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FID May 2013


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TITLE Cloud computing approach for SMEs.

1. BACKGROUND TO THE RESEARCH PROBLEM The Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway commission (COSO) defines cloud computing as a deployment of computing resources and procurement model enabling organisations to use the internet to obtain its computing resources and applications from any locations (Horwath et al, 2012). LAD enterprizes defines cloud computing as a computing model rather than a technology; IT resources are priced and offered on demand. Its a service offered over the internet and replaces the company data centre or server providing the same service. (Burford et al, 2010) Cloud computing is not a one service for all, it has various service models and service deployment models which companies may choose and which better suite their business needs. SMEs might not have the funding for an in house it infrastructure they want, cloud computing could be a solution to this problem by allowing these businesses to come into contact with applications and even deploy their own applications into the cloud which cater to their business needs and daily operations. The main focus of this research is to look at the risks and benefits associated with SMEs migrating to cloud computing. There are positive and negative aspects involved when it comes to cloud computing, security could play a huge decision in whether a company should migrate to cloud computing or not. The various service and service deployment models could also play a role in the choice with their being different models and services the company can select which are better suited for the business. Cost might play the biggest role in deciding on whether or not the cloud computing approach is selected or not, therefore multiple vendors need to be looked at before approaching cloud computing.

2. STATEMENT OF RESEARCH PROBLEM Funding might play a huge role in the decision of SMEs employing the approach of cloud computing. 3. RESEARCH QUESTION, SUB-QUESTIONS AND OBJECTIVES The first part of the Background to the research problem (or introduction to the research) usually outlines or explains the conditions or environment from where the research problem originated. The last paragraph or last lines of the background should logically culminate into a statement of the research problem (see the previous section). Furthermore, an effective way of focussing the research problem is to formulate a research question. It is therefore critically important that each word in the research question is

3 carefully weighed for inclusion, as a well-formulate research question will prevent the research from moving off the track as stipulated by the research question. Next, a synthesis of the research question should be done in an effort to derive or develop sub-questions from within the overall research question. The same requirement as with formulating the overall question applies, namely to meticulously select the correct wording to indicate exactly what is to be researched or investigated. Ideally a set of four to six sub-questions are derived. Using sub-questions has several advantages: They break up the research into smaller, easier-to-handle phases initiate the broad sections of the research project, which could culminate into the main chapters or the final research report simplify the process of selecting the research method(s) to be used, by selecting method(s) to address each particular sub-question. It is only when all the sub-questions have been addressed or solved that the researcher can state that the overall research question, thus research problem has been solved. You should also identify the objectives of the study in close alignment with the research questions and research methods. Research objectives are based on the constraints of the research activities that are: time, existing skills, resources and availability of data. Objectives are typically action-oriented and verbs such as identify, establish, describe, determine, develop, and evaluate can be used to write objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely. The following examples indicate the alignment between the research problem, research questions, research methods and research objectives. Example 1: Research problem Research question Research sub-questions What are the benefits of cloud computing and how is reliability applied to cloud computing? What are risks that should be taken into account when choosing the cloud computing approach? How could security issues affect SMEs in making their decision whether to pursue the cloud computing approach or not? What services are offered by cloud computing? Funding might play a huge role in the decision of SMEs employing the approach of cloud computing. What are the risks and benefits of the cloud computing approach for SMEs? Research method(s) Objectives Literature analysis Establish theoretical definition of academic success Determine the current throughput rates of HEI worldwide. Determine the current throughput rates of HEI countrywide. Determine which methods are currently being used to predict throughput. Identify which variables have an association with throughput. Identify which variable combination will have a more accurate prediction. Evaluate the model containing the predictors.

Literature analysis

Literature analysis (including institutional documents)

Literature analysis

Survey (variables such as What are issues that have student marks, demographic been experienced in the cloud and academic predictors computing environment? known at the time of application)

4 4. CURRENT STATUS OF THE RESEARCH AREA A provisional literature analysis which concentrates on the most recent and most relevant information sources on the immediate area in which the research problem occurs, should precede work on the research proposal. The purpose of the literature study is to provide evidence that the researcher is well acquainted with past and current research in the particular field of study; that the study will not duplicate past or current research and indicating how the intended research fits in with related and past research. A literature analysis provides a solid theoretical framework for the research, such as a detailed explanation of the key fundamental concepts, or a diagrammatical model. References such as the following should be consulted: Scholarly journals Commercial database systems such as Emerald, EBSCO Hosts; Gale Infotrac Bibliographies of theses and dissertations of South African universities Dissertations Abstracts International Conference proceedings Librarys online catalogue Experts in the field.

It is strongly recommended that you seek the advice and help of a subject librarian to assist them in searching the various information sources in the subject area. The Harvard referencing system should be used to refer to references in the text as well as for the format to list consulted references in the bibliography. Details relating to the recommended (CPUT) use of this system are available in .

5. RESEARCH DESIGN The research being done is about SMEs benefiting from cloud computing. Cloud computing in its own right is a huge topic and consists of various elements when discussed. I have decided to reduce it by doing research on cloud computing in an SME environment and look at the risks and benefits that can be benefitted when choosing the service of cloud computing in such a business environment. The following terms would clearly need to be defined like what an SME is, what is cloud computing, the various services and service models offered by cloud computing to gain a better understanding as a whole of what the research is about and also make it easier for the readers to understand when reading the report. The research approach is more of a quantitative approach by selecting the topic of cloud computing for SMEs. Within the topic the investigative research will be aimed at the research problem, and both the research question and sub-questions. This means that the risks and benefits of SMEs coming into contact with the cloud computing services offered to cater for their everyday business needs. Within the topic costs of the service, the types of services, the benefits and risks such as security and vendor lock in will be reviewed in order to gain broader knowledge of the services offered and risks associated with the service. Therefore various surveys as well as case studies will be reviewed to broaden my knowledge on various concepts such as cloud computing security measures, and the types of services offered. The research done and data collected during the investigation of the report will be from reliable sources to ensure that the correct information is brought across in this report. Some surveys and case studies would pertain to SMEs where as others such as the security of cloud computing and services offered by cloud computing would consist of general case studies as security is a broad aspect of cloud computing and the services that cloud computing makes available are not only for SMEs but open to larger scal e businesses as well. The research that will be used during the investigation will come from valid sources and will be referenced so that readers can review these if they want to further their knowledge or if there are any interests they might have obtained while reading the investigative report

While one may not be able to give full details of the research methods in the proposal itself, it is important to give a sound provisional indication. It is imperative to also undertake a literature analysis of research methods that is appropriate for this research project.

5 This section should indicate the following: Research approach (quantitative and/or qualitative) Envisaged research methods ( case study, survey, focus group interviews) Units or levels of analysis Sampling technique (if a quantitative design is used) or motivation for choosing cases or subjects to be interviewed (if a qualitative design is used) Sample size ( in the case of a quantitative design) or a motivation for the number of cases or interviews (in the case of a qualitative design) Data analysis methods. There should be a clear alignment between the research sub-questions and the chosen research approach and methods (see examples 1 and 2 above).

6. DELINEATION OF THE RESEARCH A research study aimed at SMEs which are businesses that have fewer than 250 employees using a cloud computing approach to cater for their IT needs. Clarify the boundaries of the research by indicating what aspects will be covered by the research, e.g. a study of engineering firms that have fewer than 500 employees; only plants that grow in the Western Cape; a study of patients in clinics and hospitals in the Witwatersrand area.

7. CONTRIBUTION OF THE RESEARCH The outcomes of this research report is to make businesses mainly SMEs aware of cloud computing as a cost effective solution, if an in house IT shop is too expensive for them. Also to make them aware of the types of services and service models they can select which cater for the business needs, but also to make them aware of the issues that may be faced such as how secure is cloud, where is the businesses data being stored etc. The aim of this research is to make them aware of cloud computing as an alternate but also from a biased stand point make them aware of the risks and benefits cloud computing has, and to also make them aware in the costs involved so that they can see if it is a better and cost efficient option. This section summarises the significance of the research. Indicate the impact that the completed research will have and in which industry or environment. Emphasise what the outcomes or achievements will be, for example, a new theory, a prototype, a new model; an artefact, a solution to a practical problem, or a specific aid to practitioners in a particular field. In other words, what contribution this research will make to the body of knowledge in that particular field of study.

8. PROJECT PLAN A detailed project plan (time schedule) is essential and is an informal contract between researcher and supervisor. A good project plan consists of all the phases envisaged for the complete project. The timeline should start with a comprehensive literature search and analysis, followed by the activities up to the submission of the completed thesis in draft format. Each entry or action should indicate its duration and proposed completion date.

9. LIST OF REFERENCES This is a list of the literature that has been referred to in the body of the proposal. Only sources that have been cited should be included in the list of references. As said under Current state of the research area the idea is not to study the bulk of the literature before commencing with the proposal; the list of references should instead reflect recent and authoritative information sources consulted.


6 List alphabetically and clarify / define the main words and concepts that were not explained in the text of the proposal. There should be no need to add further appendices to the research proposal. Important concepts can also be explained by means of selected footnotes.




Thesis/Dissertation (choose the correct one) submitted in fulfilment/partial fulfilment (choose the correct one) of the requirements for the degree

Master of Technology/Doctor of Technology: (choose one) Discipline (e.g. Chemical Engineering)

in the Faculty of (name of Faculty)

at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Supervisor: Type the name of your supervisor here Co-supervisor: Add if necessary otherwise delete

Bellville/Cape Town/ /Mowbray/Wellington (choose campus) Date submitted (e.g. July 2013 )

Supervisor: Prof A. BEE June 2013

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