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The Parable of the Sower - Luke 8:5-8

Throughout much of His earthly ministry Jesus Christ spoke to the people in parables. A parable is a story designed to convey a spiritual truth in a meaningful and memorable way. As Jesus spoke His parables, the multitudes could not readily perceive the exact meaning, but they could remember what he had said. In remembering His words, they might meditate upon them, study the Scriptures, and come to the knowledge of the truth which Jesus had set forth. It is much like an illustration in a preachers sermon; the congregation will remember a pertinent story for much longer than most anything else in the message. The parables of Jesus are very powerful lessons for us today as we strive to live the life that God would have us to. The Parable of the Sower contains valuable lessons for both Christian and non-Christian alike. This parable is more correctly be called the Parable of the Soils because the major emphasis of the parable is on the four different types of soil in which the seed is sown. Last Sunday I have shared with you that we have a part in the ministry of God-which is to share the gospel or to bring people to Christ. As we bring the gospel or as we share the truth to people we need to realize that there are different kinds of people that we are dealing with. So this parable is about the kind of people in relation to how they respond to Gods Word.

The Wayside Soil

"A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell by the wayside; and it was trampled down, and the birds of the air came devoured it" (Luke 8:5). This type of soil represents those who hear the word of God but do not give any attention to it thus they dont understand it. These are the kind of people that do not take the word seriously. Thus the word has no effect in his life. Because of the lack of understanding and their unwillingness to receive the things which are given to them, Satan comes and takes away the word from their heart,"lest they should believe and be saved" (Luke 8:12). Satan uses many devices and has many tricks to distract men from the heavenly goal. He knows that when people are ignorant they are much easier to deceive. Therefore he labors very diligently to remove all knowledge of God and of His word from our minds before it can take root. Let me ask you? Everytime you hear Gods message, do you receive it deeply in your heart? Or you just listen to it and you dont care so much how you can apply it in your life? The devil just quicly took it away and you just quickly forgot it? How many messages did the devil took away from you?

The Stony Soil

"Some fell on rock; and as soon as it sprang up, it withered away because it lacked moisture" (Luke 8:6). This type of soil represents those who hear the word of God and when they hear it they receive it readily and joyfully. That is they accept the truth, obey it, and put it to practice for a time but not deeply. They can be easily pulled off when problem comes. They only serve God for a short time, until temptation or persecution comes, and then they fall away. As long as things are easy and pleasant they're right there, but when the problems start to appear, they're gone.

Problems and troubles distract these from service to God. Sickness comes, and they drift away. We must realize that Satan is out to get us. He will do everything in his power to lead us astray. We must hold on to the salvation that has been given us, regardless of our problems. Let me ask you. Are you easily discouraged when problem comes? Is your faith weakened by the difficult circumstances that comes your way? Do you feel that you would give up because of hard situations? If that happens to your life, maybe we have not allowed the Word of God to really be planted and rooted in our lives. Do not allow the devil to pluck you out quickly.

The Thorny Soil

"Some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up with it and choked it" (Luke 8:7). The thorny soil represents those who receive the word of God and make an effort to live for Christ, but are hindered by the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches. These people are striving to straddle the fence that lies between Christ and the world. They lack the full commitment that Jesus expects of those who follow Him. They become so enamored with the opportunities for wealth and material things that they lose sight of the only true possession that is worth anything: their soul (Mark 8:36,37). These are the people who are overcome by the things of this world that they dont have time for the things of God. There is nothing wrong to strive, to study hard, to work hard and to be succesful or prosperous in this life. The Bible teaches us to not be lazy but to work hard. But it is wrong when these things that we are busy with takes away our time with God. Work is not bad when it doesnt take away our time to pray, to study his word, to go to church, to attend discipleship, or to share the gospel. Let me ask you everyday, how much time do you give for God in prayer and studying His Word? Inspite of your business doyou desire to talk to God in prayer or to study his Word? Are the spiritual things part of your daily agenda?

The Good Soil

"But others fell on good ground, sprang up, and yielded a crop a hundredfold" (Luke8:8). This last type of soil is that which the sower had been looking for all along. This soil represents those who hear the word, receive it, and keep the things written therein with patience and perseverance. This is a Christian who really desire to keep and apply the Word in his heart. It doesnt mean that he perfectly obeys it. But he is really determined it to apply. If he fails, he tries again, if he fails again he tries another time until he is an overcomer. He is not a complacent person, but a person who is striving to follow God in his life. This Christian is steadfast in his service to God and unwavering in his commitment to the Almighty. Because of his patience and good works, he bears fruit. The fruit of good deeds and Christian service. Perhaps he takes time off from work to visit someone who is sick, or in need. Maybe he spends his evenings studying his Bible and preparing for Sunday morning Bible class. Perhaps he is evangelistic, spending his days speaking to others concerning the hope which lies within him (1 Pet. 3:15). His life is not free from problems. Satan certainly hasn't overlooked him. But this one does not let the affairs of this life discourage his efforts towards the next.

CONCLUSION In this parable there are four different types of soil. The question is; what type are you? A hard soil who is unresponsive to the message? A rocky soil in which the word was not planted deeply and thus easily discouraged when problems comes? A thorny soil in which the word was overcome by cares and pleasures in this world? Or a soil that sincerely accepts and applies the Word of God in his life? You know what, how you respond to this message will determine what kind of soil are you. If after this message you start to be serious with God now and really strive to follow his will, then your heart is a good soil.

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