontolgicas. En la dcada del 90, la propuesta de municipalizacin de la salud volvi a ser discutida a 8

nivel nacional, resultando en la creacin del Sistema Unico de Salud. En 1992 otras nueve unidades de salud pasaron a ser de responsabilidad del municipio. La planificacin pas, entonces, a definir y a implementar una metodologa local regionalizada para creacin de un servicio de salud que atendiera la demanda de la poblacin. La Red Municipal de Salud posee 106 centros, siendo 92 con funcionamiento 12 horas/da, cinco funcionan 24 horas/das, ocho son unidades especializadas y 1 hospital. En 78 centros de salud existe atencin odontolgica.

CAPTACION DE RECURSOS El IPPUC, a travs de la Supervisin de Implantacin, participa de la elaboracin de la Ley de Directivas Presupuestarias - LDO - del Plan Plurianual y del Presupuesto Anual de la Municipalidad de Curitiba, conjuntamente con la Secretara Municipal de Finanzas y con el Instituto Municipal de Administracin Pblica. Adems del gerenciamiento de los recursos presupuestarios de toda la Municipalidad de Curitiba y de la gerencia de obras, la Supervisin de Implantacin es responsable de la captacin y gerenciamiento de los recursos provenientes de todas las financiaciones externas. Los recursos son negociados con organismos internacionales como el BID y BIRD, con el BNDES, Fondo Estatal de Desarrollo Urbano, Gobierno Federal, entre otros. Para el perodo del 2001/2004 estn garantizados recursos del Fondo Estatal de Desarrollo Urbano, en el importe de R$ 60 millones. Estos recursos se destinan a guarderas infantiles, centros de salud, pavimentacin, seguridad pblica, rehabilitacin de calles y edificios histricos y construccin de tres nuevos parques. Entre los proyectos ya definidos est la recuperacin de edificios histricos: Capilla del Colegio Santa Maria Casa Hoffmann Mercado Municipal Y la construccin de tres nuevos parques: Nacientes del Belm Vista Alegre Atuba El BNDES, que financia, desde 1998, la Lnea del Empleo, por un importe de R$ 35 millones con contrapartida de la Municipalidad de R$ 65 millones, ha ampliado el plazo para ejecucin de una segunda etapa. La meta fsica de la primera etapa fue concluida en

2000. Fondos excedentes de la financiacin han permitido la ampliacin del Proyecto con la construccin de nuevos Liceos de Oficio, 2 Galpones Industriales y en el Centro de Design en 2001 y 2002. Junto a SEAIN, se estn negociando US$ 133 millones para modernizacin del Sistema de Transporte Colectivo Urbano. Este proyecto abarca la reconstruccin y modernizacin de terminales de transbordo; instalacin de cmaras de seguridad en las Terminales; modernizacin del sistema de semforos; pavimentacin de calles; construccin de la Calle de la Ciudadana del Cajuru; construccin de pasos a desnivel y viaductos en los ejes de transporte. Tambin en negociacin, junto al Gobierno Federal, estn R$ 5,5 millones para la Rehabilitacin del Museo Paranaense; construccin de 30 Canchas Cubiertas en las escuelas municipales y Prevencin de Inundaciones en el Barrio Atuba.

ZONIFICACION Y USO DEL SUELO La prctica de la planificacin urbana en Curitiba tiene como principio que la ocupacin y los usos del suelo en la Ciudad pueden ser inducidos, cohibidos, disciplinados. Definida la zonificacin con normas generales de uso y ocupacin para cada zona, los parmetros deben ser monitorados para permitir la continua evolucin de la ciudad. Corresponde al IPPUC el monitoreo del crecimiento urbano. El Instituto propone incentivos o no a la ocupacin y densificacin, de conformidad con la planificacin integrada de la Ciudad. La zonificacin y el uso del suelo, ms que disciplinadores de la ocupacin urbana, son utilizados como agentes promotores del proceso de desarrollo de la ciudad. En 1966, el Plan Director de Curitiba modific la conformacin radial de crecimiento, proponiendo un modelo lineal de expansin y desarrollo urbano. Utilizados como mecanismos de planificacin, la Zonificacin y Uso del Suelo establecieron parmetros de ocupacin que orientan las inversiones - pblicas y privadas - y disciplinan las actividades de la iniciativa privada. A partir de las orientaciones del uso del suelo propuestas por el Plan Director, la ciudad fue conformndose a travs de sucesivas zonificaciones.


LA HISTORIA DE LA ZONIFICACION La Ley n 2.828/66 disciplin la Zona Central, limitando su crecimiento; estableci los Sectores Estructurales, con reas comerciales y de servicios de expansin lineal; delimit las Zonas Residenciales y reserv reas para la expansin urbana. En 1969, la Ley n 3.503 modific la zonificacin establecida por el Plan Director, definiendo nuevas Zonas Residenciales y Comerciales, adems de reglamentar las Zonas de Expansin Urbana. En 1971, la Ley n 3.943 reglamenta el uso del suelo y la red vial. Tambin en 1971, el Decreto 1.160 delimita el Sector Histrico de Curitiba. Nueva revisin ocurre en 1972, a travs de la Ley n 4.199, que busca adecuar una vez ms la expansin urbana a las orientaciones del modelo lineal de crecimiento. Los ejes estructurales, que deberan ser densificados, son equipados con toda la infraestructura urbana necesaria y dotados de un sistema de transporte masivo capaz de atender la demanda presente y futura. Una red de reas verdes fue definida para proteger los valles, aunando saneamiento y ocio. El Centro tradicional recibi reas exclusivas para peatones. La Calle XV de Novembro fue transformada en la primera peatonal del Pas. La implantacin de la Ciudad Industrial de Curitiba - CIC - en una zona de expansin urbana, exigi un nuevo ajuste de la Ley de Zonificacin en 1974. (Ley n 4.773). Para garantizar la integracin espacial de la Ciudad Industrial con la red vial urbana, se crearon los Sectores Especiales Conectores. En 1975, la Ley n 5.234, limit la ocupacin y densificacin de las zonas residenciales perifricas e incentiv la ocupacin de las reas prximas a los sectores estructurales donde la planta baja y el primer piso de las nuevas edificaciones se destinan al comercio y servicios. Con frente a las calles utilizadas por el transporte colectivo en las zonas residenciales se permiti la concentracin de actividades comerciales y de servicios de mediana envergadura. Estas vas, llamadas Colectoras concentran el trnsito residencial, comercial y el transporte colectivo. A travs del Decreto n 901 de 1980, se crean los Sectores Especiales de Vivienda de Inters Social.


En 1982 el IPPUC propone uno de los ms creativos instrumentos destinados a la preservacin del patrimonio histrico, cultural y arquitectnico de la ciudad. La Ley n 6.337 crea lo que qued result como la Ley del Suelo Creado. Esta ley propone la transferencia del potencial constructivo (lo que podra ser construido en una parcela) de edificaciones de valor histrico, cultural o arquitectnico a otras reas de la ciudad desde que se preserve y restaure el edificio histrico. En base al mismo principio de la Ley del Suelo Creado, la Ley n 7.841 de 1991, instituye incentivo para implantacin de Programas de Viviendas de Inters Social. Siguiendo criterios y zonas de la ciudad previamente establecidas, es posible construir ms en determinadas reas de la ciudad, con la "compra" de suelo. Los recursos derivantes de esta operacin constituyen el Fondo Municipal de Vivienda y financian la construccin de viviendas populares. En 1993, el Decreto 380 crea las Unidades de Inters Especial de Preservacin. La Ley del Suelo Creado es utilizada para la restauracin de tres edificaciones histricas en la ciudad: la Universidad Federal de Paran, la Catedral Metropolitana de Curitiba y la Sociedad Garibaldi. Tambin en 1993, la Ley n 8.353 crea incentivos para la preservacin de reas verdes en el municipio. En 1998 se crea, a travs de los Decretos 571 y 572, el Sector Especial Lnea del Empleo. Aprobada a fines del 2000, la Ley n 9.800 representa la mayor reformulacin en las directivas de crecimiento de la ciudad, desde la institucin del Plan Director en 1966. La nueva legislacin fue fruto de un proceso de dos aos de estudios tcnicos y una amplia discusin con los diversos sectores de la ciudad. Las modificaciones introducidas en la zonificacin preparan la ciudad para una nueva realidad: la metropolizacin. Las principales modificaciones introducidas por la nueva ley incluyen la creacin de un eje de integracin y desarrollo metropolitano - la BR 116 - y de nuevos ejes de densificacin; la implantacin de un Anillo de Conservacin Sanitario-Ambiental y de nuevas reas de preservacin; la consolidacin de las directivas de gestin metropolitana y el estmulo a la expansin de actividades generadoras de empleo e ingresos. Con la nueva ley de zonificacin, la Ley del Suelo Creado, utilizada para fomentar el desarrollo en las reas de vivienda popular y preservacin del patrimonio histrico, fue ampliada, creando una nueva modalidad para el rea ambiental e instituyendo un Fondo Municipal de Areas Verdes. Los recursos recaudados financiarn proyectos ambientales. El instrumento de transferencia de potencial constructivo, que era utilizado con la finalidad nica de incentivar los propietarios de inmuebles histricos a preservar sus edificaciones, se extendi a las reas verdes. El objetivo es beneficiar quien tiene propiedades con cobertura


vegetal natural. Los propietarios de reas con esas caractersticas, al contrario de restricciones para ocupacin de sus terrenos, tienen el incentivo de transferencia de potencial constructivo que puede ser utilizado en otras zonas de la ciudad, por ejemplo a lo largo de los nuevos ejes de densificacin y a lo largo de la BR-116.

MOBILIARIO URBANO Y COMUNICACION VISUAL A partir de la implantacin del Plan Director de Curitiba, en el inicio de los aos 70, el IPPUC pas a preocuparse en cada proyecto con el mobiliario urbano y con la comunicacin visual en la ciudad. Los primeros estudios mostraban preocupacin con su localizacin en la ciudad. Creciendo a tasas de ms del 5% al ao, Curitiba exiga tableros de sealizacin e identificacin de los nombres de las calles. Para disminuir costos, una de las primeras experiencias fue utilizar adhesivos plsticos en los postes de luz. Parques, equipamientos sociales, tursticos y obras pasaron a ser identificados y sealizados. La implantacin de los mnibus expresos demand estudios sobre el vehculo, modificaciones de design, cambios en las puertas de entrada y salida para mayor confort y seguridad de los pasajeros. El color rojo fue definido para llamar la atencin. Los mnibus alimentadores (amarillos) e interbarrios (verdes) mantuvieron los colores originales de los


mnibus de la ciudad. Fue desarrollado tambin un nuevo diseo del chasis, asientos y altura del vehculo. En las Terminales de Transporte, el usuario dispone de informaciones sobre localizacin e recorridos de los mnibus. El Ligeirinho, que entr en operacin a fines de los aos 80, fue totalmente proyectado en el IPPUC, en coparticipacin con la industria de chasis y de carroceras. Con nuevo diseo, el mnibus urbano y la estacin tubo posibilitaron el embarque y desembarque a nivel, brindando la calidad de los servicios de metro. El Bi-articulado, que sustituy el mnibus expreso, al inicio de la dcada del 90, y que tiene capacidad para transportar hasta 270 pasajeros, tambin fue diseado en coparticipacin con la iniciativa privada, siendo que esta nueva solucin posibilit que el Sistema Integrado de Transporte atendiera la demanda creciente. A medida que estos mnibus eran sustituidos o retirados de circulacin debido al tiempo de uso, el IPPUC pas a adaptarlos a un nuevo uso. Surgieron los mnibus de la Lnea del Oficio, transformados en aulas para cursos de mecanografa, manicuro, peluquero, etc. Las Lneas del Conocimiento y del Deporte tambin utilizan mnibus reciclados en su uso. Algunos fueron transformados en Lnea de la Sopa - que en las madrugadas fras de la ciudad distribuye sopa y pan a los excluidos. Otros, tambin, son utilizados como Mercado Popular - que lleva frutas, verduras, cereales con precios hasta un 50% inferiores al comercio formal, a las reas ms carentes. La primera peatonal de la ciudad, la Calle de las Flores, fue equipada con maceteros, luminarias, bancos urbanos y diseos del "pinho" (fruto tpico del Pino Paran) en las veredas de petit pav, transformndose en rea exclusiva para peatones. Ms tarde, ya en la dcada del 90, la Lnea Pinho - un sendero colorado en las veredas - conduce a un recorrido por los edificios antiguos del centro, en un verdadero viaje por la historia de la ciudad. El alumbrado pblico tambin fue pensado para facilitar la localizacin del curitibano. El tipo y la potencia de iluminacin facilitan la comprensin del sistema vial jerarquizado en vas estructurales, prioritarias, colectoras, locales. En los aos 90, algunas calles y pequeas plazas recibieron iluminacin con postes republicanos. Con las Arcadas do Pelourinho, la ciudad cuenta con un nuevo equipamiento que rene varios tipos de servicios, como venta de flores, pequeos cafs, kioscos de revistas. Equipamientos como los kioskos de revistas y los utilizados por los ambulantes fueron estandarizados. Paralelamente al desarrollo de proyectos de comunicacin visual y de equipamentos de la ciudad, el IPPUC desarroll juegos, entretenimientos y productos que ayudan la poblacin a entender la transformacin que ocurre en la ciudad. Para popularizar nombres como anillo central, estructural, vas rpidas, conectoras, los nios de las escuelas municipales recibieron juegos que permitan "andar" sobre la nueva ciudad. Los equipamientos pblicos - los iconos de la ciudad - fueron diseados en porta vasos y colocados en los bares y restaurantes de la ciudad. La idea bsica era que la poblacin necesitaba conocer para amar a su ciudad.


PRODUCTOS Tableros de Sealizacin Sealizacin Turstica Telfono Pblico Taxis Franjas Peatonales Mirador de la Telepar Santa Felicidade Controladores Electrnicos de Velocidad Carritos para Recolectores de Basura Portales Arcos de Proteccin para Peatones Calles Ambientales Calle 24 Horas

RED VIAL Una de las bases del trpode de la planificacin, juntamente con el Transporte y Uso del Suelo, la Red Vial de la ciudad fue definida ya en el Plan Director de Curitiba, en 1966: desarrollo de la ciudad con orientacin noreste-suroeste y expansin lineal a lo largo de los ejes estructurales. Con poblacin superior a los 600 mil habitantes, crecimiento del 5,3% al ao y tasa promedia de crecimiento de vehculos de aproximadamente un 10% al ao, Curitiba presentaba problemas crecientes de circulacin y transporte, en 1970, cuando el Plan pas a ser efectivamente implantado. El crecimiento radial concntrico, expontneo, provoc la ocupacin de reas impropias, sin infraestructura. Los servicios localizados casi exclusivamente en el centro tradicional causaban congestionamiento. La falta de vas de conexin entre barrios obligaba los curitibanos a cruzar el rea central para sus desplazamientos. La planificacin de la red vial fue concebida con el objetivo de conciliar la ciudad del automvil con las necesidades, aspiraciones y perspectivas humanas, dentro de una visin global e integrada de los problemas de movilidad. Manteniendo la red vial existente, se crearon alternativas de conexiones independientes del rea central.


El centro tradicional fue contornado por un Anillo Central de trnsito lento que protege las reas de uso exclusivo de los peatones. La calle principal de la ciudad y otras dentro del Anillo Central fueron cerradas al trnsito de vehculos, transformndose en punto de encuentro para la poblacin, como por ejemplo la Rua XV de Novembro - la peatonal. Para evitar grandes expropiaciones, el IPPUC opt por crear conexiones viales aprovechando la red ya existente. Las grandes avenidas y calles fueron construidas con la conexin - en pequeos tramos - de la red vial existente, ofreciendo nuevas opciones de circulacin. Tambin las vas estructurales - verdadero soporte del proceso de desarrollo dirigido - y las denominadas vas prioritarias - que permiten conectar una estructural a otra sin pasar por el centro tradicional - fueron implantadas aprovechndose casi totalmente la red vial existente. La red vial fue jerarquizada. La estructural favoreci el crecimiento lineal de la ciudad y garantiz el espacio necesario al transporte masivo, que opera en carriles exclusivos. Los antiguos caminos fueron preservados como vas de penetracin. Las vas colectoras o vas interbarriales distribuyen el trnsito local y de paso, por medio de recorridos entre los barrios. Las colectoras concentran usos comerciales y de servicios. Entre las colectoras estn las vas locales, destinadas a la circulacin local. Siendo que reciben menor trnsito, las vas locales fueron proyectadas con veredas anchas, lo que di origen a la implantacin de programas de arbolado. Algunas de estas calles fueron equipadas con reas de esparcimiento, ncleos ambientales y pequeos jardines. Con el crecimiento de la ciudad en la dcada del 90, nuevas conexiones fueron proyectadas, inicindose la implantacin de los Sistemas Binarios. Tambin en los aos 90, fue implant, a lo largo de las vas del ferrocarril, fondos de valle y de algunas vas, una red de ciclovas, con aproximadamente 120 km, integrndose a la red vial.


INFORMANDO AL CIUDADANO La base de la planificacin es la informacin. La investigacin, la consolidacin de los datos, el monitoreo de la ciudad ofrecen al planificador y al ciudadano una visin crtica de la realidad, auxiliando en la correccin de direccin para la implantacin de proyectos, obras y planes. La informacin brinda subsidios a la planificacin, sea en la implantacin de polticas especficas o ayudando en la priorizacin de acciones y en la toma de decisiones gerenciales, sea informando al ciudadano. BANCO DE DATOS Para una buena planificacin es indispensable tener informaciones oportunas y correctas. El proceso de planificacin de la ciudad exige un diagnstico global y continuado de la realidad, capaz de acompaar y enteder la dinmica del crecimiento y del desarrollo urbano. El relevamiento y el tratamiento de las informaciones en la cantidad y calidad necesarias pueden ofrecer subsidios sea para una accin aislada, como para un conjunto de acciones o para la definicin de polticas sectoriales y globales. La informacin tiene papel fundamental tambin en la construcicn de la ciudadana, una vez que datos e informaciones permiten a los individuos la interpretacin por s mismos la realidad en la cual viven, contribuyendo para la consolidacin de la democracia. El IPPUC, historicamente, ha estado siempre atento a la importancia de la informacin. Algunos aos de dedicacin han posibilitado la creacin de un considerable acervo de datos e informaciones urbanas. Este Banco de Datos, actualmente, es herramienta indispensable para la planificacin de una ciudad que llega al siglo XXI con ms de 1,5 milln de habitantes. Esos datos recolectados durante ms de tres dcadas, ofrecen al IPPUC y a la poblacin, informaciones que facilitan la comprensin de la dinmica de la vida de la ciudad. PRODUCTOS Curitiba en Datos - Volumen con periodicidad anual, es importante fuente de anlisis e investigacin, sea para el pblico interno de la Municipalidad de Curitiba como para el externo, especialmente estudiantes, analistas y emprendedores. Curitiba en Nmeros - Libro con periodicidad anual, es un resumen del Curitiba en Datos y rene las ms significativas informaciones, datos e indicadores, permitiendo una rpida comprensin de la Ciudad.


Barrio en Nmeros - Publicacin en formato de folleto, con actualizacin semestral, presenta los datos, informaciones e indicadores ms relevantes en cada uno de los 75 barrios que conforman el municipio de Curitiba. Curitiba en Fotos y Hechos - Organiza las informaciones histricas de la Planificacin Urbana de Curitiba, facilitando la investigacin y la consulta. Catastro de Equipamientos Sociales y Viviendas Marginales - Organiza informaciones sobre equipamientos sociales - escuelas, guarderas infantiles, centros de salud, PIs, Villas de Oficio, Calles de la Ciudadana, Faros del Saber, Grupos Comunitarios, Grupos vinculados a Ciudadanos con Necesidades Especiales, Equipamientos Culturales, Conjuntos Habitacionales, Areas de Viviendas Marginales, entre otros. Adems de estas publicaciones, la Coordinacin del Banco de Datos coloca a disposicin del pblico interno dos productos ms: Sistema de Realizaciones Municipales - Organiza las informaciones de los distintos sectores del IPPUC sobre sus producciones, facilitando la investigacin, la consulta y su mantenimiento, simplificando el control de proyectos, servicios y trabajos desarrollados por los sectores, adems de auxiliar los administradores en sus decisiones. Sistema Curitiba en Datos - Efecta el control y la gerencia de los documentos producidos por el Banco de Datos y los coloca a disposicin a travs de Intranet.

INVESTIGACION Con un catastro de informaciones urbanas, registradas en forma grfica - mapas - y alfa numricas - catastros estadsticos -, el Sector de Investigacin del IPPUC provee a la Administracin Municipal de un retrato de la realidad urbana, dando subsidios para diagnosticar y solucionar los problemas que afectan la comunidad. Son encuestas de opinin sobre los servicios de la ciudad, para identificar las necesidades de la poblacin; relevamientos de uso del suelo, conteo y caracterizacin de equipos, diagnsticos fsicos de zonas determinadas. Parte importante de los relevamientos realizados en campo se constituye de encuestas de circulacin y transporte. Tienen como objetivo auxiliar la operacin y el gerenciamiento del sistema de transporte colectivo y monitorar la implantacin de obras de infraestructura y medidas de ordenamiento del trnsito. Las principales reas de actuacin son relevamientos del Sistema de Transporte Colectivo origen y destino de los usuarios, tiempo de embarque, demanda de pasajeros, nmero diario de pasajeros, conteo de trnsito y peatones - y caracterizacin de la ciudad en los aspectos socio-econmicos - aspectos demogrficos, vivienda, seguridad, salud, recreacin,


abastecimiento, asociativismo- y fsico-territoriales - equipamientos urbanos, servicios, red vial, medio ambiente, infraestructura. El Sector de Investigacin trabaja tambin con el Catastro de Uso del Suelo, ofreciendo subsidios para el estudio y permanente actualizacin de la Ley de Zonificacin, y con Encuestas de Opinin, trazando un perfil del usuario de equipamientos y servicios ofrecidos por la ciudad. PRODUCTOS Conteo de Trnsito - mapas de la localizacin de los principales cruces de Curitiba. Usuarios de Taxi - encuesta de opinin sobre la calidad de los servicios de taxi ofrecidos a la poblacin. Usuarios de la RIT - relevamiento de los usuarios de la Red Integrada de Transportes, por grupo - servicios, industria, enseanza, servicios pblicos, comercio - y por hora de inicio de las actividades. Utilizacin de biodiesel - encuesta de opinin sobre la utilizacin de combustible alternativo para disminucin de la contaminacin del aire. Actividades Econmicas en la Lnea del Empleo - relevamiento de las actividades en la Lnea del Empleo, por ramo de actividades - servicios, comercio, industria. Programa Ciudadano Saludable - encuesta de opinin sobre los principales servicios ofrecidos en el programa. En ejecucin: Investigacin Xapinhal - Habitar Brasil 2000 Proyecto Reluz - relevamiento de la red de alumbrado pblico


::MAPAS DINMICOS ::Mapa de Arruamento Oficial de Curitiba ::Zoneamento Urbano ::Utilidade Pblica ::Sistema Virio ::Sade ::Educao ::Cultura e Lazer

MONITOREO DE LA PLANIFICACION Monitorar la planificacin de la ciudad significa desarrollar y mejorar metodologas que permitan considerar y cualificar los resultados de la implantacin de proyectos, obras, planes y ofrecer subsidios para la planificacin urbana en la creacin de polticas especficas, sea en la priorizacin de acciones o auxiliando la toma de decisiones gerenciales. La evaluacin de la "Calidad de Vida en Curitiba" es uno de los marcos de monitoreo de la planificacin de la ciudad. Por medio del desarrollo del mtodo Genebrino o Distancial, el Sector de Monitoreo produce, a partir de 1996, una evaluacin sistemtica de la calidad de vida en Curitiba, en cuatro reas de necesidades bsicas: Educacin, Salud, Vivienda y Transportes. La comparacin entre las mejores y peores situaciones encontradas para cada indicador utilizado en las cuatro reas del trabajo, dentro de la propia ciudad como en otras ciudades, regiones o pases, permite identificar los problemas de la ciudad en su totalidad o por micro-regiones, garantizando mejor eficiencia y eficacia de los proyectos y programas desarrollados por el Municipio. La evaluacin permanente de la calidad de vida del municipio como un todo y de los diferentes barrios permite al planificador, conocer - con grado razonable de confiabilidad -


las reas que necesitan mayor intervencin del Poder Pblico, para que ste cumpla su misin de disminuir desigualdades.

PRODUCTOS Calidad de Vida en Curitiba - produccin de ndice de calidad de vida en cuatro reas: Educacin, Salud, Vivienda y Transporte, permitiendo la identificacin de desigualdades dentro de la propia ciudad. Agenda 21 - Curitiba, en la prctica - identificacin de las polticas de desarrollo urbano para Curitiba, que responden, en la prctica, a las recomendaciones de la Agenda 21 resultado de la Conferencia Mundial Eco-92, realizada en Rio de Janeiro y que tiene por finalidad dar nueva orientacin al desarrollo de las ciudades para la sustentabilidad social, poltica, econmica y ambiental, constituyndose en un plan de accin de medio y largo plazo.

AL SERVICIO DE LA COMUNIDAD Las demandas de la ciudad sumadas al conocimiento de las potencialidades de cada rea son materia prima para la planificacin. Estas informaciones estn a disposicin de la comunidad a travs de cursos, conferencias, productos, mapas, boletines, base de datos - y en la biblioteca del IPPUC, una de las mejores del pas en el tema de la planificacin urbana.


The Best City In The Making a solid case for by Donella Meadows

World? better urban planning

One of the articles in Good Medicine (IC#39) Fall 1994, Page 8 Copyright (c)1994, 1997 by Context Institute | To order this issue ... Residents of Curitiba, Brazil, think they live in the best city in the world, and a lot of outsiders agree. Curitiba has 17 new parks, 90 miles of bike paths, trees everywhere, and traffic and garbage systems that officials from other cities come to study. Curitiba's mayor for 12 years, Jaime Lerner, has a 92 percent approval rating. There is nothing special about Curitiba's history, location, or population. Like all Latin American cities, the city has grown enormously - from 150,000 people in the 1950s to 1.6 million now. It has its share of squatter settlements, in which less than half the people are literate. Curitiba's secret, insofar as it has one, seems to be a simple willingness of the people at the top to get their kicks from solving problems. Those people at the top started with a group of young architects in the 1960s who were not impressed by the urban fashion of borrowing money for big highways, massive buildings, and shopping malls. They were thinking about the environment and about human needs. They approached Curitiba's mayor, pointed to the rapid growth of the city, and made a case for better planning. The mayor sponsored a contest for a Curitiba master plan. He circulated the best entries, debated them with the citizens, and then turned the people's comments over to the upstart architects, asking them to develop and implement a final plan. Jaime Lerner was one of the architects. In 1971 he was appointed mayor by the thenmilitary government of Brazil. He has since served two more four-year terms (nonconsecutive as required by Brazilian law) - one of them appointed, the other elected.


Given Brazil's economic situation, Lerner had to think small, cheap and participatory, which was how he was thinking anyway. He provided 1.5 million tree seedlings to neighborhoods for them to plant and care for. "There is little in the architecture of a city that is more beautifully designed than a tree," says Lerner. Lerner prefers rehabilitating built-up areas to spreading the city outward. He converted a former warehouse into a theater and an abandoned glue factory into a community center. He met resistance from shopkeepers when he proposed turning the downtown shopping district into a pedestrian zone, so he suggested a 30-day trial. The zone was so popular that shopkeepers on other streets asked to be included. Now one pedestrian street, the Rua das Flores, is lined with gardens tended by street children. Orphaned or abandoned street children are a problem all over Brazil. Lerner got each industry, shop, and institution to "adopt" a few children, providing them with a meal a day and a small wage in exchange for doing simple maintenance, gardening, or office chores. Brazil forbids child labor, but Lerner says, "By law, a child mustn't work, but society looks the other way when he goes hungry or homeless or works for a drug trafficker." Public transport in Curitiba is so convenient that 70 percent of commuters and shoppers use it. Concentric circles of local bus lines connect to five radial lines that go outward from the center of the city. On the radial lines, triple-compartment buses in their own traffic lanes carry 300 passengers each. They go as fast as subway cars, but at one-eightieth the construction cost. The buses stop at plexiglass tube stations designed by Lerner. Passengers pay their fares, enter through one end of the tube, and exit from the other end. This system eliminates paying on board, and allows faster loading and unloading, less idling and air pollution, and a sheltered place for waiting. Bus fares are low (20 to 40 cents per ride with unlimited transfers), but the system pays for itself. Private companies own and operate the buses and keep part of each fare. The city gets the rest to pay for roads, terminals, and to buy old buses, which are refurbished as classrooms, daycare centers, and clinics. Curitiba's citizens separate their trash into just two categories, organic and inorganic, which are picked up by two kinds of trucks. Poor families in squatter settlements unreachable by trucks bring their trash bags to neighborhood centers, where they exchange them for bus tickets, or for eggs, milk, oranges, and potatoes bought from outlying farmers. The trash goes to a plant, itself built of recycled materials, that employs 100 people to separate bottles from cans from plastic. The workers are handicapped people, recent immigrants, and alcoholics. Recovered materials are sold to local industries. Styrofoam is shredded to stuff blankets for the poor. The recycling program costs no more than the old landfill, but the city is cleaner, there are more jobs, farmers are supported, and the poor get


food and transportation. Curitiba recycles two-thirds of its garbage, one of the highest rates of any city, North or South. Builders in Curitiba get a tax break if their projects include green areas. The city has a hotline to report industrial polluters. In spite of strict environmental laws, Curitiba contains 341 major industries, including Fiat, Pepsi, and Volvo. Hitochi Nakamura, Curitiba's environment secretary says environmental laws are not slowing industrial development. Lerner says, "The dream of a better city is always in the heads of its residents. Our city isn't a paradise. It has most of the problems of other cities. But when we provide good buses and schools and health clinics, everybody feels respected. The strategic vision ... leads us to put the first priorities on the child and the environment. For there is no deeper feeling of solidarity than that of dealing with the citizen of tomorrow, the child, and the environment in which that child is going to live." Donella Meadows, co-author of Limits to Growth and Beyond the Limits, is an adjunct professor of environmental studies at Dartmoutb College and an IC contributing editor.

Bus stop with platform Required for systems using high floor buses. Buses must have a modified entrance/exit to fit with the platform. The only example today is Curitiba with its tube stations or boarding tubes, as they are also called. They can be described as elevated tubular glass-and-steel bus stops. There are different kinds of tube stations regarding size (e.g. number of boarding/debarking doors) and function (e.g. with or without integration, just boarding or debarking).


Left: Level boarding using tube stations (platforms) in Curitiba, Brazil. Right: Level boarding using a new design of a bus stop with platform. (Source: Stefano d'Elia and Bjrn Nilsson. CTH, 2000.) The elevated loading platforms of the stations are done to meet the bus platforms, thereby providing an efficient level boarding mechanism. When the bus is aligned with the station, the bus driver opens the doors of the bus and tube station using a remote control system. A fundamental feature of the tube station is the fare payment at the entrance of it, which also speeds up embarking to the bus (further explained in off-board ticketing).


COMO CUALQUIER OTRA... A primera vista, Curitiba es una ciudad latinoamericana como cualquier otra, con un crecimiento desmedido de su poblacin de 150.000 a 1,6 millones en tan slo cincuenta aos. Pero, al contrario de sus vecinas, esta ciudad brasilea es un ejemplo positivo de desarrollo urbano y planeacin. SUEO COLECTIVO "Cuando una ciudad acepta como mandato la calidad de vida, cuando respeta a la gente que all vive, cuando respeta el medio ambiente, y cuando se prepara para las nuevas generaciones, la gente comparte la responsabilidad de este mandato, y esta causa compartida es la nica manera de hacer un sueo colectivo realidad", ha dicho Jaime Lerner, uno de los arquitectos que comenz el proyecto de Curitiba y ha sido alcalde en tres ocasiones. UN PROYECTO DE TODOS Cada uno de los habitantes de Curitiba ha tenido que ver con el plan de desarrollo urbano. Para comenzar a arborizar, el alcalde envi 1,5 millones de semillas a cada barrio para que las plantara. SOLUCIONES CONCILIADAS Con los vendedores ambulantes tambin se lleg a un acuerdo para crear una feria itinerante que circula por los diferentes barrios. Para solucionar la situacin de los nios de la calle, el gobierno local inst a las empresas para que adoptara a un grupo de nios y les suministrara comida y un salario a cambio de trabajo de jardinera. CINCUENTA AOS DE PLANEACIN El secreto: la planeacin. Desde 1965 se pens en una red de corredores que atraviesan la ciudad, y que no parten del centro, como sucede con la mayora de las ciudades latinoamericanas. Cada uno de estos corredores cuenta con tres rutas: en la central, el carril central es utilizado por un autobs que lleva hasta 270 pasajeros, y los exteriores estn dedicados al 26

parqueo.Por las otras dos rutas circulan los dems vehculos y hay un carril de autobuses directos que hacen pocas paradas. PARADAS ULTRA-RPIDAS Las paradas, en forma de tubo, tienen una entrada en la que se paga el tiquete, y otra salida para que no se congestionen. Por esta razn, en la mayora de las paradas, pasa un autobs cada 90 segundos; desembarcar slo toma 30 segundos. TRANSPORTE BARATO Cada habitante gasta el 10% de su presupuesto anual en transporte. Cada boleto de autobs cuesta US$0.40, y a cada empresa se le paga por el trayecto recorrido en kilmetros, y no por el nmero de pasajeros que lleve, evitando la "guerra del centavo" comn en las grandes ciudades latinoamericanas. UN TRANSPORTE REALMENTE PBLICO Curitiba cuenta con uno de los sistemas de transporte pblico ms utilizados y ms baratos en el mundo. El trfico ha disminuido en un 30% desde 1974, a pesar de que la poblacin se ha duplicado.Y a pesar de que uno de cada tres personas tiene un automvil, el 70% de la poblacin toma el autobs cada maana para ir a trabajar. BASURA POR ALIMENTOS Cada uno de los hogares de Curitiba debe separar la basura en dos categoras, orgnico e inorgnico. Las familias pobres que viven en lugares a donde no pueden llegar los camiones de recoleccin llevan su basura a centros en los que la pueden intercambiar por tiquetes de transporte o alimentos. PARQUES Curibita tiene 17 parques pblicos, y ms de 145 ciclorrutas construidas. Uno de los atractivos tursticos es el Jardn Botnico.


Location: Curitiba, Brazil Summary: Curitiba's Integrated Transport Network has proven that transportation land use and road systems can be used successfully as integrative tools of development in the face of an expanding population. Problem Overview: Due to agricultural mechanization from the 1950s to the 1980s, cities across Brazil experienced rapid growth with the migration of people from rural areas to urban areas. Curitiba, the capital city of the State of Paran, experienced some of the highest growth in the country with population increases reaching an estimated 5.7% a year during those decades. This uncontrolled increase in population presented circumstances that demanded effective city planning in areas ranging from social services, housing and sanitation, to the environment and transportation. From the 1940s to the 1960s urban planners in Curitiba began the process of creating an urban Master Plan. Part of that plan included constructing a consolidated public transportation system to move people easily throughout the metropolitan area and its surrounding municipalities. Background: With the approval of Curitibas Master Plan in 1966, guidelines were established that restructured the citys radial configuration into a linear model of urban expansion. Accordingly, urban planners realized that transportation land use and road systems can be used as integrative tools of development in compliance with these guidelines. In the 1970s, zoning laws were set in place and Structural Avenues were designed to direct linear growth by attracting residential and commercial density along a mass transportation lane. In 1974, the main mass transit line began to operate along those avenues.


With the creation and guidance of planning agencies like The Research and Urban Planning Institute of Curitiba (IPPUC), a mass transportation system developed that today covers eight neighboring cities, and transports 1.9 million passengers daily with an 89% approval rate, according to a survey done by URBS.

Curitiba city map To accommodate the growing population over the past 30 years, the system has grown to utilize varying types of bus services that cater to the needs of passengers within the metropolitan areas and surrounding municipalities. The Integrated Transport Network, now operating with 1,902 busses, is designed to allow the passenger to make travel accommodations to a certain destination without paying more than one passage within the metropolitan area. This integrated system connected by tube stations and terminals also incorporates an express bus system that serves as a surface subway for the city of Curitiba whose foresight in urban planning has demonstrated positive results. The development of Curitibas world-renowned transportation system began in the late 1960s, early 1970s. Unlike other Latin American cities at the time, Curitibas planners decided to address the process of transportation as an integrative approach that can assist in the development of the city. In Curitibas case, its planners recognized that transportation systems can serve as the backbone for the development and growth of the city in the future. Instead of succumbing to the demand of the population and addressing transportation as a service that caters to an ever prevalent and pressing demand, they essentially planned their system with the intention of dictating the growth of the city. Curitiba decided to use busses as its primary means of public transport because it was not only the choice of transport in 29

the past, it was also the most cost effective means of transport. To understand the integration of this famous system of transportation and the system itself, one would have to understand the history of Curitiba and recognize its foresight in urban planning that stems from a tradition of innovative planners. History: Endless pine forest that once covered the municipality of Curitiba, and much of the Iguacu River region of southern Brazil, inspired the long vanished indigenous Indians to name the area accordingly. With the arrival of European settlers in the 1600s, a small settlement developed inside the luscious pine forest that was named Curitiba, signifying many pine seeds. The settlement grew with the advance of the cattle trade as cattle-drivers from the southern states used the strategic location of the town as a post on their way to So Paulo. The increase in cattle transportation characterized the settlement as a trading post which in turn attracted businesses and shops to the area. As a result, this small agrarian town grew in prosperity and progressively found itself as the capital of the newly emancipated State of Paran in 1842. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, Curitiba developed into the capital city of Paran with the construction of schools, theaters and clubs. Streets began to be constructed as the population increased and there evolved a growing need for a public transportation system. On November 8, 1887, Curitiba introduced its first public transportation system. The system included open horse drawn carriages that were used until the introduction of the electric trolleys in 1913. During that time, Curitiba continued to grow. From 1903 to 1913 the number of passengers that used the system increased from 680,000 to 1,910,000. Again there was a dire need to improve the transportation system to satisfy the growth in passengers. The city continued to grow and more public service programs were developed. Within the first decade of the 20th century, streets were paved and widened. In particular, it was the administration of Mayor Moreira Garcez (1920-1928) who commissioned the paving of roads and the development of structures throughout Curitiba. It wasnt until 1928 that a company called Companhia Fora e Luz began to explore the possibility of using busses as a means of transport and creating regular bus lines. Unfortunately, at the time the outlandish cost of riding the bus rendered this mode of transport publicly unfavorable compared to the electric trolleys that still were in use. In 1938, 10,975,699 people used the trolley system in comparison to 2,678,638 who rode the busses. Even with the addition of bus lines in 1942 the majority of the population preferred using the trolleys because they were cheaper. For the duration of the 1940s there arose a fierce competition between trolleys and busses. It was also during this time that the city started looking into various types of efficient mass transportation systems. Slowly, bus routes began to replace trolley routes. Then, in 1951 the trolley system stopped transporting passengers completely. Following a public revolt against the highly priced busses, the city government regulated bus fares putting the cost of all rides to 50 cents/cruzeros, the first unified fare in Curitiba. 30

The Preliminary Urban Plan and The Master Plan Towards the end of the 1940s into the mid 1950s there began a noteworthy transformation in Curitiba with the implementation of the Preliminary Urban Plan. At this time, Architect and City Planner Alfredo Agache, the co-founder of the French Society of Urban Studies, wanted to introduce a new standard of urban space design. Agache, who was commissioned to create an urban plan for Curitiba, designed a development scheme that gave priority to public services such as sanitation, easing traffic congestion and creating centers that

disorganized city growth

organized city growth enabled the growth of both social life and commerce. After two years of preparation, economic setbacks curtailed the full implementation of the plan. However, initial parts of his plan that include large avenues, an obligatory setback of five meters from the curb as a buffer zone for new buildings, an industrial district, the civic center and the municipal market remain. While the Agache Plan was not constructed completely, from its inception it is evident that city planners in Curitiba were willing to develop the city in accordance with his vision. In the 1960s, Mayor Ivo Aruza Prereira commissioned Curitiba Research and Urban Planning Institute to create an urban plan for the city. The Master Plan established guidelines that changed the citys radial configuration of growth to a linear model of urban expansion. The plan utilized land use and road systems as integrated tools to implement that principle. With the approval of the plan in 1966, the first step was taken with the 31

creation of the Institute for Research and Urban Planning in Curitiba (IPPUC). The institute introduced zoning laws and design for the city in compliance with the urban plan. In 1969, Mayor Omar Sabbag developed the preliminary mass transportation plan and, in 1971, the mass transit terminal plan was developed under Architect Jamie Lerners first appointed mayoral term. Curitibas Transportation System Lerners administration commenced in 1971 by creating Brazils first pedestrian network in the center of the city. But, the most significant changes in the transportation system were taken in 1974 with the creation of the road hierarchy and land control system (Rabinovitch and Hoehn, 1995). In coordination with the Master Plan they began to construct the first two out of five arterial structural roads that would eventually form the structural growth corridors and dictate the growth pattern in the city. These structural corridors were composed of a triple road system with the central road having two restricted lanes dedicated to express busses. Parallel to the express bus lanes were two local roads running in opposite directions. They allowed local traffic to pass through the city. In 1982, all five structural corridors were completed with interdistrict and feeder lines. In accordance with these structural roads, zoning laws were set in place to structure the growth of the city. Large buildings holding a high density of people were permitted to be built along these corridors, but, as one moved away from these entral corridors, the admissible densities declined from urban apartment buildings to residential neighborhoods (Rabinovitch and Hoehn, 1995). Solving The Fare Problem With the evolution of the transportation system there increased a need for an effective mode of payment. Curitibas city hall wanted to expedite bus service and recognized that one of the factors that generated delays is the hold-up in the mode of passenger payment. Over the years there have been many forms of payment implemented. A new system to avoid delays was created in which the city eliminated transfer payments and substituted them with transfer tokens made of paper. But after 7 months of implementation, the city discovered major forgery of the paper transfers. The city then tried to install a two-fare payment, separating the express fares from the feeder fares (fares for the outlying buses connecting to those going to the city center). This system was repealed after one and a half-years because it favored the rich who resided closer to the center and paid only one fare over the poorer population who resided on the periphery of the city and would have to pay two passages to arrive in the center. Realizing the social imbalance imposed by this fare mode, the city dropped the feeder fare and allowed passengers to ride the feeder busses for free. After a while the city received 32

public complaints about the unsanitary conditions on the feeder busses. They became sleeping places for the homeless and bus drivers refused to drive these busses. The city then decided to return to the one fare method and built fences between stops for the express and feeder busses. This method proved to be successful until they became overcrowded. They became unsanitary and were often referred to as pig stalls. In 1980, the city finally developed and constructed transfer terminals that operated like subway stations. The terminals, constructed with telephone accessibility, attracted newsstands and flower shops and became aesthetically attractive and user friendly. It was also at this time that the city introduced automatic ticketing to the system. This form of payment allowed passengers to purchase metal tokens at terminals, newsstands or shops, or pay with money at the bus terminals. They hoped to increase the speed of transfers and boarding of passengers which would expedite bus circulation. The city believed that under careful planning of transfers, passengers could travel throughout the system for only one fare. Despite the fare issues, the city had to deal with the overwhelming attraction of the express system. Upon its implementation in 1974, its novelty and popularity resulted in overcrowded busses that caused delays in boarding at stops and terminals. To compensate for the loss in time, bus drivers would increase speed, creating potentially dangerous situations and accidents. The city found it necessary to implement speed control monitors, create boarding tubes and tailor bus designs to accommodate the growing demand. The city also had to create a system in which individual bus companies that catered to the various zones in the city could share revenues without competing with each other. Traditionally the city was partitioned in different zones that were serviced by individual bus companies. But, with the creation of the inter-district routes and the implementation of the Integrated Transportation Network along with the unified fare, passengers could pay one company at a terminal located in a particular zone and ride the system without paying the other bus companies. In 1987 the city addressed this problem by distributing transportation revenue based on the number of kilometers traveled by vehicle type for any given company. With each company given a number of route kilometers and a timetable, each company competes with the schedule not with other companies (Rabinovitch and Hoehn, 1995). Bus and Station Design


After the construction of terminals and the implementation of the unified fare, the city wanted to develop busses and stations designed with the intention of avoiding fare evaders. For this reason, busses are designed with three doors, two doors for exiting and a front door for boarding. In a category by itself, these urban busses are constructed with turbo engines, lower floor levels, wider doors, and a convenient design for mass transit. Curitiba also developed boarding tube stations that were placed along direct routes and express lanes. To increase convenience, boarding efficiency and reduce fare evaders the tubes elevate passengers to the bus platform level where automatic doors operated by the tube conductor open parallel to the bus doors. Passengers pay an entrance fare at the turnstile and wait for their respective direct or express bus to pass. Disembarking passengers leave the stations through a direct exit. To further assist passengers, each tube station is equipped with station and route maps and with small lifts situated beside the entrance of the tube to help disabled passengers, strollers, and passengers carrying heavy bags enter the tubes with agility. The Present System of Transportation The transportation system is made up of three complementary levels of service that include the feeder lines, express lines and inter-district routes. The feeder lines pass through outlying neighborhoods and make the system easily accessible to lower density areas. Sharing the roads with other vehicles, these feeder lines connect with the express system along the structural corridors. The express system then utilizes these dedicated bus lanes and transports large numbers of passengers to various locations along these structural corridors, thus operating much like a surface subway system. The interdistrict routes allow passengers to connect to the axis of the express lines without entering the central city area. The Integrated Transportation Network (ITN) encompasses transfer terminals, express routes, direct routes using boarding tubes, feeder and interdistrict routes supplemented by center city routes, neighborhood routes, night routes, special education routes, and pro-park routes which collectively make up Curitibas Mass Transit System (MTS). Through carefully planned tube or terminal connections, passengers can pay one fare and travel throughout the system. To facilitate use of the system, passengers can identify a specific route by the color and type of the bus used. The thirteen express lines that make up the express bus system for instance, operate on the structural corridors and are represented by large red articulated, bi-articulated or silver padron busses. Articulated and bi-articulated busses are large busses capable of carrying 170-270 passengers respectively and are joined in the center by a pivot joint and flexible tubing that allows the bus to curve around turns without occupying more than one lane of traffic. Articulated busses 34

have one joint and bi-articulated have at least two connected units. They are virtually like a train with connected cars. These busses connect the transfer terminals to the city center. Passengers pay, enter and exit at tube stations. The feeder routes are characterized by orange conventional busses that connect the terminals with the surrounding neighborhoods. Inter-district routes use green padron or articulated busses that connect transfer Terminals to different districts without passing speedy through the center of the city. The direct speedy routes are silver and use the tube stations along routes that link the main district and surrounding municipalities with Curitiba. Then there are padron Conventional Integration Radial Routes that are marked by yellow padron busses. They operate on the normal road network between the surrounding municipalities, the integration terminals, and the articulated city center. The City Circle Line is a fleet of white mini-busses that circle the major transport terminals and different points of interest in the downtown area. All school busses are marked with a yellow stripe and busses dedicated for the disabled are blue. The Integrated Transport System is made up of 340 routes that utilize 1,902 busses to transport 1.9 million passengers per day. The entire network covers 1,100km of roads with 60km of it dedicated for bus use. There are 25 transfer terminals within the system and 221 tube stations that all allow for pre-paid boarding. The Integrated System also has 28 routes and special busses dedicated to transporting special education and disabled patrons. Conclusions Curitibas system of transportation is an example of effective urban planning. The citys urban planners recognized that even if growth in population cannot be controlled, the development of infrastructure in the city can guide the citys expansion. By approaching transportation as tool used to attain a greater solution rather than as a solution to an advancing problem, they were able to implement an efficiently constructed, cost-effective transportation system that finances itself. The city used busses because it had a tradition of using busses. While this system is powered by diesel, the reduction of the number of cars used compensates, if not surpasses, the difference in carbon monoxide emissions. Like every city, Curitibas transportation system is plagued by overcrowded peak hours and untimely busses. But, this is a relatively minor inconvenience in comparison to the service provided and the proximity served. From personal experience I can testify to the agility of this system. In comparison with transportation systems in Rio de Janiero, where passengers have to flag down and run after a number of private busses that provide service to the same destination using different routes and New York City were busses are often caught in unrelenting city congestion for a good part of the working day, Curitiba's integrative bus system with its express lanes and bus expediency, essentially works. References Curitiba Integrated Network, Urban Transportation World Reference. URBS, Curitiba. 35

Curitiba Urban Management, Building Full Citizenship. World Habitat Awards, Building and Housing Foundation, 1996. Rabinovitch, J and Hoehn, J. A Sustainable Urban Transportation System: the Surface Metro in Curitiba, Brazil. The Environmental and Natural Resources Policy and Training Project, Michigan State University, 1995. Rabinovitch, J and Leitman, J. Urban Planning in Curitiba, A Brazilian City Challenges Conventional Wisdom and Relies on Low Technology to Improve the Quality of Urban Life. Scientific American, 1996. Zaruch, L.J. Roteiro da Cidade, do bonde de mula ao onibus expresso. Digital fotogravura Ltda., Curitiba, Paran. 1975. Follow-up: Because Curitibas transport system is comparable to a surface subway system transported by busses, it can be altered to fit the needs of the growing population. The entire MTS is currently operated by Urbanizao de Curitiba (URBS), a publicly-administrated, privatelyfunded company that was founded in 1963. Together with IPPUC both agencies are responsible for land use development, maintenance and extension of the mass transportation system. Documentation: There has been no known documentation of Curitibas system. The integrated system itself has been used as a point of reference for cities around the world who are looking to implement an efficient transport network.

Submitted by: Vidisha Parasram Horizon Solutions Site Intern Web or other links: URBS, Urbanizao de Curitiba IPPUC, Institute for Research and Urban Planning of Curitiba Universidad Livre do Meio Ambiente

36 Secretaria Municipal da Communicaao Celia Hosoume Diretora de Relaones Publicas Av. Candido de abreu, 817-1 Andar-Centro Civico CEP: 80530-908- Curiiba-Paran e-mail: Phone: (041) 350-8870 Fax: (041) 254-6033 Information Date: 2000-05-16 Information Source: IPPUC (The Research and Urban Planning Institute of Curitiba) Rua Bom Jesus 669 Cabral-Curitiba-Paran Brasil CEP 80035-010 Phone: (55-41) 352-1417 Fax: (55-41) 252-6679 URBS (Urbanization of Curitiba Corporation) Dr. Cleon Ricardo dos Santos Universidade Livre do Meio Ambiente (Open University for the Environment) Rua Victor Benato, 210 ZIP 82.120-110, Curitiba, Brazil Phone 55 41 252-9681 Fax 55 41 335-3443 e-mail: Secretaria Municipal da Communicaao Celia Hosoume Diretora de Relaones Publicas Av. Candido de Abreu, 817-1 Andar-Centro Civico CEP: 80530-908- Curiiba-Paran e-mail: Phone: (041) 350-8870 Fax: (041) 254-6033



Transportes em Curitiba Em Curitiba o sistema de transporte coletivo visto como um dos mais eficientes do Brasil. Foi implantado nos anos 70 com a preocupao de privilegiar o transporte para todas os habitantes, o sistema reconhecido por aliar baixo custo operacional e servio de qualidade. Cerca de 1,9 milho de passageiros so transportados diariamente, com um grau de satisfao de 89% dos usurios, segundo pesquisa da Urbs, empresa que gerencia o sistema. O que diferencia o transporte curitibano com o de outras cidades, que ele dispem de uma tarifa integrada, que permite o deslocamento de um usurio para toda a cidade pagando apenas uma passagem. Cada pessoa criar seu prprio percurso atravs dos Terminais ou Estaes-Tubo. A maior parte das pessoas que usam so as que tem menor poder aquisitivo, e para elas, percorrer trajetos longos pagando apenas uma tarifa uma grande vantagem. Calcula-se que diariamente 80% dos usurios sejam beneficiados pela integrao. Atualmente, a Rede Integrada de Transporte opera com 1.877 nibus, realizando cerca de 14 mil viagens por dia, num total de 316 mil Km a cada 24 horas. Hoje o sistema est integrado com mais de doze municpios da Regio Metropolitana, se d por linhas convencionais, de nibus metropolitanos, Expressos e Ligeirinhos, transportando diariamente cerca de 500 mil pessoas que residem ou trabalham nas cidades vizinhas.

Terminais Os terminais de nibus so pontos de integrao localizados nos extremos dos eixos estruturais. Os usurios que moram nas regies vizinhas chegam at um dos 21 terminais existentes por meio de "linhas alimentadoras", onde todo bairro possui. De l podem escolher qualquer percurso pagando apenas uma tarifa. Hoje a tarifa custa R$ 1,40. Os nibus da Linha Expresso complementam o trajeto at o centro da cidade. Qualquer outro ponto de Curitiba pode ser alcanado com os nibus da Linha Interbairros e Ligeirinho.


Estaes-Tubo So 351 plataformas de embarque e desembarque, no mesmo nvel da porta de acesso dos nibus da Linha Direta, apelidados de Ligeirinhos. A tarifa paga antecipadamente, na prpria estao, dispensando-se a presena do cobrador no interior do coletivo. Os veculos percorrem os trajetos em menor tempo, dispondo de estaes-tubo a cada 800 metros, em mdia. A cobrana antecipada da tarifa gera economia de tempo para o usurio em aproximadamente uma hora por dia. E, em relao ao sistema convencional, economiza at 18% do custo operacional. Ao todo, 195 estaes-tubo so dotadas de elevadores para deficientes fsicos.

Respeito aos Deficientes A rede de transporte se preocupa com tambm com os deficientes fsicos. Para eles, foram criados elevadores ou rampas de acesso aos terminais de nibus e estaes-tubo. H, ainda, quatro linhas especiais, equipadas para facilitar a vida dos portadores de deficincias fsicas. Em carter complementar, o transporte de alunos do Ensino Especial feito por linhas exclusivas, que buscam o estudante em sua residncia.

Jaime Lerner

Uma viso estratgica da cidade deve procurar o equilbrio de potencialidades e necessidades


frente do Ippuc-Instituto de Pesquisas e Planejamento Urbano de Curitiba, Jaime Lerner foi um dos principais artfices das mudanas naquela capital. H segredos nisso? No deixar de fazer as coisas simples por elas parecerem simples a recomendao de Lerner, que se define como um arquiteto de transformaes e est em seu segundo mandato como governador do Paran, depois de ter sido prefeito de Curitiba por trs gestes. No final de junho, o Senado aprovou o Estatuto da Cidade, projeto de lei que define diretrizes gerais de poltica urbana. Qual avaliao o senhor faz desse instrumento? Ele estava h muito tempo em discusso [o projeto de lei de 1989]. um reforo de algumas coisas que podem ser melhoradas, mas no a essncia de uma poltica urbana. Qual seria, ento, a essncia de uma poltica urbana? Primeiro, ter um pas mais generoso com as cidades. H hoje uma viso muito trgica em relao aos problemas delas. Os condutores de poltica econmica, em nosso pas, no tm viso de cidade. Somos para eles a externalidade de um problema econmico, quando, na verdade, as cidades so indutoras de um processo de transformao. Os pases que no tm sido generosos com suas cidades no o so com suas populaes. Como alterar essa viso trgica das cidades? Trata-se de questo cultural. Em todos os pases que separaram as atividades econmicas dos assentamentos humanos aconteceu a tragdia, porque a cidade uma estrutura de vida e de trabalho juntos. Se a economia pensada separadamente do modo de vida das pessoas, acontecero coisas que no so boas. Temos hoje, em nosso pas, estruturas muito sofisticadas responsveis pelas cidades e, s vezes, elas no so capazes de dizer para onde a cidade vai e do que vivem as pessoas que moram ali. E isso essencial, porque h maneiras de trabalhar na induo do crescimento das cidades. Curitiba exemplo claro disso. O que o arquiteto pode fazer para mudar essa situao? O arquiteto , na essncia, um profissional da proposta. No somos constatadores. Temos a possibilidade imensa de transformar e no podemos perder essa oportunidade nica. Por isso, quando lecionava sempre


Jaime Lerner
Governor of the State of Parana, Brazil Former Mayor of Curitiba, Brazil Jaime Lerner (1937, Curitiba, Brazil) is an inspiring planner. He was mayor of Curitiba three times (1971-75, 1979-83 and 1989-92) and turned that city into a paradigm of city planning, and not only for developing countries. He created an infrastructure in Curitiba that kept the city from bursting out of its seams despite its rapid growth. His bus tickets, which were also lottery tickets, have become internationally renowned. In 1964, the French government granted Lerner a fellowship to study at the Centre Scientifique et Technique du Btiment, in Paris. After his studies, he worked at the Department of Urbanism, in Toulouse, and at George Candilis' studio for a short period of time. Back to Curitiba, Lerner designed some buildings such as the Condominio Mateus Leme (1964) and the Loureiro Fernandes School (1966). In 1965, he was responsible for setting up and defining the structure of the Research and Urban Planning Institute of Curitiba (IPPUC). At the same time, he was involved with Curitiba's Master Plan to guide the City's physical, economic and cultural transformation. As Mayor of Curitiba for three terms, Jaime Lerner consolidated the City's basic urban transformations and implemented an Integrated Mass Transport System during his first term. Afterwards, in addition to the leading-edge urban planning initiatives, he intensified an encompassing program that resulted in social and environmental advances. He was elected Governor of Paran State, in 1994, and re-elected in 1998; which means he will be in office until 2002. Lerner has promoted the greatest economic and social transformation of all of Parana's history. The State of Parana has been able to consolidate its position as the country's new industrial hub thanks to a series of policies geared toward attracting productive investments, with the support of Curitiba's successful experience. As a UN urban planning consultant, he has been involved with planning designs, mass transportation programs and urban projects in several cities of Brazil, Latin America and Asia. Lerner has been awarded very important national and international prizes: the United Nations Environmental Award, granted by the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), New York, (1990); the Child and Peace Award from UNICEF, related to the following programs: From the Streets to School, Protecting Life, and the Teacher's University (1996); the "Thomas Jefferson Medal" from the University of Virginia, USA (1997) and, finally, the "Prince Claus Fund Award", Netherlands (2000).

42 conf99/curitiba.htm o

Liana Vallicelli, City of Curitiba, Brazil Transport Network Determines Urban Form History and Environment in Commercial and Industrial Areas Housing and Services for the Poor Environmental Preservation Liana Vallicelli, City of Curitiba, Brazil

Curitiba is a city of 1 million in the south of Brazil. The surrounding region has 24 municipalities and an overall population of 2.5 million. For many years the city had a 7 percent annual growth rate - its population was 400,000 in 1970. Now its growth rate is 2.3%, while the surrounding cities are growing at up to 11% annually. In the 1960's, the mayor decided on a new master plan to de-congest the downtown and save the old houses there.

Transport Network Determines Urban Form

Growth was to be directed along linear corridors or structural axes. These linear axes have served to control the spread of the city. There is no infrastructure outside them. They have the highest density, with a transit route and a bus terminal, with higher speed streets to either side. The transit system organizes the urban area. The bus system has a single fare. There is a feeder bus, a dedicated line bus, an express bus and a circle bus. Improvement of the bus system is a top priority. Examples are the new "tube" disembarkation stations at the bus entrance level and the new system of ticketing before entering the bus. There is a 50-second deadhead (period between buses) at peak times, and 2 to 3 minutes at other times at the central station.


There is a lift for the disabled at every tube station. Bus capacities have been increased from 80 to 150 and then to 270. This results in less pollution and greater economies. There is a 10-year growth capacity in the existing system. The circle line joins the structural axes. This line has been successful, as it attracts 8,000 passengers per week when only 2,000 were expected. The bus system is linked with regional axes outside Curitiba. Bike lanes are well-used and follow the river.

History and Environment in Commercial and Industrial Areas

The first pedestrian street in Brazil was created in 1972 - overnight, to avoid any opposition by merchants. Children mural-drawing sessions have been a feature of Saturday morning on the mall ever since.


The historic preservation of a commercial district near the downtown has been achieved through the transfer of development rights. There was a problem of abandonment of heritage buildings, in the interest of bringing about their deterioration and eventual demolition. Under the regulations, you can build in the rear if you restore the old building in front. Tax discounts are also given for restoration. A "Citizenship Street" next to the transport axis provides municipal services at the edge of the city, so that suburbanites dont have to travel to the downtown. The industrial district is situated on the side of the city away from the prevailing winds. Proof of pollution control is required for a license to operate. Since the industries are clean, they can be near housing.

Housing and Services for the Poor

Housing is provided for up to three minimum salaries. The city is trying for mixed use development, not just housing, in the creation of new neighbourhoods. The city designated high density development areas with full infrastructure and charged development fees to develop there beyond what was allowed by zoning. These fees were then used for low income housing development. Favela or shanty-town dwellers were moved to a street of new houses with a shop in which they could carry on a trade on the ground floor and the flat in which they lived above.


Low income people benefit from programs in health care, education and food. Old buses are adapted as skill training schools, with what is taught being based on expressed community desires. 47 school libraries have been brought outside schools to allow public access. They each have a lighthouse tower and guardhouse based on the ancient Library of Alexandria. The city developed books used in four years of primary school. The content was based in the city environment and history.

Environmental Preservation
In the 1970's, federal government loans available for canalizing rivers were used to create public parks along the rivers. There are now 52 square metres of parks per resident. The lakes control water level during rains. Heritage buildings have been moved to parks, celebrating the founding ethnic groups. The poor participate in a program where they exchange garbage for food (formerly for bus tokens). The "Free University" , located in a reclaimed old quarry, provides free short courses foranyone interested. A vandalism problem at the Botanical Gardens was olved by asking neighbourhood children to take care of the flowers, then paying them for working. In everything planned in Curitiba, the quality of life is emphasized.

Curitiba Links Overview

CURITIBA, BRAZIL: Three decades of thoughtful city planning Curitiba Main Tourist Attractions Curitiba and its visionary mayor

Bus System

Curitiba: An Innovative Bus City Curitiba Urban Transport System Brazilian city curbs traffic clog-ups with subway-like bus system Buses Are Transit Vehicles Too (Discussion Group) Buses Are Transit Vehicles Too (Discussion Group) CURITIBA: A INTEGRATED NETWORK OF SURFACE TRANSPORT



Curitiba - reycling as a popular and heroic activity Brazil's urban laboratory takes the strain Innovative City of Curitiba Curitiba: A solution for the future Biodiesel and Diesohol Urban Buses Program Smoke Emissions and Performance Results

Editors Note: Reports from Curitiba seem too good to be true. A number of the planning community in Halifax have had the opportunity to visit the city in relation to CIDAs Dalhousie/Brazil Project. I spent a few days there in December 1993 and was totally convinced. It was an attractive, modern, prosperous, comfortable and safe city, that seemed to have been plucked out of the heart of Europe.

Curitiba: An Innovative Bus City

The City of Curitiba, Brazil was experiencing a rapid growth 25 years ago. At that time city visionaries decided that careful urban planning was necessary to preserve the quality of life as well as to make the city dynamic. Culture, environment, industry and transportation had priority considerations in the urban planning process. Green areas were preserved, and new large parks and pedestrian areas created. School locations were planned for the benefit of each neighborhood. Industrial areas were outlined and important controls on pollution were instituted. There occurred a revitalization of the city offering a new type of social-economic development. This was implemented without destroying the existing values, the urban landscape, the culture and tranquility. The transportation planning brought about innovations. With the future in mind, quick access to the city center as well as neighborhoods was studies. Bus transportation was chosen in 1974 and the choice proved to be wise and ultimately successful. Today, the world is looking at Curitiba with respect and interest for its innovations in transportation. The Rede Integrada de Transporte (RIT) or Integrated Transportation Network was begun in 1974. At that time, express buses began operating on exclusive bus lanes on a wide boulevard. This bus way extended from the city center at Parca Rui Barbosa to the south part of Curitiba.


It was an immediate success. The bus way had convenient attractive stations. The buses at that time were designed for comfort and convenience to the passengers. Ridership began to increase. Each day 17,000 passengers traveled. Feeder and connecting lines served the terminal and some of the enroute stations. Today the RIT serves more than 800,000 passengers a day. Curitiba has been adapting to this growth. One of the innovations has been the establishment of more terminals. There are no 24 terminals outside the city center with three more terminals to be established soon. Buses have changed as well. Many buses now have doors at floor level which allow passengers to enter and exit the buses from platforms at specific stations and terminals. The intermediate stations have specially constructed plastic cylinders referred to as tubes. These tubes have raised platforms at the floor level of the buses. Passengers pay at the entrance to the tube. The bus departs quickly because the passengers have paid their fare before they enter the buses. There is also a lift at each tube to accommodate the handicapped. At Parca Rui Barbosa on Ciritibas center, there are several large tubes for the special buses as well as surface stopping places for buses not having the floor level boarding and exiting doors. As a result of growth of the RIT, there are five distinct types of bus services: Conventional/Feeder, Executives, Interbairros (Interdistrict); Direct, and Express. The success of the RIT has also contributed to the establishment of the various types of bus services.

Conventional/Feeder: These services operate into neighborhoods and transport passengers to various terminals throughout the city. From the terminals, the passengers can transfer to one of the several services operating express or fast schedules. The largest number of buses, 660, in the Curitiba fleet are assigned to the conventional and feeder routes. Approximately 675,000 persons ride these routes daily and most transfer to other services.

Executive: This services has only two lines operated with seven small buses. They operate a specialized service and carry approximately 4,200 passengers daily.

Interbairros (Interdistrict): These routes are primarily circular around the outer areas of Curitiba with stops only at specified places, mainly terminals and specified tube stations. The buses on these routes connect the various districts. Because the routes are primarily circular, it is possible for passengers to travel between districts without having to enter the city center. There are seven routes and 127 buses in the Interbairros service.


Direct: Buses on direct lines stop only at terminals or tube stations. The 180 buses in the service have floor level doors for fast loading and unloading. There are 13 Direct lines.

Express: There are two categories in the Express service. A fleet of 43 regular articulated buses are operated in an east-west corridor through the center of Curitiba. The east end branches into two routes and has a total of four terminals. The west portion serves two terminals. Stops are made at a number of locations enroute. These are at street level and do not have raised platforms. The heart of the Curitiba RIT system is operated by 95 bi-articulated buses. They can carry up to 270 passengers, 57 of which can be seated. A fleet of new Marco Polo-bodied Volvo buses were recently added to the services. The buses have five floor level doors allowing for a fast flow of passengers. Dwell time is minimal. Three routes are operated - one along Marachal Floriano Peixoto southeast of the city center. It was one of the original routes with a reserved right of way established for express buses in 1974. Other express bus way routes follow Avenida Joao Gualberto to the northeast and Avenida Republica Argentina to the southwest. Each route serves terminals with platforms and intermediate tube stations. Connections are made with many other Curitiba bus routes in all categories. Despite the small number of buses, the express biarticulated buses carry approximately 322,537 passengers each day. The regular articulated buses carry almost 100,000 passengers a day. The bi-articulated buses operate in what is referred to as the Expresso Articulado service. The RIT is a cooperation between public and private sectors. Management of the RIT is the function of the Urbanization of Curitiba Corporation (URBS), a partial government company. Private companies operate the buses and are paid according to the number of kilometers operated. The monthly return for the companies is approximately 10 percent of the fares. This allows for the capital invested in bus fleets and administrative costs. Since the price paid per kilometer is the same for every company operating the buses, the profits come as a result of efficiency and productivity. There is no direct subsidy. It has been estimated that 75 percent of the commuters traveling to and from work each day travel on Curitibas RIT. The vision of the city planners in the early 1970's has helped the city reduce congestion and pollution. Although Curitiba has a high private automobile ownership (one automobile for every three persons), a 1991 report showed that 28 percent of automobile owners had decided to leave their automobiles at home and travel on the fast and efficient RIT bus service. Interestingly, the RIT system of Curitiba has been compared to a subway system. In New York, for instance, the speed of subway trains is from 25-32 km per hour. The bi-articulated buses in Curitiba average 20 km per hour, which is double the speed of buses in conventional service. If passengers have to transfer from one subway line to another, the 49

passenger may find that there is a walk of 20 minutes or more in some cases. A surface transfer at ground level can be only a few minutes. Even the time consumed going from an underground station to the surface can be several minutes. Speed can be comparable in many cases. The cost situation is a very different scenario and favorable to the RIT. The use of the biarticulated buses on an exclusive bus way is substantially less costly than construction of a subway or even a light rail system. The cost of implementing the bi-articulated bus system in Curitiba was $1.3 million (U.S.) per kilometer. This is 80 times less than the cost per kilometer for a subway system. It is also important to consider that the bi-articulated bus system in Curitiba was operational in a matter of months, whereas building a subway could take several years. Wise decisions in urban planning have resulted in Curitiba becoming a comfortable, livable, growing city. In addition, it has attracted economic expansion. Today, it is the center of important industry in Brazil. Most important, the decisions for an innovative transportation system, especially with the bi-articulated buses and bus ways, have resulted in a fast, efficient and convenient system. The transportation system has been implemented with a minimal capital cost. Curitiba is a city that can be looked at by the world with admiration.


Curitiba Urban Transport System

BRAZIL SECTOR: PROJECT NAME: TOTAL COST: FINANCING: IDB OTHER LOCAL DATE OF APPROVAL: GENERAL DESCRIPTION: of transincome Transportation Curitiba Urban Transport System (873/OC-BR) $231.6 million $120.0 million $ 46.0 million $ 65.6 million July 26, 1995 This program is designed to improve the standard living in Curitiba by providing better public port and additional facilities for users in lowareas. The five components of this program include: (a) increasing capacity on the North-South corridor boarding by paving roads on bus routes along the corridor, building new tube stations to speed up the and off-loading of passengers, and procuring additional buses and units; (b) improving feeder roads; (c) improving facilities for public users, including user support centers and (d) increasing traffic markings and road safety; (e) planning and monitoring public transport. CONSULTANTS: implement support the CuritiConsultants will be hired to help design and a municipal traffic safety program; and to modernization of the Prefectura Municipal de ba's information systems.

(Private sector) (Municipality of Curitiba - PMC)

transport terminals; and



A variety of equipment will be purchased for tion in the six user support centers, which will include offices and shops offering a wide range services. Computer hardware and software will be acquired to manage the public transportation bus fleet, as well as to modernize and expand the of the geographic information system in managing transport and traffic statistics. Traffic

capacity urban control purchased. CIVIL WORKS: works: 400 conconstructarea of works. EXECUTING AGENCY:

equipment and traffic lights will also be The program will finance the following civil (a) rehabilitation and paving of approximately meters of downtown bus-route roads; (b) paving of approximately 100 km of urban feeder roads; (c) struction of two overpasses and redesign of three intersections with interstate highways; (d) ion of five user support centers, each with an some 2,500 square meters; and (e) road sign Unidad de Gerencia del Programa (UTAG) Av. Prte. Alfonso Camargo Estaao Rodoferroviaria, Bloco Central CEP 80.060-090 Curitiba Paran, Brazil Telephone: (55-41) 222-3629 Fax: (55-41) 232-9475 Contact: Arq. Carlos Coneviva President


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