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FOREWORD Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin, the prescence of Allah SWT for the gracefull and guidance.

Shalawat and salam we convey to Nabi Muhammad SAW and for his people who religious until the end of time. This paper made with the purpose to get the score of the Calculus course and increase the knowledge for authors and readers. According to the task, the authors will disscuss about one of the calculus materials, it is Harmonic Series. The authors realize that in the process of writing this paper is still far from the perfection of this material and how to write it. The last, authors hope that this paper wil provide the positive contribution and the reader is expected to adopt, innovate, develop, and give the knowledge to understand the calculus especially the Harmonic Series and apply in this life. Suggestions and critics we always expected to make this paper more perfect.

Jakarta, October 2012

The Authors


A. Background The harmonic series is one of the most celebrated infinite series of mathematics. As a counter example, few series more clearly illustrate that the convergence of terms to zero is not sufficient to guarantee the convergence of a series. As a known series, only a handful are used as often in comparisons. From a pedagogical point of view, the harmonic series provides the instructor with a wealth of opportunities. The leaning tower of lire (Johnson 1955) is an interesting hands-on activity that is sure to surprise students. Applications such as Eulers proof of the divergence of P 1/p (p prime) can lead to some very nice discussions. And the proofs of divergence are as entertaining as they are educational. A quick survey of modern calculus textbooks reveals that there are two very popular proofs of the divergence of the harmonic series: those fashioned after the early proof of Nicole Oresme and those comparing Pn k=1 1/k and R n+1 1 1/x dx. While these proofs are notable for their cleverness and simplicity, there are a number of other proofs that are equally simple and insightful. In this article, the authors discuss the definition of the harmonic series, to settle the questions harmonic series, and its application in life.

B. The formulation of The Problem The problems which discuss in this paper are: 1. How to solve the harmonic series questions? 2. How the aplication of harmonic series in life?

C. Purpose The purpose of this paper are: 1. To increse the understanding about harmonic series. 2. To know the applications of harmonic series in life.


A. Harmonic Series Using the natural numbers, we can construct a series by using the reciprocal of each natural number. If we do so, we get the series 1/1 + + 1/3 + + 1/5 + ... This series is called the harmonic series, a series that has been studied since ancient times. An interesting question to ask is whether the harmonic series converges (approaches a finite value as the number of terms in the series approaches infinity) or diverges (approaches infinity as the number of terms in the series approaches infinity). Looking at the series and the table above, it might appear that the series converges, because the terms keep getting smaller and smaller and the series grows at increasingly smaller rates. However, this is not the case. Nicole Oresme (ca. 1323-1382), the Bishop of Lisieux, France, proved that the harmonic series diverged and was therefore unbounded. He did this in a surprisingly simple way. Here's the harmonic series again: S = 1/1 + + 1/3 + + 1/5 + 1/6 + 1/7 + 1/8 + ... We can group the terms as follows: S = 1/1 + [] + [1/3 + ] + [1/5 + 1/6 + 1/7 + 1/8] + [...] In each bracketed group, we'll replace each fraction with the smallest fraction in that subset. This substitution will yield a new series with a sum that is smaller than the harmonic series. So, we get: S = 1/1 + [] + [ + ] + [1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8] + [...] Adding the terms together in each subset, we get: S = 1/1 + [] + [] + [] + ... Since there are an infinite number of subsets, there is also an infinite number of 's to be added, so the result will be infinite. Since this smaller series diverges, the harmonic series diverges as well. We can show that the harmonic series is divergent by showing that the terms of the harmonic series can be grouped into an infinite number of disjoint "chunks" each of which has a sum larger than 1/2. The series is clearly divergent because the partial sums

grow arbitrarily large: by adding enough of the terms together we can make the partial sums,

sn > n/2 , larger than any predetermined number. Then we can conclude that the partial sums of the harmonic series also approach infinity so the harmonic series diverges. Theorem: The harmonic series =1+ + + + + ... +

Proof: (This proof is essentially due to Oresme in 1630, twelve years before Newton was born. In 1821 Cauchy included Oresme's proof in a "Course in Analysis" and it became known as Cauchy's argument.) Let S represent the sum of the harmonic series, S = 1 + the series as indicated by the parentheses: S=1+ +( + )+( + + + )+( )+( ) + ... + + + ... and group the terms of

Each group in parentheses has a sum greater than 1/2, so S> 1 + + ( ) + ( ) + ... and the sequence of partial sums { sn } does not converge to a

finite number. Therefore, the harmonic series diverges. The harmonic series is an example of a divergent series whose terms, ak = 1/k, approach 0. If the terms of a series approach 0, the series may or may not converge.

Example 1. Show that the harmonic series diverges Solution: we show that Sn grows without bound. Imagine n to be large and write. Sn =1 + =1+ >1 + =1+ + + + + ... + ) + ... +

+ ( + ) + ( + + + ) + ( + ... + + + + + + ... + +... +

+ +

It is clear that by taking n sufficiently large we can introduce as many

s into the last

expression as we wish. Thus, Sn grows without bound, and so {Sn} diverges. Hence, the harmonic series diverges.

Example 2. Show that each of the following series are divergent. (a)


Solution (a)

To see that this series is divergent all we need to do is use the fact that we can factor a constant out of a series as follows,


is divergent and so five times this will still not be a finite number and so the

series has to be divergent. In other words, if we multiply a divergent series by a constant it will still be divergent.

(b) In this case well start with the harmonic series and strip out the first three terms.

In this case we are subtracting a finite number from a divergent series. This subtraction will not change the divergence of the series. We will either have infinity minus a finite number, which is still infinity, or a series with no value minus a finite number, which will still have no value. Therefore, this series is divergent.

B. The Application of Harmonic Series in Life 1. Record rainfalls How often are weather records broken? The harmonic series gives the answer. Suppose we have a list of rainfall figures for a hundred years. How many recordbreaking falls of rain do you expect have taken place over that period? We assume that the rainfall figures are random, in the sense that the amount of rain in any one year has no influence on the rainfall in any subsequent year. The first year was undoubtedly a record year. In the second year, the rain could equally likely have been more than, or less than, the rainfall of the first year. So there is a probability of that the second year was a record year. The expected number of record years in the first two years of record-keeping is therefore . Go on to the third year. The probability is 1/3 that the third observation is higher than the first two, so the expected number of record rainfalls in

three years is . Continuing this line of reasoning leads to the conclusion that the expected number of records in the list of observations is 1+1/2 +1/3 + ...+ 1/n

What was your guess for the number of record rainfalls in a hundred years of keeping rainfall figures? If it was 5, you were nearly right, for the sum of the first hundred terms of the harmonic series is 5.19. Even after a record-breaking rainfall, nobody will deny that the record will be broken some time in the future - perhaps in the very next year. The number of record years in an infinity of observations is clearly infinity. There we have an intuitive reason for believing that the harmonic series diverges. Athletic records do not follow the same pattern, since they are not random in the way rainfall records are random. Athletes are always trying to break the current record, and training methods are continually being improved. Nobody is doing anything about improving the weather. For the record, in both senses, here are some values of : n 1 H(n) 5 1 10 2.28 50 2.93 100 4.50 500 5.19 1000 6.79 7.49

2. Shuffling cards Just about the simplest (mathematically speaking) way of shuffling cards is called the "Top in at random" shuffle. The top card of a card deck of cards is removed and inserted at random in the deck. How many times must this shuffle be repeated before we can regard the deck as "random"? Let us follow the progress of the card which is initially at the bottom of the deck. This card (label it ) stays at the bottom until another card is inserted below it. Since there are places into which a card taken from the top can go, the chance that it will go below is , and therefore on average it will take "top in at random" shuffles before a card is placed below . Now the chance that a card taken from the top and inserted at random into the deck will go in below is since there are now two places below , and the expected number of shuffles needed to get a second card below is . Thus the expected number of shuffles needed to get two cards below is . Thus the expected number of shuffles needed to get two cards below is Note that at this stage the cards below are in random order. Continuing in this way, we see that the expected number of "top in at random" shuffles needed to get up to the top of the deck is

At this stage the cards below are in random order, and just one more shuffle, which puts at random into the deck, is needed to randomise the deck. The total number of shuffels needed is thus,


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