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Dictionary of engineering

Arithmetical: The arithmetic is the most ancient (former) and

elementary branch of the mathematics, used in almost the
whole world, in daily tasks as(like) counting and in the most
advanced scientific calculations.

Algebra: The algebra is the branch of the mathematics that

studies the structures, the relations and the quantities.

Administration: It is the planeación, organization, direction

(address) and control of the resources to achieve a short-term
aim (lens).

Analysis: It is the branch of the mathematics that takes

charge designing alges la rama de las matemáticas
Angle: It is named an angle to
the geometric figure shaped by
two lines that depart from a
common point. It is the part of the
plane understood (included)
between (among) two half-lines that have the same origin.

Benefit: it means profit and advantage

Balance: Scale, balance
Calculation: In general the
term (end) calculation refers, indistinctly, to the action (share)
or the result corresponding to the action (share) to calculate.

Calculator: A calculator is a device that is in use for realizing

arithmetical calculations.

Career: Set of academic courses (years) that one must

complete to be able to obtain a profession.

Cipher: Sign or character that it represents to a number.

Circle: It is the geometric place of the points of the plane

which distance to another fixed point, called center, is minor or
like the length of the radius.

Circuit: It is a series of electric or electronic parts

interconnected across drivers in one or more closed curls.
Descriptive: It is a set of technologies(skills) of geometric
character that allows to represent the three-dimensional space
on a two-dimensional surface

Derivatives:of a function in a point represents the value of the

slope of the tangent straight line in the above mentioned point.

Action(Share) and effect of developing or to develop.
Progressive evolution of an economy towards better standards
of living.
Design: It is defined as the previous process of mental
configuration "pre-imagination" in the search of a solution in
any field.

Digitalidad: Process of digitalization

Division: The division is an arithmetical operation of

decomposition that consists of verifying how many times a
number (the divisor) is contained in another number (the
Ethics: It takes the morality as an object of study and the
action(share) humanizes

Energy: This one related to the idea of an aptitude to act, to

transform or put in movement

Electronic: It is the branch of the physics, and fundamentally

a specialization of the engineering, which studies and uses
systems which functioning is based on the conduction(driving)
and the control of the microscopic flow of the electrons or
other particles loaded electrically.
Equation: It is an equality between(among) two algebraic
expressions, which members of the equation name.

Electricity: It is a physical phenomenon which origin they are

the electrical loads(charges) and which energy demonstrates
in mechanical, thermal, luminous and chemical phenomena,
between(among) others
Engineering: It is the profession that applies knowledge and
experiences in order that by means of designs, models and
technologies (skills) solve problems that affect the humanity.

Engineer: The persons who devote themselves to the

Engineering receive the engineers' name. The term(end)
engineer derives from the Italian builders of " Ingenuities

Forces: The force can be defined as a vectorial magnitude

capable of deforming the bodies (static effect), modifying
his(her,your) speed or conquering his(her,your) inertia and to
put them in movement if they were immobile.

Functions: It is the term(end) used to indicate the relation or

correspondence between(among) two or more quantities.
Geophysical: It is the science that one entrusts of the study
of the Earth from the point of view of the Physics.

Geometry: is a branch of the mathematics that deals with the

properties of the space, since they are: points, straight lines,
planes, polygons(zones), polyhedrons, curves, surfaces, etc.

Geology: It is the science that studies the interior form of the

globe, the matter that composes it, his(her,your) mechanism of

Geodesta: Dedicated professionally to this science

Humanity: The human behavior.

Hydroelectric: Of the energy obtained by power or

hydraulic relative to it
Hydraulic:. It is a branch of the physics and the
engineering that one entrusts of the study of the
mechanical properties of the fluids

Invention: Technology (Skill) or I try which (who)

possesses new characteristics.
Industry: It is the set of processes and activities that
have as purpose transform the raw materials
(commodities) into elaborated products, of massive form.

Investigation: It is the search of knowledge or of

solutions to problems of scientific character and culture

Integrals: It is a sum of infinite addends, infinitely small.

Knowledge: The contents known or acquaintances that form

a part of the cultural patrimony of the Humanity

Mathematical: To the study of the properties and the

relations of abstract entities (numbers, geometric figures) from
exact radix numerations and across the logical reasoning.
Mechanics: It is the branch of the physics that describes the
movement of the bodies, and his(her,your) evolution in the
time, under the action(share) of forces

Model Mathematician: It is one of the types of scientific

models, that ituses some type of mathematical formulism to
express relations, substantive (substantival) propositions of
facts, changeable, etc.

Multiplication: It is an arithmetical operation of composition

that consists of adding repeatedly the first quantity so often
like the second one indicates

Matter: It is the term(end) to refer to the constituent ones of

the material objective reality,

Mathematician :One presents whose(which) primary area of

study and investigation(research) is the mathematics

Machinery: To the set of machines that are applied for the

same end(purpose) and to the mechanism that gives
movement to a device.
Ladyship: It is the set of excellent practices in the
management of an organization and the achievement of
results based on fundamental concepts.

Logarithm: It is a mathematical inverse function of the

exponential function.

Logic: It is a formal science and a branch of the

philosophy that studies the beginning of the
demonstration (proof) and valid inference.

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