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Tether Test #5 Delta-Test Readiness Review (TT5 - TRR)

Morpheus Integrated T&V Jeremy Hart / EG 5/26/11

TT5 TRR Agenda

Test Objec/ves Test Modica/ons Subsystem Tests Open work Pad setup changes Procedure updates Discrepancies Test Matrix TT5 Timeline Test Schedule

Backup - Test Stop and Success Criteria, Pre-Test Verica/on Criteria Review, Test Ar/cle Descrip/on/Congura/on, Test Plan, Test Safety

Tether Test ObjecQves

Primary Objec/ves, Integrated dynamic test of full vehicle: 1. Closed-loop GNC with 3-axis aMtude control (hover stability, verQcal translaQon)
a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Test of tank loading CG management and/or knowledge hando to GNC Test of throTle up stability Test of hover stability Test of naviga/on system in dynamic ight Test of complete ight ac/va/on and shutdown sequence by AFM Demonstra/on of robustness to wind and ground prop interac/on Roll control including roll control impulse bit

2. Characterize slosh damping 3. Characterize CG management 4. Long duraQon engine burn and steady state engine temp
Demonstrate Isp, duraQon, steady-state temp

5. Wireless FTS end-to-end (later test) 6. Hi-Frequency DFI data recording (new)

Tether Test ObjecQves

Secondary Objec/ves:
1. GNC
a) b) Possible test of so] abort command during hover ight condi/on (complete TT3) Possible test of hard abort command during hover ight condi/on (compete TT4)

2. 3.

Calibra/on of ight control propellant deple/on es/mator (later test, s/ll collec/ng ight data) Engine overpressure (5 ] height requires hi-frequency data)

Test ModicaQons
Test dura/on extended to be 50 second hover (approx total 60 seconds) Modied CG/weight determina/on (deferred to TT6) Add slosh test Add VHF FTS signal (deleted) Add TVS experiment (TBD experiment only, not required) DFI so]ware trigger Future test mods:
FTS, 2-channel wireless PWM electronics I-load architecture (could be a]er free-ight)

Subsystem Tests
Tether load characteriza/on, complete (see following chart) GNC so]ware tes/ng numerous GNC Actuator test (5/26, 10 am) Flow meter test (5/26, 1 pm) could get some accomplished Friday, need APU on CG measurement and procedure development (5/27, 10 am setup and 12:30 pm start) requires all vehicle hardware mounted for correct weight/CG GNC Nav x hang test (concurrent with CG test) Slosh procedure development (concurrent with CG test) DFI SW trigger test (5/27, 3:30 pm)

Tether Load CharacterizaQon

Simulated a range of vehicle posi/ons rela/ve to crane hook Measured loads exerted on vehicle by the tether/bungee assembly Results were repeatable and appeared similar to ight experience. Conclusion: current tether is within vehicle capability (for up to 3 m excursions)

Results presented at Data Design Review (5/25/11), Tether Harness Test

hTps:// ProjectM/Morpheus%20Flight%20Data %20and%20Design%20Review/default.aspx

Open Work (1/3)

Incorporate TVS (power, DIO and instrumenta/on), to be completed by Friday BaTery consolida/on and enlarge enclosure (combine ight and booster baTeries) Leave as-is Wiring for so]ware DFI trigger (in lieu of RF trigger) (in wire bundle with TVS) Evaluate the discharge curve of the baTery cart, need status TVS hardware to be removed for this test, end-to-end func/onal test 6/3

2nd string of FTS (VHF signal) removed for this test

Scheduler issue: Fixed 5 ms dri] (was default) that was causing the 1 Hz spikes Telemetry updates as needed, make room for HDS, freeze COB Friday DS updates for dierent speed recording, evalua/ng this change

GNC changes on following charts

High Priority GNC Tether 5 Changes (1/3)

Title Correct heading and altitude drift Consistent OI time stamps in each GNC app Status Assigned to Complete for SIGI use LN200 as-is Getchius Complete redmine 567 GNC Leads Description Retune navigation filter to correct heading and altitude drift (may require change to process noise algorithms); Includes tuning params for LN200 Have all GNC apps time stamp output structures with nav time / IMU time replace autocode with handcode, to improve readability and maintainability (esp. if new modes get required as we head to Free Flight). This would allow me to introduce substructures into my afm_types.h that would greatly clean up my code and reduce risk in continued mods/tweaks. (I would include in this, cleaning up all the GET/SET code that recently came info afm_exec putting them in a subfunction for better modularity/maintainability). ensure that ALL commands to AFM get reflected in the new gnc_cmd arg I/O, to clean up my interface between Messenger Layer and Exec layer (would also give me clearer insight into grounds commands to AFM, vs. having to decipher them from that Events log, which is hit-or-miss) cull-down the PSAE spreadsheet I think now, that its overkill. AFM is not coordinating the whole vehicle, as PSASE seemed to indicate (with it TestArtTrans phase and GroundOps phase, Helium Purge events, etc.), when I first came on board. I think this can all be boiled down to AFMs 11 modes, and thusly be just 11 mode commands to AFM (not the 40+ combos of P, S, A and E).

AFM Cleanup



Clean up AFM command layer



Clean up PSAE spreadsheet Complete


High Priority GNC Tether 5 Changes (2/3)

Title Fix scheduler/data drop out issue

Assigned to Description GNC/FSW/ In progress Avionics Fix sensor data drop-out/skip issue. Complete, Add a low-pass filtered sensed acceleration redmine output in IMUPre (add to NAV_IMU_OUT_T structure). Add the raw and filtered Add UPP low pass filter 560 and on rates and accels 565 Christian acceleration data to telemetry. doneChange initial guidance redmine desensitize guidance early in the ascent to paradigm lateral position errors 563 Johnson I currently save off the ENU relative position the lander is at, and try to steer back to that point during an ascent. This point is currently snapshot when hop2 is first activated. If there's a large enough delay between guidance activation and engine ignition, the nav state will drift off some. I'd recommend donechanging the code to record the position at Change initial guidance redmine target 563 ignition instead. Johnson Revise iload paradigm and implementation Allow for greater flexibility in changing iloads. via the CFS table mechanism, or what we have currently in place made a bit spiffier.


Later test


High Priority GNC Tether 5 Changes (3/3)

Title Clean up CNTRL acceleration/throttle compensator Validate sim actuator models from flight data Analyze prop load sensitivities and dayof-flight tools Add on-board vehicle euler angle calculations and add to telem Add sensed acceleration to OI Characterized EMAs with fixed input frequencies from control Status Done redmine 566 Assigned to Description Assist in acceleration filter design and reassess CNTRL throttle compensator performance with new/improved acceleration data. Consider adding a maximum allowable throttle change (open or close) per time-step in control. It may make sense to make this an absolute change, rather than a percentage of the current throttle??? Assess flight data to validate/update actuator models used in simulation. Analyze propellant loads and c.o.m uncertainties impact on tether and hop performance (tool for console/operation?). Compute on-board vehicle attitude (PYR wrt ENU) and add that to telemetry. Add sensed inertial acceleration to OI recording

Nguyen, Crain

Closed Nguyen In progress- Nguyen, ops tool Crain

Complete Getchius

Complete Getchius OK for tether, still analyzing data Nguyen Will confirm with Fix 200 second SIGI motion test 5/27 Getchius spasm

Actuator response to input frequency sweep

New sch setup and Christian SIGI setup are causing major barfs every 200 seconds and once reset the processor.

Medium Priority Tether 5 Changes



Update sim sensor models from flight dataLater test In Progress Not currently Review impact of altimeter cutoff on nav seen as performance for hover issue Getchius Create a MET time in AFM

Assigned to Description Incorporate error characteristics of sensors into sim enviornment based on flight data Getchius Study impact of lost altimeter due to smoke / fire and verify altitude channel requirements can be met for hover Create a Mission Elapsed Time (MET) timer to output in AFM_OUT_T, to have another timestamp source. Create a more robust method for handling data drop-outs in the SIGI reverse filter in IMUPre. data structure/telemetry scrub and make sure we're getting enough info for both ops and postflight. For example, I'd like to get the CG location estimate from control in the downlink, since that value is used in guidance's footpad-to-ground altitude calc.



Add more robust data drop out response in Complete redmine 561 Christian IMU Pre

Downlink telemetry scrub

Need to make list to scrub


Open Work (2/3)

Increased lm cooling (Thursday) Chamber seal for engine (done with above) Filter cleaned and re-installed (some debris including blue masking tape). - complete Need to recal the ow meters Thursday test Weight engine Thursday or Friday AM Want to add tank instrumenta/on, temp curve downlist later test OCCP mods no updates yet, not required
Table of pressure versus distance Li] distance constraints when pressure is decreasing

Re-stack energy absorber, gekng materials today need to sort and assemble

Open Work (3/3)

Load cell data. Load cell measurements issues due to poor voltage supply.
Checking new regulator board Thursday

DFI so]ware trigger completed and tested, Friday test External power switch - in work, comple/on by Friday

Vehicle Maintenance
Torque all kngs and check all fasteners, throTle valve clutch (Eric), to use new torque sekng, add torque stripes To be completed by COB Friday Engine Cleaning (Morehead)

GSE (deferred to TT6)

New 150 ] GHe hose
Exis/ng hose will become backup New hose will allow for use of low pressure GHe trailer tubes to pressurize LNG and Lox for vehicle propellant loading Higher working pressure should accelerate Lox propellant loading ops

New Lox transfer hose

Tether Test 5 PAD Set-up

New Items (FOR TT6): - New GHe hose - New LOX transfer line
Energy Absorber
Generator (at tower)
Crane Shielding 32 feet Battery Cart APU Power Cable GHe Pressure Panel Portable GHe R-bottle 15 feet LNG Dewar LOx Xfer Line 15 feet LN2 Dewar 100 feet 1000 feet LNG Xfer Line 150 GHe Hose w/ Disconnect GHe Disconnect Power Supply/ Control Box Helium tube trailer

Bldg 18 Control Center (~2000 ft)

LNG Trailer Lox Dewars and Trailer

6 Ghe hose

GHe Disconnect Lanyard Vent Valve Control Box

Vent Valve Power Supply


TVS experiment
Ac/ons required for inclusion in TT5
Install TVS valve voltage trace and two thermocouple DAQ channels Review possibility of adding fuse to prevent damage of vehicle Generate test procedures / test matrix for opera/on Fabricate (bend tubing), clean components (valves already cleaned), leak check, and insulate Perform a pre-test func/onal with system complete on the ground before ight Install high frequency accelerometer near TVS valve


Procedures Issues/Mods
New balance/CG determina/on procedure (Move to TT6) Methodology presented at 5/18 MRCB Pad crew to balance LOX to within target balance +/- 10 lb (GNC requires 8 kg or LESS delta between tanks) GHe trailer used to push LOX/LNG (moved to TT6)
Using tube trailer helium will not result in increased loading /me, rela/ve to our current setup, because our current loading process uses helium sourced down to approximately 400 psig from R-boTles. The tube trailer will have at least this much pressure available, and it has a larger regulator and supply hose.

Loading informa/on: 450 lb LNG 716 lb LOX Added slosh test procedures (following pages)


Propellant Slosh TesQng

Test Objec/ves
Verify/Validate the system natural frequency and uid damping coecient parameters currently being used to model propellant slosh eects on vehicle aktude control

Test Approach
Fill each set of vehicle propellant tanks to two dierent ll levels for tes/ng
LNG tes/ng planned for Tether Test #5 LOX tes/ng planned for Tether Test #6 Both propellants tested in Tether Test #7 (?)

At each ll level, raise vehicle and push/pull on structure to excite natural frequency of system Release vehicle and record mo/on with onboard IMU Analyze IMU data and compare to model values being used


Propellant Slosh TesQng

Tether Test #5 Procedure Summary (LNG only)
Fill to ~10% level with LNG (number of lbs?) Raise vehicle ~ 1 foot from ground with crane Record load cell weights Excite vehicle with PAD personnel (including Eric) by alternately pushing and pulling on vehicle - ~10 seconds (may need to close vent valves, slosh may induce more ven/ng ) Release vehicle and record mo/on with IMU Lower vehicle to ground on scales Fill to 24%, maximum methane ll level for second data pt (for TT5 = 450 lb) Raise vehicle ~1 ], record load cell weight Excite again (~10 sec) Release and record mo/on with IMU Stabilize Lower to ground, Weigh vehicle on scales Proceed with remaining steps (i.e. LO2 ll, pressuriza/on to 50 psi)


Tether #3 and Tether #4 Test Discrepancies

During Test
RaTling on the GHe QD during pressuriza/on not required to close, will look for it A]er Tether 2 we had a tank connec/on and QD connec/on with leaks. Those were /ghtened but came loose between Tether 3 and Tether 4. The teon seals are creeping. Fix seal on Methane tank IMU scheduler / /me spike issue. Denitely caused the early abort on Tether 4. Seems to be part of CFS scheduler. Al/meter losing data, think that it was due to smoke and dust Heading angle dri] problem that needs to be xed. Think it's a lter tuning issue. Not gekng good load cell data. Suspect input voltage is not constant enough. Eric wants to see if the bungee is contribu/ng to the problem. There is a WiFi interference that appears to be coming from osite that's interfering with the WiFi for instrumenta/on data. 12V power on the baTery cart seemed to be a liTle lower than previously. Discharge curve may have changed End of test the engine didn't seem to be going o; TC requested a hard abort rather than an engine shutdown. On the command display the order of the buTons was reversed. buTon xed

Discrepancies Since TT4

APU Reset during LiveSky tes/ng (5/19/2011) LN200 Aktude Performance Dri] (5/20/2011) noted above (SIGI side already xed) Gimbal Actuator Bias (5/20/2011) in work, captured above Flight unit can reboot immediately when trying to ini/alize solid-state recorder need to add to DR list Ethernet does not come up reliably, replacing ethernet cards (to be completed June 2) - need to add to DR list


Test Matrix TT5

Sequence # of Cong/Test Success Control Method # runs Variables Criteria #1 1 Tether Guidance I- Successful Nominal startup Nominal loads startup, sequence. ~60 second Tether hover, ver/cal total engine burn /me. Test, max transla/on, dura/on shutdown GN&C ConguraQon C losed Loop GNC T ether Guid I-loads Notes Tank Pressure 220 +/- 5 psig


TT5 Timeline Day prior to test

Maximize prepara/on the day prior to test
Vehicle roll-out to VFC GSE in posi/on (GHe trailer, LOX dewars, R-boTles, etc.) Wires layout in the eld completed Vehicle congura/on frozen on 5/31 all items must be closed prior to COB Leak check

LNG rell plan:

1. Top o trailer on Thursday or Friday this week; Clean Energy or NASA person does the trucking-TBD. 2. First thing Tuesday morning, LNG in trailer is used to top o both small dewars at ant range, Studak is lead operator. 3. LNG trailer makes round trip rell Tuesday May 31 as soon as possible a]er #2. Clean Energy or NASA person does the trucking-TBD.


TT5 Timeline Day of test

Call to sta/ons
Crane, 0600 Pad crew, 0630; Power, 0630 Ops, 0700

Safety brief, 0745 Proposed start /me, 0815 Predicted Tether test, 1220

Note: complete /meline available in Tether folder on sharepoint

hTps:// RootFolder=%2Fprojects%2FProjectM%2FRR-2%2FShared%20Documents%2FSystem%20T%20and%20V %2FTether

Fire PrevenQon
Mowing to occur Tuesday AM


Test Schedule
Tether #5 (60 second hover) scheduled for 6/01/2011 Tether #6 scheduled for 6/07/2011
Objec/ves TBD




Test Stop Criteria

Stop Criteria
Any unexpected vehicle mo/on par/cularly laterally towards crane Observed engine erosion (yellow ash) Engine redline limits Rob monitoring and will make call Loss of certain instrumenta/on sensors engine will not light for certain sensor failures Loss of engine video feed


Success Criteria
Success Criteria
Stable engine igni/on Handover to GNC FSW Stable ver/cal transla/on Stable hover with acceptable gimbal posi/on Acceptable engine wear Steady-State engine temperature reached Acceptable slosh damping (damping ra/o of > 0.25) Subsystem lead concurrence
All subsystem leads are sa/sed that their subsystem is ready for tethered tes/ng FTS has been veried end-to-end during an engine ring All hot re mandatory verica/ons have been completed


Tether Test VericaQons

Slosh damping. Verica/on that Morpheus provides a tank slosh damping ra/o of > 0.25 over the full range of liquid levels. Overpressure evalua/on is 5 feet low enough? Li]-o from ground? Reach steady-state on engine temp (60 second dura/on) FSW Tether Dynamic Test. Verify requirements related to engine trust and gimbal actua/on for GNC aktude and posi/on control.
R.RR2.FSW.062; R.RR2.FSW.063; R.RR2.GNC.05; R.RR2.FSW.149

Mo/on Imagery. Verica/on that the imagery system captures hi-def mo/on imagery star/ng with igni/on sequence and ending with vehicle touchdown (Completed in TT3/4?) Items that were in original verica/on planning:
Trajectory Updates. Verica/on that Morpheus will accept updates to the guidance reference trajectory during powered ight (Complete?) Vehicle Turnaround: Verica/on that the Morpheus vehicle is capable of re-ight within 2 hours (Later test)

Test ObjecQves
Primary Objec/ves, Integrated dynamic test of full vehicle:
1. Closed-loop GNC with 3-axis attitude control (hover stability, vertical translation)!
a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Test of tank loading CG management and/or knowledge handoff to GNC! Test of throttle up stability ! Test of hover stability! Test of navigation system in dynamic ight! Test of complete ight activation and shutdown sequence by AFM! Demonstration of robustness to wind and ground prop interaction! Roll control including roll control impulse bit!

2. 3. 4. 5.

Characterize slosh damping! Characterize CG management! Long duration engine burn (TT Day 2) and steady state engine temp! Wireless FTS end-to-end (TT Day 2+)!


Test ObjecQves
Secondary Objectives:!
1. GNC !
a) b) Possible test of soft abort command during hover ight condition! Possible test of hard abort command during hover ight condition!

2. Calibration of ight control propellant depletion estimator (TT day 2)


Tether Test VericaQons

Slosh damping. Verica/on that Morpheus provides a tank slosh damping ra/o of > 0.25 over the full range of liquid levels. Overpressure evalua/on is 5 feet low enough? Li]-o from ground? Reach steady-state on engine temp (TBD dura/on is 20 seconds ok?) FSW Tether Dynamic Test. Verify requirements related to engine trust and gimbal actua/on for GNC aktude and posi/on control.
R.RR2.FSW.062; R.RR2.FSW.063; R.RR2.GNC.05; R.RR2.FSW.149

Mo/on Imagery. Verica/on that the imagery system captures hi-def mo/on imagery star/ng with igni/on sequence and ending with vehicle touchdown Items that were in original verica/on planning:
Trajectory Updates. Verica/on that Morpheus will accept updates to the guidance reference trajectory during powered ight Vehicle Turnaround: Verica/on that the Morpheus vehicle is capable of re-ight within 2 hours


Morpheus Vehicle InstrumentaQon As-Built Design

1 HF triaxial accel (3 HF channels) 20,000 HZ {on avionics box} HF triaxial accel (3 HF channels) 20,000 Hz LF triaxial accel (3 LF channels) 1000 Hz Microphone (1 HF channel) 20,000 Hz Pressure transducer (1 LF channel) 1000 Hz {on top deck frame}
FT4 SN1006 Methane

FT1 SN1003 LOX

Strain gauges 100 Hz 4 sets of full bridges each tank {FT1 and FT3 (1 LOX & 1 LCH4 tank)}


FT3 SN1005 Methane

7 TCs on each tank 2.1 Hz {on all four tanks}

8 LF triaxial accels (24 LF channels) {on top boss and near boTom boss on frame of each tank}

QT2 SN1002 LOX

2 Video cameras {top view of engine and nozzle side view}

2 Thermocouples (2 TC channels) 2.1 Hz {on top and boTom of frame} Channel Count 8 HF channels 41 LF channels 30 TC channels 8 strain gauge full bridges

Microphone (1 HF channel) 20,000 Hz Pressure transducer (1 LF channel) 1000 Hz {on frame}

Landing pad load cells were deleted. 2 cameras added. Other minor changes.

4 LF triaxial accels (12 LF channels) {one above each footpad} 1000 Hz


Morpheus Vehicle Overview

Avionics and Power Unit (APU), Flight Battteries Methane Tanks (X2) LOX Tanks (X2) GNC Plate Lifting Points (X4) Javad GPS (not shown) GPS Antenna (x2)

Solenoid Vent Valves (2)


LN-200 (not shown)

Altimeter HD3 2500-lb Engine Landing Gear (X4)

Primary Structure


Test Plan - Overview

Pad Setup: Crane, energy absorber, vehicle, and GSE LOX/LNG Fill Vehicle Hoist 5
Open roll valves for li]

Pad Clear Pressurize to ight pressure Perform tether tes/ng (2X)

Igni/on Handover to GNC Ver/cal transla/on (5 up to + 3) Hover (30 seconds) Land at the end of tether

Depressurize Lower and weight the vehicle Vent/Drain tanks


Test Plan: IniQal Crane Setup for LOX/LNG load

Posi/on crane, vehicle, energy absorber and GSE at Tether test pad Fill vehicle with Lox and LCH4, pressurize to < 50 psig and connect GHe QD Leak Check
Energy Absorber

Crane Shield


Test Plan: Pad Clear and GHe PressurizaQon

Raise vehicle 5 via crane
Open roll valves during li]

Install crane shield over crane cab Evacuate Cryo dewars and baTery cart Transfer to full GHe tube and set supply regulator to 300 psig Clear pad crew and riggers to >= 1000 ] Pressurize vehicle to ight pressure (~220 psig target)
Crane cab Shield

5 GHe QD


Test Plan: Engine IgniQon

Ini/ate Quick Disconnect of GHE line Engine Igni/on Handover to GNC control


5 Ghe QD


Test Plan: VerQcal TranslaQon

Ver/cal transla/on, 5 with up to +3 dispersion Hover (20 seconds) Terminal Descent
1 m/s descent rate Land at the end of tether



Test Plan: Depressurize Vehicle

Land at the end of the tether Some amount of energy absorber stroke distance (x) Vent vehicle to < 50 psig

5 - x


Test Plan: Vehicle Lowering, Drain, and Flight Secure

Lower vehicle to the pad (onto vehicle scales?) Vent/drain remaining LNG/LOX Flight secure call when tanks are drained and < 5 psig

Vent line

Test Safety
Phase Leak Check Commodity GHe or GN2 Pressure Less than 50 PSIG Personnel Distance 32 for 10 min 0 a]er 10min 15 0 a]er ow stop 32 for 10 min 0 a]er 10min 15 0 a]er ow stop 32 for 10 min 0 a]er 10 min 1000 1000 to 0 RaQonal Over Pressure Safe @32 Improbable Rupture Safe @ 15 Improbable Rupture Safe @ 32 Improbable Rupture Safe @ 15 Improbable Rupture Safe @ 32 Improbable Rupture Safe @ 1000 Improbable Rupture RaQonal FragmentaQon Duc/le Non Credible Duc/le Non Credible Duc/le Non Credible Duc/le Non Credible Duc/le Non Credible Safe @ 1000 Non Credible

Cold Flow

LN2 Loading LN2 w/ GHe LOX and LCH4 Loading GHe Press Leak Check Ghe Flight Press Post Test

0 to 25 PSIG Less than 25 PSIG 25 to 50 PSIG

Hot Fire

Fill at 25 PSIG Tank Less than 25 PSIG Press to 45 PSIG Press to 235 PSIG Depress to 50 PSIG

Note Improbable Rupture due to quiescent linear strain in the membrane Non Credible due to unlikely rupture and unlikely shrapnel.

Morpheus Required PPE Matrix

Operation Crane/forklift lifting ops Vehicle prep (pre-cryo loading) PPE Hard hat, steel toe shoes, safety glasses Safety glasses, work gloves (recommended) Notes PPE needed when working inside lifting zone All vehicles parked behind helium trailer (150 foot minimum distance) to allow room for lift/tow ops. Establish 15 foot safe distance prior to flow Observe 32 foot minimum distance during pressurization and 10 minute hold PPE needed during hose connection and opening of dump valve, or if within 15 feet of dump valve All non-essential personnel observe minimum 15 foot distance from dump valve Non-essential personnel not permitted in area until tank pressure stabilizes below 25 psig and must observe all cryo offloading safe distances

Cryo transfer hose hookup & valve operation

Goggles, face shield, cryo apron and gauntlet gloves, cuffless trousers, sturdy shoes Post-cryo fill vehicle ops, Safety glasses, hearing tank pressure <50 psig protection (for manual venting), cryo gloves (when contacting wetted surfaces) Cryo offloading/dumping Goggles, face shield, cryo tank pressure <50 psig apron and gauntlet gloves, (PAD personnel) cuffless trousers, sturdy shoes, hearing protection Cryo offloading/dumping, Hearing protection if within tank pressure <50 psig 150 feet (non essential personnel) Post-powered ops, tank Safety glasses, hearing pressure <50 psig protection (for manual venting), cryo gloves (when contacting wetted surfaces or hot surfaces)

*All Morpheus personnel are expected to intervene any time they observe team members or visitors not in compliance with these requirements. Help keep your team members and the public safe!

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