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611 February 29, 2008


Parting with Illusions

Developing a Realistic Approach to Relations with Russia
by Nikolas Gvosdev

Executive Summary

A review of America’s post-Soviet strategy to- • On a number of critical foreign policy

ward Russia is long overdue. The illusions that once issues, there is no clear community of inter-
guided policy are now at an end. What is needed is ests that allows for concepts of “selective
a dispassionate approach to Russia, wherein partnership” to be effective.
Americans would neither magnify nor excuse the
virtues and vices of the Russian Federation but Any approach to Russia must be based on
would accept the following realities: realistic expectations about the choices con-
fronting Washington. The United States has two
• Russia is unlikely to become integrated into options. It can forgo the possibility of Russian
the Euro-Atlantic community and is unwill- assistance in achieving its key foreign policy pri-
ing to adjust its foreign policy priorities orities in an effort to retain complete freedom of
accordingly; action vis-à-vis Moscow. Or it can prioritize its
• There is broad-based support within Russia objectives and negotiate a series of quid pro quos
for the direction in which Vladimir Putin with Russia. The latter choice, however, cannot
has taken the country; be indefinitely postponed.
• Russia has undergone a genuine—if limit- Seeking an accommodation with Russia is
ed—recovery from the collapse of the 1990s; more likely to guarantee American success in pro-
• Washington lacks sufficient leverage to moting its core national interests while minimiz-
compel Russian acquiescence to its policy ing costs—but will require U.S. policymakers to
preferences; and accept limits on what can be demanded of Russia.

Nikolas Gvosdev is editor in chief of The National Interest and a senior fellow in strategic studies at The Nixon
Center. The views expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect those of The National Interest or The Nixon
U.S. policy tune a policy or to discover a new tactical
toward Russia Introduction approach if there is clarity about not only
America’s ultimate goals but also America’s
must be based Why does the United States find it so dif- willingness to absorb costs.
on an honest ficult to establish and sustain a durable and Regretfully, over the last 15 years, many
beneficial relationship with the Russian have clung to illusions that the United States
assessment Federation? can achieve most of its objectives at little cost
of U.S. needs, The post-Soviet/post-Cold War U.S.-Russia and without having to make much accommo-
interests, and relationship has been one of the most studied, dation to the interests of others. That point of
discussed, and analyzed topics in internation- view was particularly prevalent with respect to
capabilities. al affairs. There is certainly no lack of advice Russia, which, having emerged from the
and guidance on the matter. Many of the wreckage of the Soviet Union, seemed at times
reports that have been written take a “rational to be in no position to thwart U.S. preferences
actor” approach—that is to say, by laying out but instead to have to accept any relationship
common interests and threats, these reports on American terms. Increasingly, that is no
presume that a blueprint for joint action can longer the case, because of Russia’s own recov-
be created that will serve as the foundation for ery from its mid-1990s nadir as well as clear
a renewed relationship. signs of “superpower fatigue” affecting Amer-
In contrast, this analysis seeks to examine ica’s ability to sustain power and influence on
the factors that have inhibited policymakers a variety of issues around the world.
from solidifying the U.S.-Russia relationship. The goal of this report is not to insist on
Whereas all bilateral relationships involve any one particular policy blueprint but instead
a measure of give and take, this report does to focus attention on the need to make choic-
not seek to provide advice to Russia on what es and to be prepared to live with the out-
Moscow must do in order to improve the comes. Any U.S. policy toward Russia is going
relationship. This is not to suggest that the to require trade-offs. Russia’s own economic
Russians somehow are faultless. Indeed, one recovery in recent years, coupled with the
can easily amass a long litany of Moscow’s emergence of alternate international networks
missteps, ill-conceived policy initiatives and that give other states the ability to bypass the
needless provocations, ranging from the United States altogether, has reduced Wash-
Kremlin’s inability to denounce the 1939 ington’s maneuvering room. The following
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact to its clumsy and piece of advice, by three respected analysts,
ham-fisted efforts to use its energy resources and meant to apply to U.S. policy in general,
to extract concessions from neighboring gov- perfectly sums up what this report hopes to
ernments such as Ukraine or foreign compa- achieve: “We must face head-on and lean into,
nies working on Russian soil. rather than away from, the real choices that we
But U.S. policy toward Russia—or any oth- confront. Some are gut-wrenching in the sense
er major power—should not be solely reactive that they will force us to make truly hard com-
to events; it must also be based on an honest promises among sets of values, preferences,
assessment of U.S. needs, interests, and capa- and expectations that we don’t want to trade
bilities. And there are always risks when off. That is no excuse to ignore or hide from
embarking on such a venture; policies can fail those choices.”1
and new approaches do not always ensure
success. There is never a guarantee that the
other side will accept any U.S. offer; this does The Failure to Consummate
not mean that the effort was worthless or
that the strategic assessments that served as Many Americans are tempted to look back
the foundation for the policy should be dis- with nostalgia at a supposed “better time”
carded outright. Indeed, it is far easier to fine- whenever there are difficulties in the U.S.-Russia

relationship. In his memoir, Strobe Talbott, for- Either the opportunities were overstated or
mer deputy secretary of state in the Clinton the differences are not so dire.
administration, recorded two such instances in This narrative of past opportunities lost in
President Clinton’s conduct of policy toward U.S.-Russian relations is compounded by
Russia. The first, in late 1993, was Clinton’s major and dramatic disagreements within the
lament, in confronting the complexities of deal- American foreign policy establishment over
ing with Boris Yeltsin (as well as the ongoing how to view Russia. Indeed, one cannot help
impact of the Soviet collapse), “Boy, do I ever but wonder whether leading U.S. political fig-
miss the Cold War.” Seven years later, after a par- ures are looking at the same country when
ticularly grueling session with Yeltsin’s successor they make pronouncements. In July 2007, fol-
Vladimir Putin—someone prepared to be far less lowing his meeting with President Putin, U.S.
accommodating to American proposals—Clin- President George W. Bush declared, “Russia is
ton told Talbott, “Let’s get this thing over with a good, solid partner,” citing in particular
so we can go see Ol’ Boris.”2 Today, as relations cooperation on a number of strategic issues.7
between Moscow and Washington continue to Senator Barack Obama, a leading Democratic
deteriorate, and as pundits ominously intone candidate for president, had a much less posi-
that a new Cold War is looming between the tive assessment, telling the Chicago Council
United States and Russia, even Republicans who on Global Affairs earlier that spring that
Despite the
were extremely critical of the Yeltsin administra- “Russia is neither our enemy nor close ally promise of a new
tion during the 1990s look back at that time as right now.”8 But the chairman of the Senate and improved
preferable to the situation today.3 Foreign Relations Committee, Joseph Biden
Despite the promise of a new and improved (D-DE), went even further, identifying Russia relationship
relationship between Russia and the United under the Putin administration as one of the between Russia
States in the immediate aftermath of 9/11— three principal threats to the United States.9
when Robert Legvold of Columbia University Although the United States may have con-
and the United
could write that “Russia and the United States tentious and difficult relations with other States in the
both stand on the verge of fundamental for- important countries—such as China, Pakistan, immediate
eign policy choices likely to change dramatical- and Saudi Arabia—it is quite a sign of disso-
ly their mutual relationship” with an eye to nance for a country like Russia to be described aftermath of
crafting a true alliance between the two by senior officials and policymakers as both a 9/11—the old
states4—the old patterns have reasserted them- strategic partner and an adversary at the same patterns have
selves. Today, Legvold declares, “Gone is the time. And such divergent positions make fash-
talk of ‘strategic partnership,’ not to mention ioning a coherent policy extremely difficult. reasserted
the fanciful vision of a genuine Russo- Take, for instance, the question of preventing themselves.
American alliance held by some . . . not so long the proliferation of nuclear material. If the
ago.”5 United States government is so divided over
Has Russia—or the rest of the former Soviet whether Russia is friend or foe, how can there
Union, for that matter—changed so dramati- be meaningful intelligence cooperation be-
cally between 2001 and 2008 that an entirely tween the two countries? In a climate of suspi-
new approach is required? It’s true that the cion, how can either side agree to grant access to
Russian economy has begun a dramatic recov- sensitive facilities? It would be almost impossi-
ery from the aftermath of the collapse of the ble, for example, for the United States to “help
USSR and the 1998 financial crash and that Russia obtain and maintain an effective, eco-
high energy prices have engendered what nomic, and reliable space-based early-warning
some call confidence and others “petro-arro- system” if a substantial segment of the U.S. for-
gance” within the Kremlin,6 but over the last eign policy establishment was to decry the shar-
seven years, there has been no whole-scale ing of sensitive and advanced American tech-
change in Russia’s strategic orientation that nologies with an “enemy” state.10 Meanwhile,
would justify a major shift in U.S. policy. hostile rhetoric has surely stirred Russian suspi-

cions about American intentions, further be possible to manage a relationship between
undermining the prospects for rapprochement. Russia and the United States even when their
In such an environment of uncertainty, there- “national interests sometimes are parallel
fore, any policy that emerges is unlikely to be and sometimes do not coincide.” However,
based on a dispassionate analysis of U.S. inter- Kissinger went on to say, this “requires of the
ests—and certainly not from a genuine strategic United States that it have a clear sense of its
dialogue with Moscow. own priorities.”13
A final ingredient to throw into the mix is
an assumption shared by many that the
default setting in any bilateral relationship The Crucial Questions
between the United States and another coun-
try must be friendship. Richard Pipes provoc- On December 31, 1991, the United Nations
atively titled his 1997 Foreign Affairs essay “Is approved the request tendered by Yuli M.
Russia Still an Enemy?” but nonetheless Vorontsov, the Soviet Ambassador to the
began by noting that Russia’s pre-Soviet rela- United Nations, for the Russian Federation to
tions with the United States “were exception- be recognized as the sole successor to the
ally friendly” and that “seven decades of U.S.- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, in accor-
Russia hostility that followed the Bolshevik dance with the protocol that had been negoti-
coup d’état were the result not of a conflict of ated among the republics of the Soviet Union
interests but of the particular needs of in Alma-Ata (Almaty), Kazakhstan, three days
Russia’s conquerors, the Soviet ruling elite.”11 earlier.
But what happens if the condition described Had the collapse of the USSR fulfilled the
by Senator Obama—a Russia fated to be nei- conditions laid out by the administration of
ther a close ally nor an outright adversary to Harry S. Truman in NSC-68—the first formal
the United States—is the best outcome for the attempt to define an official U.S. strategy for
United States in terms of fulfilling most of its the Cold War? That document directed
foreign policy objectives? American policy “by all means short of war to
The many discussions, commissions, and (1) block further expansion of Soviet power,
committees that have advanced meaningful (2) expose the falsities of Soviet pretensions,
proposals for structuring U.S.-Russia relations (3) induce a retraction of the Kremlin’s con-
since 1991 are remarkably consistent in their trol and influence, and (4) in general, so foster
recommendations for a durable, “interest- the seeds of destruction within the Soviet sys-
based” relationship—one predicated on stem- tem that the Kremlin is brought at least to the
ming nuclear proliferation, combating inter- point of modifying its behavior to conform to
The problem is national terrorism, strengthening the United generally accepted international standards.”14
Nations as a more effective international actor, To the extent that all of these things occurred
not the lack of an deepening Russian integration into the global over the course of the Cold War, it is not clear
agenda—it is in economy, and promoting energy security.12 how much was attributable to U.S. actions. In
getting Moscow Moreover, presidents Bush and Putin have any case, a new set of questions must be
publicly discussed these proposals at their applied to U.S.-Russian policy since the end of
and Washington summit meetings—in Moscow; Bratislava; and, the Cold War, although these questions draw
to make commit- most recently, Kennebunkport. on lessons learned during the Cold War and
ments and in The problem is not the lack of an agen- even before.
da—it is in getting Moscow and Washington No U.S. administration can hope to craft a
so doing be to move to the execution stage, to make com- sustainable, enduring policy toward Russia if
prepared to mitments and in so doing be prepared to it cannot provide definitive answers to three
foreclose other options. Both sides are at questions. Were the forces that drove the
foreclose other fault, but as former secretary of state Henry Soviet Union to expand its influence and led it
options. Kissinger noted in February 2001, it should into conflict with the Atlantic powers a prod-

uct largely of its Marxist-Leninist ideology, or also allow the Soviet republics of the Baltic Russia’s recovery
were they rooted primarily in earlier, pre- States, the Caucasus and Central Asia to chart from the trauma
Soviet Russian imperial tendencies? If the lat- their own destinies, this was considered to be a
ter, does that mean that Russia’s national radical declaration far in excess of stated U.S. of the 1990s
interests will always set it at odds with funda- objectives at the time.17 By 2004, the proposal has lessened
mental U.S. security objectives whether tsar, for the creation of a common market (the
commissar or democratically elected president “Single Economic Space”) that would encom-
sits in the Kremlin? Second, are American pass the territories Solzhenitsyn had identi- influence over
interests better served by promoting separatist fied in 1990 as part of a proposed “Russian Moscow and
tendencies across the Eurasian plain, or is the Union”—Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and
maintenance of a unified Russian state con- Russia—was denounced in the West as an allowed Russia to
ducive to overall U.S. foreign policy goals? unacceptable manifestation of Russia’s “impe- raise the costs
Finally, is the existence of Russia—in its cur- rial ambitions” and a plot to bring about a of American
rent configuration—necessary for the func- “reconstituted empire.”18
tioning not only of a regional Eurasian politi- Dissonance in the U.S. approach to Russia indecision.
cal and economic order but also for a global could be managed during the 1990s when a
international system that supports overall weak Russia was significantly dependent on
U.S. national interests? Western aid and when the Russian leadership
Americans have often hedged their bets on was prepared to make major concessions to
these questions. Public Law 86-90, passed in Washington in the hopes of accelerating
1959 and still on the books, identified Russian integration into the West. In turn, the
“Russian communism” and its “imperialistic United States was able to use a series of delay-
and aggressive policies” as a “dire threat to the ing measures and vague promises to postpone
security of the United States and of all the free the inevitable day of reckoning—for example,
peoples of the world,” without clarifying what using the “Partnership for Peace” as a hedge
was particularly Russian and what was partic- on the question of NATO expansion—with
ularly communist about the threat. In addi- the hope being that the states of the former
tion, a number of the “Captive Nations” Soviet bloc and the former Soviet Union
whose liberation that legislation calls for are would never qualify for actual membership or
still constituent parts of the post-Soviet that somehow the “Russia problem” would be
Russian Federation. An influential text of the solved. But sooner or later, this maneuvering
early 1960s—Victor S. Mamatey’s Soviet Russian room would run out, as NATO has expanded
Imperialism—described imperial expansion as not simply to encompass the former Soviet
part and parcel of Russia’s historic aims and satellites of Central Europe but states directly
“expressed the aspirations of the great Russian on Russia’s own borders, and as countries
people accurately enough.”15 George Kennan’s such as Ukraine and Georgia continue to press
famous “Long Telegram” of 1946 was more for inclusion. Russia’s recovery from the trau-
nuanced; while identifying pre-Soviet Russian ma of the 1990s has not only lessened
expansionism as a problem, for Kennan it was American influence over Moscow but has
in the “new guise of international Marxism, allowed Russia to raise the costs of American
with its honeyed promises to a desperate and indecision.
war torn outside world” that the threat posed Russia will never be a perfect partner to
by Moscow was “more dangerous and insidi- the United States; but very few nations are—
ous than ever before.”16 not even America’s close allies among the
American expectations have changed over advanced post-industrial democracies. Either
time. When, in 1990, Alexander Solzhenitsyn the strategic advantages Russia brings to the
suggested that Moscow, in addition to relin- table make it worth overlooking Russia’s
quishing control over the “outer empire” that obvious faults or the cost of Russia’s help is
was the Soviet bloc in Eastern Europe, should too high in relation to the benefits.

Washington would much prefer to avoid Many of us thought the way forward as
these hard choices. For example, the U.S. the Cold War ended would be the emer-
Congress is unwilling to graduate Russia from gence of a new Europe, one not defined
the provisions of the Jackson-Vanik legisla- by blocs, and where the old confronta-
tion, which prevents permanent normal trad- tions and antagonisms would be gone. .
ing relations with a state that restricts emigra- . . In the beginning of the 1990s, the idea
tion rights—even though Russia had been of a close partnership with the United
found to be in compliance with its require- States, even an alliance, was popular in
ments since 1994.19 Meanwhile, the Bush ad- Moscow. Although the Cold War ended
ministration continues to express its desire for in the fall of the Warsaw Pact and the
a closer relationship with Russia, but it is clear- collapse of the Soviet Union, the new
ly ambivalent about the prospects and not Russian elites were operating from the
sure about the price it is willing to pay to try to presumption that democratic Russia
work with the Kremlin. That uncertainty will should not be treated as a defeated
be passed to the next administration, which country. On the contrary, we thought, it
will have no better luck in crafting and main- should be included in the Western com-
taining an effective, coherent, and credible munity as a new state that had decided-
The next approach toward Russia unless it is willing to ly parted with communism.”20
administration answer basic questions about Russia and to
will have no dispense with any remaining illusions that Even at the beginning of the Putin adminis-
currently inhibit the formulation of a realistic tration, then–foreign minister Igor Ivanov was
better luck in policy. still touting the “development of a constructive
crafting and partnership between my country, Europe and
the United States” that is “united by a common
maintaining Dangerous Illusions responsibility for maintaining peace and stabil-
an effective, ity in the vast Euro-Atlantic area” and declared
coherent, and Too often, outside observers have first cre- that a goal of Russian foreign policy would be
ated their image of Russia, and then located the “preservation of a unified Euro-Atlantic
credible approach the appropriate facts and personalities to sup- community, with Russia now part of it.”21
toward Russia port their construction. Too often, hopes and But were such expectations ever realistic?
unless it is willing aspirations have been substituted for facts The likelihood that Russia was going to follow
when shaping policy. a path of internal development that would
to dispense with Dispensing with the illusions that have bring its domestic institutions into closer con-
any remaining guided policy toward Russia is a necessary formity with Euro-Atlantic standards was
precondition for moving forward—even if it extremely low to begin with. Even if that had
illusions. requires abandoning cherished dreams of the occurred, Russia, as a Eurasian-continental
“Russia that might have been.” power, was going to have different interests
and priorities than either the United States or
Illusion No. 1: By Cooperating with the Western Europe. Therefore, there could be no
United States, Russia Will Join the West expectations that Russia would automatically
The first illusion is that Russia is destined support the general Western consensus on any
to become a full member of the West and given issue. How to secure Russian coopera-
assume a position of leadership within the tion with Western initiatives without giving
Euro-Atlantic community. That was a dream Russia a share of the decisionmaking authori-
shared not only by many in the United States ty was the dilemma the United States faced in
but in post-Soviet Russia as well. Alexey considering Russian integration into Euro-
Pushkov, a leading Russian commentator who Atlantic structures.22
was part of Mikhail Gorbachev’s foreign poli- So the compromise position was to give
cy team, recalled this: Russia a “voice but no veto” in the deliberations

of the West. This was reflected in the negotia- The creation of the NATO-Russia Council
tions that led to the Founding Act on Mutual in 2002 to replace the PJC created a system
Relations, Cooperation and Security between where Russia could sit at the table with all oth-
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the er NATO members for discussion, but never
Russian Federation, signed on May 27, 1997. resolved the fundamental dilemma of what
Washington hoped that, by giving Russia a for- weight Russia’s “voice” should have in alliance
mal association with NATO, the path could be deliberations. This has meant that Moscow is
cleared for enlarging the alliance by including not really a stakeholder in the alliance, while
former Soviet bloc states.23 making the partnership more effective has not
That compromise didn’t work. If Russia been a major priority for NATO members.
was not going to join the alliance, Moscow’s Major General Peter Williams, who headed the
next preference was for an arrangement that first NATO Military Liaison Mission in
would essentially create a system of joint deci- Moscow, made this assessment of the first 10
sion making between Russia and NATO on years of Russia’s partnership with NATO:
major issues of European and Eurasian securi- “Political will, structures and projects mean
ty. Moscow was especially insistent that any little without resources. . . . The resources com-
military operations outside the territory of the mitted for the execution of NATO-Russia
member-states of NATO would require either Council policies and plans have been far below
UN or OSCE sanction. The United States, in those suggested by the political rhetoric.”25
contrast, wanted to keep a good deal of Meanwhile, the question of Russian mem-
European security matters designated as mat- bership in the European Union is also off the
ters “internal” to NATO and not subject to the table as Russia and the Union attempt to devel-
purview of the NATO-Russia Council. op their set of “common spaces.” That has
In analyzing the effectiveness of the Perm- proved difficult. For example, at an EU-Russia
anent Joint Council, which was supposed to be summit meeting in Samara in May 2007, the
the principal organ of the NATO-Russia part- president of the European Commission Jose
nership, Peter Trenin-Straussov, in an assess- Manuel Barroso explained that “Russia is a
ment prepared for the Berlin Information European country that is close to us [the
Center for Transatlantic Security, concluded: European Union],” while Putin characterized
the Russia-EU summit as a forum for “coordi-
The [two] sides . . . failed to agree on nating our cooperation.”26 Russia may be asso-
what the PJC would do and—as a result— ciated with Europe, but both sides have clearly
they got a ‘disabled child.’ The council come to the conclusion that Russia, for the
lacked a ‘home’ and a permanent secre- foreseeable future, will remain outside the
tariat. It was also hugely asymmetrical in Union. The question
operation—Russia was presented with a All of this should lead U.S. policymakers
joint position of the NATO members, to the conclusion reached by Cliff Kupchan
of Russian
and could deal with NATO only en bloc. of the Eurasia Group: “The reality of today’s membership in
If the Russians made a bid, its NATO international system is that Russia is rapidly the European
partners needed to go in retreat to dis- becoming a major non-aligned power more
cuss it and then present Russia with along the lines of China or India than a Union is off the
their joint reply. This was cumbersome, junior partner or disciple of the West.”27 table as Russia
but ‘safe’, from the NATO point of view. and the Union
The Russians, for their part, soon dis- Illusion No. 2: A Democratic Russia is a
covered that dealing with individual Pro-American Russia attempt to
NATO member states outside the PJC The second illusion casts the Russian mass- develop their set
was more effective and satisfying. The es as anxious to support a U.S. global agenda,
PJC quickly turned itself into a talking but for the authoritarian tyrants who suppress
of “common
shop for rather stale dialogue.24 the will of the people. Those who embrace the spaces.”

It is difficult to “democratic peace” theory maintained that as Second, one cannot find a strong reservoir
conceive of any Russia moved further away from its authori- of support for U.S. foreign policy among
tarian Soviet past, its interests would necessar- Russians. Some 73 percent of Russians agree
Putin foreign ily converge with those of the United States. with the statement that “the United States
policy decision of Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) declared cannot be trusted,” and 66 percent believe that
at a 2003 hearing on the U.S.-Russia relation- “U.S. foreign policy does not take Russian
the last several ship that “the success of Russia’s democratic interests into account.” More than 60 percent
years that would transformation will largely determine and of Russians see the United States as having a
have been shape the present and future possibilities of negative influence in the world; more than
cooperation and engagement” with the half believe that the United States is unfriend-
reversed by United States.28 ly to Russia.33 Those sentiments are especially
a more democrati- It is a common assertion now in Washing- true among young Russians aged 16 to 29—
cally accountable ton that how Russia governs itself shapes its the post-Soviet generation. In a 2007 survey,
foreign policy and that continued disagree- almost 70 percent disagreed with the notion
Russian ments between the United States and the that the United States “does more good than
government. Russian Federation over foreign policy issues harm”; 64 percent saw the United States either
can be attributed to a growing authoritarian as an “enemy” or at least a “rival” to Russia.
trend in Russia.29 The implication is that a (China, in contrast, was viewed by only 27 per-
more democratic Russian government would cent of respondents in the same way.)34
make fundamentally different choices. It might Even if President Putin had been inclined
decide not to object to its neighbors joining the in the early years of his relationship with
NATO alliance or drop its efforts to export its President Bush to join the “coalition of the
energy resources directly to Germany and other willing,” he would have had to defy the over-
Western European markets, bypassing the tran- whelming majority of Russians to do so,
sit countries of Central and Eastern Europe. since 89 percent opposed any participation
Although such views are commonly held, of Russian forces in an American-led coali-
they are badly mistaken. First, it is important tion in Iraq. With regard to Iran, a 2007 poll
to stress the wide support Putin receives indicates that 45 percent of Russians consid-
among Russians for his policies—something er Iran a friendly country; only 20 percent
the results of the December 2007 Duma elec- agreed that a military strike would be justi-
tions confirm.30 In recent polls, 72 percent of fied if sanctions failed to stop Iran’s uranium
Russians agree with the assessment that enrichment.35 A 2006 poll conducted by the
Putin has moved Russia “in the right direc- Pew Research Center showed that by a two-
tion” and identify with his call for a resurgent to-one margin Russians were more likely to
Russia capable of playing a major role in view the U.S. presence in Iraq as a greater
world affairs. While some might dismiss threat to global peace than Iran’s uranium
Putin’s strong ratings as the product of a slick enrichment program.36
propaganda campaign, his popularity is Indeed, it is difficult to conceive of any
based rather in the public’s assessment that Putin foreign policy decision of the last sev-
his government has improved the quality of eral years that would have been reversed by a
life for most ordinary Russians. Some 66 per- more democratically accountable Russian
cent believe that Russians in 2007 live better government.
than in the Soviet Union of 1991 (immediate- So, would a more democratic Russia be
ly before the economic collapses of the more inclined to accommodate U.S. prefer-
1990s).31 And among 18- to 24-year-olds—the ences? Would it agree to implement punitive
demographic that supplied the foot soldiers sanctions against Iran? Or to restructure its
for the democratic “color revolutions” in energy industry to meet our needs?
Georgia and Ukraine—the Putin administra- In a word, no. A more democratic Russia
tion has a 57 percent approval rating.32 would still not see eye to eye with the United

States on a number of pressing issues—for the est challenge is a very low life expectancy for its
same reasons that the United States and France, male population that portends a labor short-
despite both being democracies, have funda- age and deprives the economy of decades of
mental disagreements over foreign policy. potential productivity from the premature
None of this is to deny that a more democ- demise of its citizens. But the Russia of 2007 is
ratic Russia would benefit the United States in far more capable than the Russia of 1997 in
some ways. Governments that are open and coping with these challenges.
transparent, and subject to scrutiny and criti- Russia has experienced robust economic
cism, are generally more constrained than growth for the past several years, an average
authoritarian regimes and, in some ways, of 6.8 percent per year. Russia is displaying
more predictable. But we should not fall into many signs of economic health. The govern-
the trap of believing that if Russia were to ment no longer runs a budget deficit (and for
become more liberal, have genuinely free and the last two years the federal budget surplus
competitive elections and strengthened rule of has exceeded 7 percent of GDP), while the
law, that would automatically translate into a state’s foreign debt has shrunk dramatically;
foreign policy more aligned with U.S. priori- it was 100 percent of Russia’s GDP in 1999,
ties. The two countries have different objec- today it stands around 8 percent. By July
tives. 2007, Russia had accumulated gold and for-
Any policy that
eign exchange reserves of $413.1 billion—the is predicated on
Illusion No. 3: Russia Is about to largest in its history. On August 1, 2007, the an assumption
Collapse Finance Ministry announced that there was
The third illusion that must be dispensed $127 billion in its Stabilization Fund—and it of perpetual
with is the assertion that Russia is near collapse set up that same month a reserve fund that, Russian weakness
and that its recovery is but a house of cards—and over time, would be expected to total 10 per-
that, therefore, there is no need for the United cent of Russia’s GDP and would exist solely
is foolhardy and
States to take Russia’s interests or preferences for the purpose of cushioning the federal dangerous.
into account when shaping policy. While such budget in the event of an oil price plunge.39
sentiments have receded in the last several years, One cannot rule out the possibility of some
they were quite pronounced when the Bush major disaster that could reverse Russia’s
administration first took office. Perhaps the recovery—but American policy seems based on
most famous example of this thinking was a the belief that Russia will forever remain in the
May 2001 essay in the Atlantic Monthly provoca- debilitating condition of the 1990s and will
tively entitled “Russia is Finished.” Written by have no choice but to accept Washington’s
Jeffrey Tayler, an American journalist who had diktat. Any policy that assumes that Russia
lived and worked in Russia during the 1990s, the will accept a status quo in Eurasia and the
article chronicled the “unstoppable descent of a world, or that is predicated on an assumption
once great power into social catastrophe and of perpetual Russian weakness, is foolhardy
strategic irrelevance.” Tayler described post- and dangerous.
Soviet Russia as “Zaire with permafrost.”37 Russia will never return as a superpower to
Conservative analyst General William Odom, rival the United States. And Lehigh Univer-
who headed the National Security Agency dur- sity’s professor Rajan Menon, a leading expert
ing the Reagan administration, picked up this on Eurasian affairs, is absolutely correct to
assessment when he characterized Russia as counsel Americans not to overreact to Russia’s
“weak, poor and ambling along [its] own paths recovery.40 But Russia is resuming its position
headed nowhere in particular” and a “marginal as a major regional power with some ability to
power.”38 influence the overall global agenda—especially
Russia continues to face massive prob- to raise costs for the United States to act. That
lems—notably in its health care system and in is multiplied if Russia can act in concert with
coping with an aging infrastructure. Its great- other major powers, especially China.

Illusion No. 4: The U.S. (and Europe) would nullify the benefits of access to Euro-
Can Fundamentally Transform Eurasia pean markets for countries such as Ukraine.
at Little Cost The U.S. government, meanwhile, has been
The fourth illusion is that the United reluctant to take any such steps, other than
States, in partnership with the European support for Ukraine’s inclusion into the World
Union, is capable of fundamentally trans- Trade Organization.
forming the geopolitical and geoeconomic The bottom line is that neither the United
realities of Eurasia. A related conceit is of States nor Europe is prepared to undertake
building a network of stable, prosperous, the massive effort that would be required to
pro-Western states all along Russia’s periph- displace Russia as Eurasia’s economic and
ery that will give Moscow no choice but to political center of gravity. Fifteen years after
accept these new realities.41 the collapse of the Soviet Union, more than
For starters, the pace of European Union 75 percent of the GDP of the states of the for-
and NATO expansion has slowed consider- mer Soviet Union is generated by Russia.
ably. Absorbing Central and Eastern Europe Russia remains Ukraine’s and Kazakhstan’s
placed great strains on both the Atlantic largest trading partner. The International
alliance and the EU; continuing with further Monetary Fund estimated that guest workers
expansion is highly unlikely, especially in the from post-Soviet states living in Russia send
near term. Romano Prodi, when he was pres- home $12 billion annually. Official remit-
ident of the European Commission, made tances from workers in Russia, as recorded by
this perfectly clear at the close of 2002, when the IMF, make up approximately 16 percent
he declared, “The integration of the Balkans of Moldova’s GDP.44 Grandiose schemes for
into the European Union will complete the a new Black Sea Commonwealth that bypass-
unification of the continent.” While Prodi es Russia look wonderful on paper but don’t
conceded that the process of EU enlargement correspond to realities on the ground.
“has worked very well,” he went on: “We can-
not go on enlarging forever. We cannot water Illusion No. 5: The U.S. Version of
down the European political project and “Selective Partnership” Is a Viable Policy
turn the European Union into just a free Option
trade area on a continental scale.”42 In theory, selective partnership is not a bad
Expansion fatigue contributed to the rejec- concept. It was the basis of the “Grand
Neither the tion of the European constitution in France Alliance” in World War II, as well as the anti-
and the Netherlands and led then-German Taliban coalition that emerged in the weeks
United States Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder to vehemently after 9/11 between a disparate group of
nor Europe is oppose any increases in the EU budget (and in nations. Indeed, most relationships between
Germany’s contributions) for 2007–2013. And states—even those who consider themselves
prepared to there is no sign that new leadership in Europe close allies—are often in reality “selective part-
undertake the is prepared to resume eastward expansion of nerships”; it is extremely rare that interests
massive effort the European Union.43 and priorities between two different countries
But even if full membership in Euro- are aligned 100 percent of the time.
that would be Atlantic organizations is not forthcoming, Given the disillusionment of many in both
required to what about extending a number of the privi- Russia and the United States over the failure
displace Russia leges of membership, including free-trade to build an effective working relationship as
agreements, visa-free travel, and rights to live allies or close strategic partners, selective part-
as Eurasia’s and work in Western countries? The European nership, on paper, seems to be the most feasi-
economic and Union has been willing to consider the exten- ble alternative. In this vein, the 2006 Council
sion of free-trade agreements, but with excep- on Foreign Relations task force report on
political center of tions in place for agricultural products and Russia tries to lay out a strategy for “how to
gravity. some industrial goods (such as steel), which make selective cooperation—and in some cas-

es selective opposition—serve important inter- U.S. investment, allow for new energy trans- There is still hope
national goals.”45 port routes to bypass Russia, and enable for a partnership
Unfortunately, “selective partnership” has America to further counter Russia’s overall
been interpreted—both by some in the energy ambitions.48 without illusions
Congress as well as in the current adminis- Yet many in Washington continue to use in some key areas
tration—as meaning that Washington can the rubric of “selective partnership” to argue
expect and will receive full Russian coopera- that Russian concerns about the expansion of
where both sides
tion on a whole host of important matters to NATO or the increased American presence in have common
U.S. national security while being free to Central Asia are unjustified or at least interests, such as
ignore Russian concerns that conflict with overblown. They further maintain that the
American preferences.46 security challenges that threaten the United nonproliferation
For selective partnership to work, both sides States, including nuclear proliferation and or combating
must have similar perceptions of threats, and violent Islamic extremism, are also such a nuclear
of the benefits of cooperation. As we are seeing threat to Russia that Moscow will have no
with Iran, however, this is not the case. U.S. sec- choice but to cooperate with Washington, and terrorism.
retary of state Condoleezza Rice staked out the therefore there is no need to accommodate the
U.S. position, “that Iran constitutes the single Kremlin’s preferences.49 But there is a big dif-
most important single-country strategic chal- ference between token cooperation and the
lenge to the United States and to the kind of sort of active, engaged effort (including more
Middle East that we want to see.”47 That is cer- effective intelligence sharing or closer working
tainly not Moscow’s perspective. Russia is not relationships between armed forces) that
in favor of additional countries gaining nuclear could lead to major breakthroughs. General
weapons, but those in the United States who Peter Williams points out, “It will take courage
repeat the mantra that an “Islamist” Iran with to change this political and military culture of
nuclear weapons would fundamentally jeopar- noncooperation,” between Russia and the
dize Russian security are seemingly unaware West, but this cannot occur if neither side feels
that, from Moscow’s perspective, Iran has, on that partnership serves their interests.50 At pre-
the whole, behaved as a “responsible citizen” in sent, breaking the diplomatic logjam requires
Russia’s neighborhood—not extending sup- the United States to offer much more if it
port to Islamist rebels in the North Caucasus, wants Russian help. In discussing Russian
working to achieve a peace settlement in reluctance to embrace the U.S. position on
Tajikistan, and cooperating with Russia in aid- Iran, Graham Allison and Dimitri Simes made
ing the Northern Alliance against the Taliban. this point clear: “Getting what the United
Indeed, Russia’s attitude toward Iran is not States needs . . . will require not only penalties
unlike that of India toward Iran—this despite but incentives.”51
the fact that India is the world’s largest democ- There is still hope for a partnership without
racy and an emerging strategic partner of the illusions in some key areas where both sides
United States. have common interests, such as nonprolifera-
Like India, Russia may be prepared to pay tion or combating nuclear terrorism. Neither
a price to accommodate U.S. concerns, even the United States nor Russia, for example, is
at the expense of valuable economic ties with interested in a nuclear-armed Iran or witness-
Tehran—but achieving a non-nuclear Iran on ing a nuclear exchange between India and
a U.S. timetable and leaving Washington free Pakistan. Russian analyst Alexey Pushkov con-
to frustrate Russian interests elsewhere in the tends that “Putin has not dropped the idea of
world is an insufficient reward. This reticence partnership with the United States altogether,
to cooperate grows stronger when, as some but he has definitely moved away from some of
U.S. foreign policy commentators have the more grandiose proposals in favor of a
advised, ending the nuclear stand-off with much more limited arrangement.”52 But for
Iran would open up its vast energy reserves to Russia this means obtaining clear and tangible

benefits, not vague assurances of future good- two countries have to move beyond symbolic
will. declarations and “agreements in principle” if
there is to be real progress on any shared U.S.-
Russia agenda. President Bush, as well as all
Making Choices the leading candidates who would succeed
him in January 2009, have identified the same
When we strip away these five illusions, we three foreign policy priorities: protecting the
discover a series of “inconvenient truths”— United States from further mass-casualty ter-
the “democracy paradox” of Putin’s regime rorist attacks; preventing “rogue” states from
enjoys broad-based public support; Russia, acquiring nuclear weapons; and stopping the
especially now that it is in the midst of a spiraling costs of energy from destabilizing
major recovery, remains the dominant Eur- not only the United States but the entire glob-
asian power; and the United States is no al economy. The record as of February 2008
longer in a position to assume or compel shows that much work remains to be done:
Russian acquiescence to its policy prefer- Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri
ences. Recognizing these facts forces us into a remain at large; Afghanistan and Iraq are in
long-overdue discussion about U.S. foreign- serious trouble; Iran is on the path to becom-
The question we policy priorities and where Russia fits in, tak- ing a nuclear power; and energy prices are at
need to ask is not ing us away from “having our cake and eating record levels.
whether the it too” scenarios in favor of assessing whether U.S. policymakers have to decide whether
the costs of partnership with Moscow are a resurgent Russia, the growing authoritari-
Russia that has worth the benefits. an trend of the Putin administration, and
emerged is a Reasonable people can disagree in terms of Russia’s expanding leverage over energy mar-
their assessments of Russia and how to best kets—namely its ability to restrict flows of
Russia we like— achieve U.S. interests. For example, many natural gas to other former Soviet states and
it isn’t. The more Americans are displeased that Russia under to EU members—prevents the United States
important Vladimir Putin has moved in an authoritarian from achieving its principal foreign policy
direction and is in no way a “reliable” partner priorities or otherwise directly threatens core
question is for Washington on a variety of issues. Many U.S. interests. We may already have one clear
whether it is a U.S. interest groups are not happy with the answer: Vice President Cheney’s Vilnius
Russia we can do restricted zone of civil and political liberties in speech in 2006 implied that he believed, as
Putin’s Russia. In the end, the question we Russian political analyst and Putin adviser
business with. need to ask is not whether the Russia that has Gleb Pavlovsky concluded, that it was time to
emerged is a Russia we like—it isn’t. The more eliminate “the vestiges of strategic partner-
important question is whether it is a Russia we ship between Russia and the United States”
can do business with, and more importantly, and that as long as Russia remained under its
whether or not the United States can achieve present government it would be nearly
some of its most pressing objectives without impossible for the two countries to find com-
Russian help. mon ground on key international issues.53
For the last several years, the Bush admin- If the Bush administration has been com-
istration has tried to compartmentalize the mitted to a policy of confrontation with
relationship, hoping to preserve cooperation Russia, however, then U.S. policy has been
on issues that are central to the United States extremely deficient in making the arrange-
(such as counterterrorism and nonprolifera- ments that would be needed for the U.S to
tion) while maintaining that acrimonious move ahead with its international agenda
exchanges on other matters (such as questions against more active Russian opposition. One
of democracy promotion or Russia’s relations would expect, for instance, a much greater
with its Eurasian neighbors) need not damage effort to expand NATO eastward coupled with
U.S.-Russian relations. But at some point the much more generous amounts of aid to con-

struct a true cordon sanitaire against a reviving focusing on Russia’s faults—notably protect-
Russia, certainly much more than the paltry ing itself against a major mass-casualty attack
steps undertaken so far to encourage the emer- and safeguarding the economic health of the
gence of an alternative to a Russian-led Eurasia country. And finally, Russia is indeed in a posi-
via the creation of the GUAM Organization for tion to assist the United States in achieving its
Democracy and Economic Development.54 principal foreign policy objectives. For all of
On the foreign policy issue of greatest con- these reasons, a confrontational policy should
cern to Washington—Iran—moving into a posi- be rejected.
tion of greater hostility to Russia would also The problem, however, is that meaningful
severely complicate matters. Not only would it cooperation is not possible if Russia is seen
effectively torpedo any remaining diplomatic primarily as an enemy who just happens to be,
efforts to resolve the problem (including being at this particular time, a less immediate threat.
able to threaten genuinely effective sanctions), If Senator Biden was sincere in his assessments
it would mean American policymakers will be of threats to the United States, it is difficult to
left with only one real option: a massive mili- understand why Russia would cooperate
tary strike. Such an attack would be likely to closely with Washington in dealing with Iraq,
precipitate a wider war that would require Iran, and North Korea—in essence to remove
major spending to overhaul and expand the them as challenges to the United States—so
armed forces already severely weakened by the that Russia itself could then become the pri-
Iraq war.55 mary focus of U.S. attention.
Finally, a more aggressive posture toward The outward show of good personal chem-
Russia would require the United States to istry between presidents Bush and Putin and
reassess its relationship with China—not only their willingness to let this camaraderie define
for the financial support Washington would their joint public appearances has counteract-
need to gear up for these new challenges but ed some of the voices in both countries that are
also to impede the development of any sort arguing against closer relations. An assistant
of Sino-Russian axis designed to counter the secretary of state or deputy foreign minister
U.S. position in the world.56 who might be inclined toward confrontation
Those who argue that Russia has little of does not want to publicly contradict his or her
value to offer the United States in coping respective chief executives. But there is no guar-
with its most serious challenges might reach antee that Bush and Putin’s successors will
similar conclusions. If the United States were have a similarly cordial relationship. Moreover,
to assume the burden of stabilizing what forging a climate of mutual comfort—if not
Brzezinski has called the “Global Balkans”— real trust—that will allow for greater U.S. access
a geographical “swathe of Eurasia between to Russia’s sensitive intelligence information Americans are
Europe and the Far East,” encompassing pri- and its military and nuclear sites (not to men-
marily the Middle East and Central Asia57— tion closer working relations with Russia’s understandably
and if it were to attempt to do so without diplomatic and business establishments) can- unprepared and
Russian support, then Washington has been not be accomplished overnight. Moreover, it is
remiss in taking the necessary steps to ensure not something Russia can be bullied into for
unwilling to
it has the necessary resources and capabilities the long haul. So any sort of grandstanding shoulder the
at its disposal. that blocks real cooperation without measur- costs that moving
The reality is that, simply put, Americans ably improving U.S. security could be very cost-
are understandably unprepared and unwilling ly—and that is not a price worth paying. to a more
to shoulder the costs that moving to a more But what price is worth paying in exchange confrontational
confrontational stance with Russia would for better relations with Russia? Is it worth giv- stance with
entail. Meanwhile, many policymakers would ing Moscow something beyond vague assur-
agree with the proposition that the United ances of goodwill? In particular, what about Russia would
States has bigger problems in the world than Russia’s demands that its paramount position entail.

Washington in the lands of the former Soviet Union be rec- great deal of room for finding consensus posi-
is under no ognized by the United States and that Washing- tions. Unfortunately, however, such a discus-
ton cease what Moscow perceives as attempts to sion is not taking place. Consider this: In
obligation to pre- interfere in Russia’s domestic affairs? March 2007, the U.S. Congress decided, by
tend that Russia Russia has consistently maintained that large margins in both houses, that NATO
its primary interest is to ensure that no other membership was the way for the post-Soviet
is a democracy (in Eurasian state can obstruct Russian engage- states to safeguard their independence, when
the Western ment with the outside world and that no for- it approved legislation providing support for
understanding of eign troops are based anywhere in Eurasia Ukraine and Georgia’s bid to join the Western
without Russia’s blessing (for example, to alliance.
the term) or to combat international terrorism). As a result, What was amazing was the near-total lack
refrain from Moscow maintains that no Eurasian state of debate in the United States over what was
criticism of should belong to a military bloc or alliance of to be gained by including Ukraine or Georgia
which Russia is not also a member. Russia in NATO. Few dared to ask whether the con-
the Russian has also expressed continued interest in cre- tinual expansions of the alliance have weak-
government’s ating a single economic zone so that Russian ened its ability to function as a collective
capital and goods can move more efficiently security organ. Likewise, what the inclusion
slide toward across borders. Within limits, Russia has no of those states would contribute to solving
authoritarianism. objection to other Eurasian states developing the major challenges to U.S. and Western
supplemental political and economic ties to security posed by Iran, Afghanistan, North
other states, as long as Russian vital interests Korea, and international terrorism was never
are respected. But Russia wants to create a addressed, nor was the likely impact on U.S.-
Eurasian economic and political zone where Russia relations.
Moscow sets the overall agenda. A zero-sum mentality for Eurasia—where
Is acceding to such a vision something the United States is confronted by a binary
Washington should consider? There is broad choice that only permits one of two out-
agreement about what the United States is not comes (Ukraine in NATO or Ukraine “lost”
prepared to concede. No one argues that to the West altogether)—flies in the face of
Russia should have a blank check to use force America’s ability to successfully balance mul-
against its neighbors or to forcibly incorporate tiple and sometimes conflicting priorities in
them into a new version of the Soviet Union other parts of the world. In a number of com-
and still have a “business as usual” relation- plicated bilateral relationships, Washington
ship with Washington. Russia should be held has been able to avoid embracing the maxi-
accountable for all obligations (whether in malist positions of either side in order to find
treaties, conventions or contracts) it has vol- acceptable, if imperfect, compromises.
untarily assumed—especially when Russian Early last year, Anatol Lieven, a long-stand-
interests are being safeguarded by reciprocal ing critic of U.S. policy toward Russia, proposed
arrangements. Nor is the United States an arrangement whereby the United States
inclined to give Moscow a veto if a core U.S. would agree to “abandoning NATO enlarge-
interest is at stake—such as maintaining mili- ment to [include] Ukraine and Georgia in
tary bases in Central Asia to sustain the ongo- favour of mutually agreed restraints on western
ing efforts in Afghanistan. Finally, Washing- and Russian behaviour on the territory of the
ton is under no obligation to pretend that former Soviet Union.”59 In practical terms, this
Russia is a democracy (in the Western under- might lead to a situation where the United
standing of the term) or to refrain from criti- States would drop its opposition to Russian-led
cism of the Russian government’s slide toward multilateral institutions in which other
authoritarianism.58 Eurasian countries participate on a voluntary
Between Russia’s stated preferences and basis (such as the Common Economic Space or
these bedrock American priorities remains a the Collective Security Treaty Organization)—

in return for Russian guarantees that any native to a difficult partnership with Putin is
Eurasian state is free to seek membership in the not a better relationship with someone else.
European Union. (This would also then put the On the U.S. side, the Bush administration,
onus on Brussels to decide when and where to from the beginning, found little support for
halt EU expansion.) its efforts to engage Russia either in Congress
These sorts of compromises do not satisfy or within the U.S. foreign policy community.
politicians in Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova, There were constant irritants—some of which
who would like nothing better than for the were caused by the Kremlin’s own actions, to
United States to put its full political, military, be sure—which made it difficult to argue the
and economic might into changing their case that a closer and more cooperative rela-
geopolitical position. It is equally unsettling tionship with Russia outweighed the con-
for a number of American politicians who are cerns.
unprepared to recognize that the unipolar By contrast, the United States has managed
moment has passed. But such an approach to design a sound policy toward China, a coun-
seems to have the greatest chance of satisfying try which is much less free and could pose a
the greatest number of U.S. objectives—acquir- much greater challenge than Putin’s Russia to
ing some security guarantees for Russia’s U.S. interests not only in East Asia but around
neighbors, keeping the door in Eurasia at least the globe. Serious concerns—about human
It is unlikely that
partly open, and paving the way for closer rights, the environment, Taiwan, and so on—are presidents Bush
cooperation with Russia on other issues. nonetheless balanced within a cohesive, and and Putin will
what we hope will remain a durable bi-partisan,
framework of engagement. The same could be bequeath a last-
Is There a Way Forward? said of U.S. policies toward other undemocrat- ing legacy of
ic, yet strategically important, states such as
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Pakistan.
cooperation to
often stressed the “excellent relationship” Moscow isn’t waiting for Washington to rec- their successors.
between Presidents Bush and Putin, noting oncile these inconsistencies. As the U.S.–Russia
that the two leaders “feel that they can dis- relationship has stumbled along, Russia, espe-
cuss anything.”60 However, this personal rela- cially in the last five years, has begun to evolve
tionship has not been translated into effec- into a “post-American” country. There are still
tive cooperation between the bureaucracies several critical issues where Moscow and Wash-
of the two countries. It is unlikely that presi- ington continue to interact—control of nuclear
dents Bush and Putin will bequeath a lasting arms, negotiations in the Security Council, and
legacy of cooperation to their successors. so on—but in terms of many of the day-to-day
On the Russian side, in fact, officials just matters that underwrite any bilateral relation-
one level below Putin have shown little enthu- ship, including trade, tourism, and other peo-
siasm for making the case for renewed cooper- ple-to-people exchanges, the Russia-Europe
ation with the United States. The July 2007 res- and specifically the Russia-Germany relation-
ignation of Igor Ivanov, the former foreign ships are much more important. Moreover, an
minister who then became the secretary of the increasing percentage of Russia’s trade—and
Security Council, marked the departure of the not only in weapons systems—is with the largest
last high-level Yeltsin-era foreign policymaker and richest countries of the developing world,
as well as someone who was still an advocate especially China and India. Moscow has also
for closer ties with the United States.61 begun to accelerate the development of new
Skepticism toward U.S. intentions is now the international institutions that bypass the
norm in the Russian foreign policy establish- United States, such as the Shanghai Cooper-
ment. While this view may not be accurate or ation Organization.62
fair, it nonetheless exists, and it hampers fur- The sense that Russia is increasingly mov-
ther cooperation. It also suggests that the alter- ing outside of an American-led system has

contributed to a new feeling of self-sufficien- It is difficult to conceive of a solution to
cy in Moscow. In fact, Russia is now much any of the most pressing challenges facing
more likely to see itself evolving into an inde- the United States where Russia does not have
pendent center of global power. some part to play. That may be galling to
What that means, therefore, is that, at pre- those who reveled in the period of the imme-
sent, there is simply no basis for an alliance or diate post-Soviet collapse when Russia was a
major partnership between Russia and the supplicant nation and where the U.S. could
United States, no matter how many reports move ahead with its own vision for how to
stress common interests. In the absence of structure global affairs without much con-
major linkages—particularly in terms of con- sideration for Moscow’s perspective. But the
necting the two countries’ business, military, situation has changed—and nothing makes
and intelligence establishments—the U.S.- that clearer than Russia’s newfound position
Russia relationship lacks the ballast to navi- as the third-largest holder of dollars in the
gate through the tempests that arise over world (after Japan and China).
their differences. The United States has two options. It can
What is far more feasible, given the cli- forgo the possibility of Russian assistance in
mate in both capitals, is to have a relation- achieving its key foreign policy priorities in
ship characterized by a pragmatic approach order to retain complete freedom of action vis-
to resolving issues and preventing disagree- à-vis Moscow. Or it can prioritize its objectives
ments from flaring up into full-scale crises. and negotiate a series of quid pro quos with
That might not seem like much, especially Russia. This choice, however, cannot be indef-
in the aftermath of grandiose rhetoric about initely postponed.
alliances, a world with no blocs, or the promise The latter is the better course. Seeking
of a new global order. And as memories of the broad accommodation with Russia is more
Cold War fade, it may not be apparent that the likely to guarantee American success in pro-
state of affairs today is far preferable to what moting its core national interests—especially in
preceded it—when U.S. policy was focused on a changing international environment where
dealing with a Soviet state attempting to dom- the sources of power that sustain American
inate both Western Europe and East Asia and global leadership are weakening—but it will
trying to make inroads in Africa and Latin require U.S. policymakers to accept limits not
America with an eye not only to an encir- only on what can be demanded of Russia but
clement of the United States but the very de- also on the satisfaction of American prefer-
struction of our way of life. ences. If we are willing to accept this compro-
For the time being, the U.S. government, mise and part with our illusions, we can move
barring a profound transformation of the forward. If not, then U.S.-Russia relations will
Russian state, should be concerned largely continue to deteriorate, and proposals for
with Russia’s behavior beyond its borders and cooperation will languish.
It is difficult be prepared to deal with Moscow on a quid
to conceive of a pro quo basis. That will require a change in
solution to any of
attitude, away from a post-Cold War Ameri- Notes
can triumphalism back to a more realistic 1. Naazneen Barma, Ely Ratner, and Steven Weber,
the most pressing approach. As former senator Gary Hart noted, “A World without the West?” The National Interest,
“Until recent years, when U.S. foreign policy no. 90 (July/August 2007): 29.
challenges facing
assumed a theological aura, we consistently
the United States 2. Strobe Talbott, The Russia Hand (New York:
sought self-interested relations with disagree- Random House, 2002), pp. 91, 397.
where Russia does able nations.” The same holds true today and
into the future. “A working relationship is not 3. For example, Vice President Dick Cheney’s re-
not have some a favor to the Russians but an advantage to marks in Vilnius in 2006 called for a “return to
democratic reform” as the precondition for im-
part to play. us.”63 proved relations between Russia and the West.

Dick Cheney, “Vice President’s Remarks at the board members and senior staff led by the cen-
2006 Vilnius Conference,” Vilnius, Lithuania, May ter’s advisory council chairman James Schlesinger
4, 2006, and offered as a guide for the then-incoming
/05/20060504-1.html. Bush administration. Nixon Center, “What Is to
Be Undone? A Russia Policy for the New Admin-
4. Robert Legvold, “All the Way: Crafting a U.S.- istration,” February 2001, p. iii.
Russian Alliance,” The National Interest, no. 70
(Winter 2002/03): 21. 14. “NSC 68: United States Objectives and Pro-
grams for National Security (April 14, 1950),” www.
5. Robert Legvold, “US-Russian Relations: An
American Perspective,” Russia in Global Affairs, vol.4,
no. 4 (October-December 2006), 15. Victor S. Mamatey, Soviet Russian Imperialism (Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand, 1964), p. 24.

6. Dimitri Simes described the Kremlin stance as 16. “The Charge in the Soviet Union (Kennan) to
“petro-arrogance.” Quoted in “Not a Cold War, the Secretary of State,” Telegram, February 22,
but a Cold Tiff,” The Economist, February 17, 2007. 1946,
7. George W. Bush, Joint Press Conference, Kenne-
bunkport, Maine, July 2, 2007, www.whitehouse. 17. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Rebuilding Russia, trans.
gov/news/releases/2007/07/20070702-2.html. Alexis Klimoff (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux,
1991), p. 7. In terms of U.S. government policy at the
8. Barack Obama, Speech delivered to the Chicago time, see, for example, General William Odom’s
Council on Global Affairs, April 23, 2007, http: assessment that the United States did not seek the
// breakup of the Soviet Union. Remarks made during
his appearance on the Newshour with Jim Lehrer,
9. Joseph Biden, Comments made at the Demo- August 19, 1991,
cratic primary debate in Orangeburg, South Caro- e/russia/1991/amer_8-19.html.
lina, April 26, 2007,
351722/. North Korea and Iran were the other two 18. Mikhail Gorbachev defended the idea in “A
threats mentioned. United Europe Needs an Integrated Russia,” The
Financial Times, April 30, 2004. Subsequent com-
10. This proposal was put forward by Geoffrey ments at the time of the Ukrainian “Orange Rev-
Forden, a senior research associate in the Security olution” by former secretary of state Madeleine
Studies Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Albright and former national security advisor
Technology, in the early days of the Bush adminis- Brzezinski, while not specifically mentioning the
tration. See Geoffrey Forden, “Reducing a Common “Single Economic Space” by name, nonetheless
Danger: Improving Russia’s Early-Warning System,” opined against anything that would bring Ukraine
Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 399, May 3, 2001. into a closer relationship with Russia. Jean-Marie
Chauvier, “Ukraine: A New Cold War,” Le Monde
11. Richard Pipes, “Is Russia Still an Enemy?” Diplomatique, January 2005.
Foreign Affairs 76, no. 5 (September/October 1997):
66–67. 19. Cf. White House, “Jackson-Vanik and Russia
Fact Sheet,” press release, November 13, 2001, www.
12. See, for example, Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace and the (Russian) Council on 13-16.html.
Foreign and Defense Policy, “U.S.-Russia Relations
at the Turn of the Century,” November 2000; Nixon 20. Alexey K. Pushkov, “Missed Connections,” The
Center, “U.S.-Russia Relations: A New Strategic National Interest, no. 89 (May/June 2007): 54.
Partnership,” The Nixon Center, January 2002; and
“An Agenda for Renewal: U.S.-Russia Relations,” 21. Quoted in Nikolas Gvosdev and Ray Takeyh,
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “Trans-Atlantic Putin,” Moscow Times, March 3,
December 2000. Even more recent and critical re- 2003, p. 12. Emphasis added.
ports return to the same overall agenda. For exam-
ple, Council on Foreign Relations, “Russia’s Wrong 22. See, for example, the discussion of Russia’s
Direction: What the United States Can and Should expectations toward NATO expansion in Stanley
Do,” March 2006; and Hudson Institute “U.S.- Kober, “Cracks in the Foundation: NATO’s New
Russia Relations: Is Conflict Inevitable?” June 2007. Troubles,” Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 608,
January 15, 2008.
13. Kissinger’s remarks constitute the foreword to
a report released by a panel of the Nixon Center’s 23. “Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Coopera-

tion and Security between the North Atlantic Treaty (Summer-Fall 2006), pp. 67-83.
Organization and the Russian Federation,” May 27,
1997, htm. 33. “World Publics Think China Will Catch Up with
the US—and That’s Okay,” World Public Opinion.
24. Peter Trenin-Straussov, “The NATO-Russia org,
Permanent Joint Council in 1997–1999: Anatomy home_page/366.php?nid=&id=&pnt=366&lb=hm
of a Failure,” BITS Research Note 99.1, July 1999. pg1. A 2003 poll, at the beginning of the Iraq war,
had 71 percent of Russians saying America’s role in
25. Peter Williams, “Partnership Has a Price,” St. the world was “mostly negative.” A. Petrova, “Ameri-
Petersburg Times, January 12, 2007, www.sptimes ca’s Role in the Contemporary World,” Public Opinion Foundation Poll, April 1, 2003, http://bd.
26. “Press Statement and Answers to Questions
during the Joint Press Conference with President of 34. Sarah E. Mendelson and Theodore P. Gerber,
the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso “Young Russia’s Enemy No. 1,” Washington Post,
and German Chancellor Angela Merkel Following August 3, 2007.
the Russia-European Union Summit Meeting in
Samara,” May 18, 2007, 35. Public Opinion Foundation, “UN Security
/en/images/pText_pict/559/Transcript.doc. Council’s Resolution on Iran’s Nuclear Program,”
April 5, 2007,
27. Quoted in Neil Buckley, “Why the Kremlin Is frontier/countries/Iran2/ed071420.
Making a Stand over Missile Defence,” Financial
Times, June 7, 2007. 36. Brian Knowlton, “Image of U.S. Falls Again,”
International Herald Tribune, June 14, 2006, www.iht.
28. This hearing, “Russia’s Transition to Democ- com/articles/2006/06/13/news/pew1.php.
racy and U.S.-Russia Relations: Unfinished Busi-
ness,” held before the Subcommittee on Europe of 37. Jeffrey Tayler, “Russia Is Finished,” Atlantic
the House International Relations Committee on Monthly, May 2001, pp. 35–52.
September 30, 2003, included Stanford University’s
Michael McFaul detailed presentation on the rela- 38. William F. Odom, “Realism about Russia,” The
tionship between Russian democracy and U.S. National Interest, no. 65 (Fall 2001): 56.
national security. McFaul opined that some of the
clashes between Moscow and Washington would 39. See also AFX News, “Russian GDP to Grow at
not have happened had a “fully consolidated Least 6 pct in 3 Yrs Says Acting First Deputy PM,”
democracy” been in place. See http://commdocs. September 21, 2007, eds/afx/2007/09/21/afx4142532.html. The World
9668_0f.htm. Bank estimates that the oil and gas sector accounts
for about 20 percent of Russia’s GDP but generates
29. See, for example, James Goldgeier and Michael some 60 percent of the country’s export revenues.
McFaul, “Russia’s Not a Democracy. So What?” Approximately 50 percent of the government’s rev-
Washington Post, April 9, 2006. enue is derived from the energy sector. Given rising
global demand for energy, plus continued unrest in
30. Opposition parties within Russia occasionally the Middle East and West Africa, energy prices are
complain about the accuracy of Russian public likely to remain high for the foreseeable future. See
opinion polling, but many surveys are conducted World Bank, Moscow Office, “Russian Economic
in conjunction with reputable international Report,” no. 13, December 2006.
firms. In the absence of credible and sustained
evidence showing widespread manipulation of 40. Rajan Menon, “Cool It, It’s Not a Cold War,”
the data—as well as consistent results—we should Los Angeles Times, June 6, 2007.
assume that opinion polls reflect accurate assess-
ments of what people are thinking. 41. These views tend to be held more by politi-
cians from the region. See, for instance, former
31. Oleg Shchedrov, “Putin More Liberal than Ukrainian prime minister Yuliya Tymoshenko’s
Most Russians, Poll Shows,” Reuters, July 17, essay, “Containing Russia,” Foreign Affairs 86, no. 3
2007. (May/June 2007): pp. 69–82.

32. Nikolas K. Gvosdev, “Russian ‘Democracy’ Isn’t 42. Romano Prodi, “A Wider Europe—A Proximity
the Problem,” Los Angeles Times, May 12, 2006. See Policy as the Key to Stability.” Speech delivered at
also Taras Kuzio, “Ukraine is Not Russia: Compar- “Peace, Security and Stability International Dia-
ing Youth Political Activism,” SAIS Review 26:2 logue and the role of the EU,” Sixth ECSA-World

Conference, Jean Monnet Project, Brussels, Decem- 53. Nikolas K. Gvosdev, “VPOTUS in Vilnius,”
ber 5, 2002. National Review online, May 8, 2006, http://article.
43. See, for example, the comments of French pres- zMDNiMmMyZmU5NDEyMGQ4ODg=.
ident Nicolas Sarkozy, “Making France a Power for
the Future, Part I,” National Interest online, April 17, 54. GUAM encompasses Georgia, Ukraine, Azer-
2007, baijan, and Moldova; Uzbekistan was affiliated
044. from 1999 to 2005. After a number of fits and
starts, the organization now has a headquarters in
44. Unofficial estimates for remittances are far higher. Kiev and is moving to establish its first peace-
For complete information on the flow of remittances keeping battalion.
among Russia and its neighboring country, see the
data compiled by the IMF’s “Balance of Payments and 55. See also Justin Logan, “The Bottom Line on
International Investment Position Statistics,” www. Iran: The Costs and Benefits of Preventive War versus Deterrence,” Cato Institute Policy Analysis
no. 583, December 4, 2006; and Justin Logan,
45. Council on Foreign Relations. “Grasping the Nettle: If Diplomacy Fails in Iran,”
Foreign Service Journal, June 2007, pp. 32–40.
46. Nikolas Gvosdev and Dimitri Simes, “America
Cannot Have It Both Ways with Russia,” Financial 56. Many analysts and politicians are captivated
Times, April 6, 2006, p. 19. by the notion that the United States, in close
alliance with Europe and other democracies,
47. Quoted in Ewan MacAskill, “America Offers holds such a preponderance of global power that
Arms for Allies against Iran,” Guardian, July 31, it is possible for China and Russia both to be con-
2007,,,2138736 tained. Such an assumption is implicit in propos-
,00.html. als advanced by Senator John McCain and others
for a “League of Democracies,” which ignores the
48. See, for example, Zbigniew Brzezinski’s com- fact that the Europeans have strong vested inter-
ments in “Hegemonic Quicksand,” The National ests in managing their relationship with Russia,
Interest, no. 74 (Winter 2003/04): esp. p. 16. especially, while democratic India has no desire to
force a confrontation with either China or Russia.
49. See, for example, the discussion on NATO
expansion by former ambassador at large for the 57. Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Choice: Global Domin-
ex-Soviet states Steven Sestanovich in testimony ation or Global Leadership (New York: Basic Books,
before the House International Relations Com- 2004), p. 42.
mittee, March 18, 2004,
gov/committees/intlrel/hfa92612.000/hfa92612_ 58. Allison and Simes summed up this consensus.
0f.htm. See also his comments as broadcast on the
Voice of America program “Focus,” February 17, 59. Anatol Lieven, “The West Must Set a Strategy
2004, for a Resurgent Russia,” Financial Times, March 9,
ws/2004/02/mil-040216-35e7cc0d.htm. 2007.

50. Williams, “Partnership Has a Price.” 60. Quoted in Peter Baker, “Bush, Putin Put Ten-
sions aside for Moscow Meeting,” The Seattle Times,
51. Graham Allison and Dimitri Simes, “Churchill, May 9, 2005,
Not Quite,” The National Interest, no. 85 (Fall 2006): 7. ml/nationworld/2002268288_bush09.html.
Robert D. Blackwill, who served as deputy national
security advisor in the Bush Administration, pro- 61. See Alexei Veneditkov, “Igor Ivanov’s Resignation
poses some possible incentives including a “timeline Reinforces Kremlin Isolationism,” New Times, no. 23,
of U.S. ABM deployments to Eastern Europe; the July 18, 2007, pp. 14–16; also “Ivanov Resigns as
issue of entry of new NATO members from the ex- Russian Security Council Secretary,” Press Trust of
Soviet space; the status of Kosovo; the contours of India, July 9, 2007.
the CFE Treaty; the future of strategic-arms control;
[and] Russia’s entry to the WTO.” See Robert D. 62. These trends are discussed in greater detail in
Blackwill, “The Three R’s,” The National Interest, no. Barma, Ratner and Weber, pp. 23–30.
93 (January/February 2008): 72.
63. Gary Hart, “Don’t Lose Russia,” The National
52. Pushkov, p. 52. Interest, no. 88 (March-April 2007): 23.


610. Learning the Right Lessons from Iraq by Benjamin H. Friedman,

Harvey M. Sapolsky, and Christopher Preble (February 13, 2008)

609. What to Do about Climate Change by Indur M. Goklany (February 5, 2008)

608. Cracks in the Foundation: NATO’s New Troubles by Stanley Kober

(January 15, 2008)

607. The Connection between Wage Growth and Social Security’s Financial
Condition by Jagadeesh Gokhale (December 10, 2007)

606. The Planning Tax: The Case against Regional Growth-Management

Planning by Randal O’Toole (December 6, 2007)

605. The Public Education Tax Credit by Adam B. Schaeffer (December 5, 2007)

604. A Gift of Life Deserves Compensation: How to Increase Living Kidney

Donation with Realistic Incentives by Arthur J. Matas (November 7, 2007)

603. What Can the United States Learn from the Nordic Model? by Daniel J.
Mitchell (November 5, 2007)

602. Do You Know the Way to L.A.? San Jose Shows How to Turn an Urban
Area into Los Angeles in Three Stressful Decades by Randal O’Toole
(October 17, 2007)

601. The Freedom to Spend Your Own Money on Medical Care: A Common
Casualty of Universal Coverage by Kent Masterson Brown (October 15,

600. Taiwan’s Defense Budget: How Taipei’s Free Riding Risks War by Justin
Logan and Ted Galen Carpenter (September 13, 2007)

599. End It, Don’t Mend It: What to Do with No Child Left Behind by Neal
McCluskey and Andrew J. Coulson (September 5, 2007)

598. Don’t Increase Federal Gasoline Taxes—Abolish Them by Jerry Taylor and
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