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In this type of questions, certain numbers are given, out of which all accept one are alike in some manner while one is different. This odd number has to be chosen. Examples: 1) a) 12 b) 25 c) 37 d) 49 e) 57

Answer: c) 37- since it is the only prime number. 2) a) 8 b) 64 c) 125 d) 216 e) 28

Answer: e) 28-since it is the only number which is perfect cube 3) a) 21 b) 36 c) 49 d) 56 e) 91

Answer: b) 36-since it is the only number which is not divisible by 7 4) a) 751 b) 734 c) 981 d) 853 e) 532 Answer: a) 751- since except this number, in all others the difference between the first and last digit gives the middle digit. 5) a) 381 b) 552 c) 729 d) 903 e) 295 Answer: b) 552 since all number except 552 are odd numbers. 6) a) 8314 b) 2709 c) 1315 d) 2518 e) 3249 Answer: a) 8314-since in all numbers except 8314, the sum of first three digits is equals to the last digit. 7) a) 48 b) 12 c) 36 d) 24 e) 59

Answer: e) 59-since in all other numbers except 59, the second digit is twice the first digit. 8) a) 51 b) 144 c)121 d) 64 e) 256

Answer: 9)

a) 51-since all other number except 51 are perfect square. b) 1593 c) 9175 d) 3781 e) 9317

a) 7359

Answer: d) 3781-since all other numbers consists of odd digits. 10) a) 325 b)236 c) 178 d) 639 e) 314

Answer: b) 236-since in all other number sum of first two digits gives the units digit.

Logical reasoning


In this type of questions certain pair/groups of numbers are given out of which all except one are similar in some manner while one is different. The similar pair may have the same property or may be related to each other by some rule. The odd pair/group is to be chosen. Example: 1) a) 83-75 b)58-50 c) 49-42 d) 25-17

Answer: c) 49-42- since in each pair except c) the first number is 8 more than the second. 2) a) 70-80 b)54-62 c) 28-32 d) 21-24 e) 14-16

Answer: b)54-62-since in each pair except b) the ratio between first and second numbers is 7:8 3) a) 42-4 b)36-6 c) 32-2 d) 15-5

Answer: a) 42-4-since in all the pair the first number is multiple of second. 4) a) 71,7,3,17 b)67,71,3,5 c) 41,5,3,47 d) 37,14,19,7 e) 11,3,3,17

Answer: d) 37,14,19,7-since all other pairs except d) consist of prime numbers only. 5) a) 95-82 b)69-56 c) 55-42 d) 48-34

Answer: d)48-34-since in all other pair the first pair is 13 more than second. 6) a) 3-5 b)5-3 c) 6-2 d) 7-3

Answer: d)7-3-since in all other pair except d) sum of two numbers is 8. 7) a) 2-4 b)4-8 c) 6-18 d) 8-32

Answer: a) 2-4-since in all other pair the first numbers square/2=second number. 8) a) 16-64 b)9-36 c) 36-216 d) 49-343

Answer: b)9-36 -since in all other pair the numbers are square and cube of the same number. 9) a) 3-4 b)16-26 c) 26-24 d) 27-22

Answer: b)16-26 -since in all other pair except b) the first digit of two numbers are same. 10) a) 72-45 b)51-24 c) 46-20 d) 32-13

Answer: d) 32-13-since this is the only group which does not have any common factor.

Logical reasoning

Exercise 1. Choose or find odd number 43, 53, 63, 73, 83 Options: A. 43 B. 53 C. 63

D. 73

E. 83

2. Choose or find odd number 10, 26, 24, 21, 18 Options: A. 10 B. 26 C. 24 D. 21 3. Choose or find odd number 15, 21, 24, 28, 30 Options: A. 15 B. 21 C. 24 D. 28 4. Choose or find odd number 324, 244, 136, 352, 514 Options: A. 324 B. 244 C. 136

E. 18

E. 30

D. 352

E. 514

5. Choose or find odd number 372164, 376821, 318951, 319446, 387315 Options: A. 372164 B. 376821 C. 318951 D. 319446 6. Choose or find odd number 11, 13, 15, 17 Options: A. 11 B. 13 C. 15 D. 17 7. Choose or find odd number 10, 11, 15, 16 Options: A. 10 B. 11 C. 15 D. 16 8. Choose or find odd number 2345, 3456, 5467, 5678 Options: A. 2345 B. 3456 C. 5467 9. Choose or find odd number 232, 431, 612, 813 Options: A. 232 B. 431 C. 612 10.Choose or find odd number 150, 175, 200, 250 Options: A. 150 B. 175 C. 200

E. 387315

D. 5678

D. 813

D. 250 Logical reasoning 3

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