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Evaluation of Online Instruction Site: Course Title: Course URL: Evaluation by: MIT The Nature of Constructivist Learning Jason Cribbs

COURSE OVERVIEW AND INTRODUCTION The design of the course is clearly stated to the student at the beginning of the course Instructions on how to get started and where to find various course components were readily available. The purpose and structure of the course are easy to understand. There was no introductory activity except an assignment where students talked about this course in their personal lives. Needs to have more peer to peer interaction. The instructor gives an appropriate elf introduction that is available online.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES - Learning objectives are measurable and are clearly stated. There are no learning objectives included which is not acceptable. Very broad course goals are included in the course overview The students are guided by the calendar and assignments page on how to reach the stated goals.

ASSESSMENT AND MEASUREMENT - Assessment strategies are designed to evaluate student progress by reference to stated learning objectives; to measure the effectiveness of student learning; and to be integral to the learning process. Grading is based on class participation, class presentations, and papers Unfortunately, the percentages and weights of assignments are not included Assessments appear to be consistent with course activities and resources. There is an alignment on what is being taught and what is being assessed. Students use self-reflection to discover what they have learned and to be better reflective practitioners. There are examples given as models for students to follow.

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS - Instructional materials are sufficiently comprehensive to achieve stated course objectives and learning outcomes. The instructional materials are sufficient to lead to the achievement of the stated course goals The site clearly explains how the instructional materials are to be used for learning activities

All resources and materials used in the course are appropriately cited. The instructional materials appear to be a bit dated Instructional materials are easily accessible and user friendly

LEARNER INTERACTION AND ENGAGEMENT - Forms of interaction incorporated in the course motivate students and promote learning. The learning activities promote the learners success Learning activities provide opportunities for interaction that support active learning The instructor explains the plan for classroom response time and feedback on assignments well The fact that student interaction is required is evident To encourage peer to peer collaboration an e-mail list of students is provided

COURSE NAVIGATION AND TECHNOLOGY - Course navigation and technology support student engagement and ensure access to course components. The tools and media support the course goals but again are dated Navigation of the course is user friendly, simple, logical, and efficient Technologies required in the course are easy to access. There appear to be no mistakes in the functionality of the site.

LEARNER SUPPORT - The course facilitates student access to institutional support services essential to student success. A technical support site link is provided

ACCESSIBILITY - The course demonstrates a commitment to accessibility for all students The course design facilitates readability. However students with disabilities may have a hard time. Does not follow Universal Course Design

COURSE ADMINISTRATION The course is designed in a topic format that fits the accelerated format The amount of time students will spend on the course is reasonable for a working adult (1525 hours)

Summary I actually did not like this course design overall. It was very clear and easy to use which

is more important than we think. Strengths for the course were that it promoted some interaction between learners once it got moving by providing e-mail list, the functionality was there and the activities appeared to lead students toward achieving the overall goals. The weaknesses, however, far outweigh the strengths. The promotion of interaction did not come until later in the course. There were no stated objectives and only broad goals. There could be no alignment of assessments because of having no objectives. Some of the technology was dated and the course was not designed with accessibility in mind.

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