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F3 tutor ['tju:t] n., v., , comprehensive [kmpri'hensiv] adj., , , concise [kn'sais] adj., content ['kntent,kn'tent] n. , , adj. , vt. ...

t. ... , ... syllabus ['silbs] n., : `Hamlet' is on this year's English literature syllabus. terminology [t:mi'nldi] n., presentation [prezen'tein] n., , , , [] : This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions. She needs to improve her presentation of the arguments. We went to the premiere of their new presentation. context ['kntekst] n., , financial reporting

Distinguish between the objectives of financial reporting and the reporting according to the Internal Revenue Code.


Furthermore, United States is also putting in great efforts to improve the financial reporting system for corporations, including more rigid duties to corporations, and is also strengthening the independence of the accountancy system. ,,,

Practically every company will have to move away from today's obsession with looking ahead only as far as the next financial reporting period. ,

One of the duties of the SEC is to supervise financial reporting by companies whose shares are traded on the stock market.

My. Sidgmore has tried to distance himself from WorldCom's false financial reporting.

"In financial reporting, reading numbers is looking for the plot, the story. The story of where the cash is flowing. " ,,

For financial reporting purposes, gains and losses on routine trade-ins are recorded in the accounting records whenever the transaction also involves the payment of a significant amount of cash (or the creation of debt). ,( )

For example, easily attainable standards established to supply "reasonable"costs for financial reporting do not provide acceptable measures for managerial cost control purpose. ,

The financial reporting of activities related to the performance of the quality management system and product conformity should be used in management reviews.

The Audit Committee has reviewed with management the accounting policies adopted by the Group and discussed auditing, internal control and financial reporting matters. ,

financial statements [] ,

External users of financial statements can use the footnotes to the financial statements to help their understanding of financial statements.

The footnotes to the financial statements are used to present some additional information about items included in the financial statements and to present additional financial information. ,

Moreover, the users of financial statements should also pay more attention to the accompanying footnotes of financial statements. ,

When analyzing financial statements during a certain period, a comparison between the financial statements in the analytical period and that in early periods is very important. ,

These explanatory footnotes provide additional information about certain items and dollar amounts in the financial statements. They are considered as an important integral part of the financial statements.

In past years, many small companies used the income statement approach in preparing monthly financial statements, but used the balance sheet method in annual financial statements. ,,

"The company does not make public its financial condition as required by the regulations, or its financial statements contain false statements" ,

If in his opinion the financial statements are so misleading that they are not able to fairly present the company's year-end financial position, the performance and financial position changes for the year, he should issue a disclaimer. , ,

An auto financing company shall not provide false financial statements, or statements in which important facts are concealed.


The main parts of footnotes to statements are accounting policies, contingent liabilities, subsequent events, important activities in the past and the future, significant increase or decrease in items of the financial statements and others.

qualitative ['kwlittiv] adj., , characteristics [krikt'ristik] n., , characteristic fundamental [fnd'mentl] adj., , n., bases ['beisi:z] base basis base base [beis] n.;;() vt.(on) basis [beisis] n. equation [i'kwein] n., ,,

accounting equation

Fundamental accounting equation


The two sides of the accounting equation must be equal.

These three basic elements, assets, liability and capital, are connected by a fundamental relationship called balance sheet equation, sometimes called simply the accounting equation. ,

The relationship between the accounting elements can be expressed in a simple mathematical form known as the accounting equation: Assets=Equity= Liabilities + Owner's Equity ,:== +

accounting ['kaunti] n.

A: In the first acdemic year, We learned Principles of Accounting, and in the following years we learned Cost Accounting, Commercial Accounting, Industrial Accounting and Management Accounting. ,,

Since triple-entry accounting has caught more and more public attention, single-entry accounting, double-entry accounting and triple-entry accounting, which are based on relative geometry patterns, constitute the basic concepts of accounting theory. , ,

Accounting includes not only the maintenance of accounting records, but also the design of efficient accounting systems, the planning of income tax, and the interpretation of accounting information.


Major duty: work out accounting statement; deal with accounting voucher; deal with accounting settlement monthly and yearly; insure the correctness of all financial records; deal with all capital accounting and organize inventory checking. :;;;;

Article10. Accounting documents, account books, accounting statements and other accounting information shall be authentic, accurate and complete and shall conform to the provisions of the accounting system. ,

This paper discusses about the application of the wariness principle in modern accounting work the necessity of adopting wariness accounting principle in the new accounting system from the angle of accounting structure. , ,

Fuzzy accounting regards clear business as fuzzy accounting, while fuzzy accounting regards fuzzy business as clear accounting. ,;,

A joint venture using a foreign currency as its standard accounting currency shall, in addition to drawing up its accounting statements in that foreign currency, draw up separate accounting statements expressing its accounts in their Renminbi equivalents.


The field of accountants' work is divided into three broad areas: public accounting, accounting for private businesses, and accounting for governments and nonprofit organizations. :

Accounting may basically be divided into financial accounting and management accounting since the latter has been developing and forming since 1950s. 20 50 ,

transaction [trn'zkn] n., , , transactions: ,

The process of recording transactions in journals usually follows these five steps.

Bookkeeping means the recording of transactions, the recording-making phase of accounting. ,

Note that the inventory account under a perpetual system is increased by purchases and decreased by the cost of goods sold, purchases returns and allowances, and discounts. :,

Cash Payments for Purchases= Net Purchases + Decrease in Accounts Payable or Increase in Accounts Payable =+-

That is to say, cash receipts from sales include the cash sales in the current period and the collections of accounts receivable which are resulted from the credit sales in the previous period. ,

inventory ['invntri] n., () vt.()

Beginning inventory;initial stock;initial inventory;opening stock;opening inventory ()

non-current assets accrual ['kru:l] n., adj.

The essay sets forth the main content of accrual basis, analyses accrual basis' negative impact on the quality of accounting information, and puts forward the accounting postulate on which accrual basis depends coming into shaking in the network era. ,,

Accrual expense

The income statement discloses revenues, expenses and net income on the accrual basis. ()

deposits and prepayments

prepayment [pri:'peimnt] n. : No further discount will be given for prepayment of invoice.

receivables [ri'sivblz] n. () receivable [ri'si:vbl] adj., n.()receivables: payable ['peibl] adj.,

receivables and payables

inter-company receivables and payables

intra-group receivables and payables

provision [pr'vin] n., ,, , , vt. ... contingency [kn'tindnsi] n., capital ['kpitl] n., , , [] adj., , , , ,

active capital; circulating capital; current capital; working capital; quick capital

capital structure

Financing structure includes capital structure, equity structure and debt structure.

finance costs

Trial Balance

Beginning Balance;initial Balance;opening Balance ()

consolidated Balance sheet;aggregate Balance sheet;amalgamated Balance sheet

suspense [ssp'ens] n. , , suspense account n. reconciliation [reknsili'ein] n., n.[] bank reconciliation

Steps in preparing a bank reconciliation. The following procedures have to be gone through for preparing a bank reconciliation.

Bank reconciliation statement

A bank reconciliation is a schedule explaining any difference between the balance shown in the bank statement and the balance shown in the depositor's accounting records.

partnership ['p:tnip] n., , n.()() partnership accounts <> incomplete [inkm'pli:t] adj. , incomplete records

multiple ['mltipl] adj., n., index ['indeks] n., , () v., underlying [nd'laii] adj., , , , <> underlie principle ['prinspl] n., , , concept ['knsept] n., , proficiency [pr'finsi] n., technical ['teknikl] adj., , technique [tek'ni:k] n., , capability [keip'biliti] n., , , completion [km'pli:n] n., demonstrate ['demnstreit] vt., , vi. vt. vi.() double entry n.

Enter the transaction in the journal based on the double-entry accounting, including a brief explanation for the journal entry. The debit side of the entry is entered first and the credit side next.


A book of original entry in a double-entry system, listing all transactions and indicating the accounts to which they belong. ,,

bookkeeping by double entry

accounting system , ,

Article10. Accounting documents, account books, accounting statements and other accounting information shall be authentic, accurate and complete and shall conform to the provisions of the accounting system. ,

The accounting system of the enterprises needs to be brought into conformity with international accounting practice.

incorporated [in'k:preitid] adj. , vt. , , vi. , entity ['entiti] n., , unincorporated ['nin'k:preitid] adj. , , rationale [rn:l] n. candidate ['kndidit] n., reference ['refrns]

n., , , , v., concentrate ['knsentreit] v., , n. concentrate on , in depth event [i'vent] n., ,

cover ['kv] n., , , v., , , objective [b'dektiv] adj., , n., , [], [] objectives n., objective stakeholder ['steikhuld] n., element ['elimnt] n., , , () n.[ pl.] regulatory ['regjultri] adj., , framework ['freimw:k] n., , alternative [:l't:ntiv] adj., , n.,

maintenance [meintinns] n. accounting records [] () source [s:s] n., , v.... ledger ['led] n., ledger accounts prime [praim] adj., , n., , n.[] vt., vi. prime entry journal ['d:nl] n., , technology [tek'nldi] n., , intangible [in'tndbl] adj., n.

For accounting treatment, assets are normally divided into cur- rent assets, long-term investments, fixed assets, intangible as- sets, deferred assets and other assets. ,,,,

depreciation [dipri:i'ein] n., ,

assess ['ses] v., , computational [kmpju'teinl] adj.,

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