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Unwitting errors
Dialogue between great thinkers helps you too
By Rachel Kaberon Rather than debating at once. When it comes to the
how intentional their errors likelihood of losing gradually
I’m betting that you would were, I’d like you to consider and all at once, the odds are
love to be able to make better that both of their errors in indifferent.
decisions. That if you could judgment were unintentional. This inconsistency in our
really choose, you would Being smart doesn’t always risk-taking behavior reflects
prefer to avoid painful, align with whether we made a a wiring problem, or a lose
costly mistakes and want the smart decision. screw. Decisions require us to
everyday bets you take to
succeed,. “It’s not what we don’t know that gives us
Sadly, this may be a trouble. It’s what we know that just ain’t so.”
sucker’s bet and one that Taleb
Nassim, author of the Black
Swan, has willingly taken on. Your consciousness assess the likely frequency or
What he has learned from unwittingly biases your probability of a given event.
his years as a quant (expert judgment and leads to error. A series of three available
in math) and more earnest Will Rogers said it: “It’s shortcuts simplify the task
informal conversations with not what we don’t know that and simultaneously result in
Daniel Kahneman can help gives us trouble. It’s what we further error as we naturally
you too, that is if you’re game. know that just ain’t so.” The tend to ignore relevant
Tim Geithner, U.S. growing evidence compiled information.
Secretary of the Treasury, and by behavioral economists
and their counterparts in
for that matter Bernie Madoff,
psychology or cognitive
Expectations and
facing fraud charges in the
U.S., are both pretty smart science has begun to further judgments are
guys, yet each of them made our understanding of series formulated by quick
some serious mistakes. of unconscious biases that
compromise judgment. intuition and slower
Central to the arguments reasoning. The context
on the irrationality of human will frequently dictate
decision-making is the
work of Amos Tversky and your interpretation.
Daniel Kahneman, winner
of the Nobel prize for their Our judgment is
pioneering work in Prospect formulated from two systems
theory. which develop expectations
Your ignorance of the very differently. Your intuition
odds is not the only reason is fast while your rational,
you consistently reasoning side is a bit slower.
favor small steady These systems are
returns over constantly searching for an
one time explanation, the rationale for
windfalls the information you encounter.
and prefer The intuitive part of the brain
when you responds and seeks to match
have to to existing patterns – the test
lose, to lose of ‘representativeness.’ We also
everything attempt to form associations

with information that was or misled by their reasoning “We tend to view the world
heard or observed most especially if it’s limited as more explainable than
recently – the availability to infrequently occurring it really is, and look for
heuristic. outcomes, or predictions. explanations even where
The final shortcut occurs If the economic crisis is there are none.”
when we assign meaning truly a rare event, then how Having a consistent
by anchoring. If the input is much experience or expertise set of systems in place pre-
similar or familiar, you may can anyone
oversubscribe meaning to it; really have Machines have no intelligence, but they outperform
precisely because it happens creating
so instantaneously, you barely proven
experts who humanly make more mistakes.
have time for awareness. successful
In this ever-ready state of responses? empts the call for judgment Rachel Kaberon
forming associations, the So what does it take to be or choice and helps reduce is managing
context will frequently dictate smarter? errors. Likewise for a fighting partner of Arkay
your interpretation. In some realms this task is chance at more rational Solutions, an
The more associations relatively easy. Mathematical thinking, you need to change independent
you form, the greater your word problems, or unfamiliar or expand your frame of strategy
confidence in knowing what situations or circumstances reference, challenge yourself consulting firm
you know. Though you require our involuntary, to test the context in which that operates from
ascertain the knowledge reasoning, rational system you operate, the one that the perspective
remains valid in the current to step in and develop an forms the basis of your initial that learning is
setting, you act on what you decision. what separates
expectation or assessment of
feel or sense which is what Finally, practice flexibility good from bad
how and what to do next.
results in your mistakes. and adapt a willingness to business. She
The problem, as you will
This was Tim Geithner, consider more than the first can be found
see, is not that we are lazy,
Bernie Madoff, many of his but that the rational system possibility that presents itself, in Chicago and
thus slowing down your welcomes your
investors and probably your response is voluntary, a little
decision making and that comments at
own experience. We all ignore slower to execute and requires
in itself may improve your Arkayuno@gmail.
in part what we know, but not effort.
personal odds. com
necessarily consciously. By contrast, our intuitive
This explains why system is fast, automatic to the
machines and simple point of making associations
data models consistently and fitting information into References
outperform expert patterns often without any
professionals who, humanly, consciousness on our part. N To read more about Taleb, I suggest an old
make more mistakes. Built into the duality of these Malcolm Gladwell piece from the New Yorker
Machines have no systems is our basic fallibility that appeared April 22 and 29, 2002 entitled
intelligence, but their and the source of our “Blowing Up.”
N Or if you are a more audio-visual learner
Built into the duality of intuition and reason you can hear a nice exchange between
is our fallibility and the source of our unwitting Daniel Kahneman and Taleb Nassim at:
bias that is prone to error.
advantage of reliability, unwitting bias that is prone to a_Crisis#chapter_01
accuracy and consistency error. N Or for the technically inclined you can find
makes them much more Taleb, a very vigilant Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky’s
responsible than the experts student of rare events, accepts original papers on judgment heuristics that
with which we put great faith. the challenge but not the appear in one volume entitled Choices,
Experts can just as readily risks associated with this Values, and Frames.
be fooled by their intuition very human shortcomings:


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