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Correct Finger Positions

 Always maintain “curved” fingers.
 Avoid resting the palm on the keyboard.
 Maintain correct wrist position.

Finger Numbering
This numbering technique is used for easier reach of the notes in the scale.
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Note Reading

1 measure

Indicates the end of each


Indicates the end of the piece.

5 lines and 4 spaces

DO (C) RE (D) MI (E) FA (F) SOL(G) LA(A) SI (B)

:Middle C”
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Do to Re or C to D = one step higher

Re to Mi or D to E = one step higher
Mi to Fa or E to F = one-half step higher
Fa to Sol or F to G = one step higher
Sol to La or G to A = one step higher
La to Si or A to B = one step higher
Si to Do or B to C = one-half step higher

Flats and Sharps

Flat = one-half step lower
Sharp = one-half step higher

Major Scales



D-Scale (2 Sharps: F# and C#)

D E F# G A B C# D

E-Scale (4 Sharps: F#, G#, C# and D#)


E F# G# A B C# D# E
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F-Scale (1 Flat: Bb)

F G A Bb C D E F

G-Scale (1 Sharp: F#)

G A B C D E F# G

A-Scale (3
(3 Sharps: C#, F#, and G#)

A B C# D E F# G# A

B-Scale (4 Sharps: C#, D#, F# and G#)

B C# D# E F# G# A B

Chords Chord Variations

A chord is a combination of three notes played Minor Flat 3
simultaneously. Major 7 Root note = one-half
step lower
The Different Chords and its components: 7th Root note = one step
C: C-E-G lower
D: D-F#-A Suspended Chord plus 4th note
E: E-G#-B 2 Chord plus 2nd note
F: F-A-C 6 Chord plus 6th note
G: G-B-D 9 Chord plus 9th note
A: A-C#-E
B: B-D#-F#

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