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Figure 5 Figure 5 shows a man stretching his leg against a wall. (i) (ii) (iii) State the forces acting on the man. Draw a free body diagram to show all the forces acting on the man The man uses a wheel barrow doing his lawn work when the 2 kg tyre of the wheel barrow is detached and begins rolling down a hill. The hill is inclined at an angle of 30 to the horizon. Sketch the velocity-time graph that represents the motion of the tyre rolling down the hill. (b) A projectile travelling with an initial velocity at an angle to the horizontal plane will undergo vertical acceleration at constant horizontal speed if air resistance is negligible. (i) A pool ball leaves a 0.60-meter high table with an initial horizontal velocity of 2.4 m/s. Calculate the time taken for the pool ball to reach the ground. (ii) A soccer ball is kicked off horizontally from the top of a 22.0 meter high hill and landed at a distance of 35.0 meters from the edge of the hill in 2 seconds. Determine the initial horizontal velocity of the soccer ball. 2. Newtons laws of motion can be used to explain the interacting forces acting on an object placed inside a lift. Figure 6 shows an object of mass 50 kg placed in a stationary lift. [Gravitational acceleration g = 10 ms-2]

50 kg Figure 6 (a) (i) State Newtons Third law of motion. (ii) By using arrows, draw and label on the diagram all the interacting forces acting on the object. (iii) Calculate the weight of the object. (b) (c) (d) If the lift started to move upwards with constant acceleration y ms -2, determine the apparent weight of the object in terms of y. If the lift moves upward with constant velocity, is the apparent weight of the object the same as that in (b)? Explain your answer. The lift descends with an acceleration of 1 ms-2. Calculate the apparent weight of the object. 3. (a) Archimedes principle can be used to explain objects submerge in water. A submarine of volume 100 m3 is able to stay stationary in sea water at a depth of 200 meters. [Density of sea water = 1,100 kgm-3, g = 10 Nkg-1] (i) Calculate the mass and weight of sea water displaced by the submarine. (ii) Calculate the buoyant force acting that enables the submarine to float. Bernoullis principle states that the pressure of a moving fluid decreases with increasing speed of the fluid.


One of the applications of this principle is the movement of air around the aerofoil. (i) Draw a suitable diagram to show the variations of air movement around an aerofoil shape according to Bernoullis principle. (ii) Explain why does an aircraft is able to fly across the sky. 4. Resistors of an electrical circuit can be connected either in series or in a parallel circuit. (a) (b) What is meant by a series circuit? (i) Given a dry cell battery, two resistors and connecting wires, draw a labeled diagram to show the connections of the resistors in a parallel circuit.) (ii) If the resistors in (b)(i) are 1 ohm and 2 ohm respectively, calculate the current flow in the 2 ohm resistor, and the effective resistance R of the circuit. (c) (d) If both circuits are switched on, compare the brightness of the light bulbs between both circuits. Explain your answer. Why do electrical connections in homes are done in parallel circuits?

1. (a) Bricklayers carry bricks and placed them on the site for the construction of a building. A project supervisor stands by to observe and records the progress of the workers. Who is doing more work and explain why. (b) Lever can be classified as a first, second and third class. Explain what is meant by the first, second and third class lever. Give two examples for each class lever. (c) A wedge is an example of a simple machine. If the wedges ideal mechanical advantage is 4, the length of wedges slope is 2 cm and the thickness of widest end is 6 cm, calculate the actual mechanical advantage and efficiency of the wedge.


Reflection, refraction and transmission can occur whenever light shines on an object giving rise to daily observed phenomena. (a) Describe the characteristics of the image formed by a plane and a convex mirror. (b) Explain why a rainbow is often seen during slight shower of rain. (c) Explain how a refracting telescope can be constructed.


(a) Explain Faradays law. (b) Describe how electricity is generated in power stations. (c) Transformers are used in the transmission of electricity from the generating plant to your home. Why is the transformer used and explain how it is being used in electrical transmission.

ANSWER 1. (a) (i) Normal (acting on two feet), Friction (acting on two feet), Weight

(ii) F1 N1 N2 (iii) v W


any three correct (2 marks)

t 5



-0.60 m = (0 m/s)t + 0.5(-9.8 m/s/s)t2 -0.60 m = (-4.9 m/s/s)t2 0.122 s2 = t2 t = 0.350 s (rounded from 0.3499 s)
(ii) x = vix t + 0.5 ax t2 where ax is 0 m, 35.0 m for x and 2.12 s for t, then vix = 16.5 m/s. 2. (1 mark) ( 1 mark)

( 1 mark) ( 1 mark)


50 kg weight a) i) For every action, there will be an equal and opposite reaction (1 mark) ii) 1 arrow + correct label iii) 50 x 10 = 500 N (1 mark x 2) (1 mark)


Force F upward = R + (- W) 50a = R 500 R = 50a + 500 No Constant velocity means zero acceleration No net upward force experience by the object

(1 mark) [1 mark) (1 mark ) ( 1 mark ) (1 mark) (1 mark)



Downward force F = R + (-W) -50(1) = R 500 R = 450 N


a) ( i ) Mass = density x volume = 1100 x 100 = 110,000 kg Weight = mass x g = 110,000 x 10 = 1,100,000 N [ or 1.1 x 106 N ] (1 mark) (1 mark)

(1 mark)

(ii) Bouyant force = density x acceleration x volume = 1100 x 10 x 100 = 110 000 N (1 mark) (1 mark)

b) i)

Aerofoil shape Lines above aerofoil Lines below aerofoil ii) Upward net pressure on the wings provide lift Thrust of engine provide forward push

(1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark)

(1 mark) (1 mark)

4. a) Electrical circuit whereby resistors/appliances connected adjacent to each other / or correct series circuit is drawn (1 mark) b) i)

Battery Connecting wire Resistor


Equivalent diagram Correct labeling

(1 mark) (1 mark)

ii) V = IR 1.5 = I(2) I = 0.75 Ampere (1 mark) (1 mark)

1/R = 1/1 + 1/R = 3/2 R = 2/3 (or 0.67 ohm) c) Bulbs in parallel brighter than that in series Effective resistance is lower / Current flow is larger in parallel circuit

(1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark)

d) Any broken circuit /appliances will not affect the function of others (1 mark) 1. (a) The bricklayer is doing more work. Work is defined as the product of an applied force and displacement of an object in the direction of the applied force. (2 marks) b) First class lever

The fulcrum is located between the effort and the load (1mark) Direction of force always changes (1 mark) Examples are scissors, pliers, and crowbars any two examples (2 marks) Second class lever The load is located between the fulcrum and the effort (1mark) Direction of force does not change Examples include bottle openers and wheelbarrows Third class lever The effort is located between the fulcrum and the load Direction of force does not change, but a gain in speed always happens Examples include ice tongs, tweezers and shovels

c) Actual MA = the length of slope / the thickness of widest end = 6cm / 2cm =3 = Actual MA/Ideal MA x 100% = (3/4) X 100% = 75%


2. a)Image produced by plane mirror Virtual Same size Upright Image produced by convex mirror Virtual diminished Upright b) c) Made up of two convex lenses, the objective lens and the eyepiece The objective lens has low power and a long focal length whereas the eyepiece has high power and a shorter focal length. The position of eyepiece is adjusted, so that the real image become the object at the focal point of the eyepiece or Raindrops act like tiny prisms, refracting, reflecting the light and separating the color. Raindrops refract the shorter wavelengths the most. Red, with the longest wavelength, is refracted the least. Violet, with the shortest wavelength, is refracted the most. White light is separated into he colors of the visible spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violeT

any two (2 marks)

any two (2 marks)


In normal adjustment, the distance between the lenses is equal to the sum of their individual focal lengths. 3. a) Faradays law states that the magnitude of the induced e.m.f is directly proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux or the rate of cutting of the magnetic flux. For a straight wire, the induced e.m.f can be increased by 1. increasing the speed of the motion 2. increasing the strength of the magnetic field Or For a solenoid, the induced e.m.f can be increased by 1. increasing the speed of the relative motion 2. increasing the number of turns 3. using a stronger magnet b) Electrical energy is transformed from other forms of energy which the resources of energy is either renewable or nonrenewable. Electricity is generated in power stations by huge generator known as alternators. The electromagnets (the rotor) are rotated by turbines while the coils and iron core (the stator) are rest. The generation of electricity is based on electromagnetic induction c) The loss of power in the transmission of electricity can be reduced by reducing the current and increasing the voltage in the cables. Before the electrical power is transmitted by the cables, a step-up transformer is to step up the voltage of alternating current. An electrical devices used by consumer mostly uses 110V or 120V of electric current. A step-down transformer steps down the voltage so that the power is delivered at a voltage that suitable to operate electrical devices used by consumers.



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