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"keep|ng nappy, nea|thy, Lgg Lay|ng
Ch|ckens In our Cwn 8ackyard Cr
Cn 1he Iarm."

8y Duncan Carver & Wendy Cameron


CopyrlghL 2009 - Chlcken keeplng SecreLs - All 8lghLs 8eserved

1he conLenLs of Lhls manual are for your use CnL?. lease do noL copy, share, or sell Lhls
maLerlal under any clrcumsLances. CounLless hours were dedlcaLed ln an efforL Lo brlng you Lhe
besL lnformaLlon posslble, and Lhe auLhors reLaln full ownershlp of Lhe conLenL hereln. 1hls
maLerlal ls proLecLed by lnLernaLlonal copyrlghL laws. CopyrlghL 2009, All 8lghLs 8eserved.


CopyrlghL 2009 - Chlcken keeplng SecreLs - All 8lghLs 8eserved

1LkMS CI USL ...................................................................................................................... 2
1A8LL CI CCN1LN1S............................................................................................................. 3
IN1kCDUC1ICN .................................................................................................................... 7
WP? kLL CPlCkLnS?.................................................................................................................. 7
A 88lLl PlS1C8? Cl CPlCkLnS Anu CPlCkLn-kLLlnC............................................................. 8
A8L CPlCkLnS 8lCP1 lC8 ?Cu? ................................................................................................. 9
WPA1 uC CPlCkLnS nLLu? ...................................................................................................... 11
ulllL8Ln1 88LLuS Cl CPlCkLnS.............................................................................................. 13
Ameraucana ........................................................................................................................... 14
Ancona and Mlnorca.............................................................................................................. 14
AusLralorp............................................................................................................................... 13
Cornlsh Chlcken...................................................................................................................... 16
Leghorn .................................................................................................................................. 17
LlghL Sussex ............................................................................................................................ 17
new Pampshlre or new Pampshlre 8ed ............................................................................... 18
lymouLh 8ock ....................................................................................................................... 19
8hode lsland 8ed and 8hode lsland WhlLe............................................................................ 19
CnICkLN nCUSING...............................................................................................................22
CPlCkLn CCCS......................................................................................................................... 23
LocaLlon.................................................................................................................................. 24
Slze and Space........................................................................................................................ 23
Access..................................................................................................................................... 26
venLllaLlon.............................................................................................................................. 26
lnsulaLlon................................................................................................................................ 27
1PL CPlCkLn 8un...................................................................................................................... 28
8LuulnC.................................................................................................................................... 30
Wood Shavlngs....................................................................................................................... 31
Wood Chlps ............................................................................................................................ 32
Shredded aper...................................................................................................................... 32
SLraw...................................................................................................................................... 32
lLnClnC..................................................................................................................................... 33
nLS1 8CxLS ............................................................................................................................... 34
L8CPLS..................................................................................................................................... 36
1hlckness................................................................................................................................ 36
oslLlon................................................................................................................................... 36
PelghL ..................................................................................................................................... 36
Space ...................................................................................................................................... 37
MaLerlal .................................................................................................................................. 37
1CCLS AND LUIMLN1......................................................................................................38
lLLuL8S ..................................................................................................................................... 38


CopyrlghL 2009 - Chlcken keeplng SecreLs - All 8lghLs 8eserved
u8lnk ulSLnSL8S .................................................................................................................... 39
MAnu8L 8CxLS......................................................................................................................... 41
LlCP1lnC.................................................................................................................................... 41
lnCu8A1C8S.............................................................................................................................. 42
1ypes of lncubaLor ................................................................................................................. 43
LocaLlon.................................................................................................................................. 43
ower Supply.......................................................................................................................... 44
1emperaLure .......................................................................................................................... 44
Lgg 1urnlng............................................................................................................................. 43
venLllaLlon.............................................................................................................................. 46
PumldlLy................................................................................................................................. 46
SanlLaLlon ............................................................................................................................... 46
CusLom PaLchlng.................................................................................................................... 47
CnICkLN 8LnAVICk .............................................................................................................48
LCklnC C8uL8 / SCClAL 8LPAvlCu8 ..................................................................................... 48
CCMMCn 8LPAvlC8................................................................................................................. 30
8roodlness.............................................................................................................................. 30
ulrL uusL or uusL 8aLh............................................................................................................ 31
reenlng ................................................................................................................................. 32
8oosLlng.................................................................................................................................. 32
MolLlng................................................................................................................................... 32
Cround ScraLchlng.................................................................................................................. 33
Wanderlng.............................................................................................................................. 33
anLlng and llapplng Wlngs................................................................................................... 34
Sexual 8ehavlor...................................................................................................................... 34
Slckness .................................................................................................................................. 34
unCCMMCn 8LPAvlC8............................................................................................................ 33
leaLher ecklng...................................................................................................................... 33
Lgg LaLlng............................................................................................................................... 33
Cannlballsm............................................................................................................................ 36
Lgg 8lndlng............................................................................................................................. 37
ILLDING & DIL1...................................................................................................................S8
1PL ulCLS1lvL S?S1LM............................................................................................................. 38
1he Ceneral SLrucLure............................................................................................................ 39
lrom 1he loL 1o 1he Crop .................................................................................................... 39
8reaklng lL uown and Crlndlng.............................................................................................. 39
1hrough 1he Looplng uuodenum .......................................................................................... 60
1he Caeca and Lhe 8ecLum .................................................................................................... 60
And llnally.CuL 1hrough 1he venL!...................................................................................... 60
nu18l1lCnAL 8LCul8LMLn1S.................................................................................................. 60
LaL 8lghL, leel 8lghL ............................................................................................................... 61
elleLs or Mash?..................................................................................................................... 61
Cereal leed............................................................................................................................. 62
Pousehold Scraps................................................................................................................... 62
Creens .................................................................................................................................... 63
Calclum SupplemenLs............................................................................................................. 63


CopyrlghL 2009 - Chlcken keeplng SecreLs - All 8lghLs 8eserved
Chlcken CrlL............................................................................................................................ 63
CLher vlLamln and Mlneral SupplemenLs .............................................................................. 64
ScraLch.................................................................................................................................... 64
Cood lood for Chlckens ......................................................................................................... 64
8ad lood for Chlckens............................................................................................................ 64
llnally WaLer, WaLer. LoLs of WaLer..................................................................................... 63
PCW MuCP Anu WPLn 1C lLLu?........................................................................................... 63
ulfferenL SLrokes for ulfferenL lolks...................................................................................... 66
CCMMCn CPlCkLn lLLu 8LClLS ............................................................................................ 67
nLAL1n & CLLANING............................................................................................................71
A PA? PLAL1P? CPlCkLn ...................................................................................................... 71
Pead and neck ....................................................................................................................... 72
1he 8ody................................................................................................................................. 72
1he Legs, 1all and Lhe venL .................................................................................................... 72
CCMMCn lLLnLSSLS & 18LA1MLn1......................................................................................... 72
MlnC8 AlLMLn1S...................................................................................................................... 73
Common Colds ....................................................................................................................... 73
Crop CongesLlon or Crop 8ound ............................................................................................ 73
rolapse.................................................................................................................................. 73
MC8L SL8lCuS ALlMLn1S......................................................................................................... 74
Avlan lnfluenza (8lrd llu) ....................................................................................................... 74
newcasLle ulsease.................................................................................................................. 73
AcuLe ueaLh Syndrome .......................................................................................................... 73
lowl ox ................................................................................................................................. 73
lnfecLlous 8ronchlLls............................................................................................................... 76
lnfecLlous Coryza.................................................................................................................... 76
lnfecLlous LaryngoLrachelLls................................................................................................... 76
1urkey 8hlno 1rachelLls.......................................................................................................... 77
Chlamydlosls .......................................................................................................................... 77
Swollen Pead Syndrome ........................................................................................................ 77
1he Mycoplasma lamlly......................................................................................................... 78
Asperglllosls (8rooder neumonla)........................................................................................ 78
Marek's ulsease ..................................................................................................................... 79
Lymphold Leukosls ................................................................................................................. 79
lnfecLlous 8ursal ulsease ....................................................................................................... 80
Lqulne LncephallLls ................................................................................................................ 80
Avlan LncephalomyellLls ........................................................................................................ 80
Lgg urop Syndrome................................................................................................................ 81
lnfecLlous 1enosynovlLls......................................................................................................... 81
lowl Cholera........................................................................................................................... 81
CmphallLls .............................................................................................................................. 81
ullorum................................................................................................................................. 82
necroLlc LnLerlLls.................................................................................................................... 82
8oLullsm ................................................................................................................................. 82
A8ASl1LS.................................................................................................................................. 83
lleas ....................................................................................................................................... 83


CopyrlghL 2009 - Chlcken keeplng SecreLs - All 8lghLs 8eserved
Llce ......................................................................................................................................... 83
8ugs........................................................................................................................................ 83
llles ........................................................................................................................................ 84
MosqulLoes............................................................................................................................. 84
MlLes ...................................................................................................................................... 84
Worms.................................................................................................................................... 84
roLozoa................................................................................................................................. 83
CLlMA1L & Lnvl8CnMLn1 ....................................................................................................... 83
uon'L Coop 1hem up ln 1he Coop ......................................................................................... 83
Some Llke lL Warm................................................................................................................. 86
CLhers refer lL Cool .............................................................................................................. 86
Pow Chlckens MalnLaln 1helr 8ody 1emperaLure................................................................. 86
Comb and leaLhers Can lndlcaLe AdapLablllLy....................................................................... 87
C8CCMlnC & MCL1lnC............................................................................................................ 88
ConLrolled MolLlng................................................................................................................. 88
uslng Lhe MolL as an lndlcaLor Lo Cull.................................................................................... 88
CLLAnlnC MA1L8lALS............................................................................................................... 89
ulslnfecLlon ............................................................................................................................ 89
araslLe CCn18CL.................................................................................................................. 90
8e 8eady wlLh llrsL Ald .......................................................................................................... 91
LS1S, kLDA1CkS & C1nLk DCMLS1IC L1S ......................................................................92
8ACCCCnS................................................................................................................................. 92
lCxLS......................................................................................................................................... 92
SkunkS ...................................................................................................................................... 93
CC?C1LS .................................................................................................................................... 93
MCun1Aln LlCnS & C1PL8 LA8CL CA1S ................................................................................. 94
8CuLn1S / 8A1S ........................................................................................................................ 93
uCMLS1lC CA1S Anu uCCS ...................................................................................................... 93
C1PL8 MA8AuulnC C8l11L8S.................................................................................................. 96
MC8L 1lS 1C kLL 8LuA1C8S A1 8A?.................................................................................. 96
IkLULN1L ASkLD ULS1ICNS..........................................................................................97


CopyrlghL 2009 - Chlcken keeplng SecreLs - All 8lghLs 8eserved


1here are many good reasons for keeplng chlckens ln your own backyard. 1hey offer many
beneflLs and uses LhaL make Lhe experlence rewardlng.

lor one, chlckens provlde you hormone-free,
anLlbloLlc-free, proLeln-rlch, fresh eggs and healLhy
chlcken meaL LhaL LasLes beLLer Lhan Lhose you can
buy from Lhe sLore. lree-range chlcken eggs are
also healLhler and beLLer ln quallLy Lhan
commerclally produced eggs due Lo Lhelr lower
levels of cholesLerol and hlgh levels of vlLamlns L
and Cmega-3 faLLy aclds.

As hens lay eggs almosL dally, your excess eggs can
be sold Lo frlends and nelghbors, earnlng you a few
dollars along Lhe way. 1he advanLage of havlng
fresh eggs and chlcken meaL regularly wlll also
offseL your lnlLlal expense of buylng Lhe chlcks, feed
and maLerlals for Lhe coop. lL's a small lnvesLmenL
recouped several Llmes over.

8alslng backyard chlckens also glves you a good feellng abouL growlng your own food source.
1he feellng of self-sufflclency and noL belng enLlrely dependenL on expenslve sLore-boughL food
ls rewardlng.

MosL people who keep chlckens flnd Lhem amuslng and even charmlng. Chlckens can provlde
enLerLalnmenL as you waLch your feaLhered companlons poLLer around your ploL. CLher people
who flnd Lhem dellghLful and affecLlonaLe even keep chlckens as peLs.

1hese anlmals can be fun and educaLlonal for chlldren, allowlng Lhem Lo learn where food
comes from, how Lo ralse anlmals, and chlldren can learn responslblllLy when carlng for Lhe
anlmals. Pavlng chlckens can also fosLer frlendshlp among fowl lovers and brlng Lhe
nelghborhood LogeLher.

Chlckens also do Lhelr share of pesL-conLrol, pecklng away aL lnsecLs such as flles, mosqulLoes,
Llcks, grasshoppers, slugs, and a hosL of oLher klnds of bugs. 1hey also forage for gralns, garden
scraps, and lefLover foods, ellmlnaLlng Lhe food source of raLs, mlce and harmful lnsecLs. 1hey
scraLch and dlg for worms, grubs, and grass, weedlng Lhe ground and keeplng lL lnsecL-free.


CopyrlghL 2009 - Chlcken keeplng SecreLs - All 8lghLs 8eserved
Pow's LhaL for organlc, hassle free, no cosL pesL conLrol?

Chlcken dropplngs are one of Lhe rlchesL anlmal manures, even beLLer Lhan cow dung.

lL has a hlgher phosphorus, nlLrogen, and poLasslum conLenL. 1hls makes chlcken dropplngs one
of Lhe besL naLural ferLlllzers for gardens and planLs. 1he ferLlllzer replenlshes Lhe organlc maLLer
of soll and helps lL Lo decompose lnLo humus. 1hls enrlches Lhe soll and helps lL Lo reLaln
molsLure and glve nuLrlenLs Lo planLs.

Powever due Lo lLs hlgh ammonla conLenL, Lhe manure musL be composLed flrsL before uslng as
ferLlllzer as lL can be Loo poLenL for some planLs.

When well Laken care of, chlckens do noL smell and do noL make much nolse. AlLhough Lhey do
squawk when exclLed and make clucklng sounds when Lhey go abouL Lhelr buslness ln Lhelr run,
Lhey are conslderably quleLer Lhan a barklng dog.


1oday's domesLlc chlcken ls LhoughL Lo be Lhe descendanL or SouLheasL Asla's wlld red [ungle
fowl (Callus ferruglneus or banklva.) Wlld chlckens are common ln LasL Asla, and Lhese anlmals
are belleved Lo be flrsL domesLlcaLed ln Chlna and lndla as far back as 7000 8C. CLher reporLs
name LgypLlans as Lhe flrsL Lo domesLlcaLe and breed Lhem abouL 4000 years ago, evldenced by
Lhe presence of chlcken bones ln Lhe Lombs of Lhelr Cld klngdom.

ln 2300 8C, Lhe domesLlcaLed fowls were belleved Lo have reached WesL Asla, Afrlca, and
Lurope. 1he use of Lhe blrd as a source of eggs and meaL became popular among anclenLs
Creeks and laLer on Lhe 8omans, who made lL popular LhroughouL Lhelr emplre.

1he 8omans found Lhem as pracLlcal sources of fresh food, and carrled Lhe blrds on Lhelr shlps
on Lhelr way Lo lnvade oLher naLlons. 1hls lnvaslon also led Lo Lhe lnLroducLlon of Lhe
domesLlcaLed blrds ln WesLern Lurope.

Chlckens were belleved Lo have been broughL Lo norLhern Amerlca by Lhe flrsL Luropean
seLLlers. 8efore Lhe 1800's, Lhe abundance of local game dld noL call for Lhe ralslng of chlckens ln
Amerlcan farms, buL Lhe lncreaslng populaLlon led Lo Lhe rlse of Lhe demand for more food
sources, maklng Lhe fowl a sLaple ln Lhe Amerlcan household.

lrom Lhe mlddle of Lhe 19Lh cenLury, when seLLlemenLs sprouLed and farmlng became popular
wlLh Lhe onseL of agrlculLure, mosL farm owners kepL fowls for Lhelr own consumpLlon. 1he
norm was LhaL any household LhaL wanLed chlcken meaL and eggs for Lhe famlly had Lo ralse
Lhelr own chlckens.

larmers who had more eggs and poulLry Lhan Lhelr famllles could consume, sold Lhe excess Lo
local merchanLs who were buyers for blgger enLerprlses. Large chlcken farms sold poulLry


CopyrlghL 2009 - Chlcken keeplng SecreLs - All 8lghLs 8eserved
producLs Lo nearby urban markeLs, supplylng Lhe needs of blgger clLles.

AlLhough Lhe chlcken lndusLry dld noL prosper unLll Lhe 20Lh cenLury, chlckens are now Lhe mosL
wldespread domesLlcaLed anlmal and a very popular source of food all over Lhe world.

Accordlng Lo Lhe llrefly Lncyclopedla of 8lrds, chlckens ouLnumbered Lhe human populaLlon
four-fold ln 2003, numberlng 24 bllllon agalnsL Lhe world populaLlon of [usL over 6 bllllon,
aLLesLlng Lo Lhe blrd's popularlLy as a food source.


keeplng backyard chlckens ls a wonderful experlence.

1he beneflLs one can derlve from keeplng Lhem are many buL Lhere ls some lnvesLmenL and
commlLmenL lnvolved. lL ls lmporLanL Lo know Lhe reasons for wanLlng Lo keep Lhese blrds, as
well as Lo welgh Lhe beneflLs agalnsL Lhe posslble drawbacks of ralslng Lhem Lo deLermlne lf
keeplng chlckens ls rlghL for you.

llrsL, you need Lo flnd ouL lf lL ls legal Lo
keep backyard chlckens ln your area.
Whlle many clLles have legallzed
keeplng chlckens ln Lhe urban area,
Lhere are Lhose who mlghL have laws
agalnsL lL. ?ou should also flnd ouL lf
Lhere are any regulaLlons abouL ralslng
poulLry ln your area lf you have a
nelghborhood assoclaLlon.

A common complalnL of people abouL a
nelghbor's chlckens ls Lhe nolse a
roosLer makes, especlally early ln Lhe
mornlng. 1here are places LhaL allow Lhe
ralslng of hens buL noL roosLers.

lf you are plannlng Lo keep chlckens for Lhe eggs and meaL, Lhls should noL be a concern as hens,
whlch are noL as loud as roosLers, can lay eggs wlLhouL Lhelr nolsy male counLerparLs. 1he eggs
wlll noL be ferLlllzed wlLhouL Lhe roosLers, buL lf breedlng ls noL your prlmary lnLenL for keeplng
Lhe fowls, LhaL should noL be a problem.

1he mosL obvlous beneflL of ralslng free-range chlckens ls geLLlng a regular supply of fresh eggs
and meaL LhaL has been proven healLhler and LasLler Lhan LhaL whlch ls avallable commerclally. lf
you are concerned abouL hormone and anLlbloLlc resldues ln eggs, you can Loss away Lhls
concern when you are consumlng Lhe eggs provlded by your own flock.


CopyrlghL 2009 - Chlcken keeplng SecreLs - All 8lghLs 8eserved
When your flock forages Lhe yard and eaLs your scraps, Lhey conLrlbuLe Lo your weed and pesL
conLrol. 1hey can scraLch your yard bare Lhough, and Lhey wlll occaslonally need Lo be moved Lo
fresher grounds Lo allow Lhem Lo flnd food when Lhey forage and scraLch around Lhe ploL.

1helr dropplngs are a convenlenL source of organlc ferLlllzer. Powever, you mlghL have no use
for Lhe manure lf you do noL have a garden or planLs aL your home. lf you do noL rellsh Lhe ldea
of Lhrowlng Lhelr smelly dropplngs ln your Lrash bln, you can glve Lhem Lo a gardener or
someone who can composL and use lL ln Lhelr garden.

1here ls an lnlLlal ouLlay for buylng Lhe chlcks and maLerlals for Lhelr chlcken coop or LracLor,
and Lhe feed lf you are supplemenLlng Lhelr dleL.

lf you choose Lo lnsLall a fence Lo keep your blrds ln and Lhe predaLors ouL, you wlll lncur some
expense for Lhe maLerlals and lnsLallaLlon, whlch can be hlgh. Powever, once you have your
flock and Lhe coop, Lhe blrds are generally lnexpenslve Lo malnLaln.

Chlcken feed and grlL are cheap, and you do noL need Lo buy a loL of Lhem as Lhe blrds also geL
Lhelr food from foraglng and wlll gobble up any klLchen or garden scrap you Loss Lhelr way.

WlnLer, however, ls a dlfferenL sLory, as Lhe cold weaLher wlll keep Lhe fowls lndoors mosL of Lhe
Llme, cuLLlng shorL, lf noL ellmlnaLlng, Lhelr dally foraglng rlLual. Chlckens also requlre addlLlonal
food durlng Lhe wlnLer [usL Lo malnLaln Lhelr healLh so you can expecL you expenses Lo be
sllghLly hlgher ln Lhe wlnLer Lhan ln Lhe summer.

Chlckens musL be supplled wlLh fresh food LhaL ensures a healLhy dleL, whlch means sLocklng up
on Lhelr feed and grlLs and allocaLlng an area for Lhls. 1helr food can aLLracL raLs and lnsecLs,
hence Lhey musL be secured and Lhe sLorage area kepL clean Lo avold Lhese dlsease-bearlng
pesLs. When warm season comes, Lhe cosL of Lhe feed goes down and sLorlng and malnLalnlng
Lhem Lakes less efforL as Lhe blrds reLurn Lo Lhelr regular scraLchlng and foraglng.

MalnLenance cosLs are of course less Lhan Lhe cosL of keeplng a dog or a caL LhaL would requlre
regular groomlng and rouLlne veLerlnary care. Powever, chlckens are noL a good subsLlLuLe for
guard peLs and wlll noL proLecL your properLy ,-0.

lf you regularly Lake ouL-of-Lown Lrlps or are away for long sLreLches of Llme, you need Lo geL a
chlcken-slLLer, someone Lo Lake care of your blrds ln your absence. 1hese anlmals musL always
have someLhlng Lo eaL and drlnk, so a consLanL supply of food and mosL especlally waLer ls of
prlme lmporLance.

Chlckens wlll become vulnerable Lo some dlseases lf Lhelr llvlng condlLlons are poor. Conflned
spaces wlll make Lhem suscepLlble Lo a varleLy of dlseases, paraslLes, and may make Lhem
nuLrlenL deflclenL.

When one chlcken caLches Lhe flu, chances are all Lhe oLher chlckens llvlng wlLh lL wlll geL lL Loo.
lor some, Lhls ls enough Lo dlscourage Lhem from ralslng Lhe blrds buL a slmple soluLlon ls Lo
avold overcrowdlng Lhe chlckens ln Lhelr llvlng area.


CopyrlghL 2009 - Chlcken keeplng SecreLs - All 8lghLs 8eserved

Clve Lhem adequaLe llvlng space by keeplng Lhe number of blrds approprlaLe for Lhe space you
alloLLed. ?ou do noL need Lo have a large yard Lo be able Lo keep chlckens, lf you have a small
area, keep your flock small.

1he chlcken coop can become a haven for paraslLes llke llce and Llcks lf lefL fllLhy. keep Lhelr
coop clean by supplylng fresh beddlng, regularly Laklng ouL Lhelr manure Lo avold excesslve plle-
up, and keeplng Lhe coop floor dry. keeplng Lhelr coop clean wlll keep away Lhe paraslLes and
oLher lnsecLs LhaL normally sLrlke ln unsanlLary areas.

Chlckens normally Lhrlve on Lhelr own when Lhey have a consLanL supply of adequaLe food and
clean waLer. 1helr beddlng needs Lo be changed once a week or Lwlce a monLh, dependlng on
flock slze, and Lhelr coop musL be kepL clean and secure. 1hese useful anlmals requlre very llLLle
upkeep and requlre less aLLenLlon Lhan oLher peLs or anlmals.

lor Lhose who keep Lhe fowls as a hobby, ralslng dlfferenL klnds or even fancy breeds of chlcken
can be cosLly and wlll enLall space. lf space or expense ls an lssue, [usL keep a couple of Lhe
speclal breed, allowlng you Lo en[oy Lhem and keep your expenses Lo a mlnlmum and your
space requlremenLs llmlLed.

lf you have a dog or Lwo and are Lhlnklng abouL ralslng chlckens, lL mlghL be good Lo flnd ouL lf
your dogs wlll llke havlng Lhese blrds around, as Lhey mlghL be lncllned Lo chase Lhem or Lo Lry
blLlng Lhem.

Lven lf Lhe blrds are noL blLLen, Lhe sLress of belng chased by your four-legged peLs wlll
adversely affecL Lhelr healLh. lf your peL ls sLlll a puppy, LhaL would be a good Llme Lo geL your
chlcks and ralse boLh anlmals aL Lhe same Llme Lo allow Lhem Lo geL used Lo each oLher.

lf some of Lhe deLrlmenLs of keeplng chlckens dlscussed above are enough Lo dlssuade you from
geLLlng your own flock, Lhen chlckens mlghL noL be your cup of Lea.

Cverall, Lhe beneflLs fully ouLwelgh Lhe drawbacks, and lf you feel good abouL sLarLlng your own
flock afLer readlng Lhls, Lhen Lhese useful and wonderful blrds mlghL [usL be rlghL for you.


Chlckens have very baslc needs LhaL keeplng Lhem ls llke, well, chlcken feed. 1hey are generally
low-malnLenance and lnexpenslve Lo keep whlch makes ralslng Lhem noL only easy buL also fun.

Llke any oLher anlmal, chlckens need fresh food. lL ls lmporLanL LhaL Lhe blrds geL a proper dleL
Lo grow healLhy and yleld good-flavored eggs and meaL. leedlng Lhem ls very slmple. 1hey
forage for food around Lhe ploL, scraLchlng grass and weeds and dlgglng for worms, whlch Lhey
love, and many klnds of bugs Lo saLlsfy Lhelr hunger.


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Chlckens love vegeLable scraps, buL as omnlvores, Lhey wlll eaL [usL abouL anyLhlng from Lhe
klLchen. LefLover food, gralns, frulLs, even meaL, wlll be welcome addlLlons Lo Lhelr usual fare.

1hese blrds do noL have LeeLh, so lL ls lmporLanL LhaL Lhey have small sLones or grlLs Lo help
Lhem grlnd Lhelr food ln Lhelr glzzards Lo ald ln dlgesLlon. ln Lhe absence of small sLones ln Lhe
area Lhey normally forage, Lhey can be glven small sLones, or preferably hard grlL LhaL does noL
dlssolve ln Lhe blrd's dlgesLlve sysLem.

1he flock can also be convenlenLly fed wlLh chlcken pelleL feed or scraLch gralns from Lhe local
farm supply sLore. 1hese can be placed ln food conLalners or slmply spread around Lhe ground
wlLhln Lhelr ploL, glvlng Lhem someLhlng exLra Lo scraLch Lhrough.

Chlckens need fresh waLer and loLs of lL, especlally when laylng eggs.

lace Lhe waLer dlsh where Lhe blrds can easlly reach lL, llke beslde Lhe door of Lhelr chlcken
coop or chlcken LracLor where Lhey can drlnk each Llme Lhey come and go. Lack of waLer lnLake
can lead Lo salL LoxlclLy ln a few shorL hours, so chlckens musL always have waLer when and
where Lhey need lL.

1hey wlll noL drlnk dlrLy waLer, so Lhe waLer dlsh musL be scrubbed regularly and Lhey should
always have clean waLer. 1o keep Lhe waLer clean and keep Lhe blrds drlnklng, keep Lhe
conLalner away from Lhe dlrL LhaL flles around as Lhe chlckens scraLch Lhelr way around Lhe ploL,
by placlng lL a llLLle hlgher Lhan ground level.

1hls wlll also lessen Lhe need Lo clean Lhe conLalner as ofLen.

Llke any oLher anlmals, chlckens need Lhelr own home, ofLen called a chlcken coop or LracLor.

A coop wlLh a nesLlng box provldes Lhem shelLer from Lhe elemenLs and predaLors, and glves
Lhem a home Lo resL, nesL, and lay Lhelr eggs. WlLhouL Lhelr own home Lo reLreaL and sleep ln aL
Lhe end of Lhe day, Lhe blrds mlghL fly lnLo nearby Lrees Lo seLLle for Lhe nlghL, exposlng Lhem Lo
posslble raln or, worse, nocLurnal predaLors.

1he coops or LracLors do noL necessarlly have Lo be large, Lhe slze musL be [usL rlghL for Lhe blrds
Lo survlve Lhe heaL of summer or Lhe frosLy chlll of wlnLer. lL musL blg enough for Lhe blrds Lo
move freely and keep some space aparL ln swelLerlng weaLher, and small enough for Lhem pack
LogeLher LlghL and allow only a small space for Lhe cold alr Lo crawl ln. venLllaLlon musL be above
Lhe blrds' heads Lo allow fresh alr ln and ammonla vapors from Lhelr dropplngs ouL.

1he coop ls usually accompanled by a run or ploL wlLh adequaLe space for Lhe blrds Lo sLruL
around and forage for food. When Lhe ground becomes bare from scraLchlng and dlgglng over
Llme, Lhe chlckens and Lhelr coop can be moved Lo fresh grounds for Lhem Lo roam and forage.
lL ls ofLen beLLer Lo have a moblle coop LhaL can be moved Lo a new locaLlon for Lhls reason.

Some people flnd no need Lo fence ln Lhelr fowls as Lhey seldom wander beyond a hundred feeL
from Lhelr LracLor. 1hey normally make Lhelr way Lo Lhelr coop when lL geLs dark, and scooL back


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lnLo Lhe safeLy of Lhelr home aL Lhe sllghLesL sense of danger. lL ls lmporLanL, Lhough, Lo ensure
Lhelr coop ls predaLor-safe.

lor Lhose whose properLles are noL fenced, lnsLalllng a fence ls an opLlon. WhaL should be
consldered flrsL ls lf Lhere are predaLors ln Lhe area LhaL can harm Lhe blrds, because Lhe
ulLlmaLe purpose for fenclng should noL be Lo keep Lhe blrds penned ln, buL Lo keep Lhe
predaLors ouL and away from Lhe flock.


1here are aL leasL a couple of hundred breeds of domesLlcaLed chlckens all over Lhe globe and
selecLlng Lhe rlghL one for you can be confuslng lf you have noL deLermlned your purpose for
ralslng Lhem.

1here are many uses for Lhls fowl, and people have dlfferenL lnLenLs for keeplng Lhem. Whlle Lhe
mosL common purpose ls Lo ralse Lhem for Lhelr eggs and meaL, oLhers do so for breedlng or
ornamenLal purposes, preservaLlon of a rare breed, and for shows, games, or exhlblLlons.

When chooslng your breed for your backyard chlcken-keeplng venLure, you have Lo check for
several LralLs, such as egg-laylng capablllLy, hardlness, LemperamenL, and, lf you lnLend Lo breed
Lhem, broodlness-Lhe blrd's predlsposlLlon Lo slL on Lhe eggs Lo haLch Lhem.

CLhers even conslder physlcal LralLs such as body color, slze, shape, or even egg color. lf your
blrds wlll be ralsed wlLhln a famlly seLLlng, lL ls lmporLanL Lo geL a non-aggresslve breed, as
chlldren wlll wanL Lo play wlLh Lhe chlckens.

1he mosL common breeds chosen for backyard seLLlngs are Lhose LhaL are consldered dual
purpose, meanlng Lhey are good sources of boLh meaL and eggs. ?ou can choose a breed LhaL
wlll prlmarlly yleld an average amounL of eggs and good quallLy meaL. Cf course, lL would be blg
plus lf Lhey came wlLh a frlendly LemperamenL and have a hlgh adapLablllLy Lo dlfferenL

Pere are 10 of Lhe mosL common breeds.


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1he Ameraucana ls usually a mlxed breed
resulLlng ln unusually colored eggs ln blue
and blue-green LlnLs, maklng lL a popular
backyard flock. lL ls a good cholce lf a
small flock ls belng consldered and only an
average amounL of eggs ls deslred, as Lhe
breed ls noL Lhe besL egg layer wlLh lLs
medlum slzed yleld. 1hey are cold hardy,
doclle and frlendly, and can Lhrlve ln
conflnemenL or free range.

1hls beauLlful blrd has gold colored
feaLhers and a curved beak, Lwo feaLures
LhaL make lL slmllar Lo Lhe falcon. lL has
many recognlzed varleLles Lhough, and
comes ln blue, blue-wheaLen, black, buff,
wheaLen, sllver, and whlLe.

1he Ameraucana has ofLen been confused wlLh Lhe Araucana, and whlle boLh blrds lay eggs
ln varlous shades of blue, Lhey are Lwo dlfferenL breeds. 1he Ameraucana sporLs muffs, faclal
beard, red ear lobes, blue legs, and has a dlsLlncLly beauLlful Lall. 1he Araucana has ear LufLs
and has no deflnlLlve Lall.

Ancona and M|norca

1he Ancona, one of Lhe oldesL chlcken
breeds, ls a sLrlklng blrd wlLh lLs v-shaped,
whlLe Llpped wlngs and black feaLhers LhaL
have a meLalllc green sheen Lo lL.

1hey someLlmes produce LlnLed eggs LhaL
are smaller Lhan usual, buL lL ls generally an
excellenL layer, averaglng 3 eggs per week.

known Lo be hardy blrds, Lhey are good
breeders and reproduce ln large numbers.
1helr moderaLe LemperamenL and ablllLy Lo
adapL Lo dlfferenL envlronmenLs and
weaLher make Lhem a popular breed for


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Lhose wlshlng Lo ralse chlckens ln Lhelr backyard.

1he Mlnorca, alLhough commonly black, also comes ln whlLe or blue. Also called Lhe 8ed-
laced 8lack Spanlsh Chlcken, Lhe Mlnorca ls an alerL and acLlve, non-broodlng blrd LhaL ls
moderaLe ln slze and produces large, whlLe eggs.

AlLhough once among Lhe mosL popular layers, lL now consldered prlmarlly for exhlblLlon
wlLh lLs sLaLely feaLures. lLs aLLracLlve characLerlsLlcs, such as a full Lall and lean, muscular
body, and excellenL LemperamenL make lL a common exhlblLlon blrd. lLs narrow body does
noL make lL a good meaL fowl however.

8oLh breeds orlglnaLed from Lurope and are among Lhe besL egg layers. 1hey are more self-
rellanL Lhan oLhers wlLh Lhelr very good foraglng skllls. 1hey are busy, hardy blrds LhaL Lhrlve
on any cllmaLe and are experL fllers.


1hls ls a common dual-purpose breed
developed ln AusLralla and generally used
for eggs and meaL. Called a heavy breed,
Lhe AusLralorp ls a good breeder and
produces brown-shelled eggs of moderaLe
slze, averaglng abouL 230 eggs a year. lL ls
known as Lhe breed LhaL lald 364 eggs ln
363 days ln Lhe 1920s, holdlng Lhe world
record for Lhe largesL egg producLlon ln
one year.

1he AusLralorp ls a large, beauLlful looklng
blrd wlLh dark eyes, whlLe skln, sofL black
feaLhers wlLh a deep blue-green sheen,
and a smaLLerlng of reddlsh brown color
on Lhelr chesL feaLhers.

lL ls a very rellable egg layer and a good
meaL blrd wlLh lLs fleshy, medlum slzed body. lL maLures qulckly and has an even, quleL
LemperamenL, maklng lL easy Lo handle. lL can be allowed Lo free range. known Lo be a hardy
blrd, lL can Lhrlve well ln cold LemperaLure.

lL ls ldeal for a small backyard flock due Lo lLs frlendly and calm characLer, excellenL egg
laylng ablllLles, good meaL, and Lolerance Lo conflnemenL. An acLlve blrd LhaL maLures early,
lL sLarLs Lo lay eggs by flve Lo slx monLhs ln age and ls a good brooder and moLher. uue Lo lLs
doclle naLure, lL ls an excellenL breed for a peL.


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Many flnd Lhe AusLralorp's dark expresslve eyes qulLe endearlng.

Corn|sh Ch|cken

1hls breed owes lLs name Lo lLs orlgln, Cornwall, Lngland, where lL was flrsL developed. 1he
Cornlsh Chlcken ls a popular breed for meaL producLlon, wlLh lLs fleshy body averaglng Len
pounds. lL produces brown colored eggs and has whlLe feaLhers, yellowlsh skln, and wlde,
heavy breasLs.

Crosslng lL wlLh oLher breeds Lo lncrease
producLlon has produced hybrlds such as
Lhe Cornlsh Came Pen, a broller LhaL grows
swlfLly, and Lhe Cornlsh 8oasLer LhaL can
welgh abouL 9 lbs. ln 12 weeks. AlLhough
Lhe Cornlsh 8oasLer develops a llLLle slower
Lhan Lhe Cornlsh Came Pen, lL does make a
greaL roasLlng blrd.

lL comes ln varleLles of whlLe, whlLe laced
red, and dark wlLh a brown paLLern.

1he Cornlsh Chlcken consumes a loL of food
and galns welghL qulckly, and lLs heavlness
can cause lL Lo LwlsL or even break lLs
sLubby legs. lLs feaLhers cllng closely Lo lLs
body and because of lLs shorL lengLh, some
skln are lefL exposed.

1hls blrd ls suscepLlble Lo cold weaLher due Lo lLs shorL and nomlnal feaLhers LhaL provlde
lnadequaLe lnsulaLlon. AlLhough lL ls a proLecLlve moLher and goes broody, lLs feaLhers can
only cover a few eggs.

Also known as lndlan Came", Lhe Cornlsh Chlcken's broad meaLy bodles and lLs flne LexLure
make lL an excellenL meaL blrd. lLs faclal expresslon ls noL so frlendly Lhough, wlLh lLs deep-
seL eyes accenLuaLed by sLrong brows and a curved beak, buL lL ls sLlll an lmpresslve blrd Lo
look aL.

1hls chunky blrd ls known Lo have poor ferLlllLy due Lo lLs shape and welghL, and can produce
only abouL one small egg per week. lL ls an acLlve blrd LhaL needs space Lo move around Lo
develop Lhelr muscles, and can make loud nolses. 1hls fowl ls noL speclflcally placld, buL ls a
sLurdy anlmal and copes well wlLh conflnemenL.


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1he Leghorn ls a small blrd LhaL ls predomlnanLly whlLe, wlLh whlLe earlobes and yellow legs
and beak. lLs slze does noL make lL an
ldeal Lable blrd, buL lL ls one of Lhe mosL
prollflc egg layers among Lhe breeds.

rlor Lo Lhe pracLlce of cross breedlng,
Lhe Leghorn was Lhe preferred breed by
commerclal egg farms. lL ls now wldely
used ln hlgh egg-produclng commerclal

known as lLaly's common fowl, lL ls
named afLer Lhe porL of Leghorn where lL
was shlpped around Lhe world. 1he
Leghorn ls a pure egg-laylng breed LhaL
maLures early and can sLarL laylng ln four
Lo flve monLhs, produclng unlformly
slzed eggs LhaL have brlghL whlLe shells.
lL does noL brood and lays longer Lhan
oLher breeds.

1he Leghorn also comes ln llghL and dark brown, black, or blue, alLhough Lhese are less
common and yleld fewer eggs Lhan Lhe whlLe varleLy. Cross breedlng wlLh whlLe leghorns wlll
mosL llkely produce a predomlnanLly whlLe hybrld.

1hls breed can LoleraLe heaL buL does noL Lhrlve ln cold cllmaLes. A nolsy and nervous blrd, lL
avolds human conLacL and can fly. Loud nolses and sudden movemenLs easlly alarm lL. lL ls
able Lo adapL Lo conflned spaces and can be
free range.

L|ght Sussex

1he LlghL Sussex, Lhe mosL popular among
Lhe Sussex chlckens, ls one of Lhe mosL
approprlaLe breeds for Lhose [usL sLarLlng
Lhelr own backyard flock. A genLle buL alerL
and hardy blrd, lL can sLand dlfferenL klnds
of weaLher and envlronmenL, and ls one of
Lhe mosL rellable egg layers, able Lo
produce up Lo 260 large eggs a year.

CrlglnaLlng from Sussex, Lngland, Lhls


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breed can consume a loL of food, buL ls a very good Lable blrd LhaL maLures qulckly and lays
creamy Lo llghL brown eggs. lL ls one of Lhe mosL aLLracLlve blrds among Lhe heavy breeds,
wlLh lLs red, speckled, or llghL varleLles.

1he LlghL Sussex's sLrlklng look ls characLerlzed by lLs whlLe body and wlngs wlLh black Llps, a
whlLe neck marked wlLh black sLrlpes, and a black Lall. CLher varleLles have dlfferenL colors,
such as brown, buff, red, sllver, llghL or speckled.

1he Sussex ls one of Lhe flrsL chlcken breeds and ls sLlll popular Loday. lL ls an excellenL all-
around farm blrd wlLh good foraglng skllls. lL broods and makes good moLhers, and easlly
adapLs Lo conflned spaces or free range. lL ls popular ln backyard venLures as well as ln

AparL from belng a prollflc layer and good Lable fowl, lL has made slgnlflcanL conLrlbuLlons Lo
Lhe poulLry lndusLry, wlLh lLs llghL varleLy responslble for Lhe developmenL of many
commerclal sLralns.

New nampsh|re or New nampsh|re ked

AnoLher dual-purpose blrd, Lhls llghL red orange colored breed ls commonly used for eggs
and meaL. lL maLures early, lays good-slzed llghL Lo medlum brown eggs, and shows
aLLrlbuLes of belng a good moLher. 1hls blrd easlly adapLs Lo hoL or cold weaLher, alLhough
aLLenLlon musL be glven Lo lLs combs LhaL
can succumb Lo frosLblLe.

AlLhough generally calm and soclable,
Lhls blrd has shown slgns of belng
aggresslve and compeLlLlve. lL ls able Lo
adapL Lo conflnemenL buL wlll probably
be a happler blrd lf lefL free-range.

A medlum heavy breed, lL has yellow
Loned skln, lays brown eggs, and ls
preferred more for meaL Lhan for egg
producLlon. lL makes a plump broller or
roasLer wlLh lLs broad body.

1hls blrd grows medlum Lo llghL red
colored feaLhers fasL, prefers Lo be free-
range, and does noL fly very well, hence,
hlgh fenclng ls noL requlred.

1he hens are frlendly and easy Lo Lame, lay brown eggs and alLhough Lhey brood
occaslonally, Lhey are generally noL lncllned Lo do so. 1hls breed ls able Lo cope wlLh


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exLremely low LemperaLure, buL aLLenLlon musL be glven Lo Lhelr combs Lo prevenL frosLblLe.

|ymouth kock

1he lymouLh 8ock ls anoLher dual-purpose fowl LhaL ls excellenL for Lhe backyard venLure.

lL ls a large fowl LhaL llves longer Lhan
oLher breeds, and has several varleLles,
namely blue, barred, parLrldge, buff,
Columblan, whlLe and sllver-penclled. 1hls
ls a cold-hardy breed whose varleLles are
used for dlfferenL purposes, some for Lhe
eggs and Lhe oLhers prlmarlly for Lhe

1hls blrd has a red face and ear lobes,
brlghL yellow beak, yellow skln and legs, a
broad back, moderaLely heavy breasLs,
and loosely held medlum lengLh feaLhers.

1he hens do noL brood a loL buL are good
moLhers and lay llghL Lo medlum brown
large eggs wlLh a Llnge of plnk, averaglng
abouL 200 eggs per year.

1hls breed LoleraLes conflnemenL well and can be free range. 1hls alerL blrd can be curlous
and aggresslve, buL ls generally frlendly and easy Lo Lame, maklng lL a good cholce for
famllles wanLlng Lo ralse chlckens noL only for Lhelr meaL and eggs, buL also as peLs.

1he lymouLh 8ock was once Lhe mosL favored chlcken ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes and ls sLlll
popular among backyard ralsers.

A favorlLe blrd for shows and exhlblLlons, lL has also flgured promlnenLly ln Lhe growLh of
commerclal layer breeds.

khode Is|and ked and khode Is|and Wh|te

1he 8hode lsland breed ls an Amerlcan class chlcken LhaL ls a heavy, dual-purpose blrd,
comlng ln Lwo varleLles - Lhe mosL common red and Lhe rare whlLe. Laylng aL leasL flve large
LlnLed or brown eggs a week makes Lhls blrd an excellenL layer, averaglng around 260 eggs
annually, or even more under Lhe besL condlLlons.

AlLhough prlmarlly reared for egg laylng, lL ls sLlll a sulLable meaL fowl wlLh lLs medlum slzed


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body. 1hls blrd maLures fasL and moLhers wlll brood buL lnfrequenLly.

lL ls a Lough blrd LhaL ls reslsLanL Lo
lllness, can cope ln hoL and cold
cllmaLes, and does well ln conflnemenL
or free range. AlLhough Lhe cocks can
be aggresslve, Lhe hens are calm and
doclle, and overall Lhe breed ls frlendly
and easy Lo handle. 1hls uLlllLy blrd ls a
good forager and also used as a show

1he red varleLy has rlch red or rusL
colored feaLhers, black Lalls, a Llnge of
black aL Lhe wlngs, yellow skln and
brlghL yellow legs. lL ls a hardy uLlllLy
blrd used ln Lhe creaLlon of several
modern hybrlds.

1he 8hode lsland WhlLe ls an all-whlLe blrd LhaL closely resembles Lhe 8hode lsland 8ed ln
body slze and shape. lL ls a very good meaL fowl and Lyplcally lays well even durlng wlnLer,
laylng 240 Lo 230 eggs a year. uesplLe lLs many redeemlng quallLles, Lhe whlLe varleLy has
never Lopped Lhe popularlLy of Lhe red chlckens.

S||k|es (A|| Co|ors)

1he Sllkle ls an ornamenLal chlcken breed
wlLh sofL fluffy feaLhers LhaL look slmllar
Lo a young blrd's flrsL plumage. lLs dlsLlncL
look complemenLs lLs genLle and
appeallng LemperamenL, maklng lL a good
cholce for peLs.

lL ls a dellcaLe blrd LhaL adapLs well ln
conflnemenL buL has dlfflculLy coplng ln
exLreme LemperaLures due Lo lLs Lhln,
down-llke feaLhers.

lL ls an excellenL moLher and brooder buL
slow Lo maLure and noL a very good layer
wlLh lLs small LlnLed eggs.

lLs good maLernal lnsLlncLs and propenslLy
Lo brood makes lL a good fowl Lo keep for broodlng purposes of oLher chlcken's eggs.


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1he large orlglnal Sllkles bred ln Asla are Lhe Lype common ln Lurope, whlle Lhe banLam
verslon ls popular ln AusLralla and Lhe unlLed SLaLes. Powever, lLs dark meaL and skln may
look unpalaLable Lo some culLures, maklng Lhem an unaccepLable Lable blrd ln Lurope and
Amerlca. Powever, Lhls very same 'flaw' makes lL a prlzed dellcacy ln Chlna.


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oulLry houslng has many names, lL can be referred Lo as belng a chlcken coop, a chlcken
LracLor, a chlcken ark or henhouse, among oLhers. MosL are sllghLly dlfferenL varlaLlons on Lhe
same baslc concepL.

WhaLever lL's called, Lhe house serves Lhe prlmary purpose of glvlng chlckens Lhelr own home
where Lhey can roosL, lay eggs, and sLay safe from predaLors and Lhe elemenLs.

8efore you conslder plannlng your coop, check wlLh your local governlng agency Lo see lf Lhere
are resLrlcLlons you need Lo observe. ?ou may need Lo poslLlon your coop a away from your
nelghbor's fence, Lhere may also be helghL or maLerlal resLrlcLlons LhaL you musL follow.

CreaLlng your own chlcken houslng can be fun, and you can ln[ecL your own creaLlvlLy- Llme and
budgeL allowlng - lnLo lLs plan, deslgn, and consLrucLlon. ?ou can choose from Lhe many Lypes of
chlcken hablLaLs, and can go plaln or fancy, dependlng on how much you wanL your chlckens,
and yourself, Lo en[oy Lhelr home.

Cne of Lhe flrsL Lhlngs you need Lo do ls plan your chlcken house. Look aL your yard and declde
how much space you can glve Lo your sLock, and Lhen deLermlne Lhe locaLlon of your chlcken
house wlLhln Lhe yard. uependlng on Lhe slze of your flock, flgure ouL Lhe slze, space, and Lype
of chlcken house you need Lo have.

CLher Lhlngs Lo conslder are Lhe coop's ease of access, Lhe cllmaLe, Lhe breed of your sLock and
your Llme and resources. ?ou'll need Lo declde wheLher Lo bulld lL yourself, hlre a llcensed
carpenLer, purchase a pre-bullL bulldlng, or one LhaL [usL needs Lo be assembled.

Cbserve Lhe baslc rules ln deslgnlng your chlcken house, such as adequaLe floor space,
venLllaLlon, llghLlng, lnsulaLlon, and proLecLlon from predaLors. Come up wlLh a layouL Lo
deLermlne where Lo place Lhe baslc furnlshlngs, such as Lhe run, nesL box, perches, feeders, and
waLer conLalners.

1o ensure your coop wlll be a success, measure your deslgn agalnsL Lhe baslc requlremenLs.

ls lL easy Lo clean and malnLaln?

uoes lL have good dralnage, proper venLllaLlon and adequaLe arLlflclal and naLural llghLlng?

uoes lL have enough space for your flock slze and for amenlLles such as Lhe nesL box, perches,
feeder, and waLer conLalners?

uoes lL provlde proLecLlon from exLreme weaLher condlLlons and predaLory anlmals?


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Wlll Lhe coop deslgn make lL easy for you Lo access, easy Lo clean, easy Lo gaLher eggs, and easy
for your blrds Lo eaL, drlnk waLer, lay eggs and roosL?

lf you and your chlckens flnd lL dlfflculL Lo do any of Lhese Lhlngs, you mlghL end up neglecLlng
regular Lasks LhaL your chlckens rely on for Lhelr dally survlval, and your blrds wlll noL Lhrlve.

When lL comes Lo creaLlng your own chlcken house, your lmaglnaLlon can come lnLo play as you
can use any workable deslgn LhaL you llke.

?our blrds wlll noL mlnd how Lhelr home looks as long as Lhey have everyLhlng Lhey need Lo be
comforLable. lf you have a knack ln deslgnlng and are able Lo do woodwork, you can glve lL go
yourself. CLherwlse, lL mlghL be wlser Lo seek Lhe help of someone who has Lhe experlence.

Pavlng a sound plan and deslgn wlll keep you from alLerlng Lhe chlcken house afLer consLrucLlon
Lo make lL easler and more convenlenL for you and your blrds, savlng you from wasLlng your
Llme, money, and efforL.

1he lmporLanL Lhlng ls Lo plan, plan, plan, ahead of Llme. 1o help prevenL seLbacks, skeLch your
deslgn on paper. lf Lhls ls your flrsL Llme, a baslc chlcken coop wlll do, do noL alm for a
masLerplece. When you're compleLely saLlsfled wlLh your deslgn, and have gaLhered all Lhe
maLerlals you need Lo bulld Lhe coop, Lhen you can sLarL puLLlng lL LogeLher.


1here are many Lypes of chlcken abode.

A chlcken ark ls Lhe smallesL,
accommodaLlng only abouL Lwo Lo four
chlckens, and ls easy Lo make wlLh some
lumber and chlcken wlre.

A coop ls blgger Lhan Lhe ark and a
medlum slzed coop can house beLween
flve Lo elghL blrds. lf you have more Lhan
Len blrds, Lhe LradlLlonal henhouse wlll be
besL as lL has more space and can have
parLlLlons LhaL can serve as separaLe pens
for dlfferenL chlcken breeds.

Some chlcken farmers have slmple coops
whlle Lhose who have Lhe exLra space - and budgeL - creaLe more elaboraLe chlcken houses. 1he
chlcken houslng ls normally ad[olned by a run, Lhe ouLdoor area for your blrds Lo walk, peck
around, and dlg for food ln Lhe dlrL.


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An elevaLed coop can keep your flock safe
from surface runoff when lL ralns and can
make Lhe coop cooler ln swelLerlng weaLher.
lL wlll also proLecL Lhem from predaLors such
as rodenLs and oLher burrowlng anlmals LhaL
could geL Lo Lhem from under Lhe ground.

A porLable coop wlLh a run ls convenlenL for
movlng Lhem Lo fresher ground for Lhe blrds
Lo scraLch on. A moblle chlcken LracLor, a
coop wlLh wheels, requlres less work
especlally lf Lhe waLerers, feeders and Lhe
nesL boxes are accesslble from Lhe ouLslde.
1hese movable unlLs are good ln areas where
LemperaLure does noL drop below freezlng
durlng wlnLer.

?ou can opL for permanenL houslng by converLlng exlsLlng sLrucLures LhaL are no longer ln use,
such as a doghouse, Lool shed or garden shed, a sLable, even a small barn. All you need Lo add
are Lhe baslc amenlLles such as nesL boxes, perches, ramps, and Lhe feeders and waLerers.

ldeally, permanenL houslng musL be blg enough for you Lo enLer Lo collecL eggs, feed Lhe
chlckens, and do malnLenance Lasks such as cleanlng. lf lL ls ralsed, Lhe floorlng musL be sLurdy
enough Lo hold your welghL. lf you declde Lo purchase a pre-bullL chlcken coop, make sure you
geL one LhaL wlll noL need addlLlonal enhancemenLs Lo make lL work for you and your flock.

A blgger henhouse wlll be a permanenL flxLure ln your yard or garden, so make lL look
presenLable and someLhlng you'll be proud Lo show Lo nelghbors and vlslLors. lf you reslde ln Lhe
clLy, you mlghL wanL Lo deslgn your henhouse Lo complemenL your backyard for aesLheLlc
reasons. ?ou can palnL Lhe exLerlor walls of Lhe henhouse, or lnsLall a wlndmlll or oLher small
ornamenLs Lo make lL look nlcer.

WhaLever klnd of poulLry houslng you choose, a slmple coop, a roomler chlcken house, or a pre-
bullL unlL, lL wlll only be a success lf your blrds' baslc needs are meL. A good chlcken house wlll
make for healLhy, happy fowls, whlch ln Lurn glves you all Lhe beneflLs of ralslng Lhem.


1he locaLlon of your chlcken house depends noL only on where you wanL Lo place lL ln your
yard, buL also Lo a hosL of oLher facLors LhaL play a key role ln Lhe success of your backyard
chlcken ralslng venLure.

lf Lhe slghL of your feaLhered frlends roamlng around your yard glves you pleasure, you mlghL
wanL Lo place Lhelr coop nearer Lo where you can slL, relax, and en[oy waLchlng Lhem. lace


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your coop ln a wlde area wlLh loLs of space for your blrds Lo wander around and for you Lo
move around when Lendlng Lo your flock.

LsLlmaLe Lhe coop's dlsLance Lo where your uLlllLles are. LocaLlng a coop Loo far from Lhe
waLer source wlll easlly Llre you ouL lf you need Lo carry waLer ln a pall or brlng Lhe hose over
when replenlshlng your blrd's waLer supply or when cleanlng Lhe coop. ?ou mlghL need a
longer elecLrlcal exLenslon cord from your house or barn for Lhe coop's llghLlng, and you'll
have Lo worry abouL someLhlng snagglng Lhe cord.

lf you're a hobby farmer llvlng ln Lhe suburbs, you need Lo follow seLback regulaLlons of
munlclpal or counLy codes whlch your coops are sub[ecL Lo. lace your coop a good dlsLance
away from Lhe boundary you share wlLh your lmmedlaLe nelghbor. Cbserve coop eLlqueLLe
by keeplng Lhe chlcken house clean and Lhe scenL of chlcken dropplngs away from your
nelghbor's wlndows.

Choose a parL of your yard LhaL ls dry and has good dralnage for waLer runoffs from heavy
raln or melLlng snow. A weL, sodden coop floor and chlcken run can mean dlsasLer for your
flock as lL can be a breedlng ground for bacLerla LhaL wlll brlng dlseases Lo your blrds and
Lurn Lhe coop lnLo a dlrLy, smelly home. ?ou cerLalnly won'L rellsh Lhe LhoughL of collecLlng
eggs from a smelly coop wlLh your feeL ln squelchy, muddy ground.

LocaLe your chlcken coop where lL can geL dlrecL sunllghL. PealLhy, happy hens LhaL geL
adequaLe sunllghL along wlLh sufflclenL food and waLer Lend Lo lay more eggs, abouL flve or
more per week.

Pavlng sald LhaL, choose a locaLlon LhaL wlll also provlde proLecLlon from hazardous weaLher
such as exLreme heaL, heavy ralns and snow. uampness from Lhe raln, swelLerlng heaL, and
frlgld LemperaLures can klll your blrds.

AparL from weaLher, you need Lo keep your chlckens safe from predaLors by placlng Lhe coop
ln a locaLlon LhaL ls noL easlly accesslble Lo unwanLed anlmals. uo noL place coops dlrecLly
under a Lree where lLs branches can be used by predaLors Lo galn access Lo Lhe coop, or near
heavy vegeLaLlon where raLs, snakes, and oLher harmful anlmals and lnsecLs can lurk.

S|ze and Space

1he slze of your chlcken coop depends on Lhe how large or small your flock ls. ?ou can gauge
lf your blrds need more or less space, buL a good rule of Lhumb ls aL leasL Lwo Lo Lhree square
feeL of space per blrd ln Lhe coop.

Conslder houslng no more Lhan four Lo slx chlckens ln one coop. lf you have around seven Lo
Len chlcken, lL mlghL be LempLlng Lo puL all of Lhem ln a house bullL for slx blrds, buL dolng so
wlll glve Lhem Loo llLLle lndlvldual space.


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Chlckens wlll easlly sLress ln an overcrowded coop, maklng Lhem suscepLlble Lo healLh and
behavloral problems. lL's beLLer Lo have four or less chlckens ln a coop LhaL wlll glve Lhem
plenLy of space and house Lhe oLhers ln anoLher coop Lo keep boLh from belng overcrowded.
lf you can only afford a small coop due Lo space consLralnLs ln your yard, leL your chlckens
range free several Llmes a week.

8elng small blrds, banLams wlll requlre less space. Allow aL leasL a square fooL of space per
banLam lnslde Lhe chlcken house. Pens need more space, requlrlng aL Lhe baresL mlnlmum
Lwo square feeL of space lnslde.

lor even larger chlckens, aL leasL Lhree square feeL of space lnslde and Len square feeL of
space ouLslde are ldeal. erch space can be abouL elghL Lo Len lnches per blrd.

lf you have space Lo spare, glve your blrds Lhe exLra room Lo move and roam around as Lhey
please, buL do lL on scale. unnecessary space wlll be wasLed.

Coop helghL ls relaLlve, buL as wlLh Lhe floor area, Lhe more room Lhey have, Lhe happler Lhe
chlckens wlll be. lf you only keep hens, a helghL of aL leasL Lhree feeL ls good, as Lhls wlll allow
Lhem Lo [ump and spread and flap Lhelr wlngs.


?our coop musL allow you ease of access Lo make lL work for you and for your blrds.
LveryLhlng you need Lo do ln Lhe coop musL be easy Lo do, such as harvesLlng Lhe eggs,
feedlng and provldlng waLer, and cleanlng and malnLalnlng Lhe coop and Lhe run.

lL wlll cerLalnly Lake Lhe [oy ouL of Lendlng your blrds lf you need Lo bend all Lhe way down,
especlally lf you have a bad back, or geL down on your hands and knees lf you have Lo do
your dally Lasks aL Lhe chlcken house.

ermanenL houslng wlll do well Lo be aL leasL flve Lo slx feeL Lall for your convenlence,
especlally ln Lhe crlLlcal Lask of cleanlng Lhe chlcken house. 1hls helghL wlll also yleld Lhe
added beneflL of havlng good venLllaLlon.

?our blrds musL also have easy access Lo Lhelr food and waLer. uon'L make Lhem sLraln Lo geL
Lhelr dally nuLrlLlonal lnLake oslLlon feeders and waLerers aL Lhe chlcken's shoulder level Lo
glve Lhem [usL Lhe rlghL range.


A well-venLllaLed coop plays an lmporLanL role ln Lhe overall wellbelng of your chlckens.

1helr resplraLlon raLe ls hlgh, abouL 30 exhalaLlons a mlnuLe, causlng Lhe blrds Lo consume


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more oxygen, and release more carbon dloxlde, molsLure, and heaL when breaLhlng.

1he dropplngs cause Lhe accumulaLlon of harmful gases such as ammonla, and dusL parLlcles
from Lhe beddlng may be suspended ln Lhe alr lnslde Lhe coop. All Lhese condlLlons make Lhe
alr ln Lhe coop sLale qulckly and can mean dlsasLer lf Lhere ls poor venLllaLlon. 1he bulld up of
Loxlc alr caused by faulLy venLllaLlon wlll adversely affecL Lhelr lungs and can lead Lo
resplraLory dlseases.

1o safeguard Lhe chlckens from resplraLory dlseases, ensure Lhelr houslng has proper
venLllaLlon, by glvlng approxlmaLely one-flfLh of Lhe coop wall Lo wlndows, or abouL one
square fooL of wlndow for every Len square feeL of floor area. ?ou can afford Lo make more
wlndows lf lL rarely goes below freezlng ln your area durlng wlnLer.

1o avold predaLors from geLLlng ln, Lhe wlndows musL be LlghLly screened wlLh aL mosL x or
lnch mesh-wlre neLLlng because Lhe holes musL be small enough Lo bar small predaLors
from geLLlng ln. Small predaLors such as weasels can geL Lhrough Lhe holes of 1-lnch chlcken

1hese wlndows wlll allow fresh breeze Lo come ln and heavy Loxlc fumes ouL of Lhe coop. lf
ammonla assalls your nose when you open or enLer Lhe chlcken house, LhaL means Lhe
venLllaLlon ls noL worklng well.

?ou can make alr venLs on Lhe souLh and easL sldes of Lhe chlcken house and can open as
many venLs as needed when LemperaLure ls hlgh Lo allow fresh, cooler alr ln. Warm, sLale alr
can bulld up lnslde Lhe coop durlng swelLerlng summer, and a sLuffy coop wlll become a
smelly coop, a condlLlon ln whlch your chlckens cannoL Lhrlve.

lf you have venLs on Lhe norLh slde, close Lhem durlng wlnLer and keep Lhe souLh venLs open
Lo allow venLllaLlon, excepL when Lhe wlnLer cold geLs Loo much for Lhe blrds. uurlng frlgld
weaLher, make sure Lhe venLs are LlghLly sealed Lo avold drafLs because alLhough chlckens
can sLand Lhe cold, Lhey wlll noL survlve a drafL.

lnsLalllng a fan may be necessary when LemperaLures rlse Loo hlgh for Lhe blrds' comforL.

1he hlgher Lhe LemperaLure, Lhe more molsLure Lhe alr holds, and molsLure ln Lhe coop can
mean damp, smelly condlLlons, whlch can be deadly for Lhe blrds.

?ou have a cholce of celllng mounLed or wall mounLed fans, dependlng on Lhe deslgn of your
coop or where lL would be mosL convenlenL Lo lnsLall lL. ?ou can of course, also open all
wlndows ln Lhe norLh as well as souLh Lo allow cross-venLllaLlon or free flow of fresh alr.


lnsulaLlon goes hand and hand wlLh venLllaLlon as boLh work LogeLher Lo keep your blrds cool


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durlng summer and cozy ln Lhe wlnLer. 1he walls of Lhe chlcken house musL be lnsulaLed Lo
help your chlckens survlve blLLer wlnLer weaLher or exLreme summer heaL.

AlLhough Lhey can LoleraLe cold weaLher, chlckens can suffer from frosLblLe ln Lhelr waLLles
and combs. Cood lnsulaLlon wlll keep your blrds warm and dry durlng wlnLer season and cool
ln Lhe muggy days of summer.

?ou can use SLyrofoam as lnsulaLlon beLween Lhe walls and celllng of your chlcken coop.
AbouL x Lo 1 x lnches of SLyrofoam sheeLs can be placed on Lhe souLh and wesL sldes of your
coop walls, and on Lhe roof. 1o keep Lhe chlckens from pecklng aL Lhe SLyrofoam, cover lL
wlLh plywood or oLher maLerlals Lhe blrds cannoL peck Lhrough.

lanLs can help provlde lnsulaLlon by provldlng cover from exLreme weaLher condlLlons. lanL
Lrees around and near Lhe coop, buL noL Loo near LhaL predaLors can use Lhem Lo galn access
Lo Lhe coop.

CulLlvaLe grass around Lhe chlcken house Lo abouL four lnches ln helghL. vegeLaLlon around
your chlcken house wlll also offer shade, buL ensure Lhey do noL block wlndows or venL holes
and resLrlcL alrflow. SouLh wlndows wlll be enLry polnLs of alr durlng sunny days, buL Lhey
should be shaded ln exLremely hoL weaLher.

uurlng wlnLer, hay or sLraw bales may be sLacked agalnsL Lhe norLh wall of Lhe chlcken house
aL leasL Lwo deep for heaL reLenLlon. ?ou can also plan Lhe consLrucLlon of your coop Lo have
Lhe norLh slde faclng a hlll or a sLrucLure LhaL wlll shleld lL from Lhe norLhern chlll.

Alumlnum or corrugaLed meLal rooflng, or llghL-colored composlLe rooflng can be used Lo
deflecL heaL, as well as palnLlng Lhe ouLer coop walls wlLh whlLe maLLe palnL. Make awnlng
on Lhe chlcken house or place oLher covers for addlLlonal shade, glvlng Lhe chlckens more
places Lo caLch Lhe breeze.


rovldlng your chlckens wlLh a run or a chlcken
pen ls lmporLanL as lL serves many purposes
oLher Lhan Lo glve Lhem a place Lo slmply
wander around. ?our blrds need loLs of fresh
alr, sunshlne, and exerclse.

A chlcken run ls an enclosed area where your
blrds can geL loLs of sunshlne, fresh alr, healLhy
grass, and can wander around and forage for
food. 1he run ls elLher aLLached Lo Lhe coop or
slmply a fenced area of Lhe yard or lawn where
Lhe blrds can roam around freely.


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Allow aL leasL elghL square feeL of ouLdoor roamlng space for each hen and Len square feeL per
blrd of Lhe larger breed. lour square feeL per blrd ln Lhe run wlll do lf you have banLams. 1he
more room Lhey have Lhe happler your fowls wlll be.

1he run wlll keep your blrds safe from posslble dangers such as movlng cars, peLs, or even
people. lL can be made of heavy-duLy neLLlng or chaln-llnk fence or anyLhlng LhaL wlll make for a
sLurdy fence LhaL Lhe blrd, or any anlmal for LhaL maLLer, wlll noL be able Lo push down Lrylng Lo
geL ln or ouL of. urposely choose your fenclng based on denylng access Lo predaLors LhaL are
common ln your area.

Allowlng Lhem Llme ln Lhe run wlll help ensure your chlckens geL Lhelr requlred dally dose of aL
leasL 12 hours of dayllghL, especlally Lhe hens LhaL need regular sunllghL Lo alde ln egg
producLlon. lf Lhelr coop offers only a small paLch of sunllghL, Lhey wlll all crowd around LhaL Llny

lace Lhelr coop and run ln an area of your yard LhaL wlll allow Lhe sun Lo reach all parLs of Lhe
run aL leasL aL some polnL durlng Lhe day. 1hls wlll help Lo dry any weL parLs of Lhe run as Lhey
mlghL occur. ?ou need noL worry abouL your blrds geLLlng Loo much sun, Lhey wlll know when
Lhey have had enough buL [usL be sure Lo offer plenLy of shade as well, especlally durlng Lhe hoL
days of summer.

LeLLlng your blrds do Lhelr buslness around Lhe run wlll glve Lhem exerclse, by allowlng Lhem Lo
sLruL around Lhe pen, scraLch and dlg for bugs and worms ln Lhe earLh, and soclallze wlLh each
oLher. 1he blgger Lhe space for Lhe run, and Lhe more grass lL has, Lhe beLLer for your sLock.

Some leL Lhelr chlckens free range ln Lhelr yard, buL as Lhese blrds can wreak havoc ln your
garden-or worse, your nelghbor's garden-lL ls wlse Lo keep Lhem ln a fenced area or a chlcken
run. 1hls way Lhey wlll also be safe from predaLors and wlll lessen Lhe llkellhood of you hunLlng
for Lhelr eggs ouLslde Lhe coop.

LlghLwelghL breeds and banLams wlll fly so Lhere ls a need Lo cover Lhe Lop of Lhe chlcken run
wlLh poulLry neLLlng Lo keep Lhem ln. ?ou mlghL need Lo have a hlgher fence lf you have
banLams whlch can fly over a fence as hlgh as slx feeL, so placlng a wlre Lop or nylon poulLry neL
on Lhe roof of Lhe run wlll be requlred.

lor medlum slzed or larger blrds LhaL do noL normally fly, a fenced-ln run abouL four feeL hlgh
wlLh a neL-covered Lop wlll work well. 8emember LhaL wlnged predaLors such as hawks and owls
can geL Lo Lhe chlckens ln an open-Lopped run. 1he covered Lop wlll also keep wlld blrd
dropplngs from geLLlng lnslde Lhe run and lnfecLlng or LransmlLLlng dlseases or paraslLes Lo your

When chooslng Lhe helghL of your run, keep ln mlnd LhaL you wlll need access Lo Lhe area and
plan accordlng Lo ease and comforL on your parL.

lf you have a movable coop and run, move Lhe whole Lhlng Lo a new area aL Lhe flrsL slgn of


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wear. lf Lhe chlckens' foraglng ground ls noL changed regularly, lL becomes bare as all Lhe grass
wlll have been scraLched or eaLen by Lhe chlckens, and Lhe dlrL wlll have losL whaL lL normally
offers Lo Lhe blrds, slugs, worms and oLher bugs Lhey llke so much. 8arren ground ls also
suscepLlble Lo paraslLes LhaL could evenLually lnfecL Lhe blrds.

A moblle coop wlLh a run ls convenlenL and wlll allow you Lo move lL easlly Lo fresh ground. 1hls
fresh area wlll glve Lhe chlckens fresh grass, weeds, and frlable soll rlch wlLh slugs and oLher
pesLs. A movable unlL wlll also allow you Lo convenlenLly leL your blrds do Lhe clearlng of your
garden or vegeLable bed.

Chlckens wlll make Lhelr own dusL baLhs ln Lhe run, lf Lhey are conflned. 1urn Lhe soll lnslde Lhe
run, or add sand or wood ash, and make sure lL ls dry. 1he chlckens wlll do Lhe resL.

redaLors can burrow lnLo Lhe ground golng Lo Lhe chlcken run and may even chew Lhe wlre
mesh ln Lhelr deslre Lo geL Lo your sLock. Make your chlcken pen predaLor proof by dlgglng Lhe
ground under your coop and run aL leasL slx lnches deep and llnlng lL wlLh sLurdy mesh neLLlng
fasLened Lo Lhe pavlng and reLurnlng Lhe soll on Lop or addlng ground maLerlal such as Lurf.


8eddlng, or llLLer, serves many purposes LhaL make lL essenLlal Lo Lhe healLh and happlness of
your chlckens. 8eddlng on Lhe coop floor wlll absorb molsLure, dropplngs, and odor. lL provldes
cushlon Lo Lhe blrds' feeL and provldes Lhem ground level lnsulaLlon.

laced ln Lhe nesL boxes, beddlng wlll provlde a sofL spoL for Lhe eggs Lo resL when Lhey are lald,
lessenlng Lhe chance of geLLlng 'spolled' or cracked eggs. lace llLLer under Lhe roosL, ln Lhe nesL
box, around feeders and waLerers, and aL doorways. 8eddlng for young blrds can be a mlnlmum
of four lnches deep and aL leasL elghL lnches for maLure blrds.

When chooslng beddlng maLerlals, lL ls wlse Lo conslder Lhe cosL.

Choose an organlc maLerlal and shop around for Lhe besL prlce you can geL. Also, conslder how
easy lL ls Lo use and manage, and how much work ls enLalled ln dlsposlng lL.

1here are several klnds of maLerlals LhaL can be used as beddlng. Wood producLs used for
beddlng are wood chlps, barks, wood shavlngs, sLraw or leaves, and resldues from paper mllls.
Pulls, such as Lhose of rlce, peanuLs, coffee beans, and sLraw or sLalks of rye, oaL, corn, or
wheaL, are planL-based resldues LhaL can be used for beddlng.

WhaLever Lype of beddlng maLerlal you choose lL should be absorbenL buL dry qulckly. lL should
be llghLwelghL, durable, and affordable. lL musL noL be damp, moldy or musLy when you flrsL geL
lL, and should noL easlly pack when used.

WeL llLLer can spell dlsasLer, as lL can become a breedlng ground for bacLerla, and mold causes


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resplraLory problems ln chlckens. LlLLer LhaL packs easlly wlll requlre frequenL raklng Lo loosen
up or remove maLLed porLlons, especlally ln parLs of Lhe coop where Lhey are sub[ecLed Lo
weLness or molsLure.

lL ls besL Lo choose a beddlng maLerlal wlsely so LhaL when Llme comes for you Lo replace lL, you
won'L regreL your declslon and puL off necessary and lmporLanL cleanlng Lasks.

Pavlng easy Lo handle, medlum-slzed parLlcles ls preferable, and lL musL be free of any chemlcal
LhaL mlghL be harmful Lo anlmals. lL would also be a plus LhaL lf aL lLs end sLage, lL would make
good composLlng maLerlals LhaL can evenLually be used as ferLlllzer.

Wood Shav|ngs

Wood shavlngs, especlally plne, are
commonly used for beddlng
because Lhey are very absorbenL
and easy Lo malnLaln.

?ou can buy shavlngs from sLores
LhaL sell feed for anlmals, or geL lL
aL a cheaper prlce from a local
wood yard, sawmlll or a company
LhaL manufacLures wood-based

?ou musL ensure LhaL Lhe shavlngs
do noL conLaln Loxlc chemlcals from any LreaLmenL lL may have undergone durlng Lhe
manufacLurlng process, as Lhese wlll be an lrrlLanL Lo Lhe blrds.

uo noL use sawdusL as lLs llghL welghL can cause lL Lo floaL ln Lhe alr and cause resplraLory
problems ln Lhe blrds. Also, do noL use oak or cedar shavlngs as Lhey are Loxlc Lo chlckens.

Wood shavlngs are preferred beddlng because lL ls good Lo look aL and does noL requlre a loL
of work Lo malnLaln. ?ou only need Lo Lurn lL Lo expose Lhe drler boLLom layer. lL does noL
pack and ls less llkely Lo harbor paraslLes llke mlLes.

ln a deep llLLer sysLem, you slmply remove Lhe solled upper layer and puL some fresh
shavlngs on Lop of Lhe boLLom layer, savlng you Llme and efforL ln cleanlng Lhe beddlng.

A deep llLLer sysLem ls good ln colder cllmes as lL glves warmLh Lo Lhe chlcken house. lf Lhe
henhouse has a wooden floor, look under Lhe beddlng perlodlcally Lo check lf lL ls roLLlng Lhe

uo noL use shavlngs when ralslng chlcks as Lhe llLLle ones mlghL mlsLake Lhem for food scraps


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and eaL Lhem.
Wood Ch|ps

Wood chlps, dlfferenL from Lhe sofLer and flner shavlngs, are safer Lo use ln chlcken houses
where young sLock ls kepL because lL looks less llke food crumbs. Powever, lL can be prlcler
Lhan wood shavlngs and may be dlfflculL Lo flnd. 1hey are also less absorbenL.

Wood chlps are hard and coarse buL wlll make excellenL base for your coop and run. A Lhlck
layer on Lhe floor wlll absorb dropplngs and leL waLer draln Lhrough lL easlly, keeplng Lhe Lop
layer relaLlvely dry. Cnce solled you can [usL remove Lhe dlrLy layer and add more chlps Lo
achleve Lhe requlred Lhlckness.

Shredded aper

1hls makes an ldeal beddlng maLerlal due Lo
lLs many convenlenL properLles. Shredded
paper ls economlcal and very convenlenL Lo
use. lL ls very absorbenL and easy Lo change
and dlspose. lL ls a good lnsulaLor especlally ln
wlnLer, does noL harbor paraslLes, and can be

Shredded paper used as beddlng can be
burned afLer use and Lhe poLash and Lhe
chlcken muck ln lL can be beneflclal Lo your
garden soll. Cr you can [usL add lL Lo Lhe
composL heap.

MosL farm sLores sell shredded paper ln bales aL very affordable prlces. ?ou can save a few
more bucks by uslng your own used paper and by asklng nelghbors and frlends Lo glve you
Lhelr used papers. 1he cosL of Lhe shredder can easlly be recouped wlLh Lhe savlngs you geL
from Lhe cheaper beddlng maLerlal, or even from Lhe sale of your chlcken eggs or meaL.

8ecause lL ls llghLwelghL, shredded paper can be easlly blown away by wlnd. lL also geLs
solled qulckly and packs when weL Lurnlng solld and heavy. 1hese dlsadvanLages however are
easlly offseL wlLh lLs recyclable properLles, maklng lL sLlll a worLhwhlle conslderaLlon.


SLraw ls a good maLerlal Lo use for nesL box beddlng. 1here can be an abundance of sources
of sLraw ln rural areas, and you can ask you local farmers Lo sell you a couple of bales of


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sLraw afLer Lhelr harvesL season. lL ls cheap and easy Lo use.


lf you have a small movable chlcken house, chances are you won'L need Lo lnsLall a fence, as Lhe
chlckens wlll be kepL lnslde Lhe coop and run LhaL ls normally fully enclosed. 1hey can slmply be
leL ouL of Lhe coop & run Lo free roam Lhe yard perlodlcally under supervlslon.

Powever fenclng mlghL become
necessary lf you have a medlum Lo large
flock whlch means more roamlng space ls

All chlckens wlll wander and Lhe llghLer
and smaller breeds wlll fly. ConLaln your
blrds by lnsLalllng a fence Lo keep Lhem
ln, keep predaLory anlmals ouL, and glve
your blrd's prlvacy and a feellng of safeLy.
A fence wlll also glve your chlcken house
a flnlshed look.

lenclng ls Lo keep predaLors aL bay as
much as Lo keep chlckens ln.

A predaLor vlslLlng your flock can wlpe ouL your sLock. A perlmeLer fence wlll deLer mosL
predaLors such as raccoons, skunks, weasels, even caLs and dogs. A fox LhaL has scaled a fence
and goLLen lLself a blrd, may flnd lL dlfflculL Lo go back over Lhe fence wlLh lLs load, buL Lhls ls sLlll
no comforL for Lhe chlcken owner. A covered Lop wlll keep predaLors from scallng Lhe fence, and
wlll also keep flylng predaLors such as hawks aL bay.

AnoLher reason for puLLlng up a fence ls Lo proLecL your-and more lmporLanLly your
nelghbor's-garden. A fence wlll conLrol Lhe blrds' access Lo pasLure. no one wanLs chlckens ln
Lhelr vegeLable paLch afLer Lolllng over Lhe planLs, as Lhe blrds wlll eaL all Lhose green munchles
Lhey love so much.

lenclng wlll also proLecL your chlckens from many forms of danger Lhey may come across lf lefL
Lo run loose. 8oad Lrafflc ln your nelghborhood can be a concern, especlally lf your blrds have
Lhe penchanL Lo walk across Lhe road Lo your nelghbor's grassy lawn. eLs such as dogs and caLs
ln Lhe nelghborhood mlghL chance upon your blrds and harass Lhem.

unforLunaLely Lhere are also people who can pose a danger Lo your blrds, as noL everyone wlll
be frlendly and compasslonaLe Lo anlmals. A sLurdy fence wlll keep your blrds away from areas
Lhey are noL wanLed.


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1o make good fences, dlg Lhem lnLo Lhe ground aL leasL Lwo feeL deep Lo deLer predaLors and
even peLs from dlgglng underneaLh Lo geL Lo Lhe blrds. lL wlll also sLop your blrds from pushlng
Lhelr way ouL of Lhe fence.

lL should be aL leasL four Lo slx feeL ln helghL, dependlng on your breed, Lo dlscourage predaLors
from scallng Lhe fence and your blrds from flylng or [umplng ouL. lf your blrds are fllghLy, make
Lhe fence hlgher Lhan Lhe helghL Lhey can fly over.

MaLerlals LhaL are good for use ln chlcken fenclng are chaln-llnk fence, small mesh woven wlre,
LlghLly welded wlre sheep panels, and heavy duLy-yard and garden fenclng. 1he mosL common ls
chlcken wlre, preferably Lhe galvanlzed wlre for ouLdoor use, as lndoor chlcken wlre rusLs easlly
when used ouLdoors and ls exposed Lo Lhe elemenLs.

lf you have downy chlcks LhaL can easlly sllp Lhrough mosL fenclng, aLLach 30 cm wlde avlary
neLLlng along Lhe boLLom of your wlre fence Lo keep Lhe llLLle ones from geLLlng ouL of Lhe
fenced area.

lf predaLors are glvlng you a headache, conslder puLLlng up an elecLrlc wlre fence, sLrung ln Lhe
ground, along Lhe boLLom ouLslde of Lhe run, and on Lop of Lhe fence Lo bar all posslble access
for predaLors.

8ulld your fence a good dlsLance away from Lhe coop Lo allow more space for your chlckens and
keep Lhelr home safely away from posslble danger.


A nesL box glves your chlckens a safe and
convenlenL place Lo lay Lhelr eggs and go
broody. Pens wlll lnsLlncLlvely seek a nesLlng
area Lo glve Lhem a quleL place Lo resL and lay
eggs wlLhouL any dlsLurbance.

1here are many shapes and slzes of nesLlng
boxes. A roll-away nesL box ls deslgned Lo
keep Lhe hens from eaLlng Lhe eggs. LxLernal
nesL boxes, whlch are really lnslde Lhe coop
buL wlLh Lhe backslde poklng ouL of Lhe coop
wall, allow you Lo easlly harvesL Lhe eggs
wlLhouL golng lnLo Lhe coop.

CuLslde nesL boxes are locaLed ouLslde Lhe
coop, buL are noL recommended ln frlgld
cllmes where Lhe eggs can freeze and crack. lndoor nesL boxes are recommended Lo ensure Lhe


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eggs are safe from Lhe cold and are less llkely Lo be eaLen by Lhe hens as Lhey are cocooned ln
Lhe darker lnLerlors of Lhe coop.

1he nesL boxes can be made of meLal, wood or plasLlc, whaLever maLerlal Lhey are made of,
make sure Lhey are all easy Lo clean and malnLaln.

1he recommended number of nesL boxes depends on Lhe slze of your sLock. Chances are your
hens wlll noL all lay aL Lhe same Llme, so alloLLlng one nesL box per chlcken ls unnecessary. 1he
ldeal raLlo ls one nesL box for every Lhree hens. Powever, lf you have Lhree or less hens, provlde
Lwo boxes.

CLhers allow up Lo flve hens per box, buL keep ln mlnd LhaL Lhe more hens uslng one box, Lhe
blgger Lhe chance of eggs geLLlng cracked or broken. 1hls happens when all Lhe chlckens plle up
lnLo a slngle nesL box Lo lay eggs. lL ls noL uncommon Lo flnd a cluLch of eggs ln a slngle nesL box
used one afLer anoLher by several hens. So lf you have Lhe space, glve your blrds more room.

lace Lhe nesLlng boxes ln Lhe darkesL parL of Lhe coop, llke under Lhe coop wlndow, as Lhe blrds
prefer dlm, quleL and secluded places Lo resL and lay eggs. 1hls penchanL for shadowy and cozy
places wlll brlng Lhe blrds Lo lay eggs ln dark corners. lf you do noL provlde a nesL box ln a dlm
area, Lhey wlll lay eggs ln Lhe nook and crannles of Lhe coop and lL mlghL be dlfflculL Lo flnd Lhe
eggs when you wanL Lhem.

laclng Lhe nesL box ln Lhe dlmmesL parL of Lhe coop wlll also help proLecL Lhe eggs from belng
eaLen by hens LhaL mlghL geL Lhe ldea of pecklng an egg open upon longer scruLlny. 1hese blrds
cannoL see very well ln Lhe dark so a dlmmed nesL box wlll help keep Lhe eggs safe.

1here ls no need Lo sweaL over lLs exacL dlmenslons. A box a llLLle blgger Lhan Lhe chlcken-
whaLever lLs slze-wlll be sufflclenL. AlLhough Lhe hens wlll sLlll lay and go broody whaLever Lhe
slze of Lhelr boxes, a cozy flL ls ldeal.

lor reference, make Lhe wooden box aL leasL 12 Lo 14 lnches wlLh 1 slde open, or 12 lnches by
13 lnches and [usL over a fooL deep for a large blrd. 1he baslc ls Lo make Lhe nesL box blgger Lhan
Lhe chlcken.

1he nesL boxes can be placed a fooL or Lwo above Lhe ground, ensurlng Lhey are lower Lhan Lhe
lowesL roosL or perch. 1hey can be made ln Llers, placlng allgnlng perches aL Lhe fronL of Lhe
boxes. lace all nesLlng boxes on one slde ln Lhe coop, and aLLach a llp aL leasL Lhree lnches aL
Lhe end of Lhe openlng of Lhe nesL box Lo keep Lhe eggs from rolllng ouL and Lhe beddlng from

uo noL leL blrds, especlally new ones, roosL lnslde Lhe nesL box as Lhls wlll resulL ln dlrLy nesLs
and consequenLly, dlrLy eggs. ?ou can prevenL Lhls by coverlng Lhe enLrance Lo Lhe nesL box aL
nlghL wlLh a board or a flap Lhey cannoL open. Make Lhe roof of your nesL box sloplng Lo
dlscourage chlckens from roosLlng on lL.


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Chlckens, especlally hens, love Lo perch and roosL. 1o make Lhem happy, provlde Lhem wlLh off-
Lhe ground perches ln a speclflc place ln Lhe henhouse for Lhem Lo roosL on.

erches, also called roosLlng bars, are elevaLed poles or boards where Lhe chlckens roosL and
sleep shoulder Lo shoulder. 1hey represenL Lree branches where wlld chlckens normally sleep,
Lhe helghL of whlch glves Lhem a sense of safeLy and advanLage.

uependlng on your flock slze, you can lnsLall a perch or Lwo for your blrds Lo roosL aL nlghL.


erches musL be Lhe rlghL slze for Lhe blrds. Chlckens musL be able Lo grlp perches
comforLably by curllng Lhelr Loes around lL. A perch Loo narrow for a chlcken Lo grasp well
wlll lnvarlably cause damage Lo lLs breasLbones due Lo Lhe efforL of Lrylng Lo sLay on Lhe

erch Lhlckness wlll depend on Lhe breed and slze of your sLock. Large breeds need perches
Lo be aL leasL Lwo lnches ln dlameLer. 8anLams wlll requlre perches LhaL are aL leasL one lnch
ln dlameLer. 1he roosLlng bar should be round buL noL compleLely smooLh Lo allow Lhe
chlckens Lo geL a good grlp.


Securely lnsLall Lhe perch horlzonLally along one slde of Lhe henhouse and opposlLe Lhe
nesLlng boxes. lf Lhere ls more Lhan one perch or roosLlng bar, make sure Lhey are all of Lhe
same helghL. lf noL, Lhere wlll be a baLLle for who geLs Lo roosL on Lhe hlgher perch.

lf uslng a ladder-sLyle roosL, due Lo space consLralnLs, poslLlon Lhe boLLom of Lhe ladder far
away from Lhe wall so chlckens perchlng on Lhe hlgher sLeps of Lhe ladder wlll noL dump Lhelr
poop on Lhe chlckens roosLlng on Lhe lower rungs.

uo noL poslLlon perches where Lhey can be hlL by a cross drafL. When chlckens ruffle up Lhelr
feaLhers, Lhey Lrap warm alr emanaLlng from Lhelr bodles, Lhus creaLlng a Lhermal blankeL
LhaL keeps Lhem warm. A drafL wlll blow away Lhe layer of warm alr from Lhelr feaLhers and
rob Lhe blrds of Lhelr proLecLlon from Lhe cold.


oslLlon Lhe roosLlng bar or perch aL leasL Lwo feeL hlgh from Lhe chlcken coop floor, hlgher


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for long-Lalled breeds, and aL abouL one fooL hlgh lf you have heavy breeds. 1hey musL be
hlgher Lhan Lhe nesL boxes Lo avold havlng Lhe chlckens nesL on Lhe nesL box. 8anLams can
have hlgher perches because of Lhelr llghLer welghL and ablllLy Lo fly.

CorrecL perch helghL ls lmporLanL Lo allow Lhe blrds Lo geL on and off Lhe perches easlly. lf
Lhe perches are Loo hlgh, Lhe consLanL hard landlng when Lhe blrds come down may
endanger Lhe reproducLlve sysLem of hens, and may rlsk ln[ury Lo Lhe pads of Lhe chlckens'

erch helghL ls correcL lf Lhe blrds are able Lo geL on and off Lhe perches easlly and lf Lhey
have room Lo sLand on Lhem. lf Lhere ls more Lhan one, allow 12 lnches beLween perches.


Clve aL leasL elghL Lo Lwelve lnches of roosLlng bar space per large blrd on Lhe perches, and aL
leasL flve lnches for each banLam or blrd of llghL breed. uependlng on Lhe number of blrds
you have, wlLh Lhls gulde you wlll know how many perches you need Lo lnsLall. lf only one
perch ls used for all Lhe blrds, secure lL wlLh a supporL every slx feeL of lLs lengLh.


1here are many Lhlngs you can use
as perches, buL you need Lo selecL
carefully Lhe klnd LhaL wlll be safe
for y our blrds and easy Lo scrape

erches can be made from an old
wooden ladder placed horlzonLally,
meLal or plasLlc plpes LhaL are Lhln
buL sLurdy, or planed wood. MeLal
and plasLlc mlghL however requlre a
blL of scufflng Lo ensure Lhe blrds
don'L sllp off. 1hey can also be cold
ln Lhe wlnLer buL are worLh
conslderaLlon for Lhose ln warmer

1ree branches can also be Lurned lnLo perches lf Lhe dlameLer ls correcL and Lhe bark has
been removed. uo noL use wood LhaL sLlll has bark on lL or roughly sawn Llmber for perches
as Lhe chlckens can geL spllnLers from Lhem.


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lood ls vlLal Lo Lhe healLhy growLh of your chlckens.

SomeLhlng as slmple as Lhe locaLlon of Lhelr
food conLalners, or feeders, has an lmpacL on
Lhelr wellbelng and Lhelr egg-laylng capablllLy.
Lnsurlng Lhe blrds have easy access Lo Lhelr
food ls as essenLlal as Lhe nuLrlenLs Lhe food
acLually provldes Lhem wlLh.

laclng feeders lnslde Lhe chlcken house wlll
mlnlmlze Lhe rlsk of your blrds conLracLlng
dlsease such as blrd flu. lf lefL exposed
ouLslde, dropplngs of flylng wlld blrds may
land ln Lhe feeders. lf placed ouLslde Lhe coop,
a feeder can aLLracL oLher anlmals or lnsecLs
LhaL can also carry bacLerla or dlseases. keep
feeders away from fooL Lrafflc, perches, and
Lhe chlcken house door.

lL ls besL Lo place Lhe feeders off Lhe floor on a
shelf, suspended from Lhe celllng, or hanglng
from Lhe roof rafLers. An elevaLed feeder wlll
be safe from dropplngs, keeplng Lhe feed clean for Lhe blrds Lo consume. Panglng feeders wlll
be easy Lo ad[usL Lo your blrds' helghL as Lhey grow. llL your feeder wlLh perch guards LhaL
roLaLe Lo sLop Lhe blrds from roosLlng on lL.

lf feeders are placed Loo low or on ground level, chlckens can make a mess by klcklng beddlng
lnLo lL. 1hls wlll foul and cover Lhe feed wlLh beddlng maLerlal, maklng lL dlfflculL for Lhe blrds Lo
eaL. Cn Lhe oLher hand, lf Lhe feeders are placed Loo hlgh for Lhe blrds, Lhe efforL Lo geL enough
food wlll sLraln Lhem, leadlng Lo sLress and poor healLh.

1he feeder openlng or llp musL be level Lo Lhe flaL back of your smallesL chlcken when sLandlng.
AL Lhls helghL, Lhey cannoL scraLch beddlng or drop feces lnLo Lhe feeders. A feeder aL Lhls level
and wlLh a llp rolled lnwards wlll dlscourage 'bllllng ouL', Lhe unruly hablL of chlckens wasLlng
food by fllcklng lL ouL of Lhe feeder uslng Lhelr beak.

Pow a feeder ls shaped can also affecL Lhe healLh of your flock. uo noL choose a deslgn where
feed can easlly splll ouL as food on Lhe chlcken house floor ls a magneL for rodenLs. lf Lhe spllled


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feed accumulaLes molsLure and comes ln conLacL wlLh any dropplngs on Lhe floor, Lhls wlll Lurn
Lhe chlcken house floor lnLo a breedlng ground of organlsms LhaL can cause varlous dlseases.

Chlckens LhaL belong Lo Lhe hlgher rung of Lhe pecklng order can deny lower-ranklng chlckens
access Lo Lhe feeder and waLerer by guardlng Lhem, dehydraLlng and sLarvlng Lhe laLLer ln Lhe
process. ?ou can avold Lhls by supplylng Lwo seLs of feeders ln Lhe chlcken house, ensurlng LhaL
Lhey are placed as far away as posslble from each oLher.

?ou can choose feeders made of plasLlc or galvanlzed meLal.

lasLlc feeders allow you Lo see Lhe level of food ln lL, maklng lL easy Lo deLermlne when you
need Lo reflll. 1hey are avallable aL peL sLores and are falrly low prlced, lL wlll noL be Loo hard on
Lhe pockeL lf lL breaks or when lL needs Lo be replaced afLer a few years.

Calvanlzed meLal feeders, on Lhe oLher hand,
are more durable Lhan plasLlc buL are also
more expenslve. ?ou wlll have Lo look lnLo Lhe
feeder Lo see lf you need Lo reflll or noL, and
Lhe meLal can corrode lf anyLhlng acldlc ls
placed ln lL, endangerlng your blrds' healLh lf
Lhey lngesL lL.

A plgleL feeder made of elLher wood or
galvanlzed meLal can be used for chlckens.
Wall-mounLed plgleL feeders can hold more
food and can be refllled from Lhe Lop when lL
runs low. 8arrel feeders come cheap and can
be homemade. 1hey are good for Lhose wlLh a
larger sLock.

1he blgger Lhe blrds are, Lhe more food Lhey
eaL. Pence, do noL use chlck feeders for adulL
hens, as Lhese wlll noL hold enough food.

lf you choose Lrough feeders, glve each adulL blrd Lhree Lo four lnches of space and aL leasL an
lnch for chlcks when Lhey feed aL Lhe same Llme. When space ls LlghL, chlckens on Lhe hlgher
rung of Lhe pecklng order wlll push away Lhose below Lhem ln rank, and Lhe laLLer runs Lhe rlsk
of sLarvlng.


lresh waLer ls lmperaLlve Lo Lhe healLh of your flock.

ln facL, access Lo clean fresh waLer ls more lmporLanL Lhan food avallablllLy. uo noL leL your flock


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go for any lengLh of Llme wlLhouL waLer.

Chlckens drlnk a loL of waLer, especlally on
warm days. rovlde your flock wlLh fresh,
clean waLer ln approprlaLe waLer conLalners,
also called waLerers. lf waLer ls noL easlly
avallable Lo Lhem, Lhe blrds mlghL resorL Lo
drlnklng elsewhere llke puddles, or worse,
sLagnanL waLer LhaL may conLaln subsLances
harmful for your blrds.

Lnsure Lhey have a permanenL waLer supply
by checklng LhaL Lhe waLerers are noL leaklng,
and have noL been messed ln or Llpped over
by Lhe blrds.

Choose waLerers deslgned Lo keep waLer
clean and Lo hold enough for an enLlre day.
lace Lhem ln a shaded area Lo keep Lhe waLer
from geLLlng Loo warm lf dlrecLly hlL by

lf you have a small flock, place aL leasL a couple of waLerers ln Lhelr coop and flll lL up every
mornlng and nlghL. AbouL a Lhlrd of your flock should be able Lo drlnk aL Lhe same Llme any
glven Llme of Lhe day. Choose 3-3 gallon waLerers for adulL blrds and one gallon waLerers for
young blrds. Clean Lhem ouL wlLh a dlslnfecLanL aL leasL once a week.

As wlLh feeders, poslLlon waLerers away from each oLher as far as you posslbly can, Lo avold
hlgh-ranklng blrds from guardlng Lhem and denylng access from low-ranklng flock maLes. 1hls
way all your blrds, regardless of Lhelr place ln Lhe pecklng order, can have access Lo waLer any
Llme of Lhe day.

Llke feeders, Lhe waLerers musL be poslLloned correcLly Lo glve Lhe blrds ease of access. 1he
boLLom of Lhe waLerer musL be aL Lhe level of Lhe smallesL blrd's back Lo keep lL safe and clean
for your blrds Lo drlnk. uo noL place waLerers on Lhe floor for Lhe same reason you wlll noL place
feeders on floor level: Lo avold llLLer and dropplngs from geLLlng lnLo Lhe waLerer and
conLamlnaLlng Lhe waLer lnslde.

A good quallLy meLal waLer conLalner ls beLLer Lhan a cheaper one LhaL can easlly rusL. AlLhough
Lhls may be expenslve, lL ls more durable Lhan plasLlc and comes ln slzes LhaL have blgger
capaclLles, such as ones LhaL can hold Lhree Lo flve gallons of waLer.

lasLlc waLer conLalners are cheaper and can be easlly boughL ln peL sLores. Powever, lL can
crack lf waLer freezes ln lL durlng wlnLer or lL ls knocked over by adulL blrds. lasLlc waLerers wlll
also need Lo be replaced afLer a few years due Lo wear and Lear.


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A Lrough used as a waLerer can be easlly Llpped over by Lhe chlckens or become solled wlLh Lhelr
dropplngs because of lLs deslgn. AlLhough chlckens normally wlll noL drlnk dlrLy waLer, Lhelr
poor eyeslghL mlghL Lrlck Lhem lnLo seelng Lhe waLer as clean and drlnk lL, spelllng dlsasLer for
Lhelr healLh.

lf you llve ln a cllmaLe where waLer ls prone Lo freezlng, conslder purchaslng a unlL LhaL has a
heaLlng elemenL Lo keep a consLanL supply of waLer avallable for your flock.

lf you have chlcks, conslder anoLher klnd of waLer conLalner as Lhe llLLle ones can fall lnLo Lhe
Lrough and drown. Check LhaL Lhe waLer level ln Lhe Lrough ls no more Lhan Lwo cm. ln helghL so
Lhe chlcks wlll noL drown should Lhey cllmb ln and fall.


Chlckens do Lhelr dropplngs mosLly aL nlghL, so lL ls lmperaLlve LhaL Lhe manure box or dropplng
plL ls placed underneaLh Lhe perch. 1he manure box wlll help keep Lhe chlcken house floor clean
and lLs lnhablLanLs dlsease-free. lL wlll also allow you Lo look aL Lhe conslsLency and color of your
blrds' dropplngs, as Lhese can be lndlcaLors of Lhe sLaLe of Lhelr healLh.

1he dropplng plL musL be covered wlLh a removable wlre mesh frame Lo prevenL chlckens from
Lrampllng on Lhelr dropplngs, and wlLh holes small enough LhaL chlcks wlll noL sllp Lhrough lL.

1he mesh wlre musL be able Lo hold Lhe welghL of your chlckens wlLhouL sagglng. Some chlckens
may roosL on Lhe plL, so maklng Lhe wlre mesh cover sLurdy wlLh cross-braces ls wlse.

1he cover musL be easy Lo remove Lo allow Lhe manure Lo be cleaned ouL. uropplngs musL be
regularly removed. 1he manure can be recycled by Lurnlng lnLo composL LhaL you can use ln
your garden.

AL leasL once a monLh, glve Lhe dropplng plL and wlre mesh cover a good hose-down. 8rush wlLh
soap and waLer, Lhen rlnse and dry Lhoroughly before uslng agaln.


LlghLlng ln Lhe henhouse glves Lhe necessary lllumlnaLlon Lo allow you Lo check Lhe wellbelng of
your blrds and Lo malnLaln and clean up Lhelr home. 8uL lL also serves Lhe lmporLanL purpose of
helplng your flock lncrease egg producLlon, or lay fresh eggs all year round.

Pow can arLlflclal llghLlng do LhaL? Well, lL seems LhaL hens do noL know Lhe dlfference beLween
sunllghL and arLlflclal llghL. Pens are qulLe senslLlve Lo dayllghL. So when wlnLer ls near, Lhey
Lend Lo elLher lay fewer eggs or LoLally sLop laylng durlng wlnLer's shorLer day lengLh.


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1hls was flrsL proven ln Lhe 1920s when farmers who had elecLrlclLy ln Lhelr farms used Lhe
llghLlng as a means Lo conLrol egg producLlon. 1he hens sLayed awake longer durlng Lhe shorL
wlnLer days, and lald eggs even durlng Lhe nlghL whlle Lhe llghLlng ls on.

Some breeds may lay a few more eggs ln wlnLer Lhan oLhers, buL lf your hens are parLlcularly
senslLlve Lo day lengLh, Lhen arLlflclal llghLlng may help you Lo geL Lhem Lo produce closer Lo
Lhelr normal amounL of eggs even durlng wlnLer.

Cne elecLrlc llghL poslLloned aL Lhe celllng of a small-slzed backyard chlcken coop wlll be enough
Lo glve your blrds warmLh and help Lhem produce eggs all year round. keep Lhe llghL on ln Lhe
evenlng so LhaL Lhe hens are geLLlng 12-14 hours of llghL each day Lo encourage a normal yleld.
When day lengLh ls shorL, replace Lhe usual llghL bulb wlLh a 23-waLL bulb Lo provlde [usL Lhe
rlghL amounL of llghL.

uo noL subsLlLuLe arLlflclal llghL for naLural sunllghL all year round, because chlckens need as
much sunllghL as Lhey can geL. And whlle leavlng Lhe llghL bulb on Lhe whole nlghL may reward
you wlLh conLlnuous egg supply, be careful noL Lo wear down your glrls by maklng sure Lhey sLlll
geL enough sleep.


Whlle naLural lncubaLlon may seem Lo be Lhe besL way Lo haLch eggs, Lhere are many reasons
why people resorL Lo arLlflclal lncubaLlon.

1hey may wlsh Lo have Lhe experlence of haLchlng eggs Lo sLarL Lhelr own flock. 1helr hens may
Lurn ouL Lo be unrellable seLLers or are noL
lncllned Lo go broody, maklng Lhem lose some
cluLches along Lhe way. 1hey may slmply wanL
Lo haLch more eggs Lhan Lhelr hens can

lf you leL your broody hens do Lhe [ob, you do
noL geL Lo declde when Lo haLch Lhe eggs. 8uL
Lhe hens wlll provlde Lhe besL envlronmenL
needed for Lhe cluLch Lo haLch properly.
8roody hens Lurn Lhe eggs aL Lhe rlghL
lnLerval, and provlde [usL Lhe rlghL
LemperaLure and humldlLy conLrol.

1haL Lakes away Lhe Llme-consumlng Lask of
malnLalnlng Lhe correcL LemperaLure ln Lhe
lncubaLor, or geLLlng anxlous over equlpmenL
fallure LhaL wlll make Lhe lncubaLor


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lf you have declded Lo use an lncubaLor for your own reasons, you can opL Lo purchase a
facLory-assembled unlL or assemble lL yourself by uslng an lncubaLor klL. ?ou can also check ouL
second-hand lncubaLors, buL check LhaL Lhey LhaL are affordable, clean, and ln sound condlLlon.

Whlle you may wanL Lo make your own lncubaLor, a ready-made unlL wlll Lake Lhe hassle ouL of
Lrylng Lo slmulaLe Lhe exacL condlLlons LhaL are provlded by broody hens Lo make a successful
haLch. !usL be sure Lo follow Lhe lnsLrucLlons from Lhe speclflc manufacLurer as user guldellnes
wlll vary from one manufacLurer Lo anoLher.

1ypes of Incubator

lncubaLors come ln a varleLy of shapes and slzes.

A small LableLop model may be made of hard plasLlc, sheeL meLal or even SLyrofoam, whlle a
larger model ls usually made of hard plasLlc or wood LhaL ls reslsLanL Lo molsLure.

1here are Lwo Lypes of lncubaLors. 1hey are commonly classlfled lnLo forced-alr Lype and sLlll-
alr Lype. 8oLh have heaLlng elemenLs LhaL are conLrolled by a LhermosLaL LhaL ensures a
regulaLed LemperaLure ls malnLalned lnslde Lhe lncubaLor.

lorced-alr lncubaLors are venLllaLed by fans LhaL keep alr clrculaLlng Lo regulaLe humldlLy,
provldlng beLLer condlLlons. AlLhough forced-alr lncubaLors may be more expenslve, lL ls
more rellable ln keeplng a unlform LemperaLure ln Lhe lncubaLor. lL usually comes ln small
models buL ls also avallable ln a larger cablneL model LhaL can hold more cluLches.

SLlll-alr lncubaLors provlde an even LemperaLure Lo all Lhe eggs wlLh a heaLlng elemenL
placed close enough Lo Lhe cluLch. lL Lyplcally operaLes a hygromeLer LhaL measures humldlLy
kepL aL around 60 Lo 62 percenL durlng lncubaLlon perlod, and ad[usLed Lo 70 percenL durlng

Whlle Lhe SLyrofoam lncubaLor ls Lhe mosL affordable, lL ls however Lhe mosL dlfflculL Lo
malnLaln when lL comes Lo sanlLaLlon, Lhe porous maLerlal does noL leL dlslnfecLanLs
peneLraLe adequaLely. Many users experlence a drop ln Lhe haLchlng success raLe afLer a few


lace your lncubaLor away from human Lrafflc Lo keep lL safe from accldenLs llke someone
Lrlpplng over Lhe cord and cuLLlng off power supply. lL should be kepL away from a heaLer or
dlrecL sunllghL as an unnecessary rlse ln LemperaLure does more damage Lo Lhe eggs Lhan a
drop ln heaL. SeL up Lhe lncubaLor aL an area LhaL would be convenlenL for you Lo check Lhe
eggs and Lhe LemperaLure as ofLen as you need Lo.


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lf your lncubaLor ls placed ln an area where people can easlly have access Lo lL, curloslLy
mlghL geL Lhe beLLer of Lhem. Lach Llme Lhe lncubaLor ls opened, Lhe unlL's ablllLy Lo
malnLaln Lhe LemperaLure and humldlLy ls compromlsed. 1o dlscourage people from openlng
Lhe lncubaLor, posL a noLe Lelllng Lhem Lo leave lL alone. keep lL well away from Lhe reach of
any house peLs.

ower Supp|y

Lnsure your lncubaLor has a sLeady and rellable power supply Lo keep Lhe equlpmenL
funcLlonlng well. Should your power supply fall durlng a malfuncLlon or by force of naLure
such as a sLorm, renderlng Lhe LhermosLaLlc devlce useless, closely monlLor Lhe lnLernal
LemperaLure and provlde alLernaLlve sources of warmLh such as movlng Lhe lncubaLor near a

1ake exLra precauLlons when coverlng Lhe lncubaLor wlLh a blankeL ln an aLLempL Lo keep Lhe
eggs warm, as Lhls can lead Lo oxygen deprlvaLlon, leadlng Lo abnormal embryo


lncubaLor LemperaLure plays a key facLor ln Lhe success of Lhe haLch. lncubaLor
manufacLurers have Lhelr own speclfled LemperaLure seLLlngs, follow Lhe recommended
seLLlng of Lhe model you chose.

keep Lhe lncubaLor ln a room free of drafLs and LhaL malnLalns a conslsLenL LemperaLure of
70 degrees l.

A drop ln LemperaLure can be caused by leavlng a[ar Lhe lncubaLor door or cover, lf Lhe
power cord has been unplugged or Lhe elecLrlclLy has gone off. Low LemperaLure wlll resulL ln
a longer walL for Lhe eggs Lo haLch. noL only LhaL, Lhe chlcks wlll noL survlve for long, havlng
crooked Loes, unhealed navels, and blg, sofL bodles.

ln mosL lncubaLors, a wafer regulaLes Lhe lnslde LemperaLure.

1hls ls a Lhln dlsk fllled wlLh eLher, whlch expands when Lhe LemperaLure goes up. When Lhe
eLher expands, Lhe wafer ln Lurn swells and pushes a buLLon LhaL swlLches off Lhe heaL
source. When Lhe heaL subsldes, Lhe eLher conLracLs and Lhe wafer releases Lhe buLLon,
Lurnlng on Lhe heaL source once agaln.

8e sure Lo have a spare wafer around ln case lL goes ouL and keeps Lhe heaL on longer Lhan
necessary. lf a rapld lncrease of LemperaLure caused by a broken wafer ls unnoLlced for an
exLended perlod of Llme, chances are Lhe eggs wlll have been cooked by Lhe heaL.


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lf you happen Lo caLch Lhe rapld lncrease ln LemperaLure, open Lhe lncubaLor door and leL
Lhe heaL escape Lo cool down Lhe eggs, and sLarL lL back up agaln. ?ou can only Lell lf you
saved Lhe cluLch ln Llme aL haLchlng Llme so conLlnue Lo care for Lhe eggs as you would have
before Lhe malfuncLlon.

Lggs exposed Lo heaL longer Lhan necessary run Lhe rlsk of haLchlng earller Lhan Lhe normal
21 days. lL wlll also resulL Lo havlng chlcks wlLh splayed legs, an lrreparable condlLlon LhaL
makes Lhem unable Lo walk properly and can lead Lo belng culled.

1he lncubaLor musL have good lnsulaLlon Lo keep lL from belng affecLed by room
LemperaLure flucLuaLlons caused by sunllghL comlng Lhrough Lhe wlndows or by heavy
sLorms. 1hermomeLers have Lo be correcLly poslLloned Lo avold glvlng a false readlng. As an
added precauLlon, counLercheck for correcL readlng by anoLher LhermomeLer you LrusL.

Lgg 1urn|ng

Lggs musL be Lurned aL regular lnLervals aL leasL Lhree Llmes dally. 1hls wlll keep Lhe yolk ln
Lhe mlddle of Lhe egg whlLe. lf Lhe eggs ls noL perlodlcally Lurned, Lhe yolk can resL on one
slde and sLlck Lo Lhe shell llnlng and can resulL ln Lhe deaLh of Lhe chlck.

?ou can do Lhe Lurnlng yourself, belng on hand aL leasL Lhree Llmes a day. lllp Lhe eggs on Lhe
opposlLe angle lf Lhey are resLlng on a rack ln Lhe lncubaLor, or roLaLe each one lf lylng on a

?ou can save yourself Lhe efforL by
chooslng an lncubaLor LhaL has an
auLomaLlc Lurnlng devlce LhaL regularly LllLs
Lhe eggs from slde Lo slde aL deslgnaLed

A LableLop lncubaLor has LllLlng racks LhaL
hold Lhe eggs whlle a cablneL model has
whole shelves LhaL LllL back and forLh. lf you
noLlce some eggs noL haLchlng correcLly or
geLLlng crushed ln cerLaln places ln Lhe
lncubaLor, avold placlng eggs ln LhaL area ln
fuLure seLLlngs by marklng lL.

1urn Lhe eggs slde Lo slde, sLopplng on day 18 Lo allow Lhe chlck Lo geL orlenLed before
aLLempLlng Lo break Lhe shell. lmproper Lurnlng can resulL ln sLuck embryos or chlcks LhaL
may survlve Lo full-Lerm buL are unable Lo break Lhrough Lhe shell or unable Lo plp.


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lf you see molsLure on Lhe vlewlng wlndow of Lhe lncubaLor, lL means venLllaLlon lnslde ls
poor. A good lncubaLor has venLs LhaL can open Lo provlde oxygen and remove carbon
dloxlde and molsLure emanaLlng from Lhe eggs. Ad[usL Lhe venLs Lo allow humld alr Lo escape
and fresh alr Lo flow ln.


1he lncubaLor's humldlLy and LemperaLure are always lnLerrelaLed because Lhe ldeal
comblnaLlon ls essenLlal Lo a successful haLch. PumldlLy conLrol plays an lmporLanL role ln
Lhe proper embryo developmenL and haLchlng of Lhe eggs.

MolsLure evaporaLlng rapldly from Lhe eggs affecLs Lhe chlck's ablllLy Lo break Lhrough Lhelr
shells upon haLchlng. LvaporaLlon LhaL happens Loo slowly also has adverse effecLs, llke
omphallLls, whlch causes chlcks Lo dle aL haLchlng or afLer a couple of weeks. Also known as
mushy chlck dlsease, omphallLls happens when bacLerla lnvades Lhe navel LhaL has noL
healed properly because Lhe yolk sac has noL been absorbed compleLely.

Measure humldlLy ln Lhe lncubaLor wlLh a hygromeLer (a Lype of LhermomeLer wlLh Lhe bulb
wrapped wlLh a plece of weL coLLon cloLh, also called a sock"). 1he hygromeLer measures
Lhe molsLure ln Lhe alr based on how much molsLure has evaporaLed from Lhe sock.

MolsLure evaporaLes slowly lf Lhere ls excesslve molsLure ln Lhe alr lnslde Lhe lncubaLor, lL
evaporaLes fasLer lf Lhere ls less molsLure. LvaporaLlon musL occur aL [usL Lhe rlghL raLe.

1o regulaLe evaporaLlon, place a pan Lo hold waLer ln Lhe lncubaLor Lo ensure conLlnuous
release of molsLure lnLo Lhe alr. When you noLlce a drop ln humldlLy durlng haLchlng, check
Lhe waLer pan Lo see lf ls covered wlLh fluff shed by chlcks, prevenLlng evaporaLlon.

1he lncubaLor venLs may also be ad[usLed by openlng Lhem Lo release molsLure-laden alr, or
closlng Lhem Lo keep molsLure-laden alr lnslde Lhe lncubaLor.


1he success of your egg haLchlng and Lhe healLh of your newly haLched chlcks depend a loL
on lncubaLor sanlLaLlon. 1he haLchlng process lLself resulLs ln debrls LhaL can Lurn Lhe
lncubaLor lnLo a breedlng ground for organlsms LhaL can cause dlseases.

AfLer each haLch and before you place a new seLLlng of eggs, sanlLlze Lhe lncubaLor
Lhoroughly by cleanlng ouL loose down and wlplng off debrls wlLh a damp sponge.


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Scrub Lhe lncubaLor wlLh a cleanlng deLergenL and hoL waLer, and Lhen use a rellable
dlslnfecLanL or chlorlne bleach Lo dlslnfecL lL. Lxposlng Lhe lncubaLor Lo Lhe sun Lo dry may
also help. llnally, Lhoroughly wlpe down Lhe enLlre lnslde of Lhe lncubaLor wlLh waLer Lo
ensure Lhere ls no resldue from Lhe chemlcals used Lo dlslnfecL Lhe unlL.

8y sanlLlzlng your lncubaLor aL Lhe end of each haLch, you can break Lhe cycle of a posslble
dlsease LhaL mlghL beseL a flock. uo noL delay cleanlng and sanlLlzlng Lhe lncubaLor when
needed, as Lhls wlll allow mlcrobes Lo fesLer wlLhln Lhe dropplngs and fluff LhaL may sLlll be
lefL lnslde.

1o keep Lhe Lhermal swlLch and fan worklng correcLly, clean ouL any fluff LhaL mlghL geL sLuck
ln Lhe swlLch and squlrL Lhe fan wlLh pressurlzed alr durlng cleanlng Llme.

Custom natch|ng

Look aL Lhe bulleLln board of feed or peL sLores for someone who can do Lhe haLchlng for you
lf haLchlng eggs ls noL your game, or you slmply do noL have Lhe Llme for lL. ulscuss Lhe Lerms
wlLh Lhe cusLom haLcher so you are clear abouL fees and obllgaLlons before movlng forward.


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Chlckens are soclal anlmals and a soclal
hlerarchy called Lhe pecklng order governs Lhelr
relaLlonshlp wlLh each oLher. 1hls means LhaL
each blrd has lLs own place ln Lhe flock, and
musL observe Lhe hlerarchy Lo malnLaln Lhe
flock's harmony.

Whlle Lhe pecklng order exlsLs among all Lhe
cocks ln Lhe flock, Lhe hens also have Lhelr own
pecklng order. Slmllarly, Lhere also exlsLs a
hlerarchy among all blrds ln Lhe flock, so LhaL ln
all, lL exlsLs on Lhree levels.

Cn Lop of Lhe pecklng order among hens ls
elLher an old hen or an aggresslve blrd, and Lhe
lowesL ranklng blrd ls normally Lhe weakesL or
Lhe youngesL one. A blrd's sLandlng ls
commonly seen when oLher blrds allow lL Lo
have flrsL access Lo Lhe food and Lhe nesL boxes, followed by Lhose LhaL come nexL ln Lhe

1he blrd ln Lhe lowesL rung of Lhe pecklng order ls normally Lhe lasL Lo geL food, lf Lhere ls any
lefL, or ls LoLally denled access Lo Lhe feeders by Lhe hlgher-ranklng blrds.

1he challenge for Lhe Lop rank ln Lhe pecklng order ls underLaken by Lhe blrds as early as a few
weeks afLer haLchlng, or by chlckens as Lhey maLure. lL ls normally esLabllshed aL around slx Lo
elghL weeks among cockerels and elghL Lo Len weeks among pulleLs. 1he Lop blrd ls commonly
Lhe one sub[ecLed Lo challenges by oLher blrds, especlally lf lL ls an older blrd, ln whlch case Lhe
challenger would normally be a younger blrd.

As Lhe pecklng order ls a flghL for domlnance wlLhln Lhe flock, some of lLs manlfesLaLlons may
look a llLLle vlolenL for such genLle-looklng anlmals. 1he mosL benlgn looklng form may be
denylng food or nesL box Lo Lhe lowesL ranklng blrd. A more aggresslve manlfesLaLlon ls slLLlng
on Lhe lowesL ranklng chlcken when roosLlng, [umplng on lLs back Lo slump lL on Lhe ground, and
even pecklng lL on Lhe neck.

A domlnanL cock en[oys more prlvlleges llke maLlng more frequenLly Lhan Lhe oLher cocks. ln Lhe


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case of Lhe hens, Lhe submlsslve ones maLe more frequenLly because Lhey Lend Lo crouch more
wllllngly Lhan Lhe domlnanL hen.

1he klnd of comb a chlcken has also comes lnLo play ln Lhe pecklng order. 8lrds wlLh slngle
combs Lend Lo belong hlgher ln Lhe pecklng order Lhan Lhelr flock maLes wlLh oLher Lypes of

LsLabllshlng Lhe pecklng order ls normally done only once aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe flock, and once
lL ls ln place, lL mlnlmlzes confllcL wlLhln Lhe flock. 1he addlLlon of new flock maLes however wlll
dlsrupL Lhe pecklng order, and lL has Lo be re-esLabllshed all over agaln.

1he Lop blrd ls normally noL challenged by Lhe arrlval of a new chlcken, as Lhe lowesL ranklng
blrds are Lhe ones who wlll have Lo flghL wlLh Lhe newcomer Lo keep Lhelr place ln Lhe pecklng
order. uo noL lnLroduce new blrds one aL a Llme, as a slngle new blrd can easlly be bullled or
henpecked by Lhe oLher chlckens.

1o mlnlmlze confllcL and avold geLLlng Lhe new blrds henpecked, keep Lhe new fowls ln a
separaLe pen, buL allow Lhem Lo be seen by Lhe resldenL flock so Lhe laLLer wlll geL used Lo Lhem.

lf Lhe Lwo pens are separaLed only by chlcken wlre, or a see-Lhrough maLerlal LhaL wlll allow
Lhem Lo see each oLher, conslder placlng Lhe feeder of Lhe new blrds close Lo Lhose of Lhe oLher
chlckens so Lhey wlll geL used Lo eaLlng LogeLher. 1he more Lhe resldenL chlckens geL used Lo Lhe
new blrds, Lhe sooner Lhe laLLer wlll be accepLed lnLo Lhe flock.

Chlckens are normally passlve when dusk arrlves, so conslder placlng Lhe new blrds lnslde Lhe
roosLlng area of Lhe flock aL dusk and reLurn Lhem Lo Lhelr own pen aL dawn. ulm llghLlng can
also help reduce Lenslon among new and old blrds, as chlckens do noL see well ln poor llghLlng.

Avold lnLroduclng new fowls lnLo Lhe flock on a regular basls, as Lhls wlll creaLe susLalned
Lenslon and sLress among Lhe blrds caused by Lhe repeaLed dlsrupLlon of Lhe pecklng order, and
Lhe consequenL sLruggle Lo re-esLabllsh lL. 1hls sLress may lead Lo feaLher pulllng, cannlballsm,
and venL plcklng.

lf confllcL occurs consLanLly, however, Lhere mlghL be oLher underlylng reasons. Check LhaL all
Lhe blrds have enough comforLable space Lo roam and do Lhelr sLuff, and LhaL each one has
adequaLe food and waLer. 1he chlcken house can also be checked for proper LemperaLure,
cleanllness, and comforL. Lnsure LhaL Lhe hens have enough nesL boxes and perches for
everyone Lo roosL comforLably.

new chlckens need Lo wlLness Lhe rouLlne of Lhe esLabllshed flock Lo learn whaL Lo do ln Lhe
chlcken house. 1hey may noL know where Lo roosL aL nlghL and may do so on Lhe roof of Lhe
henhouse, or Lhey may fly up Lhe Lrees Lo sleep. ?ou can help new blrds geL easlly acqualnLed Lo
Lhe chlcken house by placlng Lhem on Lhe perches Lo roosL unLll such Llme Lhey do Lhls all by

Pelp Lhe chlckens esLabllsh or malnLaln Lhe pecklng order by Laklng sLeps or applylng measures


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LhaL can reduce Lhelr amounL of sLress. lf Lhe flock has more Lhan one cock, allow each one Lo
esLabllsh lLs own LerrlLory by placlng feeders and waLerers aL each cock's deslgnaLed area ln Lhe
chlcken house. 1haL way, a cock wlll noL have Lo pass Lhrough Lhe LerrlLory of Lhe oLher cock Lo
geL Lo Lhe food and waLer, Lhereby mlnlmlzlng confllcL.

lf you can afford Lo glve your flock more space Lo roam, do so. 1he exLra space wlll allow Llmld
chlckens Lo geL ouL of Lhe way of domlnanL blrds. 8emember Lhe rule on Lhe number and
poslLlon of feeders and waLerers ln Lhe chlcken house.

lace enough for all Lhe blrds Lo eaL and drlnk, and place each seL of feeder and waLerer away
from each oLher. As Lhe domlnanL blrd cannoL guard all Lhe food and waLer found aL separaLe
locaLlons and far away from each oLher, lower ranklng chlckens can Lhen have access Lo food
and waLer.



When a hen goes broody", lL means she ls ready Lo sLarL a famlly and wlll focus her Llme and
energy on lncubaLlng her eggs ln Lhe nesL. A hen ls sald Lo go broody when lL llngers ln Lhe
nesL box. lf you Lry Lo move
her, Lhe hen wlll make a sound
of proLesL, ruffle her feaLhers,
and seLLle furLher down Lhe
nesL. lL mlghL even peck your
hand Lo show you she does noL
wanL Lo be dlsLurbed.

When hens go broody, Lhey wlll
sLay aL Lhe nesL box longer and
longer. 8roody hens wlll slL on
Lhe eggs and wlll noL wanL Lo
be dlsLurbed. 1hey wlll rarely
go Lo Lhe feeders and waLerers
Lo eaL and drlnk, and wlll forgo
Lhelr regular dusL-baLh, noL
wanLlng Lo leave Lhe eggs.

Powever, Lhey musL leave Lhe
nesL aL leasL once a day Lo eaL
and drlnk. lf she shows no slgn
of wanLlng Lo leave Lhe eggs even for a shorL whlle, you may have Lo lnLervene by llfLlng her


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off Lhe nesL and brlnglng her Lo Lhe feeders. 8efore you llfL a hen, check LhaL Lhere are no
eggs hldlng under her wlngs, whlch may fall and break. Make sure Lhe hen reLurns Lo her nesL
ln LwenLy mlnuLes or less.

uo her a favor and place food and waLer wlLhln close proxlmlLy Lo her nesL. She wlll be more
llkely Lo feed comforLable leavlng Lhe nesL ls she can sLlll see lL and can reLurn qulckly lf she
feel she needs Lo proLecL her eggs.

1he broody wlll seL on elLher her eggs or Lhose you selecLed for her Lo seL on. 8roody hens
Lake care of Lhelr eggs by Lurnlng Lhem regularly Lo malnLaln a sLeady LemperaLure and
humldlLy, glvlng Lhe eggs Lhe besL envlronmenL for haLchlng. lL Lakes abouL Lhree weeks for
Lhe lncubaLlon Lo end, and ferLlllzed eggs are expecLed Lo haLch aL Lhe end of Lhls perlod.

1he hen conLlnues Lo Lake care of her chlcks and wlll conLlnue Lo sLay aL Lhe nesL for a couple
of days Lo walL for all Lhe eggs Lo haLch. 1hls ls because Lhe eggs were lald aL dlfferenL Llmes
and wlll noL haLch all aL Lhe same Llme. lf Lhe remalnlng eggs do noL haLch, especlally lf Lhese
were unferLlllzed, Lhe hen wlll evenLually leave Lhe nesL and aLLend Lo her chlcks.

1he momenL Lhe broody hen hears peeplng lnslde Lhe eggs, lLs moLher lnsLlncL Lakes over. lL
makes clucklng nolses aL Lhe eggs Lo prod Lhe chlcks lnslde Lo break Lhrough Lhe shell.
urebreds, such as Cornlsh, Cochln, and Sllkles have a hlgher Lendency Lo go broody Lhan
hybrlds, and Lhus make excellenL moLhers.

D|rt Dust or Dust 8ath

Chlckens love Lo klck up dlrL and cover Lhemselves wlLh lL. 1hey make a shallow depresslon ln
Lhe dlrL and lay on Lhelr slde ln lL, flapplng around and klcklng up dlrL Lo cover Lhelr bodles.

1hen Lhey glve Lhemselves a good shake Lo rld Lhelr feaLhers of Lhe dlrL. SomeLlmes Lhey lle
moLlonless maklng you Lhlnk Lhey are dead, buL Lhey are acLually [usL Laklng a resL afLer Lhelr
vlgorous cleanlng workouL.

1hls dusL baLh ls lnLended Lo clean Lhelr feaLhers and rld Lhelr bodles of vermln, mlLes, and
oLher paraslLes LhaL Lhey may have. 1here wlll be cerLaln spoLs Lhey prefer Lo dusL baLhe and
Lhls may resulL Lo havlng several shallow depresslons ln Lhe ground.

rovlde your blrds wlLh opLlons for dusL baLhlng locaLlons LhaL recelve dlrecL sunllghL. When
you see a chlcken ln lLs dusL baLhlng spoL looklng llke lL's dead, lL ls slmply relaxlng and
soaklng up Lhe sun.

lf your chlckens are dusL baLhlng ln your garden or flowerbeds, Lry Lo enLlce Lhem away from
Lhese spoLs by provldlng Lhelr own seedbed or a box of dry sand or composL placed ln a
sunny spoL.


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Chlckens llke Lo be clean, and lf Lhelr surroundlngs are Lldy, Lhey are able Lo Lake care of Lhelr
own hyglene. arLs of Lhelr groomlng Lechnlques are dusL baLhlng and preenlng. A chlcken
wlll preen for Lhe beLLer parL of Lhe day, and normally afLer a dusL baLh.

Chlckens preen by runnlng Lhelr beak Lhrough Lhelr feaLhers, cleanlng and puLLlng Lhem ln
Lhelr place, and keeplng Lhe feaLhers clean and healLhy. lL lnvolves applylng oll on and
beLween Lhelr feaLhers Lo make Lhem look nlce and shlny. 1hls oll comes from a gland aL Lhe
base of Lhelr Lall.


A chlcken roosLs by seLLllng on a perch Lo sleep aL nlghL. Chlckens are very sound sleepers, Lo
Lhe polnL of belng unaware of approachlng predaLors. 8y provldlng your chlckens wlLh a
place Lo sleep off of Lhe ground, Lhey recelve a sense of safeLy and are beLLer able Lo resL.


MolLlng ls when a chlcken loses lLs feaLhers
ln order Lo grow new ones. When Lhey are
molLlng, lL ls lmporLanL LhaL Lhey geL a good,
proLeln-rlch dleL Lo keep Lhem healLhy and
promoLe Lhe growLh of new feaLhers, called

AlLhough lL normally happens ln auLumn,
molLlng wlll noL happen Lo your chlckens all
aL Lhe same Llme and on varylng degrees.

MolLlng ln some chlckens may noL be Loo
obvlous because lL happens progresslvely,
buL for some chlckens, lL happens fasL and
make Lhem look very bald or naked. So lf you
see your chlckens devold of Lhelr feaLhers,
do noL be alarmed.

undue sLress can brlng on a molL any Llme of
Lhe year. A vlolenL sLorm, a close call wlLh a
predaLor, consLrucLlon nexL door, a sudden
or drasLlc change ln Lhe weaLher, movlng Lo a
new locaLlon, a shorLage of food or waLer,


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any of Lhese Lhlngs can brlng on an early molL.

ConLrol Lhe Lhlngs LhaL you can buL you reallze LhaL you cannoL conLrol everyLhlng. lf your
flock has sLarLed a sLress lnduced molL, ensure LhaL Lhey are recelvlng superlor nuLrlLlon Lo
help Lhem come Lhrough Lhe molL fasLer.

SomeLlmes your chlckens may have feaLher loss for reasons oLher Lhan a molL.

A roosLer may pull off Lhe feaLhers on a hen's back or neck, causlng bare paLches, he grlps
her back wlLh hls claws and holds her head wlLh hls beak whlle maLlng lL may also be caused
by deplumlng mlLes, a Lype of mlLe LhaL burrows lnLo Lhe chlcken's skln and causes Lhe blrd
Lo lLch and plck on or pull ouL lLs feaLhers Lo be able Lo scraLch lLs skln.

Lnsure Lhere are enough hens per cock ln Lhe flock so LhaL a hen wlll noL have Lo bear
repeaLedly Lhe grasp of Lhe roosLer's claws durlng maLlng. Check LhaL Lhe hen's skln ls noL
broken by Lhe roosLer's claws.

lf Lhere ls a slgn of skln wound, remove Lhe hen from Lhe flock and leL her skln heal flrsL
before reLurnlng her back Lo her flock maLes. 1he mlLes can be avolded by keeplng Lhe
chlcken house clean and paraslLe-free.

Chlckens' molLlng perlod lasLs from 12 Lo 16 weeks. uurlng Lhls Llme, Lhe blrds wlll be
generally sLressed, showlng slgns of lrrlLablllLy and sklLLlshness. MolLlng hens wlll elLher lay
fewer eggs or LoLally sLop laylng durlng Lhe perlod.

Ground Scratch|ng

WhaL good ls a chlcken lf lL does noL scraLch dlrL?

1hey love scraLchlng and do lL Lo forage for food, searchlng for slugs and oLher lnsecLs Lhey
can flnd on Lhe ground. 1hey also dlg dlrL Lo have a dlrL baLh Lo cleanse Lhelr body and
feaLhers. 1hey especlally love Lo scraLch bark mulch so you can place Lhls ln Lhelr scraLchlng
area Lo proLecL your lawn from belng Lorn aparL by Lhelr claws.


Whlle lL seems a chlcken's naLure Lo wander around, Lhelr lnsLlncLs seem Lo keep Lhem close
Lo Lhelr coop, Lhey wlll rarely wander furLher Lhan 30 meLers away from home. Powever,
Lhere ls always Lhe posslblllLy LhaL some wlll wander farLher Lhan usual or fly over Lhe wall
and lnLo your nelghbor's properLy. keep Lhelr coop as far away as posslble from your
nelghbor's fence or place lL ln Lhe mlddle of your yard.


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ant|ng and I|app|ng W|ngs

Chlckens repeaLedly flap Lhelr wlngs Lo cool down Lhelr bodles, so when you see Lhem
panLlng and flapplng even when Lhey are ln Lhe shade, LhaL means Lhe weaLher ls Loo hoL for
Lhelr comforL. 1hey wlll Lry Lo cool Lhemselves by keeplng Lhelr beaks open and Lhelr wlngs
away from Lhelr body.

rovlde enough waLer for all Lhe blrds and keep Lhe waLerers fllled aL all Llmes Lo allow Lhem
Lo drlnk whenever Lhey wlsh Lo cool Lhelr bodles. ?ou may also lower Lhe LemperaLure ln Lhe
henhouse by spraylng lLs hoL roof wlLh waLer.

Sexua| 8ehav|or

know Lhe chlcken's speclflc slgns of sexual behavlor so you'll undersLand why Lhey are acLlng
a cerLaln way. Male chlckens make elaboraLe dlsplays durlng courLshlp, such as sLruLLlng and
spreadlng Lhelr feaLhers Lo make Lhemselves look larger and aLLracL aLLenLlon Lo Lhelr
plumage. 1hey also make dlsLlncLlve nolses, peck Lhe ground, and do commandlng posLures
Lo geL Lhe hens' aLLenLlon.

When a roosLer chases a hen and lL crouches, lL ls a slgn of her submlsslon Lo Lhe male. 1he
male mounLs and maLlng occurs. uomlnanL hens, however, do noL crouch as easlly and Lhus
are more dlfflculL Lo maLe.


A chlcken's normal posLure ls always head up and on lLs feeL.

So when you see a blrd wlLh lLs head down or lylng on lLs slde, lL mlghL be slck. When a blrd
has an allmenL, lL wlll appear weak Lo lLs flock maLes and may be plcked on. lf lL ls ln[ured ln
some way and Lhere are peckers among Lhe flock, lL may be aL rlsk for cannlballsm.

Lven molLlng blrds or Lhose who plck on Lhelr feaLhers Lo relleve Lhemselves from lLchlness
caused by paraslLes may be puLLlng Lhemselves aL rlsk from venL or feaLher pecklng. lsolaLe
slck blrds or Lhose showlng slgns of paraslLe lnfecLlon Lo save lL from poLenLlal harm by lLs
flock maLes, as well as Lo curb Lhe posslble spread of lnfecLlon Lo oLher blrds.


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Ieather eck|ng

ecklng and pulllng Lhelr own feaLhers or Lhose of oLher chlckens may occur ln hlgh-denslLy
flocks or Lhose caged ln LlghL condlLlons. SomeLlmes Lhe chlckens eaL Lhe feaLhers Lhey have
pulled, lndlcaLlng a lack of proLeln-rlch foods or greens. lf lefL unchecked, feaLher plucklng
and feaLher eaLlng ofLen lead Lo cannlballsm.

Lgg Lat|ng

newly lald eggs LhaL have weak or brlLLle shells may break when Lhe blrds come and go ouL
of Lhe nesL boxes. Pens learn Lo eaL eggs when Lhey peck aL Lhe brlghL yellow yolk of an
accldenLally broken egg. When Lhey sLarL pecklng aL broken eggs, Lhey wlll geL Lhe ldea LhaL
Lhey can also peck open oLher eggs Lo geL Lo Lhe yummy yolk lnslde.

When you flnd empLy eggshells and Lraces of yolk on Lhe oLher eggs or ln Lhe llLLer or
beddlng, you have a case of egg eaLlng ln your flock. Cnce lL occurs, lL can spread rapldly
among Lhe blrds. 1ake measures Lo nlp lL ln Lhe bud.

ldenLlfy Lhe egg eaLers accuraLely by looklng for blrds wlLh yolk on Lhelr face and beak.

lsolaLe Lhese blrds and provlde Lhem wlLh loLs of healLhy feed LhaL Lhey really llke, and hope
LhaL ln Llme Lhey wlll forgeL abouL eaLlng eggs. lf your egg-eaLers keep aL lL, opL Lo separaLe
Lhem from Lhe resL of Lhe flock before Lhe oLher blrds learn from lLs bad hablL.

Lven lf Lhey are greaL layers, you may need Lo conslder culllng egg-eaLers from Lhe flock,
afLer all, whaL ls Lhe polnL of keeplng a blrd LhaL lays a loL of eggs lf lL ls golng Lo eaL Lhe
ma[orlLy of Lhem? 8eLLer Lo geL rld of Lhem Lhan Lo have Lhem Leach everyone Lhe same bad

1here can be oLher causes of egg eaLlng, such as feedlng your blrds ungrounded eggshells, or
[usL plaln slmple boredom. 1o avold glvlng hens Lhe chance Lo eaL easlly broken eggs, cuL
down Lhe lncldence of broken eggs by forLlfylng Lhe hens' dleL wlLh calclum. Clve Lhem
wholesome gralns, bone meal, greens, and oysLer shells Lo make Lhelr eggshells Lhlcker and

When eggshells are lncluded ln Lhelr feed, always grlnd Lhe drled shells well ln a blender flrsL.
?ou should also offer free cholce grlL Lo Lhelr dleL Lo help ln Lhelr food dlgesLlon, ensurlng
LhaL Lhe calclum and oLher nuLrlenLs are easlly absorbed lnLo Lhelr body.

1o combaL boredom, glve your blrds plenLy of opporLunlLy for exerclse by leLLlng Lhem ouL Lo


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free range. CuL of Lhe henhouse, Lhe chlckens can scraLch for slugs and worms, chase flylng
lnsecLs, and have as many dlrL baLhs as Lhey wanL.

lf eggs are collecLed from Lhe nesL boxes more ofLen Lhan usual, lL wlll also reduce Lhe
opporLunlLy for Lhe chlckens Lo be LempLed Lo eaL Lhe eggs. laclng nesL boxes ln a darkened
area wlll also dlmlnlsh egg eaLlng, as chlckens cannoL see very well ln Lhe dark. Pavlng
enough nesLs ln Lhe henhouse mlghL also help, as well as placlng a hard, fake egg LhaL Lhe
blrds cannoL eaL.


Cannlballsm has many causes and lL ls lmporLanL Lo plnpolnL Lhe exacL reason why your blrds
are eaLlng each oLher. Some causes are overcrowded condlLlons, nuLrlLlonal deflclencles,
poor access Lo Lhe waLerers and feeders, and even boredom.

Cannlballsm usually sLarLs when Lhe blrds are sLlll young and once lL has sLarLed, lL musL be
lmmedlaLely sLopped. CLherwlse, lL ls exLremely dlfflculL Lo do so ln Lhe fuLure.

Chlcks wlLh noLhlng beLLer Lo do may flnd lL lnLeresLlng Lo plck aL Lhelr own Loes or anoLher
chlck's Loes, whlle older blrds Lend Lo plck near Lhe venL or aL Lhe Lall. As younger blrds grow,
make enough space for Lhem Lo run, wander, scraLch around, and Lo eaL and drlnk

lf uslng a brooder box, Lhe chlcks' abnormal behavlor may be aLLrlbuLed Lo Lhe brooder's
excesslve heaL or Loo much llghL. lace Lhe brooder away from dlrecL sunllghL and dlffuse Lhe
glare of Lhe llghL bulb by replaclng lL wlLh red bulb. lf a blrd sheds blood, Lhe red llghL wlll noL
make Lhe blood look aLLracLlve Lo Lhe resL of Lhe flock, savlng Lhe ln[ured blrd from furLher
plcklng, or even deaLh.

rovlde Lhe chlcks wlLh an assorLmenL of feed Lo make eaLlng lnLeresLlng for Lhem, and glve
Lhem alfalfa or oaLs whlch are sald Lo help sLop cannlballsm.

uon'L leL your chlcks geL bored and Lurn on each oLher by provldlng Lhem plenLy of
lnLeresLlng Lhlngs Lo do, llke pecklng aL shlny ob[ecLs placed ln Lhe brooder, or reachlng for
leafy vegeLables LhaL have been Lled from Lhe celllng wlLhln Lhe young blrds' reach.

An ln[ury puLs any blrd aL rlsk of pecklng by Lhe resL of Lhe flock. Cnce a blrd ls wounded and
blood has been shed Lhe resL of Lhe flock wlll plck on Lhls hapless blrd. 1he ln[ured blrd may
be eaLen allve and dle ln Lhe process.

lmmedlaLely lsolaLe any ln[ured blrd, provlde lL wlLh good nuLrlLlon hlgh ln proLeln Lo help
Lhe wound heal. Some people resorL Lo debeaklng Lhe culprlL buL LhaL would be exLreme.
AnoLher less exLreme measure ls applylng dreadful-LasLlng anLl-plcklng preparaLlon on Lhe


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Lgg 8|nd|ng

?our hen ls sufferlng from egg blndlng lf an egg ls
lodged up lnslde her and she cannoL force lL ouL of her
ovlducL Lowards Lhe venL. Pens sufferlng from egg
blndlng appear slugglsh and keep Lhelr heads or Lalls
down. lf you see any hen movlng abnormally, check
her abdomen genLly and feel for any egg lnslde.

Lgg blndlng happens Lo faL hens, Lhelr lack of acLlvlLy
wlll Lurn Lhese chlckens lnLo obese blrds, whlch has
been ldenLlfled as one of Lhe ma[or culprlLs of egg
blndlng. laL bullds up around Lhe reproducLlve organs
of obese hens and wlll make lL dlfflculL for Lhe ovlducL
Lo move Lhe egg Lowards lLs venL and expel lL. So keep
your hens acLlve and healLhy.

normally, applylng heaL wlll help Lhe hen pass Lhe egg
or lL may come ouL all by lLself. lf Lhe egg sLlll does noL come ouL afLer Lhe appllcaLlon of heaL,
you may need Lo manually help Lhe hen by applylng vegeLable or mlneral oll or peLroleum
[elly as far lnLo Lhe ovlducL as you can. CenLly massage Lhe hen's abdomen Lowards lLs venL
and carefully lay Lhe eggs manually.

?ou need Lo be careful when dolng Lhls as Lhe egg may break lnslde Lhe hen and cause lL Lo
dle from shock lf Lhe conLenLs are noL expelled from her body. lf Lhe egg does break whlle
sLlll lnslde Lhe hen, allow Lhe hen Lo aLLempL Lo empLy her ovlducL on her own.


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Chlckens do noL have LeeLh and Lhelr dlgesLlve sysLem ls slmple.

1hey peck and swallow Lhelr food wlLhouL chewlng, relylng on Lhelr sallva, enzymes, and small
sLones or grlL" and gravel found ln Lhe glzzard (whlch Lhey lnevlLably lngesL whlle pecklng,
scraLchlng and foraglng) Lo sofLen, grlnd and dlgesL whaL Lhey eaL. lL usually Lakes from 3 Lo 4
hours for food Lo pass Lhrough Lhe enLlre dlgesLlve sysLem ln a healLhy chlcken.


CopyrlghL 2009 - Chlcken keeplng SecreLs - All 8lghLs 8eserved
8emember, only feed chlckens wlLh food small enough for Lhem Lo dlgesL (Lhe Lerm chlcken
feed" was colned ln Lhe early 1900s preclsely Lo refer Lo corn and wheaL gralns Loo small for
oLher uses aparL from chlcken feed").

MosL of all, keep Lhe ploL and your yard free of nalls, glass shards, blLs of wlre, and Lhe llke.
1hese may lodge ln Lhe glzzard, plerce Lhe glzzard wall, and evenLually lead Lo deaLh.

1he Genera| Structure

A chlcken's dlgesLlve sysLem beglns aL Lhe beak and ends aL Lhe cloaca or venL", Lhe
posLerlor openlng where Lhe dlgesLlve, reproducLlve and excreLory LracLs meeL.

Along Lhe way, a chlcken's meal passes Lhrough a labyrlnLh of organs and parLs whlch play a
speclflc role ln helplng a chlcken properly dlgesL lLs food. 1hese are Lhe: oesophagus, crop,
provenLrlculus, glzzard, llver, pancreas, duodenum, small lnLesLlne, palred caeca, and large

Irom 1he |ot 1o 1he Crop

As a chlcken eaLs, food ls flrsL molsLened and broken down by Lhe chlcken's sallva Lhen
pushed by Lhe Longue Lo Lhe back of Lhe mouLh.

lL Lhen slldes down Lhe oesophagus Lo Lhe pouch-shaped crop locaLed aL Lhe base of Lhe neck
where lL ls Lemporarlly sLored unLll lL can be passed on Lo Lhe glzzard and lnLesLlnes. 1he crop
ls also responslble for sendlng hunger slgnals Lo Lhe braln.

?ou can Lell a happy and conLenLed chlcken by Lhe full and bulglng crop you may someLlmes
see afLer a hearLy meal.

wAkNlNC. o swolleo ot lmpocteJ ctop coo be botmfol to cblckeos. 1bls boppeos wbeo
cblckeos eot too mocb, ot wbeo tbey ote ftee tooqeJ wbete tbete ls llttle to eot bot tooqb
flbtoos veqetotloo. A swolleo ctop moy cot off tbe bltJs wloJplpe ooJ leoJ to soffocotloo.

8reak|ng It Down and Gr|nd|ng

lrom Lhe crop, Lhe un-chewed food flnds lLs way Lo Lhe provenLrlculus or Lrue sLomach"
where lL ls broken down furLher wlLh Lhe help of aclds and oLher dlgesLlve enzymes. lL Lhen
Lravels a shorL dlsLance Lo Lhe glzzard or Lhe Mechanlcal sLomach" where sLrong sLomach
muscles, and Lhe collecLlon of small sLones or grlL and gravel whlch Lhe chlcken lngesLed
earller on, grlnd Lhe food lnLo a mash.


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1hrough 1he Loop|ng Duodenum

ConnecLed Lo Lhe glzzard ls Lhe small lnLesLlne where you flnd Lhe duodenum whlch colls lnLo
a loop", hence Lhe Lerm duodenal loop. 1hls ls Lhe flrsL secLlon of Lhe small lnLesLlne where
mosL chemlcal dlgesLlon Lakes place uslng enzymes, blcarbonaLe, and hormones secreLed by
Lhe pancreas Lo break down proLeln, neuLrallze aclds and regulaLe blood sugar.

Meanwhlle, Lhe llver - Lhe largesL organ ln Lhe body locaLed beLween Lhe duodenal loop and
lower small lnLesLlne - produces green blle or gall" Lo ald Lhe lnLesLlne's faL dlgesLlon. Call"
ls sLored unLll lL ls needed ln Lhe LransparenL pouch aLLached Lo Lhe llver called bladder".
1he llver ls also a ma[or deLoxlflcaLlon organ.

1he Caeca and the kectum

Any undlgesLed food Lhen flnds lLs way lnLo Lwo Lubes LhaL seem Lo go nowhere called Lhe
caecum (Lhe Lwo Lubes LogeLher are called Lhe caeca").

1hese are found beLween Lhe small and large lnLesLlnes where undlgesLed food parLlcles are
sub[ecL Lhls Llme Lo mlcroblologlcal breakdown or fermenLaLlon. 1he caeca empLles lLs
conLenLs ln Lhe form of pasLy dropplngs Lwlce or Lhrlce a day whlch ofLen smell worse Lhan
regular dropplngs.

near Lhe Lall end" of a chlcken's dlgesLlve Lrack ls Lhe large lnLesLlne or recLum. 1hls ls
where addlLlonal bacLerlal acLlvlLy occurs for furLher dlgesLlon and where waLer ls absorbed
from Lhe remalnlng lndlgesLlble food. useless wasLe maLerlal from Lhe body also passes
Lhrough Lhe recLum whlch, ln Lurn, ends aL Lhe cloaca.

And I|na||y.Cut 1hrough 1he Vent!

1he dlgesLlve, reproducLlve and excreLory LracLs meeL up aL Lhe cloaca or venL vla Lhe fecal
chamber. Pere, a flnal blL of molsLure ls absorbed from Lhe feedLuff before belng expelled as
dropplngs. urlne, eggs and semen also exlL Lhrough Lhe cloaca.


LefL Lo Lhelr own, chlckens wlll eaL anyLhlng and everyLhlng, from seeds and leaves Lo lnsecLs
and even mlce.

uomesLlcaLed chlckens are Lyplcally fed commerclally prepared feed LhaL conLalns proLeln,


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vlLamlns, mlnerals, and flber. 1hese may come ln Lhe form of crumbs, pelleLs or mash. 1oss ln
some mlxed corn for good measure.

!usL llke humans, chlckens have varylng nuLrlLlonal needs dependlng on Lhelr age. ?oung
chlckens, for example, need much more proLeln durlng Lhelr sLage of rapld growLh unllke Lhe
older and slower growlng fowls beLween 10 Lo 18 weeks.

Lat k|ght, Iee| k|ght

Chlckens need proLeln for growLh, Llssue repalr, and Lo develop lmmunlLy agalnsL dlsease.
laLs and carbohydraLes provlde Lhem heaL and energy. vlLamlns keep Lhem healLhy whlle
mlnerals make for sLrong bones and eggshell formaLlon. uon'L forgeL Lhe small amounLs of
flber Lo keep Lhelr bowels worklng properly.

1hey also need a well-balanced dleL aL each sLage of Lhelr llfe. CuL ln Lhe wlld, geLLlng all
Lhese ln sufflclenL amounLs ls no problem. Sadly, your domesLlcaLed blrds don'L have LhaL
luxury. WhaL's more, assesslng and comblnlng all Lhese lngredlenLs aL [usL Lhe rlghL amounL ls
almosL a flne arL.

8uL don'L leL lL ruffle your own feaLhers. 8alanced commerclal foods are readlly avallable. lf
you're worrled abouL unknown addlLlves, you can opL for organlc raLlons whlch don'L conLaln
chemlcals. 8uL whaLever you cholce, you can'L go wrong wlLh hlgh-quallLy feed boughL only
from repuLable flrms.

e||ets or Mash?

Whlle pelleLs are Lhe usual cholce because of ease of use and belng less messy, some Lhlnk
dry mash ls beLLer and, well, more economlcal. Chlckens can consume Lhelr enLlre day's
raLlon of pelleLs ln half an hour. ln
conLrasL, lL would Lake hens abouL
Lhree hours of conLlnuous feedlng
Lo eaL Lhe equlvalenL amounL of

lf you do opL for mash, make sure
you sLlr lL well whlle ln Lhe bag
before feedlng. Mash lngredlenLs
such as ground llmesLone (belng a
source of calclum) Lend Lo slfL
Lhrough Lhe food and seLLle aL Lhe
boLLom of Lhe bag. lf you slmply
scoop Lhe mash from Lhe Lop of Lhe
bag, your chlckens wlll mlss ouL on


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Lhe more vlLal lngredlenLs.

Should you change Lhe food you glve aL any Llme, do lL gradually over a perlod of seven Lo
Len days Lo glve your chlckens enough Llme Lo accllmaLe Lo Lhelr new dleL.

lL's posslble Lo wean chlckens ralsed excluslvely on mash on Lo pelleLs and mlxed graln. A
warm mash mlxed wlLh LreaLs" such as cooked vegeLable peellngs, cooked rlce, or crushed
cornflakes ls besL Lhough for bulldlng sLamlna when your chlckens flrsL arrlve. 1hls mlx ls also
greaL for Lurnlng poorly feaLhered, lacklusLer hens lnLo a bloomlng blrd.

ln any case, any changeover should more or less follow Lhls paLLern:

Mlx around a quarLer of Lhe new food Lo Lhree-quarLers of Lhe old one for Lhe flrsL Lwo Lo
Lhree days. Move on Lo abouL a half and half mlx from Lhe fourLh Lo slxLh day, Lhen Lhree-
quarLers of Lhe new food Lo a quarLer of Lhe old from Lhe sevenLh Lo nlnLh day, Lhen feed
Lhem enLlrely on Lhe new raLlon on Lhe LenLh day.

Cerea| Ieed

Cereal ls harder Lo dlgesL so lL ls besL glven as ls and noL comblned wlLh pelleLs. lL ls besL
glven as Lhe laLe afLernoon or early evenlng feed so LhaL your chlckens go Lo roosL wlLh a full
crop. Corn scaLLered around Lhe ouLdoor run among dead leaves and oLher sulLable
scraLchlng maLerlal also glves your chlcken a greaL deal of amusemenL and exerclse.

1he besL mlx for a cereal feed ls wheaL and corn, comblned aL noL more Lhan one-quarLer
corn Lo Lhree-quarLers wheaL alLhough you can add a llLLle more corn durlng Lhe wlnLer
monLhs Lo help Lhem malnLaln Lhelr body heaL.

Powever, Loo much corn ln a laylng blrd's dleL ls bad for lLs healLh as faL can bulld up around
Lhe ovarles. no problem Lhough for Lable-bound blrds slnce corn wlll faLLen Lhem more
qulckly and glve LhaL corn-fed" yummy color. SpllL corn ls also very useful ln lmprovlng Lhe
color of egg yolks.

Sunflower seeds, llnseed and oLher even smaller seeds can amuse your chlckens buL Lhese
should only be glven as a LreaL raLher Lhan formlng parL of Lhe dally raLlon.

nouseho|d Scraps

lf you wanL maxlmum egg producLlon, feed your flock household scraps, buL noL more Lhan
20 per cenL of Lhelr dally food lnLake. ?ou can boll Lhem and add Lhem Lo mash, buL make
sure LhaL Lhe mlxLure ls molsL buL crumbly, noL sloppy.

?ou'll know lL's [usL rlghL lf lL breaks up easlly when mlxed. 1he only problem ls, preparlng


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Lhls klnd of feed Lakes a loL of Llme. Lven more, you can puL ouL only as much as Lhe blrds can
eaL ln abouL half an hour lesL you end up wlLh someLhlng sour and unpalaLable.

Chlckens also en[oy lefLover brown bread soaked ln mllk, cheese, rlce, pasLa, and oLher
cereal-based scraps. 8uL don'L feed Lhem sLrong-LasLlng, moldy or conLamlnaLed food. 1hls
can lead Lo LalnLed eggs and, aL worsL, Lo dlgesLlve problems and even deaLh.


Chlckens need greens for mlnerals and vlLamlns. Well cared for grass wlll be hlgh ln
chlorophyll whlch helps lmprove Lhe color Lone of yellow-legged chlckens. ln addlLlon Lo
greens, wlndfall apples, and any sweeL corn LhaL has gone sLarchy and Loo hard for any oLher
use wlll also be en[oyed and readlly eaLen.

lf you have Lhe space, conslder growlng crops especlally for feed llke leLLuce and cabbage.

Always Lry Lo glve Lhem Lhe whole planL as Lhey wlll beneflL from Lhe grubs and mlnerals ln
Lhe soll surroundlng Lhe rooLs as well as from Lhe leaves and sLems. 1he dlscarded ouLer
leaves of green vegeLables such as cabbages can also be glven Lo chlckens as parL of Lhelr
dally dleL of greens.

Weeds free of chemlcals are anoLher good addlLlon Lo Lhe dleL. ?oung chlcks parLlcularly
appreclaLe a varleLy of weeds, lncludlng chopped dandellon leaves, waLercress, and

Ca|c|um Supp|ements

Lgg shells are made up mosLly of calclum.

AlLhough calclum ls lncluded ln commerclal feed, lL ls a good ldea Lo provlde a calclum
supplemenL as well. lL ls an lmperaLlve supplemenL lf you are provldlng home raLlons.

1he mosL common forms of calclum supplemenL are ground oysLer shell or llmesLone,
avallable aL mosL feed suppllers. urled and ground eggs shells are anoLher opLlon. Cffer Lhe
supplemenL ln a separaLe conLalner, Lhe chlckens wlll eaL only as much as Lhey need.

Ch|cken Gr|t

Chlckens don'L have LeeLh, so much of Lhelr dlgesLlon Lakes place wlLhln Lhe glzzard where
sLrong muscles conLracL Lo break down Lhe food. CrlL ls [usL small sLones, avallable aL mosL
feed suppllers. 1he muscles wlLhln Lhe glzzard grlnd Lhe food lnLo smaller pleces by breaklng


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lL agalnsL Lhe grlL, lL ls Lhe chlcken's equlvalenL of LeeLh. Cffer your chlcken's free cholce grlL
ln a separaLe conLalner and replenlsh Lhe supply as necessary.

Cther V|tam|n and M|nera| Supp|ements

elleLs and mash always conLaln Lhe usual dally requlremenLs of vlLamln and mlneral
supplemenLs. lL ls parLlcularly lmporLanL LhaL sufflclenL vlLamlns are lncluded ln Lhe dleL of
your breedlng sLock Lo ensure Lhey have healLhy chlcks. 1hese supplemenLs are also essenLlal
ln rellevlng sLress especlally lf you have Lo move your chlckens over greaL dlsLances.


lf you wanL Lo see a chlcken go bonkers, glve lL some scraLch".

lL's a mlx of gralns lncludlng corn, wheaL, oaLs and rye, among oLhers. unllke your compleLe
feed, scraLch ls usually Lhrown on Lhe ground for Lhe chlckens Lo peck aL as a speclal LreaL,
noL a sLaple. ?ou'll know lf Lhey've had Loo much lf you end up wlLh weak eggshells
suscepLlble Lo breakage.

Good Iood for Ch|ckens

1 LeLLuce
2 Creens (splnach, chard)
3 1omaLoes
4 Corn (fresh, no buLLer)
3 8read and pasLa (ln moderaLlon)
6 CoLLage cheese (low-faL, no salL)

8ad Iood for Ch|ckens

1 Splcy food
2 8oLLen food
3 Sour food
4 oLaLo chlps (or any hlgh-faL, hlgh-sodlum, deep-frled [unk food)
3 Cabbage (makes eggs sLlnky)
6 Carllc (also makes eggs sLlnky)
7 8aw poLaLo peels (chlckens have Lrouble dlgesLlng Lhem)


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I|na||y Water, Water. Lots of Water

Chlcks and hens allke need loLs of cool, fresh waLer Lo drlnk as Lhelr fraglle bodles are prone
Lo lmmedlaLe dehydraLlon or salL LoxlclLy.

Chlckens poop anyLlme, and anywhere. 1hey don'L even boLher Lo search far and wlde for
Lhelr food or waLer. So make sure you change Lhelr drlnklng waLer Lwlce a day.

lace Lhelr waLer dlsh or waLer dlspenser rlghL by Lhe door of Lhelr coop where Lhey can geL
Lo lL every Llme Lhey go by. Make sure Lhe dlsh or dlspenser ls noL ln Lhe dlrecL paLh of Lhe
heaL lamp. Chlcks especlally won'L drlnk waLer LhaL's Loo hoL.


As a rule Lhough, Lhe amounL of food your chlcken needs depends on four (4) facLors:

1. 1he breed,
2. lLs sLage of developmenL (age, slze, welghL, raLe of lay),
3. 1he Llme of year,
4. Pow Lhey're fed, where Lhey're fed.

Chlckens usually prefer Lo feed soon afLer comlng down form Lhe roosL and before laylng eggs.

AfLer some dusLlng and explorlng, Lhey mosL ofLen Lake a power break" ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe
day, before Laklng lunch". 1hls ls followed by anoLher round of pecklng ln Lhe mld Lo laLe
afLernoon. CulLe rouLlnary, buL lL's a paLLern LhaL's easy Lo esLabllsh and remember.

Chlckens also generally eaL more durlng cold weaLher Lo glve Lhem more energy Lo keep warm.
ln addlLlon, a chlcken LhaL doesn'L geL enough Lo eaL won'L grow or lay well. 1hey can be plcky
and fussy Loo wlLh food LexLure. 1hey nelLher llke dusLy or powdery mash nor moldy or musLy
raLlons (would you?).

Slnce chlckens prlmarlly eaL Lo meeL Lhelr energy needs, expecL your layers Lo eaL less ln
summer Lhan ln wlnLer, when Lhey need exLra energy Lo sLay warm. Pow much Lhey eaL wlll also
depend on Lhelr raLlons energy denslLy. 1haL ls, how much vlLamlns, mlnerals, flbers, eLc. Lhelr
food conLalns.

Cenerally you can feed your chlckens by hand or by free cholce". !usL remember, chlckens are
bound Lo eaL anyLhlng and everyLhlng when lefL on Lhelr own. And an overfed, faL and unhealLhy
blrd won'L breed nor lay eggs Lo Lhe besL of Lhelr ablllLy. 1haL's why mosL breeders prefer hand-
feedlng slnce lL allows for beLLer conLrol of whaL and how much your blrds eaL.

1o gauge how much Lo feed by hand, keep ln mlnd LhaL a full grown regular hen eaLs abouL 4 oz.


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(100g) of food a day, a good handful of whlch should be graln. Larger ones may even requlre up
Lo 6 oz. (130g) a day. lor adulL banLams, a 60:40 raLlo of pelleLs Lo graln mlx ls recommended by
many breeders.

lf hand-feedlng lsn'L posslble, you can make do wlLh pelleLs or mash fed ln a hopper ln Lhe
mornlng and Lhen some scaLLered graln ln Lhe evenlng. Chlckens are dayLlme lovers so Lhe lasL
feed Lhey geL should noL be glven so laLe LhaL Lhey haven'L enough Llme Lo flll Lhelr crop for Lhe
long nlghL ahead before golng ln Lo roosL.

Cbserve Lhelr dally eaLlng hablLs. lf you flnd LhaL Lhey've cleaned ouL Lhelr hopper an hour or so
afLer belng glven Lhelr flrsL meal of Lhe day, lncrease Lhe amounL enough so LhaL Lhere wlll only
be a few parLlcles belng plcked up around lunchLlme.

lf Lhe opposlLe ls Lrue, decrease Lhelr breakfasL quanLlLy. Chlcks, by Lhe way, should be fed four
or flve Llmes a day. Cnce Lhey have become reasonably acLlve and sLrong, a small Lrough or
hopper can be used for free cholce feedlng.

WAkNING: leed LhaL dlsappears Loo fasL ls a sure slgn LhaL someLhlng's wrong. lL could mean
any of Lhree (3) Lhlngs:

1. CLher facLors noLwlLhsLandlng, lL could mean LhaL your chlckens may have worms.
lmmedlaLely Lake a sampllng of dropplngs Lo your veLerlnarlan for a fecal LesL and worm
your chlckens lf necessary.

2. lf lL happens durlng wlnLer, lL may mean your chlckens are Loo cold. Slmply ellmlnaLe
posslble lndoor drafLs and lncrease Lhe carbohydraLes ln Lhelr scraLch mlx.

3. llnally, Lhe chlckens may noL be Lhe ones consumlng Lhe food. Make sure rodenLs,
opossums, wlld blrds, and oLher creaLures are noL dlpplng Lhelr snouLs lnLo Lhe Lrough.

D|fferent Strokes for D|fferent Io|ks

Lver wonder why Lhere are whlLe and brown chlcken eggs?

Why some are small, whlle oLhers are large?

Why Lhere are organlc, vegeLarlan and free run eggs?

8aslcally, hens wlLh whlLe feaLhers produce whlLe eggs, and hens wlLh brown feaLhers
produce brown eggs. 8uL beyond color, eggsperLs" say LhaL egg Lypes and slzes are also
deLermlned by a hen's breed, welghL, dleL and envlronmenL.

Pere's a qulck rundown:


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Convent|ona| Lggs - are produced by hens ralsed ln crowded baLLery cages where movemenL
ls resLrlcLed Lo slmply LhaL. laylng eggs. 1hey are fed a hlgh proLeln dleL sprlnkled wlLh
anLlbloLlcs, hormones and oLher chemlcals. Lggs are produced ln volumes whlch Lhus come
ouL cheaper for Lhe consumer.

Crgan|c Lggs - wlLh a hlnL of herblcldes, commerclal ferLlllzers are a no no for hens ralsed ln
Lhls klnd of envlronmenL. nelLher are anLlbloLlcs or hormones. ?ou can easlly Lell Lhe
dlfference beLween a convenLlonal egg and an organlc egg by Lhe LasLe and color of Lhe yolk.

Cmega 3 Lnhanced Lggs - hens here are fed noLhlng less Lhan a dleL of flax seed, llnseed,
grass, frulL and corn whlch produce eggs hlgher ln omega-3 faLLy aclds. Cood for Lhe hearL.

Vegetar|an - yes, some hens have also [olned Lhe bandwagon. vegeLarlan egg-laylng hens
are fed noLhlng whlch conLalns anlmal by-producLs. lL's sLrlcLly a speclal dleL of planL orlgln
for Lhese ladles.

V|tam|n Lnhanced Lggs - sprlghLly and perhaps hlghly-energeLlc are hens whose dleL ls
nuLrlLlonally enhanced wlLh vlLamln 8-6 & 8-12, vlLamln L, follaLe and luLeln.

Iree kange and Iree kun Lggs - are lald by hens who roam freely elLher ln an open space or
a large buL enclosed faclllLy. 1hey elLher nesL ln boxes or perches.

rem|um ua||ty Lggs - are lald by young hens aL Lhe peak of Lhelr laylng cycle. 1hese eggs
are Lhlcker and sLronger, conLalnlng sllghLly less cholesLerol Lhan convenLlonal eggs.


Should you buy commerclal feed or make your own feed Lo glve Lo your flock? Cnly you can
answer Lhls quesLlon afLer careful conslderlng whlch opLlon besL sulLs you and your chlckens.

1he slmplesL and mosL convenlenL way for beglnners Lo feed Lhelr chlckens ls Lo use a
commerclally-prepared chlcken feed lnLended for your flock's speclflc age and Lhe purpose for
keeplng Lhem. ulfferenL commerclal feed are made avallable for each sLage of a chlcken's

SLarLer raLlons for chlcks, elLher as layers or as brollers, has hlgh proLeln conLenL needed for
Lhelr growLh, elLher for egg-producLlon or for Lable meaL. Crower raLlons are for pulleLs or
adolescenL blrds, and have lower-proLeln conLenL. Layer feed ls for laylng hens, as a
malnLenance dleL needed for egg producLlon. 8reeder raLlon ls lnLended for hens laylng
haLchlng eggs, whlle flnlsher ls glven Lo brollers unLll Lhey are slaughLered.

lf you are new Lo chlcken-ralslng, buylng commerclal feed wlll Lake Lhe guesswork ouL of
correcLly feedlng your flock. oulLry feed manufacLurers conducL sclenLlflc research Lo come up
wlLh a compleLe feed, a balanced raLlon LhaL ensures Lhe healLhy developmenL of your chlckens.


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lollow Lhe lnsLrucLlons on Lhe feed bag label for maxlmum beneflL.

1hose who wlsh Lo make Lhelr own feed musL have a very good undersLandlng of chlckens'
nuLrlLlonal needs. Chlcken feed musL conLaln all Lhe requlred nuLrlenLs chlckens need for
opLlmum healLh and growLh. lf you cannoL maLch Lhe preclse proporLlon of lngredlenLs and
nuLrlenLs found ln commerclal feed, you are beLLer off glvlng your chlckens sLore-boughL feed.

SLlll, many people prefer Lo make Lhelr own poulLry feed as lL allows Lhem Lo use Lhe freshesL
lngredlenLs of Lhe hlghesL grade. lL ls also belleved LhaL homemade feed are cheaper and devold
of any chemlcal used ln commerclal feed producLlon.

Some wlll argue LhaL homemade feed ls noL necessarlly cheaper Lhan commerclal feed, because
all of Lhe dlfferenL lngredlenLs wlll have Lo be boughL separaLely. llucLuaLlon ln prlces of some
lngredlenLs may affecL deslred savlngs. lf you are golng LoLally organlc, lL ls noL golng Lo come
ouL cheap.

lf you wanL a mlll Lo mlx your own reclpe, for whlch you'll have Lo pay a fee, you wlll be hard-
pressed Lo flnd a mlll LhaL wlll cusLom mlx feed less Lhan a Lhousand pounds. 1hls amounL ls Loo
much for a small backyard flock Lo flnlsh off before Lhe resL goes sLale.

1he homemade raLlon musL address Lhe needs of Lhe klnd of chlckens you have.

lf you are ralslng chlckens for Lhelr meaL, you should glve Lhem more proLeln Lhan chlckens
ralsed for egg producLlon. Chlcks need more proLeln for growLh, buL need less calclum Lhan
adulL blrds Lo avold damaglng Lhelr lnLernal organs. So go slow when glvlng Lhe young blrds
oysLer shell for calclum.

1here are many oplnlons abouL Lhe rlghL mlx of lngredlenLs for chlcken feed or raLlon. When
mlxlng your own reclpe, you mlghL as well slfL Lhrough all lnformaLlon you can geL your hands
on, and declde whlch one you Lhlnk wlll provlde your blrds wlLh Lhe compleLe seL of nuLrlenLs
Lhey need on a dally basls.

8elow are home-made feed mlxes from whlch you can choose.

8eclpe A

(ltom cblckeos lo oot 8ockyotJ, A 8eqlooets ColJe by klck ooJ Coll lottmooo, p. J9)

63 gralns, lncludlng aL leasL Lwo of Lhese: barley, corn, mllo, oaLs, wheaL
7 alfalfa meal or ground hay
3 meaL scraps, flsh meal, or soybean meal (lf necessary, subsLlLuLe cooked
soybeans for soybean meal, never feed raw soybeans Lo chlckens as Lhey
conLaln Loxlns LhaL lnhlblL growLh)
13 drled peas or addlLlonal soybean meal
6 oysLer shell or llmesLone


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3 bone meal
1 Lrace mlneral salL (obLalnable ln bulk from some feed sLores)
x plnL cod-llver oll per 100 pounds feed

1he reclpe above can be glven along wlLh scraps, greens, grlLs, and mllk producLs for a
well-rounded, nuLrlLlous meal for your blrds.

8eclpe 8 - Crganlc Whole Craln

(ltom bttp.//

2 parLs whole corn (ln wlnLer Lhls ls lncreased Lo 3 or 4 parLs)
3 parLs sofL whlLe wheaL
3 parLs hard red wlnLer wheaL
1 parL hulled barley
1 parL oaL groaLs
1 parL sunflower seeds (ln wlnLer Lhls ls lncreased Lo 2 parLs)
1 parL mllleL
1 parL kamuL
1 parL amaranLh seeds
1 parL spllL peas
1 parL lenLlls
1 parL qulnoa
1 parL sesame seeds
1/2 parL flax seeds
1/2 parL kelp granules
free cholce of granlLe grlL
free cholce of oysLer shell

8eclpe C

(ltom leeJloq cblckeos, 5obotboo koocbet, leoflet #2919, uolvetslty of collfotolo)

Pome Mlxed 8aLlons

lmperlal MeLrlc
3larler 0roWer Layer 3larler 0roWer Layer
Coarse|y grourd gra|r (corr, r||o, oar|ey, oals, Wreal,
r|ce, elc.)
1 |o. 50 |o. 53.5 |o. 20.5 |g 22.5 |g 21 |g
wreal orar, r|ce orar, r||| leed, elc. 10 |o. 18 |o. 1Z |o. 1.5 |g 8 |g Z.5 |g
3oyoear rea|, pearul rea|, collorseed rear (|oW
gossypo|), surl|oWer rea|, sesare rea|, elc.
29.5 |o. 1.5 |o. 15 |o. 13 |g Z |g .Z |g


CopyrlghL 2009 - Chlcken keeplng SecreLs - All 8lghLs 8eserved
Veal rea|, l|sr rea|, soyoear rea| 5 |o. 5 |o. 3 |o. 2.3 |g 2.3 |g 1.3 |g
A|la|la rea| (rol reeded lor rarge-led o|rds) 1 |o. 1 |o. 1 |o. 1.8 |g 1.8 |g 1.8 |g
8ore rea|, del|uor|raled d|ca|c|ur prosprale 2 |o. 2 |o. 2 |o. 1 |g 1 |g 1 |g
v|lar|r supp|ererl (supp|y|rg 200,000 l.u. v|lar|r A,
80,000 l.C.u. v|lar|r 03, 100 rg r|ool|av|r)

Yeasl, r||| poWder (rol reeded |l v|lar|r supp|ererl
|s oa|arced)
2 |o. 2 |o. 2 |o. 1 |g 1 |g 1 |g
0rourd ||reslore, raro|e, oysler sre|| 1 |o. 2 |o. 3 |o. 0.5 |g 1 |g 1.3 |g
Trace r|rera| sa|l or |od|zed sa|l (supp|ererled W|lr
0.5 ource rargarese su|prale ard 0.5 ource z|rc
0.5 |o. 0.5 |o. 0.5 |o. 200 g 200 g 200 g
T0TAL 100 |o. 100 |o. 100 |o. 15 |g 1 |g 15 |g


CopyrlghL 2009 - Chlcken keeplng SecreLs - All 8lghLs 8eserved

Chlckens are normally very healLhy lndlvlduals so when lllness sLrlkes, Lhey are usually hlL fasL
and hard. Powever, lL does noL Lake much efforL and money Lo keep Lhem happy and healLhy.

PealLhy chlckens normally do Lhlngs as a flock. scraLchlng, dusLlng and feedlng Lo Lhelr hearLs'
conLenL. 1hey are Lldy creaLures Loo, preenlng and groomlng Lhemselves wlLhouL any proddlng.
1hey dusL baLhe Lhen rld Lhemselves of Lhe dusL wlLh a mere shake of Lhe feaLhers.

1he besL way, Lhen, Lo know lf someLhlng ls noL rlghL ls Lo slL, waLch, and geL Lo know your flock.
A blrd suddenly golng solo, wlngs drooplng, feaLhers ruffled, wlLh loose dropplngs sLuck Lo
feaLhers around Lhe venL ls a sure slgn LhaL someLhlng ls amlss.

A sudden galn or loss ln appeLlLe could also be a subLle slgn. lck Lhem up (assumlng you can
caLch Lhem flrsL) and feel each one's breasL for sudden welghL loss. Check under Lhelr wlngs and
oLher downy areas (Lhe layer of flne feaLhers found under Lhe Lougher feaLhers) for fleas, llce
and mlLes.

Chlckens need 1LC (Lender lovlng care). never handle Lhem roughly Lo avold sLress, physlcal
damage or ln[ury. lf all aLLempLs Lo caLch Lhem fall, Lry dolng so when Lhey are roosLlng aL nlghL.

Lven chlcks wlll noL heslLaLe Lo leL you know when Lhey are unhappy. 1hey wlll chlrp more ofLen
and more lncessanLly Lhan usual unLll Lhey caLch your aLLenLlon. 1hey may slmply have run ouL
of food and waLer, be feellng Loo cold or Loo hoL, or pasLlng up (when Lhelr dropplngs block Lhe
venL area prevenLlng new dropplngs from passlng, much llke consLlpaLlon).

ln any case, be more paLlenL wlLh Lhe llLLle ones as you are all Lhey have goL durlng Lhe flrsL few
weeks of Lhelr llves.

llnally, avold unnecessary sLresses as well, llke your klds or dog chaslng your chlckens or sudden
changes ln Lhelr envlronmenL. 8emember, all lL Lakes Lo keep your chlckens happy and healLhy
are a well-kepL coop and clean surroundlngs, loLs of fresh food and waLer, and loLs of room Lo
sLruL around and exerclse.


So whaL does a healLhy and happy chlcken look llke from head Lo Lall Lo fooL?


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nead and Neck

1 Cenerally, waffles and comb should be 8Lu ln color wlLh no cuLs or swelllngs.
2 Lyes should be round and open wlLhouL any form of Lhlck fluld dlscharge.
3 nosLrlls should be clean and open (unclogged), agaln wlLhouL any fluld dlscharge of
any klnd.
4 1he area beLween Lhe eyes and Lhe nosLrlls (slnuses) should noL be swollen.
3 1he beak musL be of normal slze wlLhouL any parL mlsslng. lL musL noL feel sofL or
6 1he neck musL be sLrong and sLralghL keeplng Lhe head hlgh, noL weak or LwlsLed.

1he 8ody

1 WlLh Lhe excepLlon of some lndlgenous breeds, Lhe enLlre body should be covered
wlLh feaLhers LhaL proLecL chlckens from exLreme LemperaLures.
2 leaLhers should always be clean, flaL and LlghL agalnsL Lhe body and ralsed only when
Lhey are asleep, ln cold weaLher, or when Lhey are slck.
3 ?ou musL be able Lo feel muscles coverlng Lhe breasLbone. A bony" feellng may
mean your chlcken ls slck and may noL have been eaLlng or recelvlng enough food.

1he Legs, 1a|| and the Vent

1 Leg color ls usually yellow.
2 1he legs should be sLrong, sLralghL and smooLh wlLhouL any cuLs, swelllngs or crusLs
allowlng your chlcken Lo walk normally.
3 1all and venL area should be clean and Lhe feaLhers sofL and fluffy.


uesplLe all Lhe dlslnfecLlon, general cleanlng and careful deslgn of your chlckens' home, ln[urles,
dlseases and lllnesses may sLlll come knocklng on your door when you leasL expecL lL.

WhaL do you do when LhaL happens? 1hls secLlon wlll, aL Lhe very leasL, help you know when
someLhlng's wrong wlLh your flock and Llp you on whaL Lo do ln mosL cases.

A word of cauLlon Lhough, lL Lakes a Lralned eye and years of experlence and experLlse Lo
deLermlne whaL exacLly may be wrong, and whaL LreaLmenL ls besL. Many of Lhe lllnesses and
dlseases exhlblL slmllar sympLoms. So unless you are 100 percenL sure, never aLLempL Lo cure
Lhem by your lonesome. Seek Lhe ald of a quallfled veLerlnarlan or an experlenced poulLry


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AL Lhe onseL, you'll know someLhlng lsn'L rlghL when one of your blrds suddenly becomes a
loner, moplng quleLly ln a corner, wlngs drooplng, feaLhers ruffled, and has no appeLlLe. When
LhaL happens, lsolaLe Lhe blrd from Lhe resL of Lhe flock ASA.

8efore you need lL, prepare a chlcken lnflrmary. lL ls slmply a place, far from Lhe resL of Lhe flock,
where you can lsolaLe a blrd LhaL ls lll or wounded. lL doesn'L need Lo be fancy buL lL musL
provlde Lhe necessary amenlLles. lood and waLer wlll be mosL lmporLanL, a perch and nesLlng
box are of lesser lmporLance.

CLher common sympLoms you should waLch ouL for are: coughlng, wheezlng, labored breaLhlng,
warLs/scabs, swollen [olnLs, loss of feaLhers, reduced egg producLlon, Lhln egg shells, fever, open
wounds, paralysls, LwlsLlng of neck/head, dlscharge from nose/mouLh, dlarrhea/blood ln sLool,
loss of appeLlLe and welghL, reLarded growLh, lack of coordlnaLlon, and enlarged abdomen.


Common Co|ds

Chlckens do caLch colds especlally because of damp llvlng condlLlons, and sudden changes ln
Lhe weaLher. 8uL noL Lo worry, colds geL beLLer on Lhelr own.

ulu Ou kNOw 1nA1. ctosbeJ ftesb qotllc mlxeJ wltb cblckeo sctotcb ot o teospooo of
floe qotllc JlssolveJ loto o qolloo of Jtlokloq wotet Joes wooJets fot o cblckeos colJs?
Appoteotly, bomoos ooJ cblckeos ollke beoeflt ftom tbe cototlve motvels of qotllc.

Crop Congest|on or Crop 8ound

A chlcken's crop can become congesLed, or crop bound, for a varleLy of reasons llke eaLlng
feaLhers, llLLer, or long grass. lf Lhls happens, Lry glvlng Lhem a drlnk of warm waLer and
sofLen Lhe crop by hand massage. lf Lhls does noL work, Lhe common pracLlce ls Lo desLroy
Lhe blrd, open up lLs crop Lo flnd ouL whaL wenL wrong, and how lL can be avolded for Lhe
resL of Lhe flock.


1hls condlLlon, where Lhe venL muscles are pushed ouL of Lhe body (ouch!) due Lo a hen's
sLalnlng durlng egg laylng, ls common ln young or sllghLly overwelghL hens LhaL have been
laylng heavlly.


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When Lhls happens, genLly break and remove Lhe unlald egg, Lhen clean Lhe exposed organs
wlLh a mlld anLlsepLlc. CoaL Lhe organs wlLh a lubrlcanL and carefully and glngerly push lL
back lnslde Lhe abdomen whlle holdlng your hen's head down.

lsolaLe her ln a small coop, run her for a week, and feed wlLh a dleL of graln-based feed. lf lL
does noL reoccur, you can Lhen reLurn Lhe hen Lo Lhe flock.


Serlously slck chlckens need lmmedlaLe veLerlnary aLLenLlon.

uCn'1 A11LM1 1C 18LA1 A SlCk 8l8u L8SCnALL?.

Whlle anLlbloLlcs are a greaL help when used correcLly, Lhese should never be glven as a
sLandard LreaLmenL for an lllness because Lhey merely mask Lhe Lrue sympLoms of a dlsease
raLher Lhan cure lL.

Lven more lmporLanL, lf Lhey dle, geL a posL-morLem.

ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes, Lwo ma[or dlseases - Avlan lnfluenza (blrd flu) and newcasLle ulsease -
musL be reporLed Lo Lhe u.S. ueparLmenL of AgrlculLure (uSuA) and Lhe local sLaLe deparLmenL
of healLh. know Lhe developmenLs abouL Lhese dlseases Lhrough Lhe medla or sLaLemenLs lssued
by relaLed governmenL agencles.

Av|an Inf|uenza (8|rd I|u)

1hls dlsease - also commonly known as P3n1 - has acLually been around slnce 1878 and was
flrsL named fowl plague." Avlan lnfluenza hlLs Lhe resplraLory and lnLesLlnal LracLs and ls
LransmlLLed from blrd Lo blrd elLher by coughlng, sneezlng, or Lhrough Lhe feces.

Chlckens wlLh Lhe mlld form of 8lrd llu are llsLless and have no appeLlLe. ?ou'll also noLlce
Lhem breaLhlng wlLh dlfflculLy and experlenclng dlarrhea. As lL geLs worse, Lhelr comb and
waffles may Lurn blue, Lhelr face may swell and Lhey become dehydraLed.

1helr legs and combs wlll have dark red or whlLe spoLs, and Lhelr nosLrlls wlll begln Lo bleed.
lnfecLed hens, meanwhlle, wlll be laylng less and Lhere could be an lncrease ln Lhe number of
sofL-shelled and shell-less eggs.

SLrlcL quaranLlne and Lhe use of prescrlbed anLlbloLlcs and vacclnes may help reduce losses.
Powever, you should desLroy Lhose chlckens LhaL have conLracLed Lhe more leLhal form of
n3P1 Lo sLop any posslble ouLbreak.


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Newcast|e D|sease

new CasLle ls a hlghly conLaglous vlral dlsease LhaL aLLacks Lhe dlgesLlve, resplraLory and/or
nervous sysLem of all blrds of all ages.

SympLoms can range from hoarse chlrps ln chlcks,
waLery dlscharge from Lhe nosLrlls, gasplng, and faclal
swelllng Lo Lhe more plLlful slghL of paralysls,
Lrembllng, exLreme dlarrhea, sudden drop ln feed and
or waLer lnLake and egg producLlon, and LwlsLlng of
Lhe neck (a sure slgn LhaL Lhe cenLral nervous sysLem
has been hlL).

AnLlbloLlcs can be glven from 3-3 days Lo prevenL
secondary lnfecLlon alLhough Lhere really ls no speclflc

Acute Death Syndrome

Also known as Lhe fllp-over syndrome", or slmply a hearL aLLack, Lhere are several causes
buL overfeedlng ls undoubLedly a conLrlbuLlng facLor.

MosL affecLed blrds are Lhose beLween 1-8 weeks old, whlch wlll squawk, loose Lhelr
balance, convulse and vlolenLly flap Lhelr wlngs before dylng on Lhelr backs.

lf, ln posL-morLem examlnaLlon, a faLLy deposlL ls noLlced around Lhe hearL, llver, and
kldneys, you can be sure lL was caused by overfeedlng and should alLer Lhe dleL of Lhe resL of
Lhe flock.

Iow| ox

Also known as chlcken pox (noL Lhe
chlcken pox affecLlng humans), sore
head, avlan dlphLherla, and blrd pox,
fowl pox can be spread elLher Lhrough
dlrecL conLacL wlLh Lhe slck blrd or by

WaLch ouL for ralsed, warL-llke leslons on
Lhe mouLh, legs, Lhe head and venL,
whlch usually heal ln Lwo weeks.
8eLarded growLh, labored breaLhlng,


CopyrlghL 2009 - Chlcken keeplng SecreLs - All 8lghLs 8eserved
fallure Lo galn or loss of welghL desplLe adequaLe and quallLy feedlng, or a gradual decllne ln
egg producLlon are oLher sympLoms of Lhe dlsease.

no LreaLmenL ls avallable Lhough vacclnaLlon ls posslble Lo sLop an ouLbreak. Spraylng Lo klll
mosqulLoes can also help conLrol an ouLbreak.

Infect|ous 8ronch|t|s

!usL how bad lnfecLlous bronchlLls can geL depends on Lhe age and lmmunlLy of Lhe flock and
Lhe surroundlngs.

AffecLed chlckens wlll be chlrplng, have waLery dlscharge from Lhe eyes and nosLrlls, and can
be gasplng for breaLh. Lgg producLlon wlll also drop dramaLlcally buL wlll recover ln flve or slx
weeks alLhough aL a lower raLe. Lggshells may also become rough and Lhe egg whlLe waLery.
lf Lhe vlrus ls presenL ln Lhe egg lLself, lL usually won'L haLch.

Agaln, Lhere ls no speclflc LreaLmenL Lhough anLlbloLlcs for 3-3 days can help prevenL
secondary bacLerlal lnfecLlons. Agaln, a blosecurlLy program and vacclnaLlon are keys Lo

Infect|ous Coryza

lnfecLlous coryza ls a bacLerlal condlLlon LhaL produces
sympLoms slmllar Lo Lhe common cold (LhaL's why lL's also
known a head cold"). lL can lasL from a few days up Lo 2-3
monLhs especlally lf oLher lnfecLlons are presenL.

lLs slgns are usually swelllng around Lhe face, foul smelllng
mucous, labored breaLhlng, even dlarrhea and lrrlLaLed

Whlle morLallLy from coryza ls usually low, your hen's egg
producLlon may also decrease whlle lncreaslng Lhe
lncldence or severlLy of oLher dlseases.

WaLer-soluble anLlbloLlcs or anLl-bacLerlal can be used as
LreaLmenL. vacclnaLe each chlcken every four weeks beglnnlng aL 3 weeks of age. 8epeaL Lhe
vacclnaLlon aL 10 monLhs and Lhen Lwlce yearly lf needed.

Infect|ous Laryngotrache|t|s


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Also known as L1" or laryngo, lL affecLs chlckens 14 weeks and older.

Laslly noLlceable are your chlckens' waLery eyes and Lhelr unusual sllence slnce Lhelr
breaLhlng becomes dlfflculL. ?ou'd hear Lhem coughlng and sneezlng and see Lhem shaklng
Lhelr heads as lf Lrylng Lo clear Lhelr clogged LhroaLs, ofLen exLendlng Lhelr head and neck Lo
geL some alr. Many of Lhem dle from asphyxlaLlon whlle Lhose LhaL recover are carrlers for

1he besL you can do ls Lo glve Lhem anLlbloLlcs Lo conLrol secondary lnfecLlon. vacclnaLe each
one uslng an eye-drop and use a swab Lo remove plugged wlndplpes. 8emember Lo
lnclneraLe dead blrds.

1urkey kh|no 1rache|t|s

1urkeys and chlckens of all ages are suscepLlble Lo Lhls resplraLory dlsease LhaL can lead Lo
Lhe deaLh of 30 of your flock.

AffecLed blrds wlll usually eaL and lay fewer eggs (whlch wlll also be deplgmenLed and Lhln-
shelled), loose Lhelr volce, have dlscharges from Lhelr nosLrlls and eyes

1here are no drugs or vacclnes avallable Lo LreaL Lhe vlrus alLhough anLlbloLlcs can help
conLrol secondary bacLerlal lnfecLlons. lLs prevenLlon ls sLlll heavlly dependenL on havlng a
comprehenslve blosecurlLy program.


Chlamydlosls or parroL fever" affecLs a wlde varleLy of blrds (Lhough chlckens are noL
commonly affecLed) and ls Lransmlsslble from blrds Lo humans. lL ls usually spread by
lnhalaLlon from drled feces.

Pumans Lhough are suscepLlble, LhaL's why lL ls an occupaLlonal dlsease among Lurkey
growers, haulers, and processlng workers ln Lhe llve-blrd areas and workers ln peL-blrd
avlarles alLhough Lhe lncldence ls rare.

Cllnlcal slgns lnclude dlscharge from Lhe nosLrlls and eyes, con[uncLlvlLls, slnuslLls, dlarrhea,
weakness, loss of body welghL, and reduced feedlng as well. 1he anLlbloLlc ChloroLeLracycllne
ls commonly glven ln Lhe feed (200-400 g/Lon) for 3 weeks as remedy.

Swo||en nead Syndrome

Swollen Pead Syndrome ls a chronlc and exoLlc dlsease affecLlng chlckens and Lurkeys of all


CopyrlghL 2009 - Chlcken keeplng SecreLs - All 8lghLs 8eserved
ages. ln chlcks, sympLoms would lnclude sneezlng, and Lhen a reddenlng and swelllng of Lhe
Lear ducLs and eye Llssue. laclal swelllng wlll exLend over Lhe head and down Lhe [aw and

CLher slgns lnclude dlsorlenLaLlon, LwlsLlng of Lhe neck, and a slgnlflcanL drop ln egg
producLlon. SPS has no proven medlcal LreaLmenL. 1he good news ls lL also does noL
presenLly occur ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes.

1he Mycop|asma Iam||y

Mycoplasma ls a bacLerla-llke organlsm LhaL aLLacks Lhe resplraLory LracL of chlckens and
Lurkeys ln Lhree dlfferenL sLralns. 1hey can survlve ouLslde Lhe chlcken for up Lo 3 days buL
are easlly kllled by dlslnfecLanLs, heaL, and sunllghL.

Mycoplasma CalllsepLlcum or MC may noL have any ouLward slgn lf Lhe lnfecLlon ls noL
compllcaLed. Powever, you can expecL Lo see a sLlcky dlscharge from Lhe nosLrlls and eyes,
and swollen slnuses ln brollers. AffecLed chlckens are also ofLen sLunLed and Lhe embryos
become dwarfed.

CuLbreaks of MC can be conLrolled wlLh Lhe feedlng, waLerlng or Lhe ln[ecLlng of anLlbloLlcs
buL your blrds wlll remaln carrlers for llfe. LradlcaLlon Lhus ls lLs besL conLrol.

Cn Lhe oLher hand, blrds lnfecLed wlLh Mycoplasma Synovlae wlll have ruffled feaLhers,
become leLharglc and slow Lo move because of swollen [olnLs. 1hey may even develop
bllsLers on Lhelr breasLs and greenlsh dlarrhea especlally when Lhey are close Lo deaLh.

MS ls LransmlLLed vla Lhe egg, by dlrecL conLacL wlLh lnfecLed blrds, or by alrborne parLlcles
over shorL dlsLances. AnLlbloLlcs are also Lhe mosL effecLlve cure alLhough, llke MC,
eradlcaLlon ls Lhe besL and only sure conLrol.

unllke Lhe oLher Lwo, Mycoplasma Meleagrldls only affecLs Lurkeys, whlch wlll show slmllar
sympLoms llke sLunLlng and slow growLh, and drop ln egg producLlon and haLchablllLy,
crooked necks and leg problems.

1reaLmenL and eradlcaLlon meLhods of Lhe dlsease are also slmllar Lo Lhe MC and MS sLralns.

Asperg|||os|s (8rooder neumon|a)

All blrds are suscepLlble Lo Lhls pneumonla Lype of dlsease caused by a fungus. Chlcks wlll
usually have Lrouble breaLhlng and wlll be gasplng for alr. 1helr food consumpLlon wlll also
decrease and paralysls or convulslons may occur because of Lhe fungal Loxln. MorLallLy ln
young blrds averages 3-20 percenL, buL may go as hlgh as 30 percenL.


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MaLure blrds may also be gasplng for alr, lose Lhelr appeLlLe, and develop a blulsh or dark
colorlng of Lhe skln. nervous dlsorders, such as LwlsLed necks, may occur ln a few blrds
alLhough morLallLy ls usually less Lhan 3 percenL.

1here ls no cure for lnfecLed blrds alLhough lLs spread can be conLrolled by lmprovlng
venLllaLlon, ellmlnaLlng Lhe source of Lhe lnfecLlon, and addlng a funglsLaL Lo Lhe feed, and/or
copper sulphaLe or acldlfled copper ln Lhe drlnklng waLer for 3 days. 1he llLLer can also be
sprayed llghLly wlLh an oll-base germlclde Lo conLrol dusL and alr movemenL of fungal spores.

vltol ulseoses (ooo-tespltototy)

Marek's D|sease

Chlckens beLween 12 Lo 23 weeks of age are mosL affecLed by Lhls Lype of avlan cancer.

1umors ln Lhe nerves cause lameness and paralysls,
whlle Lhose ln Lhe eyes resulL ln lrregularly shaped
puplls and bllndness.

lf lL aLLacks Lhe llver, kldney, spleen, gonads, pancreas,
provenLrlculus, lungs or muscles, you're cerLaln Lo see
your chlckens exhlblLlng lack of coordlnaLlon, paleness,
weak and labored breaLhlng, and enlarged feaLher

ln Lermlnal sLages, Lhey develop pale, scaly combs,
suffer from greenlsh dlarrhea, and wlll become gaunL.

lnfecLed blrds carry Lhe vlrus ln Lhelr blood for llfe and
wlll remaln a source of Lhe lnfecLlon. unforLunaLely, Lhere ls also no form of LreaLmenL.

Lympho|d Leukos|s

1he culprlL ls a vlrus whlch has a long lncubaLlon perlod of aL leasL 4 monLhs so sympLoms are
noL noLlceable unLll your chlckens are aL leasL 16 weeks old. Cnce lnfecLed, Lhey wlll become
weaker and weaker whlle Lhelr comb wlll regress. 1helr abdomen also becomes enlarged as
Lhey also evenLually suffer from greenlsh dlarrhea.

1he vlrus ls presenL ln Lhe yolk and egg whlLe of eggs from lnfecLed hens and ls Lhus
LransmlLLed from Lhe egg Lo offsprlng. WlLhln a flock, lL ls spread by conLacL beLween
chlckens, or ln a conLamlnaLed envlronmenL. no LreaLmenL ls avallable and lnfecLed chlckens


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become carrlers for llfe.

Infect|ous 8ursa| D|sease

1he vlrus ls spread Lhrough conLacL wlLh an lnfecLed blrd, wlLh conLamlnaLed people and
equlpmenL. lL can also be shed ln blrd dropplngs Lhen spread by alr by dusL parLlcles.

AffecLed chlckens older Lhan Lhree weeks wlll show a sudden loss of appeLlLe and decrease ln
drlnklng waLer. 1hey wlll slL ln a hunched poslLlon, have waLery dropplngs, ruffled feaLhers,
solllng of feaLhers around Lhe venL and pecklng of Lhelr venL.

1hose less Lhan Lhree weeks do noL develop cllnlcal dlsease buL lnsLead become exLremely
and permanenLly suscepLlble as Lhey age.

1he vlrus has no speclflc LreaLmenL and anLlbloLlcs, sulfonamldes, and nlLrofurans have llLLle
or no effecL. uead blrds musL Lhus be lnclneraLed.

Lqu|ne Lncepha||t|s

Lqulne encephallLls ls a conLaglous and unLreaLable dlsease affecLlng Lhe nervous sysLem and
spread malnly by lnfecLed mosqulLoes. MorLallLy ls hlgh and Lhose LhaL survlve may become
bllnd, have muscle paralysls, and have dlfflculLy holdlng Lhelr head up.

1he besL meLhod of prevenLlon ls Lo esLabllsh mosqulLo conLrol and ellmlnaLe Lhelr breedlng
grounds. lL ls posslble Lo vacclnaLe your blrds uslng vacclne for horses aL Lhe recommended
dose of one-LenLh of a horse dose per blrd.

Av|an Lncepha|omye||t|s

Also called epldemlc Lremor", Lhe dlsease ls mosL common among chlckens less Lhan slx
weeks old wlLh sympLoms appearlng from Lhe flrsL Lo Lhlrd weeks of llfe.

Chlcks may flrsL show a dull expresslon of Lhe eyes, followed by progresslve lncoordlnaLlon,
slLLlng on hocks, Lremors of Lhe head and neck, and flnally paralysls or prosLraLlon. ln
advanced cases, chlcks wlll lle prosLraLe and dle.

ln adulL blrds, Lhe only slgn may be a gradual drop ln egg producLlon, and correspondlng
decrease ln haLchablllLy slnce Lhe vlrus ls egg-LransmlLLed. Chlckens LhaL survlve Lhe cllnlcal
dlsease may develop caLaracLs laLer ln llfe.

lnfecLed blrds should be desLroyed and lnclneraLed.


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Lgg Drop Syndrome

Lgg urop Syndrome or LuS has become a ma[or cause of reduced egg producLlon. 1here are
no rellable slgns excepL for seemlngly healLhy hens beglnnlng Lo lay Lhln-shelled or shell-less
eggs. 1here ls no successful LreaLmenL buL lnduced molLlng wlll resLore egg producLlon.

Infect|ous 1enosynov|t|s

1hls ls a klnd of vlral arLhrlLls whlch may affecL Lhe [olnLs (LenosynovlLls) or Lhe resplraLory or
lnLesLlnal Llssues (sepLlcemlc form).

lLs maln sympLom ls lameness wlLh swelllng of Lhe Lendon exLendlng Lo Lhe hock. Slmllar Lo
avlan encephalomyellLls", your chlckens wlll become lame, wlll slL on Lhelr hocks and show
relucLance Lo move. ln older blrds, Lhe Lendon can rupLure causlng permanenL lameness of
Lhe affecLed leg.

lnfecLlon can also play a parL ln broller sLunLlng whlle chlcks can suffer from vlral enLerlLls
called "hellcopLer dlsease" where wlng feaLhers proLrude aL varlous angles. AffecLed blrds
become cyanoLlc (blue) and dehydraLed. 1he Llps of Lhe comb Lurn purpllsh and Lhen Lhe
enLlre comb darkens as Lhe dlsease progresses.

Noo-kespltototy 8octetlol ulseoses

Iow| Cho|era

lowl cholera usually sLrlkes blrds older Lhan 6 weeks.

lever, reduced appeLlLe, a dlscharge from Lhe mouLh, ruffled feaLhers, dlarrhea, and labored
breaLhlng may be seen. As lL geLs worse, your chlckens wlll lose welghL, become lame, and
make raLLllng nolses because Lhelr alr passages become clogged. lf Lhe dlsease becomes
chronlc, Lhey develop abscessed waLLles, swollen [olnLs and fooL pads.

AnLlbloLlcs can be used buL you wlll need a hlgher dosage and longer perlod of LreaLmenL Lo
sLop an ouLbreak.



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AffllcLed chlcks wlll have an lnfecLed navel (because lnfecLlon usually occurs [usL before Lhe
navels are healed), large unabsorbed yolk sacs, perlLonlLls, edema of Lhe skln, sepLlcemla and

Chlcks can be lnfecLed Lhrough dlrLy holdlng boxes and haLchlng eggs, eggs wlLh poor quallLy
shells, or Lhose chlcks placed ln dlrLy holdlng boxes. lnfecLed eggs LhaL also crack ln Lhe
haLchlng Lray conLamlnaLe oLher eggs ln Lhe Lray and lncrease Lhe lncldence. 1here ls no
speclflc LreaLmenL for Lhls dlsease as mosL affecLed blrds dle ln Lhe flrsL few days of llfe.


ullorum ls a severe form of dlarrhea of chlcks LransmlLLed by a moLher hen lnfecLed wlLh Lhe
bacLerla salmonella lnLo her eggs. ueaLh of lnfecLed chlcks beglns aL 3-7 days of age and
peaks ln anoLher 4-3 days.

LradlcaLlon of Lhe enLlre flock ls requlred by law.

Necrot|c Lnter|t|s

8apldly growlng young blrds, especlally chlckens and Lurkeys 2-12 weeks of age, are Lhe usual

Chlckens wlll lnlLlally begln feedlng less, have dark, blood-sLalned feces leadlng Lo dlarrhea
and Lhen emaclaLlon. lorLunaLely, Lhe bacLerla lnvolved ls senslLlve Lo anLlbloLlcs and


Chlckens of all ages are hlghly suscepLlble Lo Lhls form of polsonlng caused by eaLlng spolled
food. aralysls occurs wlLhln a few hours afLer eaLlng. 1he neck Lhen becomes llmp and Lhe
neck feaLhers become loose. lf Lhe amounL eaLen ls leLhal, prosLraLlon and deaLh follow ln 12
Lo 24 hours.

1here ls no spread from blrd Lo blrd.

uead blrds musL however be burned lmmedlaLely.


SLaphylococcal lnfecLlons appear ln Lhree forms: sepLlcemla (acuLe), arLhrlLlc (chronlc), and


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bumblefooL. 1he sepLlcemla form ls slmllar Lo fowl cholera where chlckens become llsLless
and feverlsh, lose Lhelr appeLlLe, and show paln durlng movemenL. 8lack roL may show up ln
eggs and lnfecLed blrds wlll have feLld waLery dlarrhea.

ln Lhe arLhrlLlc form, blrds also become relucLanL Lo walk, and prefer Lo slL raLher Lhan sLand.
8umblefooL, on Lhe oLher hand, ls a locallzed lnfecLlon of Lhe fooL caused by puncLure

CuLbreaks ofLen follow sLorms when chlckens may drlnk from sLagnanL raln pools. 8emove
ob[ecLs LhaL cause ln[ury and lsolaLe chronlcally affecLed blrds. 1reaLmenL may be Lhrough
anLlbloLlcs glven ln Lhe feed for 3-7 days or admlnlsLered ln Lhe waLer for 3-3 days.


araslLes llke lnsecLs and mlLes are guesLs LhaL nelLher you nor your chlckens would cerLalnly
wanL Lo hosL. 1hey make your chlckens very uncomforLable and, lf lefL unchecked, prone Lo
numerous dlseases and even deaLh.


Summer ofLen brlngs wlLh lL fleas whlch you can readlly LreaL wlLh flea powder. Also spray
around Lhe house as ofLen as Lhree weeks Lo klll Lhe flea eggs, pupae, and larvae.


?ou can flnd Lhem by slmply parLlng Lhe feaLhers and you're sure Lo see small, llghL-colored
llce runnlng around and Lhelr greylsh whlLe eggs around Lhe venL area and under Lhe wlngs.

A llberal dose of louse powder or chemlcal spray should do Lhe Lrlck. Weekly dusLlng of nesL-
boxes wlll also proLecL laylng hens from Lhese lrrlLanLs buL roosLers wlll have Lo be LreaLed


All bugs love human or chlcken blood for a meal and Lhen ln[ecL Lhelr vlcLlms wlLh sallva LhaL
causes lLchlng and swelllng.

1he poulLry bug Lhrlves ln souLhern and wesLern sLaLes, aLLacklng boLh chlckens and humans.
1he swallow bug - spread by barn swallows, Lhus lLs name - has a nasLy blLe and aLLacks
humans. llnally, Lhe cone-nose assassln bug -desplLe lLs name - loves chlckens buL ls


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relaLlvely a mlnor pesL.


llles LhaL boLher chlckens are Lhe blLlng flles and fllLh flles, boLh spread dlseases and

8lLlng flles malnly llve around bodles of waLer (lncludlng swampy areas) and manure and may
someLlmes swarm causlng anemla or deaLh. unllke blLlng flles, fllLh flles (llke Lhe house fly)
don'L blLe buL Lhey lrrlLaLe blrds, can LransmlL Lapeworm, and spread bacLerlal dlseases.

?ou can proLecL your flock agalnsL Lhem by spraylng Lhelr larvae wlLh lnsecLlclde, regularly
cleanlng Lhe coop and flLLlng lL wlLh flne mesh screens, lnsLalllng fly Lraps, keeplng llLLer dry,
and ellmlnaLlng any source of sLagnanL waLer. Cood venLllaLlon also helps slnce flles don'L
llke movlng alr.


MosqulLoes en mass can lower a hen's egg producLlon, LransmlL poulLry dlseases llke malarla,
and cause deaLh. Llke flles, you can conLrol mosqulLoes by ellmlnaLlng Lhelr breedlng grounds
such as sLagnanL waLer.


1here are several Lypes of mlLe, Lhe mosL common belng Lhe 8ed mlLe whlch love crevlces ln
Lhe henhouse, Lhe norLhern mlLes whlch love a chlcken's body especlally Lhe venL area, and
Lhe Scaly-leg mlLe whlch breed ln Lunnels Lhey make under Lhe scales of your chlcken's legs.
Swelllng wlll soon occur and evenLually lame your blrd lf lefL unLreaLed.

Cld-fashloned remedles lnclude sulphur olnLmenL, paraffln, and llnseed oll. eLroleum [elly
also works well by seallng Lhe gaps ln Lhe scales and suffocaLlng Lhe mlLe.


1apeworms and roundworms are ofLen passed on by one blrd's dropplngs belng plcked up by
anoLher. Chlckens wlLh worms may be eaLlng excepLlonally well, buL are laylng less. 1helr
combs wlll be plnklsh, noL red. 1hose heavlly lnfesLed wlLh roundworms wlll also excreLe
bundles of dead worms. noL Lo worry Lhough as wormlng medlclnes can be found easlly.


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1he proLozoa called coccldla ls Lhe mosL common cause of deaLh ln young chlckens especlally
Lhose llvlng ln crowded condlLlons and allowed Lo drlnk conLamlnaLed waLer. Lven older
chlckens can be lnfecLed durlng humld weaLher when coccldlan prollferaLe fasLer.

1o prevenL an ouLbreak, feed your chlcks wlLh a medlcaLed sLarLer raLlon conLalnlng a
coccldlosLaL or add lL Lo Lhelr drlnklng waLer. 8e careful Lhough when glvlng Lhem Lhe LreaLed
waLer durlng warm weaLher because Lhey can Lake ln a Loxlc dose because chlckens drlnk
more when lL's hoL.


Llke any home, your chlckens' coop needs frequenL upkeep and Lldylng Lo avold foul smell and
dlseases. Lnsurlng LhaL your blrds have a clean and comforLable home" musL be Lop of mlnd.

1hls lncludes dlslnfecLlon and frequenL cleanlng of feeders, waLerers, Lhe yard, and mosL
especlally, Lhe enLlre coop aL leasL once a year preferably on a warm, sunny day. uon'L forgeL Lo
WLA8 A uuS1 MASk Lo avold lnhallng poulLry dusL.

Pere are some cleanlng Llps:

1. use a shop vacuum or an old broom Lo remove dusL and cobwebs from Lhe corners and
cracks of walls.
2. AfLer removlng all moveable feeders, waLer conLalners, eLc., use a hoe or a scraper Lo
remove manure and dlrL cllnglng Lo Lhe floor, walls, and perches.
3. keep waLer dlshes clean, Lhelr food dry and conLalned.
4. use a soluLlon of chlorlne bleach (1 Lablespoon) and bolllng waLer (abouL a gallon) Lo
dlslnfecL all Lroughs, perches, and nesLs, and Lo scrub Lhe lnslde of Lhe coop.
3. Cpen doors and wlndows, and Lurn on Lhe venLllaLlon fan Lo dry Lhe houslng before
leLLlng Lhe chlckens back ln.
6. lace a dlslnfecLanL fooL-baLh aL Lhe gaLe Lo your poulLry yard Lo ellmlnaLe posslble
sources of lnfecLlon.
7. llnally, plck up any [unk lylng around Lhe yard LhaL can aLLracL lnsecLs, snakes, and

Don't Coop 1hem Up In 1he Coop

keeplng your chlckens happy also means bulldlng Lhem a home where, no maLLer Lhe
weaLher, Lhey can remaln warm and dry.


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keep ln mlnd Loo LhaL chlckens need Lo exerclse lesL Lhey become anxlous and fldgeLy and
sLarL plcklng on each oLher. Make sure LhaL you also have enough space where Lhey can do
Lhelr regular grubblng and runnlng.

Some L|ke It Warm

lf you llve ln a cold cllmaLe, you need a heaL lamp or a 23-40 waLL llghL bulb Lo keep Lhe
henhouse warm on cold nlghLs. 8uL make sure you place Lhese away from sLraw and noL
dlrecLly over Lhe hens' perch.

lL ls besL LhaL you connecL your llghL or lamp Lo a Llmer so LhaL lL comes on around mldnlghL
and Lurns off when Lhe sun comes up. nLvL8 uSL an oll or elecLrlc heaLer Lo warm Lhe
henhouse because Lhese glve off Loo much heaL and can dehydraLe your chlckens!

uouble walls for added lnsulaLlon are also a musL for Lhe henhouse. ?ou also wanL Lhe back
wall of nesL boxes placed agalnsL Lhe lnslde wall of Lhe henhouse and noL exposed Lo Lhe

Make sure Lhe henhouse ls also waLerLlghL. lf LhaL's noL LoLally posslble, glve your chlckens aL
leasL one parLlcular dry place ln Lhelr house where Lhey can go Lo keep warm. lL musL be
warm enough Lo avold freezlng Lhelr drlnklng waLer.

uCn'1 lC8CL1, aslde from Lhese, you sLlll also wanL Lo have good venLllaLlon so LhaL fresh alr
can move ln and ouL wlLh ease.

Cthers refer It Coo|

lor chlckens ralsed ln warmer areas, a coop wlLh loLs of shade ls besL. lL should have
wlndows and maybe even a roof LhaL you can ralse and prop open for exLra venLllaLlon on
especlally hoL, humld days.

AnoLher welcome LreaL would be an auLomaLlc waLerlng sysLem LhaL provldes conLlnuous
waLer supply durlng Lhe hoLLesL days. lf you have hens, lnsLall a box fan ln Lhe coop Lo keep
Lhem cool. uon'L leL Lhem roasL on Lhe roosL!

now Ch|ckens Ma|nta|n 1he|r 8ody 1emperature

Chlckens adapL Lo and are less sLressed by gradual shlfLs ln LemperaLure. When lL's cold, Lhey
warm Lhemselves Lhrough physlcal acLlvlLy and whaL Lhey eaL. When lL's warm, Lhey keep
cool by glvlng off heaL uslng Lhelr clrculaLory, resplraLory, and excreLory sysLems.


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1hey do Lhls ln four ways:

llrsL, by Lransferrlng heaL beLween Lhemselves and a nearby ob[ecL. lf Lhe surroundlng ls
warmer, nearby ob[ecLs warm Lhe blrd. lf lL's cooler, heaL ls glven off by your chlcken Lo Lhe

1he second way ls by Lransferrlng heaL beLween Lhemselves and Lhe surroundlng alr. As lLs
geLs hoLLer, chlckens wlll expose more of Lhelr body Lo a breeze by holdlng ouL Lhelr wlngs as
lf welcomlng lL wlLh open wlngs".

1he Lhlrd meLhod a chlcken uses ls by Lransferrlng heaL or cold beLween Lhemselves and
ob[ecLs Lhelr bodles comes ln conLacL wlLh (malnly Lhrough Lhelr feeL) llke floors, llLLer, nesLs,
eLc. Warm ob[ecLs warm chlckens, cool ob[ecLs cool Lhem.

1hey can also cool down by uslng Lhelr body heaL Lo vaporlze llquld on Lhelr body. And lf all
else falls, Lhey can resorL Lo lnhallng cooler alr Lhen exhallng molsLure-laden warm alr whlch
Lhey can also speed up by panLlng.

?ou can help cool your chlckens by frequenLly hoslng down Lhe coop's ouLer walls and roof,
and occaslonally mlsLlng adulL chlckens. 8uL ln wlnLer, as long as Lhelr drlnklng waLer lsn'L
frozen, and Lhelr houslng nelLher damp nor drafLy, your chlckens suffer less ln cold weaLher
Lhan ln a hoL cllmaLe.

Comb and Ieathers Can Ind|cate Adaptab|||ty

?ou also can Lell how well your chlckens wlll adapL Lo hoL or cold weaLher by slmply looklng
aL Lhelr combs and feaLhers.

Cenerally, slngle-combed and large-combed breeds (lncludlng cocks) are less LoleranL of cold
weaLher Lhan rose-combed and smaller combed breeds. Cocks are also more prone Lo cold
weaLher compared Lo hens because, unllke hens, Lhey don'L sleep wlLh Lhelr heads Lucked
under a wlng whlch provldes warmLh.

Slmllarly, loosely-feaLhered and heavlly-feaLhered chlckens llke Lhe CrplngLons, AslaLlcs, and
Amerlcans are more llkely Lo suffer ln hoL weaLher compared Lo Lhe llghLly feaLhered blrds. ln
conLrasL, lL ls also Lhe llghLly-feaLhered and sparsely-feaLhered breeds or Lhose wlLh shorL
close feaLhers LhaL are mosL affecLed by cold weaLher. ln addlLlon, Lhe cresLed varleLles are
mosL vulnerable Lo freezlng especlally lf Lhelr head feaLhers geL weL.


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Cnce a year, durlng laLe summer or early fall, chlckens loose Lhelr feaLhers. no, lL's noL a slgn
LhaL Lhey've been vlcLlmlzed nor ls lL a slgnal LhaL someLhlng ls Lerrlbly wrong. lL's a perfecLly
naLural phase Lhey go Lhrough called molLlng".

Chlckens molL for a perlod of 14 Lo 16 weeks, dependlng on Lhelr age and breed. Slnce feaLhers
are 83 percenL proLeln, expecL your blrd's need for proLeln Lo go up durlng Lhls perlod as lL
grows new feaLhers.

When your chlckens are ready Lo molL, Lhelr plumage wlll become dull-looklng. ?ou can easlly
remedy Lhls by feedlng Lhem a handful of dry caL food every oLher day unLll Lhe molL ls over. CaL
food conLalns anlmal proLeln whlch ls rlch ln amlno aclds, whlch chlckens need durlng Lhls Llme.

ln full molL, feaLhers are renewed sLarLlng wlLh Lhe head golng down Lo Lhe Lall.

Contro||ed Mo|t|ng

Aslde from lnduclng hens Lo molL when you wanL Lhem Lo, conLrolled molLlng or dellberaLe
molLlng works well for hens elghL monLhs or older. 1hls ls because aL LhaL age, hens normally
experlence a decllne ln Lhelr egg producLlon. ConLrolled molLlng revlLallzes" Lhelr
producLlon average, lmproves egg quallLy and Lhelr appeLlLe.

ConLrolled molLlng lnvolves lnduclng Lhe whole flock Lo resL aL Lhe same Llme and Lo come
back ln Lo lay as a group uslng severe nuLrlLlonal and envlronmenLal sLress. 8uL be very, very
careful. SLarvlng your hens and deprlvlng Lhem of waLer can also cause deaLhs lnsLead of
re[uvenaLed laylng.

1he safesL way ls Lo conflne your flock Lo a well-venLllaLed place where you can llmlL llghLlng
Lo elghL hours per day. uurlng Lhls perlod, conLlnue glvlng Lhem free-cholce waLer whlle
dlsconLlnulng lay raLlon. leed Lhem lnsLead oaLs along wlLh x pound of scraLch per dozen
hens per day.

AfLer 14 days, begln replaclng Lhe oaLs wlLh lay raLlon and gradually lncrease llghLlng Lo 13
hours per day. WlLhln abouL a monLh, your hens should be back lnLo full producLlon. 1he only
drawback ls LhaL your hens won'L lay as many eggs as Lhey dld ln Lhelr flrsL season buL Lhe
eggs wlll be larger. 1hls ls Lhe naLural order and wlll happen afLer Lhelr flrsL molL wheLher ls
comes naLurally or ls lnduced.

Us|ng the Mo|t as an Ind|cator to Cu||

?ou can deLermlne how long a hen has been and wlll conLlnue Lo molL by examlnlng her


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prlmary feaLher. 1hese are Lhe largesL feaLhers LhaL run from Lhe Llp of Lhe wlng Lo Lhe shorL
axlal feaLher LhaL separaLes Lhe prlmary from Lhe secondary feaLhers. 1he Len prlmarles drop
ouL aL 2-week lnLervals and Lake approxlmaLely 6 weeks Lo re-grow.

A hen LhaL ls a good layer ls a fasL molLer and drops more Lhan one feaLher aL a Llme.
leaLhers LhaL fall ouL as a group grow back as a group, leLLlng Lhe hen more qulckly compleLe
her molL and reLurn Lo producLlon.

A hen LhaL ls noL as producLlve wlll molL more slowly, dropplng one feaLher aL a Llme. 1hls
long process wlll keep her ouL of producLlon for a long perlod of Llme.

lf you're unsure of how producLlve a parLlcular hen ls, waLch her molL. lf she molLs slowly,
you can be assured LhaL she doesn'L lay very many eggs even when she ls ln full producLlon.

lf you're looklng for hens Lo cull from your flock, Lhe slow molLer ls an excellenL place Lo



Cnce you're done wlLh Lhe house cleanlng", dlslnfecL Lhe coop for good measure Lo zap
remalnlng germs and unwanLed organlsms. ulslnfecLlng however ls a musL when you've
acqulred used equlpmenL, afLer an ouLbreak or a recenL flock lnfecLlon.

1here ls no all around" dlslnfecLanL so you wlll have Lo ask a veLerlnarlan or experlenced
poulLry ralser for Lhe rlghL one Lo use for your parLlcular need or slLuaLlon.

Check Lhe explraLlon daLe on Lhe label and sLore Lhe dlslnfecLanL ln a cool place, away from
chlldren, peLs, llvesLock, food and feed. Above all, keep dlslnfecLanLs ln 1PLl8 C8lClnAL
CCn1AlnL8S, properly and clearly labeled.

Pere are lmporLanL Lhlngs Lo remember when dlslnfecLlng:

1. lollow label dlrecLlons or your veLerlnarlan's lnsLrucLlons when dlluLlng a parLlcular
dlslnfecLanL. Some dlslnfecLanLs work ln hoL waLer, some wlll evaporaLe. Some can
be mlxed wlLh deLergenLs/cleanlng soluLlons, oLhers become lneffecLlve especlally
when mlxed wlLh organlc maLLer.
2. Wear goggles Lo proLecL your eyes, and a face mask Lo avold lnhallng dlslnfecLanL
3. ueny your flock access Lo Lhe coop and Lhe lmmedlaLe area. lor your safeLy, keep Lhe
area well venLllaLed when worklng wlLh chemlcals.


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4. SLarL wlLh Lhe celllng, Lhen Lhe walls, and end wlLh Lhe floor.
3. ulslnfecL your shovel, broom, rake, hoe, and oLher clean-up Lools.
6. 8efore leLLlng your chlckens back lnLo Lhe coop, leL Lhe coop dry Lhoroughly flrsL and
leave lL empLy from 4 hours Lo 2 days.

Chemlcal dlslnfecLanLs ln Lhe markeL are:

1. Chlorlne bleach and swlmmlng pool chlorlne.
2. Crganlc lodlne llke 8eLadlne and lsodyne.
3. CuaLs whlch have no sLrong odor, leave no sLalns, and are non-corroslve, non-
lrrlLaLlng, and relaLlvely non-Loxlc.
4. henol (Lysol) whlch ls used by many.
3. Culckllme also called slaked llme" for damp yards. lL ls hlghly causLlc.

?ou can also opL for Lhe non-chemlcal dlslnfecLanLs whlch are readlly avallable and wlLhln
your reach. 1hese are:

1. PC1 WA1L8.
2. 8LS1lnC Lhe houslng by keeplng chlckens ouL for 2 Lo 4 weeks afLer cleanup.
3. u8?lnC (Lhough lL Lakes a longer Llme).
4. SunLlCP1.
3. PeaL produced by composLlng wlll also desLroy mosL of Lhe bacLerla, vlruses, and
worm eggs (you can use Lhe llLLer laLer on as ferLlllzer).
6. llnally, you can also use lLAML as a dlslnfecLanL buL make sure you only use lL for
concreLe pads, and Lo remove feaLhers sLuck Lo wlre cages.

aras|te CCN1kCL

?ou can conLrol paraslLes elLher by lndlvldual or by flock LreaLmenL. esLlclde, however, do
noL desLroy paraslLe eggs so you wlll have Lo repeaL and Llme lLs appllcaLlon Lo colnclde wlLh
Lhe haLchlng cycle of paraslLes.

Some of Lhe common pesLlcldes used ln conLrolllng pesLs and paraslLes are:

1. yreLhrum puffed lnLo cracks and crevlces, or powdered on Lhe venL fluff and under
Lhe wlngs.
2. uusL baLhs ln ashes or sulphur, alLhough your chlckens mlghL lnhale Lhe maLerlals
and make maLLers worse.
3. nlcoLlne sulphaLe palnLed onLo roosLs aL dusk, or dabbed onLo venL fluff alLhough lL
can be hlghly Loxlc lf spllled on Lhe skln.
4. eLroleum oll whlch ls applled on your chlcken's body.
3. uog dlp/shampoo.
6. SysLemlc lnhlblLors llke brewer's yeasL and vlLamln 8 whlch make a chlcken's body
unpleasanL Lo paraslLes.


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8e keady w|th I|rst A|d

As you geL Lo know your chlckens and Lhelr hablLs more and more, you wlll also be ln a beLLer
poslLlon Lo dlagnose whaL exacLly may be wrong wlLh your flock. MeanLlme, slnce lllnesses
and dlseases can sLrlke wlLhouL a momenL's noLlce, lL's besL Lo puL LogeLher a flrsL ald klL"
for chlckens so you'll be ready aL all Llmes.

1he Lhlngs you wlll need are:

1. A well-sLocked and sLurdy conLalner llke a large buckeL sLored where you can flnd lL
qulckly (aLLach your veL's phone number on Lhe lld and posL lL on your Lelephone).
2. A flashllghL wlLh a sLrong beam, an exLra seL of baLLerles and a fresh bulb.
3. A zlp-lock bag conLalnlng:
a. llrsL ald Lape ln several wldLhs
b. SLreLch gauze and gauze pads
c. CoLLon balls
d. Wooden popslcle sLlcks you can use as spllnLs
e. veL8x veLerlnary 8emedy for oulLry (for resplraLory dlsLress)
f. AnLl-plck spray or olnLmenL
g. Wound powder and wound dresslng
h. AnLlsepLlc spray or olnLmenL
l. Sallne soluLlon for cleanlng wounds and ln[ured eyes
[. CLher medlclnes your veLerlnarlan recommends
4. A separaLe zlp-lock bag conLalnlng:
k. Sclssors
l. uog Loenall cllppers for snlpplng nalls and beak Llps
m. Cne or more 3 cc or larger caLheLer-Llp dlsposable syrlnges for feedlng and
waLerlng deblllLaLed chlckens

llnally, have a peL cage as well as a quaranLlne cage on hand so you can safely brlng your
blrds Lo Lhe veLerlnarlan lf needed.


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LS1S, kLDA1CkS & C1nLk

?es, lL ls noL only humans who love Lhe LasLe of chlcken meaL.

1here are a hosL of oLher chlcken 'lovers' ouL Lhere, poslng a LhreaL Lo your flock, peLs, and

Chlckens have many predaLors, and Lhe means Lo geL rld of Lhem are as varled as Lhe klnds of
predaLors Lhey have. 1here are burrowlng crlLLers, chlcken-swlplng wlnged anlmals, nocLurnal
marauders, even your nelghbor's frlendly domesLlc peL.

Whlle lL ls safe Lo lock up your blrds aL nlghL Llme, you can double Lhe securlLy by Lrylng Lo Lrap
Lhe predaLors and be humane abouL lL by relocaLlng Lhem away from your area. lL mlghL be wlse
Lo check Lhough lf lL ls legal ln your sLaLe Lo Lrap anlmals.

1o help you deLermlne Lhe Lype of predaLor conLrol you need Lo underLake, deLermlnlng Lhe
culprlL ls Lhe flrsL Lhlng Lo do. 1hese anlmals have Lhelr slgnaLure way of aLLacklng your chlckens
and LellLale slgns Lhey leave behlnd LhaL solves Lhe whodunlL.


1hese furry anlmals are known Lo vlslL a chlcken
coop lnfrequenLly, maybe once or Lwlce ln a
week. When Lhey do, you wlll flnd some
chlckens wlLhouL Lhelr heads or crops, whlch
are raccoons' preferred chlcken parLs. lf plles of
empLy eggs and shell shards are lefL around Lhe
nesL boxes, your vlslLor mlghL be a boar
raccoon, especlally lf lL leaves a whlff of skunk


1he wlly fox ls a common chlcken predaLor, vlslLlng Lhe coop early or laLe ln Lhe evenlng and
snagglng your blrds. AlLhough Lhey are nocLurnal predaLors, Lhey are also known Lo hunL durlng
dayllghL lf Lhey, or Lhelr young, are hungry.


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lf dead chlckens are lefL ln Lhe coop or yard, foxes are noL Lhe culprlL because llke coyoLes and
bobcaLs, Lhey carry off Lhelr prey and do noL leave any Lrace behlnd. So lf you flnd you are
mlsslng a few blrds, a fox may have vlslLed your chlcken coop.

uLLlng llve Lraps balLed wlLh raw chlcken meaL or enLralls, or a dead mouse, can help you Lrap
Lhls anlmal. When you do ensnare one, Lurn lL over Lo your anlmal conLrol auLhorlLles for


1hls ls a mlghLy flylng predaLor, swooplng down
on your chlckens ln broad dayllghL. 1hls chlcken
Lhlef can wreak havoc on free-ranglng chlckens,
havlng open access Lo Lhe blrds LhaL sLruL
unaware on Lhe ground.

lf you have whlLe or llghL-colored chlckens,
hawks can easlly spoL Lhem from Lhe alr and
prey on Lhem. lf your breed color blends well
wlLh Lhe ground or lLs surroundlngs, Lhe
camouflage can fool Lhe hawk.

roLecL your flock by coverlng Lhe roof of Lhelr
run or ouLdoor area wlLh chlcken wlre. ?ou can
also glve your chlckens ground cover by planLlng
flowerbeds, hedges or bushes where Lhey can
hlde when a wlnged predaLor ls flylng over.


1hls predaLor comes for Lhe eggs and noL Lhe chlcken-usually. Llke raccoons and opossums,
skunks love chlcken eggs and Lake Lhe whole Lhlng. Powever, lf you also flnd a dead blrd afLer a
skunk vlslL, lL ls posslble LhaL Lhe skunk has also eaLen lLs meaL. A LellLale slgn ls flndlng chlckens
wlLh heads chewed off. Cf course, Lhe llngerlng scenL alone wlll Lell you who Lhe culprlL ls.


Llke foxes and bobcaLs, coyoLes also rald chlcken coops and carry Lhelr prey away wlLh Lhem.
1hey aLLack elLher ln Lhe dead of Lhe nlghL or aL dawn, effecLlvely caLchlng Lhe flock unaware.
?ou can do Lhe same llve balL Lechnlque used for foxes Lo capLure coyoLes, alLhough a blgger


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cage wlll be needed, as Lhey are blgger.


anLhers, caLamounLs, pumas, bobcaLs, lynx, and cougars are some of Lhe mounLaln llons feared
by oLher anlmals Lhey prey on. 1hese large caLs prefer deer as Lhelr naLlve prey, buL wlll also
Lake oLher prey when deer ls scarce. AlLhough Lhey
prefer blgger anlmals such as moose, sheep, and elk,
for a meal, smaller prey llke chlckens are noL exempL.

AlLhough lL happens randomly, mounLaln llons can
prey on llvesLock and even peL caLs or dogs when Lhelr
wlld food becomes scarce. As nocLurnal predaLors,
Lhey hunL aL nlghL, buL can also hunL durlng Lhe day.
WlLh poor eyeslghL durlng dayllghL, Lhey can mlsLake
domesLlcaLed anlmals such as a caL, dog, plg, or
poulLry, for Lhelr naLlve prey.

1hey have excellenL vlslon aL nlghL and prowl for food
aL dusk and aL dawn. When Lhey do Lhelr nocLurnal
ralds ln your chlcken coop, expecL Lo flnd a large
number of dead blrds.

lf you see paw prlnLs around any carcass Lhey mlghL
leave behlnd, or Lhe lmprlnL of a dlsLlncL Lhree-lobed
heel pad, call Lhe anlmal auLhorlLles.

never aLLempL Lo caLch a mounLaln llon by yourself. AlLhough Lhey hardly ever aLLack people,
Lhey can harm you lf Lhey feel LhreaLened and go on self-defense mode, especlally lf Lhey have
cubs Lo proLecL.

lf mounLaln llons are known Lo prowl near your area, or lf Lhere are slghLlngs of Lhese eluslve,
sollLary caLs, Lake precauLlonary measures. uo noL allow your llvesLock Lo roam free and do noL
leave food ouLslde for your peLs or llvesLock LhaL can aLLracL oLher anlmals, Lhey can also be
prey Lo Lhese large caLs. 1rlm any low-lylng vegeLaLlon or shrubbery near your properLy LhaL can
be used as cover by mounLaln llons prlor Lo an aLLack.

keep your blrds safe lnslde Lhelr coop relnforced by sLrong gauge wlrlng and proLecLed by sLurdy
fenclng. lnsLall ouLdoor llghLlng Lo keep walkways and Lhe chlcken coop well llL. Avold feedlng
peLs near Lhe chlcken house, Lhe feed can aLLracL rodenLs, raccoons and oLher small anlmals LhaL
mounLaln llons prey on.


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kCDLN1S ] kA1S

8odenLs wlll eaL your chlcks, your chlcken's eggs, and Lhelr feed, along wlLh a hosL of oLher
foods-clean or roLLen. 1hese creaLures are excellenL dlggers and can sneak lnLo Lhe chlcken
coop by burrowlng from below. 8aLs snaLch eggs and can roll Lhem down Lhelr Lunnels. Some
raLs wlll chew on chlcken heads and leave Lhem Lo dle.

1here are many ways Lo deal wlLh rodenLs. A balL Lrap wlLh polson lnslde can be used, belng
careful Lo keep lL away from domesLlc anlmals and your chlckens Lo avold accldenLal
conLamlnaLlon and deaLh. 1hese balL sLaLlons can be used wlLh dlfferenL Lypes of polson,
dependlng on how fasL you wanL Lo geL rld of Lhe rodenLs.

8e careful when handllng polson and follow lnsLrucLlons Lo Lhe leLLer for your safeLy and
maxlmum beneflL. lf you wlsh Lo use a safer meLhod of exLermlnaLlon, a raL Lrap ls an
alLernaLlve. lace Lhe Lrap lnslde a box and place ouLslde Lhe chlcken house aL nlghL. SweeLen
Lhe deal by puLLlng a balL LhaL rodenLs llke Lo eaL.

A chlcken coop wlLh a cemenL floor ls an ldeal foll agalnsL rodenLs. lf Lhe coop does noL have a
floor, bury small-mesh wlrlng lnLo Lhe ground of Lhe floorlng aL leasL a fooL deep.

ulscarded lLems, unused equlpmenL, and oLher scraps lefL lylng around are poLenLlal places for
rodenLs Lo hlde. Clean ouL your cluLLer, especlally Lhose near Lhe chlcken house. Make sure
chlcken feed ls noL spllled on Lhe floor where Lhey are kepL and musL be sLored ln LlghL-lld
conLalners. Cn Lop of all Lhese measures, you can also opL Lo geL a caL.


Whlle mosL predaLors klll aL nlghL, Lhere are unllkely culprlLs LhaL can klll your chlckens durlng
Lhe day. unllkely because lL could be elLher yours or your nelghbor's caL or dog.

uogs wlll go afLer chlckens elLher for sporL or for fun. Some dogs may make a meal ouL of your
chlckens, whlle oLhers normally [usL chew up Lhe blrd and leL lL dle.

lf you Lhlnk ralslng your peL dog and chlckens LogeLher wlll Lurn Lhem lnLo frlends, Lhlnk agaln.

Whlle Lhere mlghL be rare cases of domesLlcaLed dogs becomlng chlckens' lmmedlaLe frlends
or guardlans", as dogs Lhey wlll always be LempLed Lo LreaL your chlckens as a meal or as a Lhlng
Lo chew up.

1hey can also geL Loo frlsky around Lhem and can ln[ure Lhe blrds. uog breeds wlLh klller
lnsLlncLs wlll surely run afLer your chlckens. As for caLs, well, lL ls common knowledge LhaL caLs
wlll go afLer chlcks.


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?ou can Lry Lo caLch Lhese domesLlcaLed culprlLs wlLh a Lrap LhaL wlll noL harm Lhem, especlally
lf Lhe offendlng peL happens Lo be your nelghbor's caL or dog. lf you can poslLlvely ldenLlfy Lhe
culprlL as your nelghbor's peL, you need Lo Lalk wlLh Lhe peL owner. 1here's no beLLer proof Lhan
showlng your nelghbors Lhelr peL sLlll lnslde your Lrap, safe and unharmed buL proven gullLy.


Snakes can sllLher lnLo Lhe chlcken coop and swallow whole eggs or baby chlcks.

Cpossums can sneak ln whlle Lhe chlckens are roosLlng and ofLen feasL on lLs Lhlgh or breasL,
poLenLlally kllllng a new blrd each vlslL.

Crows wlll peck Lhe chlcken eggs Lo geL Lo Lhe yolk and egg whlLe, elLher carrylng off Lhe egg or
leavlng lL empLy a shorL dlsLance away.

Mlnks can scale a fence and wlggle Lhrough Lhe holes of mesh wlres blg enough for Lhem Lo geL
Lhrough. Llke weasels, Lhey wlll eaL Lhe necks and heads of chlckens and leave Lhe resL for you Lo

MCkL 1IS 1C kLL kLDA1CkS A1 8A

1. 1lghLly screen or block all wlndows, doors, and oLher openlngs of Lhe chlcken house aL

2. use sLurdy mesh wlre, screen, or chlcken wlre LhaL wlll noL easlly rlp, wlLh holes small
enough LhaL no predaLor can sllp Lhrough lL.

3. uo noL leL Lhe Lrapped anlmal suffer unnecessarlly. Cover Lhe whole cage Lo keep Lhe
anlmal calm and brlng lL Lo Lhe local anlmal conLrol offlcer.

4. Choose balL for your llve Lrap LhaL ls preferred by Lhe Lype of anlmal you are Lrylng Lo

3. lf you can relocaLe Lhe anlmal yourself, brlng lL over flve mlles away Lo an unlnhablLed
area LhaL can offer Lhe anlmal means Lo survlve, such as naLural sources of waLer, food,
and shelLer.

6. lf you are noL keen on Lrapplng predaLors yourself, check ouL avallable Lrappers from
anlmal conLrol auLhorlLles or local wlldllfe agencles.

7. When maklng your chlcken home predaLor-proof, do so from above, below and Lhe
sldes as well.


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now looq Joes o cblckeo llve?

A backyard chlcken LhaL llves ln a healLhy envlronmenL may llve an average of seven Lo Len
years. Lgg producLlon wlll dlmlnlsh sLeadlly afLer Lhe flrsL Lwo or Lhree years and some farmers
choose Lo cull Lhelr hens aL Lhls polnL. A chlcken ralsed for meaL wlll be buLchered before lL ls slx
monLhs of age.

now Jo l koow lf lt ls leqol to tolse cblckeos lo my oteo?

ConLacL Lhe approprlaLe zonlng and land use deparLmenL ln your area Lo know Lhe regulaLlons
on ralslng chlckens, as lL can vary from clLy Lo clLy.

uo l oeeJ to qet o cocketel fot my flock?

lf your lnLenLlon ls Lo breed chlckens, Lhen you need a cockerel. CLher Lhan LhaL, you mlghL be
beLLer off wlLhouL one especlally lf your nelghbors-and you-cannoL sLand Lhe frequenL
crowlng and Lhe ruckus lL makes early ln Lhe mornlng.

uo cblckeos qet boteJ?

We belleve Lhey do and you can do someLhlng abouL lL. Clve Lhem ob[ecLs Lo arouse Lhelr
curloslLy and allevlaLe boredom. Pang ob[ecLs ln Lhelr coop Lo peck aL, and lf lL ls food llke
cabbage, your blrds wlll be happler.

wlll sctotcb be eoooqb to ptovlJe cblckeos oll tbelt oottltloool oeeJs?

no, scraLch does noL hold subsLanLlal amounLs of proLeln LhaL Lhe chlcken needs. lf Lhe chlckens
are glven a compleLe feed, Lhere ls no need for scraLch. Powever, scraLch allows Lhe blrd Lo
exerclse when pecklng aL Lhe ground and glves Lhem someLhlng else Lo eaL when Lhey forage for
food. 1he amounL of scraLch Lhe blrds can eaL wlLhln 20 mlnuLes ls [usL abouL enough.

ls lt sofe to feeJ eqqsbells to cblckeos?


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?es, eggshells are used as a calclum supplemenL, slmllar Lo oysLer shell and llmesLone. 1he
eggshells musL be drled and crushed up Lhough before glvlng Lo Lhe chlckens.

wlll my cblckeos sotvlve oo toble sctops olooe?

AlLhough chlckens llke Lo eaL lefLovers from your klLchen or Lable, Lhey need a balanced dleL LhaL
Lhey may noL geL LoLally from scraps. 1hey do geL some nuLrlenLs from Lhe greens, buL wlll need
more Lhan whaL your scraps offer. 1hey need Lhelr dally nuLrlenLs llke mlnerals, vlLamlns,
proLeln, carbohydraLes and faLs.

Commerclal feed ls made Lo lnclude all Lhe nuLrlenLs chlckens need, hence, lL ls a good source of
compleLe nuLrlenLs. Choose one dependlng on Lhe klnd of chlckens you keep, lf Lhey are for
meaL or for egg producLlon. 1able scraps may come as a supplemenL or a LreaL, buL do noL glve
Lhem Loo much of Lhese. 1he average amounL of scraps you can glve your chlcken ls Lhe amounL
Lhey can flnlsh ln abouL 20 mlnuLes.

lf my beo loys eqqs wltb soft sbells, Joes tbot meoo sbe ls lll?

noL necessarlly. 1here are occaslons a hen lays sofL-shelled eggs buL lL does noL readlly polnL Lo
an lllness. A pulleL's flrsL eggs are someLlmes sofL-shelled, and so are Lhe eggs of some older
hens. 1he hen may be geLLlng less calclum Lhan she needs, or ls slmply noL ln Lhe besL of shape.
lL can also be caused by sLress or shock, buL lf Lhls ls Lhe case, she wlll normally go back Lo laylng
hard shelled eggs.

lf Lhe hen does noL look slck, Lhere ls noLhlng Lo worry abouL, buL make sure Lo glve Lhe blrd
balanced feed wlLh Lhe rlghL proporLlon of calclum and phosphorus. Addlng crushed oysLer shell
can also address Lhls deflclency.

lf, afLer all measures, Lhe hen conLlnues Lo lay sofL-shell eggs, especlally lf Lhe blrd does noL look
healLhy, consulL a veLerlnarlan. SofL-shelled eggs are a sympLom of newcasLle dlsease and
lnfecLlous bronchlLls, buL Lhese are normally accompanled by oLher sympLoms. lf your layer has
no oLher sympLom, Lhen Lhere ls no cause for worry.

now coo l tell lf tbe eqqs ote fettlllzeJ ot oot?

Cne way ls Lo place Lhe egg ln an lncubaLor Lo see lf lL haLches afLer Lhree weeks. lasLer Lhan
LhaL Lhough, Lhere ls a process called candllng LhaL allows you Lo deLermlne lf Lhe eggs are ferLlle
durlng Lhe lncubaLlon process.

Candllng ls slmply condenslng Lhe beam of a brlghL llghL and shlnlng lL Lhrough Lhe egg Lo


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lnspecL Lhe lnLerlor for a developlng chlck. lL ls called candllng because lL used Lo be done wlLh a
candle, now Lhough, Lhere ls candllng equlpmenL avallable or you can use a flashllghL

wby Jo smoll eqqs wltboot yolk occot?

ulleLs ln Lhelr flrsL forays lnLo laylng ofLen produce eggs wlLhouL yolks called 'wlnd', 'dwarf',
'farL' and Lhe olden Lerm 'cock' eggs. Cur forebears belleved 'cock' eggs were lald by roosLers
because Lhey conLalned no yolk.

Wlnd eggs are someLlmes lald by boLh banLams and sLandard chlckens, and normally conLaln
graylsh Llssue lnslde Lhe shell.

Cne Lhe pulleL's reproducLlve sysLem caLches on, Lhe eggs wlll become larger ln slze and Lhe
abnormallLles wlll cease.

ls lt ttoe tbot ftesb eqqs slok lo wotet?

?es, whlle an old egg wlll floaL. ?ou can also Lell lLs freshness by cracklng Lhe egg open. A fresh
egg has flrm-looklng, rounded yolks covered wlLh Lhlck egg whlLe LhaL sLays close Lo Lhe yolk.
Whlle an old egg wlll have a flaL yolk wlLh Lhln egg whlLe LhaL readlly separaLes from Lhe yolk.

wby ote tbete spots of blooJ lo my ftesbly lolJ eqqs?

1he hen may have experlenced shock or have been under greaL sLress. lf Lhls ls Lhe case, Lhe hen
normally reLurns Lo laylng eggs wlLhouL blood spoLs. A more common cause ls when blood leaks
from Lhe ovarlan folllcle and seLs ln Lhe albumen.

now Jo l Jlspose of JeoJ cblckeos?

Whlle dlfferenL areas have dlfferenL ways Lo dlspose of dead chlckens, Lhe mosL common
meLhods are lnclneraLlon, composLlng and renderlng. ln mosL farms, chlcken carcasses are

Check your provlnclal regulaLlons on proper dlsposal of dead poulLry, also Lo see lf burylng your
dead chlckens ln your backyard ls allowed. lf you do bury Lhem, make sure lL ls deep enough Lo
deLer dlgglng up by scavengers such as wolves, coyoLes, blrds and even dogs.

oulLry carcasses musL be dlsposed of wlLhln Lhe day or wlLhln 48 hours aL Lhe laLesL. lf noL
dlsposed of properly, lL can resulL ln a foul odor and aLLracL pesLs. lL can also become a source of
poLenLlal dlsease, waLer conLamlnaLlon, and envlronmenLal polluLlon.


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ls tbete sometbloq wtooq wltb my beo tbot lolJ oo eqq wltb Jooble yolks?

1here are many reasons why double-yolk eggs occur. lL happens when hens ovulaLe Loo qulckly,
experlence sudden shock, or when Lwo yolks are released aL Lhe same Llme lnLo Lhe ovlducL and
encased ln one shell. lL can also be caused by hormonal changes ln a hen LhaL ls nearlng Lhe end
of her reproducLlve capablllLles, or ln a pulleL LhaL has [usL embarked on her producLlve cycle.

1hls ls also an lnherlLed LralL and does noL pose a problem excepL when Lhe eggs are ferLlle and
lnLended Lo be lncubaLed. uouble-yolk eggs are safe Lo eaL.

coo oo otJlooty llqbt bolb be oseJ os o sootce of beot fot my cblcks?

lL ls noL ldeal Lo use an ordlnary llghL bulb Lo produce enough heaL for Lhe chlcks. use a heaL
lamp whlch ls normally coaLed wlLh sllver LhaL helps Lhe heaL emanaLe Lowards Lhe blrds Lo keep
Lhem warm.

now Jo l cllp my cblckeos wloqs to pteveot fllqbt?

Cllp a half Lo 2/3 of Lhe lasL Len feaLhers, called prlmary fllghL feaLhers, on only one wlng. 1hls
wlll make Lhe blrd lose balance and hence unable Lo Lake fllghL. SomeLlmes a blrd can sLlll fly
wlLh boLh wlngs cllpped, buL lL wlll have Lo flap really hard Lo fly. More ofLen Lhan noL, cllpplng
one wlng should do Lhe Lrlck.

use sharp sclssors for cuLLlng Lhe wlngs Lo avold hurLlng your blrds. 1he cllpped wlngs wlll be
shed off when Lhe blrd sLarLs molLlng and new ones wlll grow, requlrlng you Lo do Lhe cllpplng
once agaln lf lL ls sLlll necessary.

8efore underLaklng Lhls Lask on your own, have someone wlLh experlence show you how Lo do
lL. lf Lhe wlng ls cllpped Loo low, Lhe blrd could bleed Lo deaLh.

wbot ls o copoo?

A capon ls a male chlcken whose LesLles has been removed compleLely by surgery, ellmlnaLlng
Lhe male sex hormones. Capons become doclle blrds and Lhelr male behavlor changes-Lhey wlll
noL flghL for leadershlp ln a flock, wlll noL courL hens, and wlll cease Lo observe LerrlLorlal clalms
over Lhe hens and Lhelr coop and run.

Capons become blgger and faLLer Lhan Lhe regular cocks, alLhough Lhey grow more slowly. lL ls


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sald LhaL a capon's meaL ls [ulcler and more Lender because Lhey have more faL ln Lhelr meaL
Lhan regular cocks.

now coo yoo tell lf o cblckeo ls o mole ot femole?

lL ls dlfflculL Lo Lell wheLher your blrds are male or female when Lhey are sLlll chlcks. When Lhey
are old enough, Lhe ones LhaL crow are roosLers, meanlng male chlckens, and Lhose LhaL do noL
are female chlckens, or hens.

A male chlcken has a blgger body, comb, waLLle and spurs, and have longer and more polnLed
hackle feaLhers. Whlle boLh male and female chlckens have maln Lall feaLhers, only Lhe cock has
saddle feaLhers.

Cf course Lhey are hens lf Lhey lay eggs. Pens do noL crow buL make sofL clucklng sounds, excepL
when Lhey are laylng. AfLer laylng Lhough, Lhey can make loud squawklng sounds llke a proud
momma, buL wlll usually seLLle down afLer Lhe exclLemenL.

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