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Linguistic Books All Over the Time

Code Name

Penerbit Seamo Regional Language Centre Yuma Pustaka Yuma Pustaka Routledge International Language Sciense Publisher Tokyo Elseveir Ta hu n 19 83 20 08 20 08 19 92 19 95 20 06 Ju mla h 1




1. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 2. Introduction to linguistics 3. Introduction to linguistics 4. Advance in spoken discourse analysis 5. Lexicogrammatical Cartography

Henning Wode Dr.Sukarno, M.Si Dr.Sukarno, M.Si Malcolm couldthard Christian Matthiessen, Ph.D Matthew J Traxler and Morton Ann Gernsbacher Eugene A Nida John OConnor Aileen bloomer, et all Aileen bloomer, et all Aileen bloomer, et all Albert C. Baugh & Thomas Cable Jennifer Jenkins Anne OKeeffe, et all Dan Isaac Slobin Beverly Collins and IngerM.Mees

2 1 1

6. Handbook of Psycholinguistic second edition

7. Morphology The Descriptive Analysis of Words 8. Literacy in context for AQA A 9. Introducing language in use a course book 10. Introducing language in use a course book 11. Introducing language in use a course book 12. A History of the English Language Fifth Edition 13. World Englishes A Resource Book for Students 14. From Corpus to Classroom Language Use and Language Teaching 15. Psycholinguistics Second Edition 16. Practical Phonetics and Phonology A Resource book for students

The University of Michigan Press Cambridge UNversity Press Routledge Routledge Routledge Routledge Routledge Cambridge University Press Scott, Foresman and Company Routledge

19 90 20 03 20 06 20 06 20 06 19 51 20 03 20 07 19 39 20 03

1 1

17. Pragmatics and Discourse A Resource Book for Students Second Edition 18. Section One Explanation Theories of Discourse 19. Mastering English Language Second Edition 20. KajianLinguistikUmumHistorisKompar atifdanTipologiStruktural EdisiKedua 21. Articulation and Phonological Disorders Speech Sound Disorders in Children Six Edition 22. Articulation and Phonological Disorders Speech Sound Disorders in Children Six Edition 23. PrinsipPembelajarandanPengajaranBa hasa EdisiKelima 24. Alternative Histories of English

Joan Cutting


20 08

S.H. Burton and J.A. Humphries Jos Daniel Parera John E. Bernthal, et all

Palgrave Master Series Erlangga

19 82 19 86 20 09

Pearson Education

John E. Bernthal, et all

Pearson Education

20 09

H. Douglas Brown Edited by Richard Watts and Peter Trudgill Michael Lewis

Pearson Education

20 07 20 02


25. Teaching Collocation Further Development in the Lexical Approach 26. Working With Discourse Meaning Beyond The Clause 27. Alive to Language Perspective On Language Awareness for English Language Teachers 28. The development of Language Seventh Edition


20 00 20 03 20 00 20 09, 20 05, 20 01

J.R. Martin and David Rose Valerie Arndt, et al Jean Berko Gleason and Nan Bernstein Ratner

continuum Cambridge University Press Pearson Education

29. English Language Teaching in Its Social Edited by Context Christopher N. Candlin And Neil Mercer 30. Intercultural Communication Adrian Holliday, And Advance Resource Book et al 31. Changing English Edited by David Graddol,


Routledge Routledge

20 04 19 96

32. Persuasion: Reception And Responsibility 33. Persuasion: Reception And Responsibility 34. Fonologi SebuahPengantarUntukKonsepkonsepDasar 35. Dasar-dasarKomunikasiAntarbudaya 36. Dasar-dasarKomunikasiAntarbudaya 37. KajianLinguistikUmumHistorisKompar atif Dan TipologiStruktural EdisiKedua 38. Reinventing Curriculum A Comlplex Perspective on Literacy and Writing 39. Language and Creativity The Art of Common Talk 40. Advocacy Research in Literacy Education Seeking Higher Ground 41. Psikolinguistik PengantarPemahamanBahasaManusi a EdisiKedua 42. Khazanahnaskah-naskahJawaPesisiran di JawaTimur 43. Sosiolinguistik 44. SosiolinguistikMemahamiBahasaDala mKonteksMasyarakatdanKebudayaan 45. The Meaning of Meaning 46. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics Second Edition 47. Pragmatics 48. Linguistics and Its Contribution to Language Teachers 49. Expertise in Second Language Learning and Teaching 50. Theories of Human Development Second Edition 51. Discourse Analysis

et al Charles U. larson Thomson wadsworth Charles U. larson Thomson wadsworth Roger Lass IKIP Semarang Press Penerjemah: Warsono AloLiliweri PustakaPelajar AloLiliweri Jos Daniel Parera Linda Laidlaw PustakaPelajar Erlangga

20 04 20 04 19 91 20 02 20 02 19 91 20 05 20 04 20 07 20 10

Ronald Carter Meredith Rogers Cherland and Helen Harper SoenjonoDardjo widjojo

LEA Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Routledge LEA Lawrence Erlbaum Associates YayasanObor Indonesia

TohaMachsum, dkk Sumarsono Paul Ohoywutun C.K. Ogden and I.A. Richards Ronald Wardhaugh George Yule Ramelan Keith Johnson Neil J. Salkind

DepartemenPendidikan NasionalBalaiBahasa Surabaya PustakaPelajar Kesaint Blanc HBJ Blackwell Oxford University Press IKIP Semarang Press Palgrave MacMillan John Wiley & Son

20 08 20 02 19 96 19 89 19 86 19 96 19 91 20 05 19 81 20

H.G. Widdowson Oxford University Press

52. Second Language Acquisition 53. Second Language Acquisition 54. Perkembangan Linguistic di Indonesia 55. Pragmatics 56. Psycolinguistics 57. SosiolinguistikMemahamiBahasaDala mKonteksMasyarakatdanKebudayaan 58. Historical Linguistics 59. Learning About Language An Introduction to Sociolinguistics Second Edition 60. Pyscho Linguistics an Introduction 61. PengajaranKedwibahasaan 62. Buku Ajar Micro-Linguistics 63. PotensiCerita Rakyat DewiRengganis

Rod Ellis Rod Ellis SoenjonoDardjo widjojo George Yule Thomas Scovel Paul Ohoywutun Herbert Schendl Janet Holmes

Oxford University Press Oxford University Press Arcan Oxford University Press Oxford University Press Kesaint Blanc Oxford University Press Longman

07 19 97 19 97 19 85 19 96 19 98 19 96 20 01 19 92 20 11 19 88 20 12 20 08

EndangFauziati Henry Guntur Tarigan AhdiRiyono YulitinSungkowa tidanNurSeha

Era PustakaUtama Angkasa

64. Context and Culture in Language Teaching 65. English Words Structure, history, usage Second Edition 66. 67. Error Analysis and Interlanguage 68. Dyslexia and English 69. Dyslexia and English 70. PedomanUmumPembentukaIstilah EdisiKetiga 71. An outline of English Phonetics Revised Edition 72. Language Exploration and Awareness A Resource Book for Teachers

Claire Kramsch Francis Katamba

Department PendidikanNasionalPusa tBahasaBalaiBahasa Surabaya Oxford University Press Routledge

19 93 19 94

S.P. Conder Elizabeth Turner and Jayne Pughe Elizabeth Turner and Jayne Pughe

Oxford University Press BDA BDA PusatBahasa Department PendidikanNasional Cambridge University Press LEA Lawrence Erlbaum

19 81 20 03 20 03 20 05 19 72 20 06

Daniel Jones Larry Andrews

Third Edition

Association, Inc

73. Spoken English, TESOL and Applied Linguistics Challenges for Theory and Practice 74. Classroom Discourse and the Space of Learning 75. Swearing in English Bad Language, Purity and Power from 1586 to the Present 76. Rhetoric and Educational Discourse Persuasive Text? 77. Lexical Phrase and Language Teaching

Rebecca Hughes

Palgrave MacMillan

20 06 20 04 20 06 20 04 19 92

FerenceMarton and Amy B.M. Tsui Tony McEnery

LEA Lawrence Erlbaum Association, Inc Routledge

78. Hermeneutika TeoribaruMangenalInterpretasi 79. Hermeneutika TeoribaruMangenalInterpretasi 80. Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching

81. Petualangan semiologi

82. Petualangan semiologi

83. PengantarSemantik Stephen Ullmann 84. Systematic Functional Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis Studies In Social Change 85. Sound Patterns of Spoken English 86. Worlds of Written Discourse A Genre-Based View 87. Untitled

Richard Edwards, et. all James R. Nattinger and Jeanette S. DeCarrico Richard E. Palmer Richard E. Palmer Edited by Sandra Lee McKay and Nancy H. Hornberger Roland Barthes Editor: WeningUdasmor o Roland Barthes Editor: WeningUdasmor o Diadaptasioleh Sumarsono Edited by Lynne Young and Claire Harrison Linda Shockey Vijay K. Bhatia

RoutledgeFalmer Oxford University Press

PustakaPelajar PustakaPelajar Cambridge University Press

20 03 20 03 19 96


20 07


20 07

PustakaPelajar Continuum

20 07 20 04

Blackwell Continuum

20 03 20 04

88. Culture in Second Language teaching and Learning 89. Conversational Interaction in Second Language Acquisition 90. Culture in Second Language teaching and Learning 91. Culture in Second Language teaching and Learning 92. PengantarSematik 93. Teori semantic edisikedua 94. Classroom English

Edited by Eli Hinkel Edited by Alison Mackey Edited by Eli Hinkel Edited by Eli Hinkel Stephen Ulmann J.D. Parera Glyn S. Hughes

Cambridge University 19 Press 99 Oxford University Press 20 07 Cambridge University 19 Press 99 Cambridge University 19 Press 99 PustakaPelajar 20 07 Erlangga 20 04 Oxford University Press 19 90

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