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Loop Saprse Channel estimation LSE Figure

% % % % %

In order to run this code you have to install the cvx from the following webpage : cvx is a tool for convex optimization problems. To install the cvx simply download it and save the unzip folder in the MATLAB working directory, and from the unzip folder run cvx_setup.m. Then, you can run this mfile.

% In this mfile it is shown how we can use the sparsity concept for channel % estimation. % clear clear close all clc randn('seed',1214) rand('seed',12524)

% % % % %

clear all variables close all figures clear command window setting the seed for normal random numbers setting the seed for uniform random numbers

% ofdm parameters ofdm.N = 128; % ofdm.B = 1; % realization ofdm.M = 4; % ofdm.T = 1e-7; % ofdm.GI = 16; % ofdm.TS = ofdm.N*ofdm.T; % interval) ofdm.TT = (ofdm.N+ofdm.GI)*ofdm.T; % interval) ofdm.PP = 1:10:ofdm.N; % ofdm.DP = setxor(1:ofdm.N,ofdm.PP);% ofdm.NP = length(ofdm.PP); %

number of subcarriers number of block in each channel Modulation order (M=4) OFDM sample time length of gaurd interval OFDM symbol time (not considering gaurd OFDM symbol time (considering gaurd Pilot locations in the subcarriers Data locations in the subcarriers number subcarriers which carry data

% channel parameters chan.L = 3; chan.fd = .1; chan.Nt = 128; dictionary chan.Gain = (0:1/(chan.Nt):1)*0; [~,chan.Delay] = sort([0,rand(1,chan.Nt)]); each ta[ chan.snrdB = 15; chan.snrdBV = 5:2:30; ration for sweep

% number of channel taps % doppler in Hz % Number of columns in the % delay spread profile % generating random delay for % channel signal to noise ration % channel signal to noise




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% loop parameters loop.End1 = 1e2; loop.End2 = length(chan.snrdBV); loop.Sparse = zeros(loop.End1,loop.End2); using sparse method loop.LSE = zeros(loop.End1,loop.End2); using LSE method

% number of iterations % length of inner loop % memory allocation for the BER % memory allocation for the BER

% building dictionary (please check different papers to learn how to build the dictionary) chan.tau_p = linspace(0,ofdm.GI*ofdm.T - ofdm.GI*ofdm.T./chan.Nt,chan.Nt); chan.Gamma = exp(-sqrt(-1)*2*pi.*repmat (((1:ofdm.N).'),1,chan.Nt)./ofdm.TS.*repmat(chan.tau_p,ofdm.N,1)); % fft matrix for LSE estimation (please check the following link for LSE channel estimation : % ) F = exp(2*pi*sqrt(-1)/ofdm.N .* meshgrid(0:ofdm.N-1,0:ofdm.N-1)... .* repmat((0:ofdm.N-1)',[1,ofdm.N]));

for cnt1 = 1 : loop.End1 for cnt2 = 1 : loop.End2

% loop parameters chan.snrdB = chan.snrdBV(cnt2); % Data generation data = randi([0 ofdm.M-1],ofdm.N,ofdm.B); % modulation if ofdm.M == 4 dataMod = qammod(data,ofdm.M)/sqrt(2); else error('Not defined') end % pilot insertion ofdm.Pilot = ones(ofdm.NP,1);% or randsrc(ofdm.NP,ofdm.B,[-1 1]).*exp(-sqrt (-1)*pi*rand(ofdm.NP,ofdm.B)); dataMod(ofdm.PP,:) = ofdm.Pilot; % ifft operation dataIFFT = sqrt(ofdm.N)*ifft(dataMod); % adding gaurd interval dataIFFTGI = [dataIFFT((ofdm.N-ofdm.GI+1):ofdm.N,:);dataIFFT;];




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% channel (rayleigh and gaussian noise) ch = rayleighchan(ofdm.T,chan.fd,chan.tau_p(chan.Delay(1:chan.L)),chan.Gain (chan.Delay(1:chan.L))); dataChann = awgn(filter(ch,dataIFFTGI(:)),chan.snrdB ); % reshaping the signal dataChann = reshape(dataChann,ofdm.N+ofdm.GI,ofdm.B); % Guard interval removal dataRx = dataChann((ofdm.GI+1):(ofdm.N+ofdm.GI),:); % ofdm demodulation dataRxFFT =1/sqrt(ofdm.N)*fft(dataRx);

Saprse Channel estimation

H_Sparse = zeros(ofdm.N,ofdm.B); lambda1 = ofdm.NP*10^(-chan.snrdB/10)/sum(abs(ch.pathGains)); for b = 1 : ofdm.B y = dataRxFFT(ofdm.PP,b); A = chan.Gamma(ofdm.PP,:).*repmat(ofdm.Pilot(:,b),1,chan.Nt); cvx_begin quiet variable x(chan.Nt) complex % sparse minimization formula (A is built from dictionary, y is received data and x is the channel coeff at pilot locations) minimize( quad_form(y-A*x,eye(ofdm.NP))+lambda1*norm(x,1) ) cvx_end % building channel at all location (simply from the dictionar) H_Sparse(:,b) = chan.Gamma*x; end dataRxMod_Sparse = dataRxFFT(ofdm.DP,:)./H_Sparse(ofdm.DP,:); dataRxDeMod_Sparse = qamdemod(dataRxMod_Sparse,ofdm.M); [~,BER_Sparse] = biterr(dataRxDeMod_Sparse,data(ofdm.DP,:),ofdm.M);

H_LSE = zeros(ofdm.N,ofdm.B); for b = 1 : ofdm.B H_LSE(:,b) = ofdm.N/ofdm.NP * fft(ifft(dataRxFFT(ofdm.PP,b)./dataMod (ofdm.PP,b)),ofdm.N); end dataRxMod_LSE = dataRxFFT(ofdm.DP,:)./H_LSE(ofdm.DP,:);

dataRxDeMod_LSE = qamdemod(dataRxMod_LSE,ofdm.M); [~,BER_LSE] = biterr(dataRxDeMod_LSE,data(ofdm.DP,:),ofdm.M); % saving the output loop.Sparse(cnt1,cnt2) = BER_Sparse;




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end disp([num2str(round(cnt1/loop.End1*100)),'% has been done']) end

1% has been done 2% has been done 3% has been done 4% has been done 5% has been done 6% has been done 7% has been done 8% has been done 9% has been done 10% has been done 11% has been done 12% has been done 13% has been done 14% has been done 15% has been done 16% has been done 17% has been done 18% has been done 19% has been done 20% has been done 21% has been done 22% has been done 23% has been done 24% has been done 25% has been done 26% has been done 27% has been done 28% has been done 29% has been done 30% has been done 31% has been done 32% has been done 33% has been done 34% has been done 35% has been done 36% has been done 37% has been done 38% has been done 39% has been done 40% has been done 41% has been done 42% has been done




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43% 44% 45% 46% 47% 48% 49% 50% 51% 52% 53% 54% 55% 56% 57% 58% 59% 60% 61% 62% 63% 64% 65% 66% 67% 68% 69% 70% 71% 72% 73% 74% 75% 76% 77% 78% 79% 80% 81% 82% 83% 84% 85% 86% 87% 88% 89% 90% 91% 92% 93%

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94% has been done 95% has been done 96% has been done 97% has been done 98% has been done 99% has been done 100% has been done

f1 = figure(1); semilogy(chan.snrdBV,mean(loop.Sparse,1),'b-o') hold on semilogy(chan.snrdBV,mean(loop.LSE,1),'r.-') hold off legend('Sparse','LSE') grid on

Published with MATLAB R2012b



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