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IT10 Abses Otak 1. Abses otak otogenik merupakan komplikasi tersering dari a. Otitis media b. Labirinitis 2.

. Abses otak sering terjadi pada a. L:P (1:1) b. L:P (3:1) c. L:P (2:1) d.L:P (4:1) c. mastoiditis d. abses subdural

3. Abses otak lebih sering terjadi pada otak bagian.. a. Batang otak (mesenchephalon) b. Dienchephalon c. Cerebrum (temporal) d. Cerebellum

4. Patogenesis terjadinya abses otak yaitu melalui 1) Retrograd trombofleblitis. 2) Jalan anatomis yang ada. 3) Defek tulang 4) Defek pembedahan 5. Gejala klinis dari abses yang terjadi di regio temporal adalah kecuali a. Gangguan pengelihatan b. Nyeri kepala c. hemiparese d. muntah

6. Gejala klinis dari abses otak yang terjadi serebellum, kecuali... a. Ataksia b. Nistagmus c. afasia d. penurunan kesadaran

7. Pemeriksaan penunjang yang tepat dan cepat untuk mendiagnosis abses otak adalah a. CT scan b. Cranioskopi c. tomografi komputer d. tomografi imaging

8. Tanda-tanda komplikasi intracranial, kecuali a. Muntah (+) b. Kaku kuduk c. demam d. gangguan bicara

9. Mastoidektomi dilakukan untuk tatalaksana abses otak a. Sesegera mungkin dilakukan, jangan ditunda b. Tidak boleh dilakukan c. Status neurologi stabil d. Gejala sudah tidak ada lagi

IT12 Kegawatdaruratan Stroke 1. Stroke merupakan penyebab kematian nomor a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d.4

2. Angka kejadian subtype stroke paling tinggi adalah a. Lacunar small vessel b. Atherotrombotic disease c. subarachnoid hemmorrhage d. intracerebral hemmorrhage

3. Berikut factor resiko stroke yang dapat diubah, kecuali a. Hipertensi b. Gagal ginjal c. kelainan darah d. diabetes melitusrisiko

4. Resiko relative Transcient Ischemic Attack menyebabkan terjadinya stroke adalah.. a. 10x b. 3x 5. 1. Toksin 2. aktivasi sel darah putih 3. kerusakan endotel 4. factor mitogenic dan sitokin 5. atheroma Berikut urutan terbentuknya atheroma adalah a. 1-2-3-4-5 b. 1-3-2-4-5 c. 1-4-3-2-5 d. 3-2-1-4-5 6. Lakukan intubasi pada penanganan kegawatdaruratan jika tingkat kesadaran pasien a. Apatis b. Somnolen c. delirium d. stupor c. 6x d. 3-4x

7. Infuse yang tidak boleh diberikan pada pasien stroke adalah a. Koloid b. Hipotonis c. kristaloid d. hipertonis

8. Pemberian oksigen pada stroke adalah sekitar a. 1-3liter/menit b. 2-4liter/menit a. 20-300 c. 1-3liter/jam d. 2-4liter/menit c. 30-400

9. Penanganan pasien stroke salah satunya juga dengan memposisikan kepala..

b. 10-200

d. 40-500

10. Nimodipin diberikan pada pasien stroke jika ada a. Diabetes mellitus b. Subarachnoid hemmorrhage c. lacunar small vessel d. hipertensi

IT15- Phsyciatric emergency 1. Emergency phsyciatric requires a. Careful action and observation b. Careful listening and observation c. Careful action and careful listening d. Observation and adequate medicine 2. The conditions od emergency physciatric usually disorder of, except a. Behaviour b. Personality c. Thinking process d. Emotional aspect 3. The example of disorders which make patients came to the clinic for help as their wish or voluntarily are except a. Anxiety and panic b. Mild paranoia c. Mild depression d. Drug addiction and alcohol intoxication 4. The example of disorders who need for immediately help because of the violent/aggressive behaviour are, except a. Severe depression b. Excitation c. Attempted suicide d. Alcohol withdrawal 5. Practically according to the behavioural aspect of the patients and then also for the treatment, the emergency situation in psychiatry can be classified as follows: except.. a. Hypothymia b. Attempted suicide c. Hypoactivity d. Hyperactivity

6. Anto was carried to hospital due to his behaviours of being irrational, noncooperative/negativistic delusions, paranoid, hallucinations and usually pshycotic. As a clinician, you will diagnose the disorders of Anto is a. Violence /assaultive behaviour b. Anxiety with agitation and panic c. Drug addiction d. Depression 7. What should you do to him before refered him to mental institution? a. Diazepam injection b. Buphrenorphine c. Naltrexone d. Naloxone 8. Some kind of drugs which can cause dependency are,except a. Alcohol and barbiturate b. Opiates and its derivate and synthetic drugs c. Amphetamine d. Chlordiazepoxide 9. There are two kind of dependency of morphine type, acute dependency and chronic dependency. The symptoms of acute are a. Decline of conciousness b. Inattentive c. Apathetic d. Decrease concentration 10. The symptoms of chronic are a. Live in fantasy and emotional lability b. Constricted pupil c. Decrease blood pressure until collapse d. Pulmonary edema 11. The treatment of morhin type dependency are, except a. Cold turkey b. Heroin maintenance c. Narcotic antagonist d. Neuroleptic

12. Abrupt withdrawal in treatment of morphine type will cause abstinence syndrome in a. 6-8 hours after the last used b. 4-5 hours ------//----c. 2-3 hours ----//--d. 10-12 hours ---/--13. The symptoms of abstinence syndrome are, except. a. Hematoschezia b. Watery eyes c. Diarhhoea d. Muscular twitching 14. The symptoms of barbiturate withdrawal are a. Convulsion b. Tremor c. Hallucinations d. Perspiration 15. The symptoms of alcohol type dependency are a. Fear b. Agitation c. Insomnia d. Lachrymose 16. The physical symptoms of depression are except a. Anorexia b. Constipation c. Hemaptoe d. Menstrual disorder 17. Depression patient is refered to mental institution if there are no respons after a. 3-4 weeks therapy b. 2-3 weeks therapy c. 1-2 weeks therapy d. 4-5 weeks therapy 18. Although can be found in any psychiatric cases but the most propable cases that make patient attempted suicide are, except a. Schizophrenia

b. Anxiety with panic c. Chronic alcoholism d. Severe depression 19. The most critical periode in patient with attempted suicide are when, except a. The recovery almost complete b. Physical condition is going better and stronger c. Suicidal thought still exist after the treatment d. The tool which will be used more fatalic 20. The prevalence of suicide and attempted suicide, a. S : 40% and AS : 60% b. S : 60% and AS : 40% c. S : 30% and AS : 70% d. S : 70% and AS 30%

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