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Mirage 2000C cockpit by Buzzz

Le but de ce document est de situer l'ensemble des Interupteurs actifs du cockpit 3D du Mirage 2000C. The aim of this document is to locate all the active switches inside the Mirage 2000C 3D cockpit.

Lgende / Legend :
MFD OSB Inter pour clic gauche Switch with left click action Inter pour clic gauche et droit Switch with left/right action

Silence alerte train Gear horn silencer Reticule VTH HUD Dep Ret Echelles VTH HUD scales Luminosit VTH HUD Brightness Alerte principale Master caution Potard VTH HUD poty Pilote auto roulis Roll AP Pilote auto tangage Pitch AP Surpassement tangage HandOff HandOff Pression altim tre Altimeter pressure Armement Master arm Mode "inconnu" Mode "unknown" Mode priorit Mode Priority Inter Camlon Jammer Pwr Inter gen Serval Main RWR Pwr Mode naval Mode naval Sparation cible Target separation

Radar alim trique Alt radar

Camra AVTR Vitesse VTH HUD speed Alti ra dar VTH HUD radar alt Rglage rticule Reticle Up/Dn

Course HSI HSI Course Mode Air-Air AA mode Inter cran Serval RWR display Pwr Mode Air-Sol AG mode Cap HSI HSI Heading Transfert carbu Fuel trans Jauge carburant Fuel gauge Alim racte ur Fuel feed Programme CM EWS program Mode CM EWS mode Recherche Mode search Mode sol Mode Low Alt Inter Spira l Chaff Pwr Inter Eclair Flare Pwr Contraste radar Luminosit VTB MFD Scu LASER LASER arm Inter VTB MFD Pwr

Trim roulis Roll trim Caution lights test MAL Ind test Calculate ur m oteur Engine Calculator Trim lace t Yaw trim Trim tangage Pitch trim Volume Com1 Com1 volume Volume Serval RWR volume Volume Com2 Com2 volume Volume Tacan Tacan volume Volume Magic Missile volume Volume ILS ILS volume

Canal UHF de secours Backup UHF channel Parachute Drag chute Inter principal radio Radio Pwr Phare de taxi Taxi light Slecteur UHF UHF CNI/Backup Slecteur de cha rge CAT I / III selector Largage d'urgence Emergency jettison

Anti-collision Anti-collision Clignotant/fixe flash/steady Inter principal lumi res Master light switch Becs d'attaque fixes F ixed slats Lumires de formation Formation lights Trappe de ravito Refuel door

Dtente des gaz Throttle idle detent

Ouverture verrire Canopy handle

Extinction alerte Warn reset Caution lights test MAL Ind test Interr lec principal Main elec switch

Panneau ICP ICP panel Slecteur m ode HSI HSI mode selector Centrale ine rtie lle INS switch Canal Tacan backup Backup Tacan channel Inter Tacan AA / TR Tacan AA / TR switch Inter GPS GPS Pwr Inter VTB MFD Pwr Inter donnes DED DED data s witch

Inter munitions WPN Pwr Inter mgt munitions SMS Pwr Inter rada r FCR Pwr Inter PDLCT Right hdpt Pwr

Inter Datalink Datalink Pwr Inter UFC UFC Pwr

Vanne coupe-fe u S hut off valve Turbine auxiliaire EPU switch Eclairage ambiant Flood light Source d'air Air source Dtente des gaz Panel backlight Turbine dmarrage JFS Frein de parc Parking brake

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