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Claflin University School of Education

EDUC 450: Professional Clinical Practice Reflective Lesson Plan Model Name: Nakita Manigault Date: March 20, 2013


Title of Lesson

Poetry: In Rap or not in Rap? That is the question! Is this lesson original idea? If not, from what source did I borrow this lesson? This lesson is my original idea.


Subject Area (s) Grade Level Curriculum Standards

English Language Arts 4th Grade

Description and Background Information

4-1.9 Recognize characteristics of poetry (including stanza, rhyme, and repetition). Describe the lessons activities and content. - To begin the lesson, students will complete a daily reading reinforcer on alphabetical order and context clues. (Students are provided copies of the daily reading reinforcer.) Students will be given 5 minutes to complete both questions. Once students have selected their answers, we will review the questions and correct answers. - After the daily reading reinforcer, students will participate in an anticipatory set titled Poetry in Rap. The purpose of this activity is to give students the focus of the lesson as well as activate thinking skills and prior knowledge. Students will listen to a short rap song about the seasons of the year. Students will listen to the song, and think about the types of figurative language in the song, the rhyme scheme as well as the refrain. - Next, we will begin the Power Point presentation poetry, identifying the characteristics that make up a poem. During this time, students will read and review notes (printed slides from the presentation) and underline important details about the content. - During the presentation, I will guide the students through

identifying the refrain and rhyme scheme of the passage as well as the amount of stanzas in various poems. Next, Students will complete an independent practice activity on poetry. Students will be given ten minutes to complete the assignment and we will review and grade the activity together. Lastly, for closure we will review characteristics of poetry together using the ball toss method. Students will respond to the questions How do you determine whether or not a passage is a poem or a paragraph? What are the three things you look for in a poem? Students will be able to identify the characteristics of a poem. Students will be able to correctly identify parts of a poem. If the entire class does not understand the content of the lesson, I will re-plan the lesson to ensure that it is very descriptive and explicit and reteach it during the next lesson. If a small group of students do not understand the content being taught, I will hold a small group session during independent practice to reteach the skills students do not understand. If students are having difficulties due to lower reading levels, I will help them by reading passages, questions and answer choices so that they can better understand the text. Students who have already mastered the concept will be given additional poems to identify thyme scheme, the amount of stanzas and the refrain as well. If they complete the additional work as well, they will review their notes in preparation for the test that will occur on this coming Friday. Students who are ELLs will be given extra time to carefully read passages and respond to questions. These students will also have the opportunity to sit independently with me and I will help these students read and re-read any passage, question or answer choice they have difficulty with to ensure comprehension. Poetry is a type of language that is used every day. Rappers and singers use poetry to create songs. They write words that flow smoothly together and tell an explicit and vivid story about an event that can be real or made up. Students love music and they have a favorite rapper or singer, so if

Lesson Objectives

What will students be able to do at the conclusion of this lesson?

How will I vary these objectives for students who do not understand the material?

Varying Objectives for Individuals Needs

How will I vary these objectives for students who have already mastered the concept?

How will I vary these objectives for students who are presently learning English?

Why is it important for the students to learn this content?

Statement of Purpose

students understand that poetry is a part of their everyday lives, they will be able to understand poetry more easily because its something that they are familiar with. Also, the characteristics of poetry is an important skill that will be assessed on the PASS exam. Comprehension of these skills during the lesson will ensure mastery on the PASS.

Materials and Resources

What materials and supplies are needed to help your students achieve the stated objectives? What will the teacher need?

Anticipatory Set

Copies of the daily reading reinforcer Printouts of the slides for note taking Printouts of independent practice Smart Board Laptop Students will only need sharpened pencils prior to the lesson All activities will be handed out as needed. No other resources will be needed. There will be no speakers for this lesson.

What will the students need?

What other resources are needed? Will you use resource speakers?

What will you do to motivate the students and get their attention? What is the hook that will serve as a focus for the lessons activities?

I will ask students the question Do rappers and singers use poetry? After students respond, I will tell students that they will listen to a rap song about the four seasons. While the song is playing, they should listen to what the rapper is saying and the way he is saying his lyrics. From this song, students will be able to activate their prior knowledge of poetry and think about the parts of a poem and the type of language used in poetry.


How will I find out what students already know about this topic?


During the anticipatory set, I will ask students Do rappers and singers use poetry? After the anticipatory set, I will ask students What types of language is used in poetry? The response should be figurative language, and the types of figurative language will vary from alliteration, to hyperbole, to personification. During the lesson, I will read different poems and think aloud how to I identify the amounts of stanzas in various poems as well as the rhyme scheme and finding the refrain. We will identify how many stanzas are in a poem and how many lines are in a stanza.

What will I do to show students what is expected?

Teacher Modeling or Demonstration Guided Practice

What will we do together as they learn how to succeed at the new task?

We will also identify the refrain or repeated line(s) of a poem. For rhyme scheme, we will work together to identify the pattern of rhyme. We will work through a short poem and compare each line to identify the rhyme scheme. What is a stanza? What is rhyme scheme? What is a refrain? How will you know whether a passage is a poem or a paragraph? How do you create the rhyme scheme for a poem? What letter do you begin with and why?
What techniques or strategies will be used to determine if students understand so far?

What questions will you ask to determine if students understand so far?

Checking for Understanding

Students should be able to explicitly delineate the definitions of the types of poetry, whether they use the definition give in their notes, or if they paraphrase. Students should also be able to actively participate while identifying parts of poetry during guided practice. Students will complete an assignment with 7 PASS like questions on poetry. The assignment assesses students on stanzas, lines, rhyme scheme and rhyming words. If students participated in the lesson, they will be able to show a mastery level of 80% or better on this assignment. Students will respond to the questions How do you determine whether or not a passage is a poem or a paragraph? What are the three things you look for in a poem? We will review by using the ball toss method. I will toss a small beach ball around the classroom as I ask questions. Students will be able to think about and respond to questions and pass the ball to a classmate if they need assistance. Students can either respond by paraphrasing what they have learned, or they can state exactly what they learned in the lesson. Students will review their notes in preparation for the test on this coming Friday. On the test students will read various poems and identify the different parts learned in the lesson. Students can listen to their favorite song and identify the different parts related to a poem. They can identify the rhyme scheme, the separate stanzas and the refrain or chorus of the song. If they need help, parents can help them print out the lyrics of the song so the student can see the

What will students do by themselves to show that they have internalized the knowledge?

Independent Practice


How will I conclude the lesson and relate it to future experiences? How will you wrap up the lesson to reinforce concepts taught during the lesson?

What will students do to demonstrate what they have learned?

Assessment (attach to lesson plan)

Extension Activities

What can students do at home or in the classroom to apply the knowledge or skills?

lyrics easily. Students can also try to create their own poems and identify the rhyme scheme of that poem. Students can determine how many stanzas are in the poem and whether or not it will have a refrain. Students took the PASS writing exams this week and they are also taking district benchmark assessments this week as well as next week. Students can write poems about why PASS the benchmark exams are important. Each homeroom teacher can help students create a poem that uses figurative language to effectively explain why these assessments are very important. Teachers and students can work together to identify reasons why the exams are important, and students can use what they have learned about both poetry and figurative language to compose a poem. Once students have completed their poems, we can have a PASS Poetry Jam to have students read their poems to their classmates in preparation for the next PASS exams in May.

How could you use your colleagues or community agencies to improve student performance?


How will you use technology to assist students with learning the concepts? What technology will you use to enhance the delivery and comprehension of your content?

Technology will help present information to students in a very organized manner. Information is presented on via laptop and Smart Board so that students can easily follow along without feeling confused. I will use to present students with information on Classifying and Sequencing. Prezi is similar to Microsofts PowerPoint software. I input my lesson information and present it to students. Poetry can be integrated with many different content areas. In Social Studies, students can create a poem about an important person in history such as Daniel Boone, Abraham Lincoln or Rosa Parks. In Music, students can create a song or rap (like the one used during the anticipatory set) using alliteration, hyperbole personification. In Art, students can create a picture and write a short passage describing the picture. After they complete their picture, students can write a poem about the picture. In Physical education, students can create a poem about their favorite activity to do in P.E. or their favorite way to get exercise at home after school. In Math, students can write a poem about their favorite shape, or their favorite formula, or their favorite angle. In English Language Arts, students can create a rap or a song using mostly figurative language about a topic of their choice.

Connection Across the Curriculum

How will you connect this lesson with other content areas across the curriculum?


Describe the strengths of your instructional techniques, strategies and classroom management.


I felt as though this lesson went fairly well. It went smoothly. Following Ms. Kennedys flow of instruction, I ask questions during the lesson to assess whether students are paying attention and focusing, as well as comprehending what is being taught. Students responded to the questions, and if answers were incorrect I was able to redirect them or guide them to the correct answer. There was a situation between two students and I was able to diffuse the small altercation before it got out of hand. Students actively participated in the lesson and focused throughout the lesson. The biggest issue in this lesson was time. I taught each class after students completed the second day of the PASS writing assessment. The class periods were limited to 35 minutes so everything was slightly rushed. Because of the time constraint, students were not able to complete the independent practice, however it was sent home to be completed for homework. During the lesson, I noticed I spent a bulk of my time on the beginning of the lesson (daily reading reinforcer and anticipatory set), leaving the rest of the lesson rushed. In my opinion, there were no weaknesses in student engagement. Overall, I would thoroughly plan each section of my lesson to ensure I spend an adequate amount of time on each part to endure completion for myself and for my students. Revised 1-2012

Describe the strengths of student engagement.

Describe the weaknesses of your instructional techniques, strategies and classroom management.


Describe the weaknesses of student engagement.

Suggestions for Improvement

What would you change when teaching this lesson again?


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