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ISSN 1022-7954, Russian Journal of Genetics, 2008, Vol. 44, No. 3, pp. 273–278. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2008.


Genotoxic Action of Fungicide Conan 5FL (Hexaconazole)

on Mammalian Cells In Vivo and In Vitro*
S. Yilmaza, H. Aksoya, F. Ünala, M. Çelikb, and D. Yüzba şio ğ lua
1 Gazi University, Science Faculty, Department of Biology, Teknikokullar, Ankara, 06500 Türkiye;
2 Sütçü Imam University, Science Faculty, Department of Biology, Kahramanmara ş , Türkiye
Received October 28, 2006

Abstract—The genotoxic effects of fungicide Conan 5FL (containing 50 g/L hexaconazole) in mouse bone-
marrow cells and human lymphocytes have been evaluated. Three different concentrations of Conan 5FL
(17.50, 35.0, and 70.0 µg/mL for human lymphocytes and 17.50, 35.0, and 70.0 mg/kg for mouse bone marrow
cells) were studied. Conan 5FL induced significant increases (except 17.5 mg/kg for mouse bone marrow) in
the frequency of chromosomal aberrations (CAs) in both test systems. This fungicide caused structural and
numerical abnormalities in both mammalian cells. These are sister chromatid union, chromatid and chromo-
some breaks, fragments, dicentric and ring chromosomes, and polyploidy. Significant increase was found in
induction and in minimum-maximum numbers of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) at all treatments compared
with the negative control. Conan 5FL did not affect the replication index (RI) in human lymphocyte cultures, how-
ever, it significantly decreased the mitotic index (MI) in all treatment concentrations in both test systems. Using
of Conan 5FL should be reconsidered due to its possible cytotoxic, clastogenic and mutagenic effects.
DOI: 10.1134/S1022795408030058

INTRODUCTION of DNA damage following exposure to genotoxic

agents [6–10].
Great amount of pesticides are used for agricultural
applications worldwide each year. Pesticides are highly In this study, we investigated in vivo and in vitro
biologically active chemicals. They may interact with genotoxic effects of Conan 5FL (containing 50 g/L
DNA and damage its structure. Such interaction may be hexaconazole). Conan 5FL is a broad spectrum triazole
critical for the manifestation of carcinogenic properties fungicide which exhibits its antifungal activity by
of different chemicals [1]. Epidemiological data inhibiting fungal ergosterol biosynthesis. It is widely
showed that there is an increase in the number of cancer used on crops such as wheat, barley, and orchard fruits
cases in persons involved in agricultural production [11]. The genotoxic effects of hexaconazole has been
using pesticides [1–3]. Due to increasing evidence of reported as negative by Ames test in S. typhimurium
mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic effects in and E. coli [12, 13], cytogenetic assay in human lym-
experimental test systems, interest on the pesticide tox- phocytes [14], unscheduled DNA synthesis test in rat
icity has especially increased over the past years. The hepatocytes [15], micronucleus test in C57/BL/6J mice
toxicity of a pesticide can be measured by several ways; (male + female) bone marrow cells [16]. In contrary to
one of them is chromosomal aberration (CA) test that these results, hexaconazole is reported to be toxic at
can be applied either in vivo or in vitro. CA is micro- 200 µg/mL but no clear information is available for the
scopically visible changes in the single DNA molecule concentrations under 200 µg/mL, exposure times and
of chromosomes and chromatids [4]. Test measuring assay conducted [14]. Hexaconazole also slightly
chromosomal aberrations in nucleated bone marrow increased the incidence of benign Leydig cell tumors in
cells in rodents or in human lymphocytes in culture can rats [17, 18]. On the other hand, there is no information
detect a wide spectrum of changes in chromosomal on the effects of Conan 5FL (commercial form) in
integrity. Therefore assays detecting chromosomal mouse bone marrow cells and in human lymphocytes.
aberrations are acceptable for detecting clastogens [5]. The purpose of this study is to determine whether
Another test method is in vitro sister chromatid Conan 5FL has any effect in chromosome aberrations
exchanges (SCEs). The readily quantifiable nature of and mitotic division in in vivo mouse bone marrow
SCEs with a high sensitivity for revealing toxicant- cells and, in chromosome aberrations, sister chromatid
DNA interactions and the demonstrated ability of geno- exchanges and mitotic division in in vitro human lym-
toxic chemicals to induce significant increases in SCEs phocytes and to compare the results. This study was
has resulted in this end-point being used as an indicator planned due to following reasons: (1) some pesticides
have negative effects in some organisms as indicated
above but show positive effects in the others; (2) both in
* The text was submitted by the authors in English. bacterial and mammalian cells, positive and negative

274 YILMAZ et al.

effects were reported in the same test system; (3) there Heparinized blood (1/10 : 2 mL venous blood contain-
is no detailed information about the concentrations of ing 0.2 mL heparin) was added to 2.5 mL Chromosome
hexaconazole and assay used in human lymphocytes in Medium B (Biochrome) supplemented with 10 µg/mL
study given as a report; (4) in agriculture, only commer- bromodeoxyuridine. The cultures were incubated for
cial form is used; (5) there is no study using and com- 72 h at 37°C and colchicine (final concentration
paring both human lymphocytes in culture and in vivo 0.06 µg/mL) was added to each culture 2 h before har-
mouse bone marrow cells for the effects of Conan 5FL. vesting. The cells were then harvested by centrifugation
In vitro and in vivo methods should be considered to be (1200 rpm, 10 min), and the pellet was resuspended in
complementary tools for addressing particular issues of 0.075 M KCl for 30 min at 37°C. Cells were centri-
genotoxicity. fuged again and fixed in cold methanol:acetic acid
(3 : 1). Fixation process repeated for three times. Slides
were prepared by the conventional air-drying technique
MATERIALS AND METHODS and stained with Giemsa or fluorescence plus Giemsa
Chemicals. The test substance Conan 5FL is obtained technique according to Speit and Houpter [20] method
from Agrochemicals Research Institute in Ankara. The with some modifications.
other chemicals mitomycin C (CAS no. 50-07-7) and bro- A hundred well spread metaphases per donor
modeoxyuridine (CAS no. 59-14-3) were obtained from (totally 200 metaphases per concentration) were ana-
Sigma. All chemicals were dissolved in distilled water. lyzed for the CA assays, 50 s mitosis for the SCE assays
The active ingredient of Conan 5FL is hexaconazole for each experimental concentrations. The mitotic index
(IUPAC Name: (RS)-22-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-1-(1H- was also determined by scoring 1000 cells from each
1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)hexan-2-ol; chemical abstract name: donor. In the SCE study, a total of 200 cells (100 cells
(±)-α-butyl-α-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole-1- from each donor) were scored to determine the replica-
ethanol; molecular formula: C14H17Cl2N3O; company tion index (RI). Each metaphase was classified as being
name: MRK Universal LTD; purity: >85% pure; stability: in the first (M1), second (M2), and third (M3) division.
Stable for at least 6 years at ambient temperatures [19]). The replication index was calculated as follows: RI =
Chromosome aberration analysis in mouse bone M1 + 2M2 + 3M3/N. Here, N is the total number of
marrow cells. In the present investigation, Swiss Albino metaphase scored [21].
mice (8–10 weeks old) with an average body weight of Statistical analysis. For the statistical analysis of the
25–28 g were used as test animals. Four male animals results, z-test was used for the percentage of abnormal
were used for each treatment and control groups. The cell, CA/cell, RI, and MI and Student’s t-test was used
animals were maintained under conventional labora- for SCEs. Dose-response relationships were deter-
tory conditions at room temperature of 25 ± 2°C on a mined from the correlation and regression coefficients
12 h dark/12 h light cycle. Three different doses, 17.5, for the percentage of abnormal cell, CA/cell, MI, and
35.0, and 70.0 mg/kg, were selected and doses were mean SCE.
administrated intraperitoneally as a single acute dose
(24 h). An untreated control and a positive control mito-
mycin-C (2 mg/kg) were also used for testing the validity RESULTS
of assay. To arrest mitosis, colchicine (5 mg/kg) was Table 1 shows the types and numbers of chromo-
injected intraperitoneally 2 h before the animals were somal aberrations for the mouse bone marrow cells.
sacrificed by cervical dislocation. The hind femurs Conan 5FL increased abnormal cell frequency and
were stripped proximally, and the bone marrow was CA/cell ratio in a dose dependent manner (r = 0.96 in
aspirated in 0.075 M KCl (37°C) and kept in 37°C for both). This increase was significant in 35 and 70 mg/kg
30 min. At the end of the treatment, the suspension was concentrations. Both structural and numerical aberra-
centrifuged for 10 min at 1000 rpm and then cells were tions were observed. Structural aberrations are sister
centrifuged in 3 : 1 cold methanol:acetic acid. Cells were chromatid union, chromatid and chromosome breaks
fixed with three changes of fixative, and spread on glass and fragments. Sister chromatid union (51.72%) was
slides and air-dried. One-day-old slides were stained the most common abnormality. Numerical aberration is
with 5% Giemsa prepared in Sorensen buffer solution. polyploidy. On the other hand, Conan 5FL decreased
One hundred well spread metaphases were analyzed mitotic index significantly in a dose dependent manner
for the CAs per animal (totally 400 metaphases per con- (r = –0.90) in all treatments compared with negative
centration). The numbers of abnormal cells were deter- control in mouse bone marrow cells (Table 1).
mined for each animal. Mitotic index (MI) was also In vitro results were summarized in Tables 2 and 3.
examined by scoring a total of 1000 cells from each Conan 5FL significantly increased the frequency of
animal. structural aberrations and CA/cell ratio in a dose-
Chromosome aberration and sister chromatid dependent manner (r = 0.99 in both). It induced six
exchange analyses in human lymphocytes. Peripheral types of structural aberrations in human lymphocytes:
blood samples were obtained from two healthy non- chromatid and chromosome breaks, sister chromatid
smoking male and female donors aged 26–27 years. union, fragment, ring and dicentric chromosomes. Chro-



Table 1. The chromosomal aberrations in mouse bone marrow cells treated with Conan 5FL+

Treatment Structural aberrations
Test substance CA/cell ± SE MI ± SE (%)
cell ± SE (%)
period (h) ctb csb scu ace p
Negative control 0.00 1 – 3 – – 1.00 ± 0.50 0.010 ± 0.005 4.55 ± 0.33
Positive control 24 2.00 13 – 3 1 3 5.00 ± 1.09 0.050 ± 0.011 2.85 ± 0.26
Conan 5FL 24 17.50 6 1 4 – – 2.75 ± 0.82 0.028 ± 0.008 3.38 ± 0.29*
35.00 4 2 11 – 1 4.50 ± 1.04* 0.045 ± 0.010* 2.78 ± 0.26**
70.00 7 1 12 1 4 6.25 ± 1.21** 0.063 ± 0.012** 2.45 ± 0.24**
Frequency of ab- 31.03 6.89 51.72 1.72
normalities (%)
+ 400 metaphases were scored for each treatment in CA. 4000 metaphases were scored for each concentration in MI. ctb: chromatid break,
csb: chromosome break, scu: sister chromatid union, ace: acentric fragment, p: polyploidy.
* Significant from the control p < 0.01 (z-test).
** Significant from the control p < 0.001 (z-test).

Table 2. Chromosomal aberrations in human lymphocytes treated with Conan 5FL+

Treatment Structural aberrations
Test substance CA/cell ± SE
cell ± SE (%)
period (h) ctb cte csb scu dic ace r p
Negative control 0.00 2 – – – – 1 – – 1.50 ± 0.86 0.015 ± 0.008
Positive control 24 0.10 22 10 6 2 3 8 – – 24.50 ± 3.04 0.255 ± 0.030
Conan 5FL 24 17.50 10 – 3 – – 1 – 1 7.00 ± 1.80* 0.075 ± 0.019*
35.00 12 – 1 2 1 1 – – 8.50 ± 1.97* 0.085 ± 0.020*
70.00 17 – 2 1 1 4 1 – 12.00 ± 2.30** 0.130 ± 0.070**
Frequency of 68.33 10.00 5.00 3.33 11.66 1.66
abnormalities (%)
+200 metaphases were scored for each treatment. ctb: chromatid break, cte: chromatid exchange, csb: chromosome break, scu: sister chromatid
union, dic: dicentric, ace: fragment, r: ring chromosome, p: polyploidy.
* Significant from the control p < 0.01 (z-test).
** Significant from the control p < 0.001 (z-test).

matid exchange was observed in MMC treatment only. control at 35 and 70 µg/mL concentrations, minimum
Chromatid break (68.33%) was the most common SCE amount was also higher at 70 µg/mL than those of
abnormality. Conan 5FL has also induced polyploidy, a the positive control. Conan 5FL did not effect the RI,
numerical aberration, at only 17.5 µg/mL concentra- however, it significantly decreased mitotic index at all
tion. treatment concentrations in a dose dependent manner (r =
–0.99) in human lymphocytes (Table 3).
Conan 5FL significantly increased the number of
SCE/cell in all treatments compared with negative con-
trol in human lymphocytes (Table 3). Significant dose- DISCUSSION
response correlation was observed in SCE analyses (r = Chromosomal aberrations in mouse bone marrow
0.98). Minimum–maximum numbers of SCEs were cells and in human lymphocytes in culture are very
also increased with increasing of the concentration of important assays for the detection of genotoxic poten-
Conan 5FL. The number of SCE/cell and maximum tial of physical and chemical agents. The results
numbers of SCEs were higher than those of positive obtained in these in vivo and in vitro studies demon-


276 YILMAZ et al.

Table 3. Sister chromatid exchange, replication index and mitotic index frequency in human lymphocytes treated with Conan
Test substance dose SCE/cell ± SE M1 M2 M3 RI ± SE MI ± SE (%)
period (h) SCE
Negative control 0.00 2–11 4.76 ± 0.34 36 32 132 2.48 ± 0.06 9.46 ± 0.65
Positive control 24 0.10 5–19 10.04 ± 0.44 35 44 121 2.43 ± 0.04 2.90 ± 0.38
Conan 5FL 24 17.50 2–16 7.38 ± 0.45a 39 72 89 2.25 ± 0.04 7.70 ± 0.60*
35.00 3–26 12.18 ± 0.69a 51 102 47 1.98 ± 0.03 6.30 ± 0.54**
70.00 7–30 15.46 ± 0.80a 43 106 51 2.04 ± 0.03 2.90 ± 0.38**
+ 50 metaphases were scored for each concentration in SCE. 200 metaphases were scored for each concentration in RI. 2000 metaphases
were scored for each concentration in MI.
a Significant from the control p < 0.05 (t-test).
* Significant from the control p < 0.05 (z-test).
** Significant from the control p < 0.001 (z-test).

strate that Conan 5FL induced chromosomal aberra- lymphocytes in a dose-dependent manner. This pesti-
tions in a dose-dependent manner. Sister chromatid cide induced eight types of aberrations. These are chro-
union, chromatid and chromosome breaks, fragment matid break, fragment, sister chromatid union, dicen-
and polyploidy were observed in both test systems. Two tric chromosomes, gap, ring chromosomes, chromatid
highest doses of Conan 5FL induced a significant exchanges and polyploidy [27]. All these studies show
amount of abnormal cells (%) and CA/cell a both test that pesticides may have genotoxic potential in mam-
systems. In addition, in human lymphocytes, the lowest malian cells.
dose induced significant increase in both abnormal
cells (%) and CA/cells. Abnormal cell frequency and In this investigation, Conan 5FL significantly
CA/cell ratio was higher at 70 mg/kg in mouse bone decreased mitotic indices in a dose-dependent manner
marrow cells than dose of the positive control, MMC. in vivo and in vitro studies. However, this fungicide did
The frequency of structural chromosome aberrations not affect the RI value. Its mitotic inhibition was more
and CA/cell ratio were higher in human lymphocyte effective in human lymphocytes in culture than those of
than those of mouse bone marrow cells, after the treat- mouse bone marrow cells. Inhibition was 70% in
ment of Conan 5FL. In contrary, induction of polyp- human and 47% in mouse. A decrease in mitotic index
loidy by Conan 5FL was higher in mouse bone marrow has also been reported to many other pesticides such as
cells than those of human lymphocytes in culture. etoxazole, karathane LC and sodium arsenite [26-28].
Aberrations induced by Conan 5FL are the results of Decreasing of the MI could be due to blocking of G2
preventing the cell from entering mitosis [29] or
clastogenic action of chemical [22, 23]. Chromatid
decreasing of the ATP level and the pressure from the
breaks suggest that the chemical acts mostly in the late
energy production centre [30, 31]. Inhibition of certain
S or G2 phase of the cell cycle [24]. Chromatid
cell cycle specific enzymes such as DNA polymerase,
exchange was observed in only MMC treatment in this
which is necessary for the synthesis of DNA precursors
study. Several other pesticides have been studied to as well as other enzymes more directly involved with
evaluate their genotoxic effects. Adikari and Grover spindle production, assembly or orientation, may also
[25] used 2,4 D, dimecron and vitavax and they explain the reported antimitotic effect [32].
observed chromatid breaks, chromatid and chromo-
some fragments, ring chromosomes and dicentric chro- Conan 5FL significantly increased the frequency of
mosomes in rat bone marrow cells. Due to their effects, SCEs in all treatment in a dose dependent manner in
these pesticides are reported as clastogenic. Carbosul- human lymphocytes. Not only the frequence of SCEs,
fan induced significant dose dependent increase in the but also minimum-maximum numbers of SCEs
frequency of CAs in mice. It induced chromatid and increased with increasing of Conan 5FL. SCE analysis
isochromatid gaps and breaks, chromatid exchanges is one of the most sensitive genotoxic assays and has
and sister chromatid union [10]. Rencüzog° ullari et al. been widely used to detect mutagenic and carcinogenic
[26] reported that etoxazole, an acaricide, induced CAs potential of chemicals [22, 33]. The frequency of SCEs
in human lymphocytes and, has a potential genotoxic in eukaryotic cells is increased by exposure to geno-
effect. They observed chromatid and chromosome toxic agents that induce DNA damage [33]. Fungicide
breaks, sister chromatid union, dicentric chromosomes, Karathane LC induced the formation of SCEs in
ring chromosome, chromatid exchanges and polyp- 20 µg/mL concentrations at 24 h and all concentrations
loidy. Karathane LC, a systemic fungicide and a non- at 48 h treatments compared to the control [27]. Acari-
systemic acaricide, increased CAs in human peripheral cide etoxazole induced SCEs at all concentrations and



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