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End US/NATO War Crimes and Abuses of Power


This is a call to end the use of depleted uranium, white phosphorus, COINTELPRO-like domestic operations, to have Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space resolutions, and to incentivize green technology: (please sign, Congress will address top winners in each category)

PAROS or Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space is a resolution 177 Nations want the US to participate in. The US votes not to discuss it, while Israel abstains. This has the power to cement US hegemony into place, full-spectrum dominance as the Pentagon calls it. There are weapons such as rods of God (huge tungsten posts, 20 feet long by one foot in diameter, dropped from orbit, which hit with the impact of a small nuclear weapon) and Space Based Lasers (SBL) which shoot large, invisible, silent chemical beams from a point in the sky to Earth, igniting everything within its radius. DEPLETED URANIUM (DU) is genotoxic (causes cancer and mutations) as a UN report states. There have been huge landslide votes in the UN and European Parliament (136 to 5 & 491 to 18, respectively) to stop using it. CNN has reported it may be a war crime, and it is suggested that it breaches many treaties, including the Geneva Conventions. Fallujah, Iraqs birth defects are worse than those reported in Hiroshima and Nagasaki according to a prominent medical journal. Even the U.S. Army Environmental Policy Institute says it can cause significant medical consequences due to both chemical and radiological risks. COINTELPRO was the FBIs COunter INTELligence PROgram that started in the 50s and ended in the 70s, upon the leaking of the COINTELPRO papers and the Church Committees Congressional hearings. The purpose was to target any personnel who posed a threat to our governments power or national security. Groups like the KKK, Students for a Democratic Society and especially the Black Panthers were targets. Even Rev. King, Jr. was a target; a letter was sent to him to try to get him to commit suicide. If GREEN TECHNOLOGY was incentivized, like the computer industry half a century back, we could wean off oil, thus saving Earth and its inhabitants from the desertification of the planet, as well as reducing our need to control other countys oil, which would help to ease Al Qaida-like fervor which is projected to grow in the future. Sheikh Muhammads main reason for plotting the WTC attacks was due to the US being Israels main supporter in their atrocities as he put it.


End US/NATO War Crimes and Abuses of Power


This is a call to end the use of depleted uranium, white phosphorus, COINTELPRO-like domestic operations, to have Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space resolutions, and to incentivize green technology: (please sign, Congress will address top winners in each category)

PAROS or Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space is a resolution 177 Nations want the US to participate in. The US votes not to discuss it, while Israel abstains. This has the power to cement US hegemony into place, full-spectrum dominance as the Pentagon calls it. There are weapons such as rods of God (huge tungsten posts, 20 feet long by one foot in diameter, dropped from orbit, which hit with the impact of a small nuclear weapon) and Space Based Lasers (SBL) which shoot large, invisible, silent chemical beams from a point in the sky to Earth, igniting everything within its radius. DEPLETED URANIUM (DU) is genotoxic (causes cancer and mutations) as a UN report states. There have been huge landslide votes in the UN and European Parliament (136 to 5 & 491 to 18, respectively) to stop using it. CNN has reported it may be a war crime, and it is suggested that it breaches many treaties, including the Geneva Conventions. Fallujah, Iraqs birth defects are worse than those reported in Hiroshima and Nagasaki according to a prominent medical journal. Even the U.S. Army Environmental Policy Institute says it can cause significant medical consequences due to both chemical and radiological risks. COINTELPRO was the FBIs COunter INTELligence PROgram that started in the 50s and ended in the 70s, upon the leaking of the COINTELPRO papers and the Church Committees Congressional hearings. The purpose was to target any personnel who posed a threat to our governments power or national security. Groups like the KKK, Students for a Democratic Society and especially the Black Panthers were targets. Even Rev. King, Jr. was a target; a letter was sent to him to try to get him to commit suicide. If GREEN TECHNOLOGY was incentivized, like the computer industry half a century back, we could wean off oil, thus saving Earth and its inhabitants from the desertification of the planet, as well as reducing our need to control other countys oil, which would help to ease Al Qaida-like fervor which is projected to grow in the future. Sheikh Muhammads main reason for plotting the WTC attacks was due to the US being Israels main supporter in their atrocities as he put it.

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