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Some people can go to bed at night and fall asleep quickly, while others lie awake into the

long and late hours of the night struggling to get a good nights rest. Lack of sleep is linked to poor health and is leading factor in car accidents. People who have trouble sleeping and do not try fixing it. They can destroy their health, safety and well-being. Scientists have divided sleep based on prior research on the mechanics of sleep. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is when you are most likely to dream, while non-REM is where youre idling the brain. People often switch positions in non-REM sleep. Stage N1- is when your body is in relaxing stage to some people it might be a form of dozing. It is where your body is tuning down or getting relaxed. Some people may be aware of their surroundings and some may not. It is the first five minutes of sleeping. Stage N2- takes you 15 -20 minutes of your sleep this stage is when your heart rate is much slower and your brain waves are irregular your brain wave will speed up about half a second or longer. Stage N2 is when we spend half of the night in. Kcomplex is EEG tracing it a built in vigilance to keep you alert and will wake you easily. Stage N3- is when you are in a very deep sleep your heart rate is now regular and your blood pressure falls. Your brain is less responsive and it is harder to wake a person. Your blood is flowing directly to the brain that helps your body fight off any infections. Younger people have their sleep time in slow wave sleep they spend about 20% where older people in their 60s slow waves are absent. Those people who are deprived will go from a lighter stage to a deeper stage and stay in that stage for a while. The circadian rhythm helps regulate when a person falls asleep and wakes up. People that attempt to stay awake for 24 hours may fall asleep between the hours of 2 and 4 A.M. and 2 and 3 P.M. its common for people to take 1-2 hour nap during the afternoon. In the 1970s scientist did studies on rats that identified the superachiasmatic nucleus is in the same location as the internal clock. If the area was damaged the rats no longer slept on a normal schedule. When they did the lab on humans they saw that sleep problems affect up to 90% of blind people. There patterns showed light sleep/wake. In every ones brain there is a circadian rhythm, this acts like the hour hand on a watch. It keeps everything on schedule. Neurotransmitters are neurons that communicate with adjacent cells and help explain why medications that mimic effects can influence sleep. Acetylcholine regulates sleep. Every ones natural level is different and can very on their sensitivity to the chemicals.

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