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David Danced Before the Lord

David was supervising the return of the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, which the Philistines had captured many years earlier. In an outburst of joy, in celebration of having the holiest relic in the faith of ancient Israel and in the presence of G od, the Shekinah glory back home, he danced. The Bible verse says that he danced wildly in front of thousands of his subjects and that he was dressed in a linen ephod (the clothing of the priest.) Davids first wife, M ichal, (who was King Sauls daughter) watched the whole scene from a palace window and was disgusted by the spectacle of her husband taking off his official robe and looking like a common priest. W hen David worshipped with the priests, he looked like the priests and not like a king.

And when David returned to the palace, he is greeted with cold sarcasm and is rebuked by his wife, Didnt the King of Israel do himself honor today exposing himself in the sight of the slave girls of his subjects, as one of the riffraff might expose himself(II Samuel 6:20-22)
In the next verses, the Bible says So to her dying day M ichal, daughter of Saul, had no problem. W hy is M ichals childlessness recorded here? She became barren from that day on for criticizing her husbands exuberance for the Lord. O ne of the M ultitude W hen you celebrate and worship the Lord in your church or home, you are a priest. Peter said we are all ...a chosen generation, a royal priesthood... (I Peter 2:9). You are no longer an attorney, doctor, U P S driver or carpenter.

N o flesh shall glory in H is P resence (I Corinthians 1:29).

God wants you to take off your robe, your attorneys robe, doctors robe, whatever robe you wear.

I know you would like to stand out in the crowd as M ichal wanted David to, but this means nothing to G od. U nder your robe you are so proud of, is the garment of the priesthood. Under our garments of pride we are all the same. This is the attitude we should have in worship. W hen we come to church, it does not matter who we stand beside. It can be a wealthy person or a homeless person. W e are all priests if we are born again. In church we should not know or care who we stand or socialize with. Dont look at people as the world does, caring for their position or status in society. W e should only be concerned about standing beside a person who will spend eternity with us in heaven. O ur time of worship on earth should be as close to heaven as we will come. Bob Yandian 20 0 1 by Bob Y andian M inistries. R eproduction of w ritten text in w hole or part w ithout w ritten perm ission is prohibited. A ll R ights R eserved.

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