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Mayoral Candidate Questionnaire Name as it will appear on ballot: Jesus G.

Reyes Current employment (if retired, please describe your previous career): Private Security 50-word (max) bio: I am The Only fiscal Conservative Republican on the Ballot, Back Ground in Corrections, Private Security, Real Estate. We need Someone to make Tough Decisions and look out for the citizens and People instead of Special interest groups and Washington Agendas. I'm Running for pure Love if my city. This TEXAS not TAXES! 50-word (max) reason for becoming a candidate in this election: I see the Mayor just advancing his political career at the expense of SA tax payers. He puts obama agendas over the well being of the City. Castro's Mother DEFAMED the Alamo. Castro has a poor weak Record. He's had his 4 years, and its time to move on. We don't ride around on a flat tire for 2 more years and hope it gets better, We "CHANGE" it. 1) Could the Citys recent ethics reforms be better enforced? Should there be more of a focus on potential conflicts of interest among City Council members as well as City staff?

Answer: Personally i think the mayor needs to Follow his own Advice, We had a Candidate Meet and Greet and the Mayor Was a No Show, I took it Personal that the Man did not have the Decency to At the Very Least show up. It is No Secret 95% of the City's Doing is behind Closed Doors and Special interest Groups influence, Also many City Council will Side with the Mayor to Advance their own Political Career. We (The Public) Have No idea, Input, or Say So when it comes to decisions, it Seems Castro is Following Obamas Dictatorship methods. How is It Possible Castro Holds 2 Offices,

One As Mayor and 2nd as Obamas Personal Agenda Pusher? Seems Like Castro is MIA in San Antonio but all over the U.S, Capital Hill, The White House and Even In Mexico with the Mexican President which is Ironic Since the Mayor DOES NOT EVEN SPEAK SPANISH. Immigration is NOT in his Job Description and he is Neglecting the City of San Antonio. Ethics, Lets See... The Mans Mom in Public and Print BASHED the Alamo. I took Great Offense to that, Also when Asked to Castro what the Alamo Meant to him he Stated, "Its a Tourist Attraction" ... Wow Really?That's it? .... He does not even Like or take Pride in Our Cities History and Culture. His Mother Raised him to Hate it, She Was Quoted, " I HATE that Place and Everything it stands For" Castro is a Progressive,Radical in Sheeps Clothing, Want Proof? Obama HAND PICKED him for a Reason.
2) Whats your opinion on encouraging economic development and cultural/nature programming via public/private partnerships, especially where public land, such as Hemisfair Park, is concerned?

Answer: It is Important to Grow as a city but also maintain its natural Beauty. We need to Protect Private Land Owners As well, That is the American Dream. Real Estate is a Roller coaster but statistics

show that Both California and Florida residents are coming to San Antonio. At the end it comes down to Accountability and whats best for all parties.
3) Should the city establish an independent police monitor to better oversee the San Antonio Police Department? Why or why not?

Answer: I believe So, after all they Are Public Servants, who better to over see it than the Public. We always Question Internal Reviews, but if it was a Public Panel not a Conflict of Interest the Public may feel safer knowing People Are Looking out For People.
4) Do you support the way the health department currently regulates food trucks? If not, how could the regulations be changed to better serve San Antonians?

Answer: Actually i think the City is Terrible at Regulations, if I'm elected Mayor i would Cut Red tape and Loosen Regulations For Such Food Trucks. innovation and Possibilities should not be restricted, it should be encouraged.
5) How can the City support sustainable transportation options?

Answer: That's easy Eliminate Wasteful Projects like the Trolley car that the People have Expressed in Large Numbers that we don't want it. It is not a Need, just a feather in the Mayors Cap and more tax dollars spent. What we need to do is Lower via Rates for the Everyday rider, the Commuter who must get up early to go to work, serve our community. Inflation used to be .35 to ride now at a

$1.20 and rising. WhyMake it harder on the People who Use the Via Services by raising their Fare for a Project destined to fail, Again i make reference that Castro is trying to Copy San Fransisco and California. It failed their, why Would it work here?Id say put that funding into Lowering the Fair, Perhaps Battery Run Buses and Safer Bus stops.
6) What value do you think the arts (visual, performing, literary, etc) bring to San Antonio? In what ways can the City support local arts organizations and individual artists?

Answer: Of course i am in favor of Art and Expression, but it seems the city is More Partial to Gay Art and Gay Artist in funding them, That seems discriminatory. San Antonio is a Diverse City Full of Culture & Creativity, We are a City Growing in Technology as well.
7) Is it important for the City to strengthen its non-discrimination ordinances to protect LGBT citizens? Why or why not?

Answer:1st i am not a Homophobe or Hate the Gay community, I have friends and family that are Gay and even they understand where I'm coming from, and that'swhats important to me, To begin the Answer, Gays are NOT a Protected Class, As a man of Faith i stand firmly with Christ that a union is One man/ One Woman and God, I am Against ANYONE willing to change the Constitution that ALSO reads Man and

Woman. Call me Traditional but i will stand by my beliefs and Values that have been instilled by God and America. It is SHAMEFUL pandering by the Mayor and Democratic Party to Lie to them for their Votes, More Recent is Hillary Clinton, Remember 4 years ago she was Against it, now Flip Flop and is For it. Mayor Castro as a man of Roman Catholic Faith shamed his own faith by being the 1st Gay Grand Marshal, More Recent appoints a Gay Liaison? This is San Antonio NOT San Fransisco. I am starting to wonder if Castro is Bi because he Attack strip Clubs and tries to cover up beautiful women. Stripclubs Pay taxes and are a legit business, Castros Harassment led to a 1st Amendment Law suit against the city by over a dozen different clubs.
8) Is Animal Care Services doing enough to increase its liverelease rate? Is ACS' public-private partnership model is working? If not, what else could be done?

Answer: As of March 5th, 2013 Reports Seems to be Working, started at 38% now at 83%. Numbers don't lie.
9) What would you do to address the high vacancy rate in downtown buildings?

Answer: 1st figure out Why they are Vacant, What side of Town, the safety and Profitability. Would it be more Productive

a parking lot as a currency generator, Many Factors Play a part of Vacancies.

10) Is the Citys million-dollar incentive for the creation of a downtown grocery store appropriate? Why or why not? Is there a better way to bring a grocery store downtown?

Answer: It would have to be Central, Easy to get to, ... It would also be local, Fresh Foods, Fruits, veggies from local farmers to grow the Economy. but it would only benefit downtown majority and Tourist, Zoning and Demographics would have to be charted and a well thought out plan.
11) How can San Antonio balance economic development with historic preservation?

Answer: San Antonio is Rich in History, Preservation is a must to keep The Past alive and Appreciated. When we talk of Balance of course economic Growth is also a must, i think the City is Doing Okay On that note. We are not at the Point of Bull Dozing everything so i think were okay lol.
12) Do you support union organizers' push for a Tip Integrity Act for the downtown hotel and restaurant industry?

Answer: No, Tipping Should be Voluntary not Mandatory or Taken, especially at 22%. It's Misleading, Goes to Employee? or as a kick back to employer. "its being called as Service Charge". Just another example of Usury. anytime a Union is Involved its gonna Cost Somebody.
13) What is the Citys role in making consumer solar power affordable for residents as well as local businesses?

Answer: Solar and Green Energy is fine in small projects to recharge,but statistics Show places like Solyndra follow Bankruptcy.
14) Is there more the City could do to protect the Edwards Aquifer in terms of building restrictions, funding conservation easements or other means?

There needs to be Accountability when it comes to Restrictions, Many times they use scare measures and fines. We can only do so much and Give (Taxes) before enough is enough.
15) What are the most critical components to implementing Pre-K 4 SA? Are there any other opportunities for the City to support education?

Answer: Pre K 4 SA is Flawed and Day 1 i have Promised to Terminate the Project. i will give you 10 Reasons off the Top of my head as to why
1) It was passed half assed and Mislead the Public, Many thought it was for Head Start. 2) Mayor Castro "Manipulated" the SAWS President to be Quiet about the near 12% Tax hike that awaited the City til AFTER Pre K got Passed, Mayor Was Quoted in San Antonio Express News paper to saying he did NOT want the Public Knowing about the increase taxes because he he would rather the People Vote on the tax increase ourselves and he didn't want static clashing his idea. 3) This was Obama's Idea and SA was the Testing ground so it was gonna get passed either way even though the Public was CLEARLY against it and still is til this day. 4) Castro Lied about how much it was gonna cost, turned out to cost 3 to 4 times what he 1st told the Public. 5) In the hurry half finished project they "FORGOT" to figure out transportation which will now Cost MORE tax dollars to fund. 6) He is making up titles for staff under "Super Master Teachers" to pay them 3 times what an I.S.D teacher would make-(More tax dollars) 7) It is Simply just a feather in his Cap and Nothing more, Its NOT about the Children. If he Cared so much for the children he would join the School board 8) Obama Already Gave a speech about Possible "MANDATORY" Universal Pre k For the Entire U.S like he Made "MANDATORY"

theUnconstitutional Obamacare Tax / Penalty / and Robbery of the American Public. 9) Head Start already exists, We need to implement and enforce 10) Statistic show similar Project will fail

I thought id answer or Bring up Questions you didn't ask that the Public may want to Know
1) How do i feel about Haven For Hope? Answer :Seems to be a beacon call for every homeless all over the State, I thought It was only for San Antonio homeless, if not then Why is SA Flipping the bill? 2) It is no Secret We have a homeless Problem, how would you fix it? Answer: Follow "The Bum Sweep" Crack down on High Risk serious crime risks. We need to Clean our Streets, It discourages People from businesses when Homeless stand in front of Store Doors, or Street corners, Poses a safety issue when they approach your vehicle and your strapped in seat belt, Methods can be taken working with Law enforcement to shut Down Encampments and Move them along. Always an issue in Every City but SOMEONE has to make the Tough Decisions and if Elected id Strengthen the Policy and enforce Code Compliance to Reduce Homeless in San Antonio. It has been successful in other Cities to Arrest Homeless for a) impeding or obstructing sidewalks, or passage of Pedestrians, soliciting, Shopping Cart limitations. ALSO Creating a "SAFE ZONE" for the Homeless where they can live without fear of arrest in passing, Temporary haven. 25 -41% said they would go to Shelter if Offered, about 60% said they would risk encampment and possible Jail time. 3) I ask The Citizens how they Feel about our Mayor who Puts aside his own Religion and can care less about yours Forcing your faith in Abortion, Contraceptives pushing Obama-care? it goes Directly Against Christianity, Roman Catholics. Castro is Pushing Homosexuality which is also a knock at religion. the man Shamelessly Puts Homosexuals and illegals over our Military and Citizens. He Disrespects the Alamo and Texas Culture. He can Not even be at the Travis Letter ceremony. It seems as if the Mayor is Pushing a Gay culture and is trying to Re-Write the Constitution putting Gays Above GOD. I ask you the Current to ASK Hardball Questions, I am unlike any other Candidate, i bring Real issues and i directly go after the Mayor on his Policies and his Record. The Media is Painting him a "SUPERSTAR" for being Obamas Agenda Pusher. We all see it but the Media will not Report it. Journalism is Dead in the San Antonio Express News.

*The Smoking Ban i plan to Reverse *I plan on Putting GOD back in schools

*Im Pro 2nd / Pro Gun *Looking To Reduce and Cut Red tape Regulations *Plan on Increasing min. wage up .25 *Day 1 TERMINATE PRE K 4 SA / Trollie Project

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