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Memorandum March 25, 2003


FROM: Bart Elias *

Specialist in Aviation Safety, Security, and Technology
Resources, Science, and Industry Division

SUBJECT: Budget History of Aviation Security Programs

This memorandum is in response to your request for information regarding the budget
history of federal aviation security programs for the FAA and TSA from 1990 to present. I
have enclosed a table summarizing the President's budget request, Congressional
recommendations, and appropriations for civil aviation security for this time span. This
function was transferred from the FAA to the TSA in FY 2002. Complete data was located
for FY 1996 to the present. Only partial data was available prior to FY 1996 and no
information regarding aviation security funding was found prior to FY 1992 using available
sources including the Legislative Information System (LIS), the Congressional Record, and
the President's Budget documents. This information may exist in other sources that were not
available for this search. The other portions of your request for background information,
CRS products concerning selected aviation security legislation, and the legal proceedings of
United States v. Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, et al. are being handled by other divisions within

Please note that I will be on leave from March 25 through April 9. In my absence,
please contact Glennon Harrison at 7-7783 for further assistance. You can contact me at 7-
7771 and I will be happy to assist you further when I return.

Congressional Research Service Washington, D.C. 20540-7000


Aviation Security Funding (1990-Present)

Fiscal Year Program/Agency Public President's Budget Congress Appropriation
Law ($) Reccomended ($) ($)
1990 N.A. 1 101-164 N.A. N.A. N.A.

1991 N.A. 101-516 N.A. N.A. N.A.

1992 Aviation Security/FAA 102-143 N.A. N.A. 65,683,000

1993 Aviation Security/FAA 102-388 N.A. N.A. 69,220,000

1994 Civil Aviation Security/FAA 103-122 N.A. N.A. 65,419,000

1995 Civil Aviation Security/FAA 103-331 N.A. N.A. 64,849,000

1996 Civil Aviation Security/FAA 104-050 65,769,000 64,849,000 House 65,769,000
65,000,000 Senate

1997 Aviation Security/FAA 104-205 71,921,000 71,921,000 72,872,000

1998 Civil Aviation Security/FAA 105-066 98,651,000 98,154,000 98,154,000

1999 Civil Aviation Security/FAA 105-277 128,821,000 128, 821,000 House 122,641,000
111,429,000 Senate

2000 Civil Aviation Security/FAA 106-069 144,642,000 144,642,000 138,642,000

2001 Civil Aviation Security/FAA 106-346 144,328,000 144,328,000 139,301,400

2002 Civil Aviation Security 107-87 150,154,000

TSA (Supplemental Appropriations) 107-593 135,949,000 2 1,250,000,000
3,850,000,000 3,850,200,000'

2003 Civil Aviation Security 108-7 4,710,700,000 N.A. 4,516,300,000


2004 TSA (Aviation Security) None 4,220,000,000" None to Date Not Available
to Date
'N.A. : Information was not available.
2 Recommendation for FAA Aviation Security prior to September 1 1 , 2 0 0 1 .
3 FY2002 Supplemental appropriations for all TSA functions 3,668,200,000.
4 Source:TSA FY 04 Budget Briefing, Total President's Budget for TSA is $4,812,000,000.

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