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Process chain

PROCESS CHAIN What do you mean by Process Chain? Different set of processes connected like chain we call it as Process chain. Tcode RSPC for process chains. The main concept is whatever you are able to achieve with event chains, we can achieve the same with process chains. Process chains are more of graphical. We can automate the execution of any process which can be scheduled in the back ground. When compared with event chains monitoring and Creating, Monitoring and Error handling is also easy. PROCESS Any job which run or performed in the background is the Process like deleting index, creating index, executing info package, roll up, compression, ODS activation, set quality status to OK, deleting data in the ODS, and attribute change run all these are Process. VARIANT The object on which we are supposed to execute the process is called as Variant Different types of Process in Process chain or Process type? GENERAL SERVICES Start Process: Every process chain we build it must start with the start process AND (Last): We use AND only when the above specific processes are successful then it triggers my next process. OR (Each): We use OR when any one of the above processes is successful it triggers next Process. EXOR (First): XOR means AND with OR. When both are successful or both are failed then it triggers next Process. ABAP Program: OS Command: Local Process: We use this when you want to include process chain into another process chain. Remote Process Chain: When you have to include process chain of another server in to this process chain in this server we go for remote process chain. Workflow (Remote also) LOAD PROCESS ANDPOST-PROCESSING Execute info package Read PSA and Update Data Target: Manual update or reconstruction Save Hierarchy Update ODS object data (Further update): Data mart Data Export into External Systems: Info cube Delete Overlapping Requests from Info cube: Pseudo Delta DATA TARGET ADMINISTRATION Delete Index Generate Index Construct Database Statistics Initial fill of New Aggregates Roll up of filled Aggregates Compression of the Cube Activate ODS object Data Complete deletion of Data target REPORTING AGENT Exception Reporting: Reporting agent means in the reporting agent tab we have exceptions, if we have some package, we can use this process type to execute that package in the process chain. Reporting agent execute the report in the background, if there is exception, it sends a mail. We have to schedule the package. We can use this package type to schedule the process chain. Print in the background: Pre calculation web templates:

Pre calculation of vale sets: OTHER BW PROCESSES Attribute change run Adjustment of time dependent aggregates Deletion of requests from PSA Reorganize attributes and texts for We have got 2 types of chain, one is direct chain and other is Meta chain. When we have process chain which can be scheduled directly we call that as direct chain, if we have got a process chain which can not be run directly but it can be included into another process chain we call that as Meta chains. Every process chain must have start process, and every process must have variant. Every block in the process chain, will have 2 things, the first part of the block is the process and second part of the block is variant. How to control system such that it does not propose any default chains? In the RSPC, in the settings menu you have the option called default chains when you go in to that you will have check box do not suggest process. For whichever the process type you see the variant is white, you have to create a variant. For any process types you see the variant being grayed out you have to search the variant from F4. Different views of Process chain Planning View: You can design or change Process chain in planning view Checking View: This tells us that the Process chain built is running correct or not Log View: Here we can see the log of the Process chain How to run the process chain and observe the log? In the real time you will find 2 buttons 1. Activate 2. Execute If we select the process chain and activate the process chain it gets activated when we click on execute button then it runs. All the scheduling options of Process chains will be maintained as Variant to the start process. Go to the process chain, Select start variant process. Right click and say maintain variant. In this screen, you will have 2 radio buttons 1.Direct scheduling 2. Start using Meta chain or API (Application Program Interface contains classes interfaces and methods in form of Packages ) means do you want to run this chain directly or do you want to include this chain into another chain. If you want to run the chain directly, select the radio button direct scheduling and then select button called Change selection to specify Immediate or later. Say immediate. If you want to run the job periodically then select periodic job. Hourly, monthly etc, say save. And then say again save at the top one. say back. Now select your chain and activate. Now if we activate process chain it gets activated and process chain will also run. In real time activation is different and scheduling is different. Now when we schedule the chain it will start running. When it is running we should see the log. How to see the log? Select the button log view. We have option like; you want to see the log of today or yesterday. This is log. Whenever you create a process chain by default it gets saved under folder called not assigned PROCESS CHAIN TO LOAD DATA INTO THE CUBE






COLLAPSE COMPRESSION OF THE CUBE ==================================================== PROCESS CHAIN TO LOAD DATA TO ODS











In real time support project we will not create any process chain. Process chain will be already created and it will be running automatically we have to just go to the log view and keep monitoring that. Instead of selecting each process types and dragging it into other screen we can simply go to the Data Targets Tab . Here you will find list data targets like Cubes and ODS for which we are building the Process chain. Here we need drag the data target on which we are building Process chain. When we drag the data target, it will show the list of all the process types of that particular data target and ask you which process type we need to include in the process chain. How to create the Meta chain? In RSPC you will have folder not assigned. By default any Process chain you create it will be available under not assigned. We will build new chain which contains 3 process chains. Master data and ODS and Cube. Before we create, we are going to include these 3 in to some another chain so we need to change the start event of this process chain. Double click on master. When we double click on master you will go to the master process chain. we will go to the start process of this. Maintain variant. Start process of this chain and set as start using Meta chain or API. Save. Back. Activate. Next, follow the same procedure for ODS and Cube. So we made all three as Meta chains. Now we will include these three in to another chain. We will create a new chain. Meta chain is nothing but new chain. This will have its own start process. This will be normal direct scheduling only. Start. Now we will go to process types. Expand general service. We have process type called local process chain. We use this processing type as local process chain to include another process chain into this. Drag this local process chain. Process is local process chain. Variant is grayed out. So we should select search help now select the master process chain first. This process indicates another process chain as variant. Follow the same for ODS and Cube. First one will load master data second one will load ODS and third will load the Cube. Start. Right click. Maintain variant. Immediate Save, Save. Now this chain will start running. When you have chain in built in another chain we call it as Meta chain.




LOCAL PROCESS CHAIN FOR ODS In BW3.X there is no direct flexibility given to copy a process chain. But if you want to copy a process chain we have to use the command code called = COPY. When you enter in this command code it will ask you do you want to create a copy. In BI7 they have given under this. Process chain, you will have option called copy.

RSMO is the Tcode where you can see the status of any info package. In BW3.5 we can use Tcode RSPCM, RZ20 and BWCCMS to see the status of any process chain running in the server When you go to RZ20 you will have menu called SAPCCMS technical expert monitors. Under this you will have menu called all monitoring contacts. Because when you want to manipulate multiple chains at a time, we use these TCODEs in the real time. So double click on moni toring contents. It will show the different entries like back ground, data base, process chains etc. Expand process chains you will see the list of all the process chains and expand the process chain you like. You can see the log of the process chains. This is actual log id. Double click. It will take you to the log view log of the process chains. MESSAGING Suppose if you have got a very big process chain say 10 processes in it. I need not create message for all 10 processes instead of doing messaging for 10 processes I can create message in one place. If any process fails I should get mail or message immediately. You have process type called XOR? Any one process fails, it triggers. We will connect all the processes to another process type called XOR and for this XOR we will create the message. In these processes if any one process fails it triggers XOR, connect it with red so if any one fails it triggers XOR. If my XOR is triggered, it will trigger a message. Instead of creating messaging for each and every process in the process chain we can connect all the process types to an XOR, and create a message for XOR. So if any one fails it triggers XOR will trigger a message. Do you know about messaging? Say YES. What are the recipient type you use for messaging? Shared distribution list They will ask you did you create messaging for each and every process or only once. You will say for every process but they will ask you are there any chance that you can specify failure with single message. We can connect all the process types to XOR and we create message with XOR so if any one process fails it triggers a message. Messaging is like sending a mail. So instead of monitoring all the chains at a time, whenever there is any failure it automatically sends a mail to inbox and you can just look at the mail and respond accordingly. He may not be sending mail only to you. It might be sent to complete BW team, who is working on that project. in the real time they are getting it to clients mail id or whatever. BW server would have been configured to your mail server. SCOT Tcode can be used to configuring your BW server to your mail server. You can connect to mail, internet or Tele-Fax etc. Like yahoo messenger. We can maintain yahoo messenger with mobile and get message there. See you will get message to your mobile. Once I configure my BW to my mail server, within the mail server we can give for each mail id we can have mobile number attached to it. So when I say send a mail to this mail id, it automatically sends a message to my number also.

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