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Ambassador of Epic Dimensions: Prof. Rasik Vihari Joshi | Prof. Heme...


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( The age ofsagesandRishisisnotoveryet.Ifone looksaroundandtriestondout,the richtradition of seless learning and scholarship continues in various forms. From President Abdul Kalam to Baba Amte and Mahashweta Devi the tradition lives in all its glory which would make every Indian proud. One suchluminaryinthe annalsofIndianliterature andIndologyisProf.RasikVihariJoshi,acreator of fteen epics in Sanskrit and a scholar of ten dierent languages of the world including Ancient Greek,Latin,Spanish,French,EnglishandSanskrit.AresidentofBeawerinRajasthan,ProfessorJoshi isworkingasaprofessorofSanskritandComparative Literature inEL Colegiode Mexico,Mexico.At the age of 83, he is the only Professor for whom the University has waived the rules of the age of superannuation. Recently, in the month of December, 2010 on the occasion of the completion of 70 yearsofColegiodeMexico,thePresidentofMexicoawardedhimaGoldMedaltohonourhim. Dr.RasikVihari Joshi,the eldest son of Late Prof. Ram Pratap Shastri of Beawer was born on Sep.12, 1927. He says that his father was his Guru who initiated him into scholarship and meditation. Prof. Ram Pratap Shastri was a seer whom Dr. Rasik Vihari Joshi describes as Trikaaldarshi. He was a professor of Sanskrit at Nagpur. After getting early education in Beawer, Rasik Vihari ji went to Banaras from where he obtained the degrees of Shastri and Doctor of Philosophy in Sanskrit. He earned the IndoFrench scholarship grant and went to Paris, France and obtained his D.Litt. from Sorbonne University. In France he learnt French, Latin and Ancient Greek. He wrote his thesis for D.Litt.inFrench.HisvisittoFrancegavehimtheopportunitytocomeincontactwitheminentscholars like Prof.LouisRenou,Prof.Lacombe andProf.Filliozat.Theywantedhimtocontinue toserve inthe University but he decided to come back to India where he was appointed directly as an Associate Professorinthe departmentofSanskrit in1957.The fragrance ofhisscholarshipandacumentowork
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Ambassador of Epic Dimensions: Prof. Rasik Vihari Joshi | Prof. Heme...

withnovelideasspreadsoon. Prof. Joshi came to Udaipur in December 2010. His sister lives in Udaipur who herself is a scholar of SanskritwithaPh.D.earnedunderthe supervisionofanothereminentSanskritscholarlate Pdt.Ram Chandra Dwivedi. Meeting Prof. Joshi is in itself a spiritual experience which would make anyone humble in the presence of such a great scholar who is so aectionate, pious and soft hearted. A believerinthe principle ofSimple livingandhighthinkingProf.Joshilivesallalone inMexico,cooks hisown pure vegetarianfood anddevotessix to eight hours dailytoreadingand writing. He teaches Post Graduate and research students for which he has to travel for an hour in Metro and bus. He engagesthree hoursclassestwice aweekandguidesthe studentsofhisinstitution,givesseminarsand goesforlecturesinotheruniversitiesaswell.He believesthatmeditationhelpsincontrollingthe mind whichinturncontrolsthebody. His immensely striking career includes an assignment as a founder expert member for the establishment of Tirupati Sanskrit University for which he was chosen by the Ministry of Education, Government of India in 1961 for a term of ve years. In 1964 he was invited by the Government of Czechoslovakia,PolandandHungrytoreorganise departmentsofSanskritinthe Universitiesofthese countries. After the death of Dr. Lasney, he went to Czechoslovakia as a visiting Professor and deliveredaseriesoflecturesinPrague,WarsawandBudapest.There hewasawardedagoldmedalfor hiscontributiontoSanskritlanguageandliterature. In1965he became ProfessorandHead,DepartmentofSanskrit,UniversityofDelhi.The sameyearhe was invited to Thailand and Combodia where he delivered a series of lectures on Indian Philosophy and Metaphysics. He was invited by Ecole Francaise Extreme Orient, Paris to organise research projectsregardingAnkorWatTemple Groups.InCombodiahe wasaccompaniedbyProf.Barotand Prof.Demainwhohave beenrecognisedasgreatscholarsofIndologyofthe century.In1968he went toColumbiaUniversity,USAasavisitingProfessor. While inDelhiProf.RasikVihariJoshicame incontactwiththe NobelLaureate OctavioPaz,the then ambassadorofMexicoinIndia.Hiswife wasaFrenchlady.Since Prof.Joshihaddone hisD.Litt.from France and wielded a good command over French, they became friends. He was invited to Mexico in 1969asavisiting Professor.Onhisreturn he wasinvited by Prof. V. V.Johnthe thenVice Chancellor ofJodhpurUniversitytoworkasProfessorandHead,DepartmentofSanskrit.Prof.Johnhadthe eye for selecting eminent scholars for the university. He invited Agyeya and Dr. Namvar Singh in Hindi department as well. He accepted this oer because his mother, who had grown very old, stayed at Beawer. After the passing away of his mother, he was again invited to University of Delhi where he servedasProfessorandHeadforsixteenyears. All this while Joshiji kept his literary creativity going on which owered into numerous works of poetry,translationandeditingofclassicaltexts.HispoeticworkKaruna Kataksha Lahariwonhimthree awards from Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh Sanskrit Akadamies in 1979. The same year he was invitedbyUNESCOasavisitingProfessorofIndologyforaperiodoffouryearswhere he prepareda long term project of one hundred volumes to translate with introduction and critical notes basic texts ofSanskritandPaliintoSpanishlanguage.HewasappointedDirectorGeneralofthisProject. On completion of the term he returned to India. The Government of India oered him to be the DirectorofRashtriyaSanskritSansthanbuthe declineddue tosome personalreasons.The then education Minister of the Government of India insisted. Finally he accepted the oer. He was nominated as the President of the delegation to participate in the International Congress of the Orientalists at Vienna. Dr. Joshi presented his paper on The origin and Development of Swastik which was widely acclaimed. In 1981 he was awarded Uttar Pradesh Sahitya Akadami award for his epic Mohbhangam published by the University of Jodhpur. In 1984 he was again nominated as a member of the ocial delegation of the Government of India to attend the International Congress of
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Ambassador of Epic Dimensions: Prof. Rasik Vihari Joshi | Prof. Heme...

the Orientalists at Philadelphia, U.S.A. In 1986 a felicitation volume was published in his honour in which authors from all over the world contributed. In 1987 he was awarded lifelong Certicate of honourbythe PresidentofIndia.In1994hewasagaininvitedtoMexicoasaProfessorofSanskritand Philosophywhere he isstillworking.In1996he wasawardedSahityaAkadamiAwardforhisSanskrit Kavya Radha Panchshati. The list of honours and felicitations is almost unending. In 2000 he was awardedBirlaFoundationAwardforbest Sanskrit poetryandin2001DalmiaAwardforbest Sanskrit poetry. The special feature of the creative strength of Prof. Joshi is his ability to compose with equal ease in Hindi,Sanskrit,French,SpanishandLatin.He haspublishedbooksandarticlesinallthese languages in USA, Europe and India. He has composed fteen epics in Sanskrit and edited with translation, introductionandcriticalnotesscoresofothers.Inallhehaspublishedthirtyeightbooksandhundreds of scholarly articles world over. Some of his major works are SatyamThe Eternal Truth, Radha Panchshati, Upasana Cintamani (A book in eight volumes consisting of 400pages), Swarnamala An Encyclopaedia in four volumes, Bhakti Mimansa in four volumes, Shivlinga Rahasya, an epic Ram Pratapcaritam intwo volumes,Yogsutra Patanjali (InSpanish),LaxmiNrsimha Sahsra Nama Stotras,Vide diunSaggioParma,Italia etc.Prof.JoshiplanstowriteatreatiseonIndianPhilosophyrunningintoone thousandshlokas. Devoted singlemindedly to the worship of the muse, Prof. Joshi comes to India twice a year. He is deeply rooted in Indian culture and has contributed immensely to its propagation the world over throughhisscholarshipbestevidentinhiswritings. ThisentrywaspostedonApril6,2011at9:51amandisledunderUncategorized.Youcanfollowany responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your ownsite. Entries(RSS)andComments(RSS).

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