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Gemini Full Moon 2011

To whose temple the Arch is starlit, In whose temple the Sun is the image of gold, To whose temple the Moon goes every month And brings the message out every full-moon, And whose message the Moon sings as a word of sixteen letters, His religion I belong to, His temple I visit, His name I utter, His glory I live in. To Him I offer the lotus of my day, To Him I offer the lotus of my night.

These seed thoughts from the Spiritual Psychology meditations of Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya give the note for the Lunar Messenger of the Circle of Good Will. The moon is the reflective principle and symbol of the mind. When pure and calm, it reflects impressions from higher circles. Especially the time of the full moon is conducive for higher alignment, if we are poised enough. The alignment of the sun, moon and earth in the sky helps experiencing the magic of the light of the soul and its manifestation down to the physical. The Lunar Messenger is published every month in time for the full moon. It contains thoughts from the teachings of eternal wisdom. Its purpose is to inspire us to put them into practical life.


Becoming Receptive
We only can receive a radio or television programme if our set is directed to the transmitting station. Even if the broadcast centre is broadcasting a programme, nothing is transmitted without a properly adjusted receiver. Our mind is the receiver; the soul speaks through the mind of the soul, the higher mind, and the personality receives through the lower mind. For a good transmission our set has to be ready to receive, otherwise the communication is distorted and we only receive noise or distorted sounds. In order to make the mind receptive we meditate or do other spiritual exercises. We have to learn to listen and to be receptive with the lower mind; it should not transmit anything by itself. But while we are in meditation our mind mostly remains active; that is, it thinks and continues thinking. It is as if we phone with someone and talk ourselves the whole time; afterwards, we notice that the other didnt answer at all. How can he speak if we dont pause? And how can the Divine transmit us impressions if it doesnt find access? In conversations we mostly are keen to talk ourselves, but we dont listen attentively. This is a difficult situation especially for the teachers who try to convey wisdom. Only very few people listen carefully to what is being said. Some only hear half, some nothing at all. Some listen and immediately forget it again. But then they talk as if they had understood everything what has been communicated. When they talk about wisdom, it is biased by their personal understanding or even by manipulative tendencies. And even if they imagine that they express transmissions of the soul, they arent influenced by the soul, since the light of the soul cannot penetrate to their levels of consciousness. However, the teacher patiently repeats for those who dont listen, and he cares for those who listen and retain what is heard and apply it. It needs years to receive wisdom correctly and assimilate it in life. Wisdom is received via the mind of the soul in the brain cells and thus impregnates the personality. The mind of the soul is called the light, and the mind of the personality the brain. The mind of the soul works through the pineal gland and the mind of the personality through the pituitary. Both should be in communication with each other. Then white magic happens.

Working from Within

Master CVV remarked that the general humanity in the present state isnt able to receive correctly. What is the use of a transmission if it isnt received? he said. It is all very uncertain. And he explained: Therefore I go into you while I am transmitting. I work from your centre. I go down into your base centre to work there. Even while you sleep I go into you and start working. The energy directly goes into us and brings unfoldment. Master CVV also calls this energy THE MASTER: It is another name for the omnipresent Divine. When we think of the Master and invoke him before we start with meditation we experience the presence as a transmission of electrical energy. It enters into us, stimulates us and causes transformations. We feel revived and can start works of good will with fresh momentum.

Mediums of the Master

If our alignment is stable, a transmission of energies happens through us into the surroundings. We become channels, mediums of the Master. However, as soon as we try to do the transmission ourselves it cannot take place but is blocked. It is not we who transmit, but the transmission happens through us. We are a witness to what is happening, it is not our doing. We experience joy when we observe how the Divine works through us in multiple ways to uplift people or to alleviate suffering. All this can only happen in utter openness to the Divine. An initiate knows that he cannot spread the light everywhere, at any place and time, but he transmits it in accordance with time and space and works as a focus according to the decision of the higher planes. The one who is a pure instrument of the energy is called a master, because such an individual represents that energy. It is not the energy or the consciousness of the master; it is the master consciousness flowing through him. This is something different. He is an embodiment of the absolute energy. The objects or beings he touches become holy because his hands, his feet and his speech transmit this energy. His presence transforms the surrounding. His smile transmits energy, and through his eyes much light radiates, even if we observe a photo of him. Whenever we look at someone and see into his eyes, the soul reflects in him, and when we see the I Am in the other we experience a transmission of light through the eyes. This Master EK speaks of in his invocation with the words: May we transmit light in terms of joy from the awareness of the background.

On the planet humanity is actually the transmitter between the kingdoms of nature. It corresponds to the throat centre, the messenger and transmitter between the three higher and the three lower centres. Since life is based on exchange, humanity cannot keep on exploiting everything around. Our presence on the planet is a pain for the plant and animal kingdom, and the suffering we cause for others will be transmitted back to us. This is a fundamental law of nature.

Group Initiation
Master CVV decided to uplift the consciousness of humanity and to distribute the energies he had received from cosmic sources all over the planet. He said that he wanted to take action for humanity quickly and therefore multiplied himself into a thousand channels. People could not understand him, and until now his work isnt understood. He declared that it would need 300 years until it were understood. And while he lived in India, he planted seeds in Europe, and in North and South America. He said that later the energies would return from the west to the east. On 29 May, 1910, he started distributing the energies from Kumbakonam in South India. He called some friends and relatives who were inclined to receive the energy. They sat in front of him, he looked at them and closed his eyes. Automatically their eyes also closed and he transmitted the energy. They felt some kind of movement in themselves and experienced transcendental states. While he initiated the few who had assembled around him, he spread the energy in a great measure around the whole planet. It didnt just go to the humans, but also to the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms. The energy was also received by the Hierarchy. They formed triangles with the Master and introduced this energy into their ashrams with the disciples. Thus, the energy is transmitted to the new groups. The month of Gemini is considered a time of initiation for humanity and is particularly favourable for the transmission of the energies of synthesis. Therefore, 29 May is celebrated as the day of group initiation, as May Call Day.
Sources: K.P. Kumar: Uranus. The Alchemist of the Age / The Theosophical Movement / notes from seminars. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India ( )

The Planetary Throat Centre

The Masters also want us to increasingly become transmitters of this joyful energy and let it pour into all aspects of life at home, in the job, or in any social activity. They dont want us to just gather in the light, but to spread the light as practical people in the busiest centres of the world. They dont need persons who get lost in impractical theories or withdraw from life, but who stand free in the world while being surrounded by all. They transmit vibrations of peace and poise at this time where humanity goes through a crisis.

Good Will is contagious !

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