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The Integument System

Structures and functons of integument Derivatives of integument Embryonic Development of vertebrate integument Phylogeny of vertrabate integument

Integument (Skin)
largest body organ 15% of the BW

largest derivative of ectoderm single layer ectoderm basal layer (stratum germinativum) and periderm other layers avascular



produces mucus to moisten skin fishes and amphibians: prevents bacterial infection and drying keratinized in terrestrial vertebrates prevent drying and abrasion

Feathers Hair Nails Baleen

Modifications of Epidermis


Hooves Claws


from dermatome consist of: connective tissue chromatophores blood vessels nerves

amphioxus: fibers arranged into alternating plies *prevent skin from sagging

sharks: fibers lies at angles to each other *stretching w/o wrinkling *water flows w/o turbulence

aquatic vert: plies forming the stratum compactum

terrestrial vert: less plies; less obvious stratum compactum

Scales Osteoderm

Epidermis-Dermis Interaction
fate of the epidermis and dermis is closely linked in absence of one, the other cant produce the specialized structures

Modifications of Dermis

Dermal bones


Fxn of the Integument

boundary exoskeleton resist mechanical injury prevents entry of pathogens osmotic regulation and gas exchange

gathers heat and release excess heat holds feathers, hair and horns protect from UV display bright color for courtship


non-keratinized, except: teeth lining of lampreys jaw coverings of minnows belly skin of semiterrestrial fish

covered with mucus (mucous coat, mucous cuticle) protection against pathogens laminar flow of water slippery; escape from predators w/ toxic substance w/ microridges


2 types of cells in fish epidermis epidermal cells unicellular glands

Types of unicellular gland 1. club cell w/ chemical alarm substance mucus secretion 2. granular cell mucus secretion
Section of minnows epidermis

3. goblet cells mucus secretion absent in lampreys present in chon. and oste. fishes 4. sacciform cells w/ toxic substance against enemies
Section of salmon epidermis

Dermis has collagen fibers: organized into plies spiral around into body allow skin to bend w/o wrinkling has elastic properties Dermis dermal bones dermal scales* *coated w/ enamel; with dentin

Ostracoderm and Placoderm

bony plates of dermal armor


Hagfishes and Lampreys

Dermal bones absent Smooth skin No scales w/ unicellular glands

Thread cells and slime glands (lampreys)

dermal bone absent placoid scale (surface denticles) *reduce frictional drag w/ secretory cells chromatophores in dermis and epidermis

fibers lies at angles to each other *stretching w/o wrinkling *water flows w/o turbulence

Bony fishes
2 layer of dermis *superficial: loose *deeper: fibrous chromatophores in dermis dermal scale do not pierce the epidermis

Types of scales in bony fishes 1. Cosmoid scales 2. Ganoid scales 3. Cycloid scales 4. Ctenoid scales


keratinized multicellular glands

skin specialized for gas exchange Dermal scales: as vesitge in caecilians absent in urodelles and salientia

* *

thinner stratum corneum in adults develop nuptial pads during breeding season

section of amphibian larva skin

*prevents entry of pathogens; loss in adults *distinct layer in adults


2 multicellular glands located in dermis and open through a duct: 1. mucous gland 2. poison gland chromatophores in epidermis and dermis capillary bed at lower of epidermis

keratinized epidermal scales some scales supported by dermal bones (osteoderms)

Fibrous connective tissue (dermis) 3 epidermal layers: s. basale, s. granulosum, s. corneum Molting/ecdysis

Femoral glands

Scent glands
- for reproduction and discouraging predator - open into cloaca and on the margin of lower jaws (alligators) - produce pungent odor (turtles)


Feathers homologous to reptilian scale Legs and feet with epidermal scales

Types of Bird Scales

1. reticulate: radially symmetrical scales ; foot pads 2. Scutate: large, rectangular; anterior metatarsal and dorsal part of toes 3. Scutella: rectangular but smaller than scutate; lateral to scutate

dermis is highly vascularized esp. feather follicles brood patch

epidermis w/ a transition layer


few glands uropygial gland (tail) : secrete lipid for preening salt gland (base): secrete excess salt

Feathers nonvascular and nonnervous integument product laid out along pterylae replaced yearly with pigments

Flight feathers Long rachis assymetrical vanes remiges (wings) rectrices (tail) Flight Insulation

Contour feathers Pennaceous symmetrical vanes flight


Down feathers plumulaceous lack rachis no interlocking barbs thermal insulation

Filoplume long rachis vanes at distal end display, courtship

Epidermis keratinized continually exfoliating

Cells in the epidermis Keratinocytes secretes keratin Langerhans cells cell mediated action of immune system Merkel cell mechanoreceptors Chromatophores secrete melanin



Dermis double-layered occupied by blood vessel, nerves, muscles produce dermal bones skull and pectoral girdle rarely dermal scales (e.g armadillo) w/ elastic fibers

Hair slender, keratinous filaments produced by hair follicle localized and intermittent keratinization chromatophores in the follicle w/ arrector pili



guard hairs and underfur for insulation aq. mammals: reduced guard hairs; absent underfur

w/ grain; laid out in a particular dir.

- specialized hair: vibrassae

- specialized hair: quills

Glands secretion of substances 3 types: sebaceous glands eccrine glands apocrine glands



Sebaceous gland
oily secretion (sebum( released into hair follicles condition and waterproof hair absent in palms and soles may present w/o hair (lips, penis and vagina for lubrication of skin surface) Wax glands and meibomian glands

Eccrine gland
thin watery secretions not associated w/ hair follicles fxn before puberty innervated by cholinergic nerves found in soles, palms, tails and etc* sweat gland in humans for heat dissipation/ waste elimation



Apocrine gland
Viscous, lipid-containing secretion Associated w/ hair follicle Fxn at puberty innervated by adrenergic nerves Scent glands, Sweat glands (horses) and mammary glands

Scent glands
for social communication Mark territory Identify individual Communicate during courtship

Mammary glands
produce milk # of glands varies w/ species lactation Fxnl in females



axillary, thoracic, abdominal and inguinal teats (carnivores, pigs, rodents) thoracic and axillary (insectivores and lemurs) armpits (flying lemurs and marmosets) thoracic (primates)

Other derivatives of integument



enamel (ameloblasts enamel organ epidermis) dentin (odontoblasts dermal papilla dental mesenchyme cranial neural crest cells)


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