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Structuring energy space structures dracks cumulative fixed

(black hole) or variables drakians variables (galactic
clusters, nebulae, constellations, galaxies, stars, etc..)
Originated in a primitive structure in which the energy was
confined within the Planck's constant 10-31 meters and that xn
drakians cm.

= 1.59154943092 x10 28 dracks
2πx10 − 29

Drakians cm.




Originating a speed, or impulsivity drack per sec. the axon

traveled space to give an age of the universe E4 with respect
to c the current light speed:

1.7014491868 x1032 mt
4 
9.45792348 x1015 mt
año luz
 4  1.7989669618 x1016 año luz

But this gives a residual rate of speed or speed of flight
away given by:

Va 2.997925717 x108
Vf  
M 0.56337770478 x105
V f  5.32134263075 x103 mt s
i.e 5.32134263075

M f  module speed reducer

M f  0.56337770478 x105

The axon fundamental resonant space in which drakian.

d= 1.613327743882x1015cmt

and if you call ϕ0 number of fundamental frequencies in the

axon, we have:

1.70144918683x1034 cmts
ϕ0 =
1.013327743882 x1015 mts
ϕ0 = 1.05462111773 x1019

Fundamental wavelength and calling

ϕ01 = = 1x1023


Where if we take:

1.70144918683 x1034 cmts

Mf =
2.997925797 x1010 cmts

Mf = Modulo fasor speeds

Mf = 0.56754212813x1024 reducciones

The axon traveled the original space and was reflected in

other groups of isoespaces creating drakians, whith violent
disturbing movements in these first moments, there was no
light, electric charge, magnetism, gravitation, constant h,
G, etc, because the photon density was df to low.

0.56337770478 x105
df 
1.70144918685 x1032
d f  3.3311163854 x1028 fotones mt

Then the primitive travel the space imposing a axons imposing

a regime change in disrupting training to the transformation
so we had a speed reduction of axon reduction = Era. Due to
axon speed.

M f .v f
Era 
año luz
0.56754212813 x1024 x5.32134263075 x103
Era 
9.45792348 x1015
3.02008612052 x1027
Era 
9.45792348 x1015
Era  3.193177141x1011 año luz

The speed of flight into the gravitational centers has
remained constant in a constant rate given by the Universe
constant of (5.3434263075)n Km /s n = 1,2,3,4,5,6.

The elapsed time to the form of light was:

In which photonics developed density.

1.79896696090000 x1016
 3.193177141x1011
E faluz  1.79893502812859 x1016 año luz

Then as changes progressed, the light was formed so is seen a

speed up of residual conformative age of


X --------2.657.205

X=2.223710083x1025/9.45792348 mt/años luz

The due formation of proton and neutron



ENeutrón=2.3511610003x109 años luz

According to advanced transformations, we see a general

Conformative Axon

Conformative, primitive fixes drakian system Conformative photonic light


Drakian 1º Order drakian variables System

Fosil energy

Drakian 2º Order Protogalaxis photonics and Protogalaxis protonics and

electrónics netronics

Drakian 3er Order Galactics cumulus gravitatories masives


gravitatory fractal System

Stars system

Stars systems

Planets Brown Red gigants


Cuasar Novas Supernovas

White dwarf

Fossil Energy cf

cf =
c f = 8.675216505 x1027 mt s

Giving a fossil temperature of:

T4    1x104
6.28318530711x1031 x8.675216505 x1027 mt c
T4 
T 4  54.3134711751x10º K
± ∆ variacional
T  2.71473154766º K

But since the formation of light to the onset of magnetism,

gravitation, electric charge etc.. elapsed.

3.02008612052 x1027
Era 
9.45792348 x1015
Era  3.193177141x1011 año luz
 2.3511610003x109
3.169565531997 x1011 año luz

That means it took 3.16956553997x1011 light years to develop

magnetism gravitation, h etc.

First neutrons were formed due to the high impedance of the

fasor this population decreased after and the proton grew and
formed the first gravitational mass, chemical compounds of
the first table of elements, then inert masses.

ENeutrón=2.3511610003x109 light years

This date is the later of the window inert, that is to this

date had already been developed protogalaxias photon, neutron
protogalaxias, galactic clusters, galaxies, gravitational
mass, gravitational systems and fractals whose confirmatory
temperatures and radii were as follows:

T4 

for photonics protogalaxias and electronics we have

1.458 x103 x0.567 x104

T4 
6.28318530718 x1031 x 2.9979257966 x1010
Tc  4.57704264437 x104 º K
Tp  2.99282981105 x105 º K
Tcu  1.21710335585 x105 º K
TDf  0.55032032436º K

Ray format are:

c c
fE  mx n E  E  espacio de Planck
xn n
 D3 0 x n x n E  c 2 E    0  densidad
2 D3  x n   3
2 2

DDf  5.9615 x1016 cmt.

Dcuarsar  6.622 x1013 cmt.
Destelar  3.84069 x1011 cmt.
D planeta  1.75778 x108 cmt.

So we see that DDf systems drakiana fixed (black hole) have a
radius set to 4.28761507479x105 of sun radio with a
temperature TDf =0.55132032436ºK, ie are huge structures that
normally do not emit radiant energy and absorb all energy in
the vicinity because drack high impedance (velocity center
conjugate)are fast.

Type structures causing, nova or supernova is

4.76265822784X103 of sun radio, giving a photonic temperature
K is 1.21710335585X105K are large structures that begin in
photonizing sequentially due to impulsivity drack impedance,
releasing large amounts of energy in the form of shock waves
restructuring drack – photonics spaces.

DD stellar systems are systems with more modest 2.76229142692

sun radius masses with a temperature 2.99282981x105 ºK of
phonization which originate complex fields, of electronic
conductive conductive mater and protons, neutrons that
develop, magnetic fields, recombination proton - neutron
field created convertive movement inside the structure

Finally modest systems with up 1.26422612197x102 sun radius

which still have 4.57704264437x104 ºK temperature which varies
according to the amount of photonic mater they expulse
decaying to form planets, planetoid, etc.

Note that at this stage, the large alveolar force between

them is gives raise to violent movements due to the relative
closeness between the protoplanets and structure formation,
resulting in a frenzied dance between these primordial bodies
in training which declining as they cool an fly apart.

For example if we consider the approach of the Andromeda
nebula, towards the Milky Way that we have Av (speed of
Andromeda), VL (speed of the Milky Way), Vt = velocity of



150.68279578+28.31668739= Vt

Vt =178.99948317 Km/s

Without taking into account the tangential velocity.

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