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MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.

Gracias a todo el equipo MeTaLMaDNeSS y a todos

aquellos que hacen posible que el proyecto continúe.
Gracias especialmente a Fdy por sus fantásticos
tutoriales, que han servido de base para la confección
de esta guía, y a Rokugan por la traducción (gracias


MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0


ƒ Introducción a los formatos LOSSLESS

ƒ Reproducción de ficheros APE/FLAC

ƒ Grabación de ficheros APE/FLAC

1) Obtención del WAV

1-a) Obtención del WAV a partir del APE

1-b) Obtención del WAV a partir del FLAC

2) Grabación del WAV usando Nero

2-a) Grabación de WAV+CUE

2-b) Grabación de varios WAV sueltos

ƒ Creación de ficheros APE/FLAC

1) Configuración del EAC: Extracción

2) Configuración del EAC: Compresión a APE/FLAC

2-a) Compresión a APE

2-b) Compresión a FLAC

3) Comprobaciones finales

4) Problemas con las ASPI

ƒ Comprimir con WinRAR

ƒ Nombrando el archivo RAR

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0


El APE (Monkey’s Audio) es un formato de audio como el MP3, pero con la ventaja de que
es un formato lossless, es decir, sin perdida de calidad, al igual que otros formatos como el
FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) o el WAV. Dicho de otra manera, un disco en formato
WAV FLAC o APE tiene exactamente la misma calidad sonora que el CD del que ha sido
extraído, siempre y cuando no haya habido errores en el proceso de creación del archivo.

El formato WAV es el más conocido por todos, es el audio tal cual se extrae del CD sin
ningún tipo de compresión. El WAV viene a ocupar unos 10 Mb por minuto de reproducción.
Para intentar reducir un poco el tamaño del archivo sin perder calidad podemos convertir el
fichero WAV a APE o FLAC. Estos formatos aplican una compresión sin perdida al WAV,
pudiendo reducir su tamaño un 20-40% (depende mucho de cada disco). Es como si hiciéramos
un ZIP o un RAR. Después, si queremos, podemos volver a descomprimir el archivo obteniendo
exactamente el WAV original. Comprimir el WAV a APE o FLAC puede suponer reducir el
archivo 100Mb o más, algo que se agradece mucho a la hora de tener que distribuirlo en la red
eDonkey. Ese es el motivo por el que usamos estos formatos en lugar del WAV para publicar
nuestros discos.

Nota: si no os salen las extensiones de los archivos y queréis verlas, entrad en “Opciones de
Carpeta” y desactivad “Ocultar las extensiones de archivo para tipos de archivo conocido”

Cuando nos bajamos un disco podemos encontrarnos con dos situaciones:

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

A) Hay varios ficheros APE/FLAC, uno por cada canción del disco.

B) Hay un solo fichero APE/FLAC (de gran tamaño) y un fichero con la extensión CUE

Lo más habitual es encontrarnos un APE/FLAC + CUE, tal y como vemos en la anterior

imagen. En este caso el fichero APE contiene todo el disco, están todas las canciones juntas en
este fichero. El otro fichero, el CUE, es un fichero de texto y contiene la información del
nombre de las canciones y donde empieza y acaba cada una. Un fichero CUE siempre va
asociado a otro fichero, en nuestro caso el fichero APE, pero también podría ser un fichero
FLAC o WAV. El fichero CUE y el fichero APE, FLAC o WAV al que va asociado deben estar
siempre juntos, en la misma carpeta.

Cuando abrimos el fichero CUE con el Bloc de Notas de Windows (o con cualquier otro
editor) podemos ver que en la tercera línea viene indicado el fichero al que va asociado ese

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

El error mas típico al reproducir o grabar un disco es que el fichero CUE haga referencia a
un fichero equivocado. El CUE siempre debe apuntar al fichero que tengamos, ya sea APE
FLAC o WAV. Es decir, si transformamos un fichero APE a WAV deberemos editar el CUE
con el Bloc de Notas y cambiar la tercera línea para que haga referencia al fichero WAV en vez
de al APE. Siguiendo el ejemplo de la anterior imagen cambiaríamos “1349 - Beyond the
Apocalypse.ape” por “1349 - Beyond the Apocalypse.wav”.

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0


El Foobar es el mejor programa para reproducir ficheros APE, FLAC o de cualquier otro
tipo en el ordenador. Además tiene muchas funciones y soporta todos estos formatos de audio:
MPEG-4, AAC, MP3, MP2, Musepack (MPC), Ogg Vorbis, WAV, AIFF, VOC, AU, SND,
CDDA, FLAC, Monkey's Audio (APE), WavPack, Speex, Mod, SPC.

Su página web es:

Usando el botón podemos abrir el fichero de sonido que queramos reproducir. Al

abrir el fichero CUE nos aparecerán las canciones sueltas en vez de todas juntas tal como están
en el fichero APE/FLAC. Si el Foobar te da error al abrir el fichero CUE, edítalo y comprueba
que hace referencia al fichero correcto, tal y como hemos visto antes.

Si utilizas el Winamp también tienes la opción de instalarte un plugin para poder reproducir
los ficheros APE o FLAC, pero te recomiendo que utilices el Foobar.

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0


El destino más habitual de un APE o un FLAC es ser grabado como CD-Audio para poder
reproducirlo en el equipo de música de casa o del coche. Ahora veremos como grabar en CD los
discos que nos bajamos usando el Nero.

Los ficheros APE/FLAC pueden ser grabados directamente por el Nero si le instalamos un
plugin para que los soporte. Nosotros vamos a ver como grabar los discos sin utilizar estos
plugins, así que el primer paso va a ser transformar el fichero APE/FLAC a WAV (formato que
el Nero soporta sin necesidad de ningún plugin)


1-a) Obtención del WAV a partir del APE

Para descomprimir los ficheros APE y obtener el WAV original utilizaremos el Monkeys
Audio v3.97 ( En el caso de que nos
encontremos con algún problema también podemos utilizar el Foobar como ya veremos.

Si lo que tenemos son varios ficheros APE (uno por canción) obtendremos otros tantos
ficheros WAV. Si lo que tenemos es un solo fichero (con su correspondiente CUE) obtendremos
un único WAV. En ambos casos actuaremos de la misma forma.

Abrimos el Monkey’s Audio v3.97 y vemos que algunos botones del programa tienen un
pequeño triángulo negro a su derecha. Si pulsamos ese pequeño triángulo aparece un
desplegable que nos permite cambiar la función del botón. En el desplegable del primer botón
seleccionamos “Decompress” (si es que no está seleccionado ya)

Ahora pulsamos el botón “Add Fólder” y le indicamos la carpeta en la que se encuentran

nuestros ficheros. Veremos que aparece dentro de la ventana del Monkey’s Audio una lista de
los ficheros APE que ha encontrado y que está listo para procesar. Pulsamos el botón
“Decompress” y en unos minutos obtendremos el/los ficheros WAV en la misma carpeta donde
estaba el/los ficheros APE

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

Puede que descarguemos alguna vez algún disco creado con una versión superior del
Monkey’s Audio y al intentar descomprimirlo nos de error. En MeTaLMaDNeSS continuamos
utilizando la v3.97 del Monkey’s Audio para crear los ficheros APE a pesar de que ya ha salido
la v3.99beta, porque al ser una beta y estar en desarrollo no nos da la confianza que nos ofrece
la versión 3.97. Así pues no deberías tener ningún problema con los discos descargados de la
Web, pero en el caso de que te encuentres con un APE comprimido con una versión superior del
Monkey’s Audio puedes descomprimirlo usando el Foobar. Para ello abres el/los ficheros APE
con el Foobar y pinchando sobre ellos con el botón derecho en la lista de reproducción
seleccionas “Convert” y “Run Conversión”.

Cuando nos pregunte seleccionamos “WAV (PCM, fixed-point)” (viene puesto por defecto) y
le damos a OK para que empiece la conversión.

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

1-b) Obtención del WAV a partir del FLAC

Para obtener ficheros WAV a partir de los FLAC utilizaremos el FLAC Frontend

Abrimos el programa, pulsamos el botón “Add Files” y seleccionamos el/los ficheros FLAC
que queramos convertir a WAV.

Ahora sólo tenemos que pulsar el botón “Decode” para que empiece la conversión y
obtengamos el fichero WAV en el mismo directorio que estaba el FLAC. Si todo va bien este es
el mensaje que obtendremos:

Si el archivo FLAC se encuentra en una carpeta con un nombre con algún carácter extraño
como “%” puede darnos este error:

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

Si nos ocurriera esto solo tenemos que renombrar la carpeta con otro nombre que solo
contenga letras o números y empezar desde el principio. En cualquier caso, si tenemos algún
problema (cosa que nunca me ha pasado con un FLAC), siempre podemos realizar la conversión
del archivo utilizando el Foobar tal y como hemos visto en el caso del APE, pero siempre que
sea posible es recomendable utilizar el Monkey’s Audio, para el APE, o el FLAC Fontend, para
el FLAC, para obtener el WAV ya que son más fiables.


Una vez obtenido el/los ficheros WAV vamos a ver como grabarlos en un CD-Audio.

2-a) Grabación de WAV+CUE

En el caso de que tuviéramos un APE/FLAC + CUE, ahora tendremos un WAV + CUE

Lo primero que vamos a hacer es asegurarnos de que nuestro fichero CUE hace referencia al
fichero WAV que hemos obtenido, si no es así sustituimos lo que ponga por el nombre de
nuestro archivo WAV (normalmente es el mismo nombre solo que con la extensión WAV).

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

Una vez hecho esto abrimos el Nero y pulsamos el botón “Abrir” (el segundo por la
izquierda, el que es una carpeta abierta):

En la ventana de dialogo que nos aparece, desplegamos la lista “Tipo” y seleccionamos

“Image Files (*.nrg, *.iso, *.cue)”. Ahora buscamos la carpeta donde tenemos nuestro
WAV+CUE, seleccionamos nuestro fichero CUE y le damos al botón “Abrir”.Nos aparecerá
este otro cuadro de dialogo:

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

NOTA: Las versiones antiguas de Nero tienen un BUG, no admiten que el fichero WAV contenga
espacios en el nombre y dan error cuando intentamos abrir el CUE. Si es tu caso actuaIíza el Nero a una
versión superior (la v6.6.0.5 no tiene ese BUG) o cambia el nombre del WAV a uno sin espacios (como
“cdimage.wav”) y modifica el CUE.

Seleccionamos una velocidad baja de grabación (a velocidades altas es más probable obtener
errores de escritura) y seleccionamos “Disc-at-once”, tal como aparece en la imagen.
Introducimos un CD virgen en la grabadora y ya podemos darle al botón “Burn”, en unos
minutos tendremos nuestro CD ya grabado.

2-b) Grabación de varios WAV sueltos

Si teníamos varios APE/FLAC (uno por canción) ahora tendremos otros tantos WAV.

Nota: he borrado los ficheros APE para que se vea más claro en la imagen y para que no nos
induzcan a confusión. Una vez obtenidos los WAV ya no nos hacen falta los APE.

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

Abrimos el Nero y pulsamos el botón “Nuevo” (el primero empezando por la izquierda, el
que es una hoja en blanco) y nos aparecerá esta ventana de dialogo:

Seleccionamos “Audio-CD” en la parte de la izquierda, pinchamos en la pestaña “Burn” y

dejamos la dejamos tal como se ve en la imagen: Finalizar CD activado, una velocidad de
escritura baja y “Disc-at-once” seleccionado. Pulsamos el botón “New”.

Ahora nos aparece a un lado nuestra compilación y al otro un explorador de ficheros.

Buscamos nuestras canciones y las arrastramos a nuestra compilación:

Por defecto el Nero añade 2 segundos delante de cada canción, por lo que si hay canciones
en las que empalma el final de una con el principio de la siguiente no nos van a quedar bien.

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

Para solucionar esto seleccionamos en nuestra compilación todas las canciones menos la
primera y con el botón derecho le damos a “Propiedades”:

En la ventana que nos aparece hay una zona en la que pone “Pause” y en el hueco que hay a
su lado para escribir pone un 2 (los 2 segundos que deja el Nero por defecto). Sustituimos ese
valor por cero como vemos en la imagen y le damos al botón “Aceptar”.

Ya tenemos lista nuestra compilación para grabarla, pinchamos en el botón “Burn

compilation” y nos vuelve a aparecer la ventana del principio para que revisemos que todo está
bien. Metemos un CD virgen en la grabadora y pulsamos el botón “Burn”:

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0


Los pasos que vamos a realizar son:

1- Obtención de fichero WAV a partir del CD original

2- Creación del fichero APE o FLAC a partir del WAV

Del primer paso se encargará el Exact Audio Copy (EAC), pero primero debemos
configurarlo adecuadamente para que realice una extracción sin fallos. La tarea de creación del
APE o FLAC la automatizaremos a través del EAC, pero en el fondo se encargarán sus
respectivos encoders: MAC.EXE y FLAC.EXE. Ya veremos esto más adelante.

Como hemos visto, los formatos lossless (APE y FLAC) no producen ningún tipo de pérdida
en la calidad sonora, por lo tanto debemos ser cuidadosos en su creación para que durante el
proceso no haya ningún tipo de fallo que reduzca su calidad (clicks y cosas así). Por ello sólo
utilizaremos CDs originales para su creación y el programa de extracción más fiable que hay:
el EAC (, concretamente utilizaremos en este tutorial la versión
del EAC 0.9 Beta 4.


Una vez instalado el EAC lo primero que haremos es copiar los ficheros “MAC.EXE” y
“FLAC.EXE” a la carpeta donde hayamos instalado el EAC. Estos ficheros son los que más
adelante nos van a permitir crear desde el EAC ficheros APE (MAC.EXE) y FLAC

A continuación arrancamos el EAC, seleccionamos la unidad desde la que vamos a realizar

las extracciones (desplegable en la parte superior izquierda) e introducimos un CD de Audio que

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

nos servirá para que el EAC realice las pruebas necesarias para configurar nuestra unidad
lectora. Ahora veremos como.

Drive Options…: Pulsamos F10 y nos aparece un aviso:

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

Pulsamos “OK” y nos aparece otra ventana con varias pestañas:

1) En la primera pestaña, “Extraction Method”, pulsamos el botón “Detect Read Features”.

Ahora empezará a hacer pruebas de la unidad con el CD de Audio que le habíamos metido.
Cuando acabe aparecerá una ventana con el resultado de las pruebas que ha hecho y pulsamos el
botón “OK”. Lo más importante es que todas opciones que se encuentran subrayadas en
rojo queden al final como están en la imagen, si no quedan así las ponemos nosotros
manualmente, especialmente si detectara que nuestra unidad es capaz de utilizar C2
desmarcaremos manualmente la casilla (señalada por la flecha roja). La casilla “Drive caches
audio data” se deja marcada para desactivar el caché de la unidad durante la extracción, ya que
es una fuente de errores.

Mucho cuidado si utilizáis unidades virtuales de CD como las que pueden crear programas
como el Alcohol, CDRWin, CloneCD…. Cuando el EAC detecta algo que no le cuadra tiende a
desconfigurar el Secure Mode para dejarlo en modo Burst sin previo aviso, y en modo Burst el
EAC no realiza una extracción fiable. Si eso ocurre tendremos que volver a configurar el EAC
empezando desde el principio.

2) Pasamos a la pestaña “Drive” y pulsamos el botón “Autodetect Read Command Now”.

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

3) Pestaña “Offset / Speed”: en el lugar marcado por la flecha roja ponemos el offset de lectura
de la unidad que estamos configurando. Estos valores puedes consultarlos en las tablas que
aparecen en estas webs: (ver tabla) (ver tabla)

En estas las tablas pone que para mi unidad, la PIONER DVD-116, el Read Offset es de +102.

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

Si no encuentras tu unidad en la tabla, puedes probar a detectar tu offset siempre que tengas
algún CD ORIGINAL de esta lista: (ver lista). Para
ello introduce el CD ORIGINAL (no vale una copia) en la unidad y pulsa el botón “Detect read
sample offset correction…”. El CD debe ser original y debe ser exáctamente la misma edición,
si no da el error “CD Not Found in Offset Database” y debes probar con otro:

Debemos hacer la prueba con dos o más CDs ORIGINALES de la lista y obtener dos o
más veces el mismo valor de Read Offset. Si lo consigues ya has detectado el Read Offset de tu

Si no encuentras tu grabadora en las tablas y no consigues hacer la detección, deja el valor de

la casilla “Use Read simple Offset” con el valor 0 que viene por defecto.

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

4) En la pestaña “Gap Detection”, en el desplegable “Detection accuracy” nos aseguramos de

que esté seleccionado el valor “Secure” y pulsamos el botón “Aceptar”. .

Nota: si tienes problemas en la detección de gaps, puedes probar a cambiar el retrival method, si no deja el que
detecta el EAC.

EAC Options…: Pulsamos F9 y dejamos las casillas de las diferentes pestañas marcadas
como se indica en las siguientes imágenes.

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

En la pestaña “Filename” podemos indicar como queremos que queden nombrados los
archivos cuando hacemos una extracción de temas sueltos. Os pongo como lo tengo yo, pero va
al gusto de cada uno. Luego pulsamos el botón “Aceptar”.

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

Freedb / Database Options….: Pulsamos F12. En esta ventana lo único que deberéis
hacer es poner una dirección de correo electrónico, que puede ser real o no. Si pones una
dirección de correo electrónico real e insertas algún CD que no esta en la base de datos podréis
enviar vosotros la información para que los demás al insertar el mismo compact reciban los tags

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0


Ahora vamos a configurar el EAC para que, cuando termine la extracción del CD y obtenga
el correspondiente WAV, utilice los compresores que hemos copiado antes a su carpeta
(MAC.EXE y FLAC.EXE) para generar el fichero APE o FLAC.

2-a) Compresión a APE

Compression Options…: Pulsamos F11. En la ventana que aparece pinchad en la pestaña

“External Compression”.

Lo dejáis todo como viene en la imagen. En el lugar indicado por la flecha roja debéis
indicarle dónde está el fichero MAC.EXE (recordad que antes lo habíamos copiado en el
directorio del EAC). Podéis utilizar el botón “Browse” que está al lado para buscarlo. Luego
pulsáis el botón “Aceptar”.

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

Ahora ya tenemos configurado el EAC para hacer todos los APE que queramos. Para crear
un APE + CUE desde nuestro CD original solo tenemos que ir al Menú “Action”, pinchar en
“Copy Image & Create CUE Sheet” y luego en “Compressed..”

Al final lo que obtendremos es un fichero APE, un fichero CUE y un fichero LOG. El

fichero LOG es un fichero de texto que contiene información de las condiciones que hemos
utilizado durante la extracción y en el que se indica si ha habido algún problema durante la
misma. El fichero LOG debe ir siempre con nuestros APE/FLAC, en su interior está la garantía
de que lo hemos hecho todo bien.

2-b) Compresión a FLAC

Si ya tenemos configurado el EAC para crear ficheros APE y queremos hacer también
ficheros FLAC, sin tener que reconfigurar el EAC cada vez que cambiemos de formato, en la
parte inferior del EAC tenemos una barra que nos permite crear un “Profile”. Podemos crear un
profile para cada tipo de fichero que queramos crear (APE, FLAC…) y así, una vez tengamos
definidos los diferentes profiles, sólo con seleccionar el profile del desplegable tendremos
configurado el EAC para hacer un APE, un FLAC o lo que le hayamos definido en el profile.

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

Pulsamos el botón “New” para crear un profile para crear ficheros FLAC. En la ventana que
nos aparece le damos un nombre que nos ayude después a reconocerlo y pulsamos el botón

Ahora vamos a configurar el EAC para crear ficheros FLAC.

Compression Options…: Pulsamos F11. En la ventana que aparece pinchad en la pestaña

“External Compression”.

Dejadlo todo tal y como aparece en la imagen. En el lugar indicado por la flecha roja
deberéis la indicarle la ruta donde se encuentra el FLAC.EXE . Deberéis marcar la casilla "Use
external program for compression". Ahora desplegáis el menú de "Parameter passing scheme"
y seleccionáis "User Defined Encoder". En la casilla "Use file extension" Teneis que poner .flac
(no se os olvide el punto). Por ultimo, en la casilla "Additional Command Line options" hay que
poner esto:

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

-6 -V -T "artist=%a" -T "title=%t" -T "album=%g" -T "date=%y" -T "tracknumber=%n" -T

"genre=%m" -T "comment=EAC 0.9beta4 / FLAC 1.1.0 q6" %s

Las casillas "Add ID3 tag" y "Use CRC check" deben estar desmarcadas. Si queréis que
cuando acabe de comprimir borre el WAV que ha extraído el EAC marcar la casilla "Delete wav
after compression".

Una vez hecho todo esto pulsad el botón “Aceptar”.

Ya tenemos al EAC listo y configurado para comprimir en FLAC. Para crear un FLAC +
CUE desde nuestro CD original solo tenemos que ir al Menú “Action”, pinchar en “Copy Image
& Create CUE Sheet” y luego en “Compressed..”

Esto es lo que obtendremos después de la extracción:

El fichero LOG debe ir siempre con nuestros APE/FLAC, en su interior está la garantía de
que lo hemos hecho todo bien.

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0


Una vez hayamos finalizado el proceso de creación del fichero APE o FLAC debemos
revisar el fichero LOG que ha creado el EAC después de la extracción para comprobar que no
ha habido errores. Este fichero LOG podemos abrirlo con el Bloc de Notas que viene en

Lo más importante es que en Read Mode ponga “Secure with NO C2, acurate stream,
disable cache”, y al final del LOG que ponga “No errors occured”.

Antes de compartir este fichero en la red eDonkey es muy conveniente escuchar atentamente
el disco completo, aunque ya hayamos comprobado en el LOG que no ha habido fallos.


Las ASPI son utilizadas por el Sistema Operativo y los programas para acceder a las
unidades de CD-ROM. Si introduces un CD de audio en tu lector y el EAC no es capaz de verlo
(se comporta como si no tuviera ningún disco) o te da un mensaje del tipo “No CDs can be
found in any drive (or no (USB/Firewire) CD-ROM drives are listed”, es muy posible que
tengas un problema con las ASPI. Este es un problema que aparece más frecuentemente en
Windows 2000 y XP.

Para solucionarlo podemos hacer que el EAC utilice unas ASPI externas (las del Nero por
ejemplo). Para ello copiamos el archivo “WNASPI32.DLL” a la carpeta donde hemos instalado
el EAC.
MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

A continuación abrimos el EAC, pulsamos F9 y en la pestaña “Interface” seleccionamos la

opción “Installed external ASPI interface” (si es que no está seleccionado ya) y pulsamos el
botón “Aceptar”.

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0


Una vez tenemos el APE/FLAC, el CUE y el LOG en una carpeta, añadimos las portadas
del disco y los ficheros “MeTaLMaDNeSS.TeaM” (acceso directo a la página Web para que
aquellos que bajen el disco puedan visitarnos si no nos conocen,
y “MeTaLMaDNeSS_TeaM.txt” (fichero con la información del disco). Como hemos dicho, el
fichero “MeTaLMaDNeSS_TeaM.txt” contiene la información del disco y tenemos que
rellenarlo adecuadamente.

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

Una vez tenemos todo junto en una carpeta ya estamos preparados para hacer un RAR que
después podremos compartir en la red eDonkey. No debemos olvidar incluir el fichero LOG, ya
que incluye los detalles de la extracción y es una garantía de la calidad de nuestra release para
aquellos que bajen el archivo.

Primero instalamos el WinRAR si es que no lo tenemos ya. Después seleccionamos con el

botón derecho en el Explorador de Archivos la carpeta que contiene todo lo que queremos meter
en el RAR, y seleccionamos “Add to archive…”

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

Nos aparecerá la siguiente ventana:

Lo dejamos todo como en la imagen, especialmente las opciones marcadas en rojo. En

“Archive format” marcamos “RAR”. En “Compression method” seleccionamos “Store”. Esto
hará que no aplique ninguna compresión a RAR, ya que todo lo que va a contener está muy
comprimido ya y lo único que íbamos a conseguir es que tardara media hora en hacernos el
RAR y no obtendríamos una reducción perceptible en su tamaño final. En “Archiving options”
dejaremos marcadas “Create solid archive”, “Put recovery record”, “Test archived files” y
“Lock Archive”.

En “Archive name” tenemos que poner el nombre que va a tener el RAR según las normas de
MeTaLMaDNeSS.TeaM. En este caso será:


1- Nombre del grupo

2- Año del disco entre corchetes
3- Formato del disco entre corchetes (CD, MCD, CD-Bootleg)
4- El nombre del disco
5- El programa usado para la extracción y el formato del fichero entre corchetes (EAC-APE o EAC-FLAC)
6- Autor del link
7- El sello de la pagina entre corchetes: [MeTaLMaDNeSS.TeaM]

MeTaLMaDNeSS Pack v2.0

Ahora seleccionamos la pestaña “Comment”, y usando el botón “Browse” le indicamos la

ubicación del archivo “MeTaLMaDNeSS_TeaM.txt”. Así, a la gente que descargue el archivo,
cuando abra el RAR con el WinRAR automáticamente le aparecerá el texto he hayamos escrito
en el interior del fichero “MeTaLMaDNeSS_TeaM.txt”.

Una vez hecho esto pulsamos el botón “Aceptar” y se creará nuestro archivo RAR listo ya
para meterlo en el incoming de nuestro emule y compartirlo.

Digital Audio Extraction

Perfect Digital Audio Extraction

Each CD drive reads audio discs slightly out (a number of samples), if your CD drive supports
'Accurate Stream' it will be a constant value, this value tends to be the same for each particular
make and model of CD Drive. A small number of drives have [Purged] as the offset, these drives
were found not to have a constant drive offset (perhaps different manufacturing batches, or
firmwares), as such they have been removed from AccurateRip's drive database (should you have
one of these drives, 3 matching key disks will be required to configure AccurateRip).

This list contains submitted drive read offsets in a format compatible with dBpowerAMP Music
Converter (dMC) and Exact Audio Copy (EAC). Contribute your offset by easily configuring
AccurateRip on your CD drives -

CD Drive Sample Offset Submitted By Percentage Agree

- 16X52X32X52COMBO +738 2 100%
- 16X8 DVD DUAL +91 2 100%
- 40X12X48 CD-RW +97 1 100%
- 48X12X50 CD-RW +97 3 100%
- 52X24X52 CD-RW +97 1 100%
- 56X CD-ROM +12 2 100%
- ATAPI CDROM 52X +691 1 100%
- ATAPI CDROM [Purged]
- ATAPI DVDROM 16X +12 1 100%
- CD-R-RW RW7063A +97 1 100%
- COMBO-52X16C +6 1 100%
- DRIDE1648 +594 1 100%
- DVD+RW RW8160 +91 1 100%
- DVD-ROM [Purged]
- RW-201040 +97 1 100%
- RW-241040 +97 1 100%
- VOM-12E48X +12 1 100%
4KUS - CDRW CDR-6S52 +6 1 100%
900 40X - CD-ROM DRIVE +12 1 100% (1 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:06

Digital Audio Extraction

Acer - CD-R/W 6x/4x/32x (6432A) +740 1 100%

Acer - CRW1208A +692 1 100%
Acer/Benq - CRW4816A +1473 2 100%
Afreey - CD-2050E +682 1 100%
Afreey DD-4010 (CD40x / DVD10x) +564 5 100%
AOpen - 12xDVD-ROM-AMH +691 1 100%
AOPEN - 16XDVD-ROM-AMH +102 1 100%
AOPEN - 8X8 DVD Dual AAN +48 1 100%
AOPEN - CD-RW CRW2040 +97 1 100%
AOPEN - CD-RW CRW2440 +97 3 100%
AOPEN - CD-RW CRW3248 +97 3 100%
AOPEN - CD-RW CRW4048 +97 4 100%
AOPEN - CD-RW CRW5224 +97 11 100%
AOPEN - CD-RW CRW5232 +97 2 100%
AOPEN - COM4824 +6 1 100%
AOPEN - COM5232-AAH PRO +738 1 100%
AOPEN - COM5232-AAH +738 1 100%
AOPEN - CRW5232-AAO PRO +738 2 100%
AOpen - DRW4410 +91 1 100%
AOPEN - DUW1608-ARR +91 1 100%
AOpen - DVD-1640 PRO +690 3 100%
AOPEN - DVD1648-AAP +738 6 100%
AOPEN - DVD1648-LKY +12 1 100%
AOpen - 52x CD-ROM (CD-952E AKH) +106 6 100%
AOpen - 52x CD-ROM (CD-952E TKU) +12 1 100%
AOpen - CD-RW 12x/10x/32x
+97 2 100%
ARTEC - WRA-WA48 +97 3 100%
ARTEC - WRR-52X +97 1 100%
ARTEC - WRR-52Z +97 2 100%
ASUS - CD-S520-A4 +12 1 100%
ASUS - CRW-1610A +12 1 100%
ASUS - CRW-2410A +12 1 100%
ASUS - CRW-4012A +12 5 100%
ASUS - CRW-4832AS +6 3 100%
ASUS - CRW-5224A +6 12 100%
ASUS - CRW-5232AS +6 4 80%
ASUS - DVD-E616P2 +738 6 100%
ASUS - DVD-E616P +102 6 100%
ASUS - DVD-ROM E616 +594 16 100% (2 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:06

Digital Audio Extraction

ASUS - DVD-ROM 12x E612 +594 5 100%

ATAPI - CD-R-RW 4X2X32 +740 1 100%
ATAPI - CD-ROM DRIVE-40X +686 1 100%
ATAPI - CD-ROM +680 1 100%
ATAPI - CD-RW 24X10X40 +12 1 100%
ATAPI - CD-RW 40X12 +12 1 100%
ATAPI - CD-RW 48X16 +12 4 100%
ATAPI - CD-RW 48X24 [Purged]
ATAPI - CD-RW 52X24 +6 3 100%
ATAPI - CD-RW 52X24X +738 1 100%
ATAPI - CD-RW 52XMax +688 4 100%
ATAPI - CD-RW CW4801 +688 1 100%
ATAPI - CD-RW52XMAX +6 1 100%
ATAPI - CDRW 52X32 +738 2 100%
ATAPI - DVD DD 2X16X4X16 +618 5 100%
ATAPI - DVD DUAL 4XMax +689 1 100%
ATAPI - DVD DUAL 8X4X12 +1292 10 100%
ATAPI - DVD+RW 8X4X12 +1292 2 100%
ATAPI - DVD-ROM 16X +594 3 75%
ATAPI - DVD-ROM STAR2000 +564 2 100%
ATAPI - 40X CDROM +12 1 100%
ATAPI - 48X CDROM +12 3 100%
ATAPI - 52X CDROM +12 2 100%
ATAPI CD - ROM +12 1 100%
ATAPI-CD - ROM-DRIVE-50MAX +12 1 100%
ATAPI-CD - ROM-DRIVE-56MAX +12 1 100%
AXV - CD-DVD-ROM [Purged]
BCD 44XH - CD-ROM +12 1 100%
BENQ - DVD DD DW1620 +618 23 100%
BTC - BCE2410IM +12 3 100%
BTC - BCE3212IM +12 1 100%
BTC - BDV 316B DVD-16x +594 2 100%
BTC - CD-RW 40x/12x/48x (BCE4012IM) +12 2 100%
BTC / Micro Advantage 52x24x52x CD-RW +6 16 100%
CD-ROM - CCD-52X6S +600 5 100%
CD-ROM - Drive-F5D +12 2 100%
CD-RW - CDR-6S48 +6 1 100%
CD-RW - CDR-7S52 +6 1 100% (3 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:06

Digital Audio Extraction

CDRW - USB5232 +6 1 100%

CDWRITER - IDE1610 +12 1 100%
CDWRITER - IDE2410 +12 1 100%
CDWRITER - IDE4816 +12 1 100%
CDWRITER - IDE5232 +6 7 100%
CENDYNE_ - 481648AX +733 2 100%
Cl×^i÷EÒ - OmÅ5»s¶,'-•èr¦äc +6 1 100%
CntxCorp - C-DVD-ROM +6 1 100%
COMBI - RW32-DVD +686 1 100%
COMBO - 5216IA +6 2 100%
COMBO - IDE5216CO +6 2 100%
COMPAL - TSB24H1 DVD-CDRW +6 1 100%
COMPAQ - CD-224E +684 1 100%
COMPAQ - CD-ROM CRD-8402B -24 1 100%
COMPAQ - CD-ROM CRD-8484B -491 2 100%
COMPAQ - CD-ROM LTN403 -1164 1 100%
COMPAQ - CRD-8401B -24 1 100%
Compaq - DVD-ROM DV28EB +102 1 100%
Compaq - DVD-ROM DVD-114 +690 1 100%
COMPAQ - DVD-ROM GDR8160B +102 2 100%
COMPAQ - DVD-ROM SD-612B +704 1 100%
Compaq - DVD-ROM SD-C2402 -472 1 100%
Compaq - DVD-ROM SD-C2612 -472 1 100%
COMPAQ - SC-140S +12 1 100%
CREATIVE - CD5233E-N +12 2 100%
CREATIVE - CD5233E +12 4 100%
CREATIVE - CD-RW RW8432E +355 1 100%
CREATIVE - CD4820E CS990211 +679 1 100%
CREATIVE - CD5233E +12 1 100%
CREATIVE - DVD-ROM DVD1241E +594 3 100%
CREATIVE - DVD-ROM DVD6240E +564 3 100%
CREATIVE - DVD1240E +691 1 100%
CREATIVE - DVD5240E-1 +691 1 100%
CREATIVE - DVD6630E +691 3 100%
CREATIVE - DVD8400E +691 2 100%
Creative CD-RW Blaster 12/10/32 (RW1210E) +688 3 100%
CyberDrv - CW038D CD-R-RW +733 2 100%
CyberDrv - CW058D CD-R-RW +733 8 100%
CyberDrv - CW068D CD-R-RW +733 1 100% (4 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:06

Digital Audio Extraction

CyberDrv - CW088D CD-R-RW +733 1 100%

CyberDrv - CW099D CD-R-RW +6 2 100%
DaemonT - DVD-ROM +594 1 100%
DM126D - DVDROM '01-11-27 +564 1 100%
DM166D - DVD-ROM +564 1 100%
DVD ROM - DX-DVDR100 +12 1 100%
DVD-16X - DVD-ROM BDV316C +12 9 100%
DVD-16X - DVD-ROM BDV316E +12 1 100%
DVD-16X - DVD1648-BKH +12 1 100%
DVD-ROM - 16X +691 1 100%
DVD-ROM - DVD-16X3H +594 1 100%
DVD-ROM - DVD-16X6S +12 2 100%
DVDR-RW - DX162D-A +618 1 100%
DVDROM - +564 1 100%
DVDROM 8 - X +564 1 100%
DVDRW - DRW-1S81 +12 1 100%
DVDRW - DRW-2S81 +12 1 100%
DVDRW - IDE 16X +12 4 100%
DVDRW - IDE1004 +12 10 100%
DVDRW - IDE1008 +12 16 100%
DVDRW - IDE1108 +12 2 100%
DVDRW - USB1008UI +12 1 100%
DVS (Digital Video Systems, Inc.) -
+594 2 66%
E-IDE - CD-950E-TKU +12 1 100%
E-IDE - CD-ROM 52X L +682 1 100%
E-IDE - CD-ROM 56X L +682 1 100%
E-IDE - CD-ROM 56X-AKH +106 2 100%
ELBY - DVD-ROM +687 1 100%
FREECOM_ - DVD+--RW16B9 +48 2 100%
Future Power - 48x (F5A) +12 1 100%
Future Power - 52x F566E (F5E) +12 2 100%
GENERIC - CRD-BP1500P +688 1 100%
GENERIC - CRD-BP3 +688 1 100%
GENERIC - DVD RW 12XMax +691 1 100%
GENERIC - DVD RW 16XMax +691 1 100%
GENERIC - DVD+RW 4XMax +688 3 100%
Generic - DVD-ROM [Purged]
GENERIC - FREECOM16B +685 1 100% (5 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:06

Digital Audio Extraction

Generic - STEALTH DVD +0 1 100%

GoldStar - CD-ROM CRD-8322B -24 1 100%
HIGH - SPEED CD ROM +600 1 100%
HITACHI - CDR-8335 +1272 1 100%
HITACHI - DVD-ROM GD-2500 +564 5 100%
HITACHI - DVD-ROM GD-3000 +667 1 100%
HITACHI - DVD-ROM GD-5000 +667 7 100%
HITACHI - DVD-ROM GD-7000 +667 3 100%
HITACHI - DVD-ROM GD-7500 +667 7 100%
HITACHI - DVD-ROM GD-8000 +667 3 100%
HITACHI - DVD-ROM GD-S200 +667 5 100%
HL-DT-ST - CD-ROM GCR-8483B -24 1 100%
HL-DT-ST - CD-ROM GCR-8520B -491 1 100%
HL-DT-ST - CD-ROM GCR-8523B -24 2 100%
HL-DT-ST - CD-RW GCE-8080N +733 1 100%
HL-DT-ST - CD-RW GCE-8160B +12 12 100%
HL-DT-ST - CD-RW GCE-8320B +12 13 100%
HL-DT-ST - CD-RW GCE-8481B +6 18 100%
HL-DT-ST - CD-RW GCE-8483B +6 9 100%
HL-DT-ST - CD-RW GCE-8520B +6 21 100%
HL-DT-ST - CD-RW GCE-8523B +6 8 100%
HL-DT-ST - CD-RW GCE-8524B +689 1 100%
HL-DT-ST - CD-RW GCE-8525B +6 14 100%
HL-DT-ST - CD-RW GCE-8526B +6 8 100%
HL-DT-ST - DVD+-RW GWA4040N +48 1 100%
HL-DT-ST - DVD+RW GCA-4040N +48 9 100%
HL-DT-ST - DVD+RW GRA-4120B +667 1 100%
HL-DT-ST - DVD-ROM GDR8081N +667 6 100%
HL-DT-ST - DVD-ROM GDR8082N +102 8 100%
HL-DT-ST - DVD-ROM GDR8083N +102 1 100%
HL-DT-ST - DVD-ROM GDR8160B +102 4 100%
HL-DT-ST - DVD-ROM GDR8162B +102 36 100%
HL-DT-ST - DVD-ROM GDR8163B +102 13 100%
HL-DT-ST - DVD-RW GWA-4040N +48 6 100%
HL-DT-ST - DVD-RW GWA-4080N +667 1 100%
HL-DT-ST - DVD-RW GWA-4160B +667 1 100%
HL-DT-ST - DVDRAM GMA-4020B +667 5 100%
HL-DT-ST - DVDRAM GSA-4040B +667 25 100%
HL-DT-ST - DVDRAM GSA-4080N +667 1 100% (6 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:06

Digital Audio Extraction

HL-DT-ST - DVDRAM GSA-4081B +667 21 100%

HL-DT-ST - DVDRAM GSA-4082B +667 17 100%
HL-DT-ST - DVDRAM GSA-4120B +667 29 100%
HL-DT-ST - DVDRAM GSA-4160B +667 29 100%
HL-DT-ST - DVDRAM GSA-4163B +667 24 100%
HL-DT-ST - DVDRAM GSA-5120D +667 1 100%
HL-DT-ST - DVDRRW GWA-4083B +102 1 100%
HL-DT-ST - RW-DVD GCC-4160N +102 1 100%
HL-DT-ST - RW-DVD GCC-4241N +102 19 100%
HL-DT-ST - RW-DVD GCC-4242N +102 7 100%
HL-DT-ST - RW-DVD GCC-4243N +102 9 100%
HL-DT-ST - RW-DVD GCC-4320B +6 5 100%
HL-DT-ST - RW-DVD GCC-4481B +6 7 100%
HL-DT-ST - RW-DVD GCC-4520B +6 2 100%
HL-DT-ST - RW-DVD GCC-4521B +6 8 100%
HP - CD-Writer cd16b +12 3 100%
HP - CD-Writer cd16f +733 1 100%
HP - CD-Writer cd16r +12 1 100%
HP - CD-Writer+ 8100 +1160 8 100%
HP - CD-Writer+ 8200 +1160 4 100%
HP - CD-Writer+ 8200a +572 3 100%
HP - CD-Writer+ 9100 +572 11 100%
HP - CD-Writer+ 9300 +572 6 100%
HP - CD-Writer+ 9500 +572 1 100%
HP - CD-Writer+ 9500b +685 1 100%
HP - DVD Writer 200j +120 16 100%
HP - DVD Writer 300c +1292 4 100%
HP - DVD Writer 300n +48 10 100%
HP - DVD Writer 420n +48 1 100%
HP - DVD Writer 630c +618 1 100%
HP - DVD Writer 640b +102 1 100%
IBM - CDRM00203 +679 2 66%
IBM - DVRM00203 +103 1 100%
IDE - DVD-ROM 16X [Purged]
IDE-CD - R-RW 16x10A +733 1 100%
IDE-CD - R-RW 4x4x24 [Purged]
IDE-CD - R-RW 4x4x32 -436 1 100%
IDE-CD - R-RW 8x4x32 -436 2 100%
IDE-DVD - ROM 6116 +691 1 100% (7 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:06

Digital Audio Extraction

IOMEGA - CDDVD482416E23-C +6 1 100%

IOMEGA - CDDVD522416EC3-C +6 1 100%
IOMEGA - CDRW55292EXT3-B +6 1 100%
IOMEGA - CDRW55292EXT3-C +6 1 100%
IOMEGA - DVDRW4224INQ-D +667 1 100%
JLMS - DVD-ROM LTD-165H +12 2 100%
JLMS - DVD-ROM LTD-166S +12 3 100%
JLMS - DVD-ROM LTD163 +594 1 100%
JLMS - DVD-ROM LTD163D +594 2 100%
JLMS - XJ-HD163D +594 11 100%
KENWOOD - CD-ROM UCR-421 +12 1 100%
LG - CD-ROM CRD-8400B -24 3 100%
LG - CD-ROM CRD-8480B -24 1 100%
LG - CD-ROM CRD-8480C -24 1 100%
LG - CD-ROM CRD-8480M -24 1 100%
LG - CD-ROM CRD-8482B -24 1 100%
LG - CD-ROM CRD-8484B -491 3 100%
LG - CD-ROM CRD-8522B -491 2 100%
LG - CD-ROM CRN-8245B -491 4 100%
LG - CD-RW CED-8081B +86 1 100%
LG - CD-RW CED-8083B +86 2 100%
LG - CD-RW CED-8120B +685 7 100%
LG - DVD-ROM DRD8120B +594 8 100%
LG - DVD-ROM DRN8080B -24 2 100%
LG - CD-ROM CRD-8360B -24 1 100%
LG (KOR) - DVD-ROM DRD8120B +594 1 100%
LG Electronics - CD-ROM 48x (GCR-8480B) -491 5 100%
LG Electronics - CD-ROM 48x (GCR-8481B) -24 7 100%
LG Electronics - CD-RW (CED-8080B) +86 14 100%
LG Electronics - CD-RW 24x/10x/40x (GCE-
+733 11 100%
LG Electronics - CD-RW 40x/12x/40x (GCE-
+12 41 100%
LG Electronics - DVD Multi drive (GCC-4120B) +733 6 100%
LG Electronics - DVD Multi drive (GCC-4240N) +102 30 100%
LG Electronics - DVD Multi drive (GCC-4480B) +6 18 100%
LG Electronics - DVD-ROM (DRD-8160B) +594 28 100%
LG Electronics - DVD-ROM (GDR-8161B) +102 38 100%
LITE-ON - CD-ROM LTN-489S +12 1 100%
LITE-ON - CD-ROM LTN-527T +12 1 100% (8 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:06

Digital Audio Extraction

LITE-ON - CD-ROM LTN-529S +12 2 100%

LITE-ON - CD-RW SOHR-5238S +6 23 100%
LITE-ON - CD-RW SOHR-5239S +6 3 100%
LITE-ON - COMBO LTC-48161H +6 23 100%
LITE-ON - COMBO SOHC-5232K +6 20 100%
LITE-ON - DVD SOHD-167T +12 22 100%
LITE-ON - DVD+RW LDW-401S +12 7 100%
LITE-ON - DVDRW LDW-411S +12 19 100%
LITE-ON - DVDRW LDW-451S +12 8 100%
LITE-ON - DVDRW LDW-811S +12 32 100%
LITE-ON - DVDRW LDW-851S +12 9 100%
LITE-ON - DVDRW SOHW-1213S +12 4 100%
LITE-ON - DVDRW SOHW-1633S +12 26 100%
LITE-ON - DVDRW SOHW-1653S +12 5 100%
LITE-ON - DVDRW SOHW-1673S +12 7 100%
LITE-ON - DVDRW SOHW-812S +12 24 100%
LITE-ON - DVDRW SOHW-832S +12 51 100%
Lite-On - LTN483S 48x Max -1164 4 100%
Lite-On - LTN486 48x Max +600 6 100%
Lite-On - LTN486S 48x Max +600 9 100%
LITE-ON - LTR-12101B +688 7 100%
LITE-ON - LTR-12102C +12 1 100%
LITE-ON - LTR-16101B +690 4 100%
LITE-ON - LTR-16102B +12 6 100%
LITE-ON - LTR-24102B +12 32 100%
LITE-ON - LTR-24102M +12 6 100%
LITE-ON - LTR-24103S +12 1 100%
LITE-ON - LTR-32123S +12 14 100%
LITE-ON - LTR-40125S +12 29 100%
LITE-ON - LTR-40125W +12 5 100%
LITE-ON - LTR-48125S +12 3 100%
LITE-ON - LTR-48125W +12 32 100%
LITE-ON - LTR-48246K +6 4 100%
LITE-ON - LTR-48246S +6 27 100%
LITE-ON - LTR-48327S +6 2 100%
LITE-ON - LTR-52246S +6 63 100%
LITE-ON - LTR-52327S +6 87 100%
LITE-ON - LXR-40243 +6 2 100%
LITE-ON - DVD-ROM LTD-166S +12 5 100% (9 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:06

Digital Audio Extraction

LITE-ON - DVD-ROM LTD-16x5H +12 2 100%

LITE-ON - DVD-ROM LTD163D +594 16 100%
LITE-ON - XJ-HD 163 +594 5 100%
LITE-ON - XJ-HD 165H +12 24 100%
LITE-ON - XJ-HD 166 (DVD-ROM) +12 10 100%
LITE-ON - XJ-HD 166S +12 88 100%
LITEON - CD-ROM LTN403 -1164 2 100%
LITEON - CD-ROM LTN483L -1164 1 100%
LITEON - CD-ROM LTN485S -1164 3 100%
LITEON - CD-ROM LTN526D +600 7 100%
LITEON - DVD-ROM LTD-165H +12 3 100%
LITEON - DVD-ROM LTD122 +594 12 100%
LITEON - DVD-ROM LTD163 +594 37 100%
MAD DOG - MD-16XDVD9 +48 2 100%
MATSHITA - CD-ROM CR-585 +103 3 100%
MATSHITA - CD-ROM CR-588 +103 1 100%
MATSHITA - CD-ROM CR-594 +99 2 100%
MATSHITA - CD-RW CW-8571 +103 1 100%
MATSHITA - CD-RW CW-7586 +86 2 100%
MATSHITA - CD-RW CW-8123 +102 1 100%
MATSHITA - DVD-RAM LF-D210 +103 1 100%
MATSHITA - DVD-RAM LF-D310 +103 1 100%
MATSHITA - DVD-RAM LF-D311 +103 1 100%
MATSHITA - DVD-RAM LF-D521 +102 1 100%
MATSHITA - DVD-RAM SW-9581 +102 1 100%
MATSHITA - DVD-RAM UJ-810 +102 1 100%
MATSHITA - DVD-RAM UJ-811 +102 7 100%
MATSHITA - DVD-RAM UJ-812 +102 5 100%
MATSHITA - DVD-RAM UJ-820S +102 6 100%
MATSHITA - DVD-RAM UJ-825S +102 1 100%
MATSHITA - DVD-RAM UJ-831S +102 1 100%
MATSHITA - DVD-ROM SR-8174 +691 1 100%
MATSHITA - DVD-ROM SR-8175 +691 4 100%
MATSHITA - DVD-ROM SR-8176 +103 3 100%
MATSHITA - DVD-ROM SR-8177 +103 2 100%
MATSHITA - DVD-ROM SR-8583 +691 4 100%
MATSHITA - DVD-ROM SR-8585 +691 3 100%
MATSHITA - DVD-ROM SR-8587 +103 2 100%
MATSHITA - DVD-ROM SR-8589 +103 1 100% (10 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:06

Digital Audio Extraction

MATSHITA - UJ-810 +102 4 100%

MATSHITA - UJ-812 +102 2 100%
MATSHITA - UJDA310 +686 1 100%
MATSHITA - UJDA360 +685 4 100%
MATSHITA - UJDA710 +690 3 100%
MATSHITA - UJDA720 DVD-CDRW +690 2 100%
MATSHITA - UJDA730 DVD-CDRW +690 4 100%
MATSHITA - UJDA745 DVD-CDRW +102 9 100%
MATSHITA - UJDA750 DVD-CDRW +102 6 100%
MATSHITA - UJDA755 DVD-CDRW +102 3 100%
MATSHITA - UJDA755yDVD-CDRW +102 1 100%
MATSHITA - UJDA755zDVD-CDRW +102 4 100%
Memorex - 48MAX 244816AJ +6 2 100%
Memorex - 48MAXX 2448AJ +6 3 100%
Memorex - 52MAX 325216AJ +6 1 100%
Memorex - 52MAXX 2452AJ +6 5 100%
Memorex - 52MAXX 3252AJ1 +6 1 100%
Memorex - 52MAXX 3252AJ +6 2 100%
Memorex - CDRW-4420 +685 1 100%
Memorex - DVD+--DLRWL1 F16 +12 3 100%
Memorex - DVD+--RW Dual-X1 +48 5 100%
Memorex - DVD+--RW True8XI +12 1 100%
Memorex - DVD+R-RW 2.4x8AA +120 1 100%
Memorex - DVD-MAXX 1648 AJ +594 1 100%
Memorex - Twelve MAXX 1032 +688 1 100%
Memorex - CD-322E +1268 2 100%
Memorex - CD-482E +1268 2 100%
MITSUMI - CD-ROM FX48++W +694 1 100%
MITSUMI - CD-ROM FX4820T!B +680 1 100%
MITSUMI - CD-ROM FX4830T!B +694 1 100%
MITSUMI - CD-ROM FX4831T!A +694 3 100%
MITSUMI - CD-ROM SR244W1 +694 1 100%
MITSUMI - CR-4804TE +686 5 100%
MITSUMI - CR-48X8TE +733 1 100%
MITSUMI - CR-48X9TE +733 3 100%
MITSUMI - CR-48XATE +733 6 100%
MITSUMI - CR-48XCTE +733 1 100%
MITSUMI - CR-48XFTE +733 1 100% (11 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:07

Digital Audio Extraction

MITSUMI - CR-48XGTE +733 1 100%

MITSUMI - DW-7802TE +48 1 100%
MSI - CD-RW CR52 +6 7 100%
MSI - CD-RW MS-8348 +733 2 100%
MSI MS-8216 16x DVD-ROM +12 2 100%
NEC - CD-ROM DRIVE;282 +680 1 100%
NEC - CD-ROM DRIVE;28D +974 1 100%
NEC - CD-ROM DRIVE;465 +92 2 100%
NEC - CD-RW NR-9100A +685 5 100%
NEC - CD-RW NR-9200A +685 3 100%
NEC - CD-RW NR-9300A +685 5 100%
NEC - DV-5700B +116 2 100%
NEC - DV-5800C +12 5 100%
NEC - DVD+-RW ND-3450A +48 1 100%
NEC - DVD+-RW ND-6450A +48 1 100%
NEC - DVD+-RW ND-6500A +48 4 100%
NEC - DVD+RW ND-1000A +48 3 100%
NEC - DVD+RW ND-2100AD +48 5 100%
NEC - DVD+RW ND-5100A +48 6 100%
NEC - DVD+RW ND-6100A +48 5 100%
NEC - DVD_RW ND-2500A +48 58 100%
NEC - DVD_RW ND-2510A +48 45 100%
NEC - DVD_RW ND-3500AG +48 81 100%
NEC - DVD_RW ND-3520A +48 29 100%
NEC - DVD_RW ND-3520AW +48 1 100%
NEC - DVD_RW ND-3540A +48 1 100%
NEC - NR-7500A +685 1 100%
NEC - NR-7700A +685 4 100%
NEC - NR-7900A +685 2 100%
NEC - DV-5700A +116 6 100%
NEC - DV-5800A +116 8 100%
NEC - DVD RW ND-1300A +48 59 100%
NEC - DVD+RW ND-1100A +48 27 100%
NEC - NR-7800A +685 8 100%
NU - DVDRW DDW-081 +1292 2 100%
NU - DVDRW DDW-082 +1292 2 100%
OEM - CD-ROM 48SSB +12 1 100%
OEM - CD-ROM F566E +691 1 100%
OPTORITE - CD-RW CW5205 +688 3 100% (12 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:07

Digital Audio Extraction

OPTORITE - DVD RW DD0201 +688 1 100%

OPTORITE - DVD RW DD0203 +688 5 100%
OPTORITE - DVD RW DD0401 +689 2 100%
OPTORITE - DVD RW DD0405 +689 12 100%
Panasonic - CD-RW CW-8121 +103 3 100%
Panasonic - CDRW-DVD UJDA740 +102 2 100%
Panasonic - DVD CD-R/RW (CF-VDRRT1) +690 1 100%
Philips - 40x PCA402CD +686 1 100%
Philips - 40X PCA403CD +1268 1 100%
PHILIPS - CDD3610 CD-R-RW +1263 2 100%
PHILIPS - CDD4801 CD-R-RW -436 1 100%
PHILIPS - CDD6911 +733 1 100%
PHILIPS - CDRW-DVD CDD5263 +594 2 100%
PHILIPS - CDRW1610A +733 1 100%
PHILIPS - CDRW48A +733 1 100%
PHILIPS - CDRWDVD2010 +708 1 100%
PHILIPS - CDRWDVD3210 +692 1 100%
PHILIPS - DROM5016 +691 2 100%
PHILIPS - DVD+-RW DVD8631 +618 1 100%
PHILIPS - DVD+-RW SDVD8431 +1292 1 100%
Philips - DVD+RW DVD8601 +618 3 100%
PHILIPS - DVD+RW SDVD6004 +91 2 100%
PHILIPS - DVD+RW-D01 +120 2 100%
PHILIPS - DVD+RW-D28 +120 1 100%
PHILIPS - DVD8631 +618 2 100%
PHILIPS - DVDR1640P +618 5 100%
PHILIPS - DVDR885P +1292 1 100%
PHILIPS - DVDRW1208 +120 1 100%
PHILIPS - PCRW1208 +692 1 100%
PHILIPS - PCRW5232P +738 2 100%
PIODATA - DVD-RW DVR-108DX +48 1 100%
PIONEER - DVD RW DVR-106D +48 6 100%
PIONEER - DVD RW DVR-107D +48 1 100%
PIONEER - DVD RW DVR-108 +48 2 100%
PIONEER - DVD-116RD +102 1 100%
PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-103 +691 1 100%
PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-104 +690 5 100%
PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-105 +690 20 100%
PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-105F +690 1 100% (13 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:07

Digital Audio Extraction

PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-106 +102 46 100%

PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-113 +691 1 100%
PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-114 +690 2 100%
PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-115 +690 19 100%
PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-115F +690 1 100%
PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-116 +102 19 100%
PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-117 +102 10 100%
PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-117R +102 1 100%
PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-119 +102 1 100%
PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-120 +691 17 100%
PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-120S +691 19 100%
PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-121 +102 7 100%
PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-303 +691 1 100%
PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-304 +690 1 100%
PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-305 +690 6 100%
PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-500M +594 2 100%
PIONEER - DVD-RW DVR-103 -54 1 100%
PIONEER - DVD-RW DVR-104 +48 18 100%
PIONEER - DVD-RW DVR-105 +48 54 100%
PIONEER - DVD-RW DVR-106D +48 65 100%
PIONEER - DVD-RW DVR-107D +48 33 100%
PIONEER - DVD-RW DVR-108 +48 46 100%
PIONEER - DVD-RW DVR-109 +48 7 100%
PLEXTOR - CD-R PREMIUM +30 108 100%
PLEXTOR - CD-R PX-230A +738 2 100%
PLEXTOR - CD-R PX-320A +98 8 100%
PLEXTOR - CD-R PX-R820T +355 3 100%
PLEXTOR - CD-R PX-S88T +98 2 100%
PLEXTOR - CD-R PX-W1210A +99 50 100%
PLEXTOR - CD-R PX-W1210S +98 9 100%
PLEXTOR - CD-R PX-W124TS +943 6 100%
PLEXTOR - CD-R PX-W1610A +99 27 100%
PLEXTOR - CD-R PX-W2410A +98 65 100%
PLEXTOR - CD-R PX-W4012A +98 47 100%
PLEXTOR - CD-R PX-W4012S +98 5 100%
PLEXTOR - CD-R PX-W4824A +98 55 100%
PLEXTOR - CD-R PX-W5224A +30 30 100%
PLEXTOR - CD-R PX-W8432T +355 11 100%
PLEXTOR - CD-ROM PX-12CS +681 1 100% (14 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:07

Digital Audio Extraction

PLEXTOR - CD-ROM PX-20TS +681 6 100%

PLEXTOR - CD-ROM PX-32TS +679 14 100%
PLEXTOR - CD-ROM PX-40TS +676 52 100%
PLEXTOR - CD-ROM PX-40TW +676 11 100%
PLEXTOR - CD-ROM PX-54TA +12 10 100%
PLEXTOR - CD-ROM PX-8XCS +681 1 100%
PLEXTOR - DVD-ROM PX-116A2 +102 14 100%
PLEXTOR - DVD-ROM PX-116A3 +691 4 100%
PLEXTOR - DVD-ROM PX-116A +691 6 100%
PLEXTOR - DVD-ROM PX-130A +738 4 100%
PLEXTOR - DVDR PX-504A +48 6 100%
PLEXTOR - DVDR PX-708A2 +30 2 100%
PLEXTOR - DVDR PX-708A +30 108 100%
PLEXTOR - DVDR PX-712A +30 63 100%
PLEXTOR - DVDR PX-716A +30 62 100%
QSI - CD-ROM SCR-242 -1164 1 100%
QSI - CDRW-DVD SBW-241 +733 2 100%
QSI - CDRW-DVD SBW-242 [Purged]
QSI - CDRW-DVD SBW242B +6 3 100%
QSI - CDRW-DVD SBW242C +6 4 100%
QSI - CDRW-DVD SBW242U [Purged]
QSI - DVD-CDRW SBW-161 +733 3 100%
QSI - DVD-ROM SDR-081 +564 2 100%
QSI - DVD-ROM SDR-083 -582 1 100%
RICOH - CD-R-RW MP7060S +685 3 100%
RICOH - CD-R-RW MP7080A +97 1 100%
RICOH - CD-R-RW MP7083A +97 1 100%
RICOH - CD-R-RW MP7120A +97 3 100%
RICOH - CD-R-RW MP7125A +97 1 100%
RICOH - CD-R-RW MP7200A +97 3 100%
RICOH - CD-R-RW RW7040A +685 1 100%
RICOH - DVD+RW MP5240 +91 3 100%
RICOH - DVD+RW MP5240A +91 1 100%
RICOH - DVD-CDRW MP9060 +708 1 100%
RICOH - DVD-CDRW MP9120 +708 1 100%
RICOH - MP6201S +87 1 100%
SAMSUNG - CD-R-RW SW-208B +86 1 100%
SAMSUNG - CD-R-RW SW-216B +97 1 100%
SAMSUNG - CD-R-RW SW-224B +12 4 100% (15 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:07

Digital Audio Extraction

SAMSUNG - CD-R-RW SW-232B +97 1 100%

SAMSUNG - CD-R-RW SW-240B +97 5 100%
SAMSUNG - CD-R-RW SW-248B +733 2 100%
SAMSUNG - CD-R-RW SW-248F +97 9 100%
SAMSUNG - CD-R-RW SW-252B +97 8 100%
SAMSUNG - CD-R-RW SW-252F +145 8 100%
SAMSUNG - CD-R-RW SW-252S +6 7 100%
SAMSUNG - CD-ROM SC-140C +600 2 100%
SAMSUNG - CD-ROM SC-140F +976 1 100%
SAMSUNG - CD-ROM SC-148A +12 6 100%
SAMSUNG - CD-ROM SC-148C +600 6 100%
SAMSUNG - CD-ROM SC-148F +600 2 100%
SAMSUNG - CD-ROM SC-152A +691 1 100%
SAMSUNG - CD-ROM SC-152C +600 4 100%
SAMSUNG - CD-ROM SC-152G +691 1 100%
SAMSUNG - CD-ROM SC-152L +600 3 100%
SAMSUNG - CD-ROM SCR-3232 +686 1 100%
SAMSUNG - CD-ROM SN-124 +564 1 100%
SAMSUNG - CDRW-DVD SM-308B +120 6 100%
SAMSUNG - CDRW-DVD SM-316B +120 2 100%
SAMSUNG - CDRW-DVD SM-332B +120 3 100%
SAMSUNG - CDRW-DVD SM-348B +6 9 100%
SAMSUNG - CDRW-DVD SM-352B +6 14 100%
SAMSUNG - CDRW-DVD SM-352F +6 3 100%
SAMSUNG - CDRW-DVD SM-352N +6 2 100%
SAMSUNG - CDRW-DVD SN-308B +120 3 100%
SAMSUNG - CDRW-DVD SN-324B +120 13 100%
SAMSUNG - CDRW-DVD SN-324F +6 6 100%
SAMSUNG - CDRW-DVD SN-324S +6 1 100%
SAMSUNG - CDRW-DVD SU-324B +6 4 100%
SAMSUNG - CDRW-DVD SU-408B +120 2 100%
SAMSUNG - DVD R-RW SH-W08A +116 3 100%
SAMSUNG - DVD-ROM SD-604 +116 1 100%
SAMSUNG - DVD-ROM SD-606F +116 1 100%
SAMSUNG - DVD-ROM SD-612 +704 4 100%
SAMSUNG - DVD-ROM SD-612S +1182 3 100%
SAMSUNG - DVD-ROM SD-616 +1292 2 100%
SAMSUNG - DVD-ROM SD-616E +12 17 100%
SAMSUNG - DVD-ROM SD-616Q +12 6 100% (16 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:07

Digital Audio Extraction

SAMSUNG - DVD-ROM SD-816B +12 2 100%

SAMSUNG - DVD-ROM 16x SD-616F +1182 10 100%
SAMSUNG - DVD-ROM 16x SD-616T +1182 20 100%
Slimtype - COMBO LSC-24081 +6 2 100%
Slimtype - COMBO LSC-24082K +6 4 100%
Slimtype - DVDRW SDW-431S +12 1 100%
Slimtype - DVDRW SOSW-852S +12 1 100%
SONY - CD-ROM CDU4821 +12 1 100%
SONY - CD-ROM CDU5211 +600 4 100%
SONY - CD-ROM CDU5221 +12 5 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX100E +1160 9 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX120E +1160 1 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX140E +572 8 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX160E +572 5 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX175A1 +12 5 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX185E1 +12 3 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX185E3 +12 1 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX195E1 +12 6 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX210E1 +6 3 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX216E +6 6 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX220E1 +6 10 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX225E +6 6 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX230E +6 8 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX230ED +6 2 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX300E +6 7 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX320E +6 9 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX700E +572 3 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX810E +120 3 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX820E +120 1 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX830E +6 2 100%
SONY - CD-RW MPD-AP20U +120 1 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX0811 +688 3 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX1611 +690 1 100%
SONY - CD-RW CRX230ED +6 1 100%
SONY - CDRW-DVD CRX830E +6 2 100%
SONY - CDU5211 +600 1 100%
SONY - DVD RW DRU-500A +120 32 100%
SONY - DVD RW DRU-510A +120 21 100%
SONY - DVD RW DRU-530A +689 15 100% (17 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:07

Digital Audio Extraction

SONY - DVD RW DRU-540A +691 3 100%

SONY - DVD RW DRU-700A +12 8 100%
SONY - DVD RW DRU-710A +12 16 100%
SONY - DVD RW DRU-720A +12 1 100%
SONY - DVD RW DW-D18A +12 6 100%
SONY - DVD RW DW-D22A +12 4 100%
SONY - DVD RW DW-U10A [Purged]
SONY - DVD RW DW-U14A +120 6 100%
SONY - DVD RW DW-U18A +12 2 100%
SONY - DVD RW DW-U50A +120 2 100%
SONY - DVD+-RW DW-D56A +12 2 100%
SONY - DVD+RW DRU-120A +120 1 100%
SONY - DVD+RW DW-P50A +120 2 100%
SONY - DVD+RW DW-R56A +12 3 100%
SONY - DVD-ROM DDU1611 +594 1 100%
SONY - DVD-ROM DDU1612 +12 16 100%
SONY - DVD-ROM DDU1613 +12 4 100%
SONY - DVD-ROM DDU1621 [Purged]
SONY - DVD-ROM DDU1622 +12 1 100%
TDK - CDRW121032 +99 5 100%
TDK - CDRW121032A +97 2 100%
TDK - CDRW161040 +99 1 100%
TDK - CDRW161040X +688 1 100%
TDK - CDRW241040X +688 1 100%
TDK - CDRW321040B +12 3 100%
TDK - CDRW321040X +688 1 100%
TDK - CDRW401240B +12 3 100%
TDK - CDRW401248UEX +688 1 100%
TDK - CDRW4800B +6 17 100%
TDK - CDRW482448BC +6 3 100%
TDK - CDRW5200B +6 7 100%
TDK - CDRW5201B +6 1 100%
TDK - DVDRW0404N +48 8 100%
TDK - DVDRW1280B +12 1 100%
TDK - DVDRW420N +48 3 100%
TDK - DVDRW840G +30 9 100%
TDK - DVDRW880N +48 3 100%
TDK - CD-RW 24x/10x/40x (241040B) +12 3 100%
TEAC - CD-224E [Purged] (18 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:07

Digital Audio Extraction

TEAC - CD-524EA-B +684 1 100%

TEAC - CD-532E +96 1 100%
TEAC - CD-540E -496 7 100%
TEAC - CD-552E +12 2 100%
TEAC - CD-W224E +685 1 100%
TEAC - CD-W28E +685 1 100%
TEAC - CD-W512EB +685 4 100%
TEAC - CD-W516EB +685 3 100%
TEAC - CD-W524E [Purged]
TEAC - CD-W540E +686 15 100%
TEAC - CD-W548E +12 4 100%
TEAC - CD-W54E +685 7 100%
TEAC - CD-W552E +6 11 100%
TEAC - CD-W552G +6 3 100%
TEAC - CD-W58E +685 4 100%
TEAC - DV-28E-C +102 1 100%
TEAC - DV-516D +102 3 100%
TEAC - DV-516E +594 1 100%
TEAC - DV-W50D +48 1 100%
TEAC - DV-W50E +48 1 100%
TEAC - DV-W516GB +12 1 100%
TEAC - DV-W58G +12 1 100%
TEAC - DVD+RW DV-W58E +686 3 100%
TEAC - DVD-ROM DV-28E-C +102 4 100%
TEAC - DW-224E-A +102 4 100%
TEAC - DW-224E +102 9 100%
TEAC - DW-225 +102 1 100%
TEAC - DW-28E +690 2 100%
TOSHIBA - CD-DVDW SD-R5372 +704 6 100%
TOSHIBA - CD-DVDW SD-R6472 +116 2 100%
TOSHIBA - CD-ROM XM-1902B +94 3 100%
TOSHIBA - CD-ROM XM-6202B +686 1 100%
TOSHIBA - CD-ROM XM-6202S +686 1 100%
TOSHIBA - CD-ROM XM-6302B +98 2 100%
TOSHIBA - CD-ROM XM-6401TA +685 1 100%
TOSHIBA - CD-ROM XM-6402B +94 2 100%
TOSHIBA - CD-ROM XM-6502B +94 1 100%
TOSHIBA - CD-ROM XM-6702B +94 7 100%
TOSHIBA - CDRW-DVD SDR2102 +708 6 100% (19 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:07

Digital Audio Extraction

TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-C2202 +116 2 100%

TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-C2302 -472 2 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-C2402 -472 3 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-C2502 -472 13 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-C2512 -472 2 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-C2612 -472 4 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-M1202 +116 4 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-M1212 +116 12 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-M1222 -472 2 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-M1302 -472 6 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-M1401 -472 1 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-M1402 -472 9 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-M1502 -472 20 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-M1612 -472 70 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-M1712 -472 48 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-M1912 +12 8 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-R1202 -472 2 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-R1312 +116 2 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-R2002 +708 1 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-R2102 +708 17 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-R2212 +116 3 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-R2312 +116 5 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-R2412 +116 6 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-R2512 +116 9 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-R5002 +116 1 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-R5112 +116 8 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-R6012 +116 1 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-R6112 +116 6 100%
TOSHIBA - DVD-ROM SD-R9012 +116 9 100%
TOSHIBA - ODD-DVD SD-M1802 +691 18 100%
TOSHIBA - ODD-DVD SD-R5272 +116 5 100%
TOSHIBA - ODD-DVD SD-R6252 +116 1 100%
TOSHIBA - ODD-DVD SD-R6372 +116 3 100%
TSSTcorp - CD-DVDW TS-H552B +12 15 100%
TSSTcorp - CD-DVDW TS-H552U +12 2 100%
TSSTcorp - CDW-DVD TS-H492A +6 3 100%
TSSTcorp - DVD-ROM TS-H352A +12 4 100%
USB - CD-ROM SC-924U +694 4 100%
VERBATIM - 321240AL +12 1 100% (20 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:07

Digital Audio Extraction

WAITEC - STORM 52-3 +97 1 100%

YAMAHA - CRW-F1S +733 2 100%
YAMAHA - CRW2100E +733 3 100%
YAMAHA - CRW2100S +733 2 100%
YAMAHA - CRW2200E +733 4 100%
YAMAHA - CRW3200E +733 7 100%
YAMAHA - CRW8824S +117 1 100%
YAMAHA - CD-RW 44x/24x/44x (CRW-F1E) +733 37 100%

AccurateRip User Count: 4978 (21 de 21)02/06/2005 2:43:07

The Coaster Factory - Printable Version


*** Updated at 02/26/2002 ***

Welcome to the User Reported Drive Features Database. This database contains a large number of drive specific settings for Exact Audio Copy. If you were able to determine certain settings for your drives, don't hesitate but mail them to us. Even if your drive
is already listed, because the more equal settings are listed for a drive the more certain you can be those settings are correct. Read Help Other Users for more detailed instructions about submitting your settings.

All information in the Drive Features Database is sent in by users and not verified by us. There is thus no guarantee that the listed settings are correct. Therefore this database should be considered for reference only. Always try to
determine the EAC drive settings yourself before looking in the database.

Also note that this database lists the drive settings for use with EAC. It is possible that other software reports different settings.

The number of users that have sent in identical information for a certain setting is listed between brackets. Thus Yes (3) in the list means that 3 different users reported the same
information for that setting. As soon as more users reported the same settings for a given drive you can be pretty sure the settings are correct. When two or more users sent in the
same information the equal settings are colored dark red in the list. In other words, this information is probably correct. When five or more people sent in equal information the
settings are colored green to indicate this information is correct (few chances that 5 users all sent in identical wrong information).

Brand: The manufacturer of the drive and a link to its website (if available).
Model/Type: The model, type and speed rating of the drive and a link to the drive's webpage on the manufacturer's website (if available).
Firmware: The revision of the drive's firmware. ? means that no firmware information was
given. ? / 1.0 means that one or more users reported the same information for this
firmware version (1.0 in this example) as the users who specified no firmware version. 1.5 means the information applies only to firmware version 1.5. <1.4 means the information
applies to all firmwares up to version 1.4. &rt;1.6 means the information applies to all firmwares from version 1.6 and higher.
Accurate Stream: Displays whether or not the drive supports Accurate Stream.
Audio Caching: Displays whether or not the drive supports Audio Caching.
C2 Error Retrieval: Displays whether or not the drive supports C2 Error Retrieval.
Read Command: Displays the drive's Read Command.
Read Offset Correction: The Read Offset Correction in samples of the drive.
Overreading into I/O: Displays whether or not the drive is able to overread into the Lead-In (pregap) and Lead-Out. I means overreading into the Lead-In (pregap) only, O means
overreading into the Lead-Out only, and I/O means overreading into both the Lead-In (pregap) and Lead-Out.
Read CD-TEXT: Displays whether or not the drive supports the reading of CD-TEXT information.
Gap Detection: Displays the drive's optimal Gap/Index Retrieval Method.
Gap Accuracy: Displays the drive's optimal Gap Detection Accuracy.
EAC Write: Displays whether or not EAC supports this drive for writing
Write Offset: The Write Offset in samples of the drive.
Overwriting into I/O: Displays whether or not the drive is able to overwrite into the Lead-In (pregap) and Lead-Out. This should not be confused with overburning!
Write UPC/ISRC:Displays whether or not the drive supports the writing of UPC/ISRC information
Write CD-TEXT: Displays whether or not
Reading Speed: The average reading speed of the drive in EAC with the given settings. Tested with a CD with 74 minutes audio (or as close as possible)
Comments: Important notes about the drive (if any).
?: Unknown - Not specified by the person(s) who reported other information for this drive.
Yes: Supported.
No: Not supported.
NC: Not Constant - Applies to the offsets of certain drives. Those drives are not able to make perfect offset corrected duplicates. (1 de 6)02/06/2005 2:45:16

The Coaster Factory - Printable Version

Accurate Audio C2 Error Read Read Offset Overreading Read Gap Gap EAC Overwriting Write Write Reading
Brand Model/Type Firmware Write Offset Comments
Stream Caching Retrieval Command Correction into I/O CD-TEXT Detection Accuracy Write into I/O UPC/ISRC CD-TEXT Speed

Acer (CD-636A) ? Yes (1) No (1) No (1) ? +686 (1) No (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Acer (CD-650P) ? Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) ? +12 (1) ? ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Acer (CRW6206A) ? Yes (3) No (3) No (3) ? +675 (2) No (3) ? ? ? No (3) ? ? ? ? ?

Acer CD-RW 4/4/32 (CDRW4432) ? Yes (1) No (1) ? ? +740 (1) No (1) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Acer CD-RW 8/4/32 (CDRW8432) ? Yes (1) No (1) No (1) ? +740 (1) No (1) ? ? ? ? -23 (1) ? ? ? ?

Actima CD-ROM (A40T) T0C4 Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +680 (1) I/O (1) No (1) B (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6.6 (1)

- EAC reports different value for Caching on each attempt

AOpen CD-ROM 32x (CD-932E) U10I No (1) ? Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +681 (2) I (1) ? B (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ? - Though some tests say differently, this drive has NOT accurate
stream. Thus set caching to Yes and C2 to No
- Though some tests say differently, this drive has NOT accurate
AOpen CD-ROM 36x (CD-936E/AKU) ? / U21I No (1) Yes (1) No (1) MMC1 (1) +1268 (2) I (1) No (1) B (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.9 (1) stream. Thus set caching to Yes and C2 to No
- If Secure Gap Detection hangs up, cancel and switch to Inaccurate
- Though some tests say differently, this drive has NOT accurate
AOpen CD-ROM 36x (CD-936E/AKW) U22I No (1) Yes (1) No (1) MMC1 (1) +680 (1) I (1) No (1) C (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?
stream. Thus set caching to Yes and C2 to No
- Though some tests say differently, this drive has NOT accurate
AOpen CD-ROM 40x (CD-940E) ? / 1.02 (T02) Yes (4) No (4) Yes (4) MMC1 (2) +1268 (4) I (3) No (1) B (2) Secure (2) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6.5 (2)
stream. Thus set caching to Yes and C2 to No
- Though some tests say differently, this drive has NOT accurate
AOpen CD-ROM 48x (CD-948E) ? Yes (2) No (2) Yes (2) ? +12 (1) I (2) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?
stream. Thus set caching to Yes and C2 to No
? No (1) ?

AOpen CD-ROM 52x (CD-952E) ? Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) ? +12 (1) No (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

AOpen CD-ROM 56x (CD-956E/AKH) A80 Yes (1) Yes (1) No (1) MMC1 (1) -1183 (1) I (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 7.7 (1)

AOpen CD-RW 12/10/32 (CRW1232A) - Rebadged Ricoh MP7125A

AOpen CD-RW 20/10/40 (CRW2040A) - Rebadged Ricoh MP7200A

AOpen DVD 6/24 (DVD-9632) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) No (1) ? +691 (1) I (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Artec CD-RW 4/4/24 - Rebadged Philips CDD-4201

Asus CD-ROM 40x (CD-S400/A) ? / 2.1H Yes (5) No (5) Yes (5) ? +1858 (6) I (5) No (1) ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Asus CD-ROM 50x (CD-S500/A) ? / <3.4H Yes (10) No (10) Yes (10) MMC1 (5) +1858 (11) I (10) No (2) B (5) Secure (5) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 11.0 (2)

- It appears there's quite a big difference in extraction speeds

1.1K 22.6 (1)
between the various firmwares and the firmware is not upgradable

Asus CD-ROM 52x ? Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +1858 (2) I (1) Yes (1) B (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Asus DVD 12x (DVD-E612) 1.12b Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +594 (1) I (1) Yes (1) B (1) Inaccurate (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 10.0 (1)

BCD CD-ROM 36x (36XH) ? Yes (1) No (1) No (1) ? +12 (1) I (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?
BCD CD-ROM 40x (E520C) ? Yes (1) No (1) No (1) MMC1 (1) +121 (1) I/O (1) ? B (1) ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.8 (1)

BTC CD-ROM 52x ? Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) ? +25 (1) I (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Compaq (CR-589) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) ? ? +102 (1) No (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Compaq CD-ROM (CRD-8402B) - Rebadged LG Electronics CRD-8402B

Compaq DVD (DRN-8040B) - Rebadged LG Electronics DRN-8040B

Creative CD-ROM Blaster 36x (CD3630E) ? Yes (1) No (1) No (1) MMC1 (1) +974 (1) No (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Creative CD-ROM Blaster 52x (CD5230E) ? Yes (2) No (2) No (1) MMC1 (2) ? ? ? B (2) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ? - C2 supported according to EAC, but not working reliable.

1.01 Yes (1) +12 (1) I (1) Inaccurate (1) 6.2 (1)

Creative CD-RW 6/4/24 (RW6424E) - Rebadged Ricoh MP7060A

Creative CD-RW Blaster 8/4/32 (RW8432E) - Rebadged Plextor PX-W8432T

Creative CD-RW Blaster 12/10/32 (RW121032E) - Rebadged Plextor PX-W1210TA

Creative CD-RW Blaster 12/10/32 (RW1210E) - Rebadged Lite-On LTR-12101B (2 de 6)02/06/2005 2:45:16

The Coaster Factory - Printable Version

Cyberdrive CD-ROM 40x (400D) 130H Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +94 (1) I (1) No (1) C (1) Inaccurate (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 4.6 (1)

Cyberdrive CD-ROM 48x 130Y Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +12 (1) I (1) No (1) A (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 5.5 (1) - C2 supported according to EAC, but not working reliable.

Delta (OIP-D41T) ? Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) ? +6 (1) I (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Delta CD-ROM 44x (OIP-CD4400B) 3.30 Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +12 (1) I (1) No (1) B (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6.9 (1)

Delta CD-ROM 48x (OIP-CD4800A) ? Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) ? +12 (1) I (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Delta CD-ROM 52x (OIP-CD5200A) ? Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) ? +920 (1) I (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

EXP CD-RW 4/8/32 CRW-785 (CED-8080B) 1.05 Yes (1) No (1) No (1) MMC1 (1) ? ? ? A (1) Secure (1) ? ? ? No (1) Yes (1) ? - PCMCIA drive

Freecom CD-RW 8/4/32 ? Yes (1) No (1) No (1) ? -436 (1) I (1) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Hewlett Packard CD-RW (HP7100) - Rebadged Philips CDD-3600

Hewlett Packard CD-RW (HP7200) - Rebadged Philips CDD-3610

Hewlett Packard CD-RW 4/2/24 (HP8100i) - Rebadged Sony CRX100E

Hewlett Packard CD-RW 4/4/24 (HP8200i) - Rebadged Sony CRX120E

Hewlett Packard CD-RW 8/4/32 (HP9100i) - Rebadged Sony CRX140E

Hewlett Packard CD-RW 10/4/32 (HP9300i) - Rebadged Sony CRX145E

Hitachi (CDR-8335) ? Yes (1) No (1) ? ? +1272 (1) I (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Hitachi DVD 4.8/24 (GD-2500) A012 Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +564 (1) I (1) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 10.0 (1)

Hitachi DVD 6x (GD-2500 BX) ? Yes (3) No (3) Yes (3) ? +564 (3) I (3) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Hitachi DVD (GD-7500) ? / 0008 Yes (3) No (3) Yes (3) MMC1 (3) +667 (2) I (2) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 7.0 (1) / 10.0 (1)

Imation CD-R 8/20 - Rebadged Plextor PX-R820T

Imation CD-RW 4/4/20 ? Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) ? +673 (1) O (1) ? ? ? Yes (1) -12 (1) ? ? ? ?

I/O Magic CD-ROM 56x (DR-CD56) ? Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) ? +12 (1) I (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Kenwood CD-ROM TrueX 40x ? Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) ? +12 (1) No (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 4.9 (1)

- EAC detects C2 error retrieval supported but this feature does not
Kenwood CD-ROM TrueX 52x (UCR-415) Sver2.1 Yes (1) Yes (1) No (1) D8 (1) +12 (1) No (1) ? B (1) ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.0 (1)
work correctly
- None of the Gap detection methods work for this drive. Method C/
Kenwood CD-ROM (UCR-421) 226G Yes (1) Yes (1) No (1) MMC1 (1) +12 (1) No (1) ? C (1) Inaccurate (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 11.2 (1) Inaccurate will return Gap information, but the results are not
consistent with Gap information detected by other CD-rom drives.

Kenwood CD-ROM TrueX 72x (UCR-21) ? Yes (2) No (2) No (2) ? +12 (2) No (2) ? C (1) ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.6 (1)

LG Electronics CD-ROM 32x (CRD-8322B) 1.02 Yes (1) No (1) No (1) MMC1 (1) -24 (1) No (1) No (1) ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.0 (1) - EAC crashes during gap detection with any method and accuracy

LG Electronics CD-ROM 40x (CRD-8400B) ? Yes (1) No (1) No (1) ? -24 (1) No (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

LG Electronics CD-ROM (CRD-8402B) ? Yes (1) No (1) No (1) ? -24 (1) No (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

LG Electronics CD-ROM 48x (CRD-8480C) ? / 1.04 Yes (2) No (2) No (2) MMC1 (1) -24 (2) No (2) ? B (1) ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6.1 (1)

LG Electronics CD-ROM (CRD-8482B) ? Yes (1) No (1) No (1) ? -24 (1) No (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

LG Electronics CD-ROM (CRD-8520B) 1.00 Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) -280 (1) No (1) ? B (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 10.0 (1)

LG Electronics CD-ROM (CRD-8521B) 1.03 Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +12 (1) ? ? A (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 9.4 (1)

LG Electronics CD-ROM 24x (CRN-8241B) ? Yes (1) No (1) No (1) ? -24 (1) No (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

LG Electronics CD-R (CDR-8160B) ? MMC1 (1) +1268 (1) ? -6 (1) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) ?

LG Electronics CD-RW 12/8/32 (CED-8120B) 1.02 Yes (2) No (2) No (2) MMC1 (2) +685 (2) I (2) Yes (2) A (2) Secure (2) No (2) +6 (2) ? No (1) Yes (2) 3.0 (1)

- Drive can record CDs in EAC, but with problems. Set "Do not
1.03 Yes (1) 6.3 (1) eject CD" in the drive options, otherwise you get an error after
burning finished. Also sometimes CD are not burnt correctly

LG Electronics DVD 4/24 (DRN-8040B) ? / 1.12 Yes (2) No (2) No (2) MMC1 (1) +702 (2) O (1) No (1) C (1) Accurate (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.8 (1)

LG Electronics DVD 12/40 (DRD-8120B) ? / 1.04 Yes (2) No (2) Yes (2) MMC1 (1) +594 (1) I (1) Yes (1) B (1) Inaccurate (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 12.8 (1)

LG Electronics DVD 16/48 (DRD-8160B) 1.00 Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +594 (1) I (1) Yes (1) A (1) Accurate (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 12.8 (1)

Lite-On CD-RW 12/10/32 (LTR-12101B) ? / LCS6 Yes (3) No (3) No (3) MMC1 (3) +688 (3) I (1) Yes (2) A (2) Secure (2) Yes (1) -30 (3) ? Yes (2) Yes (2) 5.0 (3)

LS3i No (1) Yes (1) B (1) Secure (1) Yes (1) ?

Lite-On CD-RW 12/10/32 (LTR-12102C) RS0B Yes (1) Yes (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +12 (1) No (1) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) No (1) -6 (1) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) 7.7 (1)

Lite-On CD-RW 16/10/40 (LTR-16102B) OS06 Yes (1) No (1) No (1) MMC1 (1) +12 (1) No (1) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) Yes (1) -6 (1) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) ?

Lite-On CD-RW 24/10/40 (LTR-24102B) V5S07 Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes (2) MMC1 (2) +12 (2) No (1) Yes (2) A (2) Secure (2) Yes (2) -6 (2) ? Yes (2) Yes (2) 15.0 (1)

5S0D 11.1 (1)

Lite-On DVD 16/48 (LTD-163) VGH4N/GH4S Yes (2) No (2) Yes (2) MMC1 (2) +594 (2) No (1) Yes (2) C (2) Secure (2) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 26.0 (2)

Matshita CD-ROM (CR-583) 1.05 Yes (1) No (1) No (1) MMC1 (1) +112 (1) No (1) No (1) B (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.3 (1) - C2 supported according to EAC, but not working reliable.
- Drive queries showed that C2 Error Retrieval is supported, but
Matshita CD-R 4/8 (CW-7502) 3.10 Yes (1) Yes (1) No (1) MMC1 (1) +122 (1) I (1) No (1) A (1) Secure (1) Yes (1) -30 (1) ? Yes (1) No (1) 2.1 (1)
when enabled it causes static in an extracted WAV file
Matshita (CW-7586) 1.08 Yes (1) Yes (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +86 (1) ? Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) Yes (1) +6 (1) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) 5.0 (1)
Matshita CD-RW 4/4/20 (UJDA310) 1.38 Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +685 (1) No (1) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) Yes (1) +6 (1) ? Yes (1) No (1) 6.0 - 10.0 (1) (3 de 6)02/06/2005 2:45:16

The Coaster Factory - Printable Version

- "Spin-up drive before extraction" must be enabled for faultless

Matshita DVD (SR-8584) f15c Yes (1) No (1) No (1) MMC1 (1) +691 (1) I/O (1) ? A (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.9 (1)

Memorex CD-ROM 36x (CD-362E) ? Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +1268 (1) No (1) No (1) B (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 7.1 (1)

Memorex CD-ROM 48x (CD-482E) ? / 3.30 Yes (4) No (4) Yes (4) MMC1 (2) +12 (2) I (3) No (1) C (2) Secure (2) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 7.4 (2)

? +680 (1) ?
? +1268 (1) ?
- No constant write offset?
- Some firmwares before D4.0 do not support Accurate Stream
Memorex (CRW-1622) ? / D4.0 Yes (2) No (2) No (2) MMC1 (1) +675 (2) No (2) No (1) B (1) Secure (1) No (2) NC (1) ? ? ? 1.3 (1)
- On scratched discs Detection Accuracy "Inaccurate" may be

Memorex DVD (DVD-MAXX1240) V0.36 Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +568 (1) No (1) Yes (1) B (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 7.7 (1)

Mitsumi (FX4010M!B) ? Yes (1) No (1) No (1) ? +691 (1) No (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Mitsumi (CR-4802TE) ? / 2.1D No (2) No (2) No (2) MMC1 (1) NC (1) No (2) ? B (1) ? Yes (1) -12 (1) ? ? ? ? - No constant read offset?

Mitsumi 4/2/8 (CR-4804TE) ? / 3.0D Yes (2) No (2) Yes (2) ? +686 (2) No (2) ? ? ? No (1) +6 (1) ? ? ? ?

NEC CD-ROM 32x (CDR-1910A) ? ? ? ? ? +102 (1) ? ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

NEC CD-ROM 40x (CD-3010A) 1.06 Yes (1) No (1) No (1) MMC1 (1) +680 (1) No (1) ? A (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2.8 (1) - May appear as "CD-ROM DRIVE:466" in EAC

NEC (DV-5700A) ? Yes (2) No (2) No (2) ? +116 (2) No (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

OTI Socrates CD-RW 2/2/6 (OTI-975) - Rebadged Philips CDD-3610

Philips CD-ROM 40x (PCA403D) ? Yes (3) No (3) Yes (3) ? +1268 (2) I (3) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6.0 (1)

Philips CD-ROM 40x (PCA403CD) ? / U31P Yes (2) No (2) Yes (2) MMC1 (1) +1268 (1) I (2) No (1) B (1) Inaccurate (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6.2 (1)

+680 (1) ? - Probably incorrect

Philips CD-RW (CDD-3600) ? Yes (2) No (2) No (1) ? +1263 (1) No (2) ? ? ? No (1) NC (1) ? ? ? ? - No constant write offset?

? +1566 (1)
- No constant write offset?
Philips CD-RW 2/2/6 (CDD-3610) ? / 3.09 Yes (9) No (9) No (9) MMC1 (2) +1263 (10) No (8) No (2) C (2) Accurate (2) No (10) NC (7) ? No (1) No (3) 2.5 (1) - Very slow gap detection. Secure possible at extreme slow speed:
1 minute per gap

Philips CD-RW 4/4/16 (PCA460RW) - Rebadged Yamaha CRW4416

- Absolutely inaccurate gap detection with every method at every

Philips CD-RW 4/4/24 (CDD-4201) ? / 1.04 / C12a Yes (4) No (4) No (3) MMC1 (2) +740 (3) I (3) Yes (1) ? ? No (2) +565 (2) ? No (2) No (2) 3.0 (1)
? +433 (1) ?

Philips CD-RW 4/4/32 (CDD-4401) ? Yes (5) No (5) No (5) MMC1 (1) -436 (4) I (4) No (1) A (1) Accurate (1) No (1) -6 (1) ? No (1) No (1) 1.8 (1)

1.4B +565 (1) 2.5 (1)

Philips CD-RW 8/4/32 (PCRW804K) ? / 2.5 Yes (2) No (2) No (2) MMC1 (1) -436 (2) I (1) No (1) A (1) Accurate (1) No (1) ? ? No (1) No (1) 3.2 (1)

Pioneer (DR-A01S) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) No (1) ? +2455 (1) I/O (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Pioneer (DR-A02S) ? Yes (1) No (1) ? ? +1582 (1) I/O (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Pioneer (DR-U12X) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) No (1) ? +691 (1) I (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Pioneer DVD (DVD-103) ? Yes (4) Yes (4) No (4) ? +691 (2) I (2) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Pioneer DVD (DVD-104S) ? Yes (2) Yes (2) No (2) ? +690 (2) I/O (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

? I (1) ?

Pioneer DVD 16/40 (DVD-105) 1.22 Yes (2) Yes (2) No (2) MMC1 (2) +690 (2) I (2) Yes (2) A (2) Secure (2) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.4 (2)

Pioneer DVD (DVD-106S) 1.22 Yes (1) Yes (1) No (1) MMC1 (1) +102 (1) ? Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 4.7 (1) - Slot loading version of the Pioneer DVD-116

Pioneer DVD (DVD-114) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) No (1) MMC1 (1) +690 (1) ? Yes (1) B (1) Inaccurate (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.4 (1)

Pioneer DVD (DVD-115) ? / 1.11 / 1.22 Yes (2) Yes (1) No (2) MMC1 (1) +691 (1) I (1) Yes (1) B (1) Accurate (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.4 (1)

Pioneer DVD (DVD-116) 1.07 / 1.22 Yes (2) Yes (2) No (2) MMC1 (1) +102 (3) I (1) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 4.3 (2)

Pioneer DVD (DVD-304S) ? Yes (2) Yes (2) No (2) ? +690 (2) I/O (2) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Pioneer DVD (DVD-U03S) ? Yes (2) Yes (2) No (2) ? +691 (2) I/O (2) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Pioneer DVD-RW (DVR-103) (DVR-A03) 1.55 Yes (1) Yes (1) No (1) MMC1 (1) -54 (1) ? Yes (1) B (1) Secure (1) No (1) +6 (1) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) 1.5 (1)

Plextor CD-ROM 12Plex 12x (PX-12TS) ? Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) D8 (1) +681 (1) I/O (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6.0 (1)

Plextor CD-ROM 20Plex 20x (PX-20TS) ? ? ? ? ? +681 (1) ? ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Plextor CD-ROM UltraPlex 32x (PX-32TS) <1.03 Yes (9) No (9) Yes (9) D8 (6) +679 (13) I/O (9) No (4) A (4) Secure (4) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 16.2 (2)

Plextor CD-ROM UltraPlex 40x (PX-40TS) <1.04 Yes (15) No (15) Yes (15) D8 (12) +676 (18) I/O (15) Yes (8) A (8) Secure (8) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

>1.10 22.3 (1)

Plextor CD-ROM UltraPlex 40x Wide (PX-40TSUW) <1.04 Yes (2) No (2) Yes (2) ? +676 (1) I/O (2) Yes (1) ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Plextor CD-R PlexWriter 4/12 (PX-R412C) <1.06 Yes (3) No (3) No (3) D8 (3) +355 (4) I/O (3) No (2) A (1) Secure (1) Yes (4) -30 (3) No (2) Yes (2) No (2) 3.8 (1) - Detection Method B also works

1.07 Yes (2) ?

Plextor CD-R PlexWriter 8/20 (PX-R820T) <1.07 Yes (8) No (7) No (8) D8 (3) +355 (9) I/O (8) Yes (2) B (1) Secure (1) Yes (4) -30 (4) No (1) Yes (2) No (2) 4.0 (1)

1.08 Yes (3) ?

Plextor CD-RW PlexWriter 4/2/20 (PX-W4220T) <1.04 Yes (4) No (4) No (4) D8 (2) +355 (4) I/O (4) Yes (2) ? ? Yes (4) -30 (3) No (1) ? ? ? (4 de 6)02/06/2005 2:45:16

The Coaster Factory - Printable Version

Plextor CD-RW PlexWriter 8/2/20 (PX-W8220T) <1.04 Yes (4) No (3) Yes (4) D8 (2) +355 (4) I/O (4) Yes (2) B (1) Secure (1) Yes (4) -30 (3) No (1) Yes (2) Yes (2) ?

1.05 Yes (2) ?

Plextor CD-RW PlexWriter 8/4/32A (PX-W8432T) <1.07 Yes (17) No (15) Yes (16) D8 (4) +355 (20) I/O (15) Yes (3) B (2) Secure (2) Yes (13) -30 (13) No (1) Yes (3) Yes (3) 7.0 (1)

1.09 Yes (4) 4.0 (1)

Plextor CD-RW PlexWriter 12/4/32 (PX-W124TS) <1.06 Yes (6) No (3) Yes (6) D8 (4) +943 (6) I/O (5) Yes (3) B (2) Secure (2) Yes (5) -30 (4) No (1) Yes (2) Yes (3) ?

1.07 Yes (4) ?

Plextor CD-RW PlexWriter 12/10/32A (PX-W1210TA) <1.05 Yes (22) No (15) Yes (23) D8 (10) +99 (19) I/O (17) Yes (15) B (7) Secure (6) Yes (15) -30 (16) No (1) Yes (8) Yes (11) 10.2 (3)

>1.07 Yes (10) 8.5 (3)

Plextor CD-RW PlexWriter 12/10/32S (PX-W1210TS) 1.00 Yes (9) No (5) Yes (9) D8 (6) +98 (8) I/O (8) Yes (6) A (4) Secure (3) Yes (7) -30 (7) No (1) Yes (3) Yes (5) ?

1.01 Yes (2) 8.2 (1)

Plextor CD-RW PlexWriter 16/10/40A (PX-W1610TA) <1.03 Yes (3) Yes (3) Yes (3) D8 (3) +99 (3) I/O (3) Yes (3) A (3) Secure (2) Yes (3) -30 (2) No (1) Yes (3) Yes (3) 10.6 (3)

Plextor CD-RW PlexWriter 24/10/40A (PX-W2410TA) ? / 1.00 Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes (2) D8 (2) +98 (2) I/O (2) Yes (2) A (2) Secure (2) Yes (2) -30 (2) No (2) Yes (2) Yes (2) 7.2 (1)

Ricoh CD-RW 4/4/20 (MP7040A / MP7040S) ? / 1.20 Yes (4) No (4) Yes (4) D8 (1) +685 (5) No (5) Yes (1) ? ? Yes (4) +6 (3) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) 10.5 (1)

Ricoh CD-RW 6/4/24 (MP7060A) ? / 1.30 Yes (5) No (5) Yes (5) MMC1 (2) +685 (6) No (5) No (1) A (2) Secure (2) Yes (5) +6 (5) ? Yes (2) No (1) 5.5 (1)

1.70 Yes (1) ?

Ricoh CD-RW 8/4/32 (MP7080A) ? / 1.30 Yes (3) No (3) Yes (3) MMC1 (2) +685 (3) No (3) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) Yes (2) +6 (2) ? Yes (1) ? 17.8 (1) - Enabling DMA greatly improves performance

Ricoh CD-RW 8/8/32 (MP7083A) 1.20 Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +97 (1) No (1) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) Yes (1) +6 (1) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) 13.1 (1) - Enabling DMA greatly improves performance

Ricoh CD-RW 12/10/32 (MP7120A) ? / 1.20 Yes (2) No (2) Yes (2) MMC1 (1) +97 (2) No (2) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) Yes (2) +6 (2) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) 17.1 (1) - Enabling DMA greatly improves performance

Ricoh CD-RW 12/10/32 (MP7125A) <1.01 Yes (3) No (3) Yes (3) MMC1 (3) +97 (3) No (3) Yes (3) A (2) Secure (2) Yes (3) +6 (2) ? Yes (3) Yes (2) 18.8 (1) - Enabling DMA greatly improves performance

Ricoh CD-RW 20/10/40 (MP7200A) 1.21 Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +97 (1) No (1) Yes (1) ? ? Yes (1) +6 (1) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) 12.1 (1)

Ricoh CD-RW 20/10/40 (MP7240A) 2.02 Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +97 (1) ? Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) Yes (1) +6 (1) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) ?

Ricoh CD-RW 6/4/24/4 (MP9060A) ? Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) ? +388 (1) ? ? ? ? Yes (1) +326 (1) ? ? ? ?

Ricoh CD-RW (MP9120A) ? Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) ? +708 (2) ? Yes (1) ? ? ? +6 (1) ? ? ? ?

Samsung CD-ROM (SC-140B) ? Yes (1) No (1) No (1) ? +682 (1) I (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Samsung CD-ROM (SC-152B) ? Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) ? +600 (1) No (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Samsung CD-ROM (SC-152C) ? Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +600 (1) No (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Tested using ADS Pyro Firewire Cardbus PC Card and Granite

Samsung CD-RW 8/4/32/8 (SM-308B) bs03 Yes (1) No (1) No (1) MMC1 (1) +120 (1) O (1) No (1) B (1) Secure (1) ? ? ? ? ? 3.0 (1)
Digital IDE-to-Firewire bridge board and enclosure

Samsung DVD (SD-606F) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) No (1) ? +116 (1) I (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Samsung DVD 8x (SD-608) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) No (1) ? +116 (1) I (1) Yes (1) ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Samsung DVD 12x (SD-612) bp05 / 0.3u Yes (2) No (2) No (2) MMC1 (2) +704 (1) I (1) Yes (1) C (1) Secure (2) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.5 (2)

Samsung DVD 16/48 (SD-616F) F100 / F101 Yes (2) No (2) Yes (2) MMC1 (2) +1182 (2) I (2) Yes (2) A (2) Secure (2) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 9.3 (1)

Sony CD-ROM (CDU-701) ? Yes (2) No (2) No (2) ? +1122 (1) I (2) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

- EAC may detect another value for Caching on each attempt, so to

Sony CD-ROM (CDU-711) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) No (1) ? +99 (1) I (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?
be safe enable Caching

Sony CD-ROM 48x (CDU-4811) ? Yes (1) No (1) No (1) MMC1 (1) -1164 (1) No (1) ? B (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Sony CD-RW Spressa 4/2/24 (CRX100E) ? / <1.0n Yes (10) No (10) No (10) MMC1 (2) +1160 (10) I (10) Yes (2) A (1) Secure (2) Yes (9) -6 (9) ? Yes (2) Yes (2) 3.2 (2)

Sony CD-RW Spressa 4/4/24 (CRX120E) ? Yes (3) Yes (1) No (3) MMC1 (2) +1160 (3) I (3) Yes (2) A (2) Secure (2) Yes (3) -6 (2) ? Yes (2) Yes (2) ?

1.0f / 1.0j No (2) ?

Sony CD-RW Spressa 8/4/32 (CRX140E) ? / 1.0c / 1.0n Yes (9) Yes (9) No (9) MMC1 (4) +572 (10) I (9) Yes (3) A (3) Secure (3) Yes (4) -6 (4) ? Yes (1) Yes (2) 6.5 (1)

Sony CD-RW Spressa 10/4/32 (CRX145E) ? / <1.0c Yes (6) Yes (6) No (6) MMC1 (2) +572 (7) I (6) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) Yes (4) -6 (5) ? Yes (2) Yes (2) 2.6 (2)

Sony CD-RW Spressa 12/8/32 (CRX160E) 1.0e / 1.0g Yes (2) Yes (2) No (2) MMC1 (2) +572 (2) I (1) Yes (1) A (2) Secure (2) Yes (1) -6 (2) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) 3.2 (2)

Sony CD-RW (CRX1611) TYS3 Yes (1) No (1) No (1) MMC1 (1) +690 (1) No (1) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) Yes (1) -30 (1) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) 11.2 (1)

Sony CD-RW (CRX700E) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) No (1) ? +572 (1) I (1) ? ? ? Yes (1) -6 (1) ? ? Yes (1) ?

Sony DVD (DDU-1621) 1.6 Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +594 (1) No (1) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 9.4 (1)

Teac CD-ROM 24x (CD224E) ? Yes (1) No (1) No (1) ? +684 (1) No (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 4.0 (1)

Teac CD-ROM 32x (CD532S) ? / 3.0A Yes (2) No (2) No (2) ? +92 (2) No (2) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Teac CD-ROM 32x (CD532E-B) ? Yes (4) No (4) Yes (4) MMC1 (1) +684 (3) I (3) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

- Average Reading Speed can go up to 10x only with 3.0B

3.0B 10.0 (1)
Firmware and DAE speed set to 32x with Teac Speed Utility
- Average Reading Speed can go up to 23x only with 3.0A
Teac CD-ROM 40x (CD540E) ? / 3.0A Yes (7) No (7) Yes (7) MMC1 (2) -496 (6) I (7) Yes (2) A (2) Secure (2) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 23.1 (3)
Firmware and DAE speed set to 40x with Teac Speed Utility
Teac CD-R 4/12 (CDR55S) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) No (1) D8 (1) +688 (1) I (1) No (1) B (1) Secure (1) ? ? ? ? ? 2.4 (1)

Teac CD-R (CDR56S-600) ? Yes (3) Yes (2) Yes (2) ? +687 (3) I (2) ? ? ? Yes (2) +6 (2) Yes (1) ? ? ?

Teac CD-R (CDR58S) ? Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes (2) MMC1 (1) +687 (2) I (3) ? ? ? Yes (3) +6 (3) ? ? ? ? (5 de 6)02/06/2005 2:45:16

The Coaster Factory - Printable Version

Teac CD-RW 4/4/32 (CDW54E) ? / 1.1B Yes (6) No (6) Yes (7) MMC1 (2) +685 (3) I (4) Yes (1) B (1) Secure (1) Yes (3) +6 (3) ? Yes (2) Yes (2) 4.0 (1)

Teac CD-RW 8/8/32 (CDW58E) ? / 1.0A Yes (2) No (2) Yes (2) MMC1 (1) +685 (2) I (2) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) Yes (1) +6 (1) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) 11.0 (2)

Teac CD-RW 24/10/40 (CDW524E) 1.0B Yes (1) No (1) No (1) ? +685 (1) ? ? ? ? ? -30 (1) ? ? ? ? - C2 supported according to EAC, but not working reliable.

TDK CD-RW VeloCD 8/4/32 - Rebadged Plextor PX-W8432T

TDK CD-RW VeloCD 12/10/32 - Rebadged Plextor PX-W1210TA

TDK CD-RW VeloCD 16/10/40 - Rebadged Plextor PX-W1610TA

TDK CD-RW VeloCD 16/10/40 (CDRW161040XA) TD35 Yes (1) No (1) No (1) MMC1 (1) ? No (1) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) Yes (1) ? ? Yes (1) Yes (1) 9.9 (1) - System locks up when writing or even detecting CD-TEXT

Toshiba CD-ROM 32x (XM-6201B) ? Yes (1) No (1) No (1) ? +685 (1) No (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Toshiba CD-ROM 32x (XM-6202B) ? Yes (2) No (2) Yes (2) ? +94 (1) No (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Toshiba CD-ROM 32x (XM-6302B) ? / 1012 Yes (2) No (2) Yes (2) MMC1 (1) +98 (2) No (2) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6.8 (1)

Toshiba CD-ROM 36x (XM-6402B) 1008 Yes (1) ? Yes (1) MMC1 (1) +94 (1) No (1) No (1) A (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2.0 (1)

Toshiba CD-ROM 40x (XM-6401B) ? Yes (1) No (1) ? Density (1) ? No (1) No (1) ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Toshiba CD-ROM 40x (XM-6401TA) 1009 Yes (1) No (1) No (1) Density (1) ? ? Yes (1) ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 4.2 (1)

- Reports 'ghost errors' at 4:54. This appears to be a common

Toshiba CD-ROM 40x (XM-6602B) 1017 Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) ? +94 (1) No (1) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8.7 (1)
problem of certain Toshiba drives
- Reports 'ghost errors' at around 15 and 50 minutes. This appears
to be a common problem of certain Toshiba drives
Toshiba CD-ROM 48x (XM-6702B) ? / 1005 / 1007 Yes (4) No (3) Yes (3) MMC1 (2) +94 (3) No (3) Yes (3) A (2) Secure (2) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 9.8 (1) firmware
- The 'ghost errors' problem is fixed in the latest
1007. It's strongly recommended to use that firmware.
Toshiba DVD 5/32 (SD-M1201) ? Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) ? +111 (1) No (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Toshiba DVD 4.8/32 (SD-M1202) ? Yes (6) Yes (3) Yes (6) ? +116 (7) No (6) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

? No (2) ? - Reported the SD-M1212?

Toshiba DVD 6/32 (SD-M1212) ? Yes (2) No (2) Yes (2) ? +116 (1) No (1) ? ? ? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Toshiba DVD 8/24 (SD-C2402) 1015 Yes (1) Yes (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) -1537 (1) No (1) ? A (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.2 (1)

Toshiba DVD 12/40 (SD-M1402) ? / 1010 Yes (2) No (2) Yes (2) MMC1 (1) -472 (1) No (2) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8.1 (1)

Toshiba DVD 16/48 (SD-M1502) 1008 Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) ? -472 (1) No (1) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ?

Toshiba DVD 16/48 (SD-M1612) 1004 Yes (1) No (1) Yes (1) MMC1 (1) -472 (1) No (1) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 7.4 (1) -EAC command-line option "-nomultisession" is recommended

Traxdata CD-RW 4/4/24 Plus - Rebadged Philips CDD-4201

Traxdata CD-RW 4/4/32 - Rebadged Philips CDD-4401

Waitec CD-R 6/24 (WT624) 7.0P Yes (1) Yes (1) Yes (1) D8 (1) +687 (1) I/O (1) Yes (1) ? ? Yes (1) +693 (1) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) 4.5 (1)

Waitec CD-RW 4/4/24 (WT2444EI) - Rebadged Philips CDD-4201

Yamaha CD-R (CDR100) ? No (1) No (1) No (1) ? ? No (1) ? ? ? ? -580 (1)

Yamaha CD-RW 4/2/6 (CRW4260) ? Yes (2) No (1) No (2) ? +169 (1) I (1) ? ? ? ? +13 (2) ? ? ? ? - No constant offsets?

? Yes (1) +171 (1) ?

Yamaha CD-RW 4/4/16 (CRW4416) ? Yes (2) No (3) No (3) ? +168 (2) O (3) ? ? ? No (1) +13 (1) ? ? ? ? - No constant offsets?

+171 (1) +9 (1)

Yamaha CD-RW 8/4/24 (CRW8424) ? / 1.0g Yes (4) Yes (4) No (4) MMC1 (1) +117 (5) O (4) No (1) B (1) Secure (1) No (1) +13 (4) ? ? No (1) 4.1 (1)

Yamaha CD-RW 8/8/24 (CRW8424S) 1.00 Yes (1) Yes (1) No (1) D8 (1) +117 (1) O (1) Yes (1) B (1) Secure (1) Yes (1) +13 (1) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) 4.0 (1)

Yamaha CD-RW 16/10/40 (CRW2100) ? / 1.0G Yes (2) Yes (2) No (1) D8 (1) +733 (2) O (1) ? ? ? Yes (1) +6 (1) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) ?

Yamaha CD-RW (CRW3200E) 1.0b Yes (1) Yes (1) No (1) D8 (1) +733 (1) O (1) Yes (1) A (1) Secure (1) Yes (1) +6 (1) ? Yes (1) Yes (1) 4.3 (1) - External USB drive. Nero ASPI layer used (6 de 6)02/06/2005 2:45:16


Extraction Technology

In secure mode, this program reads every audio sector at least twice. That is one reason why the
program is so slow. But by using this technique non-identical sectors are detected. If an error occurs
(read or sync error), the program keeps on reading this sector, until eight of 16 retries are identical, but at
maximum one, three or five times (according to the error recovery quality) these 16 retries are read. So,
in the worst case, bad sectors are read up to 82 times! But this will help the program to obtain best result
by comparing all of the retries. If it is not sure that the stream is correct (at least it can be said at approx.
99.5%) the program will tell the user where the (possible) read error occurred. The program also tries to
adjust the jitter artefacts that occur on the first block of a track, so that each extraction should be exactly
the same. On drives found to have the "accurate stream" feature, this is guaranteed. Of course, this is a
little bit more complex, especially with some CD drives which have caching. When these drives cache
audio data, every sector read will be read from cache and is identical. I initially implemented two ways of
dealing with the caching problem. First there is an extra option for resetting the cache for use the the old
secure mode (the one being kept for compatibility reasons). In the current beta version, the cache will still
be reset by resetting the drive completely. You might imagine that this would slow down the reading
process very badly.

That is why I implemented three new read modes in version 0.85beta. One really fast mode (up to half of
maximum speed) is only for non-caching, accurate stream CD-ROM drives. The second one could be
used for caching, accurate stream drives and the last one will work with drives that don't have accurate
streams, or do caching. The last two will be much slower, when no read errors occur it will usually
something around a third to a fourth of the drives maximum speed.
For my testing, I am using a Plextor 14/32 drive that does no caching and a Teac R56S-600 drive that
does caching. Furthermore the Plextor 14/32 supports the "accurate stream" feature, so it produces no
jitter artifacts on any stream. For more information on this have a look at the table at the end of this
This program is really damn slow in secure mode in comparison with other grabbers, but the program
checks every sector over and over to get the correct data with high certainty. If you don't like this feature
of EAC and prefer fast copies instead of secure copies, you should use the fast or burst extraction option
in the options menu. But of course in fast mode, the program will no longer be able to find read errors.
Only if a read error occurs in a sector synchronization area, will a sync error will still be displayed. Fast
mode is sector synchronized with 2 blocks of 23 as synchronization blocks. Burst copy is even worse, no
synchronization is done, enabling extraction at maximum speed of the drive. No error checking of any
kind can be performed. At least I implemented a small help. If the stream ever breaks, it will tell the user
in the status report by showing up suspicous positions. Of course this is only heuristic; there needn't be
any errors on that positions; moreover there could be errors that are not found at all.
A new option for selecting the error recovery quality will determine how often these blocks of 16 reads
will be done before giving up and working with the results obtained so far. For bad CDs, low error
recovery quality will be fastest, but high recover quality should give best results.

Gap Technology (1 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


In the new versions of EAC it is possible to detect pre-track gaps. These are the pauses between two
tracks. Usually they are two seconds long and a CD player will display a negative time during this pause.
By enabling the option 'Detect Pre-Track Gaps' it will be possible to detect all gap-lengths by reading the
sub-channel information. Because this information is not stored on the CD directly retrievable, EAC has
to search for the position a track ends. This search is quite fast, but it still takes on average a second per
track. That's why I made it possible to disable it in the options. Besides that option you can choose to add
the gaps to the previous track nevertheless. Otherwise you can choose either to append the gap to the
correct track or to leave it out . A benefit of performing the detection and getting the gap times is the
selection of a range to copy. There the correct times will be displayed. One last word on this topic:
Because these pre-track gaps are found by testing positions, it is possible that it will not be 100% exact.
But in most cases it will be correct.

Automatic Feature Detection Technology

From version 0.8 beta on it is possible to autodetect CD-ROM drive features. For each drive the program
builds a separate drive options page. On this option page this function can be called.
There are two different features that will be checked by EAC: First if the stream is accurate and second, if
the drive caches audio(!) data. Even if the drive has a cache (drive specifications), it does not
automatically mean that the drive uses the cache for audio extractions.
The test for the accurate stream feature should be always correct, but testing for cache will give some
problems with drives that extract audio very slowly (under 4X speed). If results are uncertain (given e.g.
two different results on different tests), you should assume that the drive does caching. The new secure
mode for non-accurate and/or caching drives should work for all drives. The other new read modes are
only a bit faster. If testing for accurate stream only sometimes gives a negative result, then you could
nevertheless try to use the accurate secure mode.

Track Synchronization Technology

Usually CD audio extraction programs will extract one track after another. This could cause some
problems on CD-ROM drives which are not accurate, when using a CD which has no gaps. When this
option is enabled in the EAC options, EAC will synchronize a track with a preceeding track if there is no
silence at the track junction, so track transitions will be free from jitter artifacts (e.g. on live recordings).

Offset Technology (2 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


'Sample Offset' is another new feature of EAC, it will help to always get the same WAVs compared to a
different reader and to prevent generation losses. Nearly all drives can not position the head correctly.
That means if the program tells the drive to read block 10000 it will probably read data somewhere in
block 9998 instead. But this is not visible to the reading program, it won't know if it is really the data it
wanted. Usually the head will be set always to a fixed offset before or after the correct read position. So it
is possible to detect this offset once and use it for all CDs coming afterwards. Because it is a hard task to
determine the exact absolute offset for each drive, I determined it once on my Plextor 14/32. To find out
the offset of any other drive the offset is calculated relative to that absolute offset. To implement an offset
detection for other drives I took some bytes from some common CDs I and my friends own. These are
the reference each CD-ROM drive has to compare with. Of course I have implemented only a limited
selection of CDs that can be used to detect this offset, a list follows below. Sometimes there are different
versions (releases) of the same CD, but only the same press like the one I used will work. That is why
the table below shows a code, that is written on the inner ring of the music CD, that should identify the
release of a CD. The red codes are from CDs which do not work with this test. In time I will add more
CDs to test this offset. Furthermore, drives that have jitter are unable to position their heads correctly. So
you should activate the secure or fast extraction method and moreover if your drive does caching,
activate no-caching emulation. The 'Searching Track Start' algorithm tries to find the correct start position
even if jitter occurs. But this is not always possible, mainly if the drive jitters too much. But it can be
shown that nearly 80% of the reads will get the same results. A drive's characteristic offset can be found
automatically from the CD from on the list of reference CDs. Because of the mentioned jitter error the
value given back is also not 100% sure. You should start the test several times and remember to activate
emulate no-caching if necessary. Then you should get one value that occurs more often than other
SHOULD GIVE BACK THE SAME VALUE! My Plextor 14/32 has an offset value of +679 samples, that
means that 679 samples usually are missing at the end of a wav file.
As different modells of common CD-R writer usually do not add the same offset on writing, it seems that
also big CD manufactures also do not always press the same offset on their CDs. So I determined the
most common offset of pressed CDs and integrated it into the offset detection routines.
Please help us measure more reference CDs. If you have a Plextor 14/32 32x CD-ROM drive, we know
the offset. So all you have to do is run some popular disks from your own collection through it with a
utility you could download here and send me the output.

List of Included Reference CDs

10,000 Maniacs Love Among The Ruins GEFSD-46791

2 Unlimited Hits Unlimited MXCD-680 #2 - 011596
2 Unlimited Real Things ZYX 20302-2 02
4 Non Blondes Bigger, Better, Faster, More! 756792112-2
ABBA Gold - Greatest Hits 517007-202
ABBA The Hits 3 PWKS 507
AC/DC Ballbreaker 755961780-2
Ace Of Base Cruel Summer 07822190212
Ace Of Base Happy Nation - U.S. Version SONOPRESS H-5328 / MRCD3239 A
Adiemus Songs Of Sanctuary
Aerosmith Aerosmith's Greatest Hits CK-57367 F4 1B 14
Aerosmith Get A Grip 930323EE GEFSD-24455
Aerosmith Get Your Wings 1A CK57361 03 D3
Aerosmith Nine Lives CPTP-000004
Aimee Mann Bachelor No. 2 L806 8749 CDS3098 M00401-15 A (3 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


Aimee Mann I'm With Stupid DGCSD-24951

Aimee Mann Whatever 930430JJ 7278721017-2
Alan's Wrench Alan's Wrench L806 7983 PR720 U00120-06A
Alanis Morissette Jagged Little Pill 936245901-2.2 WME
Alannah Myles Alannah Myles #960617XC CD-81956 L386
Alice Cooper Alice Cooper's Greatest Hits 1 3107-2 SRC-04
Alice Cooper Killer CD-2567
Alice Cooper The Last Temptation 01-476594-1013
All Saints All Saints 556004-2 01
Amanada Marshall Tuesday's Child 1LJE1
Amanda Marshall Amanda Marshall 0K8S3 CK80229
Andreas Vollenweider Dancing With The Lion 1A CK45154 05 A
April Wine Rock Ballads H1P2<110>QDL56401
Andrea Bocelli Romanza 5337902 02 &
Angelic Upstarts Reason Why GRAM CD 004 MPO 01
Anouk Urban Solitude DNCD 99680
Anthrax Spreading The Disease 3 90480-2 SRC-01
Art Garfunkel The Art Garfunkel Album 1004611A4
Art Of Noise The Ambient Collection 450996098-2
Astral Projection The Astral Files ABLEX 83367 TRANR 607
Astral Projection Trust In Trance IMPRESSTIPCD5 01 6
B.B. King And Eric Clapton Riding With The King 936247612-2
Babybird Ugly Beautiful SONOPRESS R-6841/ MCD80136 B
Bachman-Turner Overdrive Bachman-Turner Overdrive II 822 504-2
Bachman-Turner Overdrive Best Of B.T.O. (Remastered Hits) 3145582342
Bachman-Turner Overdrive BTO's Greatest 830 039-2
Bachman-Turner Overdrive Roll On Down The Highway 550 421-2 01
Back Street Boys Millennium A0100279604-0101
Bad Religion Stranger Than Fiction 12-477343-10 12
Badfinger Straight Up 81403-2
Barenaked Ladies Maroon 00823X06 CDW-47814 L386
Barenaked Ladies Rock Spectacle 1 46393 RE-1 R04 X1840
Barenaked Ladies Stunt 1 47011-2 02
Ben Folds Five Whatever And Ever Amen CTDP-000024 04
Big Brother & The Holding
Cheap Thrills DIDP-0701159
01-473872-10 11
Billy Joel River Of Dreams
probably wrong offset
Bjork Debut 521 323-202
Bjork Homogenic 539166-2 01
Blind Guardian The Forgotten Tales 8416262@1
Blind Guardian Nightfall In Middle Earth EMI UDEN 8458992 @ 1 (4 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


Immaginations From The Other

Blind Guardian 840332 2 @ 1
Blondie The Complete Picture 321817
Blur 13 UDEN 4991292 @ 1
Bob Marley & The Wailers Legend BMWCD! 846 210-2
Bob Mintzer Urban Contours CD-467 21
Bobo In Thite Wodden Range Cosmic Ceiling
Body Count Born Dead 839802 2 @ 1
Bon Jovi Crossroad 522 936-2 0117-468451-1021
Booker T & The MG's And Now 3 R2 70297-2 SRC*01
Booker T. & The MG's Groovin' R2-70234
Very Best Of Booker T.And The
Booker T. & The MG's 940612A R2-71738
Booker T. Jones The Runaway 89032200 MCAXD-26324
Boston Boston 1A EK34188 42 C1
Boston Third Stage MCAD6188 B6A21M
Boston Walk On #940511K MCASD-10973
Bread Anthology Of Bread 60414-2 SRC##18
Britney Spears Baby One More Time A100272308 0101
Bruce Hornsvy And The Range The Way It Is
Bruce Springsteen The Ghost Of Tom Joad S01481650101-0101 11
Bruno Bertone Orchestra Western Movie Themes 15492
Buckshot LeFonque Music Evolution S0100213771-0101 14
Bypass Unit Dropz Of Obscure Eclipses A0100280627-0101 14
Bypass Unit Green Dreams L791 148425-2XR2-6286-A
Bypass Unit On A Trance-Mission L792 136987-R4-5272-2
Caetano Veloso Livro 536 584-2 01 /
Canned Heat The Best Of CDP 793114 2AR7
Cappella The Remixes ZYX 20305-2 02
Cappella U Got 2 Know 828 486-2 - 00 L7
Cappella War In Heaven 532 626-2 - 00 L7
Carly Simon The Best Of Carly Simon 940616N CD-109
Cat Stevens The Very Best Of SONOPRESS 260 529 A
Celine Dion Falling Into You S0148379210- 0101
Celine Dion Let's Talk About Love S0148915910-0101 182
Celine Dion The Colour Of My Love 4747432
Chase Barefoot L062 74321522692
Cheech & Chong Cheech & Chong's Greatest Hit #940923GG CD-3614
Chemical Brothers Brothers Gonna Work It Out EMI UDEN 8465992 @ 1
Chi Coltrane The Best Of CDCBS-463304 31
Chicago Greatest Hits 1982-1989 1 26080-2 RE-1 SRC=11
Chris de Burgh Beautiful Dreams L003 540 432-2 01 (5 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


Chris de Burgh Best Moves

Chris Gaines Greatest Hits 724352005123
Chris Isaak Heart Shaped World 925837-2 RSA
Chris Isaak San Francisco Days CDM-45116
Chris Isaak Speak Of The Devil #980906L CDW-46849 L381
Chris Sheppard Presents Groove Station 5 74321656712
Clannad Anam #920722I CD-82409
Clannad Greatest Hits #000109 XG 07863678782 L386
Clannad Landmarks #980211B CD-83083 L281
Clannad Legend PD 70188 2893 644 01 #
Clannad Lore #950927XR CD-82753
Clannad Magical Ring B-7664/PD 70003
Clannad Pastpresent #910126E PD-74074
Clannad The Best Of Clannad #970206C 07863666782 L381
Clannad Themes #950220G CD-82737 L381
Collective Soul Disiplined Breakdown CD-82984
Colorbox Train To Chroma City L792 157701-W1-7252-A
Commodores Compact Command Performances MCD06068MD 60116C
Cranberries Bury The Hatchet 990331B 3145246112
Cranberries Doors And Windows 31-91905B
Cranberries Everybody Else Is Doing It, So... 514 156-2 00A L7
Cranberries No Need To Argue 524051-2
Crash Test Dummies God Shuffled His Feet DIDX-020530
Crash Test Dummies God Shuffled His Feet H-6338/4321165312 B1
Crosby, Stills & Nash After The Storm 940730KK CD-82654
Crosby, Stills & Nash Live It Up #900614HH CD-82107
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Deja Vu 756782649-2.2 WME
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young So Far 900911Q CD-1919
Culture Club The Best Of Culture Club
Cyndi Lauper She's So Unusual DIDP-10088 41
Daryl Hall & John Oates H2O PD 84383 2893 851 04 #
David Bowie Hours... 8481572/1
David Wilcox Thirteen Songs 34633CA
Days Of The New Days Of The New OPRSD-30004
Dean Martin That's Amore LORDISC/CD 0224 01
Deep Purple 24 Carat Purple SONOPRESS B-9593 / CDM7520202A
Deep Purple Archive Alive (CD 1) 2642-1-1 ACH80003 DISC ONE
Deep Purple Archive Alive (CD 2) 2641-1-1 ACH80003 DISC TWO
Deep Purple In Rock #960914GG CD-1877 L382
Depeche Mode 101 (CD 1) C-6402/881800-1 A
Depeche Mode 101 (CD 2) C-6403/881800-2 A (6 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


Depeche Mode A Broken Frame

Depeche Mode Black Celebration
Depeche Mode Construction Time Again
Depeche Mode Some Great Reward
Depeche Mode Songs Of Faith And Devotion
Depeche Mode Speak & Spell
CD 1 : 4845742@1
Depeche Mode Depeche Mode - The Singles 86-98
CD 2 : 4845752@1
Des'ree Supernatural S0100249129-0101 29
DEUS The Ideal Crash 524 643-2 01
Die Fantastischen Vier 499 S4942386000-0101 35
Dire Straits Communiqué 800 052_2 70 L7
Dire Straits Love Over Gold
Donald Fagen Kamakiriad 936245230-2 WME
Donald Fagen The Nightfly 1 23696-2 SRC+06 M3S14
Doris Norton Techno Shock SCD 129 PHC
Doris Norton Techno Shock 3 SCD 180 PHC
Dream Theater Awake 756790126-2 WME
Dream Theater Images And Words 756792148-2 WME
EA80 Zweihundertzwei P+O-8884-A2
Earth, Wind & Fire Gratitude S 0246684310-0101 54
East 17 Steam 828 542-2 01
Edie Brickell & New Bohemians Shooting Rubberbands At The Star CD-24192
Edie Brickell Picture Perfect Morning 940709M GFFSD-24715
Eddy Grant Walking On Sunshine CDP 792562 2 AR.3 EMI SWINDON
Elton John Sleeping With The Past DIDX-005994 1
Elvis Presley The Essential Collection 74321228712
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Brain Salad Surgery 258174 A
Emm Gryner Dead Relatives 1ZUT3<0067>DDR004
Enigma The Cross Of Changes H-5504-1/8392362
Enya The Memory Of Trees 063012879-2 WME
Enya Watermark 246006-2 RSA
Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Unplugged 936245024-2
Eric Clapton Pilgrim 936246577-2 01/98
Eric Clapton Strictly The Blues
Eric Clapton Timepieces 8000142 04
Eurythmics Greatest Hits W.O. 17073-10V
Everything But The Girl Walking Wounded
Exodus Fabulous Disaster 88651-2001-2/2001-2-11
F.Mercury & M.Caballe Barcelona 837277-201
F.R. David Greatest Hits
Falco Falco 3 229244362-2.2 WME (7 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


Falco Greatest Hits Z-0614/4321654852 A

Falco The Hit-Singles L012 398423479-2 05/98
Fastball The Harsh Light Of Day 00826V03 HR 622372 L381
Fine Young Cannibals The Raw & The Cooked 828 069-2 01
Fisher Z Going Red For A Salad CDP 794132 2 AR 1
Fischer Z The Best EMI UDEN 8351902 @ 4
Fleetwood Mac Behind The Mask 1 26111-2 SRC=01 CD+G
Fleetwood Mac Greatest Hits 25801-2 01!
Fleetwood Mac Rumours CD-3010
Fleetwood Mac Tango In The Night 925 471-2 SRC-02
Baron Samedi Conducts The
Flowers For Breakfast 534 051-2 50600146 01
Fool's Garden Dish Of The Day L046 8225442 @4
Foreigner Records 756780999-2.2 R
Francesco De Gregori Il Bandito E Il Campione SERR 473996-2
Frank Zappa Freak Out! ZAP 1 MPO 01 @@
Frankie Goes To Hollywood Welcome To The Pleasuredome 450994745-2 WME
Freddie Mercury The Freddie Mercury Album SONOPRESS G-5815/7809992 B1
Fugees The Score S0100184186-0101 12
Garbage Garbage SONOPRESS M-0650/4321295972 A
Genesis Calling All Stations 8446072 @1
Genesis Invisible
Genesis We Can't Dance SONOPRESS F-6901 / GENCD3 B
Georges Brassens Master Serie 832 050-2 L7
George Michael Faith CDEPC-460000 41
George Michael And Queen Five Live 789 418 2@1
George Michael Older 841392 2 @ 2
The Popular Recordings 1938-
Glen Miller 97852RB-1S
1942 (CD 1)
The Popular Recordings 1938-
Glen Miller 97852RB-2S
1942 (CD 2)
The Popular Recordings 1938-
Glen Miller 97852RB-3S
1942 (CD 3)
Gloria Estefan Into The Light 1A EK 46988 12 B
Gloria Estefan Mi Tierra 1A EK 53807 16 C1
Gloria Gaynor The Very Best Of Gloria Gaynor L134 5196652 02
Golden Earring The Very Best Of 1965-1976 DURECO/01.2901.61 01.
Gowan Best Of... 13AT1 CK80306
Gowan Great Dirty World DIDP 70450 11A1
Goya & Carmina Noche Latina EOD CDM01 PHON 510.076-2
Grace Jones Nightclubbing 253 481 A
Grace Jones Slave To The Rhythm 842 612-2 00 L7
Graham Nash & David Crosby Graham Nash, David Crosby 756780770-2 05/98 (8 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


Guano Apes Don't Give Me Names A-24366/4321752232A

Guns'N'Roses Appetite For Destruction F-0932/GED24148B
Guns N' Roses Use Your Illusion I SONOPRESS F-5328 / GED24415 B1
Guns N' Roses Use Your Illusion II DIDX-010510 3
H-Blockx Time To Move I-3486/4321187512D
Haddaway The Album - 2nd Edition H-5797-1/4321182752 D
Haddaway The Drive 991950127728 - 1526-A
Harold Faltermeyer Harold F 255951-2 EM 1 .
Harry Belafonte My Greatest Songs G3647/4321107302 A1
Heart Desire Walks On 02XA2<011>C299627
Heart Dreamboat Annie DIDX 001112-1
Heart Greatest Hits #9108171 WEGK-36888
Heart Passionworks DIDP-020099 2
Heart Rock The House Live EW72<011>C295797
Helloween Keeper Of The Seven Keys-Part I N 0061 MPO 01 @@ 9
Helloween Master Of The Rings I-5687/CSC7150-2 A
Henry Mancini The Pink Panther BPCD5091 # 01
Herbert Tachezi J.S.Bach, Toccata U. Fugue 903174780-2
Herman Van Veen Harlekijn 833 240-2 01*
Hole Live Through This GEFD24631 05
Hootie & The Blowfish Cracked Read View 3 82613-2 SRC**01
Hot Chocolate Platinum (The Very Best Of) 827311 2@2
Indigo Girls Indigo Girls DIDP-071470 B
INXS The Greatest Hits 526 230-2 01
Iron Maiden Fear Of The Dark CDP 799161 2 AO @ 2 -1 -6 NL
Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Peter Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture 415 379-2 02 #
Jacques Brel De 24 Grootste Successen 837 297-2 02
James Horner Back To Titanic S0106 069110 - 0101
James Newton Howard &
Rock Instrumentals CD23 W.O. # 9569-1
James Taylor (Live) (CD 1) 930721FF C2K-47056/1
James Taylor (Live) (CD 2) 930721NN C2K-47056/2
James Taylor New Moon Shine 911004EE CK-46038
James Taylor Sweet Baby James CD-1843 RE-1 941051I
Jamiroquai Synkronized S 0100280704-0101 51
Janet Jackson Design Of A Decade 1986 - 1996 540 400-2 03 /
Janet Jackson The Velvet Rope 84476229
Janis Joplin & Full Tilt Boogie Pearl DIDP-020041 2
Janis Joplin's Greatest Hits (1990
Janis Joplin 101K3 WCK32168
Janis Joplin's Greatest Hits (1999
Janis Joplin DIDP-098645 G4 1A 01
Edition) (9 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


Janis Joplin Farewell Song 0YM43 IDK37569

Janis Joplin Janis Joplin's Greatest Hits 101K3 WCK32168
Jars Of Clay Jars Of Clay #960315XN 01241415802 L386
Jean-Michel Jarre Chronologie 519 373-2 01
Jean-Michel Jarre En Attendant Cousteau FDM 843624-2 MPO 01 @@
Jean-Michel Jarre Magnetic Fields 800 024-2 04 +
Jean-Michel Jarre Oxygene 800 015-2 04 *
Jean-Michel Jarre Oxygene 7-13 S 0 100208238-0101 22
Jean-Michel Jarre Revolutions DCO 837421-2 MPO 02 @@
Jean-Michel Jarre The Concerts In China CD 2: 811 553-2 05 #
Jean-Michel Jarre Zoolook DCO 824750 2 MPO 02 @@@
Sketches For My Sweetheart (CD
Jeff Buckley S0148866110-0102 13
Sketches For My Sweetheart (CD
Jeff Buckley S0148866110-0202 11
Jennifer Rush Credo
Jennifer Rush Movin'
Jewel Pieces Of You 3 82700-2 OLY##03
Jewel Spirit CD-82950
Jim Hall & Pat Metheny Jim Hall & Pat Metheny DIDX-065886
Jimi Hendrix Experience Smash Hits 1 2276-2
Jimmy Page Robert Plant Walking Into Clarksdale 558 025-2
Joan Armatrading The Very Best Of 397 122-2 02
Joan Osborne Relish 526 699-2 01
Joe Cocker Organic
Joe Jackson Big World 396 021-2 04 #
Joe Jackson Body And Soul 395 000 2 00 L7
Joe Jackson Heaven & Hell S 0 100224073-0101 14
Joe Jackson Laughter & Lust F-1952/CD VUS34 A
Joe Jackson Look Sharp! 393 187-2 04 #
Joe Jackson Night And Day 394 906-2 00 L7
Joe Jackson Night Music 39880-2 MO L4722 F
John Coltrane Giant Steps 812272399-2 05/98
John Lennon Ascot (CD 1) EMI UDEN 8306152 @ 1
John Lennon Lennon (CD 4) SONO/D-7100/9752242 S014692
John McLaughlin, Al Di Meola,
Friday Night In San Francisco 800 047-2 02
John McLaughlin Trio Live At The Royal Festival Hall 834 436-2 01
John Mellencamp Mr. Happy Go Lucky 960731DD 3145328962
John Mellencamp Whenever We Wanted 910918K 510151-2
John Miles Rebel 820 080-2 03
Jonathan Richman & The
The Best Of (CD 1) ESDCD786-1
Modern Lo (10 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


Jonathan Richman & The

The Best Of (CD 2) ESDCD786-2
Modern Lo
Kate Bush Hounds Of Love
Kate Bush Lionheart CLP2<011>46065
Kate Bush The Red Shoes
Kate Bush The Sensual World
Kate Bush The Whole Story 46414
Keb' Mo' Just Like You S0148411710-0101
Keith Jarrett Concerts 827 286-2 01 #
Keith Jarrett Invocations (Disk 1) 825 474-2 01 #
Keith Jarrett Spheres 827 463-2 01 *
Keith Jarrett The Köln Concert 810 067-2 09#
Kenny Wayne Shepherd Trouble Is CD-24689
Keith Jarrett The Moth And The Flame (Disk 2) 825 475-2 01 #
Kid Creole & The Coconuts The Best Of ODF 28036-2
Kim Mitchell Greatest Hits 0FPM2<112>Z281057
Kim Mitchell Kimosabe 991005KK 9905700012
King Sunny Ade Juju Music 254770 A
Kiss Alive II (CD 1) 830 932-2 03@
Kiss Alive II (CD 2) 830 933-2 02%
Kiss Revenge 848 037-2 01%
Kruder & Dorfmeister The K & D Sessions (CD 1) SNV K 7073 CDA 02
Kruder & Dorfmeister The K & D Sessions (CD 2) K7073CD B-II #1
Ladysmith Black Mambazo Best Of SH 43098 16208A 02%
Ladysmith Black Mambazo Shaka Zulu 2 25582 @1
Lauryn Hill Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill S0148984310 0101
Led Zeppelin BBC Sessions (CD 1) #97102611 CD-83061/1 L382
Led Zeppelin BBC Sessions (CD 2) #971031FF CD-83061/2 L382
Led Zeppelin Houses Of The Holy #940808II CD-82639 L382
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin III 941204L CD-82678 L381
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV 3 19129-2 SRC=21
Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti CD 1 #941204DD CD-92442/1
Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti CD 2 #941203HH CD-92442/2
Led Zeppelin Remasters (CD 1) 756780415-2/1.4 06/99
Led Zeppelin Remasters (CD 2) 756780415-2/2.6 06/99
Lena Horne Greatest Hits CLASSIC7520
Lenny Kravitz Mama Said 786209 2@1
Leonard Cohen So Long, Marianne
Leonard Cohen Songs Of Love And Hate CDCBS-32219 12
Leonard Cohen The Future S0147249810-0101 63
Level 42 A Physical Presence 825 677-2 02 #
Level 42 Level Best 841 399-2 01 # (11 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


Level 42 Love Games 821 935-2 02 #

Leyers, Michiels & Soulsister Simple Rule 780740 @ 3
Ligabue Ligabue (Primo Album) 9031-71560-2
Litfiba El Diablo 9031-72780-2
Litfiba Mondi Sommersi EMI 8557422
Live Secret Samadhi S RAD 11590 06
Live The Distance To Here 00088 111 966-2 02 +
Live Throwing Copper RARD10997 A51003LK
Lorenzo 1999 Capo Horn 546 170-2
Lou Reed New York 759925829-2
Madness Divine CDV 2692
Madonna Bedtime Stories 936245767-2 WME
Madonna Like A Prayer
Madonna Like A Vigrin WEA 9 25181-2
Madonna Ray Of Light 936246847-2
Madonna The First Album 23867-2@1
Madonna True Blue 925442-2
Manowar Fighting The World 756790563-2 WME
Manowar Kings Of Metal 756781930-2 WME
Manowar Triumph Of Steel 756782423-2.2 WME
Manteca Extra Extra #911005J DSRD-31069
Marco Masini L'Amore Sia Con Te 991950133352 - 2641-B
Marco Masini Marco Masini 991950102203 - 1420-B
Marco Masini Scimmie 74321628272
Marco Masini T'Innamorerai 991950114078 - 1251-A
Mariah Carey Butterfly S0148853710
Mariah Carey Mariah Carey 3A CK45202 26 B
Marillion Fugazi CDP 7 46027 2
Marla Glen This Is Marla Glen
Matt Bianco Whose Side Are You On 240 472-2 2895 269 01#
McLaughlin, Di Meola, De Lucia Friday Night In San Francisco 800 047-2 02
Meat Loaf Bat Out Of Hell II 839067 2@3
Meat Loaf The Very Best Of (CD 1) EMI UDEN 8468252 @ 1
Meat Loaf The Very Best Of (CD 2) EMI UDEN 8468262 @ 2
Meredith Brooks Blurring The Edges EMI UDEN 8369192
Metal Church The Dark DIDX 995 21A1
Metallica And Justice For All 2 60812-2 SRC-04
Metallica Garage Inc. (CD 1) 5383522 01
Metallica Garage Inc. (CD 2) 5383532 02
Metallica Kill 'Em All 2 60766-2 SRC-03
Metallica Load 532618-202 (12 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


Metallica Master Of Puppets 838 141-2 01

Metallica Metallica 510 022-2 00B L7
Metallica Reload
Metallica Ride The Lightning 318-028-003-A
Metallica S & M (CD 1) 07314 546 798-2 01
Metallica S & M (CD 2) 07314 546 799-2 01
Michael Franks Objects Of Desire 256973 SRC-01
Michael Jackson Bad CDEPC-450290 123 A1
Michael Jackson Dangerous 01-465802-10 83
Michael Jackson Thriller 85930 41
Michael Jackson Thriller 35 8P-11 91A2
Midnight Oil Breathe CK91113
Midnight Oil Earth And Sun And Moon #930322CC CK-53793
Mike Oldfield Crises CDV2262 100441 02
Mike Oldfield Heaven's Open
Mike Oldfield Mike Oldfield Boxed (CD 1) SONOPRESS F-1355 / CD BOX1-1 A
Mike Oldfield Mike Oldfield Boxed (CD 2) SONOPRESS D-1380/CDBOX1-2 A
Mike Oldfield Mike Oldfield Boxed (CD 3) SONOPRESS D-6487/CDBOX1-3 A
Mike Oldfield Music Wonderland
Mike Oldfield Orchestral Tubular Bells S VVIPD 101 01
Mike Oldfield The Songs Of Distant Earth
Mike Oldfield Tubular Bells 2 4500990618-2
Mike Oldfield Voyager
Miles Davis Doo-Bop 759926938-2.2 WME
Miles Davis Kind Of Blue S0106493510-0101 14
Milli Vanilli Girl You Know It's True W.O. 11591-4 ARCD8592
Moondog Jr. Every Day I Wear A Greasy Black 524 157_2 90 L7
Morcheeba Fragments Of Freedom 857383409-2
Moss Music Group Ultimate Test CD GZ C60311 WMCD 112
Motley Crue Too Fast For Love 755960174-2 RSA
Murray Head Watching Ourselves Go By 846 405-2 00 L7
Musik Research Cocorico 3 SCD 310 PHC 1523-A
Musical Highlights From Miss Saigon
Highlights From The Phantom Of
The Opera
Musical West Side Story
Nat King Cole The Unforgettable CDP 7992302
Natalie Merchant Tigerlily 920607MM CD-61745
Nazareth Hot Tracks VPCD-3226
Nazareth The Singles Collection CCSCD 280 MPO 01
Nazareth The Best Of Nazareth LA41 157 402
Nik Kershaw The Best Of Nik Kershaw (13 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


Nina Hagen Band Nina Hagen Band CDCBS-83136 11

Nine Inch Nails Pretty Hate Machine 4R TVT 2601-2 SRC=02
Nirvana In Utero GED 24536
Nirvana Nevermind DGCD24425 06
No Doubt No Doubt INTMD-92109
No Doubt Tragic Kingdom #961022GG INTD-92580 L382
Orchestre de Paris Ravel - Bolero 400 061-2 03 #
Ozzy Osbourne No More Tears 01-467859-10 11
Ozzy Osbourne Ozzmosis S0148102210-0101 31
Paolo Conte Collezione 258 902 A
Pat Metheny Group Imaginary Day CDW-46791
Paul McCartney Off The Ground 780362 2
Paul Simon Graceland 7599 25447-2 2896 429 01 *
Paul Simon Still Crazy After All Those Year DIDP-10195 11A1
Peggy Lee All-Time Greatest Hits Volume 1 77379-2 MO L3106K
Pet Shop Boys DISCO2
Pete Townshend White City 3 90473-2 SRC=10
Peter Gabriel Ovo UDEN 8495400 @ 1
Peter Gabriel Passion DIDX-005048 10
Peter Gabriel So PGCD-5 11
Peter, Paul And Mary Peter, Paul And Mary 1 1449-2 SRC=04
Phil Collins Face Value 2 99143 SRC 01
Pink Floyd Animals 125158-03 2A DIDP 093917 01
Pink Floyd Dark Side Of The Moon UDCD 517 5C (ORIG. MASTER REC.)
Dark Side Of The Moon (20Th
Pink Floyd WP01<011>E281479
Anniversary Edition)
Pink Floyd The Division Bell 7243 8 28984 2 9
Pink Floyd The Final Cut 2A DIDP 093922 01
CD 1 : 746036 2 3
Pink Floyd The Wall
CD 2 : 746037 2 4
Portishead Portishead 539189-2 03
Queen A Kind Of Magic CDP 746267 2 AR
Queen A Night At The Opera 789492 2 @ 2
Queen Greatest Hits 746033 2 AR 3
Queen Greatest Hits II 797971 2 AR @1
Queen Innuendo 795887 2 00 @3
Queen Jazz 789495 2 @ 4
Queen Made In Heaven M-4684/4835542A
Queen News Of The World 789494 2 @ 1
Queen Queen I 746204 2 AR 10
Queen The Miracle C-7698/CDP7923572 A
Queen The Works CDP 746016 2 AR.4 (14 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


R.E.M. Automatic For The People 936245055-2.2 WME

R.E.M. Eponymous P90819C IRSXD-6262
R.E.M. Out Of Time 116047-D7-1331-2
R.E.M. UP 9362-47112-2
Radiohead OK Computer 8552292 2
Radiohead The Bends EMI UDEN 8296262 @ 2
Rancid ...And Out Come The Wolves A0100183294-0101 21
Ray Brown & Laurindo Almeida Moonlight Serenade 123/1CD 504071
Reo Speedwagon The Hits 1A EK44202 23 B
Rexanthony Audax 1840969 REX004-CD 5507
Rexanthony Cocorico 2 SCD240 PHC 1420-B
Rexanthony Earthquake CD1 1840AN1 REX005-CD/1 5218 7414
Rexanthony Earthquake CD2 1840A1N REX005-CD/2 1228 7419
Rexanthony Fine Pleasure 1840823 REX003CD 5516
Rexanthony Polaris Dream SOCD 244 PHC 1547-A
Rexanthony Techno Shock 4 SCD 220 PHC
Rexanthony Techno Shock 5 - Future Shock 5 SCD 270 PHC 01 @
Rexanthony Techno Shock 6 - Future Shock 6 1840589 PHC SCD 400 1609-A
Rexanthony Techno Shock Seven 1840773 REX001 4416
Robbie Robertson Robbie Robertson CGEFD-24160
Robert Miles Dreamland (First Edition) DBX030 - 1622-A
Rockell What Are You Lookin' At 76869750092
Rolling Stones Beggars Banquet 7539-2
Rolling Stones Big Hits (High Tide&Green Grass) 3M9/8001-2
Rolling Stones Bridges To Babylon 8449092 @1
Rolling Stones Dirty Work VCK-40250
Rolling Stones More Hot Rocks (CD 1) 9D1/6267-2 CD1
Rolling Stones More Hot Rocks (CD 2) 3LX/6267-2-2
Rolling Stones No Security 724384674021
Rolling Stones Sticky Fingers VCK-40488
Rolling Stones The Rolling Stones 820 047-2 01 #
Rolling Stones Voodoo Lounge 839782 2 @ 3
Roxette Joyride 796048 2 A0 2
Roxette Look Sharp! 791098 2 00 @ 1
Roxette Tourism 7999292 13
Roy Orbison The All Time Greatest Hits Of CDMNT-67290 11
Rush Test For Echo ANSD-1073
Sade The Best Of Sade
Samhain Initium A31. @ 1
Santana Supernatural Z-7133/7822190802
Sarah McLachlan Surfacing 067003011624RMCA (15 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


Sarah Vaughan Perdido! Live At Birdland 1953 NI4004

Rough And Tough And Dangerous
Scooter A708844-01
Rough And Tough And Dangerous
Scooter A708844-02
Seal Seal 940511II CD-96256
Sesamstrasse Live 1-2-3...Wir Träumen! A15112/4321714522
Sex Pistols Flogging A Dead Horse CDV 2142 / B-5399 A
Shania Twain Come On Over 558000-2 01
Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow 961005XH 3145405872
Simple Minds Glittering Prize
Simple Minds The Street Fighting Years
Sinead O'Connor Faith And Courage CD-83337
Sisters Of Mercy First And Last And Always 240616-2
Sisters Of Mercy Floodland 242246-2
Sisters Of Mercy Some Girls Wander By Mistake 9031-76476-2
Sisters Of Mercy Vision Thing 9031-72663-2
Skeptiker Harte Zeiten 084-80262
Slayer Reign In Blood DIDX-2036
Slayer Show No Mercy 71034-2 (V)
Slayer South Of Heaven DIDX-003551
Smash Mouth Astro Lounge 990517CC INTD-90316 L382
Smashing Pumpkins Machina - The Machines Of God 724384893620
Smashing Pumpkins Zero 38545
Sniff 'n' The Tears The Very Best Of CDWIK102 10160591 01 &
Sonic Youth Goo 0064536000000 01
Soundgarden Down On The Upside 540 526-2 01 +
Soundgarden Superunknown 540 215-2 01
Soundtrack Sesamstrasse 25 Hits Aus 25 Jahren T-9135/4321542342A
Soundtrack Armageddon
Soundtrack Batman 1 25977-2 SRC+03
Soundtrack Evita 936246450 -2
Soundtrack Hair - Original Broadway Cast 1150 2RC
Soundtrack Moonstruck DIDX 003111 1
Soundtrack Once Upon A Time In The West C-2618/ND71704D
Soundtrack Pretty Woman 793492 2 AR 4
Soundtrack Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves 2959 20 0042 01@
Soundtrack Stealing Beauty 724383743629
Soundtrack The Bodyguard 07822186992 1C
Soundtrack The Crow 3 82519-2 SRC@@01
Soundtrack Star Trek Insurrection GNPD 8059-2
Soundtrack The Bodyguard (16 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


Soundtrack The Crow 3 82519-2 SRC@@01

Soundtrack The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Soundtrack Titanic S0106321310-0101

Soundtrack The Buddy Holly Story 6YN/ACD-1281

Soundtrack The Crying Game W5X1<011>K289024
Soundtrack The Doors CD-61047
Soundtrack The Matrix 936247390-2 03/99
The Matrix - Music From The
Soundtrack 6026.2 P+O-42759-A1 04-99
Motion Picture
Soundtrack The Who's Tommy 0902662522-2
Soundtrack Ultima Ascension OW684 9264 1407537
Soundtrack - Original London
The Rocky Horror Show 3 R2 70792-2
Spandau Ballet The Twelve Inch Mixes
Spice Girls Forever 72438504670
Spice Girls Spice 8421742 @ 1
Spirit Of The West Faithlift CD-93645
Spirit Of The West Labour Day SPCD-1123
Spirit Of The West Open Heart Symphony 960409XN CD-14600
Stan Getz With Guest Art. Laurindo Almeida 823 149-2 02#
Status Quo Rocking All Over The Years 846 797-2 01 /
Stealers Wheel The Very Best Of EOD CDM01 ARC 01 3630 61
Steely Dan A Decade Of Steely Dan MRCAD 5570 M4E2
Stephan Micus Twilight Fields 835 085-2 01
Steppenwolf 16 Greatest Hits MCAD-37049
Born To Be Wild - Retrospective
Steppenwolf MCAD10389-1
(CD 1)
Born To Be Wild - Retrospective
Steppenwolf MCAD10389-2
(CD 2)
Steppenwolf Steppenwolf MCAD-31020
Steve Miller Band Greatest Hits EAGCD 032 MPO 01 @@ 4
Steve Miller Band Italian X-Rays 822 823-2 01 #
Sting Brand New Day 4904512 02 6
Sting Fields Of Gold 540 321-2 0 1
Sting Mercury Falling
Sting Nothing Like The Sun 393 912-2 07%
Sting Ten Summoner's Tales 540 075-2 01
Sting The Soul Cages 396 405-2 01
Sting The Very Best Of Sting 540 321_2 00 L7
Stratovarious Visions TT 00312 MPO 11 @@@@ 1
Super Hits Of The '70s Have A Nice Day Volume 4 R2-70924
Supertramp Breakfast In America A&M 393 708-2 (17 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


Supertramp Crime Of The Century #970501E CD3647

Talk Talk (Natural History) The Very Best Of CDP 793976 2AR3
Tanita Tikaram Ancient Heart 243877-2.2 RSA
Tanita Tikaram The Sweet Keeper 9 26091-2
Tear For Fears Tears Roll Down
Ten Sharp Under The Waterline 17-468451-1021
The Alan Parsons Project The Instrumental Works
The Art Of Noise Below The Waste 450995911-2 WME
The Beach Boys Pet Sounds Sessions (CD 4) 837666 2 . 3 EMI SWINDON
The Beach Boys Pet Sounds 837666 2 . 3 EMI SWINDON
The Beach Boys Summer In Paradise BBR 727 02
The Beach Boys The Pet Sounds Sessions (CD 1) 837663 2 . 3 EMI SWINDON
The Beach Boys The Pet Sounds Sessions (CD 2) 837664 2 . 1 EMI SWINDON
The Beach Boys The Pet Sounds Sessions (CD 3) 837665 2 . 1 EMI SWINDON
The Beach Boys Made In The U.S.A. 46324 1-2-18 CAPITOL JAX 29 D
The Beatles Abbey Road 46466
The Beatles Anthology 3 (CD 1) 724383445226CARE 1
The Beatles Anthology 3 (CD 2) 724383445325CARE 1
The Beatles Magical Mystery Tour CDP 748062-2
The Beatles Past Masters Volume One AAN/C2-90043
The Beatles Past Masters Volume Two CDP 790044 2 AR
The Beatles Please Please Me CDP 746435 2AR4
The Beatles Sgt.Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club CDP 7 46442 2
The Beatles Yellow Submarine Songtrack UDEN 5214812@1
The Benedictine Monks Of
Chant 5 CDC 55138-2 SRC**01
Santo D
The Chemical Brothers Exit Planet Dust 840540 2 . 3 EMI SWINDON
The Commodores Commodores Hits Vol I EOD ARC 3807 62/1 01)
The Commodores Commodores Hits Vol II EOD CDM01 ARC 3807.62/2
The Corrs In Blue 756783352-2 06/00
The Corrs Unplugged 756780986-2 10/99
The Cure Pornography 827 688-2 01 *
The Dandy Warhols 13 Tales From Urban Bohemia 724385778728
The Doors Greatest Hits WTVD-61860
The Doors The Best Of The Doors (2000) WTVD-62468
The Doors The Best Of The Doors (CD 1) 7559-60345-2
The Doors The Best Of The Doors (CD 2) 7559-60345-2
The Doors The Doors 921118II CD-740007
The Drifters Special Editions 812271230-2 WMME
The Eagles The Very Best Of 954832375-2.2 WME
The Frank Cunimondo Trio Feelin' Good MPV 100401
The Gathering Nighttime Birds 77168-2 (18 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


The Guess Who Track Record (CD 1) KCD2-7115/1

The Guess Who Track Record (CD 2) KCD2-7115/2
The Hollies 20 Golden Greats CDP 746238-2
The Hollies All-Time Greatest Hits CPCD 77377 S0824B
The Hollies Epic Anthology 901019CC WEGK-46161
The Hollies Greatest Hits EK32061
The Hollies The Best Of The Hollies 0D0V3<011>S256697
The Jacksons Live DIDP-10817 11
The Jam Wasteland PWKS4129P 10203241 02 %
The Original Bossa Nova
The Legendary Joao Gilberto C2-93891 S2314I
The London Philharmonic Vivaldi - 4 Seasons EC 1006 2898 541 01 /
The Mamas & The Papas 16 Of Their Greatest Hits 254 250-2 SRC-01
The Mamas & The Papas Monday Monday
The Monkees Greatest Hits 260 174 A
The Moody Blues The Best Of 535 800-2 01>
The Moody Blues This Is The Moody Blues (CD 1) 820 157-2 01 +
The Moody Blues This Is The Moody Blues (CD 2) 820 158-2 01 #
The Pebbles The Story Of (1964-1994) EOD ARC 2101145 01
The Police Greatest Hits 540 030-2 00 L7
The Prodigy Experience Y4699 - 2 61365-2 03
The Prodigy Music For The Jilted Generation 1735004 PHC UDP-CD1021 1637-B
The Prodigy The Fat Of The Land 3395517 NR1150-2 1247
The Psychedelic Furs Talk Talk Talk DIDP 70008
The Tragically Hip Day For Night (CD 1) 990702HH 01215355921 L382
The Tragically Hip Day For Night MCASD-11140
The Tragically Hip Fully Completely 0121535602
The Tragically Hip Live Between Us 970402F UMSSD-81055
The Tragically Hip Music@Work 0121578742
The Tragically Hip Phantom Power UMSSD-81083
The Tragically Hip Road Apples MCAMD-10173
The Tragically Hip Trouble At The Henhouse 960406XB MCSSD-81011
The Tragically Hip Up To Here MCAMD-6310
The Who It's Hard MCAD 25986 1D
The Who Magic Bus MCAD-31333
The Who Quadrophenia CD 2 960624KK MCAD2-11463/2
The Who Quadrophenia CD1 960624JJ MCAD2-11463/1
The Who Tommy 960813E MCASD-11417
The Who Who's Greatest Hits 930627AA MCAMD-1496
The Who Who's Next 900720B MCAMD-37217
They Might Be Giants Flood 2 60907-2 SRC##05
Thomas Dolby The Flat Earth CDP 7 460282 (19 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


TLC Fanmail 73008 26055 2

Tom Waits Rain Dogs SONOPRESS/610486 SA7118
Tom Waits Small Change 960612-2 RSA
Ton Steine Scherben Keine Macht - Für Niemand ! EFA 02007-26
Ton Steine Scherben Warum Geht Es Mir So Dreckig EFA 02008
Tori Amos From The Choirgirl Hotel 7567830952 A
Toure Kunda Live CELCD 6106 (V)
Traveling Wilburys Traveling Wilburys Volume 3 #901011A CD-26324
U96 Das Boot 513 185-2 01 /
Ultravox Dancing With Tears In My Eyes
Valdy & Gary Fjellgaard Contenders DADR 1T732<0379>SPCD 1262
Vangelis 1492
Vangelis Oceanic
Vangelis Themes
Various Artists 400% Dance Hits 5255752
Various Artists All Star The Tour Album PR2-3271
Various Artists Beethoven Wrote It - But It Swings DIDP-088048 1
Various Artists Big Shiny Tunes 970111XE MCSSD-81026 L386
Various Artists Billboard Top Hits 1976 J3P2<011>R270671
Various Artists Billboard Top Hits 1977 R2 70672-2
Various Artists Billboard Top Hits 1981 R2-70676
Various Artists Billboard Top Movie Hits 1955-59 R2-72422 A6 0321MA
Various Artists Bolero 15503 S8B12D
Various Artists Dance Mix USA 96 QRSPD-1244
Various Artists De Pre Historie 1960 EOD BOD01 BMG 74321162162
Various Artists De Pre Historie 1970 SONOPRESS 260 742 A
Various Artists De Pre Historie 1980 SONOPRESS 261780 A
Various Artists Donovan - Island Of Circles MUC2<111>W230075
Various Artists Euro Traxx 2 DAN40162
Various Artists Feelings 2 D-8679/77612-0
Various Artists Freestyle Lifestyle PR2-3278
Various Artists Hair Original Broadway Cast 1150 2RC
Various Artists Lambada #P91106K CGK-90819
Various Artists Life Of The Party PR2-3120
Various Artists Much More Music Volume 2 00517X16 3145413022 L386
Various Artists Out Of The Blue #9409723CC ZK-80202
Various Artists Paint It Blue 7697421462
Various Artists Pop Memories 1950 - 54 R2 71579-2
Various Artists Rock Ballads 4 954833711-2 WME
Various Artists Rock Garden EMI 8315892 01
Various Artists Rock Garden 3 EMI 8340692 02 (20 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


Various Artists Rock Super Stars 8405342 - K-8890 A

Various Artists Solo Latino DMK81027
Various Artists Super Hits Of The 70s Vol. 2 921219A RS-70922
Various Artists The Tarantino Connection SONOPRESS R-7233/ MCD80325 A
Various Artists Top Hits 90-95 (CD 1) EOD BODO1 ARC 0110154/1
Various Artists Top Hits 90-95 (CD 2) EOD BODO1 ARC 0110154/2
Viktor Lazlo Sweet, Soft & Lazy 521 122-2 02
Violent Femmes Hallowed Ground 820093-2
Westernhagen Affentheater 450997018-2.2 WME
Whitney Houston My Love Is Your Love X-7098/7822190372
Whitney Houston The Preachers Wife 441252
Wiener Philharmoniker Dvorak / Symphonie No. 9
Wild Strawberries Twist 00810W06 7697422012 L382
Wim Mertens Best Of A0100231424-0101 15
Xavier Cugat And His
Cugie-A-Go-Go IFPI L238 VSD5790 1J
Xavier Naidoo Nicht Von Dieser Welt S1248986913-0101 104
Yello Baby 848 791-2 01
Yello Flag 836 426-2 03 #
Yello You Gotta Say Yes To Another Exc 812 166-2 03 %
Yes Talk 422828489-2
ZZ Top One Foot In The Blues 936245815-2
ZZ Top Rhythmeen #960903XD 07 863669562 L386

List of newly added reference CDs (for 0.9pb11)

10,000 Maniacs Love Among The Ruins GEFSD-46791

Ace Of Base Cruel Summer 07822190212
Aerosmith Aerosmith's Greatest Hits CK-57367 F4 1B 14
Aerosmith Get A Grip 930323EE GEFSD-24455
Aerosmith Get Your Wings 1A CK57361 03 D3
Aerosmith Nine Lives CPTP-000004
Aimee Mann Bachelor No. 2 L806 8749 CDS3098 M00401-15 A
Aimee Mann I'm With Stupid DGCSD-24951
Aimee Mann Whatever 930430JJ 7278721017-2
Alannah Myles Alannah Myles #960617XC CD-81956 L386
Alice Cooper Alice Cooper's Greatest Hits 1 3107-2 SRC-04
Alice Cooper Killer CD-2567
Amanada Marshall Tuesday's Child 1LJE1
Amanda Marshall Amanda Marshall 0K8S3 CK80229
Andreas Vollenweider Dancing With The Lion 1A CK45154 05 A (21 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


April Wine Rock Ballads H1P2<110>QDL56401

B.B. King And Eric Clapton Riding With The King 936247612-2
Babybird Ugly Beautiful SONOPRESS R-6841/ MCD80136 B
Bachman-Turner Overdrive Bachman-Turner Overdrive II 822 504-2
Bachman-Turner Overdrive Best Of B.T.O. (Remastered Hits) 3145582342
Bachman-Turner Overdrive BTO's Greatest 830 039-2
Bachman-Turner Overdrive Roll On Down The Highway 550 421-2 01
Badfinger Straight Up 81403-2
Barenaked Ladies Maroon 00823X06 CDW-47814 L386
Barenaked Ladies Rock Spectacle 1 46393 RE-1 R04 X1840
Barenaked Ladies Stunt 1 47011-2 02
Ben Folds Five Whatever And Ever Amen CTDP-000024 04
Big Brother & The Holding
Cheap Thrills DIDP-0701159
Booker T & The MG's And Now 3 R2 70297-2 SRC*01
Booker T. & The MG's Groovin' R2-70234
Booker T. & The MG's Very Best Of Booker T. And The MG's 940612A R2-71738
Booker T. Jones The Runaway 89032200 MCAXD-26324
Boston Boston 1A EK34188 42 C1
Boston Third Stage MCAD6188 B6A21M
Boston Walk On #940511K MCASD-10973
Bread Anthology Of Bread 60414-2 SRC##18
Bruno Bertone Orchestra Western Movie Themes 15492
Buckshot LeFonque Music Evolution S0100213771-0101 14
Carly Simon The Best Of Carly Simon 940616N CD-109
Cat Stevens The Very Best Of SONOPRESS 260 529 A
Cheech & Chong Cheech & Chong's Greatest Hit #940923GG CD-3614
Chicago Greatest Hits 1982-1989 1 26080-2 RE-1 SRC=11
Chris Gaines Greatest Hits 724352005123
Chris Isaak San Francisco Days CDM-45116
Chris Isaak Speak Of The Devil #980906L CDW-46849 L381
Chris Sheppard Presents Groove Station 5 74321656712
Clannad Anam #920722I CD-82409
Clannad Greatest Hits #000109 XG 07863678782 L386
Clannad Landmarks #980211B CD-83083 L281
Clannad Lore #950927XR CD-82753
Clannad Pastpresent #910126E PD-74074
Clannad The Best Of Clannad #970206C 07863666782 L381
Clannad Themes #950220G CD-82737 L381 (22 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


Collective Soul Disiplined Breakdown CD-82984

Commodores Compact Command Performances MCD06068MD 60116C
Cranberries Bury The Hatchet 990331B 3145246112
Cranberries Doors And Windows 31-91905B
Crash Test Dummies God Shuffled His Feet DIDX-020530
Crosby, Stills & Nash After The Storm 940730KK CD-82654
Crosby, Stills & Nash Live It Up #900614HH CD-82107
Crosby, Stills, Nash &
So Far 900911Q CD-1919
David Bowie Hours 72 4384815707RM
David Wilcox Thirteen Songs 34633CA
Days Of The New Days Of The New OPRSD-30004
Deep Purple 24 Carat Purple SONOPRESS B-9593 / CDM7520202A
Deep Purple Archive Alive (CD 1) 2642-1-1 ACH80003 DISC ONE
Deep Purple Archive Alive (CD 2) 2641-1-1 ACH80003 DISC TWO
Deep Purple In Rock #960914GG CD-1877 L382
Edie Brickell & New
Shooting Rubberbands At The Star CD-24192
Edie Brickell Picture Perfect Morning 940709M GFFSD-24715
Elvis Presley The Essential Collection 74321228712
Emm Gryner Dead Relatives 1ZUT3<0067>DDR004
Fastball The Harsh Light Of Day 00826V03 HR 622372 L381
Fleetwood Mac Rumours CD-3010
Freddie Mercury The Freddie Mercury Album SONOPRESS G-5815/7809992 B1
The Popular Recordings 1938-1942
Glen Miller 97852RB-1S
(CD 1)
The Popular Recordings 1938-1942
Glen Miller 97852RB-2S
(CD 2)
The Popular Recordings 1938-1942
Glen Miller 97852RB-3S
(CD 3)
Gowan Best Of... 13AT1 CK80306
Gowan Great Dirty World DIDP 70450 11A1
Graham Nash & David
Graham Nash, David Crosby 756780770-2 05/98
Heart Desire Walks On 02XA2<011>C299627
Heart Dreamboat Annie DIDX 001112-1
Heart Greatest Hits #9108171 WEGK-36888
Heart Passionworks DIDP-020099 2
Heart Rock The House Live EW72<011>C295797
Hootie & The Blowfish Cracked Read View 3 82613-2 SRC**01
Indigo Girls Indigo Girls DIDP-071470 B (23 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


James Taylor (Live) (CD 1) 930721FF C2K-47056/1

James Taylor (Live) (CD 2) 930721NN C2K-47056/2
James Taylor New Moon Shine 911004EE CK-46038
James Taylor Sweet Baby James CD-1843 RE-1 941051I
Janis Joplin & Full Tilt
Pearl DIDP-020041 2
Janis Joplin's Greatest Hits (1990
Janis Joplin 101K3 WCK32168
Janis Joplin's Greatest Hits (1999
Janis Joplin DIDP-098645 G4 1A 01
Janis Joplin Farewell Song 0YM43 IDK37569
Janis Joplin Janis Joplin's Greatest Hits 101K3 WCK32168
Jars Of Clay Jars Of Clay #960315XN 01241415802 L386
Jewel Pieces Of You 3 82700-2 OLY##03
Jewel Spirit CD-82950
Jim Hall & Pat Metheny Jim Hall & Pat Metheny DIDX-065886
Jimi Hendrix Experience Smash Hits 1 2276-2
John Lennon Ascot (CD 1) EMI UDEN 8306152 @ 1
John Lennon Lennon (CD 4) SONO/D-7100/9752242 S014692
John Mellencamp Mr. Happy Go Lucky 960731DD 3145328962
John Mellencamp Whenever We Wanted 910918K 510151-2
Jonathan Richman & The
The Best Of (CD 1) ESDCD786-1
Modern Lo
Jonathan Richman & The
The Best Of (CD 2) ESDCD786-2
Modern Lo
Kate Bush Lionheart CLP2<011>46065
Kenny Wayne Shepherd Trouble Is CD-24689
Kim Mitchell Greatest Hits 0FPM2<112>Z281057
Kim Mitchell Kimosabe 991005KK 9905700012
Led Zeppelin BBC Sessions (CD 1) #97102611 CD-83061/1 L382
Led Zeppelin BBC Sessions (CD 2) #971031FF CD-83061/2 L382
Led Zeppelin Houses Of The Holy #940808II CD-82639 L382
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin III 941204L CD-82678 L381
Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti CD 1 #941204DD CD-92442/1
Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti CD 2 #941203HH CD-92442/2
Lena Horne Greatest Hits CLASSIC7520
Leonard Cohen The Future S0147249810-0101 63
Level 42 Level Best 841 399-2 01 #
Leyers, Michiels &
Simple Rule 780740 @ 3
Live Secret Samadhi S RAD 11590 06 (24 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


Live The Distance To Here 00088 111 966-2 02 +

Live Throwing Copper RARD10997 A51003LK
Madness Divine CDV 2692
Madonna True Blue 925442-2
Manteca Extra Extra #911005J DSRD-31069
Mariah Carey Mariah Carey 3A CK45202 26 B
Meat Loaf The Very Best Of (CD 1) EMI UDEN 8468252 @ 1
Meat Loaf The Very Best Of (CD 2) EMI UDEN 8468262 @ 2
Midnight Oil Breathe CK91113
Midnight Oil Earth And Sun And Moon #930322CC CK-53793
Moondog Jr. Every Day I Wear A Greasy Black 524 157_2 90 L7
Morcheeba Fragments Of Freedom 857383409-2
Moss Music Group Ultimate Test CD GZ C60311 WMCD 112
Natalie Merchant Tigerlily 920607MM CD-61745
Nazareth Hot Tracks VPCD-3226
Nazareth The Singles Collection CCSCD 280 MPO 01
Nine Inch Nails Pretty Hate Machine 4R TVT 2601-2 SRC=02
No Doubt No Doubt INTMD-92109
No Doubt Tragic Kingdom #961022GG INTD-92580 L382
Pat Metheny Group Imaginary Day CDW-46791
Paul Simon Graceland 7599 25447-2 2896 429 01 *
Paul Simon Still Crazy After All Those Year DIDP-10195 11A1
Pete Townshend White City 3 90473-2 SRC=10
Peter Gabriel Ovo UDEN 8495400 @ 1
Peter, Paul And Mary Peter, Paul And Mary 1 1449-2 SRC=04
Pink Floyd Animals 125158-03 2A DIDP 093917 01
Dark Side Of The Moon (20Th
Pink Floyd WP01<011>E281479
Anniversary Edition)
Pink Floyd The Final Cut 2A DIDP 093922 01
R.E.M. Eponymous P90819C IRSXD-6262
R.E.M. Out Of Time 116047-D7-1331-2
Radiohead The Bends EMI UDEN 8296262 @ 2
Reo Speedwagon The Hits 1A EK44202 23 B
Robbie Robertson Robbie Robertson CGEFD-24160
Rockell What Are You Lookin' At 76869750092
Rolling Stones Beggars Banquet 7539-2
Rolling Stones Big Hits (High Tide&Green Grass) 3M9/8001-2
Rolling Stones Dirty Work VCK-40250
Rolling Stones More Hot Rocks CD 1 9D1/6267-2 CD1 (25 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


Rolling Stones More Hot Rocks CD 2 3LX/6267-2-2

Rolling Stones No Security 724384674021
Rolling Stones Sticky Fingers VCK-40488
Rolling Stones The Rolling Stones 820 047-2 01 #
Roy Orbison The All Time Greatest Hits Of CDMNT-67290 11
Rush Test For Echo ANSD-1073
Sarah McLachlan Surfacing 067003011624RMCA
Sarah Vaughan Perdido! Live At Birdland 1953 NI4004
Seal Seal 940511II CD-96256
Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow 961005XH 3145405872
Sinead O'Connor Faith And Courage CD-83337
Smash Mouth Astro Lounge 990517CC INTD-90316 L382
Smashing Pumpkins Machina - The Machines Of God 724384893620
Smashing Pumpkins Zero 38545
Sniff 'n' The Tears The Very Best Of CDWIK102 10160591 01 &
Soundgarden Down On The Upside 540 526-2 01 +
Soundtrack Batman 1 25977-2 SRC+03
Soundtrack Hair - Original Broadway Cast 1150 2RC
Soundtrack Moonstruck DIDX 003111 1
Soundtrack Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves 2959 20 0042 01@
Soundtrack Stealing Beauty 724383743629
Soundtrack The Buddy Holly Story 6YN/ACD-1281
Soundtrack The Crow 3 82519-2 SRC@@01
Soundtrack The Crying Game W5X1<011>K289024
Soundtrack The Doors CD-61047
Soundtrack - Original
The Rocky Horror Show 3 R2 70792-2
London Cast
Soundtrack The Who's Tommy 0902662522-2
Spice Girls Forever 72438504670
Spirit Of The West Faithlift CD-93645
Spirit Of The West Labour Day SPCD-1123
Spirit Of The West Open Heart Symphony 960409XN CD-14600
Status Quo Rocking All Over The Years 846 797-2 01 /
Stealers Wheel The Very Best Of EOD CDM01 ARC 01 3630 61
Steely Dan A Decade Of Steely Dan MRCAD 5570 M4E2
Steppenwolf 16 Greatest Hits MCAD-37049
Steppenwolf Born To Be Wild-RetrospectiveCD1 MCAD10389-1
Steppenwolf Born To Be Wild-RetrospectiveCD2 MCAD10389-2
Steppenwolf Steppenwolf MCAD-31020 (26 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


Steve Miller Band Greatest Hits EAGCD 032 MPO 01 @@ 4

Super Hits Of The '70S Have A Nice Day Volume 4 R2-70924
Supertramp Crime Of The Century #970501E CD3647
The Beach Boys Pet Sounds Sessions (CD 4) 837666 2 . 3 EMI SWINDON
The Beach Boys Pet Sounds 837666 2 . 3 EMI SWINDON
The Beach Boys Summer In Paradise BBR 727 02
The Beach Boys The Pet Sounds Sessions (CD 1) 837663 2 . 3 EMI SWINDON
The Beach Boys The Pet Sounds Sessions (CD 2) 837664 2 . 1 EMI SWINDON
The Beach Boys The Pet Sounds Sessions (CD 3) 837665 2 . 1 EMI SWINDON
The Beachboys Made In The U.S.A. 46324 1-2-18 CAPITOL JAX 29 D
The Beatles Abbey Road 46466
The Beatles Anthology 3 (CD 1) 724383445226CARE 1
The Beatles Anthology 3 (CD 2) 724383445325CARE 1
The Beatles Past Masters Volume One AAN/C2-90043
The Benedictine Monks Of
Chant 5 CDC 55138-2 SRC**01
Santo D
The Chemical Brothers Exit Planet Dust 840540 2 . 3 EMI SWINDON
The Commodores Commodores Hits Vol I EOD ARC 3807 62/1 01)
The Commodores Commodores Hits Vol II EOD CDM01 ARC 3807.62/2
The Corrs In Blue 756783352-2 06/00
The Dandy Warhols 13 Tales From Urban Bohemia 724385778728
The Doors Greatest Hits WTVD-61860
The Doors The Best Of The Doors (2000) WTVD-62468
The Doors The Doors 921118II CD-740007
The Guess Who Track Record (CD 1) KCD2-7115/1
The Guess Who Track Record (CD 2) KCD2-7115/2
The Hollies 20 Golden Greats CDP 746238-2
The Hollies All-Time Greatest Hits CPCD 77377 S0824B
The Hollies Epic Anthology 901019CC WEGK-46161
The Hollies Greatest Hits EK32061
The Hollies The Best Of The Hollies 0D0V3<011>S256697
The Mamas & The Papas 16 Of Their Greatest Hits 254 250-2 SRC-01
The Moody Blues The Best Of 535 800-2 01>
The Pebbles The Story Of (1964-1994) EOD ARC 2101145 01
The Tragically Hip Day For Night (CD 1) 990702HH 01215355921 L382
The Tragically Hip Day For Night MCASD-11140
The Tragically Hip Fully Completely 0121535602
The Tragically Hip Live Between Us 970402F UMSSD-81055
The Tragically Hip Music@Work 0121578742 (27 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


The Tragically Hip Phantom Power UMSSD-81083

The Tragically Hip Road Apples MCAMD-10173
The Tragically Hip Trouble At The Henhouse 960406XB MCSSD-81011
The Tragically Hip Up To Here MCAMD-6310
The Who It's Hard MCAD 25986 1D
The Who Magic Bus MCAD-31333
The Who Quadrophenia CD 2 960624KK MCAD2-11463/2
The Who Quadrophenia CD1 960624JJ MCAD2-11463/1
The Who Tommy 960813E MCASD-11417
The Who Who's Greatest Hits 930627AA MCAMD-1496
The Who Who's Next 900720B MCAMD-37217
They Might Be Giants Flood 2 60907-2 SRC##05
Traveling Wilburys Traveling Wilburys Volume 3 #901011A CD-26324
Valdy & Gary Fjellgaard Contenders DADR 1T732<0379>SPCD 1262
Various Artists 400% Dance Hits 5255752
Various Artists All Star The Tour Album PR2-3271
Various Artists Beethoven Wrote It - But It Swings DIDP-088048 1
Various Artists Big Shiny Tunes 970111XE MCSSD-81026 L386
Various Artists Billboard Top Hits 1976 J3P2<011>R270671
Various Artists Billboard Top Hits 1977 R2 70672-2
Various Artists Billboard Top Hits 1981 R2-70676
Various Artists Billboard Top Movie Hits 1955-59 R2-72422 A6 0321MA
Various Artists Bolero 15503 S8B12D
Various Artists Dance Mix USA 96 QRSPD-1244
Various Artists Donovan - Island Of Circles MUC2<111>W230075
Various Artists Euro Traxx 2 DAN40162
Various Artists Freestyle Lifestyle PR2-3278
Various Artists Lambada #P91106K CGK-90819
Various Artists Life Of The Party PR2-3120
Various Artists Much More Music Volume 2 00517X16 3145413022 L386
Various Artists Out Of The Blue #9409723CC ZK-80202
Various Artists Paint It Blue 7697421462
Various Artists Pop Memories 1950 - 54 R2 71579-2
Various Artists Solo Latino DMK81027
Various Artists Super Hits Of The 70S Vol. 2 921219A RS-70922
Wild Strawberries Twist 00810W06 7697422012 L382
Xavier Cugat And His
Cugie-A-Go-Go IFPI L238 VSD5790 1J
Yes Talk 422828489-2 (28 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12


ZZ Top Rhythmeen #960903XD 07 863669562 L386

Copyright © 2002, Exact Audio Copy (29 de 29)02/06/2005 2:58:12

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