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List of Practicals

Course: BCA 4th Code: PBC 402 Subject: VB.NET Lab

1. A College grading scheme awards grades for marks as follows: A = 80-100; B= 60-79 ; C = 50-59; D <50 Given that you can use select case structure to execute statements based on ranges of values, write an event-handler to collect marks from the user and then display the correct grade for these marks. 2. Design an application that let the user to perform survey on four different model of Maruti (Maruti -K10,Zen-Astelo,Wagnor, Maruti- SX4)owned by person living in four metro cities(Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai & Kolkatta). Calculate numbers of cars of different model in each metro cities. Display tabulated report like format given below:
Maruti-K10 Delhi Mumbai Cheenai Kolkatta Zen-Astelo Wagnor Maruti-SX4

3. Create a form that accept the number from the users repeatedly and count how many of them are even and how many are odd. 4. Develop an application for sports club membership. When the user clicks a command button to calculate membership cost, his/her age is asked and number of years he has been the members of sports club. Then depending upon the value entered, the membership cost is calculated as per following specifications: If age is <18 19-49 Otherwise then category is Junior Senior Veteran and years <2 >=2 >=10 <10 >=10 <10 the cost is: 600 400 900 1200 500 800

5. Calculate the shipment cost for an order which may either be placed by a wholesaler or a retailer. For a customer, the cost is calculated as : For Units Price for Wholesalers (per Unit) Price for retailers (per Unit)

1 15 Rs. 50/16- 20 Rs. 45/21 30 Rs. 40/31- 50 Rs. 35/>50 Rs. 30/Special customer are given a discount of 10% ScreenShot

Rs. 60/Rs. 55/Rs. 50/Rs. 45/Rs. 40/-

6. Design a application with following interface:

7. Store some country names and their capitals. Ask the user to select a country and its capital from given two lists. If the match is correct, display Correct answer, otherwise display error message and tell the correct answer. 8. Create a Menu Driven VB.NET application with different dialog boxes i.e. FileOpenFileDialog, ColorDialog, PrintDialog, SaveFileDialog , FontDialog, PrintDialog etc, dialog box should be open when user select an item from the menu.

9. Design an application to allow the user to set alarm time then at the scheduled time the alarm should ring.

10. Design a greeting application that wishes Good Morning or Good Noon, Good Afternoon or Good Evening depending upon the current time of the days. This application should also tell (upon clicking a command button) about how many days are left for the university Mid Term exams to come.

11. Develop a VB.NET application to find exact age of a person. The user give his date of birth as input. The age should be displayed in a single line as ( years, month, days) (for example 21 years 2 month & 20 days). 12. Develop a VB.NET application having interface as shown below:

Allow the user to enter up to 10 numbers and store them in an array. Output an appropriate message if the user attempts to store a 11th number. Allow the user to display the contents of the array at any time, and to enter a number to be searched for in the array(through command buttons) Display the result of this search. 13. Design an application that lets the user enter a line of text and a word to be searched for. It then reports how many times the word has occurred in the line of text. 14. Add a class module that will perform the following functions: (i) Reverse a string (ii) Determine whether the given string is a palindrome or not Make use of the such class module with new project and test its functionality. 15. Demonstrate the use of control array by using the example of simple calculator

16. Write sectional code to navigate(Next, Previous, Last, First), Add, Delete, Update & display through records of EMP table (Empcode, ename, designation, deptno) using disconnected architecture and bound controls. 17. Write click event procedure for a Display command button on a window form that display all the records from PERS table that contain Department No (field name deptno) similar to that of given in textbox txtdno .(Using ADO.NET)
18. Design an application to access data form database and display it with the help of crystal report viewer. 19. Develop a User Control of Calculator Application and using it in other applications, using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Windows Application. 20. Design any application to demonstrate the use Object Oriented Programming concepts in VB.NET. 21. Mini Project

SUBMISSION DATE : 25th May, 2013

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