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Vocabulario Sustantivos Verbos airplane air bicycle bus car ferry flight gate helicopter motorcycle plane sailboat

seat ship subway suitcase taxi ticket train truck water Expresiones Adjetivos

check in drop off fly go by bus/plane/boat etc. go on vacation land pack pick up take a bus/plane/boat etc. take off

Do you want to (come)? How do you get (there)? late I want to (come). on time I'd like/love to (come). Would you like to (come)?

Sustantivos airplane (Sustantivo) = avin a machine with wings that flies in the air; plane Bob is a pilot. He wants to buy his own airplane. bicycle (Sustantivo) = bicicleta a vehicle with two wheels and pedals that you move with your feet; bike George rides his bicycle to work every day. bicycle (Verbo) bus (Sustantivo) = autobs a vehicle that carries many people on land The bus goes down First Street. car (Sustantivo) = auto; carro; coche a vehicle with four wheels that carries 1-5 people Brian's new car is very fast. ferry (Sustantivo) = transbordador; ferry

a boat that carries people on short trips When does the ferry for Manhattan leave? flight (Sustantivo) = vuelo a scheduled plane trip Flight 1280 to Singapore leaves at 2:45 p.m. fly (Verbo) gate (Sustantivo) = puerta the place in an airport where you leave the building and enter the plane We need to find out which gate our flight leaves from. Let's check the screen. helicopter (Sustantivo) = helicptero a flying machine with long metal parts on top that spin The helicopter landed on top of the building. motorcycle (Sustantivo) = motocicleta a vehicle with two wheels and an engine Eileen often rides her motorcycle to work. plane (Sustantivo) = avin a machine with wings that flies in the air; airplane I took a plane from Beijing to Tokyo. sailboat (Sustantivo) = velero a boat that uses wind to move Tammy saw three small sailboats on the river. seat (Sustantivo) = asiento a place to sit This seat is not very comfortable. ship (Sustantivo) = barco a large boat My grandparents traveled from California to Alaska by ship. subway (Sustantivo) = metro a train that travels under a city The New York subway is very fast. suitcase (Sustantivo) = maleta a bag with a handle used to carry clothes on a trip Ephraim packed his suitcase for his trip to Mexico. taxi (Sustantivo) = taxi a car that carries people for money Myrna couldn't find a taxi at 3:00 in the morning.

ticket (Sustantivo) = entrada; boleto a card that shows you paid for a trip, a movie, or something else Mario is buying a ticket for the 8:00 movie. train (Sustantivo) = tren a vehicle that travels on rails Leroy went from Berlin to Paris by train. truck (Sustantivo) = camin a large vehicle used to carry things That truck is filled with fruits and vegetables. Verbos check in (Verbo compuesto) = facturar to get ready for a flight by showing your ticket I want to arrive early at the airport so I can check in. check-in (Sustantivo) check-in (Adjetivo) drop off (Verbo compuesto) = dejar to take someone to a place and leave him or her there Can you drop me off at the airport? fly (Verbo) = volar to move through the air It's expensive to fly, so I drove to Florida for vacation. flew (Pretrito) go by bus/plane/boat etc. (Sintagma verbal) = ir en autobs/avin/barco, etc. used to talk about traveling from one place to another Jennifer usually goes to work by car. go on vacation (Sintagma verbal) = ir/salir de vacaciones to go somewhere when you have free time away from school or work We usually go on vacation in the mountains every summer. went on vacation (Pretrito) land (Verbo) = aterrizar to return to earth from the air The plane lands in New York at 5:53 p.m. land (Sustantivo) pack (Verbo) = hacer las maletas to put things in a bag or suitcase for a trip Did you pack your suitcase carefully?

pick up (Verbo compuesto) = recoger to come to take somebody or something from one place to another Carla always picks her children up after school. take a bus/plane/boat etc. (Sintagma verbal) = tomar un autobs/avin/barco, etc. to travel by bus, plane, or other form of transportation We're late. Let's take a taxi. took a bus/plane/boat etc. (Pretrito) take off (Verbo compuesto) = despegar to leave the earth The plane took off from Tokyo airport early this morning. took off (Pretrito) Expresiones Do you want to (come)? (Expresin) = Do you want to (come)? used to ask if someone would like to do something Do you want to watch a movie tonight? How do you get (there)? (Expresin) = How do you get (there)? I want to (come). (Expresin) = I want to (come). I'd like/love to (come). (Expresin) = I'd like/love to (come). Would you like to (come)? (Expresin) = Would you like to (come)? used to ask if someone wants to do something Hi, Barry. Would you like to have dinner with me? Adjetivos late (Adjetivo) = tarde after the expected time Why is Ben always late for work? on time (Adjetivo) = a tiempo at the correct time The bus was not on time. It was 25 minutes late. Gramtica THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE: NEGATIVE FORMS AND QUESTIONS

Negative Statements Subject + didn't + verb. Yes/No Questions Did + subject + verb? Short Answers Yes, + subject pronoun + did. No, + subject pronoun + didn't. Questions with Question Words Question word + did + subject + verb? Question Words what when where who why how

Explicaciones Para formular el pretrito negativo con verbos que no sean be, coloque did not o didn't antes de la forma bsica del verbo. Utilice did + sujeto + la forma bsica del verbo para formular una pregunta de respuesta afirmativa o negativa en pretrito. Utilice did con todos los sujetos. Utilice yes + sujeto pronominal + did para formular una respuesta positiva corta a una pregunta de respuesta afirmativa o negativa en pretrito. Utilice no + sujeto pronominal + didn't para formular una respuesta negativa corta en pretrito. Para formular preguntas con palabras de pregunta en pretrito, utilice una palabra de pregunta + did + sujeto + la forma bsica del verbo. Las palabras de pregunta son what, when, where, who, why, y how. Para responder a este tipo de pregunta, utilice sujeto + el pretrito del verbo.

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