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The 10 Dirtiest Spots In The Gym

It is appealing for gym goers especially those Rocks to hit gyms tested through times, to lift those rusting weights used by champions and to become part of those halls of famers in those blood stained walls. Gyms that had been part of lives of the strongest, the most influential The idea of lifting at an old gritty gym where the walls are stained with the blood and the sweat of hidden champions holds a certain appeal to the Rocky in all of us. These are the breeding grounds of the toughest, baddest, meanest lifters in town. The thought of getting an infection from a rusty dumbbell or lying in someone elses Rorschach sweat prints doesnt bother anyone. At the other end of the spectrum are ultra-hygienic gyms with ordered cleaning schedules and wet-wipe dispensers every two meters. Dont let appearances deceive you. Germs are everywhere, even in the clean gyms, and it doesnt matter how fast, how strong or how powerful you are -- they will bring down even the mightiest Goliath. Germs hang out where there are a lot of people. An environment where there are a lot of people who get hot and sweaty together is a germs paradise. One study published in the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine found rhinoviruses, a virus that causes the common cold, on 63% of all gym equipment. Since you cant punch germs away, you need to consider strategies to prevent exposure or reduce the likelihood of infection. So the next time you hit the gym, bring your own towel, flip-flops, water bottle and disinfectant, and make sure to cover any open cuts or sores with Band-Aids. If youre feeling sick and want to sweat out your fever, be considerate to others and sweat it out at home where you wont risk infecting others, even if you dont think youre contagious. There's no need to become a full-on paranoid germaphobe, but watch out for these top 10 dirtiest spots in the gym.

No.10 Spinning Bikes

Many a number of people are fond of using cardio machines because of its capability to make you sweat all over. However, you have to take extra measures while using it. Made of soft foam, the handlebars and seats are gatherer of germs like staph, e coli and the likes. Especially if you are exercising with just shorts, it is important for you to take precautions while using this machine. You can wipe thoroughly by using tissue and alcohol gel the seat and handlebars before using it and out of courtesy after you used it. You can apply the disinfectant over the seat and handlebars then leave those until the germs are all wiped out and the alcohol had already evaporated. Make sure that you

No.9 The Pool

Hello, staph infection! Although most pools use chlorine to disinfect the water, the majority of pool-related diarrhea outbreaks are caused by cryptosporidium, a bug that is spread by fecal matter (it definitely happens) and is resistant to chlorine. Other bacteria, like pseudomonas, are also found in dirty pools and can cause eye and ear infections. Make sure to wear goggles and a swim cap or earplugs when you jump in. And before you put on your nose plug, take a good

whiff of the water. Chlorine gives off its distinctive smell whenever it reacts with microorganisms, so the more the pool smells like chlorine, the dirtier it is. And ask around for information on the pH testing and pool cleaning, which should be done throughout the day.

No.8 Child Care Centers

Kids love to touch stuff, so expect any daycare play area to be a germ epicenter. Shared toys spread a variety of bugs, so try to teach your children to wash their hands before and after eating, after using the washroom and after playing. Try to have them avoid picking their noses, rubbing their eyes and licking their fingers, since these are the best entry points for germs. A lot of fitness centers dont clean their child care area properly, so make sure to ask management how well and how often these areas are being cleaned. If its not enough, put pressure on them to adopt an effective cleaning process.

No.7 Aerobics Class

Zumba, aerobics and any other fitness class that has a large crowd can increase the risk of spreading germs. Respiratory infections caused by influenza are a perfect example since it is spread through large droplets released during heavy breathing. If you hear anyone coughing, better be safe and run to the other side of the room. You can give them a look of disgust if you wish, but this has never proven to be an effective method of prevention. Instead, use soap and water to wash your hands or alcohol-based hand gels to avoid catching anything.

No.6 Your Gym Bag

Generally speaking, most of your stuff contains your own germs and are therefore harmless to you. But your gym bag can be a risky place for your health aside from your stinky sweat socks. Every time you place your bag on the floor, on a bench, or in a locker, it picks up organisms like Salmonella, E.coli and pseudomonas that can cause skin and eye infections. Germs can also be transferred from your water bottle, wet flip-flops and bathing suit. Choose a gym bag made from vinyl or plastic since these are harder surfaces for bacteria to grow on. Stash your germ-y, sweaty clothes and shoes in a plastic bag to separate them from your clean clothes until you get a chance to wash them. If youre carrying food in your bag, make sure you dont leave the wrappers or fruit skins/cores in there. At home, shake your bag upside down to make sure all the crumbs are gone, and wipe down the inside and outside with disinfectant wipes.

No.5 Soap And Shampoo Dispensers

Who knew? Soap is an obvious antimicrobial agent, but the container its stored in can also harbor harmful germs. Some bacteria can form a thin layer on top of the alcohol in the dispenser, and when this seeps out from the spout, the alcohol evaporates and allows the germs to concentrate and multiply. The worst of these are members of the genus pseudomonas, bacteria that can attack any part of the body. This usually isnt a concern for people with a healthy immune system, but if you want to be careful, use a paper towel to touch the dispenser instead of

your hands. If your gym has showers with shampoo and conditioner dispensers in them, use a clean washcloth to push the button. Or better yet, bring your own shampoo.

No.4 The Locker Room And Showers

The hot, humid and sweaty locker room is the perfect incubator for staph, strep, and even the superbug MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), which can cause a very aggressive and difficult-to-treat skin infection. This bacterium is spread through close contact with other people, so make sure to keep your hands (and other body parts) to yourself. The locker room floor is a good place to catch athletes foot, ringworm and warts, and sometimes guys walk in from outside with their shoes and track in dirt and fecal matter (it happens) containing germs that cause stomach flu and hepatitis A. So make sure to wear a pair of flipflops around the locker room and showers. And avoid sitting down on benches with your naked bum. Traces of vaginal yeast have been detected there and can put you at risk for an infection. Sit on a towel instead.

No.3 Exercise Mats

Mats used for fitness classes, stretching, or yoga can be teeming with Staphylococcus aureus, a common cause of staph infections. Not everyone wipes them down properly, so make sure to give them a good cleaning with a bleach-based wipe or a 60% alcohol disinfectant spray before and after your training session. Better yet, bring your own mat. If you use the gyms mats, bring your own towel and mark on X on one side to indicate the dirty side, and lay it on the mat.

No.2 Weight Machines And Free Weights

Equipment that is used in quick succession, like cardio machines and free weights, are usually the hardest to get clean. Most people wipe down cardio machines after they use them, but hardly anyone wipes down their free weights or weight machines. Cold and flu germs tend to stick around longer on hard surfaces than fabric and rugs. Wipe down equipment with disinfectant before and after you use it, or rub your hands with antibacterial gel before and after your workout. Also, be aware of how many times your touch your face. People touch their faces up to 18 times per hour, which increases their risk of picking something up.

No.1 The Water Fountain

One study found more bacteria on the drinking fountain than on the toilets; not only around the spout, but also on the button or bar to turn it on. Stop touching the metal with your mouth and use a bottle. And when you buy your bottle, make sure its a good quality one. Every time you take a sip, bacteria moves from the rim to the bottom of the bottle where they reproduce super fast. If you dont wash your bottle daily, itll only take a few days for your water to turn into the same stuff youd drink from a public swimming pool. Choose wide-mouthed bottles with a screw cap instead of one with a pull-up spout or a built-in straw. These tough-to-clean gizmos are a germ hotel.

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