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Afraid You'll Look Foolish on the Golf Course? Don't Know a Wood from an Iron?

Want to Get In on One of the Fastest Growing Sports Around?

"Learn How to Golf and Impress Your Friends!"

Date: Mon day, April 15, 2013 Dear Beg in n in g Golfer, Are you in timidated wh en a frien d or colleag ue asks YOU to play a g ame of g olf? Do you suspect th at busin ess deals are bein g made on th e course wh ile you h an g out in th e Club House? Are you ash amed th at you don t kn ow a bun ker from a g reen ? Are you won derin g wh at is makin g everybody so obsessed with th is g ame? Don t despair everyon e started out just like you. Un fortun ately if youve come late to th e g ame you may feel your performan ce will embarrass you in fron t of your frien ds (or worse your boss!). Wh ile g olf is typically learn ed by adults you may feel ash amed to admit your lack of skill an d prefer to avoid th e g ame altog eth er. Don t miss out on th e fun an d n etworkin g en joyed by g olfers

Get on the Course and Give it a Swing !

But before you do th at (an d risk embarrassin g yourself) wh y n ot start out on th e rig h t foot with a quick overview of th e sport, h ow its played an d h ow to make th e rig h t decision s (an d sh ots) th at make you look like an old pro? Like an y oth er g ame rules an d skill, an d oth er variables, will affect your performan ce. Have you ever seen cartoon s about a frustrated g olfer? Be prepared g olf is as much a men tal g ame as a ph ysical on e. Secret tips to con trol your frustration can g ive you an immen se advan tag e, even over experien ced players wh o let it g et th e better of th em. Wh at about clubs? Wh ich on e is used for wh ich sh ot? Makin g smart decision s is wh at win s th e g ame an d th ats wh y pro g olfers h ave experien ced caddies to g ive th em advice on th e course - but you don t h ave th at. An overview of clubs an d wh en to use th em will sh ow oth ers youve g ot th e kn ow-h ow! Are you playin g for fun or are you tryin g to fit in to th e crowd? Man y busin ess men an d women en joy n etworkin g over a g ame of g olf. Th is is n ot th e time to let n erves g et to you or worry about h ow to g et out of th e bun ker, wh at you really n eed is th e

Beg inners Guide to Playing Golf

Ready to step on to th e course with your h ead h eld h ig h ? Well, a little practice certain ly wouldn t h urt before makin g your debut, h owever, youll see much faster prog ress after applyin g th e advice an d sug g estion s in th e Beg in n ers Guide to Playin g Golf. Wh at valuable in formation is con tain ed in th ese pag es? Heres a brief list of some of th e g olden n ug g ets of kn owledg e youll fin d T he Secr ets to Playing Golf and What You Wer e Afr aid to Ask Your Fr iends Ch oosin g th e Proper Golf Club! From th e first swin g un til th e last, ch oosin g th e rig h t club will g reatly improve your g ame. How T o Achieve the Per fect Gr ip! Yes, it matter s how

you hold your club, and her es what you need to know to do it r ig ht. Proper Stan ce an d Posture for Golfers! A proper swin g requires a proper stan ce, if you don t kn ow h ow to stan d th en don t expect too much from your clubs. Pr oper Stance for Per fect Putts! Putting r equir es a differ ent technique to g et r esults. Dont spend all after noon at the same hole tr ying to make the putt! Correctin g Common Swin g Mistakes! Its easy to forg et th e prin ciples beh in d g reat swin g s un til youve made several frustratin g sh ots learn th ese tips an d avoid common mistakes. How and When to Use a Wood! Not always the easiest club to g et comfor table with, lear n how to make g r eat shots with a Wood. Wh en an d How to Use an Iron ! Th eres more th an on e in your g olf bag , but wh en sh ould you use th em an d h ow? How to Impr ove Your Contact! T her es nothing mor e embar r assing than missing the ball or having it dar t to the side. Lear n how to impr ove contact and g et that ball moving in the r ig ht dir ection! Overcomin g Your Fears - Th e Men tal Game of Golf! Th e secret th ats worth th e price of th e wh ole book h ow to keep your h ead in th e g ame an d n ot let frustration g et th e better of you! How T o Keep Scor e In a Golf Game! Whether your e playing alone or in a g r oup, keeping accur ate scor e will count (especially if your fr iends tr y to cheat!) Tips for Uph ill an d Down h ill Swin g s! Special in struction s to h elp you make th e best sh ots in an y situation .

How to Get Out of the Bunker ! Dont want to sit in the Bunker all day? T r y these tips and you wont! Han dlin g th e Roug h ! Youre boun d to fin d yourself in th e roug h , especially wh en youre just learn in g , h eres h ow to g et out an d keep th e g ame g oin g .

What Youll Also Get

Tips for Golfin g on a Win dy Day Tips for Playin g Golf in th e Rain

Are You Ready to Become a Real Golfer?

You don t n eed to sit on th e sidelin es or fin d an oth er excuse to g et out of a g olf in vitation . A little practice combin ed with a little kn owledg e is a powerful combin ation . Are you ready to g et ton g ues wag g in g about YOUR impressive g ame? Learn in g to g olf will improve your con fiden ce don t let it h old you back an ymore! Fin d out for yourself wh y oth ers are so obsessed with th e g ame an d wh y its g ain in g in popularity so quickly. Are you ready to learn h ow to play g olf? Start today for less th at th e cost of an aftern oon at th e drivin g ran g e.

Download Beg inners Guide to Playing Golf" rig ht now for just

Down load Your Person al Copy of Beg in n ers Guide to Playin g Golf an d Start Applyin g th is Kn owledg e Today!

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Place your order n ow an d g et th ese oth er 2 in formation -packed ebooks...

Bonus #1:

Golf Basics
If youre like most people, th eres probably n oth in g you would like more th an to

learn h ow to play a g reat g ame of g olf or play a better g ame of g olf. Golf h as seen an in credible rise in popularity over th e past few decades, an d th at popularity con tin ues to g row. Wh ile th e followin g of g olf h as ch an g ed sig n ifican tly, so h as th e in dustry. Th ere are resorts, vacation packag es an d even h ousin g developmen ts built aroun d in credible g olf courses. Today, in order to play a g reat g ame of g olf it simply isn t en oug h to h ead out to your favorite course a few times to g et some practice swin g s in . You really n eed to un derstan d th e g olf in dustry, an d more importan tly, th e ch an g es th at are takin g place with in th e g ame of g olf. In th is ebook, you will learn ... T he Impor tance of a Good Golf Bag Ar e Golf Lessons For You? Ar e Golf Shoes Really Necessar y? Cleaning Your Golf Clubs Dr iver s - Not Just for Chauffeur ing You Ar ound Golf Accessor ies Whats Hot, Whats Not Golf T er minolog y Golf Swing Analysis Softwar e for Per fecting Your Game Instr uctional Golf Videos Wher e to Get T hem and What to Look For Left-handed g olfer tips T ips on pr e-owned g olf equipment How g olf g adg ets can impr ove your g ame Why the seven ir on is the per fect club War m Up T ips T he 10 Commandments of Golf Etiquette Golf tr aps explained T he ideal g olf tr ip T he must have ir on T he essentials of g olf What makes a g ood g olf cour se

Bonus #2
For th e slig h tly older person lookin g to take up g olf, we h ave someth in g special:

Senior Golf 101

You've always th oug h t about takin g up Golf (or perh aps g ettin g back in to it). But life always seemed to g et in th e way - work, raisin g th e kids, etc. You h ave more time n ow because your kids are already g rown an d h ave left th e n est, an d may be raisin g kids of th eir own . So wh at is h oldin g you back? Are you afraid you are too old or rusty to play a roun d an ymore? You kn ow your body doesn 't move as easily as it did 20 years ag o, but don 't let th at stop you. In side th is ebook you will discover... T he Health Benefits to playing g olf How to avoid injur y Senior s take a differ ent appr oach to their g ame

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Happy Golfin g ! Jim Bradley P.S. Don t forg et th at an oth er day with out usin g th e skills taug h t in Beg in n ers Guide to Playin g Golf mean s on e more day of missin g out on th e fun an d excitemen t of playin g g olf. Get in volved make frien ds g et ah ead in busin ess. You h ave th e an swers n ow its time to start applyin g th em!

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