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380 August 31, 2000

Microsoft’s “Applications Barrier to Entry”

The Missing 70,000 Programs
by Richard McKenzie

Executive Summary

Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson bases his rul- ing the value of both hardware and software to
ing against Microsoft on the claim that the com- consumers. That said, there is a fatal flaw in the
pany’s monopoly in operating systems is protect- judge’s argument: The overwhelming majority of
ed by an “applications barrier to entry” made up the 70,000 Windows applications that make up
of 70,000 Windows-based software programs. the supposedly impregnable barrier to entry
Without an entry barrier, any dominant pro- either never existed as unique products, no
ducer that seeks to restrict sales in order to raise longer exist, or are totally out of date. When only
prices above competitive levels will find its mar- unique Windows applications are counted—set-
ket share eroded as new entrants capture price- ting aside various versions of the same pro-
sensitive customers. But, according to Judge gram—the number of applications is a small frac-
Jackson, to enter the operating-system market a tion of the judge’s count.
newcomer would need a large and varied base of Moreover, survey data indicate that the
compatible applications like those available to needs of active computer users are satisfied by
consumers who might otherwise choose a very small number of applications. That
Windows. He concludes that “the amount it means the barrier to entry into the operating-
would cost an operating system vendor to create system market is nowhere near as impregnable
[70,000] applications is prohibitively large.” as the judge has claimed, which in turn helps
Judge Jackson seems unaware that the mere explain many of Microsoft’s aggressive busi-
existence of a large number of Windows-based ness tactics to preserve its market position.
applications proves that Microsoft has stirred Because the judge’s most essential finding is
competition among software developers—lead- clearly erroneous, it cannot support his conclu-
ing to better products and falling prices and rais- sions of law.


Richard McKenzie is a professor in the Graduate School of Management at the University of California, Irvine;
author of Trust on Trial: How the Microsoft Case Is Reframing the Rules of Competition (Boston:
Perseus, 2000); and an adjunct scholar of the Cato Institute.
Judge Jackson has which implies that any potential competitor
fashioned a totally Introduction would have to surmount the entry barrier.
The judge’s claim that there is “no” alterna-
new entry barrier Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, who tive to Windows ignores, however, the obvi-
that has never presided over the Microsoft antitrust trial, ous fact that firms like Apple, Red Hat, Sun,
understands that, in order for a monopoly to and IBM (and several others) already have
before been used successfully restrict sales with the intent of operating systems that can be used on per-
in antitrust cases, raising prices and profits, there must be sonal computers. They might not be “com-
dubbed the some barrier that keeps competitors out of mercially viable” in the sense that they have
the market. Without an entry barrier, higher- sizable market shares, but that could be
“applications than-competitive prices and profits would because Microsoft is not acting like a monop-
barrier to entry.” attract rivals that could enter the market to olist. Firms like Apple, Sun, and Red Hat,
cover sales not made by the would-be which are already in the operating–system
monopolist. market, could quickly become “commercially
The judge recognizes that there are no viable” (or more commercially viable than
legal barriers to entry into the operating-sys- they already are) if Microsoft did what
tem business, such as those that protect the monopolists are supposed to do: restrict
U.S. Postal Service from rivals who might sales in order to raise the company’s prices
want to deliver first-class mail. There are also and profits. Few consumers would stay with
no critically important resources in software a monopoly producer that could be expected
markets—unlike, say, the diamond market— to charge monopoly prices far into the
that could be cornered and denied to rivals. future, imposing on consumers costs that
After all, the core resource of operating sys- they could avoid by going with one of the
tems is a sequence of 1s and 0s, and such alternative producers already in the market.
sequences can be produced ad infinitum to Granted, the judge also found that there
form alternative operating systems all over are “switching costs” for people who want to
the world. move from one operating system to another.
In lieu of standard barriers to entry, Judge Sometimes, consumers of a new operating
Jackson has fashioned a totally new entry bar- system have to buy not only new software
rier that has never before been used in but also new computers (as would be
antitrust cases, dubbed the “applications bar- required in any switch from a
rier to entry.”1 If for no other reason, that new Windows/Intel-based personal computer to
entry barrier needs to be carefully scrutinized an Apple Mac). The consumers might also
because it may not, on close examination, be have to undertake training with the new
what the judge says it is (i.e., the kind of software and hardware. But that does not
monopoly protection that would warrant the mean consumers will refrain from switch-
breakup of the company and the binding ing. If a firm like Microsoft were to charge
behavioral restrictions the judge would like to monopoly prices, there would be “staying
see imposed on Microsoft). costs” associated with paying monopoly
prices far into the future. The “staying costs”
would equal the present value of paying
The Existence of higher monopoly prices into the future.
Commercially Viable Hence, even if there are switching costs,
those switching costs decline as the monop-
Alternatives olist raises its price. Computer users can be
Any barrier to entry would be important expected to switch operating systems when
in the operating-system market because the anticipated staying costs associated with
Judge Jackson found that there is “no com- an operating system are greater than the
mercially viable alternative” to Windows,2 switching costs.3

industry than the company really is. He has
Market Definition and the also devised the required entry barrier behind
“Applications Barrier to which Microsoft, supposedly, exploited its
market power.
Entry” The judge asserts that Microsoft need not
How then was the judge able to declare worry about normal competitive market
that Microsoft is a monopolist in the operat- forces because existing or potential operat-
ing-system market? Very easily. He declared ing-system rivals “would need a large and var-
Microsoft to be in a narrowly conceived mar- ied enough base of compatible applications
ket, covering only single-user personal com- to reassure consumers that their interests in
puters that come equipped with Intel or variety, choice, and currency would be met to
Intel-compatible microprocessors. That def- more-or-less the same extent as if they chose
inition excludes many sales of operating sys- Windows.”7 That is really a sly way of turning
tems developed by Apple, Sun, Red Hat, and consumer gains from using Windows against
a number of other firms—either because Microsoft. Microsoft has obviously done an
their computers use non-Intel-compatible outstanding job of encouraging and helping
processors or because they are networked program developers to write for the “Wintel”
(i.e., linked to other users with whom they platform, providing consumers with the The judge con-
share resources).4 Given his narrowly defined “variety, choice, and currency” that they cludes that
market, Judge Jackson then found that want. But the judge argues that Microsoft’s Microsoft’s mar-
Microsoft’s operating systems—including accomplishment is the source of the monop-
DOS and all the dated versions of Windows, oly power that Microsoft can turn and has ket dominance is
not just Windows 98—are installed on more turned against consumers by its supposed protected because
than 90 percent of the personal computers illegal and anti–competitive practices.
in the world, implying that Microsoft has Several thousand software applications
“the amount it
“monopoly power,” or the ability to restrict would not be sufficient to enable a potential would cost an
sales and raise prices. 5 Because there is “no” rival to erode Microsoft’s dominance, the operating system
commercially viable alternative to Windows, judge argues, because buying the alternative
according to the judge, no other producer operating system “would still look like a vendor to create
could expand production to make up for gamble from the consumer’s perspective 70,000 applica-
Microsoft’s sales reduction, which means next to Windows,” which, again, has 70,000
tions is prohibi-
that the price hike could stick. applications.8 The proof of that statement,
Moreover, Judge Jackson found that according to the judge, is evident in Apple’s tively large.”
Microsoft’s substantial market dominance, as market predicament. Apple has 12,000
he defined the “market,” is protected by what applications written for its operating system,
he chose to call an “applications barrier to but “even an inventory of that magnitude is
entry.”6 He reasoned that the demand for an not sufficient to enable Apple to present a
operating system is dependent on the number significant percentage of users with a viable
of applications written for that system. The substitute for Windows.”9 Hence, the judge
greater the number of applications written for concludes that Microsoft’s market domi-
an operating system, the greater the value of nance is protected because “the amount it
the operating system to consumers. He also would cost an operating system vendor to
found that there are 70,000 applications writ- create that many applications [70,000] is
ten for Windows, a vastly greater count than prohibitively large.”10 That entry barrier
for any other operating system. would “prevent an aspiring entrant” from
As we shall see, Judge Jackson craftily drawing away Microsoft’s customers even if
rigged the outcome of the trial in favor of the Microsoft “priced its products substantially
government by making Microsoft a far more above competitive levels for a significant
dominant force in the “personal computer” period of time.”1 1

Where Judge Jackson Furthermore, the marginal cost of produc-
Went Wrong tion can remain more or less constant at zero,
or close to it, for as many copies as Dell
Judge’s Jackson’s first major mistake was chooses to produce.
to reason that Microsoft’s market dominance Thus, mere dominance may mean little in
gives it monopoly power worthy of antitrust the operating-system market. If Microsoft
scrutiny. In focusing on market share, as has decides to restrict sales, some other existing
been traditional in antitrust cases over the operating-system vendor (Red Hat or IBM),
past century, the judge doesn’t seem to realize whose up-front development costs are also
that market share doesn’t mean as much in “sunk,” can make up for Microsoft’s restrict-
“new-economy” markets like software as it ed sales at little or no additional cost, and the
does in “old-economy” markets like steel. In vendor can expand sales without confronting
old-economy markets, the additional—or, a rising cost constraint. Even though he mis-
more accurately, marginal—cost of expanding takenly applied old-economy production eco-
output is usually substantially above zero, nomics to Microsoft and assumed that
because the production of more of a good like Microsoft’s market dominance gave it market
steel requires firms to incur labor and materi- power, Judge Jackson realized that he also had
als costs, if nothing else. to find a barrier to entry to make that market
In addition, the marginal cost of produc- power durable.
tion can be expected to rise (within the rele- Microsoft is clearly not as dominant in the
vant range of production and in the short operating-systems market as the judge finds.
run). That means that, if the dominant pro- The judge’s conclusion about Microsoft’s
ducer restricts sales to raise its prices and protected market position can be disputed by
profits, other firms in the market cannot the simple observation that Apple may not be
easily expand production in the near term a dominant force in personal computers like
without incurring significant additional Microsoft, but it certainly has given “a signif-
costs. The ability of other firms to expand icant percentage of users” not only “a viable
output to make up for the restricted sales of alternative” to Windows but also a substitute
the dominant producer is ultimately most Apple users would swear by. Yet Apple’s
checked by the rising marginal cost. At some small market share in no way proves, or even
point as production expands, the cost of affords credible evidence, that a potential rival
producing one more unit rises above the would actually need more than 12,000 appli-
gains the rival firms can get from selling the cations to compete with Windows. Apple’s
Apple’s small additional unit, making further expansion market-share problems might be a conse-
no longer profitable. Hence, the dominant quence, not of Apple’s applications or lack
market share in producer’s restricted sales lead to a reduc- thereof, but of some other more important
no way proves, or tion in total market supply and a higher factor—for example, Apple’s prices (which
even affords cred- (monopoly) price. have always been higher than the prices of
New-economy markets are quite different. comparable Wintel personal computers),
ible evidence, that As the judge found, software production may product design, or marketing strategy.1 3
a potential rival require heavy fixed or up-front development It’s important to note that, in his findings
costs, but the marginal costs of producing of fact, the judge gives no indication that he
would actually additional copies of a software product can knows anything specific about the supposed
need more than be “very small,” if not zero.12 A product like “applications barrier to entry” other than the
12,000 applica- Windows requires little in the way of addi- count of applications, and surely the 70,000
tional resources for, say, Dell Computers to Windows applications (as well as the 12,000
tions to compete electronically copy Windows from the hard Apple applications) represent only a rough
with Windows. disk of its mainframe computer to the hard count, which could be off by several thou-
drive of each personal computer it builds. sand. No one seems to know exactly how

many applications there are overall or how certainly not founded on any courtroom evi- The judge gives
many there are in various categories—for dence about the determinants of market share no indication
example, the number of business (or produc- for operating systems. As a consequence, the
tivity) applications, games, or reference investment a potential rival might have to that he really
works. Many of the 70,000 applications may make in the development of applications is knows what is in
be nothing more than utility programs that not necessarily “prohibitively large,” even
are not likely to be sold as separate shrink- though the judge stakes his case for a breakup
the barrier to
wrapped software packages. Indeed, it may be of Microsoft solidly on that claim. Surely, no entry on which he
that the count includes various editions of potential entrant into the operating-system stakes his theory
games, most of which are out of date and no market would need or want to develop (or
longer sold.1 4 The point is that the judge encourage the development of) counterparts of Microsoft’s
gives no indication that he really knows what to DOS versions of applications, or even monopoly power.
is in the barrier to entry on which he stakes Windows 3.0 versions. Applications written
his theory of Microsoft’s monopoly power. for obsolescent operating-system technologies
The 70,000 count of applications that are not likely to have much of a market.
supposedly form the barrier to entry appears In fact, the investment a challenger would
to come from the trial testimony of John have to make in applications in order to take
Rose, then head of Compaq Computers and away at least a portion of the Windows mar-
a Microsoft witness. During the trial, he was ket might actually be relatively modest, given
pressed by Justice Department attorney that few computer users would ever be
David Boies to explain why Compaq used inclined to use hundreds, much less tens of
Windows. Rose noted that “approximately” thousands, of applications even over a long
70,000 applications had been written for stretch of time. Most people simply don’t
Windows, and he agreed with Boies that the have the time, need, or inclination to use
existence of those applications was a “prime more than a handful of applications.17
reason” (Boies’ words) that Compaq shipped The number of applications that all com-
its computers with Windows on board. Lost puter consumers together might use is also a
in the judge’s “findings of fact” based on small fraction of 70,000. That fact is evident
Rose’s testimony is that some of the 70,000 from a search of the available productivity
applications, according to Rose, were devel- applications sold on, which are
oped for the DOS environment. More listed by several subcategories in Table 1.
important, he stressed that there had been Amazon lists only 8,301 “software programs”
70,000 DOS/Windows applications devel- under its productivity software categories.1 8
oped during the entire 17-year life of the per- That is a large number, but it includes pro-
sonal computer industry—not that there are grams written for all available operating sys-
actually 70,000 fully functioning, up-to-date tems, including Red Hat Linux, IBM OS/2,
Windows applications currently available.1 5 and Apple Mac, as well as Microsoft
Rose’s assessment is far removed from what Windows. Many of the software programs
the judge suggests when he asserts that are also listed several times in the various
Windows “supports over 70,000 applica- subcategories. Still, the unadjusted count of
tions” and concludes, therefore, that “the productivity programs represents just 12 per-
amount it would cost an operating system cent of Judge’s Jackson’s 70,000 applications.
vendor to create that many applications is Moreover, the software market is beset
prohibitively large.”1 6 with “versioning,” the strategy of developing a
Thus, the supposed applications barrier basic product and then adding or subtracting
to entry is grounded in nothing more than features, often at little or no added develop-
speculation on the part of the judge concern- ment expense, to generate several versions of
ing the role of the number of applications in the same product. Those versions are
determining market share. His position is designed to fit the needs and wants of differ-

Table 1
Productivity Applications Listed on
Total Total
Applications Unique
on Amazon Applications

Business and Office Applications

Accounting 95 34
Career and management 97 58
Communication utilities 1,346 171
Database 93 32
Document management 219 45
Office suites 95 14
Personal finance 37 12
Presentation 138 43
Project manager 56 23
Reports and forms 156 30
Schedule and contact management 109 41
Spreadsheets 25 2
Training and tutorials 52 36
Word processing 35 14
Subtotal 2,553 555

Internet and Networking Applications 2,595 348

Graphics and Multimedia Applications

3-D 73 32
Animation 67 7
CAD 103 31
CD burning 15 9
Clip art 148 73
Image capture 2 2
Desktop publishing 339 108
Multimedia editing 84 54
Illustrations 123 34
Professional design 103 12
Photo editing 155 51
Video editing 71 18
Subtotal 1,283 43

Utilities Applications
Cross platform 28 5
File compression 25 7
File conversion 17 3
Hardware and memory management 63 23
Other 91 14
PC maintenance 100 33
Partition 14 2
Screen savers 14 11
Voice recognition 83 11
Backup 517 88
Virus protection 276 21
Subtotal 1,228 218

Programming Applications 642 125

Total Productivity Applications 8,301 1,677

Note: Counts are based on listings between June 30 and July 6, 2000.

ent consumers in distinguishable markets. tion vendors are writing rich and compelling
With versioning in software markets (as in 32-bit Windows NT Workstation–ready
other markets), application developers can applications—with more than 100,000 32-bit
price discriminate by segmenting their mar- Windows–based applications available
kets according to the buyers’ willingness to pay today.”22 Apparently, Microsoft has no docu-
for different features, which can mean mentation to support the claim that there are
greater sales and profits.19 “100,000 32-bit Windows-based applications
For example, a developer of office soft- available today.”
ware can develop an array of productivity Without supporting documentation,
applications, including a word processor, it appears that the 70,000 applications
spreadsheet, database, Internet browser, slide the judge elevates to the status of an
presentation, calendar, and Web page pro- “applications barrier to entry” include
gram. Then the developer can create more various versions of programs—for exam-
sophisticated or less sophisticated versions of ple, the standard and deluxe editions of
those basic applications.20 In addition, the Corel’s WordPerfect Office Suite. Each version
developer can organize the basic applications of Office Suite includes, of course, underlying
into an array of “office suites”—identified, productivity applications that can also be sold
possibly, as “standard,” “professional,” and and counted separately. Through versioning, When only unique
“premier” or “deluxe”—with each version basic productivity applications can be double- programs are
containing different combinations of the and triple–counted, and then some. counted, Amazon
firm’s basic office applications, listed sepa- Moreover, the Amazon count of 8,301 pro-
rately on Amazon and elsewhere. grams includes upgrades of programs, as sells just 555
To confuse the “count” of total applica- well as full programs, and even tutorials. Those Windows-based
tions still further, software firms can then multiple counts and overlapping coverage,
provide “add-on” programs, which offer along with programs not normally thought of
applications in the
additional features (as in Windows Plus). as “applications,” greatly exaggerate the cost “business and
Firms also can sell separate products for dif- that operating-system and application devel- office”
ferent numbers of users (for example, 10, 25, opers would have to incur in order to enter
50, or an unlimited number of users); each of their respective software markets. subcategory.
those products may be counted, as they are in To understand the extent of the duplica-
the Amazon listing. The different versions tion involved in the Amazon count of business
may add to the firm’s packaging and market- and office programs, consider that Amazon
ing cost but not necessarily to the cost of has 25 items for sale under its “spreadsheet”
software development. subcategory (which is itself under the “busi-
No one seems to know how John Rose got ness and office” category), but there are only
his 70,000 count of software applications. He two distinct spreadsheet programs, Excel and
submitted no documentation for the figure Lotus 123, in the listing. There are 156 items
in his court testimony. Neither was Rose chal- listed under “reports and forms,” but again
lenged by either side to say where he got the many of the items are variations of the same
number.2 1 Interestingly, the presumption basic 30 programs. There are 95 “office suites”
that there may be tens of thousands, if not listed on Amazon, but only 13 suites when
70,000 or even 100,000, Windows applica- properly counted.
tions may have originated with Microsoft, When only unique programs are counted,
which may have been overzealous in its public Amazon sells just 555 Windows-based appli-
relations and marketing efforts to accentuate cations listed under the “business and
the value of Windows. Back in 1997, when it office” subcategory in Table 1. When all
was heavily promoting the adoption of other business subcategories (“internet and
Windows NT for servers, Microsoft noted in a networking,” “graphics and multimedia,”
press release: “[H]undreds of leading applica- “utilities,” and “programming”) are added,

there are 1,677 unique Windows-based pro- Amazon, of course, does not sell all
ductivity applications listed on Amazon Windows-based applications. Also, many
(many of which were, at the time of the survey, Windows applications are specific to indus-
classified as “not in stock” or “not currently tries and even firms. At the same time,
available”). That much more realistic count of Amazon must sell a sizable percentage of all
available Windows applications represents available Windows applications, especially
just 2 percent of the judge’s “applications bar- the widely used programs, and the Amazon
rier to entry.” list includes many programs that only com-
Even then, that count exaggerates the bar- puter technicians and experts might buy (for
rier to entry in the desktop market. More example, Tabworks, Faxrouter, Hostexplorer,
than 400 of the included applications are and Cosession Remote). No doubt, the array
designed exclusively for the back-office server of Windows programs makes entry less than
market, which Microsoft does not dominate easy, as should be expected. Building the
and was not an issue in the antitrust trial. Windows application base was not easy to
Another 73 of the included applications are begin with. Microsoft has invested billions in
clip art programs that, with relative ease, building its applications network by helping
could be adjusted to work with any new oper- developers write for Windows.
ating system. Furthermore, it is not at all The point is that Judge Jackson has staked
clear why a new operating system actually his case against Microsoft on the explicit and
needs 108 different desktop publishing pro- very precise claim that there are 70,000
grams or 88 backup programs in order to Windows-based applications, which, because
mount an effective challenge to Windows. All it is a large number, necessarily forms a “pro-
that’s needed is a few very good options. hibitive” barrier to entry. In staking out his
In short, there may be a thousand or so position so firmly and precisely, he has gross-
Windows-based productivity applications ly exaggerated the entry barrier, a point that
listed on Amazon that can reasonably count- he would surely have conceded had he known
ed as a part of the “barrier to entry”—no more more about what was in the applications
than 2 percent of the judge’s count.2 3 count that he accepted as legal “fact.” Because
That means that there would have to be at the array of Windows applications is far
least 68,000 nonproductivity applications for smaller than what he claimed, the required
the total count to match the judge’s estimate investment for entry must be far less than he
of the “applications barrier to entry.” Yet indicated. Granted, the investment required
there are only 3,644 combined applications to challenge Microsoft could still be substan-
It is not at all clear listed on Amazon under the separate cate- tial (given the complexity of a number of the
gories of “children’s programs” (1,458), “edu- applications in the final count), but that is a
why a new operat- cation and reference” (416), “games” (1,480), far cry from “prohibitive.” Besides, is it not
ing system actually and “homes and hobbies” (290). That total reasonable to expect new firms to incur many
needs 108 different count exaggerates the number of unique of the same development costs that Microsoft
applications because many applications are had to incur?
desktop publish- listed several times under the subcategories, It looks as though the up-front invest-
ing programs or and versions and upgrades of games ment would be well within the means of a
abound. 24 Also, an undetermined number of host of existing and potential software firms,
88 backup pro- the programs in those categories (especially if Microsoft were to act like a monopolist.
grams in order to in “education and reference”) do not have to That is especially true since operating-system
mount an effective be fully recoded for a new operating system, challengers have to fund only the effort to
which means that a promising new entrant encourage program development by others.
challenge to into the operating-system market could That is, they would not have to fund the
Windows. expect to add those programs with relative actual writing of the applications themselves.
ease. The applications firms would do that. Even

then, given the prevalence of “network Of course, there was significant variation in A sizable segment
effects”—which were at the foundation of the the programs used. Respondents reported of computer
government’s case against Microsoft and using 187 different productivity applications
which Judge Jackson adopted as “fact”—an at work (ranging from 3-D CAD to Bacons users could be
“aspiring entrant” would have to spur the Media to Lotus Notes, as well as other adequately served
development of only a few applications at the Windows-based programs developed exclusive-
start.2 5 Those initial applications can be ly for their firms). They also reported using 47
with an operating
expected to cause an increase in sales of the different games or entertainment programs system that has a
challenger’s operating system, which can give (ranging from Delta Force to Sim City to few dozen appli-
rise to more applications written by outside Unreal Tournament). The survey respondents
developers, which can lead to even more may not have accurately remembered all of the cations written
operating-system sales and a greater number programs they had used. The count of pro- for it.
of applications. Again, encouraging the grams used would very likely rise with a length-
development of the “network” would be espe- ening of the time frame covered by the survey,
cially easy for an “aspiring entrant,” if meaning the findings may understate the vari-
Microsoft were to act like a monopolist. ety of programs a firm would need to domi-
nate the operating-system market.
Clearly, Microsoft has a strong market
Applications Used by advantage because of the many applications
MBA Students written for its operating system. At the same
time, it is obvious that a sizable segment of
The fact that most computer users typi- computer users—maybe a fifth (or more,
cally use few applications is obvious from a given that the survey was distributed to users
survey of 152 working managers enrolled in who are likely to be far more computer savvy
the part-time MBA programs at the than the general population of users)—could
University of California, Irvine.2 6 All survey be adequately served with an operating sys-
participants were computer literate and used tem that has a few dozen applications writ-
computers on their jobs and in their graduate ten for it. Surely, a few hundred well-chosen
studies. If there is a group of people who applications might be all that would be
should be expected to use a wide variety of needed for a new entrant to surmount the
programs, it is that one. Still, when asked “applications barrier” and to make a credible
how many different computer programs challenge to Windows.
(games included) they had used over the five A fifth of the U.S. market covers something
months before the survey, 19 percent of the on the order of 20–25 million computer users.
respondents noted that they had not used A fifth of Microsoft’s operating system rev-
programs other than the six that come with enue amounts to about $2 billion annually.
the Microsoft Office suite (which came pre- That seems like a fairly sizable market, which
loaded on their university-issued laptops that any number of firms would be eager to enter if
were required for their classes). As indicated Microsoft were ever to act like a monopolist—that is,
in Table 2, 42 percent used only one to three charge monopoly prices that would make the cost of
programs in addition to Office. Nearly 22 staying with Windows prohibitive. Then,
percent used four to six additional programs, Microsoft would surely be vulnerable to entry.
and only 16 percent used more than six addi- Sun Microsystems obviously doesn’t
tional programs. That means 84 percent of believe that tens of thousands of applications
the respondents used in total a dozen or are needed to make headway in the operat-
fewer applications (including Office applica- ing-system market. Sun is seeking to become
tions and games). No one reported using a network “application services provider” (as
more than 18 programs—Office plus 12 are Microsoft and several other firms). Sun
other applications. intends to rent computing services over the

Table 2
Distribution of Windows Applications Used by Fully Employed (and part-time)
MBA Students

Percentage of
Application Students

Only the applications in Microsoft Office 19%

1–3 applications in addition to Microsoft Office 42%

4–6 applications in addition to Microsoft Office 22%

More than 6 applications in addition to Microsoft

Office 16%

Number of different work-related applications

used by all respondents 186

Number of different entertainment or education

applications used by all respondents 47

Note: Survey undertaken by the author during June 2000 at the Graduate School of Management,
University of California, Irvine.

Web and charge by the use. Toward that end, past decade, without adjusting for product
Sun started its ASP venture with the eight enhancements.27 Now, Windows 98 upgrades
business applications acquired in its 1999 sell at retail for $89, but that figure overstates
buyout of Star Division. To build its business the cost of Windows to nearly 90 percent of
base, it has been doing what Microsoft did PC users, who get their operating system
with Internet Explorer: giving away its soft- when they purchase a new computer.
ware products. Microsoft sells copies of Windows to com-
Judge Jackson puter manufacturers for approximately $65
(or less). The Graduate School of
never found evi- The Absence of Management at the University of California,
dence of monop- Monopoly Pricing Irvine, is able to license copies of Windows
oly pricing. 98, plus all of the applications in Office 2000
A second problem with the judge’s find- and Front Page (several hundred dollars’
ings is that nowhere in his analysis of the worth of software when bought at retail), for
operating-system market does he find that $47.50 a year for faculty and staff and $18.60
Microsoft has actually raised its price “sub- a year for MBA students. Do those sound like
stantially above competitive levels for a sig- the prices that a monopolist, protected by a
nificant amount of time.” Microsoft’s price “prohibitive” barrier to entry, would be
for Windows is at or below the prices com- expected to charge?
petitors like IBM, Sun, and Apple charge for Indeed, Judge Jackson never found evi-
their operating systems. Moreover, the price dence of monopoly pricing. Instead, he con-
of Windows has fallen in real (inflation- cluded: “The debut of Internet Explorer and
adjusted) terms by over 50 percent over the its rapid improvement gave Netscape an

incentive to improve Navigator’s quality at a In essence, when the judge’s findings of
competitive rate. The inclusion of Internet fact and conclusions of law are stripped of
Explorer with Windows at no separate charge legal parlance, it is clear that he really found
increased general familiarity with the Internet that Microsoft charged too little, not too
and reduced the cost to the public of gaining much, for Windows. Remember, he found
access to it, at least in part because it com- that the zero price for the integrated browser,
pelled Netscape to stop charging for Internet Explorer, was “predatory,” designed
Navigator. Those actions thus contributed to to ruin Netscape as a viable competitor.3 3
improving the quality of Web browsing soft- Those pricing facts are hard to reconcile with
ware, lowering its cost, and increasing its the judge’s claim about Microsoft’s monopoly
availability, thereby benefitting consumers.”28 power because any self-respecting monopolist
Why did Microsoft do all of those good would take advantage of its market power by
things? According to the judge, “to protect restricting sales and raising prices. If the cur-
the applications barrier to entry, and hence its rent owners have no interest in doing so, then
monopoly power.”2 9 But the issue the judge surely other savvy investors would be willing
doesn’t address is why Microsoft would want to buy a controlling interest in Microsoft and
to protect the kind of “monopoly power” that change its pricing policies—if Microsoft had the
requires it to upgrade Windows to include market protection the judge thinks it has.
browsing capability and then to give that The charge that Microsoft could act like a
added benefit away. The usual barrier to entry monopolist in the future has been leveled for
would allow the protected firm to restrict at least a decade, yet all the while the real
sales with the intent of raising its prices. The price of Windows has continued to fall. One
“applications barrier to entry” doesn’t sound might think the judge would wait to con-
like much of a “monopoly barrier.” Still, the demn Microsoft until it had actually raised
judge managed to find that Microsoft’s tac- its prices above competitive levels before
tics caused “consumer harm by distorting proposing to break up the company and
competition.” Is not responding to the entry restrict its ability to give away the browser.
of a rival with improved products and lower One might also think the judge would under-
prices the very essence of competition? stand this basic proposition: If Microsoft had
Nevertheless, Judge Jackson concluded to respond with such force and a zero price to
that the “predatory course of conduct Netscape’s market entry—a Web browser that
Microsoft has pursued since June of 1995 [in was written in four months by seven recent
the main, integrating Internet Explorer into graduates of the University of Illinois—the
Windows and then giving away the browser applications barrier to entry must not be If Microsoft had
functionality] has revived the dangerous proba- what he made it out to be.
bility that Microsoft will attain monopoly to respond with
power” in the browsing market.3 0 But so such force and a
what if Microsoft attains “monopoly power” Worries about the Near zero price to
if it uses that supposed power to improve the Term and the Long Run Netscape’s mar-
“quality of Web browsing software, lowering
its cost, and increasing its availability, thereby At several points in his analysis of ket entry, the
benefitting consumers”?31 In addition, the Microsoft’s behavior, the judge is clearly wor-
judge fails to acknowledge that Microsoft ried about what Microsoft might do in the
applications bar-
has helped to break down whatever applica- near term, over the next two or maybe three rier to entry must
tions barrier to entry there is by rewriting its years.34 He obviously believes that, with its not be what the
own Office applications for the Apple Mac supposed protection from normal competi-
operating system, thus ensuring that its own tive forces, Microsoft has the requisite market judge made it out
applications will not stand in the way of Mac’s power to raise its prices substantially by cur- to be.
taking over a larger share of the market.32 tailing sales. Microsoft might in fact have such

Judge Jackson has, power—in the near term. After all, many com- applications but the prices it charges.
with the stroke of puter users would be hard-pressed to switch to Because Microsoft constrained the price of
another operating system in the near term, its operating system (say, relative to the price
his pen, converted but that in no way means that Microsoft has charged by Apple), program developers were
the 70,000 applica- the requisite incentive to raise its prices in the willing to write for Windows, which led to
near term. That is because near-term price the much-heralded “network effects” (i.e.,
tions, which con- hikes can cut sales. Moreover, as Judge Jackson sales of Windows resulting in more applica-
sumers value and determined, software markets are beset with tions that, in turn, led to more copies of
use, into a source “network effects,” or the tendency of sales to Windows being sold).
build on sales with time.35 If more copies of In effect, Judge Jackson has, with the
of consumer Windows are sold, application developers have stroke of his pen, converted the 70,000 appli-
harm caused by more reason to develop programs for cations, which consumers value and use, into
Microsoft’s sup- Windows. With more applications, the value a source of consumer harm caused by
of Windows rises along with sales. Microsoft’s supposed anti-competitive tac-
posed anti-com- Network effects can also work in reverse. tics. And what did Microsoft do? Well, it did-
petitive tactics. A reduction in near-term sales due to a price n’t prevent anyone from using any of those
increase can leave a market opening for some supposed 70,000 applications. There has
other operating system that can establish a never been a moment when consumers could
beachhead with lower prices leading to not use Netscape Navigator with Windows.
greater sales, which attract application devel- All Microsoft has ever done is upgrade
opers. More applications can lead, in turn, to Windows by integrating its browser, Internet
more sales of the new operating system at Explorer, into Windows. Then it gave away
Microsoft’s expense. Therefore, Microsoft the browser functionality by not raising the
might be able to raise its profits in the near price of Windows. In the process, Microsoft
term, but those near-term profits would forced Netscape to lower the list price for
entail an even greater loss of profits in the Navigator from $39 before Microsoft entered
long term. As a consequence, a price increase the browser market to zero afterwards.
for Windows today could translate into a By integrating a browser into Windows,
reduction in the price of Microsoft’s stock. Microsoft gave practically every user of Intel-
The current stock price should reflect the compatible and Apple computers the tech-
stream of expected future earnings, which nology necessary to go to Netscape’s Web site
could well be lower than they would be if and download Navigator for free. In doing so,
Microsoft did not raise its current price for Microsoft may have actually stimulated the
Windows. One reason Microsoft has not use of Navigator, especially since Microsoft
behaved as if it is protected by the “applica- made browsing virtually ubiquitous and,
tions barrier to entry” is that the barrier is hence, encouraged the speedy development of
simply not what the government and judge the Internet world, as the judge acknowl-
pretend it is. Microsoft’s key employees also edges. In short, Microsoft gave more people
have their sights focused on the company’s more reason and more ability to download
stock price (because of their stock holdings and use Navigator.
and stock options), not on its current bot- Granted, after Microsoft entered the so-
tom line. How else can a retail price of $89 called browser war, Netscape lost market
for Windows 98 or an annual lease payment share, as practically everyone knows. But
for students of $18.60 for Windows and what is not so widely known is that the actu-
Office be explained if Microsoft is such a al count of Navigator users exploded during
dominant producer camped out behind a the two years of the trial from 15 million in
“wall” of applications? 1996 to more than 35 million at the end of
Seen from that perspective, the “barrier to 1998, the period during which Microsoft was
entry” that is protecting Microsoft is not the supposedly foreclosing Netscape from the

browser market. And the number of tion among computer makers, ensuring that
Netscape users may have doubled again since the price of computing would also decline.
the trial started in May 1998.36 Even if Microsoft has been charging
In any event, Netscape’s NetCenter pro- monopoly prices (which, again, has not been
vides a variety of e-commerce services and has demonstrated), 37 it does not follow that
become a major hub of Web-based economy, Microsoft has, on balance, harmed consumers.
which partially explains why America Online The reduction in the prices of Windows appli-
was willing to pay more than $10 billion for cations resulting from the ease of entry into
Netscape while the Microsoft antitrust trial that market, as well as the decrease in the price
was going on. A part of that purchase price of computing, may have more than offset any
might have been attributable to Microsoft’s increase in the price Microsoft might have
helping to make browsing ubiquitous in a charged for Windows itself. Had Microsoft
way that Netscape alone could not have done not been able to gain in some way from its
in the same time frame. And Windows encouragement of the development of appli-
allegedly dominated the operating-system cations that supposedly form a “barrier” to
market because of those supposed 70,000 competition, there might not have been as
applications. That means the so-called appli- much competition in applications and com-
cations barrier to entry might have been seen, puters as there has been. The market might Microsoft stirred
contrary to the judge’s imagery, as a “con- have been dominated by the Apple model of competition
duit” through which Netscape was able to computer markets, under which the operating among a multi-
flourish because the Web developed more system and computer are sold as a tied pack-
rapidly than it would have otherwise. age—and at higher prices than comparable tude of application
We can’t be certain, nor can the judge, personal computers running Windows. firms, leading to
whether Microsoft’s supposed “predatory” The judge speaks of the applications bar-
actions were, on balance, a boon or a bane to rier to entry as if it came into existence more
product improve-
Netscape. No evidence was introduced at trial or less naturally, as a consequence of net- ments and falling
that spoke to that empirical issue. But we do work effects that are, like gravity, not the prices, and thus
know one thing for sure: Microsoft did not product of human ingenuity and effort.
predatorily (or anti-competitively) drive That is hardly the case. Getting independent raising the value of
Netscape from the market. developers to write for any operating system Windows and per-
is not a consequence of natural forces, nor is
it a costless undertaking. Indeed, Microsoft
sonal computers
Consumer Gain from the has spent billions of dollars facilitating the to users.
“Applications Barrier to work of software developers. No company
would undertake such an investment if it did
Entry” not expect to get something in return. By the
Judge Jackson doesn’t seem to realize that same token, if programmers expected to be
the mere existence of 70,000 Windows appli- trapped by a monopolist that would charge
cations (as if there really were that many) monopoly prices once they had written their
indicates that Microsoft must have eased the applications, they certainly would be less
entry of hordes of program developers into inclined to write programs. That means a
the market for Windows-based applications. firm like Microsoft would have to invest
In doing so, the company, no doubt, stirred more resources (or charge lower prices) in
competition among a multitude of applica- order to get the programmers’ cooperation.
tion firms, leading to product improvements The threat of Microsoft’s charging monop-
and falling prices, and thus raising the value oly prices in the future could similarly
of Windows and personal computers to encourage developers to write for alternative
users. And, by elevating the value of the operating systems, which could open up the
Wintel platform, Microsoft spurred competi- market to new entrants.

Microsoft has a history of charging low grammers that it will not charge prices so out
prices, then lowering its prices still further and of line with competitors’ prices that sales will
enhancing Windows over time.3 8That helps to be inhibited. In other words, the many
make credible Microsoft’s commitment to Windows applications (whatever the count)
remain the operating-system standard. Apple, are a mark of Microsoft’s competitiveness. If
by contrast, has far fewer applications even Microsoft did not show that it could and
though Apple’s graphics-based operating system would remain competitive, vis-à-vis alterna-
is much older. It is likely that Apple has invested tive operating systems, it would not have the
fewer resources in encouraging program devel- large count of applications and, accordingly,
opers. Moreover, Apple has a reputation for would not have achieved its dominant posi-
being pricey. Perhaps those reasons—not the tion in the operating-systems market.
applications barrier to entry—account for Because Microsoft integrated Internet
Apple’s role as a minor player in the personal Explorer into Windows and then did not
computing market. charge for the browser functionality, Judge
Judge Jackson appears convinced that Jackson concludes that Microsoft had “preda-
greater consumer mobility among operating tory” intentions, in the main, to destroy
systems would be a boon to competition and Netscape. According to the judge, “[P]redatory
consumer welfare. But is that necessarily the conduct, by definition as well as by nature,
case? If consumers could move among operat- lacks pro-competitive business motivation.”4 0
ing systems with complete ease, it is doubtful Microsoft’s efforts with its browser may have
that operating-system companies would be been intended to harm Netscape, but such
willing to work as hard at getting program harm should be expected in competitive mar-
developers to write applications. Programmers kets. Competitors are destroyed all the time.
might not be so willing to make the invest- Moreover, Microsoft’s “motivation” may
ments they have to make. Hence, the so-called very well have been pro-competitive. Microsoft
applications barrier to entry in the operating- may have understood that the viability of the
system and applications market can be seen as Windows standard, and all its applications,
a boon to the development of applications. An depended on ensuring that Windows
applications barrier of some magnitude can remained ubiquitous. It would not have
give operating-system companies and program remained so if Windows did not have browsing
developers the incentive they need to enter capability. The program developers could also
their respective markets.3 9 see what Microsoft saw: If Microsoft had not
Microsoft could be Moreover, program developers are not as included a browser in Windows, many pro-
said to have used unsophisticated as the judge implies when he gram developers would have turned away from
writes that they are trapped behind the appli- Windows, thus undermining the acclaimed
the aggressive tac- cations barrier to entry. They understand that network effects and causing the Windows stan-
tics it did to defend the value of their applications is related to dard to unravel. Microsoft’s zero pricing of
the interests of how widely Windows is used. Like Microsoft, Internet Explorer is one way Microsoft alerted
they understand that the success of the the program developers that it intended to
developers—not Windows standard is related to its price. If remain competitive in the face of a strong chal-
because Microsoft they expected Microsoft to charge monopoly lenge, a stance that fortified the Windows stan-
prices in the future, they would be less likely dard (which the judge mistakenly interpreted
is altruistic, but to write for Windows, which means that the as anti–competitive behavior).
because develop- mere threat of Microsoft’s acting like a In effect, Microsoft could be said to have
ers’ interests over- monopolist can undermine the supply of used the aggressive tactics it did to defend the
Windows applications. The fact that interests of developers—not because Microsoft
lap Microsoft’s Microsoft has so many applications written is altruistic, but because developers’ interests
own long-run for Windows suggests that the company has overlap Microsoft’s own long-run interest. It is
been highly successful in convincing pro- hard to see how a software firm can get more

“pro-competitive” than that. Maybe that’s why development can militate against Microsoft’s Had Microsoft
Microsoft’s rivals have been so critical of making Windows as good as it could be. acted like a true
Microsoft. Had Microsoft acted like a true Another way of stating the problem is that
monopolist—one that restricted sales to raise Microsoft must ensure that Windows is back- monopolist—one
its prices—rivals would have applauded ward compatible, meaning new versions of that restricted
because they, too, could then have made more Windows can also run applications that were
sales at higher prices. written for earlier versions of Windows (say,
sales to raise its
Windows 95, if not Windows 3.0). Therefore, prices—rivals
Windows will always have many more lines of would have
How Windows Applications code than would be required for it to run only
Can Open the Operating- the up-to-date versions of applications.
System Market Moreover, the current version of Windows will because they, too,
be more complex than would be necessary if could then have
Finally, Judge Jackson (and just about Windows did not have to be backward com-
everyone else who agrees with his decision) has patible. Those problems explain why Windows made more sales
treated the array of Windows applications as if is less stable, perhaps slower, than it could be, at higher prices.
it were an unmitigated blessing for Microsoft. absent the backward compatibility requirement.
Without question, as recognized throughout Therein lies the potential for a market
this paper, those applications are an impor- opening for new entrants who are unencum-
tant marketing advantage for the company. At bered by having an operating system based
the same time, when considering ways to on old technology or who do not have to
upgrade Windows, Microsoft must be ever accommodate an array of existing applica-
mindful that it cannot move too quickly in its tions. As a consequence, Microsoft has to
upgrades, or else it runs the risk of disaffecting weigh the ability of new entrants to leapfrog
its program developers who have invested its established operating-system technology in
heavily in Windows technology, a problem its decisions to exploit what Judge Jackson
that has important but easily overlooked neg- sees as market power. It must also stand ready
ative consequences for Microsoft. to radically revise its operating-system tech-
Foremost, Microsoft must restrict (to one nology in relatively short order when it detects
degree or another) its upgrades of Windows, a new technology that shows promise of
as it has done for years in not moving com- leapfrogging Windows (which may explain
puter users to what the company knows to be the company’s abrupt change in its operating-
superior, more stable operating-system tech- system development plans when Bill Gates
nology, for example, Windows NT (now openly recognized the Internet browser threat
2000). If Microsoft readily makes existing in May 1995).41 Microsoft’s radical revisions
applications obsolete with each new release can be viewed as protecting not only its own
of Windows, it increases the computing costs investment but also the investments of con-
for consumers, given that consumers then sumers and application developers.42 If
must buy new versions of their applications Microsoft were to act like the monopolist it
or work without as many applications. The has been accused of being, it would give poten-
company would also increase the costs to tial new entrants with new technology all the
developers, since developers would then have more incentive to invade the operating-system
to rewrite their applications with every new market.
Windows release. As a result, Microsoft
would have to invest more to get program
developers’ cooperation or would have to Conclusion
lower the price of Windows to keep their alle-
giance to the Windows platform, or both. Judge Jackson’s use of the word “barrier”
That implies that the economics of software conjures up the image of an impregnable

If Microsoft’s fortress. Ironically, Microsoft stands con-
users had victed of antitrust violations partially Notes
because of the prominence of “applications The author is indebted to Gary Byrne, Kenneth
demanded the barrier to entry” in the trial. On close exam- Elzinga, Robert Levy, Albert Nichols, Alan
70,000 applica- ination, it is not the fortress the judge has Reynolds, and William Shughart for their com-
made it out to be. If it were, Netscape could ments and editorial improvements on earlier ver-
tions that Judge not have challenged Microsoft. Microsoft
sions of this paper.
Jackson posited, would not have been compelled to respond 1. Judge Jackson seems to have taken the concept
then competitors to Netscape’s challenge in the way and to of the “applications barrier to entry” from David
the extent it did. Microsoft could have Boies, the government’s lead attorney on the case,
might indeed remained content behind its impregnable
who noted in his opening statement before the
court: “In fact, what is being in the driver’s seat
have been barred. barrier. It might never have upgraded here is the desire to shut out the Netscape
Fortunately for Windows to include browsing capability, Navigator, and as the court will see when we talk
and it would certainly not have given that about AOL, they were prepared to do that, even at
consumers, none capability away.
the extent of disfavoring their own MSN network
in competition with AOL, because winning the
of that is true. If Microsoft were the protected monop- browser battle was of paramount important and
oly it has been made out to be, it would have was of paramount importance, I will repeat, for
charged far more than it has for Windows. two reasons. One, it represented an ability to
reerect the applications programming barrier to
There would then have been real harm to entry and, second, it allowed them to gain control
consumers, who would have bought fewer of the browser, which was, as they have themselves
copies of Windows at inflated prices. There recognized, the choke-hold on the Internet.”
would then have been real antitrust viola- United States v. Microsoft Corporation, U.S. District
Court for the District of Columbia, civil action
tions. If Microsoft had acted like a protect- no. 98-1232 (TPJ), Transcript of Proceedings, June
ed monopolist, it might never have achieved 7, 1999 (A.M. session), p. 61. Cited hereafter as
its dominant market position and would Transcript of Proceedings. In turn, Boies appears
not have been charged with antitrust viola- to have taken the concept from the direct testi-
tions. Microsoft’s market rivals would have mony of the government’s two economic witness-
es, Franklin M. Fisher and Frederick Warren-
applauded its sales restrictions and above- Boulton. Fisher called the concept the “applica-
competitive prices because those rivals tions programming barrier to entry”: “For exam-
would have been able to sell more operating ple, if Internet browsers and/or Java in fact threat-
systems at higher prices. ened to eventually undermine Microsoft’s operat-
ing system monopoly by eroding the applications
The reason that Microsoft has charged programming barrier to entry that protects that
no more for Windows than it has, and monopoly, the economic costs of permitting
responded the way it did to the Netscape Microsoft to rebuild that barrier to entry by sti-
challenge, is that the so-called barrier to fling non-Microsoft browsers and Java will be
substantial.” United States v. Microsoft Corporation,
entry made up of 70,000 (or 100,000) appli- Franklin M. Fisher, Direct Testimony, filed
cations is a gross exaggeration of just how October 14, 1998
many up-to-date, available Windows-based atr/cases/f2000/2057.pdf.
applications are in use. Thus, Judge Jackson Similarly, Warren-Boulton testified: “As an
operating system gains popularity, the incentive
erred in a major way when he concluded that to develop software for that operating system
“the amount it would cost an operating sys- increases because the larger number of users for
tem vendor to create that many applications the operating system product implies a greater
[70,000] is prohibitively large.” If Microsoft potential market for software developers. The
development of yet more applications for that
had acted like the monopolist the court operating system, in turn, increases the value of
declared it to be, and if Microsoft’s users had the operating system to end users who, as
demanded the 70,000 applications that explained, purchase operating systems in signif-
Judge Jackson posited, then competitors icant part based upon the quality and variety of
might indeed have been barred. Fortunately applications available for it. As Hewlett-
Packard’s Frank Santos explained, demand for
for consumers, none of that is true. an operating system is driven by the availability

of ‘applications that run on the operating sys- systems world-wide, it could set the price of a license
tem.’ The operating system’s market share, substantially above that which would be charged in
therefore, is likely to increase, and that, in turn, a competitive market and leave the price there for a
is likely to cause software developers to devote significant period of time without losing so many
yet more resources to writing applications for customers as to make the action unprofitable.
that operating system product. That phenome- Therefore, in determining the level of Microsoft’s
non—known in economics as ‘positive feed- market power, the relevant market is the licensing
back’—creates what is best termed the ‘applica- of all Intel-compatible PC operating systems world-
tions barrier to entry.’ Simply put, an operating wide.” Ibid., ¶ 18. What the judege doesn’t say is
system product can rise to dominate the mar- that Microsoft’s 95 percent “market share” for the
ket, and once that dominance is achieved main- “last couple of years” is not a fact at all. It was intro-
tain it, because of both the large number of duced early in the trial as a projection of Microsoft’s
complementary software applications available installed base for the next couple of years. The 95
for it and the flow of new applications that are percent figure bears no relationship to current or
written to it.” United States v. Microsoft future sales. There is no market for DOS operating
Corporation, Frederick R. Warren-Boulton, systems, a point emphasized by Reynolds. In a per-
Direct Testimony, filed November 18, 1998, ¶ ¶ sonal communication on July 21, 2000, Reynolds
53–54, informed the author that the International Data
2079.htm#footbody_27. Corporation puts Microsoft’s market share of cur-
Interestingly, while Fisher and Warren- rent operating system sales, not installed base, at
Boulton stake their claim of Microsoft’s monop- closer to 66 percent.
oly power on the existence of the “applications
barrier to entry,” neither ever offers any evidence 6. Findings of Fact, ¶ 31.
on exactly how many applications are in the bar-
rier to entry. The closest either gets to an exact 7. Ibid., ¶ 40.
count is when Warren-Boulton wrote that
Microsoft was intent on “preserving the barrier to 8. Ibid.
entry created by the large stock of Windows appli-
cations” (¶ 7, emphasis added). He adds later, 9. Ibid., ¶ 47.
“[B]arriers to effective entry into the PC operating
system market are high, and other PC operating 10. Ibid., ¶ 40.
systems cannot easily increase their shares of that
market because the huge stock of applications 11. Ibid., ¶ 36.
written for Windows 95/98 will not run on those
systems” (¶ 43). 12. Judge Jackson found: “Software development is
characterized by substantial economies of scale.
2. United States v. Microsoft Corporation, Findings of The fixed costs of producing software, including
Fact, November 5, 1999, ¶ 54. Cited hereafter as applications, are very high. By contrast, marginal
Findings of Fact. costs are very low. Moreover, the costs of develop-
ing software are sunk—once expended to develop
3. Computer users could incur the switching costs software, resources so devoted cannot be used for
but then effectively cover those costs with reduc- another purpose. The result of economies of scale
tions in the cost of their software. and sunk costs is that application developers seek
to sell as many copies of their applications as pos-
4. For more details on Judge Jackson’s narrow mar- sible. An application that is written for one PC
ket definition, See Alan Reynolds, “U.S. v. operating system will operate on another PC oper-
Microsoft: The Monopoly Myth,” Wall Street ating system only if it is ported to that system, and
Journal, April 19, 1999, p. A12. porting applications is both time-consuming and
expensive.” Ibid., ¶ 38.
5. Judge Jackson wrote: “Every year for the last
decade, Microsoft’s share of the market for Intel- 13. Indeed, Apple’s market share may now be
compatible PC operating systems has stood above “small” simply because it has tried to act more like
ninety percent. For the last couple of years the fig- a monopolist than Microsoft has. Its premium
ure has been at least ninety-five percent, and ana- prices for both hardware and software could have
lysts project that the share will climb even higher curbed Apple’s sales. And those reductions in sales
over the next few years. Even if Apple’s Mac OS were could have had “network effects,” checking the
included in the relevant market, Microsoft’s share number of applications written for Apple and thus
would still stand well above eighty percent.” subsequent sales. In addition, the very fact that
Findings of Fact, ¶ 35. That finding fortifies his ear- Apple has charged premium prices could have
lier finding: “It follows that, if one firm controlled caused both computer users and developers justifi-
the licensing of all Intel-compatible PC operating able concern about joining the Apple network.

Users and developers may have had reason to cations could have undermined his credibility on
believe that Apple would, if it became the standard, other points. By leaving the count unchallenged,
act even more like a monopolist in the future, soak- however, Microsoft gave the government an
ing up the gains the users and developers might opportunity to repeat the 70,000 count several
hope to realize by joining the Apple network. times, which gave the judge all he needed to find
the entry barrier that was necessary to make the
14. Many of the Windows-based games counted monopoly charge stick.
as part of the applications barrier to entry are Richard L. Schmalensee, Microsoft’s chief eco-
rapidly becoming obsolete because Internet-based nomic witness, did state in his direct testimony
games offer multiuser features not available on that the relationship between numbers of applica-
single-user computers. tions and sales of operating systems is less clear
than the government claimed. He pointed out that
15. At one point, Justice Department attorney the Palm operating system had 1,000 applications
David Boies pressed John Rose, “Now, back to the at the time of his testimony but more than 2 mil-
question I started with, there are 70,000 applica- lion users. Apple had more than 12,000 applica-
tions, approximately, for the Windows operating tions and 12.5 million users. By contrast, Linux
system; correct?” Rose then explained, “There are had only 250 applications but 7.5 million users.
70,000 PC applications. Not all of them were writ- BeOS had over 900 applications but only 750,000
ten for Windows. Some of them go back to the users. United States v. Microsoft Corporation, Richard
DOS environment and carry forward into the L. Schmalensee, Direct Testimony, filed January 3,
Windows environment. But over the course of the 1999, pp. 53–54,
17 years of the PC industry, there have been pass/trial/schmal/schmal.asp.
approximately 70,000 applications developed, The author has searched for studies that show
and that continues to grow.” Transcript of there are 70,000 applications. Microsoft does not
Proceedings, February 17, 1999 (P.M. session), p. have such a study. Interestingly, even Microsoft
24. supporters have used the 70,000 count to bolster
their case for Microsoft. For example, syndicated
16. Findings of Fact, ¶ 40. columnist Robert Samuelson wrote, “The world
might be better off if there were a universal com-
17. No computer user, no matter how dedicated, puter language that allowed applications soft-
would ever attempt to use 70,000 applications ware to run on any machine. Microsoft’s rivals are
(even if that many usable, unique applications pursuing such a solution. If they succeed,
were available, which is not the case) over the Windows’ position would decline. Until then,
course of his or her life. If it took an average of 30 standardization around Windows creates bene-
minutes for a user to install and learn each appli- fits. Roughly 70,000 applications are written for
cation, it would require 35,000 hours to install Windows, compared with 12,000 for Macintosh.”
and learn all 70,000 Windows applications. If the Robert Samuelson, “Consumers Don’t Believe
user spent 40 hours a week working only on new They’ve Been Hurt by Microsoft,” Chicago Tribune,
applications, it would take 109 years to install and November 19, 1999, p. 31. Similarly, economist
learn them all. Nicolas Economides concluded: “[D]espite Judge
Jackson’s best efforts, any breakup is unlikely to
18. Productivity software includes all applications increase competition. Justice’s original two-way
except children’s, educational and references, breakup plan was premised on the hope that an
homes and hobbies, and personal digital assistant autonomous applications company would create
software. See a new operating system to compete with
obidos/tg/browse/-/289961/104-4623710- Windows. But more than 70,000 applications run
6770356. Windows, creating what the government calls ‘the
applications barrier to entry’ in the operating-sys-
19. For more on the economics of versioning, see tem market. However capable the new applica-
Carl Shapiro and Hal R. Varian, Information Rules: tions company, it still wouldn’t be able to single-
A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy handedly create a successful rival operating sys-
(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Business School tem. Separately, even with a new applications
Press, 1999), chap. 3. company’s support, Microsoft’s biggest operat-
ing-system competitor, Linux, is unlikely to
20. The various versions of software might be become a serious desktop threat to Windows.”
equated with given car models with and without Nicolas Economides, “What’s Worse Than Two
luxury or sports packages. Baby Bills? Three,” Wall Street Journal, May 26,
2000, p. A22.
21. Rose’s testimony may well have gone unchal-
lenged by Microsoft’s lawyers because he was their 22. Microsoft Corporation, “Windows NT
witness. To challenge him on the count of appli- Workstation Licenses Exceed 11 Million: Top 18

PC Manufacturers Demonstrate Innovative 29. Ibid., ¶ 409.
Windows NT Workstation-Based Solutions in the
Microsoft Partner Pavilion at COMDEX,” Press 30. United States v. Microsoft Corporation,
release, Las Vegas, November 17, 1997, Conclusions of Law, April 3, 2000, p. 22 (emphasis added). Cited hereinafter as Conclusions of Law.
/Nov97/ NTW40Pr.asp.
31. Findings of Fact, ¶ 408.
23. Perhaps a portion of this applications entry
barrier could be surmounted by software. An 32. Judge Jackson proposes that Microsoft be split
application is much like “data” that operating into two companies, mainly to encourage the new
systems use to perform various functions, like applications company to develop a version of
word processing. That is to say, applications are to Office Suite for Linux. It would appear from
operating systems what “data files” are to applica- Apple’s experience that an operating-system firm’s
tions. That means a new operating-system having its own version of Office is not necessarily
entrant doesn’t necessarily have to write a totally the key to success. The fact that Microsoft has
new collection of all the applications its system written a version of Office for the Mac operating
needs to be a viable competitor. The new entrant system indicates that Microsoft is not unalterably
can play off the installed base of, say, Windows opposed to rewriting Office for other operating
applications by writing another application systems when they gain sufficient market share.
(called an “emulator”) that is compatible with the
new operating system and can interpret Windows 33. The judge admits in his findings of fact that “it
applications for the new operating system. The is not possible with the available data to determine
big disadvantage of that solution is that it intro- with any level of confidence whether the price that
duces another layer of code in the form of anoth- a profit-maximizing firm with monopoly power
er application, which means that the speed of the would charge for Windows 98 comports with the
computer system could be impaired (without an price that Microsoft actually charges. Even if it
offset in the form of faster computing hardware) could be determined that Microsoft charges less
and the prospect of errors could increase. Still, than the profit-maximizing monopoly price,
computer users could tolerate those problems if though, that would not be probative of a lack of
their only other option was to use Windows that monopoly power, for Microsoft could be charging
carried monopoly prices. what seems like a low short-term price in order to
maximize its profits in the future for reasons unre-
24. No attempt was made to develop a count of lated to underselling any incipient competitors.
the unique nonproductivity applications because For instance, Microsoft could be stimulating the
of the difficulty of deciding which applications growth of the market for Intel-compatible PC
should be counted. operating systems by keeping the price of
Windows low today. Given the size and stability of
25. See the original complaint against Microsoft its market share, Microsoft stands to reap almost
filed by the government in 1998 (United States v. all of the future rewards if there are yet more con-
Microsoft Corporation, Joel I. Klein et al., Complaint, sumers of Intel-compatible PC operating systems.
May 20, 1998) and the testimony of the govern- By pricing low relative to the short-run profit-
ment’s chief economic witnesses (United States v. maximizing price, thereby focusing on attracting
Microsoft Corporation, Franklin M. Fisher, Direct new users to the Windows platform, Microsoft
Testimony, filed October 14, 1998, would also intensify the positive network effects, that add to the impenetrability of the applications barrier to entry.” Findings of Fact, ¶ 65. In short,
footbody_27). even if Microsoft is not charging monopoly prices
now, it is still in violation of the antitrust laws
26. There were 476 MBA students surveyed with because there is a “dangerous probability” that it
152 responding, for a more-than-respectable will charge monopoly prices in the future. The
response rate of 32 percent. judge concluded: “Even if the first two elements of
the offense are met, however, a defendant may not
27. See tables 2.2 and 2.3, along with figure 2.1, in be held liable for attempted monopolization
Richard B. McKenzie, Trust on Trial: How the absent proof that its anticompetitive conduct cre-
Microsoft Case Is Reframing the Rules of Competition ated a dangerous probability of achieving the
(Boston: Perseus, 2000), pp. 40, 42. Product objective of monopoly power in a relevant market.
enhancements beginning with Windows 3.0 can The evidence supports the conclusion that
be found in table 2.4, p. 43. Microsoft’s actions did pose such a danger.”
Conclusions of Law, p. 23 (citation omitted).
28. Findings of Fact, ¶ 408.
34. More precisely, Judge Jackson made this point

several times in his findings of fact: “To the extent 37. Judge Jackson suggested that Microsoft might
that developers begin writing attractive applica- have charged a monopoly price for its operating
tions that rely solely on servers or middleware system, but he based his argument on nothing
instead of PC operating systems, the applications more than an internal study stating that a
barrier to entry could erode. As the Court finds Windows 98 upgrade could profitably have been
above, however, it remains to be seen whether sold for $49 rather than its actual price of $89.
server- or middleware-based development will Findings of Fact, ¶ 63 (“[I]t is indicative of monop-
flourish at all. Even if such development were oly power that Microsoft felt that it had substantial
already flourishing, it would be several years discretion in setting the price of its Windows 98
before the applications barrier eroded enough to upgrade product. . . . A Microsoft study from
clear the way for the relatively rapid emergence of November 1997 reveals that the company could
a viable alternative to incumbent Intel-compati- have charged $49 for an upgrade to Windows 98—
ble PC operating systems. It is highly unlikely, there is no reason to believe that the $49 price
then, that a firm not already marketing an Intel- would have been unprofitable—but the study iden-
compatible PC operating system could begin tifies $89 as the revenue-maximizing price”). Judge
marketing one that would, in less than a few Jackson must have realized that the internal study
years, present a significant percentage of con- was a thin reed on which to rest such an inference;
sumers with a viable alternative to incumbents.” he omitted any mention of monopoly price goug-
Findings of Fact, ¶ 32. ing from his conclusions of law.

35. Judge Jackson explains “network effects” in 38. See Stan J. Liebowitz and Stephen E. Margolis,
this way: “Consumer demand for Windows enjoys Winners, Losers and Microsoft: Competition and
positive network effects. A positive network effect Antitrust in High Technology (Oakland, Calif.:
is a phenomenon by which the attractiveness of a Independent Institute, 1999), chaps. 7–9.
product increases with the number of people
using it. The fact that there is a multitude of peo- 39. There is actually a strong argument for allow-
ple using Windows makes the product more ing firms in markets for network goods to
attractive to consumers. The large installed base “exploit” consumers who are “locked in” because
attracts corporate customers who want to use an of “switching costs.” The ability of a firm to
operating system that new employees are already engage in such “exploitation” can lead to lower
likely to know how to use, and it attracts academ- up-front prices for consumers and a greater vari-
ic consumers who want to use software that will ety of more sophisticated applications. That argu-
allow them to share files easily with colleagues at ment is detailed in Dwight R. Lee and Richard B.
other institutions. The main reason that demand McKenzie, “The Case for Letting Firms Exploit
for Windows experiences positive network effects, Network Effects and ‘Locked-In’ Customers,”
however, is that the size of Windows’ installed Graduate School of Management, University of
base impels ISVs to write applications first and California, Irvine, working paper, 2000.
foremost to Windows, thereby ensuring a large
body of applications from which consumers can 40. Conclusions of Law, p. 8.
choose. The large body of applications thus rein-
forces demand for Windows, augmenting 41. See Bill Gates, “The Internet Tidal Wave,”
Microsoft’s dominant position and thereby per- memorandum, May 26, 1995, the Justice
petuating ISV incentives to write applications Department’s exhibit 20, p. 1,
principally for Windows. This self-reinforcing atr/cases/ms_exhibits.htm. In that memo to his
cycle is often referred to as a ‘positive feedback executive staff, Gates radically upgraded compa-
loop.’” Ibid., ¶ 39. ny-wide interest in and commitment to the
Internet, outlining both the threats and the
36. Calculating how many consumers use opportunities the Internet presented. He insisted
Navigator is difficult because many users buy their that his executive staff give the Internet the “high-
computers already loaded with both Navigator est level of importance.” Indeed, in that memo, as
and Internet Explorer. But a rough estimate can be in his 1995 book, Gates equated the importance
made. There are currently more than 300 million of the Internet to Microsoft with the develop-
Web users in the world. See Marc Saltzman, ment of the first IBM PC and asked all company
“Searching on a Sea of Web Pages: Specialized divisions to rethink and redesign their products
Sites Evolve to Better Help Surfers Find Bearings,” with the Internet in mind, indicating the prob-
USA Today, January 13, 1999, p. 4D. If Navigator is lems Microsoft would face in playing catch-up to
used by only a quarter of those users—the low end existing Internet players and noting that the pro-
of the commonly reported Netscape market posed network computer was a “scary possibility.”
share—there would be 75 million or more Later in 1995 in an Internet strategy workshop,
Navigator users worldwide. Gates once again insisted that the company had
to, in effect, turn on the proverbial dime to make

the company’s operating system and applications nologies that they have efficiently exploited for a
Internet ready. Bill Gates, “Internet Strategy long time. See Michael L. Tushman and Charles
Workshop Keynote,” internal Microsoft memo- A. O’Reiley III, “The Ambidextrous Organization:
randum, Decembser 7, 1995. Managing Evolutionary and Revolutionary
Change,” California Management Review 38, no. 4
42. The problem Microsoft faces—how radically it (Summer 1996): 1–23; and Clayton M
can and should upgrade its operating system to Christensen, The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New
discourage potential competitors—is one shared Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail (Cambridge,
by many successful firms wedded to proven tech- Mass.: Harvard Business School Press, 1997).

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