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THE GOSPEL BROADCASTING MISSION, Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Coble, 208 South Guilford Street, GARRETT, INDIANA


Gospel Broadcast Begins Third Year

THE GOSPEL BROAE)CASTING MISSION is beginning the third year of its historyl Two years have been completed of the first foreignbroadcast ofthe Gospel
by the free churches of Christ on Radio Luxembourg.

One of the listeners from England wrote: "I am so glad to hear the true Gos
pel of Christ. It is the first real Gospel sermon I have ever heard on the radio."

Others tell how the broadcasts have strengthened them.

It is wonderful to realize how God

has led and strengthened and kept us every step of the way. When doubts arose as to the advisability of different things,
and when we could not see ahead to be

sure of the next payments for radio time, Christian friends who realize the impor tance of Radio work in spreading the Gos pel would send the needed amounts for the task. Hiis is because you have given and prayed for the work. To be sure we, have had to move slowly. A great oppor tunity for another program had to be de layed. Another opportunity was cancelled for lack of responses.

City of Luxembourg
want to get this course spread out as it is
a soul-winner as well as a leader in

Radio Luxembourg Studio and Transmitter

Now, there is a chance to broadcast

Radio Gleanings and

Wistful Yearnings
From a radio sermon

Rutland"Dear Friends, I gain great in terest and profit from listening to your the U.S.A. This is the 'children's age'." with Jesus as our commander, who said; programs over Radio Luxembourg. My wife and I are regular listeners. I should "Preach the Gospel..." like to take advantage of your free Bible Only 500,000 a year according to the pre lessons as offered via the station Radio Letters sent rate of evangelism will ever be led Luxembourg over which we receive your to Jesus Christ. This means that America program. God bless you in your work ."G. J. LISTEN to more thatthose who lis is becoming pagan at the rate of threemillion, five -hundredthousand each year. ten have to saythese members of our London"Ctear friends in Christ, I must unseen audience who are hungering for apologize for the long delay in sending Business is meeting the needthe true Gospel message. the lesson of the correspondence course. Being a soldier, Ihavebeenonmanoevers Scotland~"I received the first two les

Parents Magazine said recently, "There

are four million babies bom each year in

into China in English. Tliis broadcast might help turn the tide of unrest and strengthen those wavering between Christ and communism, and bring them to choose Christ. We caimot faill We must go on broadcasting the Gospelseedbountifully. We will work for as many broadcasts and programs as you, the people, will have us to do. The victory depends on you,

Christian life. I will prayerfully use radio programs and whatever you send me for distribution. Please help in thenname of our Dear Lord, and please remember to
send me literature." D. D.

It is alerted for theincreasedrevenuede

rived from this bumper crop of babies. sons a few days ago. Your correspon
dence lessons are the best I have seen. I

and on leave. Satan has told me I am not

educated enough to study, and much to (first column, next page)

(see YEARNINGS, back page)

go from door to door giving out these. I


my shame I nearly gave in. I have Scotland"Just a few lines to say that learned a lot from your lesson even though I look forward to hearing your program some of the answers may not be right. In on Radio Luxembourg. I only wish there a few weeks I finish my army service so were more men like you in this part of the
send all correspondence to my new ad world. It needs them badly." H. W. dress. I continue to pray for your pro grams and long for the time I shall be England"Dear Sir, Having listenedto able to listen again." M. D. your radio program tonight, I would be much obliged if you would send me par Scxjtland"Dear Brother Bills, I can ticulars of your Christian movement ."G.R.
cell you that I am thrilled as I listen to

Reaching Out

God's Word being preached in all spirit

and truth, and I take great pleasure in commending you on your great work for
the Lord. Your introduction makes one

sit up and take especial notice, 'Where the Scriptures speak, we speak and where the Scriptures are silent we are silent.'

To hear that slogan or 'banner' as you

call it sends joy into my soul, and it is

through that 'banner' that I am writing to

you. Please send details of the Bible cor respondence course as I am very much interested in learning God's Word, and if it is not too much to ask please send
copies of the sermons." G. P.

The Gospel Broadcasting Mission is a Christian evangelistic work con cerned with the financing and otherwise making possible the broadcasting of as many radio programs as possible. They hope to bring the true Gospel message There are many more fine letters to areas, both foreign and at home, where telling of faith renewed, courage given, it is little known or unknown. the lonely heart cheered, and the life of a shutin brightened. All are hungering and Because of this interest, and in thirsting for the preaching of the Word of searching for the answer as to what is the God, bringing evidence of soul-searching greatest possible extent of opportunity and a deeper study of God's Word. We to reach the unreached by radio, Mr. V. pray to the saving of their souls. Alex Bills was consulted. He gathered the following facts, which would be well
for the church to consider:
Is This Worthwhile?

"There are 200 million radios in the world outside of the United States

and Canada, of which 69% are short

Should we give more Gospel prea ching to more people? Help us of the England"I have listened to your pro Gospel Broadcasting Mission to go for gram on Radio Luxembourg. Praise the ward in broadcasting the Gospel seed

wave (Considering ALL radios, 55%

are short wave). There are 110 mil
lion radios in the United States and

Lordl I thank God for your ministry. lam over the earth. a district nurse, and I nurse my patients in their own homes. I love listening to Use radio as God's opportunity to your program s at the end of the day ."G. F. reach more people at one time with prea ching and teaching, and to aid in finding England"Thanks for the first scriptural people desirous of study through corres
sermon I have ever heard on the radio!

pondence lessons and tracts.

Man's mind cannot fathom or mea

Please send printed sermons to pass on to prospective listeners." R. A.

sure the far-reaching influence of the Word

Canada, which, generally speaking, are out of range for Christian Radio Mission, but not for the Gospel Broadcasting Mission. But, discount ing those, there are still 90 million radios as a target. Radio Luxem bourg is about the best we will be able to do for England's 10 million, and in Hokkaido, Japan Mr. V. Alex Bills is reaching one million, so we still have 79 million more to go."

England"Dear Sir, I heard your mes of God given in this manner to many who sage over the radio on Monday night and have their very first chance to hear true In China, there is an opportunity I would like to have your free Bible les Gospel preaching. Many ofthese in times and a challenge for us to broadcast. Shall sons sent to me. 1 do want to hear more past have drawn nigh unto God with their we accept the challenge? We are willing. and read more about the Word of God. I mouth and honored Him with their lips, Are you ready and willing for us to ac don't know my Bible very well. It is so but their heart is far from Him, as the cept this new work? Radio time for this nice to hear God's Word during the week Scriptures tell us in Matthew 15:9 "In will cost about $15 a week for al5-minby tuming on ourwireless. Thank you and vain they do worship me, teaching for ute program. Mr. Bills is ready if China God bless you," Mrs. E. L. doctrines the commandments of men." will accept the program. Help us to say, "Go forward as soon a'B^you~c"an. "T"he Gospel Broadcasting Mission will pay for Ae program." There are 200,000 lis ^L teners on China's English language net
work. It is a wired Radio diffusion sys tem. Speakers are placed in the homes and the programs are fed to them by wire. It is a wonderfully effective system. So far there is absolutely no religious fare available to them in English. We believe

it is God's will, for He is not willing

that any should perish, but that all should come to the knowledge of God. Please pray that He will open the Chinese hearts to receive these messages. We mustnot

Many times an opportunity for broadcasting the Gospel, if not accepted at once, is immediately taken up by someone else. Just as in all service for Radio Luxemburg Studios and Offices

the King, "The King's work requires haste." At times opportunities are lost

that cannot be regained, because of lack

of sufficient interest and prayers. Help us to hold the line, and not only to hold fast to the work already started, but to go forward with a greater counter-attack into the very stronghold of Satan. When Christians fully realize the power for evangelizing that is possible

Radio Findings
In the battle for sales and profits, advertising makes the difference. Why

do big advertisers pick radio above all other media? These advertisers have the best possible resources for testing advertising values, such as, 1. Sales-minded managements, 2. Big research staffs, 3. Astute advertising agencies, 4. A vast
fund of advertising funds.

With these needs and these resources for testing media values, advertisers find that radio offers the best combination of 1. Impact, 2. Audience, 3. Economy. it is for missionaries on the fields, there will be a great surge of enthusiasm to 1. POWERFUL IMPACT "put the Gospel on the air to all men everywhere" (Christian Radio Mission Radio affords all the power and believability of the spoken word: (a) Oppor slogan). Then when Christians in chur tunity for oral persuasion; (b) The message at the moment it is delivered has a ches and at home "tune in with prayer for clear track. The listening audience is the speaker's audience. He does not have the Gospel on the air" (The Gospel Broad casting Mission slogan), there will be to fight with conflicting matter; (c) The speaker uses the living voice. He speaks and the ear takes in just one word at a time. He speaks with plenty of time for abundant harvest. : emphasis and repetition. Each point bemiles; the greatest breadth is 34 miles; comes a headline.
by means of radio and what a great boon


the area is 999 square miles. Three minutes of speaking equals In early times, Luxemburgformed a 425 words of copy. A radio speaker

part of Germany. In 1354 itwas made into speaks in an emotional setting that he
a duchy by Charles IV. In 1814 it was converted into a Grand-duchy. By the terms of the Treaty of London in 1867, it became an independent state and its integrity was guaranteed by the great
European powers.

himself creates, and thus he wins listeners' appreciation. His audience tunes

in regularly to hear; it becomes a part of their lives, something they expect. After the voice is silent they can ponder the
words and study for proof.

Luxemburg, the capitol, of situated

117 miles southeast of Brussels and 42

Gospel Broadcasting

miles by rail north of Metz. Its natural In the case of the Gospel message position is so strong, and the different the speaker's aim is to make the Word

Historic Tower Overlooking Luxemburg

powers into whose hands it successively of God attractive to the audience, so as fell did so much to extend and improve to cause them to WANT Christ so much its means of defense, that it was called that they will obey and follow Him and be
induced to read and study His Word. The radio preacher builds an appropriate back ground mood forhis message. Hecanaddress the family as a group, relaxed and with an open mind. They caimotthought lessly talk back and argue with him. But they can write and ask questions after thinking things through. With music and oral speech, the radio preachers lodges his message in the listeners'memory. Radio HAS a
powerful impact.

Many people think that Luxemburg "the Northern Gibraltar." is a part of Germany. It is a country We pray that some reader of these called Luxemburg, a Grand-duchy, and the capitol city is of the same name. words will decide to go to this country and take this stron^old for Christ and The small Grand-duchy of Luxem His Church. Someone isneededtopreach burg is in northwestern Europe, an in the Gospel there in its fulness; to train dependent state bounded on the east by people in Christian service; and to pro Germany, on the south by France, and vide an orphanage for children, that they on the west and north by Belgium. The may be brought up in the nurture and the greatest length from north to south is 55 admonition of the Lord.



Maxim"The test of your character is what it takes to stop you." Help make it possible for us to go on. Here are known things
that might stop us:
T Lack of faith.

Radio i s the only medium that reaches almost all of the people. In the U. S. A. the person that radio does not
reach is illusive indeed.

T Lack of money because you Christians neglect to help the

cause financially.

According to late statistics, radio is still growing: On January 1, 1951,

there were 96 million radios inAmer-

T Your lack of Interest, and your neglecting to pray for: (a) the production; (b) the broadcasts and the listening audience;
(c) new listeners; (d) and for us.

ica; On January 1, 1952, there were 105 million 300 thousand; and in 1953
there were 110 million radios in use.

It is estimated that 95% of all homes

in the U S. A. have radios. Radio

y Our own weakness (becoming weak and faint in the cause).

Our health.

penetrates and saturates all income brac

kets, all educational groups, all cities.

{see TREASURED MAXIM, last page)

(see first column, next page)




(began on previous page)

towns and rural areas. Out of this vast

(began on [wevious page)

(began on front page)

Railroads, airlines and hotels

Death. Workers may fall but the radio audience the speakers consistently win bigger individual audiences that they work must go on (we need your prayers are offering family rates and arrang could reach throu^ any other medium. as individuals). ing special accommodations, planning
It reaches multitudes, a VAST audience.

meals and tables to serve the children

Now let us leave the U. S. A. and

go to England and Continental Europe for facts and figures concerning the Radio Luxemburg program. Radio Luxemburg claims one million listeners in England
alone at the hour when this program is
released. With 80million licensed radios

in the good listening area of Continental Europe, and an estimated 50 million English-speaking people, another million
listeners is conservative indeed. So the cost of two million listeners is 3 7 ten - thousandths of one cent

($. 000037), or 265 listeners for every cent expended for station time. Radio broad casting is economical.

Most of these things are in your and family groups. hands, as Christian workers, as well as in ours. Life and death are in the hands The beer industryof God. We must not faill God will sup ply. V. Alex Bills reports, "We are get is planning the greatest expansion ting new requests right along from the program in history in anticipation of the Luxemburg program." An audience of increased business which they expect Radio Luxemburg, faithful in listening from that baby of yours. for two years must not be disappointed. Other listening areas musthave the same New industries have been started opportunity. Bubble gum is mostly imported and It is thrilling to know that because children spend $20 million a year on it. of your interest, money and prayers many people are hearing the Gospel in its Tlie muvie industry fulness. Surely more and more people "If you want to be like 'Hoppy' you've will want to have a part in this radio ministry and be able to partake of the got to eat like 'Hoppy'." Selling goods blessing God alone can give for yourpart are queer looking outhts to equip the in every good work. children on their trip to Mars or to join the space patrol. Yearnings for the Church
What about the Church? What is it


There are still thousands of radio listeners who hear only radio sta

tions where no real Gospel message is being preached.

The Word CAN be preached by radio.

doing for this world wide challenge? Are we giving the Bread of Life? Are we
equipping these children with the Armor of God? How many true-to-the-Bible pro

Listeners are constrained to study God's Word after hearing Bible

facts by radio.
Go forward with us to broadcast more in 1954!
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Coble 208 South Guilford Street

grams for children have you heard on the

radio? Can we not give them the helmet of salvation, the breastplate, shield and sword to help them withstand the darts
of the evil one?

Garrett, Indiana

v T Radio Luxemburg is broadcasting now! Pray for more funds to broad cast on stations in other areas which are hungering for the peace that only
God can give.

T T T A tape recording will be sent to you upon request foramissionary pro gram, church meeting or class meeting, etc. State choice for a recording of a broadcast given on Radio Luxemburg or one concerning radio broad casting as a medium of preaching the Gospel. Send requests to address
given above.

T T T Send offerings and contributions to the Gospel Broadcasting Mission, so that when a new station admits us and the program is ready, the funds will be in hand and we can give the go ahead signal to start.

Grande Duchess Charlotte

of Luxemburg


Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Coble .m, w

208 South Guilford Street

Garrett, Indiana


THE GOSPEL BROADCASTING MISSION, Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Coble, 208 South Guilford Street, GARRETT, INDIANA


They are hearing the Word

^,.^0 r nfeg Ia n

Paul the Apostle heard their call (see Acts 16:8-15)


Others, through generations of time, have sown good seed there. But, the time came when apparently good men slept
and the enemy of God came in and sowed tares. Evil

flourishes when good men do nothing. Let's awake, and broadcast the New Testament plea, and the true Gospel
seed until all of Europe is blanketed with the Gospelwhich



1^^ is the power of God unto salvation.

Travelers in Europe report a pitiful state of the peo ple. Those who travel extensively get a glimpse of, and understand in a measure something of what Jesus felt
when He saw the multitudes, and had compassion upon
them. Your heart also would be broken with the burden of


distress in Europe, and to see the people as sheep without a shepherd.

inaste-M, o.

As one visits the famous cathedrals of

France, the coldandchillof theirbuil-


dings makes one feel the coldness nf their formalisms and their religion. It
is from this that these war-tom and

furtive people try to get comfort.

France is in need of spiritual
food and the Water of Life with a las



<S e- a.

ting hope. France is smaller than our state of Texas. Its population is 43 million. Of these, 90% are said to have

embraced the Catholic faith, but that church claims only about seven million practicing Catholics. There are said
to be millions of communists in France, and that at one

time there were registered 26% voting communists. Re ports are that there are probably notover 50, 000 believers
of Christ in all of France.

Radio Luxembourg can be heard throughout Europe and the Near East, as far as the 40th Meridian on the West, and in
North Africa down to the 30th parallel. It is shown in the above mapthe circled area is the primary signal area nad has a ra dius of approximately 800 miles. Aside from England, there are

Does France need the Gospelseed sown there?Christianity has never been offered to the masses of France in its purity and liberty in Christ. It is said that there are36

well over 50 million English-speakingpeople in this area, which

for more than two years have been able to hear the Bible Chris tian Broadcast sponsored on Radio Luxembourg by Gospel Broad casting Mission. It is produced by V. Alex Bills and his assoc
iates in Osaka, Japan and is sent on discs to Radio Luxembourg which transmits the program each Monday evening. The program is in English (See also RADIO SETS IN EUROPE, Page 3).

thousand villages and cities in France without ONE protestant church in them.

(See FRANCE, Continued on Next Page)

FRANCE (Began on Page One)

Help plant there the church for
which Christ died. This France of sun

world if Christ was not preached, just as

must not fail these people in their dire

today many watchmen are warning and pleading that Christ is the leader all the
world needs. Christ must be preached,
and each Christian must march to the

need. They must be wonto Christ andHis

Church, before they are gamered into the


ny fields and countryside, which is fami

liar to many of our soldiers as a battle

plagues of atiieism and false religions, having a form of godliness, butwith their

ground, and where white crosses stretch

row on row in Flander's fields for many of
our war dead ~ what shall be our sinswer

command of "Go ye, and preach Christ,"

at home, abroad, and by every means.

hearts far from God. What is our answer (^)

to these 500 million souls where at least 200 million have never seen a Bible? We

After World War II, many people,

Christian leaders, said, "We have yet another chance. Germany is broken, and

to them? Shall it be, "We need the mon

ey god has allowed us to accumulate or

eam; we need it for comforts and for

can give these who are hungering and thirsting for a better way of life, the Word
of God by radio. Shall we?

luxuries of life," or shall we say, "Lord here am I, send me?" He is pleading

they are receptive hearers of the World,

it will be easy now to lead them back to Christ." They are calling for mission aries, teachers and preachers of the Word
A land of dikes and canals and

with a promise, "Lo, I am with you al ways." Shall we sing "All to Jesus I sur render, and "We want everybody to know"
and then retain the means that would send

again. We did too little too late, but the

11th hour may yet be time, though it is
later than most people think. Germany

JK million. It is said that one mil-

W gracious people.

Numbering 11

the Gospel and workers, and radio broad

casts to tell of Christ? Or shall we not

consider and say, "Take and use Thy gifts to me that others may know of Thee and live eternally also," and claim the -proini &e-"or "lie ihdt sowe t'n bo unLifully shall reap also bountifully." (II Corin thians 9:6). Send the Light to those who sit in darkness. "The entrance of Thy Word giveth life." (Isalms 119:130).

is again taking pride in herself and her personal achievements. The country is rapidly retuming to an ear of economic soundness and general prosperity and be coming again more materialistically
minded. The people are harder to con vince of their need of a Savior. As yet,

lion young people in that country have never heard the Gospel, that less than 2% of Amsterdam's million people attend any church on Sunday moming.
This includes the Roman Catholic Church.
Does Holland need Christ?" Siiould

At World War I end, I read

the remarks of a woman writ

Germany is wide open to the preaching of the Gospel, and men can be reached if we preach the Gospel NOW.
While men sleep, Satan works, not on a two-hour weekly schedule, but around the clock in every part of the world. Take some of his power of the air away. Blan ket the world with the Gospel message. Europe can again be made a stronghold for Christ, In saving Europe, we also help America, and lift up the Christ of
the Cross, who draws all men to Him.

Christian people see that they have regu lar preaching coming into their homes, and sowing the seed?
We could mention England, with only a small percentage of Christians, Ireland, Scotland, Switzerland, Norway, Swedenall targets for Communism, and weak in Christian faith and power to resist the fiery darts of the evil one. All within the good listening area of Radio Luxembourg. Do you care? Christiandollars can be used to take the Gospel and f ) preach the Word to those who sit in dark ness . "The entrance of Thy Word giveth Light."
Man-made schemes will come to

ing from Germany, who said, "We scarcely felt the war

materially; no buildings were

in ruins, no fields devastated,

no destruction in Germany," and I thought of all the dev astation of her many sister countries, and the heartaches and hunger caused by the rulers and leaders in Germany. The rea son then was that "might" was stronger than "right." And we were reminded of the words of Longfellow in his great poem, "Evangeline" ~ "Right forever on the scaffold; wrong forever on the throne; yet that scaffold sways the future and beyond
the dim unknown standeth God within the


The darkness of Spain is appalling. It is a country where 25 million people

have never seen a Bible. It is claimed

that three million live in caves, and that

37 1/2 is the daily average wage for a man. What is your daily wage?
Religious tolerance is unknown
there. The Roman Catholic Church is re

naught. Those who worship the creature in place of the Creator will perish. Their evil deeds will swallow them up. If the Church of Christ will respond to the or der of their Commander (Matthew 28:19, 20), and go forth with the message, they will tum many to righteousness and peace
for the Prince of Peace.

shadow, keeping watch above His own." Today, must of Germany has ex perienced the ravages of war in its own
country. It has been in rubble, and at the mercy of another monster, Communism.

Another World War has been fought be

cause of greed for power and world do minion. Tongue cannot tell of the devas tation in Europe at the end of World War II. It was a mass of pulverized concrete, mortar bricks, and twisted steel. The runied buildings, whose columns stood
as stark reminders of Godless men and women with twisted minds and cruel

ported to have one religious worker for each 35 people and it owns half of the waalth. A missionary reported that it is the practice of certain priests in Spain to actually sell lots in Heaven to their fol lowers, and that it is supposed to assure the poor Catholic that he will have a well-


150,000 Watt Station

50 Million English-Speaking People

on the continent

located mansion in Glory, even though he

may live in a hovel on earth.

80 Million Radios By Survey

Conservative estimate of listeners to

^^^^^^^^Does SpainneedtheGospel of Christ broadcast to them? It ispossibletodo

The Bible Christian Broadcast on the Con

tinent, and in the British Isles;

hearts, their object being to defeat and destroy all that was pure and holy and
right, are also a reminder to those who might have saved the world this terrible carnage, but who did too little for Christ,


so. Radio Tangier now offers time for religious

broadcasts, and is anew weapon on the Christian's

For $5 a month, a church, class, in

side to take the Word of God to Spain..

Because of its strategic location between Africa and Europe and its tremendous in crease in power. Radio Tangiers offers a golden opportunity to stop Communistic agression and heal African paganism, We

dividual, etc., can be a livinglink to

about 20 thousand people each week, ' preaching the Gospel-"The Gospel is
the Power of God unto salvation.


and too late. Many others were on the watch towers frantically crying for Chris tians to come and were warning of the terrible consequences in store for the


The latest word from V. Alex Bills, We want to thank the faithful ones Christian Radio Mission, states: "The of you who are helping us carry on this

Time To Broadcast
The Cobles, of the Gospel Broad

Bible Christian Program on Radio Luxembourg entered the third year on the first of April, 1954. Almost daily letters come expressing appreciation for the program and interest in our position. Listeners have written from England, Scotland, Ire land, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and

great work over Radio Luxembourg. We

are appealing to others who may have overlooked this fine opportunity to let their light shine and to publish the glad tidings by way of Radio Luxembourg.
Please send all contributions, of

casting Mission, by the gifts and offer ings of consecrated Christians pay the
bills for time on the air, copyright fees, taxes, customs for transportation of discs, and all bills for the promotion of the work in order to keep the program on
the air.

ferings, and memorial remembrances to:

Gospel Broadcasting Mission
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Coble
208 South Guilford Street

The cost for radio time is $93 a

By far the greatest number of

week, plus British copyright fee of six and a quarter cents netairtime. Customsand freight charges vary. The total bill for
June 1954 was: Time on Air $465.00 British copyright fee 24.70 Customs and freight charges 4.00 TOTAL - $49^770


listeners are, of course, in Great Britain, and Ireland.

These are the ones who send the most letters. There are now 125 enrolled in the Bible

Garrett, Indiana

Survey CDrrespondence course

offered on Radio Luxem

May God bless you, everyone.

Pray for the work ~ and us.






The total cost of Radio Luxembourg time, etc., plus promotional expense of literature,stamps,mailingpermits, etc., bring the cost for 1954 to about $600.00 a month. This does not include traveling expenses of the Cobles which they themselves pay, as well as some of the mail ing expenses. Also they have loaned

X 2 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 910111213 7 8 910111213 10111213141516 14151617181920 14151617181920 17181920212223 21222324252627 2122232425 2627 24252627282930 28 28293031 31

$300 to the Gospel Broadcasting Mission this year in order to pay the airtime for the past two months. Tliey know the Lord will help when all else fails. Will you? So many precious incidents take place,
just when we need Kim most. This week

when hope was growing dim, some won derful church in the west, acting as God's
messenger, sent a check for $100.00.
The church had been unknown to us. God


5 M


helped them to help keep the Gospel on the air. Only those who have had the same
experience can realize the thrill of such

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 4 5 6 7 8 910 6 7 8 9101112 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11121314151617 9101112131415 13 141516171819 1819 2021222324 16171819202122 20212223242526 252627282930.. 23 24252627 2829 27282930 3031 JULY

times and of putting one's faith in Jesus. He never fails. Maybe we have not done
all we can, but we feel that that check

was sent directly from God's blessing on

the work. -The faithful smaller gifts and special offerings for the work are contin uing to be sent by those who are desirous of having the seed sown over the contin ent of Europe. They are blessed in His sight according to His will and purpose of sending out the Word, and "His Word shall not return to Him void, but shall accomplish that whereunto He has sent


3 M T W T F S S


1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 3 4 8 91011121314 5 6 7 8 91011 4 5 6 7 8 910 11121314151617 15 161718192021 12131415161718 18192021222324 22232425262728 19202122232425 25262728293031 29 30 31 2627282930 OCTOBER

it." We pray that He shall callmanynew contributors to share in this great work of preaching the Gospel by radio, and giving
light to those who have not seen and
words to those who hear. "The entrance


M T yy T F s

of Thy WordgivethLi^t." (Psalms 119).

He that hath ears, help to hear the truth.
When one reads the wonderful letters of

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213 1415 16 1718 1920212223 2425262728 29 30

.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 3 4 7 8 910111213 5 6 7 8 91011 14151617181920 12 131415161718 2122 2324252627 19 20 2122 23 2425 282930 2627 28 29 3031..


those encouraged and made happier by hearing true Gospel messages in tho se countries where such preaching is a sur prise to them and a real challenge, we know that His Word will accomplish that
whereunto He sent it.

Radio -- Missionary in Your Home

Radio reaches the listener in the privacy
of his own home. He listens if he wants

hears under all kinds of varying circum

stancesone hears In the kitchen as she

to, and accepts or rejects the messiige on its own merit. There is no sham or pre tense simply to impress an obsei-ver. The .same listener might never enter a church building, or attend a Gospel meeting. RADIO SETS IN EUROPE

prepares a

meal, another hears from a

sick bed, another in a busy office, or small

groups may gather about a receiver on a busy street (as is common in Oriental

Radio is a Seed-sowing ministry, whose 40,025

chief obstacle is to the broadcaster, who

lands), but all of them have an opportunity to hear, and "faith cometh by hearing." Gospel Broadcasting Mission performs a vital Monday night ministry by its Bible
Christian Broadcast on Radio Luxem

Cyprus Czechoslovakia

VjCiiiiaity yr
t A -

202,500 1,410,862 1,548,205 209,963 13,229 2,544,606 1,234,979 238,000 723,360 7,369,475
11 025 176

does not have the satisfaction, usually, of seeing the Seed bear fruit. His assurance is the knowledge of God's promise that "My Word will not return unto me void."
Radio is the least expensive tool of missionsits message reaches millions simultaneously and repeatedly. The listener

bourgmillions hear it regularlysome of them in lands now closed to Gospel preachingRussia, China, Hungary. And in homes otherwise closed to a Gospel ministry. Pray for the broadcaster, and
for the hearers.

Germany (fed.Rep.)
Eastem Berlin Western Berlin Gibralter Greece

551,192 2,255 205,000 701,000

Iceland Ireland Israel

326,991 130,000 2,224

Lebanon Liechetenstein

Morocco Monaco

44,000 1,997 58,984 34,169

133,143 10,000

Sw' m





Saar San Maxino

2,105,642 824,368 1,627,995 360,070 270,000 192,000750



Tangier Anglo - Am - Tries te


Turkey United Kingdom (Gt.Brit.)



604,746 2,205,029 1,082,346 50,000 16,000 51,035 65,398 320,000 12,525,900 13,050,000 334,518

*USSR as far as 40 degrees longitude east, including Bidorussia and Ukraine. Aside from England there are well over 50 million English-speaking people in the area covered by Radio Luxembourg.

Property of


Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Coble

208 South Guilford Street

.toTT Aio. Garrett, Indiana


July 22, 1944

July 2^ 1954


208 South Guilford Street


cClMen ^Wlemonicd l44u

Ten years ago today upon the
battlefields of France a young man

died, whose death brought about a great missionary venture. Merwyn

H. Greene had written an article just
about one week before his death. He

was $25. from Judge Clyde Carlin of Angola, Ind., now deceased. This was in April, 1945. Here we note that the first radio broadcast began in Europe over Radio Luxembourg in April, 1952, and is continuing because there
were those who felt the need of send

took with them radio eciuipment cost ing $1200, one third of which was paid by the MHG Memorial Fund for their share in the broadcast equip
ment and also the Cobles contributed

sent this article, "My Experience

With Prayer," to the Christian Standard, a Church of Christ publi cation. The article was published in the August 12,1944, issue of the mag
azine. This was the day that Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Coble, Merwyn's fost er parents, and his aunt and uncle received the telegram from the War Department, notifying them of Mer wyn's death. In his article, "My Experience With Prayer," he said, ' I pray that God will keep me a man and will grant me the wisdom, strength and courage I need, not only while I am a soldier, but in days to come when I study for the ministry. I'm looking forward to seeing other young men make a decision for the missionary field or the ministry in a

ing the "Sword of the Spirit," and Life, in place of the swords of death.
At the close of the war there were

still no recruits readj'^ to go and people began to lose interest. In April, 1949, the last regular contri
bution was received and because

some recording tape and equipment. From the first the response of the people has been very gratifying but for many months not enough money came in to pay for the broadcast and gi'adually the original fund was used up. A full report concerning it was
made last December when the last dollar was used for the broadcast.

there was no active means of ap pealing to the people the Cobles waited on the Lord for leading in the
disposal of the fund. There was one contributor of $1 per month, who con

Since that time the Gospel Broad casting Mission is running on faith that Christian people will meet all the
needs. The amounts since February

have never been sufficient to pay for

all of the broadcast and bills, but the

tinued to send in until November,

1949. The Cobles then contributed $20 in November, 1949, and that was the
last contribution to the MHG Memor ial Fund.
In the fall of 1951 it was learned from V. Alex Bills of the Christian

Lord has provided a way. "Yesterday He helped us Today we praise His Name, Because we know tomorrow He will help us just
the same."



life Qf hard work devoted to Christ

and brotherhood." He had previously written, "I pray that I as a mission ary of the Gospel, may aid in intro ducing God to the warring nations
" "Also I heard the voice of the

Radio Mission of Osaka, Japan, that money was needed and that a great service could be rendered by supply ing funds for a radio program over Radio Luxembourg in Europe. The
Cobles considered this to be an answer

In His own good time the way will grow easier, if we do our best for
Him. Maybe we haven't done our

best yet but we'll keep on trying. If

we are making our own hindrances to some prayer being answered, we pray that those hindrances may be
known and overcome. Then if other

Lord say, 'Whom shall I send'?" Who will go for us ?, they seem to say.

Because of the appeal for workers to the warring nations, Mr. and Mrs.
Coble started a fund to send mission

aries to Europe and sent out letters to

the churches for contributions for such a cause. The fund was called the

'' Merwyn




Fund.'' The total contributions to this

to their prayers of sending the Gospel to Europe. The great radio station of 150,000 watts, now sending the Light to millions in Europe, is situ ated not many miles from where Mer wyn H. Greene lies buried in France. He was the youthful instigator of this great venture through his appeal for preaching the Gospel to the warring nations. "He being dead vet speaketh." Thus this effectual means was

Christians do their best there is no lim

it to the good that can be accomplished by extended radio broadcasting in Eu rope. This one program is too little. We pray that it may not be too late.
The Church of Christ, which believes it has the secret and plea for unity, and the New Testament, God given, sacrificed, glorious Church should
sacrifice to blanket the atheistic na

fund amounted to $2,341,] 6, including contributions by the members of the Coble family, which were to help
care for expenses of promotion. The Cobles paid for all literature and






faith that God is with them and that

tions with Gospel sermons. "The en trance of Thy Word giveth Light." (Psm. 119:130) They are in dark
ness. Send the Light. Light waves and radio waves are the same, except for frequency.
We read about the zeal of the com

mailing expenses as the memorial part. Thousands of copies of the article, "My Experience With Pray er," were sent to all who requested them, to Christian Service camps, to army camps and to the Navy. They are still available to all who request

He never fails. They sent out a new

appeal for f\mds to Christians to con tinue sending money that through the means of radio the Gospel might be preached in Europe. They distributed
their first literature and made their

The first contribution to the Merwvn H. Greene Memorial Fund

first appearance for the Gospel Broadcasting Mission at the mission ary rally in Louisville in 1951. Miss Isabel Maxey Dittemore and her mother were leaving for Japan and

munists to spread their doctrine. They go hungry, barefooted and cold so that their earnings can be used to spread the atheistic teaching. While nothing is too good for American Christians to enjoy; all manner of
comforts, luxuries, vacations, cars and

television, the world is growing dark er and darker. If people in Europe

{!an be made Christian and won from

unbelief, then America will also prof it. We }iave hoard the saying so many times, "Jf we had only sent mission aries with the Gospel there would not
iiave been war and our sons would

"My Experience With Prayer"

(As Published in the Christian Standard, a Church Paper, August 12, 1944)
There was a little New Testament

not liave to be given to the killing and disabling war machinery." Lest \ve I'orgpt let us be aggressive NOW in sending the Sword of the Spirit,
which is the Word oi: God. We must

that Mother gave to me the day I left home for a new and strange experi ence in the Army. It was an inex pensive book, but so valuable and es sential in bringing God closer to me. The Scriptures gave me the answer to many questions, and especially the

hidden danger. When I'm out in the battlefield I feel nearer to God, some

I've prayed when I felt scared of losing complete control of myself. I've been terribly scared at times
and am not afraid to admit it. I

fight greed with the Gospel, and lies with liberty in Christ Jesus. We nnist put on the sandals (if the prepar ation of peace and go by every means
with the shield of faith to resist the

works of Satan and press on to drive out the foes of righteousness. Our
lea<ler is Christ. We nuist ask our

question of prayer, which has played the greatest part in keeping me look ing ahead toward victory and peace. God's Word gives me the answers to prayer:To whom I should pray, what to pray for, where to pray, when to pray, why to pray, and last, but not least, the results of prayer.
I've been in the service nearly two years and have learned to know and

prayed when the hour of combat was being reachedmy knees trembled, my stomach turned upside down. My heavenly Father gave me the courage to overcome these fears and I gained confidence through the words of His Son, Jesus Christ: "Lo, I am wfth you always, even unto the end of the

When I turned my eyes upward I

had a sudden sense of peace and quiet

selves. "Am I following w'here he


We want to thank again and again tlu! faithful ones carrying on this great work over Radio Luxembourg. We are ai>pealing to others wlio may liave overlooked this fine opportunity to let ti)eir light shine and to publish the glad tidings by the means of radio broadcasting. Please send all contributions, offerings, memorial reniembrHnces.
etc. to

appreciate the value of prayer as the key that opens heaven's doors and brings us joys we never knew before life shadows will depart, prayer will bring Jesus into your heart. My prayers are sent up to the throne of the living God of love and mercy, a just and considerate heaven ly Father. The good Lord will answer my plea for help, if my plea is un
selfish and will glorify God.
I've read in the New Testament that

the same feeling I had while at home listening to members of the family singing "Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer," while gathered around the well-played piano on a cool summer eveninga great calm came
over me and I had no fears. God

spoke peace to my troubled soul.

Another reason why I talk with God is because I know "all things

the ones who had real power in closer communion with "the Almighty" were
those who believed that "Jesus is the

work together for good to them that love the Lord." I pray that God will keep me a man and will grant me
the wisdom, strength and courage I

GOSPEL BROADCASTING MISSION Mr. and ilrs. Walter S.Colile So. Guilford Street

Christ, the Son of the Hving God," and have accepted Him as their per sonal Saviour, f am a sinner, but by the grace of God need not pray as the one who is without hope of eternal life, for I have a claim upon God as one of His children and do not pray

need not only while I'm a soldier, but in days to come when I begin my
study for the ministry.

I'm looking forward to seeing other young men make a decision for the missionary field or the ministry, a life
of hard work devoted to Christ and

Garrett, Ind.

hoping, but knowing. 1 have no goodness in myself, but have Christ's

righteousness the moment I accept Him as my Saviour. I pray that after the war I, as a

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord say whom shall I send?" Won't you dedicate your life to Christ at this

missionary of the gospel, may aid in

introducing God to the warring na tions. I want people to become con
scious of the fact that God must be

very moment? "Put Jesus first in

your life."
Because of this article written by Merwvn H. Greene a few days before he was killed in combat, and because of its wide distribution by Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Coble, his foster par

put at the head of any post-war plans

whether in or out of the church. I

want to introduce people to a living Christ, a real Saviour, and plead for their acceptance of Him and the way
of salvation and eternal life that is

ents, the "Into All the World" Gospel Broadcasting Mission came into be

so plainly written in the most treas ured Book. I pray that the world of "tomorrow" be one in which every person has pledged his life to Christ. I take an unselfish attitude in praying for another day, for another moment, for another hour, for another minute,
for another chance to live and serve

Through prayers and the finanicial

gifts of Christian people the gospel in

air each week over Radio Luxem

song and sermon has been on the bourg, the World's most powerful station, since April 7, 1952, telling the way of salvation and the teaching and practices of the apostles in the
New Testament Church.

the King of kings, the Lord of lords,

the Prince of peace. There is no chosen place for me to


pour out my heart and soul to Him. I look to God while standing in a muddy trench with water up to my ankles, while standing guard at a lonely outpost at night. I pray to

If you would like to help in this great work of broadcasting the Gos pel write to the founders of the "Into All the World" Gospel Broadcasting











Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Coble

United States Army

Memorial Day and now you are

Gairelt Chureii of Christ. They are

the apiistles as fouml in the new testa


the parents of two children. The daughter is now Mrs. Gordon C. Cary of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and
the mother of two sons, Charles and Frank Cary. The Cobles' son, Wal
lace Lee Coble, is now a teacher of mathematics and s(!ienee in the In

Those wlio would like to know more

To be with tlie brave who vic

tories won.

about tiie Cobles as to character, faith fulness to the Cluirch and loyalty to
the Woi'd of God and the New Testa

My mind only can picture row on


Of crosses white, where French poppies still grow. The crosses entreatingly seem to

dustrial School, Adrian.


ment ilea of the Chureh of Christ, may write to any of the above addre.sses. Other ministers yon may
consult and who have often acted as

He married Ruth Smith of Defiance.

Ohio, and tliey have two daughters, Christiana Louise. 6, and C\vnthia Lee
Coble, 8 months. Wallace served sev

advisors in tlie Cobles' undertakings

in this work are as follows:

"They died that peace on earth, should eorae to stay." But one plot looks different than
the others





eral years in the Navy at two differ ent times and recently resigned his
comiiiission as a Lieutenant in the

fiance, Ohio.

Richard Burton, .Minister, Angola,


With strange flowera on it of many colors. They are paiisies, tor thoughts,
blown on the breeze

Xavy. They were charter members of the Defiance, Ohio, Church of Christ.
Mr. and ^Irs. Walter Coble have eared

Coleman Sparrow\ Michigan (.'ity,


And they came from my heart on

bended knees.

foi- displaeeil children for different periods of time and were foster par
ents of two of her brother's children.

Robert Liliie, Colorado Springs, Colo., formerly of Cedar Lake. Ind. B. W. Carrier Hessville, Hammond,

And if thoughts are pansies, my heroed one, They shall cover your grave from
sun to sun.

Mei'wyn II. Greene, now deceased, and Richard D. Greene, now married
and living in Wapakoneta, Ohio.






St., East St. Louis, Mo. Morris B. Book, Orlando, Florida,


The followHig men have been minis

ters in Churches where the Cobles

With their wistful faces they'll

come all the way And sleep with you there at the close of the day.

Richai'd jMcDole, Minister, Metz,


have held membership: Bryan, Ohio S. O. Redacre, now of Phoenix, Arizona. Bryan, Ohio John J. Jayne, de

V. Alex Bills, Co-worker, Osaka, Japan.

H. Ind. K. Schondebnever. Warren.

By (.Mrs.) Mainie Greene Coble, Merwyn H. Greene's aunt and

foster mother.

Toledo, Ohio

Thomas Martin,

... .and


others have


VanWert. Oliio G. Halleck Rowe,

This sonnet

kindly helpers in a personal way besides financially giving to the work.

The following recommendations were given by officers of the Garrett Church of Christ at the beginning of the Work and are reprinted liere for the bem^'it of those who may not have
been familiar with the w'ork from

was written on



first Decoration day following his


Garrett, Ind. Harl .\ause. de


A Short History of Gospel Broadcasting Mission and

Mr, and j\lrs. Walter S. Coble,
founders of the Into All the World

(.iarrett, hid. M. R. Willson, now DesMoines, Iowa (1305 Locust


Gospel Broadcasting Mission, are members of this congregation. Mrs.

Garrett, ind. D. G. Holman, now in Vinton, Iowa (1102 2nd. Ave.) Garrett, Ind. Price Roberts. Waynesville, Ohio. Garrett, Ind. Harold L. Dunson, Xashoba. Okla.. (Kiamichi Missions) Garrett, Ind. Lawrence Layman, ;\Iuse, Okla. (Star Route, Kiamichi
ilissions) Garrett, Ind. E. Lacy Satterfield, 119 Walnut, Evansville, Ind.) Garrett, Ind. Felix 0. Walker,

tlie beginning.

Recommendations for Mr. and Mrs. Coble




baptized at


Ohio, in 1902. Tlien in Bryan, Ohio, she was united in mar riage to Walter S. Coble of Alvord-

We, the undersigned, do hereby af firm our own faith in the integrity
and honesty of Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Coble, trustees of the Memorial Missionary Fund. We are certain
that all monies received for tlie above

ton, 0., on June 21, 1916. They began housekeeping in Toledo, where Mr.
Coble was immersed at the South Side

Church of Christ in December, 1916. They moved to Van Wert, Oliio, in June. 1917, where their daughter, Ruth Margaret, was born. They were
Tuembers of the VanWert Church of

Garrett, IndianaMany earlier ministers and evan gelists, too numerous to mention, who have held meetings or been ministers
and teachers of Alainie and Walter

Coble, such men, as Fred Thomas, Charles Reign Scoville, L. Sweeney, Taylor, Brandt, Books, Sniff, Fair-

Christ, where G. Halleck Rowe was

field, J. 0. Rose, and other great

preachers of the plea for Christian Unity, and the restoration of the Church in teaching and practices of

designated Fund will be handled properly for the preaching of the Gospel. As co-workers with Mr. Coble, Elder, we gladly sign tliis statement. Harold L. Dunson, Pastor and former U. S. .\rmy Chaplain who
served in the European Theatre. Elders, Church of Clirist. (lari-ett.
Indiana :

the minister. In April, 1919, they inoVed to Garrett, Indiana, where they
Jire members since tiiat time of tho

Cliarles Ort. Ross 11. Mann. l^aiil Orimin.

Letters Received At The Beginning

Ij. A. iMurphy.
R. I'. LaRue.

Of Ttie Gospel Broadcasting Mission ^

Garrett, Indiana April 18, 1952
To the Brethren:

Lawrence K. Laytnan, former min


We wish to further state that we

i\Iany missionaries have contributed

and thus recommend the work and

We, the elders and minister of the

First Chui'ch of Christ at Garrett.

are convinced that tlie "Gospel Broadcasting Mission" to Europe over Radio Luxembourg deserves the financial support of individuals and
churciies. that millions in the Euro

Indiana, wish to state that Mr. and

Mrs. Walter S. Coble have our com

Prof. Juan Baronia, President of Manila, Phillippine Is., Bible College, says, "I am with you 100%. You may use my name wherever you wish for

Euroj)e needs the gospel and holds a great challenge to the preaching of .\'ew Testajiu'nt Christianity. Christ ians sliould rejoice in tlie present opportunity to plant the Word in the liearts hungrj^ to have it. Shall (Jhristiaiiity in Europe build back its old barriers or shall it go forward in unity on the New Testament basis?
The eall of "Come over into Mace

plete confidence, both in their sin cerity of purpose and in handling ariglit any money intrusted to them for a given purpose. They have mer ited this confidence by their having been associated with us over a period of many years in Church work. They have always been interested in help ing and promoting all phases of
mission work that has been trne to the

pean area might have the pure New Testament Gospel, to the end that many new Churches of Christ might
he established.

Xew Testament pattern.

F. D. Walker, Minister. Willard D. Kees, Elder. L. E. Morrison, Elder. L. P. LaRue, Elder. C. A. Gearhart, Elder. Paul A. Grimm. Elder. M. A. Poper, Elder. L. A. Mnrphy. Elder.

donia and help us" is heard anew.

Who will go? ^\Tio will lielp to send'?


Dowagiae, Mich. Sept. 10, 1945. 1 count it a privilage to add my

word of recommendation for ]Mr. and

Mrs. Walter S. Coble, who are manag ing and promoting Merwyn Greene

Memorial Missionary Fund. Having

known them and been associated with







('hur(;h of Christ for seven years 1 can si>eak witli assurance. They are both honest, (;aj)able and consecrated.
They are sound in the faith and funds entrusted to tliem will be used only 1.0 promote missionary work that is true to the AVord of God. They are worthy of th(? confidence of all tliose who wisli their missionary money to


go direct to the field and to the sup port of missionaries who will preach
the gos|)el in all its fullness.

Minister Dowagiae Church of Christ.

Where Merwyn Greene held his church membership and where the Walter Coble family now holds its membership

Property of

2ARs; BlBLi; c

T 7


This letter was received from a

Methodist in Manchester, England. Dear Friends, I was very interested in your broadeast tonight and would like to take

The Book of Acts for Europe. Following are excerpts from letters
received from listeners of the Radio

gize my writings. (Type Written very good) Many greetings,

A. A.

Luxembourg program.

advantage of your kind offer to send

a Bible study framework. 1 am afraid I cannot see how you can maintain the Unity of the Church of Christ without either limiting the freedom of the individual, or widen


Dear Christian Friends, I enjoyed and would appreciate a copy of your

radio broadcast No. 62 which I heard

ing your acceptance of personal inter pretation so much that we lose our
(iirect witness.

this evening over Radio Luxembourg. Your good news came through very clearly and has a large audience in this city, both Christian and un
believers who have commented ou

Dear Sir, would you please helj) me understand my Bible (which 1 have read from beginning to end) by sending me a copy of your corres pondence course. Or failing that, let
me know how to obtain the course. 1

How can we?



J. C.

your broadcast. I send you Chris

tian greetings.
Brother F. D.

have listened to your broadcasts over Radio Luxembourg and have found them very interesting and inspiring. Yours faithfully
R. G. D.

The Gospel Broadcasting Mission.

Mr. and airs. Walter S. Coble, 208 So. Guilford St., Garrett, Indiana,
welcomes answers to the above ques
I3ear overseas brothers and sisters

tion. How would you answer this

(luery? Some of the answers received will be incorporated in the next pub
lication of "LISTEN."

in Christ. It gives me very great pleas ure to drop these few lines to let you
know that I hear the sweet Christian

radio message every Monday night over Radio Luxembourg. It is

Dear Sirs, it is indeed with great pleasure that I write this letter after once again listening to you proclaim ing the Bible truths over the vast field of Radio Luxembourg. I am sure that your ministry shall be extensively
well blessed from above in that it

Also, what is your opinion of the

slogan, ""We speak where the Bible speaks, and are silent where the Bible
is silent?"

These questions and answers are to

create interest and to cause construc

tive thinking on some subject widely discussed in the earlier days of the restoration movement in the plea for unity, taking the Bible as the only rule of faith and practice. Names of those who write will not be published
unless desired.

marvelous, wonderful! Thank God, that poor hungry souls the world over are getting the free Gospel by radio. I pray that God may bless you and give you power to go froK' strength to strength spreading the Gospel of Christ, His own beloved
Son in Whom He was well pleased.

brought the Bible truths to many as yet untouched homes. I could name
of a number whom I know who listen, as I do, regularly to your broadcast.

I would like to accept the offer of the Bible study course I am very in
terested in this Work.

1 would like for you to send me literture. Goodbye and God bless you.
Yours in Christ.
W. E. B.

I remain yours in Him.

B. W. L.

News from V. Alex Bills CRM


concerning the Radio Luxembourg:

"Bible Christian

broadcast over
Broadcast" on

Dear Friends. Listening to your

Radio Luxembourg entered its third year the first of April this year. Al most daily letters come expressing appreciation for the program and in terest in our position. Listeners have been writing from England, Scotland,
Ireland (Wales), Norway, Finland, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, France,

IMble programme on Radio Luxemliourg, 208 meters, I realize what a wonderful job you are doing. Long may you continue to bring God's mes sage to the millions. send me your leaflets and may God bless you and help you and keep yon in youigreat work of salvation.
Yours truly.
J. C.

Germany, Italy, Switzerland. By far the greatest number are. of course, in

Great Britain and Ireland. The Cobles continue to make this work







funds. There are 125 enrolled in the

"Bible Survey" course offered on Radio Luxembourg. There are gradu

ates from this course. Several have de sired to enroll in a course based otj

Yesterday night I heard a program. Who are giving it out? All these pro grams arc very good, and I often listen to them. I am 35 years old and completely blind. I have learned some Ensflish though I written it very badly, because that I beg you apolo

There are many things that are needed by ilr. and Mrs. Coble which would ligliten the work and contrib ute to the greater eft'eetualness oi'
tlieir labors and the furtherance of

large assortment of flannelgraph and

other visual aid and illustrative ma

the bi'oadea.sting of the gosi)el and can be effectively used and appreci

Money for tape or gifts of tape that is used to present programs or to

send out to churches for them to

hear the broadcast on tape. Stensils for Mimeograpli work; ink other offic(; supplies, name cards etc. A duplicafilig machine that copies hand writing would be a great blessing to
Mrs. C!oble.

terial through the years and uses them in teacliing. She and Mr. Coble will be pleased to work in camps and vacation schools that W'ish to give the missionary offerings to the cause of the Gospel Broadcasting Mission, or just to give a (."hristian Service and possiblv present the recording of the program and explain tiie work at some meeting in the church.
Please write to them concerniug

They will do this for whatever the people wish to give for the expenses of the Gospel Broadcasting Mission for promotional work of it. Anything
of a material nature or financial to

lighten the load of expenses to the greater furtherance of the broadcast ing of the gospel can be effijctively used to the glory of God and appre ciated by them. Often ],ieople find a spiritual help in giving an offering or memorial
<*ontribution of sonu* nature either

tliis so that plans (tan be made for the type oT service wanted i'l'oin them and
dates wanted early in the year. So that other speaking appointments can be arranged in accordance so as not to conflict with the special dates.

material or financial to carry on some good work. They give in the memory
of .some loved one or to commemor

ate some happy event such as a wed ding anniversary a birthday or a

successful Milestone in their life.

They would like to have an opaque projector whicli could be used effec tively in their speaking appointments and also in teacliijig in camps and
vacation schools where they go wlien

Making a special gift to a work or

cause additional to their usual Chris

invited 1o help in the Missionary teaching in such service camps and schools and in presentation of the Work of the Gospel Broadcasting Mis
sion also iji teaching classes when
needed. I\lrs. Coble has collected a

They will go to missionary areas or poorer connnunities that cannot aftord full time preaching or to places that have no regular services and hold
vacation schools and evening services.

tian contributions and offerings. We will use the following space in each
future bulletin of "Listen" if there

They can use beautiful recorded music

and doctrinal sei'mons. I\Irs. Coble will

give picture talks of Bible centered paintings and I'lannelgraph talks.

are those wlio wish to give such an offering either material or fitmncial. Some who have recently given this way are in the Plaque of i*emembrance.

Mrs. Foster Harwood $2.()()

Memory of niece, Virginia Chittenden, and her mother's


Mrs. Esther Slatter Memory of Mother Mrs. Alton Harding Birthday of grandson
Mrs. Mainie Greene Coble. Nebraska Commemorative

$2.00 $1.00

postage .stamps of "The Sower" for mailing literature

To commemorate tlie anniversary of Palmer, Nebr., church,
other families were the first members to start the congrega


and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Greene who with two
tion about 1887, which congregation has continued thru the the 3'ears. Mrs. Coble was born in Nebraska. Walter Coble Stamps for mailing $35.00 Commemorating AVedding anniversary, 37th June 21, 1916.


^ ^ Dear Christian Friend I have

remember you in our prayers at home God you all.

J. R. G.

received your lessons which are most instructive and helpful I live with my father who is 84 years old and blind. We have spent many hours over these lessons and have passed them on to one or two people, includ ing a pastor who is going to write to you. My father asks you if you will remember him in your prayers as he does remember you. Thanking you,
Mrs. E. G.
Northern Ireland

England Dear Sir I heard your program on Radio Luxembourg and was

very intere.sted. I hope to become a

Dear brother in Christ. I am a nurse I would like to

priest in the Church of England. (I

have at least 6 years at school and university before my hopes will be fulfilled since I am now only 16) So any advertisement of Christianity and the Bible is especially interesting to me. I would be grateful if you will send me your Bible reading notes. Mav God bless vou and your work
J. S.

thank you for the literature which you sent me. I would like to do your correspondence course Praying that God will bless your ministry
and that souls will be saved.

Christian Greeting B. H.
North Wales

Dear Pastor Bills, I appreciate so much listening to your program I am carefully reading your literature and lending it to interested friends. You are doing
a wonderful work and I trust that

Dear Sir I should be grateful if you would send me your correspond

ence course Best wishes God bless

Dear Sir

your work and you guard you and give you health to continue. Yours sincerely. W. G. C.

I am the leader of a youth group It is a real joy to know such a sound programme is heard each week by many outside of Christ. Unfortun ately so many false prophets can be
heard on Radio L. Our o\ati group

clear messages and loyalty to the Cln'istian way rather than to the
sectarian outlook will start a new revival of New Te.stament Chris

Dear Sir While listening to the wireless I am apt to hear Radio Lux

hear the same gospel, those who are

converted have asked for sound Bible

tianity. This letter is just a reminder

that I shall continue to listen in on

III ^ ' and recruit new members.

every opportunity. Also I shall encourage my friends to "listen" How good it is to hear the Gospel messages with quotations from Scrip ture so sadly lacking in modern day preaching. God bless you and your mighty venture for Christ and Mis kingdom.
W. T. E. C.

embourg. I listened and saw a bit of sense to it. I am not a Christian though brought up to be one. I had thrown it to one side years ago. But would like to receive any information con cerning your belief. If you care to forward it. I don't promise to take up the faith again neither do I count myself what you term a sinner
But one never knows what might

teaching. Please forward vour lessons

F.B. Dear Brother I wish to write

and say how much I enjoy your broad cast messages, and I should be happy
if you would let me have your mes

sages ... And any other helpful ma terial in the study of the Bible. May
God bless vou in vour work for him.
H. D. France

happen. Yours sincerely; W. . J.


Christian Friend

Dear Christian Friends ... I've heard

How I look forward to listening to

England Dear Brother Have heard your broadcast I write to assure you that you are remembered in prayer, that this Radio Ministry may be used more and more to His glory. Yours in the light of His coming
F. H. G.



program over


Luxembourg. Gathered around our radio at "supper break" are myself and the other night staff. How we do enjoy your programs and are helped so very much by the weekly message of faith. Keep the good work up our prayers are with you. Please send rno your Bible lessons.
Yours in His service, D. S.

your gospel programme coming from Luxembourg, and was blessed by it ... May I learn more of the work ? ... I am heartily interested in lost souls anywhere. For 7 mo. we were preaching the gospel in Jugoslavia and many souls accepted the Lord. It was something unusual. I am doing missionary work among the East Europeans An independent faith
work. Yours in the Master's blessed service K. V. H.
North Ireland

England Dear Pastor V. A. Bills, "What a joy and peace I get from your sermons on Radio Luxembourg. T have not missed any of your ser vices for 12 months now, for I am always looking forward to you on .Monday night for 1 would not miss any of them T am learing a lot from you and it is through you, I must say, that has made me read my Bible
more than I ever did before, for I dare

Dear Friend,

I pray God will bless those generous

folks who make it possible for you

to send your helpful literature abroad. Do please put me on your regular mailing list for sermons. God has given me some wonderful thoughts to go to speak for Him in some place each week. It is very encouragins to
hear from Christian friends in other lands. B, IT.

not go to bed on a night time before I read m.v Bible and pray We shall

Dear Sir We listened into your broadcast last night and enjoyed it very much. We don't get much gos pel from our BBC., so we enjoy listen ing to Radio Luxembourg. We would be pleased to hear more about the Christian Radio Mission. !May God bless you and the message as you speak for over the air. Yours
in Christ Jesus Mrs. J. C.


to hear and understand the good


bourg in Europe and 1 would be very pleased if you would enroll me in

your Bible study course. Tliank vou very much
J, L,

Dear Friends 1 listened to your

Yours sincerely,
J, F.

programme on Monday night and was so impressed I was compelled to write these few lines of appreciation of the splendid work you are doing to bring people close to the Lord- I think a great many people are impressed by your programmes on Radio Luxem bourg, Keep up the splendid work and if I can help in anyway please let
me know.

P, S. Could you send 2 copies? I can then send a copy to my wife. J. F.

Scotland Dear Sir


Dear Sir, I am only eleven years old and I listen every Monday night to

your programme on the wireless and like it very much. And I am very in
terested in it. So if you have any
Christian books for me to read I would

I have several niglits been listening to your broadcasts on Radio Luxem bourg. I can hear the transmission very good, and it is very interesting. I should be very glad to receive book

Yours faithfully
One of Yourselves

Bedfordshire Camp Dear Friends I listened to your

like them very much. I will now close hoping to hear from you. Yours truly,
Master D. P.

Yours Sincerelv,
B. E.


Dear Sir 1 heard your broadcast

programme again last night. I found your works very helpful. "Would you please send me a copj"^ of your Bible Study course, because T am anxious

Glasgow, Scotland
Dear Sir I am a regular listener
to vour over Radio Luxem

last night and got interested ,., I shall be glad to receive Bible course I heard
about. Please send it. W. L.


You ore urged to be o "WAVE HOLDER" by your prayers and offerings to broadcast the gospel over the area shown on the above map by Radio Luxem bourg and such additional stations as may be used to broadcast the gospel message by the Gospel Broadcasting Mission. Add the power of prayer to the broodcost, which is on the air every Monday at 4 p. m. C. S. T. for the restoration of the church
described in the New Testament.


208 S. Guilford St.

Gorrett, Indiana


The following verses "What Mean Ye by These Stones?" was written by Mrs. Coble for a Memorial celebration in their
home church.

It is printed here because of the Bible references made in it concerning some of the memorials mentioned in the Bible.
Some may find the verses also helpful to use on some similar ocassion and change to suit the occasion.
There is meaning in all the acts of God
And all of His works He wants remembered.

How Moses led His people by the rod

When all of Israel had assembled.

The faith we find here does not simply happen. It's built up by love, hope and godly fear, Lest some might perish without salvation
Who counted not their own life too dear. Because Brethren loved the Saviour so much

God's strength was enough for His people then, By a cloud all day long they were shielded. At night a pillar of fire did attend; By strange ways God's power was weilded.
He said, "Remember the day you left Egypt After years of bondage and many of trial. Keep that day in memory and think of it" The people assented without denial.
When they came to the Land of Canaan They told their children on that day each year
How God led them out and all that was done

They wanted others alsp to know, And so they built this lovely church To preach forth the Word and in grace to grow.
Don't let these stones fall down and crumble.

Renew with strengthening cause each year. Wait on the Lord in fear, joy and trouble. Expound here the Gospel and make the way clear.

In giving them food to eat, without fear.

Souls that you win here will brighten your crown. It may shine as the firmament on high. You will joyfully lay your burdens down. For to gain new life we all must die. God took your fathers safe through the water. Through the walls piled high on each .side. But their ark of safety followed after; In that blessed hope they did abide.
These are the stones beside that stream

The best of the flock they gave to the Lord So when the son asked, "What is this you do"? They said, "My son, 'tis command of His Word". "Recall to your minds what God did for you." All through His word memorials are found.
Twelve stones in and near Jordan river

to show their sons how they walked on dry ground; That the presence of God can deliver.
The and God And Bible is full of "Remember these things'", "Remember the time and the place." knows the lessons remembering brings what forgetting too much can efface.

Carried here by the mercies of God, Where children of those may now convene
And walk where those saints have trod.

What meaneth these stones? My son, I'll tell you. They mean you never m ust forget The efforts made, that the Word, ever new. Be spoken here truly, without regret.
So bind these words upon your forehead. Keep them ever active in your heart. That after all the forefathers are dead, God's message from here you will impart.
Just to be assured that in the future

He gave the Lord's supper to remember Him by. His body given upon the cruel tree. His blood shed for us; in suffering to die. His coming again to meet you and me. We can eat it in remembrance loday As we sit in our comfortable pew. Often not thinking of years passed away. How it can be observed here by you. It's the result of work of many now gone; Of others growing old with the years.
Who loved Christ so much and wanted it done.

You, their children, will carry on.

That the true and Christian nurtures Will be handed on from father to son.

So they labored through hardship and tears.

This will be a happy contemplation When at last they near the throne. That there will be those bringing to completion The rich harvest, for the good seed sown. So pass on the torch and keep it burning. Still brighter may it beam and far.

We see very few from that first gathering. Be kind to them; offer comfort and cheer. Others are here with footsteps now lagging
Who followed close to the first One we hold dear.

Until all lands its light discerning.

Will know God because of this beacon star.

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