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TIME. 4050 minutes

Business Builder Teacher Resource Series

Checking understanding and summarizing

AIM. To practise asking for clarification, paraphrasing and summarizing.

Teachers Notes

5 Refer to the instructions for section B and ask the students to do the whole section. Divide the class into pairs, start the activity and circulate. ANSWERS.
1 2a 2b 2c 2d 3 Summarizing can be used for all the things in the list. Sorry, can you just go over that again? Can I just go through those points again? Can we go over what weve agreed so far? Let me just check that I understand./Let me just check I understand that. So, ... (followed by a pause)

PREPARATION. Make one copy of the worksheet for each student in the class. PROCEDURE. 1 Write up on the board the heading Checking understanding. Elicit and write up some phrases (e.g. see worksheet section A). Then write up on the board the heading Summarizing and underneath the phrases Can I just go over/through that again?. Establish that these both have the same meaning (go over/go through = look at something carefully, review, recapitulate). 2 Give out a copy of the worksheet to every student and ask them to look at section A. Refer to the instructions. Divide the class into pairs, start the activity and circulate. ANSWERS.
1 interrupt 2 detail 3 exactly/by 5 saying 6 right 7 correctly 4 specific

3 Refer to the bullet point. Ask the students if they can see any difference between the two groups (the first four phrases are asking for more information and the last three are using your own words to check understanding). The students can write these headings on the worksheet. 4 Practise the target phrases by pause reading. Ask students to turn over their sheets. Read each phrase containing a gap saying mmm for the gap. Give enough context, including a few words after each gap if necessary, e.g. for (3) say What mmm do you mean?. The students supply the missing word/s chorally.

6 Refer to the instructions and role-notes for section C. Check understanding of the activity carefully. (Consider modelling the activity first by asking a good student to be Student A and taking the role of Student B yourself, using language from sections A and B). Typical Student A topics might be: the rules of their national sport; the election system in their country; a complex project they once worked on, etc. Divide the class into pairs and appoint As and Bs. Remind students to change roles when they finish. Start the activity, circulate and make a note of good/bad language use. 7 Refer to the instructions for section D. Develop a short class discussion, and refer to any good examples of checking understanding that you heard. 8 Hold a short feedback slot on other language points.

Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2002


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