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Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject: ________Choir________ Unit: ____________________ Lesson Duration:_75 Mins__ OUTCOMES FROM ALBERTA PROGRAM OF STUDIES
General Learning Outcomes: Perform/Listen: Develop skills in listening, performing and using notational systems. Strive for musical excellence and positive attitudes individually and as members of groups. Specific Learning Outcomes: Vocal Skills: Successfully perform his or her part in a three- or four-part selection. Demonstrate accurate attacks and releases. Produce a good vocal tone. Successfully perform his or her part in a two- or three-part selection.

Students will be able to: 1. Successfully(P) perform his or her part(B) in Winterlight(C). (Psychomotor and Cognitive) 2. Successfully(P) perform his or her part(B) in Rockin' Robin(C). (Psychomotor and Cognitive) 3. Successfully(P) perform his or her part(B) in Whistle Down the Wind(C). (Psychomotor and Cognitive) 4. Demonstrate accurate(P) attacks and releases(B) while performing the above pieces(C). (Psychomotor) 5. Produce a good vocal tone(B) by using proper breath support(P) while performing the above pieces(C). (Psychomotor)

Observations: Are the students starting and ending their notes at the right times? Are the students able to get their parts when more than one part is singing? Are the students standing with correct posture? Are students singing their consonants correctly? Key Questions: Who can tell me where the low "ti" is? What about the low "la" and "sol"? What is something you improved on in each piece? What is something you could improve on? Is this a second or a third.?

Written/Performance Assessments: Performance of the above pieces.


Resource #1: Program of Studies for Instrumental Music Resource #2: The Choral Warm-up Collection Resource #3: Teague (singing and clapping booklets)


* Rockin' Robin * Winterlight * Unit II Booklet * Whistle Down the Wind

PROCEDURE Introduction (_20_mins.):

Hook/Attention Grabber: Warm up: Back massages. "First we are going to warm up, so like last time, everyone turn to your right and do back massages. Now to the left." Stretching -rolling down and back up, breathing while down. "Now let's stretch by rolling down in eight counts. Once we're all the way down, take in some deep breaths and reach even farther. Now roll back up in eight counts." "Now tense up your shoulders. Now drop them. They should feel more loose and you should feel more relaxed." Breathing. "Breath in as much as you can, fill your lungs and hold your breath. Now take sips of air until you can't sip anymore. Now stretch to each side... and release your breath." Diction -Super Bubble Gum. "Now we are going to do Super Bubble Gum." Vowels and face stretching -AEIOU with exaggerated facial expressions. "Now we are going to do AEIOU but with extremely exaggerated facial expressions. We need to stretch our faces so make sure you are stretching as much as me."

Triads on vowels They know this and it's easier to sing it to them than to explain it. Chord exercise "Now let's do a chord exercise. Left group will be the root, Middle group is the 3rd, and Right group is the 5th. Hold your note and breath whenever you need to. We will go up by semitones all together." Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: Sing with proper posture. Advance Organizer/Agenda: Write: Yellow Booklet, Winterlight, Rockin' Robin, and Whistle Down the Wind on the board. Transition to Body: "Take out your yellow booklets and turn to lesson 8."

Body (_52_mins.):
Learning Activity #1: Sight singing and rhythms booklet. Lesson 8 the last 2 rhythms and the first 3 sight singings. They have done the first two sight singings before but I want to review them because they haven't had to do leaps before. We are also going to review seconds and thirds. "Let's clap rhythm 3 now." etc. "Now let's do sight singing 8. Who can tell me where the low "ti" is? What about the low "la" and "sol." "Now we are going to review seconds and thirds. Look at the first two notes of measure__ in number__. Is this a second or a third?" "Hold up two fingers if you think it's a second and three fingers if you think it's a third."
Assessments/Differentiation: Are the students singing the correct pitches to the correct rhythms. Are the students clapping the rhythms correctly? Are the students able to spot the low ti, la and sol? Are the students able to make the leaps correctly? Did they correctly identify the seconds and thirds? Transition: "Take out Winterlight."

Learning Activity #5: Rehearsal of Winterlight. We will review dynamics in this piece on the first run through and then pick on any spots where the students could make more of the them. I will also remind them to sing through their head and not through their nose. We will also look at breathing in correct spots if that becomes an issue as well as any issues in harmony. "Before we start, remember to sing with through you head and not your nose. Imagine the sound is going up through the top of your head instead of through your nose." "Let's do a run through of Winterlight first. I am looking for proper singing of dynamics. I'll let you sing through it first, then we will look at specific spots." "We are now going to work on our dynamics in measure__. " This will be an area where they are not singing the dynamics correctly or not making enough of them. "Let's now work the harmony at measure__. Now the Sopranos at measure___." These will be any spots that I notice particular difficulty with during the run through. "Now let's look at some spots where we can breathe together. Who can tell me where we shouldn't breathe? Great now instead of breathing there, where could we breathe instead?"
Assessments/Differentiation: Are the students singing with the correct dynamics? Are they getting all of their entrances? Are they breathing in the right spots? Are they singing the right notes? Are they singing through their noses? Transition: "Now take out Rockin' Robin."

Learning Activity #3: Rehearsal of Rockin' Robin. In this rehearsal, we will be focusing on dynamics. We haven't really looked at them in this song too much so we may have to go over quite a few of them even though there aren't that many changes. We may also need to look at how the students are singing some of their consonants. Specifically in the word "tweet." "Let's start at the beginning and we are going to work on the dynamics. We will sing through until we find a spot where we can make more of the dynamics, then we will work on that spot." "Let's start at measure__ and work on the dynamics at measure__." "Now we are going to go over how we sing the word tweet. I'm noticing that a lot of you are singing it as twee and just leaving off the last t. This time when we go from the beginning, be aware of how you sing that word and make sure you aren't leaving out the end of it."
Assessments/Differentiation: Did the students sing the correct dynamics? Were they standing with proper posture? Did they get all of their entrances and notes? Did they sing their consonants correctly? Transition: "Now we are going to do our end of class discussion so don't pack up yet."

Sponge Activity: We will do the rhythm game I taught them a couple of weeks ago. Students will get into their tribes and play the game. "Does everyone remember the body rhythm game I had you playing a couple of weeks ago? It's the one where you had your own rhythmic signature and you had to perform other's in your group. Break up into your tribes and play this game. Remember to keep your rhythms fairly simple."

Closure ( _3_mins.):

Feedback From Students: "What is something you did well on in each piece? What is something you could improve on?" I am going to call on some individuals who don't usually give responses but first are there any volunteers?" Feedback To Students: Tell them what I think they improved on today. Reminder: "Remember that we are going to be having a written test on the things we covered in the yellow book so keep practicing at finding seconds, thirds and the different solfege notes in your music. Pack Up

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