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HANDOUT OF PHYSICS IGCSE 2nd Semester SECONDARY 5 / YEAR 2012-2013 TOPIC: Refers to All Chapters

Quantity and Unit Quantity Length Mass Time Electric Current Thermodynamics Temperature Luminous Intensity Amount of Substance Unit Metre Kilogram Second Ampere Kelvin Candela Mole m kg s A K cd mol Symbol

Scalar and Vector Scalar has magnitude only, example: mass, time, speed, distance. Vector has magnitude and direction, example: forces, displacement, velocity, acceleration. Metre Rule Function: to measure length up to one metre Precision: 1 mm or 0.1 cm Calipers Function: to measure the diameter of cylinders or circular object Vernier Calliper Function: to measure internal dan external diameter Precision: 0.1 mm or 0.01 cm Vernier calipers have two scales, the main scale and the vernier scale. How to use the vernier calipers? Firstly, grip the object gently using the jaws of the calipers. Then, read the main scale directly opposite the zero mark on the vernier scale. Find the vernier mark coincides with marking on the main scale. Micrometer Screw Gauge Function: to measure lengths or thickness in the small scale Precision: 0.01 mm or 0.001 cm Micrometer screw gauge has two scales, the main scale and fractional scale. How to use micrometer screw gauge? Turn the thimble until the anvil and the spindle gently grip the object. Then turn the ratchet until it starts to click. Read the main scale reading at the edge of the the thimble. The thimble scale has 50 divisions, each of which is 0.01 mm. Take the timble reading opposite the datum line of the main scale.

Parralax Error: misreading because of the position of the eye to the object. The eyes must be perpendicular to the object. Instrument Error = uncertainty Zero Error if the position of main scale and vernier scale are not coincides. Positive zero error zero mark on vernier slightly to the right Negative zero error zero mark on vernier slightly to the left Measuring Volume displacement method Steps: Select measuring cylinder that is somewhat larger than the object. Partially fill it with water, enough to cover the object. Note the volume of the water. Immerse the object in the water in the cylinder. The increase in its volume is equal to the volume of the object. Measuring Time Time can be measured by observing events that repeat at angular period. Each complete to-and-fro motion is one oscillation. The period of the simple pendulum is the time taken for one complete oscillation. Where T is period (s), t is time (t), and n is number of oscillation.

Mass the amount of matter it is made of Density a property of material. It tells us how concentrated its mass is.

The volume depends on the object given. If the object is in regular shape, volume can be calculated by the formula of the volume. If the object is in irregular shape, volume can be calculated by using displacement method.

Distance, time, speed

Average Speed

Distance Time Graphs If the graph slope up gently, showing it was travelling at a slow speed If the graph becomes steeper, it shows that it moves faster If the graph is flat (horizontal), it shows that the speed is constant


Speed Time Graphs The steeper the slope, the greater the acceleration A negative slope means a deceleration A horizontal graph (slope = 0) means a constant speed Sloping upwards speed increasing (accelerating) Horizontal speed constant (steady speed) Sloping downwards speed decreasing (decelerating) Horizontal speed has decreased to zero (stationary) Finding Distance Moved by Graph

Acceleration from Speed Against Time graph

Acceleration of Free Fall In the absence of air resistance, all objects fall under gravity with constant acceleration (g = 10 m/s2). When there is air resistance, an object falling under gravity experiences decreasing acceleration until terminal velocity is reached. This occurs when the air resistance is equal to the weight of the object. Air Resistance Air resistance is a frictional force and it has characteristics: always opposes the motion of moving object, increases with the speed of the object, increases with the surface area of the object, increases with the density of air.

Measuring Speed In the laboratory, the speed of a moving trolley can be measured using a light gate connected to an electronic timer. A piece of card, called an interrupt card, is mounted on the trolley. The light gate has a beam of (invisible) infrared radiation. As the trolley passes through the gate, the beam is no longer broken and the timer stops. The faster the trolley is moving, the shorter the time for which the beam is broken. Given the length of the card, the trolleys speed can be calculated


A force is a push or pull that one object exerts on another. It produces or tends to produce motion, and stops or tends to stop motion. The unit of forces states in Newton. Type of forces: contact force, weight, friction, tension, resistance, electric force, magnetic force. Adding Forces Parallelogram method using an appropriate scale, represent the two forces using arrows. Complete the parallelogram by draw the image of both vector with the same size and same direction. The resultant force is represented by the diagonal of parallelogram. Tip to tail method draw the arrow that represent the first force (including the direction), draw another force, which the tail of the second force is in the tip of the first vector. The resultant force is start from the tail of first vector to the tip of second vector. Force, Mass, Acceleration The greater the mass of an object, the smaller the acceleration it is given by a particular force, mathematically

Mass, Weight, and Gravity Mass of an object measured in kilograms, weight of an object measured in Newtons.

Falling through the Air (The Case of Parachute) Parachutist make use of air resistance. A free-fall parachutist jumps out of an aircraft and accelerates downwards. The forces on a parachutist is different in any point of his fall. At first, air resistance hasl little effect. However, air resistance increases as he falls a nd eventually this forces balances his weight. Then the parachutist stips accelerating he falls at a steady rate known as the terminal velocity. Opening the parachute greatly increases the area and hence the air resitance. Now there is a much bigger force upwards. The forces on the parachutist are again unbalanced, and slows down.


Moment of Force The moment of a force is the product of the force and the perpendicular distance from the pivot to the line of action of the force, mathematically The moment of a force is bigger if the force is bigger The moment of a force is bigger if it acts further from the pivot The moment of a force is greatest if it acts at 90 o to the object it acts on

Equilibrium The conditions that must be met if an object is to be in equilibrium: the forces on it must be balanced (total clockwise = total anticlockwise) the turning effects of the forces on it must also be balanced (no resultant turning effect) Center of Mass always be in the center of the object (for regular object) Stability the ability of an object to return to its original position after it has been tilten slightly. To increase the stability of an object, we should ensure that: its center of gravity is low as possible, the area of its base is as wide as possible.


Forces can change the size and shape of an object. Springs To investigate how objects deform, it is simplest to start with a spring. Springs are designed to stretch a long way when a small force is applied, so it is easy to measure how their length increases. Extension of a Spring As the force stretching the spring increases, it gets longer. It is important to consider the increase in length of the spring. This quantity is known as the extension.

Hookes Law Extension depends on the load. At a certain point, it will reach the elastic limit. The extension of a spring is proportional to the load applied to it, provided the limit of proportionally is not exceeded. In this equation, F is the load (force) stretching the spring, k is the stiffness of the spring, and x is the extension of the spring.

Pressure in Solids A large force pressing on a small area gives a high pressure. The unit of pressure is N/m2 or Pascal (Pa)

Pressure in Liquids

Hydraulic System or

Manometer simple instrument for showing the difference in pressure between two gases or liquids. Barometer can be used to measure athmospheric pressure


Energy Stores, Energy Transfers Energy Stores kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, chemical energy, nuclear energy, nuclear energy, strain energy, internal energy Energy Transfers electrical energy, thermal energy, light energy, sound energy Ways of Energy Transfer by a force, by heating, by radiation, by electricity Energy Conversions when energy changes from one form to another. Conservation of Energy In any energy conversion, the total amount of energy before and after the conversion is constant. Efficiency

Potential Energy Potential energy is the energy stored on hanging object. An objects gravitational potential energy depends on the objects weight (the gre ater its weight, the greater its potential energy), the objects height (the greater its height, the greater its potential energy.

Kinetic Energy Kinetic energy is the energy stored on moving object. Kinetic energy of an object depends on the objects mass (the greater mass, the greater its kinetic energy) and the objects speed (the greater the speed, the greater its kinetic energy)

Work Done



States of Matter State Solid Liquid Gas Size Fixed volume Fixed volume Expands to fill its container Shape Has a fixed shape Takes the shape of its container Takes the shape of its container

Change of State Solid Liquid melting Solid Gas sublimation Liquid Solid freezing Liquid Gas evaporation Gas Solid desublimation/deposition/crystallization Gas Liquid condensation Energy must be supplied to change a solid into liquid. At the same time, its temperature remains constant as it melts. Similarly, when liquid becomes a gas, its temperature remains constant even though energy is being supplied to it. Arrangement of Particles State Arrangement of Particles Solid Packed closely together

Liquid Gas

Packed slightly less closely together Widely separated from one another

Movement of Particles Vibrate in a fixed position. The hotter the solid, the more they vibrate Moving in a short distance Moving freely, bouncing off one another and off the walls of the container

Brownian Motion smoke particles vs. air molecules The air molecules are much smaller than the smoke and they can cause the smoke moves around. The air molecules can only do this if they are moving around very fast. It may the air molecules colide with the smoke particles and the wall of the container. Liquids take up the shape of of their container because their particles are free to move about within the bulk of the liquid. Gases fill their container, because their particles can move freely about. Solids retain their shape, because the particles are packed tightly together. Gases diffuse (spread out) from place to place, so that, for example, we can smell parfume across the room. The parfume particles spread about because they are freely mobile.

Dissolved substances diffuse throughout a liquid. Sugar crystals in a drink dissolve and molecules spread throughout the liquid, carried by the mobile particles. In a hotter drink, the particles are moving faster and the sugear diffuses more quickly. Most solids expand when they melt. The particles are slightly further apart in a liquid than in a solid. Liquids expand a lot when they boil. The particles of a gas are much farther apart than in a liquid. We can think about this the other way round. Gases contract a lot when they condense. If all of the air in the room you are now in was cooled enough, it would condense to form a thin layer of liquid, two or three millimetres dep, on the floor.

Why does evaporation make things cooler? The particles that are escaping from the water are the fastest-moving ones. They are the particles with the most energy. This means that the particles that remain are those with less energy, and so the water is colder.

Why do the particles that make up a solid or a liquid stick together? It is because of attractive forces or bonds between the particles. Each particle of a solid is strongly bonded to its neightbours. This is because the forces between particles are strongest when the particles are closed together. In a liquid, the particles are slightly further apart and so the forces between them are slightly weaker. In gas, the particles are far apart, so that the particles do not attract each other and can move freely about. What happens to the attractive forces as a solid is heated? The particles start to vibrate more and more strongly. Eventually, the particles vibrate sufficiently for some of the bonds to be broken, and a liquid is formed. Heat the material more eventually the particles have suffiecient energy for all the attractive forces between particles to be overcome. The material become a gas. in a gas, the particles are so far apart and moving so fast that they do not stick together. If you cool down a gas, the particles move more slowly. As they collide with one another, there is more chance that they will stick together. Keep cooling the gas and eventually all of the particles stick together to form a liquid. Evaporation vs Boiling Evaporation is different from boiling. A liquid boils at its boiling point all of the liquid reaches this temperature and it gradually turns into a gas. evaporation happens at a lower temperature, below the boiling point. Evaporation Observation and Explanation Observation Explanation A liqui evaporates more rapidly when it is At higher temperature, more of the hotter particles of the liquid are moving fast enough to escape from the surface A liquid evaporates more quickly when it is With a greater surface are, more of the spread out, so that it has a greater surface particles are close to the surface, and so area they can escape more easily A liquid evaporates more quickly when a A draught is moving air. When particles draught blows across its surface escape from the water, they are blown away so that they cannot fall back in to the

water Boyles Law


Expansion in solids, liquids, and gases Most substances expand when they are heated. This is called as thermal expansion.

Which expands most for a given rise in temperature? Solids expand most slowly when they are heated Liquids expand faster than solids Gases expand faster Exceptions: liquid paraffin expands very rapidly on heating. Petrol (gasoline) also expands rapidly when it is heated. If, on a hot day a motorist fills up with petrol from cool underground tanks, the fuel may expand and overflow as it warms up. Specific Heat Capacity Change the Temperature Specific heat capacity of a substance is the energy required to rais the temperature of 1 kg of the substance by 1oC.

Latent Heat Change the State Energy must be supplied to a substance to melt it or to boil it (to change the state). This energy does not increase the substances temperature, and for this reason it is known as latent heat. The energy needed to change a liquid into gas is called the latent heat of vaporisation. The energy needed to change a solid into a liquid is called the latent heat of fusion. The specific latent heat of vaporation is the energy required to cause 1 kg of a substance to change state from liquid to gas at its boiling point. The specific latent heat of fusion is the energy required to cause 1 kg of a substance to change state from solid to liquid at its melting point.


Metals are better conductors of heat than non-metals Conduction Energy conducts through solid when neighboring particles collide and share energy, or when electrons transfer energy through the material Convection

Convection currents hapen when a fluid expands and rises, because of its lower density. Convectioin current is a movement of a fluid that carried energy from a warmer place to a cooler one. Radiation Infrared radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum Conduction vs Convection In conduction, energy is transferred through a material from a warmer place to a cooler place without the material itself moving. In convection, energy is transferrred through a material from a warmer place to a cooler place by the movement of the material itself. Good Absorbers, Good Emitters Shiny or white surfaces are the best reflectors (the worst absorbers). Matt black surfaces are the best absorbers (the worst reflectors). Matt black surfaces are the best emitters.

Sounds are vibrations that travel through a material, produced by a vibrating source An echo is produced when a sound is reflected off a hard surface Sound travels through solids (fastest), liquids, and gases (slowest). The frequency of a sound the number of vibrations per second, measured in Hz.

The greater the amplitude of a sound, the louder it is. The vibrations of a sound travel through a material in the form of compressions and rarefactions of the particles that make up the material

The image formed in a plane mirror: same size, same distance, left-right reversed (laterally inverted), upright, and virtual Refraction Refraction occurs when a ray of light travels from one material into another. Light travels fastest in a vacuum and almost as fast in air. It travels more slowly in glass, water and other transparent substances.

Total Internal Reflection (the ray is reflected and refracted) - Obey the law of reflection If the angle of incidence is greater then a particular value, known as the critical angle, the light is entirely reflected inside the glass. This phenomenon is known as total internal reflection. For total internal reflection to happen, the angle of incidence of the

ray must be greater than the critical angle. The critical angle depends on the material being used. Ray Diagram To construct ray diagram, draw two rays starting from the top of the object: Ray 1 undeflected through the centre of the lens Ray 2 parallel to the axis and then deflected through the principal focus Magnifying Glasses The object viewed by a magnifying glass is closer to the lens that the principal focus. Ray 1 undeflected, as it passes through the centre of the lens Ray 2 starts off parallel to the axis and is deflected by the lens so that it passes through the principal focus. The image resulted by magnifying glass: upright, magnified, further from the lens than the object, virtual

Wavelength and Amplitude Wavelength of a wave is the distance from one crest of the wave to the next (or from one trough to the next). Since the wavelength is a distance, it is measured in metres, m. Its symbol is . The amplitude of a wave is the maximum distance that the surface of the water is displaced from its undisturbed level in other workds, the height of a crest. For ripples on the surface of water, the amplitude is a distance, measured in metres, m. Its symbol is A. Frequency and Period The frequency of a wave is the number of waves sent out each second. Frequency is measured in herts, Hz. One hertz (1 Hz) is one complete wave or ripple per second. The period of a wave is the time taken for one complete wave to pass a point. The period is measured in seconds, s. atau Transverse and Longitudinal Waves Transverse waves, in which the particles carrying the wave move from side to side, at right angles to the direction in which the wave is moving. Example: ripples on water, light and all other electromagnetic waves. Longitudinal waves, in which the particles carrying the wave move back and forth, along the direction in which the wave is moving. Example: sound. Speed, Frequency, and Wavelength

Changing Material, Changing Speed Waves change their wavelength when their speed changes. Their frequency remains constant. Here, light waves slow down when they enter glass and speed up when they return to the air.

Reflection and Refraction of Waves The law of reflection of light describes how a ray of light behaves when it strikes a flat surface. However, it does not explain how light is reflected. We need the wave theory of light to provide an explanation. Waves are reflected when they strike a surface. If we picture light as a form of wave, then we can predict that it will be reflected in the same way that ripples on the surface of the water are reflected. Ripples are refracted when their speed changes. We know thet the speed of light changes as light passes from one material to another. So the wave theory of light allows us to predict that light will be refracted.

Diffraction of Waves Waves change their wavelength when their speed changes. Their frequency remains constant. Here, light waves slow down when they enter glass and speed up when they return to the air.

As the ripples arrive the gap in the barrier, the water at the edge of the gap moves up and down. This sets off new circular ripples, which spread out behind the barrier. If you look a the diffracted ripples, you will see that the central part of the ripple remains straight after it has passed through the gap. At the edges, the ripples have the shape of an arc of a circle.

The diagram below shows the range of wavelengths and frequencies of the components of the electromagnetic spectrum, and the comparison with common items to give an idea of the sizes.

The uses of the different electromagnetic radiation are shown in the table below: Electromagnetic Description Uses radiation Radio waves Lowest frequencies and longest Radio broadcasting wavelengths Transmitting television Used for transmission of signals and programmes data. An antenna is used to receive Telecommunication these signals Wireles networking Microwaves Easy to control and direct Satellite communication In a microwave oven, absorbed For cooking food microwaves cause water molecules in the food to vibrate rapidly, which Remote sensing (radar) then heats up the food Infrared Produced by hot objects Night vision binoculars Some animals can see in infrared red Thermal imaging light to enable them to detect warm- Remote controls blooded animals Motion detectors Visible light Produced by luminous objects (e.g. Optical fibres for data burning items and stars such as the transmission

Ultraviolet rays

X rays

Sun) Crucial for normal human sight Used in data transfer in telecommunications and by electronic devices such as television sets and computer monitor The human skin produces vitamin D naturally when exposed to ultraviolet rays. Also causes tanning by stimulating the production of the skin pigment known as melanin. Can cause sunburn. Some chemicals absorb ultraviolet radiation and then appear to be gwowing. This fluorescence effect is used to create markings on bank notes, paints and dyes. High frequencies Able to penetrate many materials Used in the medical field to obtrain images of the internal parts of our bodies

Endoscopy (visual inspection of internal organs) Photography Sunbeds In black lights for medicine , forensics, lighting effects, poly merisaion and insect attraction Fluorescence effect

Gamma rays

Waves with the highest frequency and most energy Dangerous rays coming from nuclear explosions and atomic bombs, they can cause cell and tissue injury As they can cause damage to living cells, they are used in the medical field to kill cancer cells

In scanners in airports to check the contents of luggage bags Detecting cracks in pipes and buildings Radiography (diagnostic X-ray images in medicine) Sterilisation of medical equipment Radiotherapy

Dispersion of Light

What happens in a prism to produce a spectrum? As the white light enters the prism, it slows down. We say that it is refracted and, as we have seen, its direction changes. Dispersion occurs because each colour is refracted by a different amount. Violet light slows down the most, and so it is refracted the most. Red light is least affected.

Laser light is not dispersed by a prism. It is refracted so that it changes direction, but it is not split up into a spectrum. This is because it is light of single colour, and is described as monochromatic (one colour) All types of electromagnetic wave have one thing in common: they travel at the same speed in a vacuum.

Magnetic Poles North South attract Nort North or South South repel Magnetisation Methods a. Stroking a piece of the material be stroked with a permanent magnet. By stroking it consistently from one end to the other (never going in the reverse direction), it becomes magnetised. b. Electrical Place the material in a strong magnetic field, as produced by an electromagnet. It becomes magnetized. c. Heating place a long thin piece of the material so that it lies north-south in the Earths magnetic field. Heat it. When it cools, it will have b een magnetised by the Earths field. d. Hammering alternatively, hammer a piece of the material placed in a north-south direction and it will pick up the Earths field. When steel ships are made, they are hammered as the metal plates are riveted together. The whole ship ends up magnetised, so that any compass on board will point the wrong way. The ship has to be demagnetised before it can set sail. Demagnetisation Method a. Hammering When a magnet is placed in an east-west direction and hammered, it loses its magnetism. This explains why the magnets used in school labs gradually lose their magnetism if they are repeatedly dropped and bashed about. b. Heating if its temperature goes above a certain temperature, it will lose it magnetism. c. Place the magnet in the field of an elactromagnet that is connected to an alternating current supply. The magnetic field will vary back and forth. Gradually reduce the current to zero. The magnet will be demagnetised. Magnetic Induction Magnetic induction is the process where ferromagnetic materials such as iron become magnetised when they are near or in contact with a permanent magnet. Magnetic Fields Direction come out of north poles and go into south poles Strength lines close together indicate a strong field Electromagnets - Solenoid

When a current flows through the wire, a magnetic field is produced. The field is similar in the shape to that of a bar magnet. Note that the field lines go all the way through the centre of the coil. There are three ways to increase the strength of and electromagnet: a. Increase the current flowing through it the greater the current, the greater the strength of the field b. Increase the number of turns of wire one the coil this does not mean making the coil longer, but packing more turns into the same space to concentrate the field c. Add soft iron core Electromagnets have great advantage that they can be switched on and off. Simply switch off the current and the field around the coil disappears. This is the basis of a number of applications for example, the electromagnetic cranes that move large pieces of metal and piles of scrap around in a scrapyard. Electromagnet are also used in electric doorbells, loudspeakers, electric motors, relays and transformers. The Field Around a Solenoid When an electric current flows through a solenoid, a magnetic field is produced inside and outside the coil. This field is similar to that around a bar magnet: a. One end of the solenoid is the north pole and the other end is the south pole. Field lines emerge from the north pole and go into the south pole. b. The field lines are closest together at the poles, showing that this is where the magnetic field is strongest. c. The lines spread out from the poles, showing that the field is waker in these regions. The strength of the field can be increased by increaseing the current. The field can be reversed by reversing the diretion of the current.

When one object is rubbed against another, they may gain opposite electrostatic charges. Charged objects exert forces on each other: like charges repel; unlike charges attract An electric field exists anywhere where a charged object experinces a force. Objects gain an electrostatic charge when they gain or lose electrons. Electrons have a negative charge, so an object that gains electrons becomes negatively charged. The object that loses electrons becomes positively charged.

A charged object may attract an uncharged object. Electrons in the uncharged object move slightly, so that the object becomes charged by induction.

Conductors and Insulators Good conductors: most metals e.g., copper, silver, gold, steel Good insulators: polymers, minerals, glass Electric Current A current is a flow of electric charge. Current flows from the positive terminal of the supply, around the circuit, and back to the negative terminal. Electric current flows from positive to negative (conventional current). Electron moves from negative to positive.

Ammeter To measure electric current, we use an ammeter. There are two types of ammeter, analogue meter and digital meter. An ammeter must be connected into a circuit in series. If the meter is connected the wrong way round, it will give negative readings. Potential Difference vs Electromotive Force The electromotive force of an electrical energy source is defined as the work done by the source in driving a unit charge round a complete circuit. (measuring voltage in the whole circuit)

Potential difference between two points in an elactric circuit is defined as the amount of electrical energy converted to other forms of energy when one coulom of positive charge passes between two points. (measuring voltage between two points)

Voltmeter A voltmeter is always connected across the relevant component, because it measuring the potential difference betwen two ends of the component. Voltmeter are connected across a component, to measure the p.d. across the component. Resistance Resistance is a measure of how difficult it is for an electric current to pass through a material. How much current can a cell push through a resistor? This depends on the resistance of the resistor. The greater its resistance, the smaller current that will flow through it, the resistance of componen is measured in .

Changing Current The greater the resistance in the circuit, the smaller the current that flows. The greater the p.d. in a circuit, the greater the current that flows. Resistivity The resistance of a metallic conductor is a constant if the temperature and other physical conditions remain the same. In general, for metallic wires, the higher the temperature, the larger the resistance. Wires carrying a large current may be heated by the current after some time, hence affecting the overall resistance of a circuit. To ensure we get accurate readings when conducting experiments, it is good practice to use low current. Besides temperature, the resistance of a conductor also depends on its length, its crosssectional area or thickness of the wire, and the type of the material, the details as follows: a. The longer a wire, the greater is its resistance b. The greater the diameter of a wire, the less is its resistance c. The resistance of awire is proportional to its length d. The resistance of a wire inversely proportional to its cross-sectional area.

Electrical Power

Electric Symbols

Resistors A resistor can be used to control the amount of current flowing around a circuit. A variable resistor (rheostat/potentiometer) can be used to alter the current flowing in a circuit.

Transducers We use many different electric circuits to make things happen automatically. For example, if the temperature falls, we may want a heater to come on automatically. If someone is moving around inside a bank at night, the burglar alarm must sound. Electronic systems like these depend on devices described as transducers.

Light-dependent resistor (LDR) LDR is a type of variable resistor whose resistance depends on the amount of light falling on it. An LDR is made of a material that does not normally conduct well. In the dark, an LDR has a high resistance, but it has lower resistance in brighter light. LDRs are used in circuits to detect the level of light, for example in security lights that switch on automatically at night. Thermistor A thermistor is another type of resistor whose resistance depends on its environment. In this case, its resistance depends on its temperature. The resistance changes by large amount over a narrow range of temperature. Capacitors A capacitor is a component used in circuits to store energy. You can think of it as being similar to a rechargeable battery. Connect it to a power supply and it will gradually charge up, storing energy until the p.d. across it is equal to the e.m.f. of the supply. Relays A relay is a type of switch that works using an electromagnet. A relay is used to link two circuits together. The relay is composed of a coil and a switch. Diode A diode is a component that allows electric current to flow in one direction only. Diodes are useful for converting alternating current (A.C.) into direct current (D.C.). This process is known as rectification and the diode acts as a rectifier. Current, Voltage, and Resistance in Series and Parallel Type of circuit Resistors in series Total current Total p.d. Total resistance

Resistors in parallel

Potential Divider

Often, a power supply or a battery provides a fixed potential difference. To obtain a smaller p.d., or a variabble p.d., this fixed p.d. must be split p using a circuit called a potential divider. ( )

Transistors A transistor is an electronic component with three terminals or connections. The three terminals are called athe collector (c), base (b), and emitter (e). In the circuits in which we are interested, a transistor acts as a device for controlling the flow of the currents.

Logic Gates A logic gate is device that receives one or more electrical input signals, and produces an output signal that depends on those input signals. These signals are voltages: a high voltage is referred to as ON, and is represented by the symbol 1; a low voltage is reffered to as OFF, and is represented by the symbol 0. It is easiest to understand this by looking at three specific examples: the AND, OR, and NOT gates, whose circuit symbols are shown as follow:

a. An AND gate functions like this: its output is ON if both input 1 and input 2 are ON, look at this following truth table: Input 1 Input 2 Output

0 1 0 1

0 0 1 1

0 0 0 1

b. An OR gate functions like this: its output is ON if either input 1 or input 2 or both is ON, look at this following truth table: Input 1 Input 2 Output 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 c. A NOT gate functions like this: its output is ON if its input is not ON, look at this following truth table: Input 1 Input 2 0 1 1 0 d. A NAND gate functions like this: its output is ON if both input 1 and input 2 are not ON, look at this following truth table: Input 1 Input 2 Output 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 e. A NOR gate functions like this: its output is ON if neither input 1 not input 2 is ON, look at this following truth table: Input 1 Input 2 Output 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0

Electrical Cable The wires in each cable are insulated from one another, and the whole cable has more protective insulation around the outside. If this insulation is damaged, there is a chance that the user will touch the bare wire and get an electric shock. There is also chance that current will flow between two bare wires, or form one bare wire and any piece of metal it comes into contact with. Often, the metal case of an electrical appliance is earthed by connecting it to the earth wire to reduce the chances of a fatal electric shock. Another hazard can arise if an excessive current flows in the wires. They will heat up and the insulation may melt, causeing it to emit poisonous fumes or even catch fire. Thus it is vital to avoid using appliances that draw too much current from to supply. When using electricity, it is important to avoid damp or wet condition. Fuses

Fuses are included in circuits to stop excessive currents from flowing. If the current gets too high cables can burn out and fires can start. A fuse contains a thin section of wire, designed to meld and break if the current gets above a certain value. Usually, fuses are contained in catridges , which make it easy to replace them, but some fuses use fuse wire. The ticker the wire, the higher the current that is needed to make it blow. A fuse represents a weak link in the electricity supply chain. Replaceing a fuse is preferable to having to rewire a whole house. It is important to choose a fuse of the correct value in order to protect an appliance. The current rating of the fuse should be just above the value of the current that flows when the appliance is operating normally. Circuit Brakers There are two types of circuit breaker used in electrical safety. Both work using electromagnets. The first one is trip switch. It can replace a fuse. When the current flowing through the trip switch exceeds a certain value, the switch trips, breaking the circuit. If too much current starts to flow, the supply itself might overheat and be damaged. The second one is residual-current device (RCD). It protects the user rather than an appliance or cable.

Corkscrew Rule
The rule that the direction of the current and that of the resulting magnetic field are related to each other as the forward travel of a corkscrew and the direction in which it is rotated.

Electric Bells

When the switch is on, the circuit is completed and current flows. The electromagnet becomes magnetised and hence attracts the soft-iron armature and at the same time pull the hammer to strike the gong. This enables the hammer to strike the gong. As soon as the hammer moves towards the gong, the circuit is broken. The current stops flowing and the electromagnet loses its magnetism. This causes the spring to pull back the

armature and reconnect the circuit again. When the circuit is connected, the electromagnet regain its magnetism and pull the armature and hence the hammer to strike the gong again. This cycle repeats and the bell rings continuously. Relays

A relay is an electrical switch that opens and closes under the control of another electric circuit. The switch is operated by an electromagnet to open or close one or many sets of contacts. A relay has at least two circuit. One circuit can be used to control another circuit. The first circuit (input circuit) supplies current to the electromagnet. The electromagnet is magnetised and attracts one end of the iron armature. The armature is then closes the contacts (second switc) and allows current flows in the second circuit. When the first circuit is open again, the current ot the electromagnet is cut, the electromagnet loses its magnetism and the second switch is opened. Thus current stip to flow in the second circuit. D.C. Generator

A simple D.C. generator essentially the converse of a D.C. motor with its battery removed. Initially the armature is vertical. No cutting of magnetic flux occurs and hence induced current does not exist. When the armature rotates, the change in flux increases and the induced current correspondingly increases in magnitude. After rotating by 90 o, the armature is in the horizontal position. The change in magnetic flux is maximum and hence the maximum induced e.m.f. is produced. Maximum induced current flows though the galvanometer. When the armature continues to rotate, the change in flux decreases. At the 180o position, there is no change in flux hence no iduced current exists. The induced current is achieves its maximum value again when the armature is at 270o. After rotating 360o, the armature returns to its original position. The direction of the induced current can be determined from Flemings Right-Hand Rule. Even though the magnitude of the induced current or d.g.e. is dependent on the orientation of the coil, the current in the external circuit always flows in one direction. This uni-directional current is known as direct current.

Flemings Left-Hand Rule Fleming's right hand rule (for generators) tells us that if we take our right hand and extend the thumb, and also the index and the middle finger such that they are all at right angles to each other, we can discover the direction of the current induced in the wire of the generator. We'll have to know the direction of the motion of the conductor, and the direction of the magnetic field to do this. There are three things with direction.

Cathode Rays Oscilloscope Cathode rays are electrons which are emitted from gases trapped inside a cathode ray tube. A cathode ray tube is a glass tube from which most of the air has been evacuated. The tube has electrodes placed at each end and a high-voltage current is passed through the electrodes. A ray is produced at the cathode (negative pole) and travels to the anode (positive pole). The ray is called "cathode ray" because it comes from the cathode. JJ Thomson used cathode ray tubes to demonstrate that the cathode ray responds to both magnetic and electric fields. Since the ray was attracted to a positive electric plate placed over the cathode ray tube (beam deflected toward the positive plate) he determined that the ray must be composed of negatively charged particles. He called these negative particles "electrons." The cathode ray oscilloscope is an extremely useful and versatile laboratory instrument used for studying wave shapes of alternating currents and voltages as well as for measurement of voltage, current, power and frequency, in fact, almost any quantity that involves amplitude and waveform. It allows the user to see the amplitude of electrical signals as a function of time on the screen. It is widely used for trouble shooting radio and TV receivers as well as laboratory work involving research and design. It can also be employed for studying the wave shape of a signal with respect to amplitude distortion and deviation from the normal. In true sense the cathode ray oscilloscope has been one of the most important tools in the design and development of modern electronic circuits.


Electromagnetic Induction The process of generating electricity from motion is called electromagnetic induction. A coil of wire and magnet moving relatively to each other are needed to induce voltage accross the ends of a wire. In fact, you dont need to use a coil, a single wire is enough to induce an e.m.f. The wire is connected to a sensitive meter t slow when a current is flowing a. Move one pole of the magnet downwards past the wire, and a current flows. b. Move the magnet back upwards, and a current flows in the opposite direction. c. Reverse the magnet to use the opposite pole, and the current flows in the opposite direction d. Hold the magnet stationary next to the wire or coil, and no current flows. They must move reltive to each other, or nothing will happen.

A.C. Generator

Generator can be modified to an A.C. generator by replacing its commutators with two (separate) slip ring. The two slip rings rotate in tandem with the armature. Carbon brushes connect the armature to the external circuit. The armature is initially at the vertical position. No magnetic flux is cut and hence no induced current exists. When the armature rotates, the change in magnetic flux increases and the induced current increases untuil its maximum value at the horizontal position. The direction of the induced current can be determined from Flemings Right Hand rule. As the armature rotates, the change in magnetic flux increases and the induced current increases until its maximum value at the horizontal position. The direction of the induced current can be determined from Flemings Right Hand rule. As the armature continues on its rotation, the change in magnetic flux decreases until at the vertical position, no induced current exists. Subsequently upon reaching the horizontal position again, the induced current is maximum, but the direction of the induced current flowing through the external circuit is reversed. The direction of the induced current (which flows through the external circuit) keeps changing depending on the orientation of the armature. This induced current is also known as alternating current. The current is positive (+) in one direction and negative in the other (-). The smooth rings play a critical role in the generation of alternating current. Induction and Field Lines The factors that affect the magitude and direction of the induced e.m.f.

a. If the magnet is tationary, there is no cutting of field lines and so no e.m.f. is induced. b. If the magnet is further from the wire, the field lines are further apart and so fewer are cut, giving a smaller e.m.f. c. If the magnet is moved quickly, the lines are cut move quickly and a bigger e.m.f. is induced. d. A coil gives a bigger effect than a single wire, becaus each turn of wire cuts the magnetic field lines and each therefore contributes to the induced e.m.f. There are four ways of increasing the voltage generated by an a.c. generator: a. Turn the coil more rapidly b. Use a coil with more turns of wire c. Use a coul with a bigger area d. Use stronger magnets


Alpha particles are positively charged. If they are repelled back from the gold foil, it must be by another positive charge. If only a few were repelled, it was because the positive charge of the gold atoms was concentrated in a tiny space within each atom. Most alpha particles passed straight through because they never went near this concentration of charge. This speck of concentrated positive charge, at the heart of every atom, is what we now call the atoms nucleus. Atoms and Elements The nucleus of an atom of element X is written as Elements and Isotopes

The isotopes of an element have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei. Isotopes at Work for most chemical elements, at least one isotope is stable; however, other isotopes may be unstable. By this we mean that they undergo radioactive decay, emitting radiation as they change from one element to another.

Types of Radiation Name Symbol Alpha or Made of 2 protons + 2 neutrons an electron Mass Approx. (mass of proton) x 4 Approx. Charge +2 Speed/m/s ~3 x 107 ~2.9 x 108





photon of electromagntic

(mass of proton)/1840 0

3 x 108

Deflecting Radiation Alpha and beta particles are charged, so, when they move, they constitute an electric current. Becausse their opposite signs, the forces on them in a magnetic field are in opposite directions. The direction which the particles are deflected can be predicted using Flemings left-hand rule. as in an electric field, gamma rays are not deflected because they are uncharged.

Energy Released Radioactive substances release energy when they decay. Before they decay, this energy is stored in the nucleus of the atom. When it is released, it is in two forms: a. An alpha or beta particle is fast-moving. The nucleus that has emitted it recoils. Both particles have kinetic energy. b. A gamma ray transfers energy as electromagnetic radiation Penetrating Power Radiation can pass through solid materials. Different types of radiation can penetrate different thicknesses of the materials.

a. Alpha particle are the most easily absorbed. They can travel about 5 cm in air before they are absorbed. They are absorbed by athin sheet of paper. b. Beta particles can travel fairly easily through air or paper. But they are absorbed by a few millimetres of metal. c. Gamma radiation is the most penetrating. It takes several centmetres of a dense metal like lead, or several metres of concrete, to absorb most of the gamma radiation.

Ionisation and Absorption a. Alpha particles are the most strongly ionising, so it is the most easily absorbed and the least penetrating b. Gamma radiation is the least strongly ionising, so it is the least easily absorbed and the most penetrating Radioactive Decay (Half-Life) The half-life of a radioactive substance is the average time taken for a half of the atoms in a sample to decay.

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